Prepare a chocolate tiered cake. Chocolate cake with cocoa and chocolate butter cream. Cake "Tidbit".

19.03.2019 Desserts and cakes

Apr 1 2017

Chocolate cake- sweet pastry dessert with the addition of chocolate or cocoa. Chocolate cake recipes great amount, but many manufacturers do not adhere to a specific recipe, unless of course it concerns the manufacturers of cakes in production and confectioners in restaurants. Many housewives prefer to change the recipe according to their mood and preferences, and let's say that this does not harm, but only improves the taste. It often happens that the hostess does not have any ingredient indicated in the recipe at hand, then she urgently replaces it, and the result is quite excellent. But, there is old recipes famous pastry chefs, cakes with famous names, with branded recipes, they certainly should not be modified, then you will get a completely different taste and the cake will differ from its real "brother." To make a delicious cake, a prerequisite is a good mood, a great desire, fresh food, good oven and a little time. Choose the recipe you like and cook to your health, please yourself and your family, guests, share with pleasure the recipe for a chocolate cake.

Homemade "Chocolate cake"

Any home cake can be decorated according to your taste and imagination. Even if you just sprinkle the cake with grated chocolate, or pour it with icing, it already asks for it in your mouth. And, if it is soaked in condensed milk, moderately moist and fragrant biscuit, with a gentle chocolate cream, it is difficult to break away from such a dessert.
Cream: condensed milk - 1 b., butter - 180 gr., cocoa - 2 tbsp.
Dough: Beat yolks (3 pcs.) with sugar (1 stack.). Separately beat the whites with salt + soda (1/4 tsp extinguish). Mix gently, gently add 200 gr. flour and 3 tbsp. l. cocoa.
Grease a mold with a diameter of 24 cm, bake the cake for 30 minutes. at T 180 gr. Refrigerate and cut into 3 pieces. Smear the cakes with cream, decorate grated chocolate, glaze or sprinkle with cocoa. Sprinkle the ends with cookie crumbs. Put in the refrigerator for several hours for the cream to harden.
2nd recipe for cakes: 100 gr. Melt margarine (or 0.5 b. condensed milk), 1 egg. 1 stack. sour cream, 1 stack. sugar, 1.5 stack. flour. 1 tsp soda (extinguish), 2 tbsp. cocoa. Bake 4 layers.


The classic version with custard. The biscuit turns out to be very fluffy, and the cream is unusually delicate. The icing should be slightly bitter, which gives this cake a special flavor.
Biscuit: 4 eggs, 200 g of sugar (slightly less), 200 g of flour, 10 g of baking powder, vanilla.
Preparation: Beat eggs with sugar, add flour, vanilla, baking powder. Put the dough in a mold, bake for 30 minutes at 180 C.
Cream: 200 ml milk + 2.5 tbsp. l. flour +1 egg + 1/2 tbsp. sugar + vanilla + 50 g of butter.
Preparation: beat milk, flour, egg, sugar, vanilla. Boil until thick, stirring constantly. Put butter in hot cream, stir. Beat. Refrigerate. Cool the cake on the wire rack. Cut into two pieces. Grease the bottom cake with cooled cream, put the second cake on top. Let stand in the refrigerator for a while. Pour the cake on top chocolate icing.
Glaze (options):
1. Melted dark chocolate. You can melt chocolate in the microwave, but you can melt it in a water bath.
2. You can make the icing yourself. There are a lot of options. For example: sugar - 5 tbsp. + milk - 3 tablespoons + cocoa - 2 tablespoons l. + 50 gr. butter. Bring milk + Sugar + Cocoa to a boil, remove from heat, add butter. At this stage, this glaze option is ready. It is advisable to add a little more sour cream to such a glaze, or you can use only sour cream instead of milk. It turns out to be more oily and thicker. Ready cake"Enchantress" with a layer of custard, poured on top with chocolate icing, must be refrigerated so that the icing hardens a little, and the cream properly joins the cakes. Since the cake does not require any impregnation, it can be served in a couple of hours.

Airy, with gently chocolate - creamy taste the cake is not difficult to prepare, but it always evokes enthusiastic feelings, who had a chance to taste it.
Cooking recipe and ingredients: the dough will need 3 yolks, 3 whites, 3 tablespoons of sugar, 3 tablespoons of flour, 1 baking powder, 3 tablespoons of warm water and cocoa. Beat the yolks with sugar, add water, flour, powder, cocoa and add whipped whites. Bake a cake, which can then be divided into three cakes. Grease each cake curd cream.
Cream curd: 250 g beat with a blender, whip cream 250 gr. 30%, with 150 grams of powdered sugar. Add 20 gr. mix gelatin (powder) with cottage cheese, cut the cake, soak a little, lay out the cream, cover with the second part of the cake, chocolate icing on top, 100 gr. boil chocolate with 50 grams of water, a little margarine, leave in the refrigerator until completely cooled.

Cake "Autumn Dreams"

A cake that will decorate and improve your mood, regardless of any weather. Let it be a dank autumn rain, because with these "autumn dreams" nothing matters to you. Just gather a cozy company, or your family and enjoy it exquisite taste cake.
Ingredients for the recipe:
For biscuit: 5 eggs, 3/4 tbsp. sugar, 1 1/4 tbsp. flour for cakes, 1/4 tsp salt, 1/2 tbsp. melted sl. butter, 2 tablespoons of cocoa.
For mousse: 200 g dark chocolate (finely chopped), 450 ml cream, 9 g gelatin, 2 oranges
For ganache: bar of dark chocolate, 150 ml of cream 33%, 50 gr. sl. oils
Cooking a biscuit with heating: for this, beat eggs with sugar in a water bath for about 10 minutes, until a thick light yellow mass is formed. Add vanillin and flour sifted with salt. Stir gently. In melted and cooled butter, stir in a few tablespoons of dough, and then, just as carefully, mix it into the biscuit. Add cocoa powder.
Put the dough in a form covered with parchment and bake in an oven preheated to 180C for 25-30 minutes, checking for readiness with a match. Cool and cut into 2 cakes (you can use one cake).
Mousse preparation: melt chocolate in a water bath. Soak gelatin in cold water... Heat 100 ml of cream until hot and dissolve the swollen gelatin in them. Pour the hot cream over the chocolate and stir. Cool to room temperature. Whisk remaining cream until soft peaks. Little by little, in 3 steps, add whipped cream to chocolate mass, stirring gently.
Assembly: a detachable form, larger than for baking, cover with a foil. You can use the same shape, just cut off the edge by 1 cm. Place the cake on the bottom of the mold.
Wash the orange well, cut into slices and even half. Lay out the cut halves around the perimeter in the gap between the biscuit and the walls of the mold. To lay out chocolate mousse... put the second orange peeled from all the skins on it. Chill in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
Cooking ganache: melt chocolate in a water bath, add warmed cream, butter, stir. Cool, pour mousse on top. Decorate as your imagination tells you. I made chocolate leaves.
Chocolate leaves: Melt the chocolate in a water bath and apply with a brush to real leaves) previously well washed with soap and dried paper towel), Rose leaves are very convenient for this. Try to apply the chocolate so that it does not fall on the back of the sheet, this will help avoid problems later. Put them in the freezer for an hour, then carefully remove the real leaves from the chocolate. It's not difficult, but you have to be prepared for the fact that not all leaves will come off without problems, some will have to be eaten right away! 🙂 Put the cake in the refrigerator overnight.

Would need: 100 g flour, 100 gr. sugar, 50 gr. dark chocolate, 2 eggs, 100 gr. butter, 1 tbsp. l. cocoa, 1 sachet vanilla sugar, 1 tsp. baking powder, 150 gr. frozen plum halves, a pinch of salt. For glaze; 100 g chocolate, 20 gr. butter and 3 tbsp. l. cream (35%)
Preparation: Beat eggs with sugar, vanilla sugar and salt until fluffy. Melt the chocolate. Combine egg mass with chocolate (chilled). Stir in flour, cocoa and baking powder, stir in the egg mixture. Transfer the dough to a saucepan from a multicooker (you can also silicone mold if you are going to bake in the oven). Roll each half of the plum in starch (we have corn), spread it on the surface of the dough, slightly pressing it into the dough. You can put a nut in the plum. Cooking in the "Baking" mode for 1.5 hours. After cooling, cover with glaze. Cake and photo sarachai

Delight chocolate cake

For lovers chocolate baked goods will definitely love this cake. It is without any special frills and is easy to prepare, from the most affordable products.
Dough: 0.5 b. condensed milk, 1 tbsp. sour cream, 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 egg, 1 tsp. soda slaked with vinegar, 2 tbsp. l. cocoa, 1.5 tbsp. flour. Divide and bake 4 crusts, bakes quickly.
Cream: 200 gr. drain. oil, 0.5 b. condensed milk, 2 tbsp. l. cocoa. 1 cake - sour cream with sugar, smear, then cream, and so 2, 3 cakes (sour cream ~ 0.5 tbsp. + 4 tbsp. L. Sugar), 4 cake - only cream, coat the edges with cream, sprinkle the edges and grated on top chocolate and pieces. Enjoy, this is a real delight for the taste!

Chocolate sour cream cake

Moist, aromatic, melting in the mouth, extraordinary a tasty cake with a gentle impregnation of sour cream and glaze cream.
Cake dough: Beat 2 eggs with 1 tbsp. sugar + 1 tbsp. sour cream + 2 tsp cocoa + 1 tsp soda (do not extinguish) + salt on the tip of a knife + 1 tbsp. flour. Beat everything well with a mixer and bake over medium heat. Cool the finished cake, cut into 2 parts so that bottom cake was higher than the top. Soak both cakes with cream (just soak the top one a little, and pour almost all the cream on the bottom and let it soak for about 5 minutes, you can pierce the cake in many places with a fork for quick impregnation.
Cream preparation: 1 tbsp. beat sour cream with 1 tbsp. Sahara. The top of the cake can be watered with the same sour cream and sprinkle with grated chocolate or icing cream: 4 tbsp. l. milk + 1/4 tbsp. sugar + 2 tsp. Melt cocoa over the fire, add butter 1 tbsp. l and pour over the cake. The cake tastes even better if you let it stand overnight or half a day in the refrigerator.

Cake "Cherry in chocolate"

Unusually tasty and original prepared cake, pay attention to its assembly. The finished biscuit is cut in half into two cakes. The crumb is removed from each, leaving only the walls. The crumb is mixed with 1/3 of the whole cream and with ½ of the cherry, then the cake assembly begins: the bottom part is smeared with cream, put the cherry, then we lay out the whole mass from the crumb, put the cherry on top again and grease with cream - now you can close the top of the biscuit, which is inside also need to be smeared a little with cream. Pour the cake with chocolate icing (milk + chocolate) and put it in the refrigerator for soaking.
In advance, you need to prepare a cherry filled with cognac with added sugar - preferably 2 days in advance. You will also be interested in ".
Biscuit preparation: for the dough, a large capacity is needed - at least 5 liters: mix the eggs with powdered sugar, steam until thick, remove from heat and continue beating until cool. Then, without a mixer, add flour mixed with cocoa with a spoon. Put in a round shape (diameter 26 cm, height approx. 6 - note that the biscuit rises very high)
Cream preparation:
Mix cocoa with powdered sugar 1/6 part, add milk and put on fire, stirring continuously. After boiling, remove from heat and cool. Add eggs. Whisk the butter separately and icing sugar, adding in parts the mass of cocoa and eggs, add vanilla sugar.
Biscuit dough: Eggs - 10 pcs., S / sand - 2.5 cups (sugar is better), flour - 2 cups, Cocoa - 50 g.
Cream: Softened butter - 600 g, s / sand - 3 cups (sugar powder is better), eggs - 4 pcs., Milk - about 1 cup, cocoa - 50 g, vanilla sugar - 2 sachets, chocolate - 1.5 tiles or 2, cherries - 2.5 cups (frozen), cognac - 0.5 cups.

Cake "Tasty Piece"

Making the dough in the following sequence: 450 g sour cream + 450 g sugar + 2 eggs + a pinch of salt + 1 tsp baking soda (extinguish with vinegar) +3 tbsp. flour. After each addition of ingredients, stir well, then add cocoa. Grease the form with butter and sprinkle lightly with breadcrumbs. Pour out the dough and bake while. 180-200 degrees. Cut the finished cake into 2 parts and grease with cream. If desired, you can add nuts, raisins to the cakes.
Cream: 1 can of boiled condensed milk + 1 pack of butter. Pour chocolate on top! Bon Appetit!

South Night cake

Ingredients: 2 eggs, 150 g butter, 200 g sugar, 300 g flour, 10 g baking powder, 0.5 teaspoon soda, 1 tablespoon vinegar, 1 cup milk, 70 g cocoa powder.
Cream - whatever you want. Decoration - chocolate or cocoa icing. You can do different cream: creamy, with condensed milk or toffee, custard white or with cocoa, you can simply heavy cream miss it! You can add prunes or nuts to the cream in winter, in summer - fresh berries- strawberries, currants, cherries, raspberries, apricots! You can decorate the cake with cream or chocolate icing, grated chocolate.
Mix flour, cocoa, baking powder, baking soda in one bowl. In the other, beat softened butter, sugar, and then eggs, adding them one at a time. Pour a tablespoon of vinegar into a glass of milk.
Mix the contents of three containers together: dry dough ingredients, whipped mixture and fermented milk. The resulting chocolate dough- fragrant, pouring, moderately thick - pour into split form, the bottom of which is covered with baking paper, and the sides are oiled with vegetable oil. We bake at 200 C for about 30 minutes. Trying readiness with a toothpick. After cooling the cake and taking it out of the mold, cut it into two. Prepare the cream by whisking half a pack of butter with half a can of condensed milk and coat the cakes. Pour the top of the cake with chocolate melted in a water bath. The Southern Night chocolate cake is ready!

Banana Surprise Cake

Love surprise cakes, this cake is just for you, especially the kids love it. You will learn about a delicious surprise in the cooking recipe.

For biscuit: 4 eggs, 150 g sugar, 1 bag of vanilla sugar, 1/2 tsp. lemon zest, 75 g flour, 75 g starch, 1 full teaspoon baking powder.
For filling: 4g gelatin, 4 bananas, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar, 500 ml of cream or sour cream 30% fat, 5 tbsp. tablespoons of chocolate chips, 100 g of chocolate glaze.
Biscuit preparation:
1) Heat the oven to 180. Separate the egg whites from the yolks. Beat the yolks into a cool froth with granulated sugar, vanilla sugar and lemon zest... Top with fluffy beaten egg white. Combine flour, starch and baking powder, sift over the egg mixture and mix gently.
2) Cover the bottom of the springform pan with baking paper. Fill the form with dough and bake in the oven for 30-35 minutes. Remove the baking dish from the oven, tip the cake onto the wire rack and remove the baking paper. Cool the sponge cake and only then cut it in half horizontally.
Soak gelatin. Peel 1 banana, mash and mix with sugar. Whisk in the cream, add the chocolate chips and banana puree... Dissolve the gelatin over low heat and carefully add to the cream using a whisk.
1) Put the bottom crust on a platter and enclose it in the cake ring, leaving a 1 cm gap.
2) Chop and melt the chocolate glaze. Peel the remaining bananas, dip in the frosting and lay out in a ring on a sponge cake base. Note that the bananas must be very ripe. This is the one delicious surprise, when cut, everyone will find a piece of banana.
3) Cover on top 2/3 banana cream, flatten and cover with a 2nd cake layer. Smear the surface with the remaining cream so that it flows down the edges of the cake between it and the ring. Refrigerate cake for at least 2 hours. You can make the glaze yourself: 2 tbsp. cocoa, 5 tablespoons sugar, 3 tablespoons sour cream, 1 tablespoon butter. Cook for 5 minutes, stirring all the time. Photo and cake smimama

Cake "Gourmet"

Dough: 3 eggs, 1 tbsp sugar, 1 tbsp. flour, 1 tsp. finished baking powder. Grind the yolks with sugar, add flour, baking powder, stir everything thoroughly and carefully add the whipped whites.
Meringue cake: Whisk 2 squirrels thickly with 0.5 tbsp. Sahara. Bake for 1 hour at 175 *.
Cream: boil a can of condensed milk for 2 hours (or buy a ready-made boiled condensed milk) and beat with 200 g of butter.
Bake a biscuit. Cut into 2 cakes, spread cream on the bottom biscuit, then cake-meringue, grease with cream again, trace. biscuit cake and cream. Decorate the sides with chopped nuts (roasted peanuts), top with chocolate chips (you can mix dark and white chocolate).

Soft, delicate cake that melts in your mouth. And cooking is easy!
Chocolate biscuit: 4 eggs, 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. flour, 1 tsp. baking powder, 3 tbsp. lies. boiling water, 3 tbsp. lies. vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons. lies. cocoa, vanilla to taste.
Preparation: beat eggs with sugar for 15 minutes with a mixer until the mass increases by 3 times, sift flour with baking powder into the whipped mass and mix gently. Then add butter, mix, mix cocoa with boiling water until a creamy consistency and add to the dough, mix. Cover the form with parchment, bake in preheated to 180 degrees. oven.
Chocolate cream soufflé: 1 glass of whipping cream + 200 gr. chocolate, melt in a water bath. Cool the mixture (you can refrigerate it overnight), then beat well with a mixer.
Cut the biscuit into three parts, soak each part with syrup and coat with cream.

Chocolate cake "Inspiration"

An absolutely easy cake to prepare, without any special "bells and whistles". But nevertheless very tasty and inspiration itself and good mood!
Biscuit preparation: Beat 3 eggs and 1 glass of sugar with a mixer. Slowly add 1 cup flour and 1 tbsp. cocoa. Stir very gently so that the biscuit does not fall. Grease the mold with butter or margarine, pour the dough into it. Bake in the oven at 150C for 1 hour. Cut the finished cake in half and grease with any cream. I have it sour cream. The cake is sprinkled with grated "Inspiration" chocolate, hence the name of our cake. We serve for tea, for coffee, enjoy and get inspired!

Preparation of cakes: 200 gr. soften margarine, add 1.5 tbsp. sugar, 5 eggs, 4 tsp. cocoa, 1/2 tsp soda, 1.5-2 tbsp. flour. The dough turns out like thick sour cream. Pour the dough onto a greased baking sheet and bake until tender at a temperature of 180-200 gr.

While the cakes are baked, preparing the cream: 250 gr. Beat butter with a can of condensed milk, then add 1.5 cups of thick sour cream and beat a little more. Cut the cooled cakes into 4-5 cm squares and put them in a slide on a dish, dipping them in cream beforehand. Sprinkle with chocolate chips on top. The cake must stand for several hours to soak, then it turns out to be very tender and juicy.

Cake "Black magic" on kefir

On kefir you can not only delicious pancakes and cook pies, but also this unusually delicious cake. For this we still need:

Ingredients: 1, 3/4 cups flour, 2 cups sugar, 3/4 cups cocoa powder, 2 tsp. soda, 1 tsp. baking powder, 1 tsp. salt, 2 eggs, 1 glass of strong brewed coffee, 1 glass of kefir
1/2 cup vegetable oil, 1 tsp. vanilla extract or vanilla sugar.
Glaze: 80 gr. butter, 100 gr. cocoa, 200 gr. powdered sugar, 100 ml of milk, 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract.
1. Preheat oven to 180 C. Grease and flour on two round baking tins.
2. In a large bowl, combine flour, sugar, cocoa, baking soda, baking powder and salt. Make a hole in the center.
3. Add eggs, coffee, kefir, vegetable oil and vanilla. Whisk for 2 minutes on average speed... The dough will be runny. Pour into prepared forms.
4. Bake in a preheated oven for 30 - 40 minutes, check the readiness with a dry stick. Allow to cool for 10 minutes, then remove from the molds and allow to cool completely on a wire rack. Layer and grease with cream as desired.
Chocolate glaze:
5. Melt butter, add cocoa.
6. Then add powdered sugar, milk and a teaspoon of vanilla extract.
7. Stir well so that there are no lumps.
8. Add a little milk if the icing is thick.
9. Liberally grease the cakes and sides of the cake with chocolate icing.
10. Put in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

Truffle or 300% chocolate cake

If you have a sad mood and an incomprehensible blues, then this best dessert To aromatic coffee... A piece of this great cake will certainly improve your well-being, because this is the same cake with mascarpone and chocolate from the Parisian chef Cyril Lignac, with whom the young chef may have charmed the French film star Sophie Marceau herself.) Are you interested in the recipe?

Ingredients: 200 g of chocolate (melted in a water bath), 250 g of mascarpone, 4 eggs, 75 g of sugar, 40 g of flour. Important: eggs and mascarpone should be at room temperature, put them out of the refrigerator in advance.

1) Preheat the oven to 200 ℃, line the 24cm mold with parchment.
2) Whip the mascarpone, pour the chocolate into it, stir. Add eggs one at a time, beating with a mixer. Then sugar and flour.
3) Put the dough in a mold, flatten, bake for 25-30 minutes.
Biscuit: 1 egg, 30 g sugar, 30 g flour (including 1 tsp cocoa), 1 tsp, vanilla extract, 15 g butter (melt and cool to room temperature). Beat whites with sugar until peaks, add yolks while whisking. Add flour, stir with a spoon. Add oil, mix gently with folding movements. Line the form (⦰24 cm) with cooking paper. Pour out the dough, bake in an oven preheated to 180 for 6-7 minutes. Do not overexpose! Then put the chocolate dough on top and bake further. Photo and recipe gornarosa

Cake "Late Autumn"

The cake is prepared according to the frau-milova2011 recipe "Chiffon Autumn": Autumn is coffee with cinnamon, maple leaves, tender buns with vanilla and a subtle smell of smoke ... Autumn is a delicious chiffon cake with fallen leaves of chocolate ... Chiffon biscuit for a form diam. 22 cm:
Ingredients for the recipe: Flour -150 g; cocoa powder - 1 tbsp. spoon; instant coffee - 1 tsp; vanillin; egg whites- 5 pieces; egg yolks - 3 pcs; baking powder - 1 tsp; sugar - 125 g; water - 100 ml; vegetable oil (odorless) - 90 ml; a pinch of salt.
Cream: village sour cream (at least 40%) - 300 g; icing sugar - 50 g; thickener for cream - 1 tsp; instant coffee - 1 tsp; water (boiling water) - 1 tbsp. spoon; liqueur - 2 tsp.
Preparation: Mix cocoa and coffee, add warm water, stir until smooth. Beat the whites with salt until firm peaks. Beat the yolks with sugar until a fluffy mass is formed. Gradually add oil in small portions. Whisk gently and add the cocoa-coffee solution. Mix flour with baking powder and sift into a bowl with dough. Beat the dough until smooth. Gently introduce proteins into the dough with movements from top to bottom. The consistency of the dough should not resemble thick sour cream... Bake in an oven preheated to 160 C (do not open the door!) For 50 minutes. (In a multicooker in BAKING mode - warming up for 20 minutes + 50 minutes with dough). Remove the biscuit from the mold after cooling completely. Cut the biscuit into 3 pieces and coat with cream, garnish with chocolate leaves and toasted almond flakes.
Cream: Dissolve coffee in boiling water, add liqueur. Beat the sour cream with icing sugar and a thickener for cream. Pour in coffee, stir.

Cake "Chocolate bliss"

The cake is based on the recipe of the famous Austrian pastry chef Franz Sacher "Sacher". Sachertorte is a long adored chocolate cake, a masterpiece of a pastry chef from Austria. The cake is a Viennese dessert and one of the most popular cakes in the world. Since Soviet times, the Prague cake, which is a variant of the Sacher cake, has been popular in Russia since Soviet times.

Ingredients for the dough: bitter chocolate - 60 g, butter - 100 g, flour - 150 g, eggs - 6 pcs, baking powder, vanilla sugar - 1 tsp, nuts - 50 g, orange jam- 200 g. Grease both halves of the cake with it from the inside, the chocolate icing on this cake is only inside.
For chocolate glaze: bitter chocolate - 140 g, milk - 3-4 tbsp. spoons, butter - 10-15 g.

The same famous "Sacher", which was already mentioned in the top recipe. “This great Viennese pastry cake is served in almost all cafes and restaurants in Vienna. Clad in chocolate armor, nondescript in appearance, completely devoid of creamy bush, it hides under a cast brown shell such a set of chocolate experiences that only a sour apricot layer can pacify. To knock out a wedge with a wedge, only Viennese coffee in a tall glass with a cloud of freshly whipped cream that has settled on it goes to the Sacher. No one has ever lost weight from this, but respecting life and appreciating the best in it, the Austrians have never counted calories. " (LyudVik text)

Ingredients: 125 g of chocolate (Babaevsky 75%), 150 g of butter, a little more than 1/2 tbsp. sugar, 6 large eggs, 1 tbsp. flour (250 ml) + 2 tbsp. cocoa + 1 tablespoon starch, 1 tsp. vanilla extract,
1 jar of apricot jam, 2-3 tbsp l. brandy or almond liqueur (you can orange), 1 tbsp. unmilled walnuts.
1) Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, grease a mold with a diameter of 24 cm with oil (it was easy to remember, at that time the form was the only one)).
2) Mix nuts, flour, starch and cocoa.
3) Melt chocolate with butter and vanilla (do not boil).
4) Beat the whites with sugar, add the yolks and beat a little more.
5) Gently add the chocolate-butter mixture, stir with a spoon from bottom to top.
6) Add dry ingredients (flour + cocoa + nuts + starch).
7) Pour the dough into a mold and bake until a dry splinter in the center.
8) Cut the cooled cake into 2 parts.
9) Apricot jam grind until smooth, add 2-3 tbsp. cognac or almond liqueur.
10) Spread a thin layer of cakes with jam. You don't have to use all of it to avoid being lusciously sweet. Let it soak well. I leave it in the refrigerator overnight.
11) Prepare the icing in the morning: melt 200 g of chocolate with 50 g of plums. oils. Cover the cake with warm icing. Refrigerate for several hours.

You need to immediately warn that it will take enough time to prepare this cake, therefore, if you do not have one, then you can make it easier - bake a biscuit and prepare any cream using only the design idea.
Genoese chocolate biscuit: 3 eggs, 90 g sugar, 50 g flour, 20 g starch, 1 tbsp cocoa, 1 tbsp vanilla jam (or just essence), 40 g of plums. oils.

Preparation: chop flour, starch, cocoa and butter with a knife to small crumbs and refrigerate. Beat eggs with sugar in a water bath. The mixture should be warm, do not boil! Gradually introduce jam and butter crumbs into the eggs. Cover baking sheet parchment paper, grease with vegetable oil, lay out the dough in an even layer and bake at 170 degrees in a well-preheated oven. Turn over the biscuit, remove the parchment, soak with the mixture of water and orange liqueur.
Feijoa mousse: 500 ml feijoa, grated with sugar ( summer harvesting), 300 mg cream cheese, 400 ml cream, 20 g gelatin.

Preparation: melt the gelatin in the cream. Whisk all ingredients in a blender. When the mousse begins to harden, spread a biscuit on it. Cut the biscuit into strips of 5-7 cm wide (I got 4 strips of 7 cm). Twist the first strip into a snail, put it on the base (for this, bake a circle of sand or biscuit dough). Then wrap the rest of the strips in a circle. Crumble the excess dough from the base and mix with the remaining mousse, coat the sides of the cake with this.
Glaze: 1/2 bar of chocolate, 1 tbsp. l. vanilla jam, 50 ml cream, 50 g cream cheese, 2 protein, 2 tbsp. Sahara.
Preparation: Melt chocolate, cream, jam, mix, cool. Beat whites with sugar. Mix all. Decorate the cake.

"Chocolate Marquise", this is how the cake of the famous pastry chef Danit Salomon from the gorgeous recipe book "Chocolate and Roses." Here is how Danit herself describes her cake: “At first glance it will seem to you that this is a simple cake, but as soon as you bite it off, you immediately realize that we have exquisite delicacy rich in taste. "
Please note that the most minimal amount flour - only 3 tablespoons. The composition is very similar to the well-known brownies, but differs in texture and taste. Chocolate cake lovers will be pleasantly surprised.
What we need: a detachable baking dish 22-24 cm, baking paper, foil, and a large deep pan (a frying pan will do) that our small baking dish will fit.
For the cake: 1 glass of sugar, 1/2 tsp instant coffee, 1/4 cup hot water, 300 g of chopped dark chocolate, 225 g of soft butter, a pinch of salt, 1 tbsp. chocolate liqueur, 5 eggs, 3 tablespoons of flour. Preheat oven to 180 gr. Pour 1/2 cup sugar into a medium saucepan, dissolve coffee in hot water and pour into the saucepan. Put on fire and bring to a boil to dissolve all the sugar. Add chocolate, stir well and remove from heat. Pour a spoonful of liqueur here. Add oil one spoon at a time. Stir well and let cool slightly while you beat the eggs. Beat eggs with the remaining sugar for 5-7 minutes. Gently combine the egg mass with the chocolate. Add sifted flour and mix thoroughly with a spoon, but do not beat. Line the mold with baking paper. Wrap the outside with foil so that water does not leak. Pour out finished mass into a mold and put into a different mold. Place both molds in the oven on the middle shelf. V large form pour boiling water so that it reaches the middle of the small form. Bake for about 60-70 minutes. Willingness to check with a wooden stick in the center of the cake. Ready pie remove from the large mold, remove the foil and leave to cool. After 30 minutes, you can remove the mold ring, cover with a dish and turn the cake over, remove the baking paper and cool completely. Can be garnished with cocoa or grated chocolate. Chill in refrigerator for about 1 hour before serving.

Oreo cake

If you are looking for a cake recipe without baking, but certainly tasty and original, then this recipe is just right for you. The cake without baking "Oreo" is for true chocolate lovers! And for those who are not on a diet)))
You will need: 2 packs of Oreo cookies and 100 g of butter for the base.
Preparation: crumble the cookies into small crumb, mix with melted butter and lay out. A shape is suitable (detachable 30 cm is best), form the sides. Take away for a while in freezer while you prepare the filling.
For filling: Heat 250 grams of cream, 60 grams of butter and 250 grams of dark chocolate over low heat. Do not bring to a boil! Once the butter and chocolate have dissolved, remove from heat and continue stirring until you have a smooth, smooth paste. Pour the cream into the cooled base and refrigerate overnight. The cake is very fatty, very chocolatey and delicious. It turns out to be small, but you don't need more. A small slice for coffee is enough to enjoy the taste in a warm company. Photo and cake from

Cake "Choco-Lad"

The cake is chocolate-rich due to the chocolate crust and chocolate glaze, okay and delicious!) The ingredients are the most common. And you can decorate the cake to your liking.
Ingredients for the recipe: 300 g flour, 3 eggs (medium size), 2 tbsp. sugar, 110 g margarine / butter, 3.5 tbsp. cocoa powder, 2 tsp, l, vanilla sugar, 1.5 tsp, l, baking powder + a little melted butter to grease the mold.
Preparation: melt margarine (in a water bath) and beat together with sugar and vanilla sugar. Beat the whole mass well with a mixer. Add sifted flour and baking powder and mix with a spatula. (The dough is airy, with bubbles). Add cocoa powder (sift beforehand so that there are no lumps). Knead again with a spatula. Grease the mold with oil. Bake at 180-200 degrees (depending on your oven) for 40 minutes. Pour the cake with chocolate icing, sprinkle with chocolate chips.

Cake "Chocolate gloss"

Cooking recipe and ingredients: Beat 4 eggs with 2 glasses of sugar, add 1 glass of milk, 1 glass sunflower oil, 1 packet of vanilla sugar, a pinch of salt, 1 packet of baking powder, 2 cups of flour, 3 tablespoons of cocoa and mix in the oven at 180 degrees for 50-55 minutes. Check readiness with a wooden stick.

Cream: 2 eggs + 2 tablespoons flour + half a glass of sugar + 2 tablespoons of cocoa + half a glass of water. Mix everything so that there are no lumps, cook over low heat until thickened. Soften the butter and mix everything together. Pour the chocolate icing over the cake and garnish with the nuts.

Both adults and children love chocolate cakes, so for any celebration and holiday this chocolate product is always served for dessert. As a rule, no one will refuse such a cake, they do not even remember that they are on a diet and extra calories... Speaking of calories, yes, they are high in calories, but who does not want to get a boost of vivacity, Have a good mood and pleasure at the same time. Let's not forget that travelers, climbers, submariners and, of course, astronauts take chocolate with them on the road. And we are earthly people, why don't we treat ourselves to a special taste of chocolate. Bitter chocolate, milk chocolate, cocoa, coffee, nuts, poppy seeds are added to such cakes, coconut flakes, berries and fruits. As you read the long chocolate cake recipes, there is a doubt that you might not get a cake like this, but don't worry in advance, you will get even better! If you absolutely do not want to mess with baking, then these,

If sandy and puff pastry- this is not for you, biscuits will always come to the rescue. Homemade chocolate sponge cakes are what you need. Remember the names of the cakes with chocolate biscuit familiar from childhood: "Truffle", "Marika", "Wenceslas", "Zdenka", "Zhuravushka" - all these amazingly delicious confectionery you can cook it yourself!

Homemade Chocolate Sponge Cake Recipes in the Oven

On this page you can find recipes for biscuit chocolate cakes and step by step photos cooking products.

Sponge cake with chocolate "Truffle"

Composition: biscuit - 420 g, cream - 350 g, chocolate, impregnation syrup - 200 g.

Prepare a sponge cake from 6 eggs, roll out the biscuit layer, cut it horizontally into two equal parts and soak them with syrup. Prepare chocolate cream separately (see recipe). Cover the first layer of biscuit with an even layer, grease the top and sides of the cake with the same cream and then sprinkle the whole cake with grated chocolate. You can also decorate the chocolate sponge cake with candy or chocolate figurines.

Sponge cake with chocolate cream "Fairy Tale"

Composition: ready-made biscuit - 400 g, - 400 g, impregnation syrup - 200 g, biscuit crumbs.

Bake the biscuit prepared for the cake with chocolate cream in a round shape, cool and cut lengthwise into three equal parts, which are soaked in syrup. Grease each layer with chocolate cream and glue together. Grease the surface and edges of the cake with the same cream and apply wavy and straight lines on top with a pastry comb, and sprinkle the edges at the cut with biscuit crumbs. The surface of the chocolate baked in the oven according to this recipe biscuit cake decorate with cream in the form of roses and leaves.

Sponge cake with chocolate, nuts and lemon "Biryusinka"


Sponge cake - 484 g, cream of chocolate cream - 385, cream of finishing cream - 194, blotting syrup - 145, chocolate icing - 25, roasted nuts - 50, lemon wedges- 15 g.

Cooking method:

The sponge cake is prepared in a cold way. Baked in round shapes, cooled, cut out of the mold and cut horizontally into three layers, soaked with syrup: lower - less, upper - more. Glued together with chocolate cream. The surface and sides are smeared with white cream. Sprinkle the sides with fried chopped nuts.

Pay attention to the photo - a chocolate sponge cake according to this recipe is decorated with a border of white cream on the edge, and in the middle - with a border of chocolate cream:

Lemon wedges are placed inside this border, and between the first and second borders, sprinkle with chopped chocolate.

Delicious sponge cakes with chocolate icing

Sponge cake with chocolate "Marzipan"


  • For the test: 3 eggs, 3 tbsp. l. water, 200 g sugar, 1 bag of vanilla sugar, 3 tbsp. l. flour, 3 tbsp. l. starch, 50 g of chocolate, baking soda and salt on the tip of a knife, 1 tbsp. l. margarine.
  • For glaze: 100 g of dark chocolate, 3 tbsp. l. milk, 2 tbsp. l. butter, 2 tsp. icing sugar.
  • For decoration: yellow marzipan mass, sugar balls.

Cooking a biscuit.

Separate the yolks from the whites, mix with half of the specified amount of sugar and salt and, gradually adding hot water, beat into a foam with a whisk or mixer. Add the whipped egg whites strong foam with the remaining sugar, sifted flour, soda and chocolate melted in a water bath.

Stir quickly, put the dough in a greased form with margarine, bake in the preheated oven until tender.


To prepare the glaze, melt the chocolate in hot milk, cool slightly, add butter and powdered sugar, grind.

Roll the marzipan mass thinly, cut out the crescent and asterisks with molds.

Put the hot sponge cake on a dish, cover with glaze. Decorate a delicious sponge cake with chocolate icing with marzipan figurines and sugar balls.

Sponge chocolate cake "Marika"


Chocolate sponge cake - 153 g, biscuit roll - 146, chocolate cream cream - 551, chocolate icing - 10 g.

Cooking method:

Sponge cake and roll are prepared in a cold way. Cocoa powder is added to the biscuit. They are baked in round tins. After cooling, cut out of the molds and cut into four parts. Only two are used for the cake.

Chocolate cream is prepared in the same way as for the Goose foot cake.

After baking and cooling, a sponge cake for a roll is glued in pairs with cream, cut into strips 40-50 mm wide and rolled into a roll so that its diameter matches the diameter of the cake. Placed on a biscuit layer, greased with cream, spiral up.

The surface of the roll is smeared with cream, covered with a second biscuit layer. The surface and sides are greased and decorated with cream, the top is sprinkled with chocolate, prepared in the form of shavings.

Sponge cake with chocolate icing, strawberries and custard


Sponge cake:

  • 3 eggs
  • sugar - 180 g
  • flour - 120 g
  • cocoa powder - 1.5 - 2 tablespoons.


  • 200 g strawberries
  • 1 tablespoon sugar


  • half a glass of sugar
  • half a glass of water
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • half a packet of butter

How to bake:

First, for a chocolate biscuit cake with strawberries, you need to make a dough: separate the yolks from the whites; Beat the yolks from 0.5 cups of sugar until a light, fluffy mass; whisk the proteins at room temperature with clean whisks of a mixer from 0.5 cups of sugar to a thick foam - begin to beat at a low speed, gradually switch to a high speed. Gently mix in protein foam into the yolks. Sift the flour and stir gently from bottom to top, in one direction. We also sift the cocoa powder so that it becomes lighter and more airy, then the chocolate biscuit will not sag too much when it cools.

The more cocoa, the chocolate taste and darker cake. Gently mix the biscuit dough so that there are no lumps left, but at the same time splendor remains. Pour the dough into a split mold, the bottom of which is tightened with oiled paper, and bake the cake for about half an hour. While the biscuit is baking, we make a filling for it. Cut the pure strawberries into halves (small berries can be left whole) and sprinkle with a little sugar.

Let the finished cake cool in the oven - if you get the biscuit right away, it can settle. We take out the cooled cake from the mold. We spread the biscuit on a dish. Cut the cake in two.

Put the strawberries on the bottom, pouring the cake with the formed strawberry juice... The top one must also be poured with syrup, otherwise it turns out to be dry.

Grease the top cake with butter custard. We cook it like this: cook sugar syrup from 1/4 cup of water and sugar on a small flame; when the sugar dissolves, pour in the second 1/4 cup of water in which the flour is well mixed. Cook, stirring occasionally, until thickened. Let cool to room temperature, add butter and whisk.

Cover the bottom cake with the top one.

Decorate the top cake to your taste. You can grease it with the rest of the cream and sprinkle with grated chocolate, or melt the chocolate and pour over the icing.

Lay out the strawberries beautifully on top of the glaze. Chocolate sponge custard cake is ready!

Sponge cake with chocolate icing and compote fruit

Wenceslas sponge cake with chocolate

For a chocolate sponge cake with fruits you will need:

  • Chocolate sponge cake - 480 g, Czech cream - 745, crumb crumb - 135, fruit from compote - 130, chocolate glaze - 10 g.
  • For the cream: granulated sugar- 190 g, butter - 440, whole milk - 200, starch - 30, cognac or wine - 20 g.

Cooking method:

The chocolate sponge cake is baked in round tins. After cooling, it is cut out of the mold and cut horizontally into three layers. To prepare the cream, milk is boiled with sugar, brewed with starch, previously diluted milk, and cooled. Beat the butter, add the chilled mass, brandy or dessert wine and beat again for 10-15 minutes. The finished cream is mixed with a part of the fruit.

For crumb crumbs, caramel is prepared by boiling the syrup to 165 ° C. Toasted nuts are poured into hot caramel, poured onto a table or a sheet, greased with fat, allowed to solidify, then crushed (378 g of molasses, 378 g of dried nuts and 0.0003 g of vanillin are taken for 756 g of sugar).

Biscuit layers are glued together with cream. Lubricate the surface and sides with cream and sprinkle with roasted nuts.

The surface of the sponge cake with chocolate icing and fruit is decorated with cream and chocolate.

Chocolate sponge cake with custard "Sever"

Composition for biscuit dough base: flour - 1.5 cups, eggs - 6 pcs., fine granulated sugar - 1.5 cups;

for sand base test: flour - 2 cups, granulated sugar - 0.5 cups, butter - 300 g, egg yolks - 3 pcs., sour cream - 2 tsp;

for custard: butter - 200 g, egg - 1 pc., milk - 1.5 cups, sugar - 1 cup, vanilla sugar - 1 sachet, flour - 1 teaspoon, starch - 1 teaspoon;

for chocolate cream: chocolate - 200 g, butter - 600 g, eggs - 4 pcs., granulated sugar - 3 cups, vanilla sugar - 1 sachet, milk - 0.5 cups.

The cake is prepared from two types of base and two types of cream.

Prepare a biscuit dough and bake a cake of the desired shape from it in a medium-heated oven until the surface of the biscuit is lightly browned. Cut the finished chilled biscuit into two horizontal cakes.

Preparation of a sand base. Mix flour and sugar, add chilled butter, cut into pieces and chop everything together well with a knife so that you get butter grains. Add sour cream and yolks, knead the dough, divide it into three parts and refrigerate for 10-15 minutes. In the same form in which the biscuit was baked, bake shortbread cakes one by one, placing the dough in the form and slightly pressing it to the bottom of the form, also until lightly browning. Carefully remove the cakes from the mold and refrigerate. Prepare from all components of the recipe custard.

Cooking chocolate cream. Grind the softened butter well with sugar and, without stopping grinding, add eggs one by one and pour in a little boiled warm milk... Put vanilla sugar in the almost finished cream and add softened chocolate. Beat the cream thoroughly again and cool.

Prepared flat dish, smeared with custard, put shortbread, generously grease it with custard, lay one layer of biscuit on it, grease with chocolate cream up to 1.5 cm thick, cover with the second half of the biscuit, grease with custard. Put a shortbread on a layer of cream and grease with chocolate cream. With the same cream, grease the sides of the cake with a solid mass or from a cornet, applying it in strips. Grind the third shortbread cake, which is slightly more browned during baking than all the other cakes, with a rolling pin into crumbs and pour it diagonally over the cake so that stripes are obtained. Place strips of custard in between the strips. Chill the chocolate sponge cake with custard for at least 5 hours.

Cherry Chocolate Sponge Cakes Recipes

Chocolate sponge cake with cherries


  • 5 yolks
  • 180 g sugar
  • 125 ml vegetable oil
  • 60 g cocoa powder
  • 170 ml water
  • 220 g flour
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 0.25 teaspoons of baking soda
  • 8 proteins
  • 0.25 tsp citric acid
  • 50 g icing sugar.

Ingredients for the cream:

  • 500 ml cream (33-35%)
  • 350 ml low-fat yogurt
  • 200 g icing sugar
  • 2 tsp vanilla sugar
  • 20 g gelatin
  • half a glass of water.

For cherry filling and impregnation:

  • 600 g pitted cherries
  • 150 g sugar
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of starch
  • half a glass of water.

For decoration:

  • 50 g of chocolate.


Biscuit baking.

Separate the whites from the yolks. With a blender, beat the yolks with sugar until light fluffy. In several steps, pour vegetable oil into the prepared mass, stirring well with a spoon.

Dilute cocoa warm water and mix thoroughly. Add the diluted cocoa to the yolk-butter mass.

Mix flour with baking powder and baking soda. Sift the flour into a bowl with the prepared mass and mix the dough thoroughly with a spoon.

Beat egg whites in a food processor with powdered sugar until firm peaks. Gradually add the whipped egg whites to the prepared dough and stir gently with a spoon.

Cover the bottom of a 26 cm split baking dish with baking paper. Pour the biscuit dough into a mold. Bake at 160 degrees Celsius for about 50 minutes. Leave the baked sponge cake to cool for about 10 minutes. Then turn the cake pan upside down and place on 4 glasses or cups. Leave in this position until it cools completely. Then remove the biscuit from the mold.

Butter cream preparation:

Beat the cream in a food processor with powdered sugar and vanilla sugar until fluffy. Add yogurt and stir on low speed.

Soak gelatin in cold water and let it swell a little. Heat the mixture until the gelatin dissolves, but do not bring to a boil. Add a few tablespoons of cream to the dissolved gelatin and mix. Then put this mixture in the cream and stir at low speed.

Cherry filling and impregnation preparation:

Wash the cherries and remove the seeds. Put the cherries in a saucepan, add sugar and starch. Stir, heat over low heat until boiling and boil for 2-3 minutes. Cool and discard the cherries in a colander.

Leave 13-15 cherries to decorate the cake. Divide the rest of the cherries into two equal parts.

Dilute syrup boiled water and use for impregnating biscuit cakes.

Assembling the cake:

Cut the biscuit into three cakes. Trim the cakes by cutting off irregularities from them. Grind the cuttings into crumbs for sprinkling the sides of the cake.

Place one cake on a platter. Saturate it with the third part of the cherry syrup. Put the cream in pastry bag and squeeze in small piles onto the cake, starting at the edges of the cake.

Lay a row of cherries in a circle. Fill the entire surface of the cake with cherries and cream.

Place the second cake layer. Soak it with syrup, then, like the first cake, fill its surface with cherries and cream.

Place the third cake on top and saturate it with syrup. Grease the top of the third cake with cream. Lightly grease the sides of the cake with cream and sprinkle with biscuit crumbs. Decorate the top of the cake with cream and cherries. Sprinkle grated chocolate on the cake. Let the chocolate sponge cake with cherries stand for 2-3 hours at room temperature, and then put in the refrigerator.

Sponge cake with chocolate cream and cherries on Goose foot cognac


Sponge cake - 195 g, cream of chocolate cream - 622, chocolate icing - 109, cherry on cognac - 115 g.

For the chocolate cream cream: butter - 318 g, icing sugar - 250, 35% cream - 64, cocoa powder - 33, vanillin - 8 g.

Biscuit is prepared in a cold way, baked in round tins. After cooling, it is cut out of the mold and cut horizontally into two layers. Use only one for the cake. Canned cherries freed from pits, pour in brandy (102 g of pitted cherries and 16 g of brandy) and leave for several hours. Then the cherries are laid evenly on the biscuit layer. Put a metal ring in the shape of a cake on the blank and fill it to the brim with chocolate cream, level the cream with a knife and put the cake in the refrigerator to cool the cream. Then cut it out of the mold with a knife.

The surface and sides are glazed with chocolate, preheated to a temperature of 30 ° C and combined with cocoa butter. After the chocolate has set, the surface is decorated with a border of chocolate cream and chocolate in the form of crow's feet.

The cream for a chocolate sponge cake according to this recipe is prepared as follows: powdered sugar, cream and 1/3 of the butter are mixed, boiled at high heat for 3-5 minutes. Then cooled to 20 ° C. Beat the remaining butter, add the prepared mass, cocoa powder, vanillin and beat for 10-15 minutes until a fluffy homogeneous mass is formed. Canned cherries are pitted and soaked in cognac or wine for 4–5 hours. The chocolate glaze is tempered before use.

Quality requirements: cake - biscuit, covered with chocolate, a layer of cherries and chocolate cream is visible in the cut.

Homemade chocolate sponge cake with curd cream


  • 6 eggs
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • 50 g butter
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1.5-2 tbsp. l. cocoa
  • 1-1.5 tbsp. flour


  • 250 g cottage cheese
  • 1 tbsp. sour cream
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1 bag of vanilla sugar


1. First, prepare the biscuit. Beat the eggs with sugar until they increase 5 times, not just in a foam, but in thick foam... It will take 8-10 minutes. But if you have a super powerful mixer, it might be faster.

2. While the eggs were beating, melt the butter in a water bath. Add to the beaten eggs, stir.

3. A glass of sifted flour, mix with baking powder and cocoa.

4. Pour into eggs. If the mass turns out to be thin, you can add more flour. The dough should be like thick sour cream.

5. We put to bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

6. Bake for 30 minutes. Then we reduce the heat a little and bake for another 15 minutes. Then take it out of the oven, take it out of the mold not immediately, but after 10-15 minutes.

7. Refrigerate and only then cut lengthwise into three parts.

8. If you have time, then it is better to cut the biscuit not immediately, but after a few hours, so that it infuses and cuts better.

9. While the biscuit is baking, prepare the curd cream. To do this, mix cottage cheese, sour cream, sugar, vanilla and beat with a mixer.

10. Grease each cake with curd cream, decorate with chocolate sprinkles. You do not need to insist on such a chocolate-sponge cake with curd cream.

Sponge-cake chocolate cake with condensed milk and jam "Zhuravushka"


  • Sponge cake - 429 g, cream - 380, lipstick - 100, cocoa powder - 25, jam - 50, fruit or candied fruits - 15 g.
  • for cream: butter - 190 g, yolk - 50, condensed milk with sugar - 150, fried nuts - 30, vanillin - 0.5 g.

Cooking method:

For the cake, biscuit is prepared in the main way, but butter and nuts are used for its preparation. The nuts are fried and combined with flour, and the butter is melted and added after kneading with flour and nuts. They are baked in round tins. After aging, cut into three layers.

When preparing a cream, add 1/3 (by weight of water) whipped egg yolks and boiled until thickened for 2-3 minutes in a water bath. Rub through a sieve, cool to 20 ° C. Beat the butter, add the mass, chopped roasted nuts, vanillin and beat for 10-15 minutes. Biscuit layers are glued together with this cream.

The surface and sides are smeared with jam and glazed with lipstick with the addition of cocoa powder, decorated with fruits or candied fruits. When the lipstick hardens, a drawing in the form of a crane is applied to a biscuit chocolate cake with condensed milk and jam using a stencil with cocoa powder.

Chocolate sponge cake recipes with nuts

Sponge cake with chocolate, fruits and nuts "Zdenka"


Biscuit - 150 g, biscuit with cocoa powder - 350, jelly - 240, Czech cream - 740, fruits - 150, roasted nuts - 50 g.

Cooking method:

The biscuit is prepared in the main way, in the usual way and with cocoa powder. They are baked in round tins. After aging, cut into two layers. The cream is prepared as for the Wenceslas cake.

For the cake, use two blanks of biscuit with cocoa and one of regular biscuit, put it in the middle. The layers are glued together with fruit cream. The surface and sides are smeared with white cream. Sprinkle the sides with fried chopped nuts. On the surface, they make a border of white cream and decorate the cake with fruits. A chocolate sponge cake with nuts is placed in the refrigerator to cool the cream and poured with tinted jelly on top.

Sponge chocolate cake combined "Red and black"

Composition for the biscuit base of the cake: egg yolks - 6 pcs., sugar - 1 cup, sour cream - 1 cup, soda slaked with vinegar - 1 tsp, vanilla sugar, flour - 1.5 cups, cocoa powder - 0.25 cups;

for creamy base cake: egg whites - 6 pcs., sugar - 1 cup, butter - 100 g, sour cream - 1 cup, chopped walnut kernels - 1 cup, soda slaked with vinegar - 1 tsp, flour - 1.5 cups, vanillin, red berry juice.

To prepare a chocolate biscuit for a cake according to this recipe, grind the yolks with sugar, add sour cream, slaked with vinegar soda, cocoa powder and flour. Knead the dough (thick as pancakes), pour it into a greased deep frying pan and bake in the oven with low heat for 40–45 minutes.

Preparation of a creamy base. Beat the whites until a steep, stable foam, add sugar, red juice from the berries (the color of the workpiece depends on the amount of juice) and grind well. Mix together melted butter, sour cream, chopped walnuts, vanillin and flour. Carefully add the prepared proteins into the dough, mix well and bake in the same way as a dark crust.

Cream preparation. Erase 2 cups of fine sugar with 2 eggs, gradually pour in 0.5 liters of warm boiled milk, mix thoroughly and bring to a boil over very low heat, without stopping whipping the cream. Cool quickly and, adding in small portions 300 g of softened butter to the cream, mix well. Stir the cream only in one direction - then it will turn out to be airy.

Allow ready-made cakes to cool, cut them into horizontal layers. It turns out two red and two dark layers of the dough base. Align the edges of the layers with a knife, sandwich the layers with cream, and, alternating in color, lay on a flat dish also greased with cream.

As you can see in the photo, according to this recipe, a chocolate biscuit cake should be generously coated with cream and sprinkled with crumbs made from scraps that turned out when leveling the layers:

Sponge cake with chocolate and fruit jam"Birch log"

Composition for the test: eggs - 4 pcs., granulated sugar - 100 g, flour - 80 g, potato starch- 30 g;

  • For filling: fruit jam- 200 g;
  • to cover: vanilla cream- 175 g;
  • for decoration: cocoa powder - 10 g, water - 15 g, chopped nuts.

Prepare a biscuit dough and bake a square biscuit on a baking sheet, cover it with jam on top and roll into a tight roll. This roll should be slightly thicker and shorter than normal biscuit roll... Cut the edges of the roll diagonally at the same angle. Prepared vanilla butter cream cover the surface and edges of the roll. Mix cocoa with 2 teaspoons of hot water, dip a wooden stick with a thin end into the mixture and then apply dashes with it on a layer of white cream so that the pattern looks like birch bark. Decorate the cake with chopped nuts.

Sponge cake with chocolate filling"Darkie"


  • For the test: 130 g margarine, 200 g sugar, 6 eggs, 100 g chocolate, 180 g flour, ground cinnamon, cardamom and salt on the tip of a knife.
  • For filling: 200 g, 400 g icing sugar, 120 g butter, 2 tbsp. l. cognac.
  • For decoration: 1 tbsp. l. cocoa, 1 tbsp. l. icing sugar.

Cooking method:

Combine softened margarine, half of the indicated amount of sugar, salt, cinnamon and cardamom. Grind with a whisk, adding yolks one at a time. Add chocolate melted in a water bath, whites whipped with the remaining sugar and sifted flour, knead a homogeneous dough.

Put it in a dish greased with margarine, bake in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 20-30 minutes.

Cool the finished biscuit, cut lengthwise into 2 cakes.

To prepare the filling, grate the chocolate on fine grater, add cognac and softened butter, whipped with powdered sugar. Mix everything thoroughly.

Grease biscuit cakes with cream, lay on top of each other. Sprinkle the chocolate sponge cake with sifted powdered sugar mixed with cocoa.

Chocolate sponge cake with sour cream-chestnut cream "Prince"

Ingredients for the sponge cake base: eggs - 12 pcs., sugar - 1 cup, lemons - 2 pcs., starch - 0.75 cups, flour - 0.5 cups;

  • for the chocolate base of the dough: almonds - 400 g, eggs - 20 pcs., chocolate - 100 g, sugar - 400 g, flour - 3 tbsp. spoons, ground cinnamon - 0.5 tsp;
  • for chestnut cream: cooked in milk and finely chopped southern chestnuts - 200 g, honey - 100 g, butter - 60 g, egg yolk- 1 piece, thick homemade sour cream- 100 g, chocolate - 20 g, vanilla sugar;
  • for rum glaze: freshly sifted icing sugar - 200-250 g, hot water- 3 tbsp. spoons, rum - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Preparation of a biscuit base. Grind the yolks white with sugar, add the zest of lemons, add starch and flour. Gently add whipped whites into the dough and mix from top to bottom. Transfer the dough to the prepared mold and bake the biscuit.

Cooking the chocolate base. Crush peeled almonds with five eggs. Beat 15 whites, add sugar, beat well again, add prepared almonds, chopped chocolate, flour and cinnamon. Knead the resulting mass well and bake in the same form in which the biscuit cake was baked.

Cooking chestnut cream. Mix chopped chestnuts with honey, sour cream and egg yolk and beat until frothy. Separately grind the butter, vanilla sugar and slightly moistened chocolate. Mix both masses together and beat.

Rum glaze preparation. Mix the powdered sugar with hot water and after adding the rum, continue stirring until the desired icing density.

Ready biscuit base cool, soak sugar syrup with rum, brush with chestnut cream, sprinkle with finely crushed nuts or almonds. Cool the finished chocolate cake as well, lay it on top biscuit cake... Cover the surface of the chocolate sponge cake with sour cream chestnut cream with the rum frosting.

Cakes with chocolate biscuit and butter cream: recipes with photos and videos

Sponge cake with chocolate cream "Christmas Tale"


  • For the test: 250 g chopped almonds, 250 g icing sugar, 8 egg whites, 3 tsp. butter.
  • For buttercream: 250 g butter, 100 g sugar, 100 ml milk, 1 tbsp. l. cognac, 1 egg yolk, 1 bag of vanilla sugar.
  • For chocolate cream: 100 g butter, 100 g sugar, 1 tbsp. l. cocoa powder, 3 tbsp. l. milk, 2 tsp. cognac, 1 egg yolk.

Cooking method:

Beat the whites. Mix almonds with powdered sugar and add to the protein mass. Divide the dough into 3 equal parts. Grease a baking sheet with butter and bake the cakes in an oven preheated to 220 ° C for 15–20 minutes. Ready-made cakes cool.

To prepare butter cream, grind the yolk with sugar, pour in milk and, stirring, cook over low heat for 5 minutes, then cool, add softened butter, cognac, vanilla sugar and beat with a mixer.

To prepare the chocolate cream, grind the yolk with sugar, pour in milk, add cocoa and, stirring, cook for 3 minutes.

Then cool, add softened butter, brandy and beat with a mixer.

The cakes made according to this recipe for a biscuit chocolate cake at home, gently grease alternately with butter and chocolate cream and combine.

Sponge cake with chocolate butter cream"Stefania"


Sponge cake - 444 g, chocolate cream cream - 888, cocoa powder - 18 g.

Cooking method:

The sponge cake is prepared in a cold way. They are baked at a temperature of 210-220 ° C on sheets dusted with flour, leveling round cakes with a knife on a stencil. The cream is prepared as described for the Houndstooth cake.

Six round biscuit cakes are sandwiched with chocolate cream and cream. The top and sides of the cake with chocolate biscuit and butter cream are sprinkled with cocoa and a mesh pattern is applied with a knife.

Sponge cake with chocolate butter cream and caramel "Dobosh"


Sponge cake - 438 g, cream of chocolate cream - 762, caramel - 148 g

Cooking method:

The biscuit and cream are prepared in the same way as for the Stefania cake.

Six round biscuit cakes are sandwiched with chocolate cream. The top of the cake is glazed with caramel. The sides are coated with cream and sprinkled with biscuit crumbs.

The cooked caramel is applied to the top cake with a layer of 2–2.5 mm, leveled with a knife and, without letting it harden, make radial notches with a knife. The cake is divided into 16 pieces.

The quality requirements are the same as for the Stefania cake; the top is decorated with caramel.

Now watch the video of biscuit-chocolate cakes for the recipes presented above:

Cook simple and delicious dessert for every day - any hostess can handle this. But if it comes to a celebration, family holiday or anniversary, then you want to make delicious and air cake, which will be appreciated by all guests. There are an incredible amount of baking recipes. For Sunday tea, or is great. Well, if you really want a holiday, then it turns out just great! It will be a little easier to cope with a dessert that does not require large financial and time costs.

And which is the most delicious and wonderful dessert? The one that everyone, without exception, will like and amaze with its appearance and beauty? It's a chocolate cake, of course! Light and dark, bitter and milky - chocolate has been and remains a delicacy for all time. Even strict dieters allow themselves a piece of chocolate, and what can we say about gourmands! But not only biscuits are great from chocolate and with it. Decorations, figurines and, of course, glaze. Even if the cake is not the most beautiful, chocolate icing will turn it into a masterpiece.

There are a lot of recipes, check out some of them:

  1. chocolate icing for the cake: break 100 grams of dark chocolate and heat in a water bath to a thick mass. Pour in 2 tbsp. heavy cream, mix thoroughly and the glaze is ready;
  2. chocolate icing for a cake with cocoa: 3 tbsp. l. mix cocoa powder thoroughly with 3 tbsp. milk, warm up and add 3 tbsp. Sahara. Bring to a boil, boil for 3-5 minutes and let cool. Introduce 1 tsp into a warm mass. butter, mix thoroughly, and you get an excellent shiny chocolate icing for the cake;
  3. chocolate icing for sour cream cake: stir well 2 tbsp. l. cocoa powder and a little less than half a glass of sugar, add half a glass fat sour cream, stir and heat over low heat until the grains are completely dissolved. Introduce 1 tbsp into a slightly cooled mass. a spoonful of softened butter, mix and the glaze is ready.

Chocolate banana cake recipe

For cakes:

  • 3 large ripe bananas;
  • 120 g good butter;
  • 1 cup granulated sugar;
  • 200 gr. wheat flour;
  • 3 chicken eggs large (separate the whites and yolks);
  • 1/2 cup of fatty kefir or natural yogurt without additives;
  • 3 tbsp cocoa powder;
  • 1/3 tsp salt;
  • 1 tsp baking soda;
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder;
  • A little vanillin or a drop of vanilla essence.

Cream in a chocolate and banana cake:

  • 220-250 ml heavy whipping cream (at least 30% fat);
  • 1/2 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/2 cup good sour cream;
  • 1 medium, very ripe banana

Top decoration and finishing in chocolate and banana cake:

  • 3 medium unripe banana(so as not to fall apart during frying);
  • 2 dessert spoons butter (approximately 33-35 gr.);
  • 3 tbsp with a slide of brown sugar;
  • 170 ml of an aromatic alcoholic drink (brandy, rum, whiskey, liqueur);
  • 80 ml heavy whipping cream;
  • 1 tbsp. l. icing sugar.

To make your banana chocolate cake taste better, check the freshness of the food. Also, you should first get the oil out of the refrigerator and sift the flour. It is better to take domestic cocoa powder in a chocolate cake. It dissolves much better and gives baked goods a pleasant aroma.

Banana chocolate cake, cake preparation:

  1. add flour, cocoa, baking soda and baking powder, mix everything well;
  2. peel bananas, soften in mashed potatoes with a fork or pusher and mix with kefir and vanilla;
  3. beat the softened butter with sugar into a lush mass and add all the yolks one by one, add the next yolk only after complete mixing, so chocolate banana cake it will be tastier;
  4. combine butter with sugar and yolks with a banana mixture, stir and add all dry ingredients, mix thoroughly again;
  5. in another bowl, beat the whites with a pinch of salt into a good, persistent foam and put in the dough, stir in up and down movements;
  6. heat the oven to 190C, grease the split form with oil and lay out all the dough;
  7. bake for 45 minutes, leave to cool on a wire rack. Once the sponge cake in the chocolate banana cake has cooled, cut into 4 cakes with a sharp knife or culinary thread.

How to make cream in a simple chocolate cake with bananas: Whisk the cream and powder chilled in the refrigerator (not the freezer), add sour cream and finely chopped banana. When using natural homemade cream, be sure to add gelatin to the mass (1 tsp dissolved in 2 tbsp milk). The cream in a simple and delicious chocolate cake is ready.

It remains only to collect the dessert: lay the cakes, smearing them with cream, except for the top of the latter. Now you need to whip 80 ml of heavy cream and powdered sugar (ingredients for decoration) and decorate the sides of the dessert, the top cake with this mass, and if it remains, then you can plant the border (using a syringe). For decoration, cut the bananas into circles, fry in oil and sprinkle with sugar. As soon as the fruit circles are browned and caramelized, pour in alcoholic beverage... Protomit for 3 minutes, put on a plate, and sweet sauce boil at low heat to the state of "thick thread". Place the bananas in the middle of the top crust, pour over the sauce and place in a cold place to soak. Homemade delicious chocolate cake is ready!

Chocolate cake recipe for 7-9 servings

  • 10 tbsp. l. wheat flour(no slide);
  • 1 cup granulated sugar;
  • 150 grams of butter (or very good butter margarine);
  • 2 large chicken eggs;
  • 1.5 cups sour cream;
  • 3 tbsp. l. cocoa powder;
  • 100 g chocolate (take any dark or milk, no additives)

Chocolate cake is one of the simplest, most delicious and fragrant desserts... Baking is so easy to prepare that it always comes out! But for all its frugality and affordability, the Shokoladnitsa cake is instantly eaten up and absolutely all guests ask for a recipe.

How to make a chocolate cake:

  1. prepare all the ingredients, get the butter or margarine out of the refrigerator in advance, and turn on the oven at 180C, let it warm up;
  2. in a large bowl, mix 150 grams of granulated sugar, sifted flour and cocoa - stir;
  3. grate chocolate and heat butter in a saucepan;
  4. add exactly half of the grated (no grater - cut the flakes with a knife) chocolate and all the butter into the dry mixture, mix the mass well;
  5. beat a little 2 eggs with a glass of sour cream and add to the dough - the mass will turn out to be a little liquid, like pancakes;
  6. pour all the dough into a mold, bake the cake for at least 40 minutes, let cool on a wire rack.

Cream in a cake with chocolate, the recipe for which is very simple, cook quickly: beat the rest of the sour cream with 50 grams of granulated sugar with a jelly or a blender, pour the cooled cakes with the cream and put in the refrigerator for a while. You can decorate your homemade chocolate cake with fruits or nuts. You can cut the biscuit into two cakes, grease with cream and add fruits or berries to the filling. Now you know how to make a chocolate cake.

  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 1/3 cup granulated sugar;
  • 2/3 cup wheat flour;
  • 1 tbsp. l. with a slide of cocoa powder;
  • 1 tsp baking powder;
  • A pinch of vanillin;
  • 200 gr. dark chocolate for mousse;
  • 200 gr. milk chocolate for mousse;
  • 300 gr. white chocolate for mousse and glaze;
  • 140 gr. very good butter for mousse and glaze;
  • 700 ml. whipping cream (at least 35% fat);
  • 1 glass of liquor;
  • 24 gr. gelatin in crystals;
  • Chocolate figurines for children's breakfasts - sachet.

All ingredients for the Three Chocolates cake are given taking into account the preparation of mousses, biscuits, impregnation and decoration.

Three chocolate cake, recipe:

  1. break eggs with sugar into foam, gradually mixing vanillin, sifted flour, baking powder and cocoa into the mass;
  2. preheat the oven to 220 C;
  3. into a split form, greased with butter and sprinkled with flour, pour out the thick dough;
  4. bake for 15 minutes, take out the biscuit, cool, cut one cake with a diameter smaller (1.5-2 cm) than the form in which it was baked and sprinkle with liquor (50 ml);
  5. now line the bottom of the form with paper, and the rim with a thick film so that the film completely overlaps the sides of the form. Put the crust in the middle and put the baked goods in the freezer.

Dark chocolate mousse in three chocolate cake

The recipe is the same for all mousses:

  1. divide all the gelatin into three equal parts and soak each part in the cream (the total volume of the cream is about 50 ml);
  2. Quickly beat 600 ml of cream into a very stable foam, also divide into 3 parts and put in the refrigerator;
  3. break a bar of dark chocolate with a rolling pin or with your hands and warm it up with continuous stirring with a spoonful of butter until dissolved;
  4. add 50 ml of liquor and stir until smooth;
  5. cool the mass a little and mix with a third of the whipped cream.

Now very quickly and carefully remove the form from the freezer, put the dark mousse on it, filling the gap between the side and the biscuit and put it back in the freezer. So prepare two more mousses: from milk and white chocolate. Pour in the following sequence: on the dark mousse - milk, and white on top. Attention! When preparing white mousse, 100 gr. leave the chocolate on the icing!

Chocolate cake, icing recipe: heat the remaining cream and butter to a boil, mix with the white chocolate pieces and heat all the icing until smooth. Apply the decoration over the cake, put in the freezer overnight. Decorative chocolate figurines for children's breakfasts will be a great decor. Cake three chocolates on festive table ready!

Sponge chocolate cake

  • 2 tbsp honey;
  • 2.5 cups wheat flour;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 3 tbsp sour cream (medium fat);
  • 1 cup granulated sugar;
  • 3 tbsp with a slide of cocoa;

For glaze:

  • 1/2 cup cocoa powder
  • 2 tbsp milk;
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar;
  • 50 gr. very good butter.

Sour cream:

  • 1 glass of sour cream;
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar.

Sponge chocolate cake can be with any other cream: custard, condensed milk or curd.

Homemade, delicious biscuit chocolate cake, preparation:

  1. grind eggs and sugar, add cocoa, stir;
  2. put liquid honey (you can warm it up a little in a water bath if the honey is very thick), melted butter and mix very well;
  3. add flour, knead the dough and divide it into three equal parts - these are cakes;
  4. turn on the oven at 180-200C, put each part of the dough in a mold and bake for 30 minutes until tender.

Cool the finished biscuits and grease with cream, which is prepared like this: beat the sour cream and sugar until very fluffy. When laying the cakes, press them down a little to soak them faster. Decorate the top of the cake with icing. It is simple to prepare it: heat milk over a fire, add sugar and cocoa. Stir well, bring to a boil and simmer for 3-5 minutes. Allow the mixture to cool slightly, stir in softened butter and stir again. The glaze is very easy to apply. Remove the biscuit chocolate cake for soaking in the refrigerator, and after 3-4 hours the dessert is completely ready!

Chocolate cake with cherries

  • 2 cups wheat flour;
  • 2 tbsp cocoa powder;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 2/3 cup granulated sugar;
  • 1 glass of sour cream;
  • 1 glass of uncooked condensed milk;
  • 1.5 tsp baking powder

Filling in a chocolate cake with cherries:

  • 700-800 gr. sour cream;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • A little vanilla sugar or extract;
  • 300-350 gr. pitted cherries (you can take ice cream);
  • 1 package of ready-made glaze.

Chocolate cake with cherries, preparation:

  1. put frozen cherries on a sieve, rinse fresh and dry (pitted);
  2. Beat eggs with sugar, add sour cream and condensed milk. The knocked-out mass should be of the same consistency as pancake dough;
  3. separately mix flour, baking powder, cocoa and add in portions liquid mass by kneading a homogeneous dough;
  4. lay out the form with paper, turn on the oven at 180-200 C, pour the mass into the form and bake for 35 minutes. If the cake has risen like a "hat", then be sure to check the readiness with a match (the middle is not baked - turn down the heat and bake until tender).

While the biscuit in the chocolate cake is baking, you can make the cream. Combine sour cream with all the sugar in a bowl, beat until fluffy. As soon as the cake is ready, remove from the mold, cool and cut into two parts (diagonally). The lower biscuit should turn out to be much thinner than the upper one, from it you need to cut (from the lower) a circle that is smaller in diameter. And cut all the leftovers and the top cake into small cubes.

Now it remains to collect the chocolate cake with cherries: spread the cream on a small biscuit, put some of the cherries. Dip the biscuit cubes into the cream, put them in a small peel on the base, alternating with cherries. Ready dessert cover very generously with the rest of the cream, let it soak and cover finished glaze from a bag. Chocolate cake with cherries is ready!

Chocolate curd cake

  • butter - half a pack (100 gr.);
  • dark chocolate bar - 120 gr.;
  • granulated sugar - 1 glass;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • wheat flour - 130-150 gr.;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • soft fresh curd(not grained) - 200 gr.

Chocolate cake fondant can be made with any recipe. Chocolate cheese cake, preparation:

  1. for the dough, melt the butter on the fire, put the pieces of all the chocolate and heat until smooth;
  2. cool the mass a little, beat in a mixture of two eggs and sugar, add baking powder and knead a not too thick dough;
  3. mix cottage cheese with 100 gr. beat sugar and 1 egg until the curd mass becomes completely homogeneous (you can first wipe the curd through a sieve);
  4. turn on the oven at 170-180 C, grease the baking dish with oil;
  5. put half of the chocolate dough into the mold, on it with a spoon - curd mass... Let the mass be unevenly arranged, in islands, so chocolate curd cake will be tastier.

As soon as all the dough and curd mass have been laid out in turn, send the form to the oven for at least 35 minutes. Willingness to check with a long match. While the biscuit is baking, you can make a fondant according to any recipe. If there is no bag of ready-made fondant, do this: 1 tbsp. Warm up butter, add 2 tbsp. sour cream, 2 tbsp. cocoa powder and half a glass of sugar. Boil everything until thick, cool a little and grease the chocolate curd cake on top and on the sides. Leave the dessert to soak for 3 hours and serve.

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Chocolate cakes are not just an appetizing, tasty and satisfying dessert. Delicious chocolate cakes are a pleasant way to cheer yourself up, get a boost of energy and vivacity for the whole day. When it becomes necessary to prepare the main dish for a sweet table, many people use recipes for chocolate cakes, since they are considered deliberately a safe bet dessert that all guests will like. Chocolate is undoubtedly the most luxurious decoration of the cake, so everyone will want to try such a dessert at any holiday. And how perfectly chocolate goes with nuts or, say, bananas! Perhaps, best delicacy you can't imagine, and not only children, but also adults will agree with this.

Melted chocolate or cocoa powder is commonly used in chocolate cake recipes. This can be not only decorating the cake with chocolate icing on top, because chocolate can be used as a filling as an interlayer between the cakes or bake chocolate cakes. One of the simplest chocolate cake recipes, for example, suggests adding grated chocolate chips to a biscuit or honey cake... Among more complex recipes making a chocolate dessert - " Drunk cherry in chocolate". Its taste is particularly piquant, since the recipe requires preliminary soaking of cherries in liqueur or brandy. With spicy chocolate sweetness it fits together just fine. If you need to prepare a child sweet table, then recipes for a chocolate cake with bananas or condensed milk that do not require baking will come in handy. These lungs chocolate desserts will definitely cheer up all guests. And strawberries are also considered an excellent addition to chocolate cake, which will not only create delicious flavor combination with chocolate, but it will become exquisite decoration of this dessert. Homemade chocolate cake recipes can be safely used even by those who carefully follow the figure. There are recipes that do not contain flour, but nuts are taken instead. You can also cook such a dessert in boiling water. Well, those who are interested in how to make a chocolate cake quickly can use a recipe for cooking it in the microwave in just 10 minutes.

All recipes for chocolate cakes with photos are collected in this section. Those who do not yet know how to make a chocolate cake can easily master any recipe, because with a photo and step by step description it is much easier and faster to do it.

Lovers of chocolate baked goods will be delighted with the very idea of ​​cooking. And if you bring it to life, and even not enough simple recipes, there will be no limit to the delight of eating this wonderful dessert.

So, especially for you, today we will tell you in our recipes how to make a simple and insanely delicious chocolate cake.

Homemade Simple Chocolate Cake Recipe


  • flour - 250 g;
  • milk - 280 ml;
  • cocoa powder - 55 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 300 g;
  • soda - 1.5 tsp;
  • butter - 60 g;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • olive oil- 60 g;
  • vanilla extract- 2 tsp;
  • vinegar- 1 tbsp. spoon;


Combine flour, soda, salt, granulated sugar and cocoa in a large bowl. Break eggs into the resulting dry mixture, add soft butter, olive oil, vanilla extract, milk and, at the last moment, wine vinegar. Beat all ingredients with a mixer for about three to four minutes until a smooth, homogeneous consistency is obtained. Line a baking dish with a diameter of 16-20 centimeters with parchment paper, coat with oil and pour the dough into it. The form should be high enough so that the dough poured into it fills no more than half, as it increases sufficiently in volume. If not, you can bake two or more cakes. We place the mold in an oven heated to 175 degrees for about one hour. It all depends on the capabilities of your oven... After forty minutes, check readiness with a match or toothpick and determine, thus, exact time cooking.

First put the finished cake on a wire rack until it cools completely, and then wrap it cling film for two hours.

Now we cut the cakes lengthwise into the desired number of parts, soak with absolutely any cream and decorate according to your preference, and the presence of food in the refrigerator. You can, for example, make a custard, whip condensed milk with butter or cream with sugar and cocoa, and pour any icing on top. In any case, it will turn out insanely delicious. And of course, don't forget to let the cake soak for a few hours.

Simple Chocolate Kefir Cake


For the test:

  • flour - 2 cups;
  • - 300 ml;
  • cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 2 cups;
  • soda - 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;

For the cream:

  • granulated sugar - 1 glass;
  • sour cream - 400 g;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • nuts for dusting.


In one bowl, beat eggs with sugar and kefir, and in the other we mix all the dry ingredients. Then we combine the contents of both containers, stir until smooth and pour into a greased baking dish and put in an oven heated to 180 degrees for fifty minutes.

Cool the finished cake and cut it into several pieces with a sharp knife or thread.

Beat the sour cream with sugar, then gradually introduce soft butter and bring with a mixer to homogeneity and splendor. We coat the cakes with the resulting cream, sprinkle with crushed nuts on top and let them soak for at least three hours.

Simple No-Bake Chocolate Cake with Blackberries



Grind the chocolate cookies with a blender or rolling pin and mix with melted butter. We distribute the resulting mass along the bottom of the form lined with parchment, forming the sides. Place in the refrigerator for thirty minutes to solidify.

Heat the cream in a small saucepan or ladle with chocolate, previously chopped into pieces, until it dissolves and pour the resulting mixture into a mold. We put in the refrigerator for another three hours.

Garnish with blackberries on top before serving.