Coconut shavings for ulcerative. Coconut chips and the main features of its use in cooking

28.04.2019 Snacks

Childhood smells of vanilla, tangerines and coconut flakes, the beneficial properties of which are not known to everyone. Prepare it from coconut growing on unique trees - coconut palms. The fruit is filled with a white liquid resembling milk. And from the white pulp, which is dried, they make coconut flakes. This shaving not only has pleasant taste she's valuable medicinal product that prolongs a person's life.


During chip preparation, all valuable properties fetus coconut tree. It contains the necessary human body vitamins and minerals. Dried Coconut Pulp:

  • improves and normalizes bowel function;
  • used as a prophylactic in the fight against cancer;
  • excellent antioxidant;
  • improves immunity;
  • cleans blood vessels from harmful deposits;
  • used as an antiviral, antibacterial agent;
  • increases activity, working capacity;
  • helps concentration;
  • improves memory;
  • has a positive effect on hearing and vision.

If you use coconut flakes regularly, you can improve metabolism, cleanse the body of harmful deposits. It can heal wounds and has antibacterial properties.

Harm and contraindications

Any useful product sometimes it can harm a person, although coconut is a unique and healing food. If a person has an intolerance to any of the components of coconut flakes, it is necessary to refrain from using it.

It is not recommended to eat the product if you are allergic to coconuts. Those who wish to reduce body weight should remember that 100 grams of coconut flakes - 592 kcal. The product has a large number of fatty acids, so children under one year old should not add shavings to food.

Despite the fact that coconut has no special contraindications, the benefits and harms of the product should be known to everyone who loves it so as not to harm their health.

Can pregnant and lactating women

The fruit of the coconut palm contains vitamins and minerals necessary for the growth of the child. Milk and coconut oil breastfeeding will help to fill the body of mother and baby with useful substances. Coconut flakes should be used carefully, no more than 20-30 grams per day. If allergy symptoms appear on the baby’s body, stop using this product, be sure to contact your pediatrician. Pregnant women will also have to be careful about eating coconut flakes. If there are no contraindications and intolerance to coconut substances, coconut flakes in limited quantities will not harm.

Chip composition

Coconut shavings are a real treasure trove of vitamins and minerals, which are completely preserved in the product when dried. It contains sucrose, fructose and other fatty acids that are very beneficial for health. The product contains vitamins and minerals:

Coconut shavings are rich in valuable dietary fiber, which helps to cleanse the body. They absorb, like a sponge, toxins and slags and remove them from the body.

How to prepare and store

coconut flakes made from the pulp of coconut, it is ground, then dried. The most valuable is considered small chips, which contain the largest number fat. The cheapest - coarse grinding, in which the least number useful substances. Ready shavings are used to make desserts, sometimes added to drinks, meat dishes, salads. If you add shavings to milk and beat it, you get a healthy and surprisingly tasty cocktail.

The product can be prepared at home in the kitchen. Coconut pulp is grated, soaked in hot water, wring out and dry. To finished product was more useful and fragrant, the grated mixture is simply dried. You can store in glass jar with tight closed lid. It is necessary to ensure that direct sunlight and moisture do not fall on the product, then the well-dried pulp will be usable for more than a year.

How to choose

High-quality shavings will only come from mature and fresh coconut. When buying, you need to pay attention to:

  1. Appearance: no cracks, dents, mold.
  2. Coconut eyes (there are 3 closed holes at the base), they must be dry.
  3. Nut Sound: Fresh coconut gurgles.
  4. Fetal weight: Should not be light.

High-quality coconut flakes can be bought at any store. It exists in 3 types:

  • fine grinding - the highest quality, which melts in your mouth;
  • medium grinding - prepared using cheap technologies;
  • coarse grinding - dry, tasteless.

When choosing, pay attention to the size of the chips if the package is transparent. The package should have the inscription: fine ( top quality), medium (medium quality), coarse ( low quality). Usually shavings are sold in departments for healthy lifestyle life.

What is combined with

Coconut flakes are good in any dessert, they are sprinkled with pastries, fruits. To obtain an original aftertaste, it is used in the preparation of meat dishes. Pairs well with vegetables in salads. Kids will love it milk shake with the addition of coconut shavings.

Knowing how coconut flakes are used, the benefits and harms of which are presented in the article, you can replenish the body useful vitamins and minerals, improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, strengthen memory, normalize blood pressure, increase immunity. So that the product does not cause harm, consider contraindications and dosage.

What is coconut flakes, how it is prepared at home, how it can be used in cooking, how useful it is, you will find answers to these and other questions in this article.

Coconut flakes - the secrets of preparation and use

Coconut is a product made from recycled coconut meat.

The recipe for making shavings from the pulp of a nut is very simple:

  • Enough to take fresh walnut, clean, drain the juice or milk and scrape out all the internal contents.
  • Before getting exactly the chips, the pulp is thoroughly kneaded, dried and crushed.

Baking with coconut is very popular, and it is also used to decorate many other dishes.

What is useful coconut flakes?

Due to special dietary fiber(fiber), formed during the drying of the pulp, its consumption in grated form allows you to remove toxins and toxins from the body.

In addition, the inner part of the nut has a lot of useful substances, such as vitamins, minerals and trace elements that help strengthen the immune system and the whole body.

The composition also contains an organic acid, which affects the lowering of cholesterol in the blood fluid, which reduces the likelihood of problems with the cardiovascular system.

The harm from the product is minimal and the only contraindication can only be the presence of individual intolerance in the form of an allergic reaction to coconut.

Naturally, one should not forget that everything should be in moderation and excessive consumption of even the safest food will adversely affect the body.

How is coconut used in cooking?

The use of coconut flakes adds a bright, pleasant and unusual taste any dish, especially baked goods.

How to use coconut flakes in cooking:

  • Few people know that in haute cuisine it is this product that serves not only as a decoration for cold and hot dishes, but also for their preparation, including dressings and sauces.
  • There are an incredible number of recipes with its addition. For example, no-bake cookies with coconut flakes or a salad with the addition of this ingredient.
  • Meat and fish with the addition of shavings acquire a crunch and taste that can drive anyone, even the most fastidious person, crazy.
  • Coconut chips are used for frying shrimp, rolling cheese balls, decorating stuffed tomatoes and breading meat.
  • For example, to make a dessert from coconut flakes, you just need to add it when cooking in a mixer, which will saturate the dish with this unusual taste.
  • No less popular are pastries with coconut flakes and cottage cheese, which can be called dietary product and great for kids and weight watchers.
  • In addition, the crushed pulp is used for decoration, cakes, pastries and ice cream.
  • Candy, cream, pancakes and muffins with cookies are also made from it.

Is it possible to make coconut flakes at home - a recipe

At home, it is possible to make this decoration for baking

Initially, it is required to purchase a high-quality and ripe nut, and then properly clean it so as not to spoil the pulp:

  • Cleansing begins with splitting the coconut into two parts
  • The hand is wrapped in a towel to prevent injury.
  • You need to take a knife in which a thick, strong and perfectly sharpened blade.
  • Coconut is taken in the left hand. A towel is placed on it and a dotted line is visually outlined in the center of the product.
  • The dotted line should not be laid along the walnut fiber, but across. So it will be possible to carry out splitting much better and faster.
  • A not strong and accurate blow with a knife on the product is carried out. You should not wait for splitting immediately, you need to tap each side of the middle.
  • As soon as the first crack is formed, liquid will begin to leak from the inside of the product, i.e. his milk.
  • It can be collected in a separate container and added to pastries instead of water, which will give it an original taste.
  • Once the coconut is split, the halves are placed on the table and the flesh is removed.
  • Now the pulp should be slightly dried and you can make shavings with a grater.
  • The shavings also need to be dried.
  • For drying, a couple of days on the windowsill is enough and everything will be ready.

For more information on how to make coconut flakes at home, see this video.

Coconut flakes: where to use, except for cooking? What harm does it bring to human health? The most popular manufacturers of coconut flakes.

Coconut can be found in many food formulations. Many cooks have shredded coconut on the shelf next to other seasonings and spices. But do they keep it right?
The composition, benefits and harms of coconut flakes and many other issues are discussed in detail in this article.

properties of coconut. Calories and analysis of the composition

At the time of drying the pulp of the coconut, useful qualities are saved.
Properties of coconut flakes:
  • Contains a large amount of minerals and vitamins
  • Removes toxic substances from the body
  • Reducing the risk of cancer
  • Has antiviral and antibacterial effect
  • Concentrates attention
  • Improves vision and memory
  • lowering cholesterol
The composition of coconut flakes includes such useful components as:
  • Vitamins of groups B, C, E
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Fatty acid
The composition of the chips, of course, is not limited to this. But these are the most active substances having positive qualities.
The calorie content of the product is almost 600 kcal. per 100 gr. This is much higher than if you note the calorie content of fresh coconut meat. The energy value chips: proteins - 13 gr., fats - 65 gr., carbohydrates - 14 gr.

What is useful coconut flakes for the body and is there any harm

Any product has both benefit and harm to the body. Coconut is no exception.
Benefits of coconut flakes:
  • Improves bowel function due to fibrous structure
  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Normalization of metabolism
Positively, coconut flakes do not affect very actively with minimal use. But the positive impact is still there.
Coconut does not have a negative effect on the body. If a person does not have a predisposition to an allergy to a product and uses it in moderation, then there is no need to worry about health.

How can shavings be used

Coconut is used in cooking.
Where can you send the product in food preparation?
  • ice cream decoration, confectionery, cold and hot dishes
  • Add to sauces and dressings
  • As one of the cooking ingredients
Most often, coconut flakes are used in baking. Confectionery products receive not only an attractive appearance, but also a very delicate and pleasant taste.
Advice! If you add coconut flakes to the oil and fry shrimp in this, then with such a dish you can slay all the guests on the spot.
Creative chefs use coconut flakes as an accompaniment to meat and fish. You just need to make a breading of white shavings. The amazing taste will appeal to any gourmet, and the attractive crunch of the dish will make everyone around try it.
Chip decoration provides maximum beautiful view cooked meals. At the same time, coconut will definitely give its shading flavor.
Some craftsmen use coconut flakes in soap making. This allows you to flavor finished soap. And also there is a small massaging and scrubbing effects.

Proper storage conditions

Many cooking lovers keep all the bags of spices and seasonings in one place. How to store coconut flakes?
Purchased coconut flakes must be stored in a dry place at room temperature. It is advisable to keep it out of direct sunlight.
If the package has been opened and the remains need to be saved for future use, then it is best to pour the product into a jar with a tight-fitting lid. This will keep the chips from moisture or foreign odors. If the product is left in an open bag, there is a risk of absorbing the smell of neighboring spices.
If the shavings were made by yourself from fresh coconut, then it is recommended to use them immediately. Leftovers can be stored in the refrigerator for a short time, but after making sure that the chips are well dried.
If the product is bought by weight, then before pouring it into a jar and removing it, it is recommended to dry it slightly in a dry frying pan.

Rating of the best manufacturers of coconut flakes

The best coconut flakes will undoubtedly be those produced in the country where the coconuts are grown. However, you will have to pay much more for such pleasure than for a product of a domestic manufacturer.
The most common shavings from Vietnam in our country are:
  • VILACONIC GROUP. This company has established itself in many countries around the world. However, this product cannot be found in the public domain. It will take time to order and wait for the parcel
  • COM DUA NAOSAY. The most popular shavings among Russian confectioners. It is also impossible to find on store shelves.
  • Russian producers of coconut flakes
  • ROYAL FOREST. Most natural product. Large, with a pronounced taste. Reviews about this manufacturer are entirely positive
  • Parfait Decor. One of the budget shavings, often found in grocery stores
  • Seasoning The cheapest, but popular among many others
Important! Experts advise against buying colored coconut flakes. It is best to purchase white and paint it yourself in the desired color.

How to make coconut flakes at home

Most cooks and amateurs prefer to make such products on their own.
How to make coconut flakes at home?
  • There are three small indentations on one side of the coconut. One of them must be pierced with a knife and poured into a glass of juice
  • With the help of a small hammer, you need to tap the nut to separate the pulp from the peel. The blows don't have to be hard. You need to tap long and hard
  • When cracks and chips appear on the peel, you can separate it from the pulp with a knife. If tapping was correct, separation will be easy.
  • Use a knife to remove the gray film from the pulp of the coconut.
  • Cut the flesh into small pieces and grate fine grater. Or you can grind the pulp in food processor, this method will take much less time
  • The crushed pulp must be dried for a couple of hours in a thin layer on a towel or sent to warm oven for a few minutes
Coconut is ready. If you want to add a little sweetness to the resulting product, then it can be mixed with powdered sugar.

How to paint shavings: give a beautiful color

To decorate dishes, chips of a bright and rich color may often be required. In order not to run to the store for a new bag of products, you can paint the chips yourself.
One way is to use food colorings. Dilute a little colored powder in water. Pour the resulting composition into a bag of chips and mix well. Put the chips on a napkin and let dry. By the same principle, helium dyes can also be used.
Can also be used natural dyes. For example, put coconut flakes in cheesecloth and lower into beetroot juice. After a few minutes, dry the chips. But in this case, the colors will not be saturated.

Coconut production technology: video

Many people use coconut flakes in their culinary successes. But does everyone know exactly how it is produced? The production of coconut flakes is a very interesting process. You can learn about how coconut flakes are produced in Malaysia from this video

Coconut flakes are commonly used in various confectionery products. It is a granule that is obtained by rubbing the pulp of a coconut. She is rubbed on graters different kind, then screened and dried. The result is coconut flakes.

basis energy composition coconut flakes are fats. They account for about 65%. This product is quite high-calorie, in 100 grams there are 360 ​​kcal. The benefits of coconut flakes are rich in vitamins and minerals. It contains vitamins: C, B, E and trace elements calcium, potassium, zinc, manganese, iodine, phosphorus, fluorine and iron. Coconut flakes contain fiber, as well as a small amount of glucose, sucrose and fructose. Coconut is actively consumed by people who are on a vegetarian diet.

What is useful coconut flakes?

Beneficial features coconut flakes are directly related to the unique dietary fibers that are found in it. These fibers remove toxins from the body. Fiber cleanses the digestive system, and vitamins strengthen the immune system. Coconut is an efficient and effective antioxidant. Therefore, it should be used for colds and viral diseases, as well as for various problems with urology. During the period hormonal imbalance, coconut improves general state organism.

Coconut flakes contain lauric acid. Her regular use contributes to risk reduction oncological diseases. Thanks to this acid, the level in the blood cells decreases significantly, and, accordingly, the likelihood of the appearance of cardiovascular disease. Thanks to vitamins C and B, coconut flakes are recommended for colds and to increase the overall immunity of the body. In addition, this product is indicated for eye diseases and visual impairment.

The benefits and harms of coconut flakes

Many lovers of confectionery with the addition of coconut are wondering if it can do any harm. The harm and benefits of coconut flakes have been fully studied by scientists. They found that the harm from this product comes down only to individual intolerance and the possible manifestation of an allergic reaction. If you've ever been allergic to coconut itself, it's best to play it safe with coconut flakes. In other cases, only benefit is manifested for the human body.

After opening the nuts and removing coconut juice white pulp kneaded and dried, and then crushed. The properties of the obtained dry product practically do not differ from the properties of fresh coconut pulp. At the same time, the calorie content of the chips is much higher.

The main purpose this product- use in cooking. In addition to adding to sweet dishes, shavings can be used in salads, meat dishes, side dishes. This diversifies the diet by adding original and non-standard food to it.


Depending on the particle size of the chips, the following grades are distinguished:

  • coarse - the least valuable chips, since they are coarsely ground;
  • medium - a type of chips, which is medium pounded;
  • fine - the highest quality variety, represented by finely ground chips, in which there is a large amount of fat.

The leaders in the production of coconut chips are Malaysia and Vietnam, as well as the Philippines and Indonesia.

Beneficial features

Coconut shavings:

  • porous structure and large quantity dietary fiber, thanks to which it cleanses the intestines well and improves digestion;
  • rich in useful nutrients- vitamins B, E, C, iron, calcium, fructose, potassium, sucrose, essential fatty acids(in particular, lauric acid, which can normalize cholesterol levels, which reduces the risk of atherosclerosis);
  • recommended for earache, impaired vision, viral and fungal infections, urological diseases, reduced immunity;
  • effective as home remedy against worms (can be used even in children at a dose of 1 teaspoon before meals).


Coconut flakes can only be harmful to people who cannot tolerate coconut fruit. Also, do not get involved in chips for people with allergic reactions. If you do not have allergies and tolerate coconut well, you can use shavings without fear.

How to choose and where to buy

Coconut flakes can be found in almost any grocery store. It is best to purchase shavings in a transparent package, because this will allow you to have a good look at the purchase.

Coconut flakes may be the pomace of coconut meat left after extraction coconut oil. This pomace is dry, which can affect the result of its use. Pay attention to the type of coconut written on the package (we wrote about this above).

You will see on sale not only white, but also shavings of different colors. However, think carefully about whether you should treat yourself to a dessert with bright shavings, since dyes for its production are mainly used artificial.

In grocery stores healthy eating you can see organic coconut flakes, then you will be completely sure of the quality and usefulness of the purchased flakes.

Also in such stores they sell shavings, the fat content of which is reduced, which is convenient for people who monitor their diet and try to avoid excess fat in the diet.

How to DIY

Coconut shavings are quite possible to cook at home.

Steps for making coconut flakes at home:

  • Choosing a good coconut - quality and ripe.
  • Removing coconut juice.
  • Cleaning from the outer cover and extracting the pulp.
  • Rubbing the pulp.
  • Dry or use.

You can buy a nut at any time of the year, but the most worthy fruits appear on sale from October to December. Choose a hard fruit that does not have cracks, streaks, or mold. Also carefully inspect the "eyes" (closed holes on the fruit), making sure that they are not wet. Be sure to shake the nut - in a fresh coconut, the juice will gurgle and overflow.

The next step is to drain the coconut juice. Juice can be drunk or drained by making a hole in any "eye" of the nut and inserting a tube there. To remove the top layer of the fruit, tap the coconut with a mallet and discard any parts of the shell that have peeled off. You can also cut the nut using a metal saw, after which it will be very easy to extract the pulp from the resulting halves.

After splitting the nut and getting its snow-white pulp, take an ordinary vegetable grater and any container.

Rub the pieces of pulp smoothly, slowly and carefully, then the structure of the future chips will be homogeneous. You can also use a combine if it has a suitable attachment.

The finished chips can be used immediately or dried a little. You can also mix the resulting chips with vanilla sugar.


The main industry of coconut flakes is confectionery:

  • Coconut pulp chips are added inside rolls, cakes, cakes, as a delicious aromatic filling.
  • It is used for decoration and sprinkling. ready-made treats. It can be seen on sweets, icing, muesli, chocolate, bars, cheese curds and other sweets.
  • The product is also used in the preparation savory dishes, for example, meat.
  • Coconut pulp is especially in demand in Asian cooking. Coconut flakes mixed with chili pepper (ground) - very savory seasoning both for dessert and for a savory dish.


Apple pie

You need:

  • kilogram of apples;
  • one glass of flour, coconut and sugar;
  • 200 grams butter;
  • 4 eggs;
  • chayn. a spoonful of soda;
  • 3 teaspoons spoons lemon juice;
  • 50 grams powdered sugar.

After mixing butter, eggs, sugar and lemon juice, add flour, 3/4 cup wood chips and baking soda. Grate 100 grams of apples, add to the dough, then knead it well and put it in a mold. Arrange sliced ​​apples on top of dough. Put in the oven for 45 minutes, and a few minutes before the end of baking, sprinkle the cake with 1/4 of the chips that you have left, as well as powdered sugar.

Butter Cookies

Beat two eggs and 100 grams of sugar, add 200 grams of coconut and mix. Pour into the mass of 100 grams wheat flour, a little baking powder and after kneading, put in the refrigerator for half an hour. Wet your hands with water and form cookies to bake for about 15 minutes.

Melt 200 grams white chocolate and 200 grams of butter with constant stirring over low heat. Add 400 grams of condensed milk to the melted ingredients, stir and add 70 grams of coconut flakes. The resulting cream should be kept in the refrigerator for several hours in a glass container. With this cream, you can lubricate cakes, pastries and even just slices of bread.

meringue cookies

You need:

  • 100 grams of white coconut;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • 1 protein.

Mix sugar and coconut flakes in a bowl. Add the protein and, after mixing, spread the future cookies with a spoon on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. Bake for about 7 minutes.

Coconut chocolate balls

For cooking you need:

  • 200 g coconut chips;
  • 70 g of powdered sugar;
  • 100 ml cream;
  • 70 g butter;
  • milk chocolate(about 200 g).

Mix coconut and powder in a bowl, pour this mixture into a saucepan with warmed butter and cream. Having made small balls from the resulting mass, hold them for one hour in the refrigerator. After melting the chocolate, dip the coconut balls into it (use toothpicks), then put the candies in the refrigerator for the whole night.

Keep the coconut flakes in a cool, dry and odor-free area. Purchased unopened packaging can be stored for up to 12 months. Do-it-yourself chips are recommended to be used immediately, or, after drying a little, store in the refrigerator.

You can learn more about the benefits of coconut by watching the following video.