The recipe for pickled apples in jars. Soaked apples for the winter according to an old recipe

04.08.2019 Buffet table

More than one apple tree grows on my garden plot, the trees delight with harvests every year. This year there were especially many fruits on the Antonovka apple tree. I strive to process the entire crop, so today I present my best recipe for soaked Antonovka apples.

I take 2 kg. Antonovka apples, 2 liters of water, 40 gr. rye flour, 60 gr. sugar, 30 gr. salt, 5 cloves, currant leaves, 2 gr. dry mustard.

Dishes for wetting fruits need enamel or glass. I spread the currant leaves on the bottom of the bowl, the next layer is the apples, then we alternate the leaves again, and so on. Mix rye flour in a liter of water, boil for 15 minutes. Add the rest of water, sugar, salt, mustard, cloves, mix everything, boil for 15 minutes, cool, filter.

Pour the prepared brine into Antonovka. Apples should be covered with brine, cover with a clean cloth on top, set oppression, place in a cool place. Antonovka begins to ferment, the process of urinating takes from 30 to 40 days.

For urinating, you need to use fruits of medium and small sizes, the pulp should be dense, have a light color. Not suitable for wetting summer varieties of apples, brightly colored.

The recipe for soaked Antonovka apples allows you to get valuable vitamins in the spring-winter period. Eat fruit for health, and also check out my recipe for a quick yogurt cake with apples. And in fact, the fruit is amazing, it can be used for a wide variety of culinary dishes.

Pickled apples for the winter are the easiest harvest for the whole family. The best apple varieties for such a process are late autumn and winter: Antonovka, Slavyanka, Anis, Suvorovets, Babushkino and others with dense pulp.

Apples for peeing must be ripe, healthy, without cracks and wormholes. For the winter, they are harvested in glass jars, buckets, barrels. Today we will consider the preparation of preparations for the winter of these fragrant fruits in jars.

The process of lactic acid fermentation takes place in cans, as a result of which sugar is converted into lactic acid, which prevents the development of harmful microbes. Thus, the fruits can be stored until the next season.

Soaked apples for the winter according to an old recipe

The recipe is simple, takes a minimum of time in execution, and the result is excellent. Known since time immemorial.

Ingredients for three 3 liter cans:

  • Apples
  • 5 liters of water
  • 100 g salt
  • 400 g sugar
  • Black currant leaves


1. Put prepared apples in clean jars, alternating them with black currant leaves. Our container is 3 liter cans and they are already filled to the neck.

2. Now let's prepare the fill. Pour 5 liters of cold water into a saucepan (you do not need to boil it), add salt and sugar to it. We begin to mix well the contents of the filling until the sugar and salt are completely dissolved ..

3. Fill the jars with fruit syrup so that they are completely covered with it. Then we close the necks with simple nylon caps and leave them in the kitchen for 4-5 days. And then put the pickled apples for storage in a cool

4. Already in the kitchen, the process of lactic acid fermentation will begin in the jars and the filling becomes slightly unclear. At the same time, the apples will be soaked in syrup and there will be less liquid in the jar. And this is all right, you should not be surprised.

5. And before you put them in the cellar, add water to the cans.

6. Already after 1 -1.5 months delicious homemade apples will be ready and you can eat them. I recommend everyone to cook this delicious recipe.

Video on how to cook pickled apples with red rowan

Learn the recipe for preserving apples with rowan fruits.

The recipe is simple in its execution and identical to the first.

Soaked apples in pumpkin for the winter in a 3 liter jar

Such a pumpkin recipe is not known to many, but it is passed down from generation to generation between relatives.

For the recipe, let's take the Antonovka variety and the Guitar pumpkin, which has few seeds and juicy pulp.

Preparation of the recipe:

1. Apples and my pumpkin. We peel the pumpkin and three on a coarse grater manually or using a combine.

2. The products are prepared for placing in a 3 liter jar.

3. Put a layer of pumpkin on the bottom of the jar and carefully lay the apples.

4. Then again pour a layer of grated pumpkin and put the apples on it again.

5. We tamp the pumpkin with our fingers, because the apples should be tightly packed in it. There should be no gaps in the bank.

6. That's the whole procurement process. We close the jar with a simple lid and take it to a cool place, for example, to the cellar.

7. After a month, the preparation can be eaten. Cook while apples and pumpkin are present.

Pickled apples with mustard in cans - recipe video

Soaked apples with rye flour recipe

Learn the ancient classical way of soaking fruits when rye flour is present in the brine.

We will need:

  • apples of Antonovka variety
  • currant leaves
  • 2.5 liters of water at room temperature
  • 1 tsp salt
  • sugar - 100 g
  • rye flour - 100 g

Cooking method:

1. In a 4.5-liter jar and with a wide neck, first put currant leaves, then apples, then again currant leaves and again apples to the very top.

2. Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar, salt and stir.

3. Gradually add rye flour and stir to avoid lumps.

4. Pour the brine into the jar to the very edges.

5. Close the neck of the jar with gauze and leave it there for a month. If the apples float, then you need to put on top oppression consisting of a can of a smaller diameter with water.

6. At the same time, you need to look often in order to top up with boiled water when the brine is decreasing.

Video on how to cook pickled apples with honey in jars for the winter

Check out this wonderful recipe at home. In the process of urination, many vitamins and useful minerals are retained in the fruits.

Having prepared the fruits according to this recipe, you will recognize their piquant taste and you will undoubtedly like it.

Prepare homemade apples for the winter to serve on the family table. I wish you all successful preparations!

Homemade pickled “Antonovka” apples are the easiest, tastiest and most popular way to harvest fruits in winter. It is customary to ferment fruits in tubs or barrels made of wood, but glass containers are also suitable for urban conditions. For a greater aroma, together with apples, you should use fragrant herbs, leaves of berries, bushes, mint. Together with fruit, you can ferment cabbage and lingonberries - it turns out a very juicy and mouth-watering snack.

Everyone knows the specific taste of pickled apples since childhood. For such a snack, the main thing is to choose the right type of fruit. The Antonovka variety is a good choice, as it has firm flesh and a harmonious combination of sweet and sour tastes. For the recipe, it is better to use ripe fruits, and unripe fruits are recommended to be kept for several days simply in an apartment.

  1. Traditionally, apples are soaked in a tub. They are laid with the stalks upward, so that the fermentation process goes faster. Layers of cherry and currant leaves are distributed between the fruits.
  2. Making a pickle. A kilogram of fruit takes 1.5 liters of boiled water, four tablespoons of white sugar and a spoonful of salt.
  3. Add the prepared brine to the fruit, put the load on top and cover the "structure" with clean gauze.
  4. The apples need to be kept warm for several days to start the oxidation process. After that, we remove them in a cool place for 1.5 months.

If you don't have a wooden tub in your arsenal, and you don't want to mess with cans, then a simple enameled bucket will come to the rescue. The main thing is that the container is free of rust and chips.

Before proceeding with the process of soaking apples, the container must be treated with hot water, dissolving soda in it, and then rinse it well with plain water. We need apples whole, without defects, of medium size.

Cooking method:

  1. The volume of a standard bucket is eight liters, so we will take 6 kg of apples. For the marinade, prepare 180 g of salt and granulated sugar each. We also need raspberry and currant leaves (approximately 15 pieces each).
  2. We wash the leaves of berries and fruits. At the bottom of the container, lay out the berry leaves and put the fruit with the stalks up. We also make a green layer between the apples.
  3. Stir salt and granulated sugar in boiled water. Pour the resulting brine to the fruit, cover the bucket with a cloth and keep for three weeks in a cool, dark place.
  4. As soon as the apple pulp is salted, the fruit can be put into jars along with the marinade, covered with a lid and placed in the refrigerator.

The classic recipe for soaked apples involves the addition of sugar. But honey will give the fruit a special sweetness, and mustard will make its taste sharper and allow the fruit to retain its density after salting.

Cooking method:

  1. Cover the bottom of the tub with straw, put the first layer of apples on it, then straw and fruits will go again, and so on to the top of the container. Straw can be replaced with leaves of berry bushes and fruit trees.
  2. For brine, dissolve a glass of granulated sugar, half a glass of salt, three tablespoons of mustard and two tablespoons of honey in ten liters of water. As soon as the marinade boils, turn off the heat, give the composition time to cool, and then pour apples into it.
  3. Cover the fruit with straw, cover the tub with the contents with clean gauze and secure with a metal ring. We put oppression on top.
  4. We remove the appetizer in a cold place for 1 - 1.5 months.

Pickled apples "Antonovka" in cans

Pickled apples are a truly Russian product, because even our great-grandmothers knew how to preserve all the benefits and taste of this fruit until spring. There are many recipes for sourdough apples with different additives, but they are all designed for bulky barrels. Today's housewives are modern city dwellers who cook pickled apples in ordinary three-liter jars.

Cooking pickled apples in jars:

  1. We take whole fruits of apples. Cut large fruits into slices, small ones can be left whole. We lay out the apples in clean three-liter jars.
  2. Let's prepare a brine: for five kilos of fruit you will need 2.5 liters of water and a spoonful of white sweet sand and salt. Add dry ingredients to water, boil and then fill jars with their contents with hot marinade.
  3. We cover the containers with lids and send them to the refrigerator. If after a month the fruits are not salted, then we just wait another half month.

With rye flour

Antonovka is the undisputed leader among other varieties for making pickled fruits. And the use of rye flour will give them a special delicate taste and aroma.

In order for the apples to remain firm and appetizing after soaking, you should use cherry and currant leaves.

Cooking method:

  1. We take ripe apples without defects. We wash the fruits from dust and dry well.
  2. The container in which the fruit will ferment should be doused with boiling water, dried and covered with leaves on the bottom.
  3. Lay the apples on top, cover them with leaves and so fill the container layer by layer. The finishing layer should be made of herbs.
  4. For the brine, we need ten liters of water (for 10 kg of apples), a glass of sugar and rye flour, and 130 g of salt.
  5. Stir salt, flour and sweetener in boiling water. Cool the marinade and pour it into a container with apples. The fruits must completely go into the brine, for this it is worth pressing them down from above with oppression.
  6. We keep the workpiece in a dark place, and after a week we rearrange it to a colder one, for example, in a cellar. After 1.5 months, it will already be possible to taste soaked aromatic apples.

Cooking with cabbage

Pickled apples with vegetables are not only delicious, but also very healthy. When soaked, apples, together with cabbage, form trace elements necessary for the body, so such a preparation should definitely be included in your diet in winter.

Cooking method:

  1. For the recipe, we will take 3 kg of apples and the same amount of cabbage, as well as three carrots, three tablespoons of salt and two tablespoons of white sugar.
  2. Sorting apples, chopping cabbage, three carrots on a grater. Stir the carrots together with the cabbage, sprinkle with salt, sugar and mash the vegetables well with your hands so that they release the juice.
  3. Put apples and vegetables in a container. We close all the gaps with cabbage, and the final layer should also be from vegetables.
  4. If your cabbage is not very juicy, then you can add a little boiled water to the apples.

We put the load on top and leave the apples and cabbage for 7 - 9 days at a temperature not lower than 14 degrees. Then we move the workpiece to a colder room for three weeks. The benefits of soaked Antonovka apples have long been proven by nutritionists, but those who have stomach problems should not get carried away with such a dish.

The benefits of pickled apples

  1. Not many people know, but pickled apples bring invaluable help to our body, especially in the fight against fungal, viral and bacterial diseases. Fermented fruits contain large amounts of ascorbic acid, which is a very powerful antioxidant.
  2. Pickled fruits have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. First, they have more pectin than they had before soaking. Secondly, in terms of the number of probiotics, they are not inferior to yoghurts and other fermented milk products. Therefore, the use of such a snack will speed up metabolic processes in the body, as well as restore the functioning of the intestines and stomach.
  3. An important point is that soaked apples contain calcium, iron, zinc and vitamin D. All these elements are necessary for the normal state of bones, joints and cartilage.
  4. Women should pay special attention to such a snack, because it will help preserve their figure and beauty. If you include fermented fruits in the diet, the skin will become more elastic, acne will disappear and fine wrinkles will be smoothed out.

Rye straw can be used to soak the fruit, which will give the fruit a special taste, aroma and beautiful color. The main thing is that the straw is fresh, without unpleasant odors and foreign aromas, as well as mold.

Apples antonovka are not quite an apple variety. Rather, they can be called their "grade type". It has a large number of varieties - ordinary, gray, "Golden Monk", steppe, flat, etc. With the help of it, new apple varieties were bred - "Moscow", "Imbrus", "Bogatyr" and many others.

Apple variety Antonovka"Ordinary" is a fruit of folk selection. The tree is quite tall. In height, it can reach about 5-6 meters. Its crown is round, irregular in shape. The plant begins to bear fruit only at 7-8 years. However, the harvests are immediately rich. The tree needs cross-pollination for large to medium-sized fruits to form. Basically, the fruits are tied on central flowers and have a glassy or flat-round shape. They are greenish in color, and during storage it can change to straw-yellow. The pulp is fruity, aromatic, grainy, yellowish, juicy. For storage, the fruit is removed at the end of September.

Since olden times, the most common way of harvesting apples was soaking, although they were quite common. Thanks to him, fruits not only acquire an unusual taste, but also retain the maximum of all nutrients. Now pickled apples can be purchased from grandmothers in the markets or even in large supermarkets, but of course it is best to make them yourself.

If you're willing to put the time and energy into this process, here are a few ways to make pickled apples. Well, if not, then you can always cook something else out of them, for example.

Pickled apples Antonovka - recipe


  • apples (grade Antonovka) - 1 bucket;
  • sugar - 300-400 g;
  • salt - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • leaves and twigs of raspberries, currants, lemon balm and cherries.


The best way to cook pickled apples at home is to use enamel cookware. Pour boiling water over it, put half of the leaves and twigs on the bottom, washed apples on top, and then the other half of the leaves and twigs.

To prepare the marinade, put some water on the fire, pour sugar, salt into it and bring to a boil. Let it cool, dilute with cold boiled water and pour over the apples so that the marinade completely covers them. Place the weight on top and add the marinade a little over the next week as the apples will absorb it.

Then put the dishes with apples in a cool place and keep there for at least 1.5 months. Ready-made soaked apples can be a separate dish, or they can be an excellent filler for stuffed poultry or meat.

In this recipe, we will share a way to make pickled apples in a marinade with the addition of mint, which gives the finished dish a special piquancy.


  • apples - 5 kg;
  • cherry and black currant leaves;
  • sprigs of mint;
  • water - 10 l;
  • honey - 250-300 g;
  • salt - 150 g;
  • malt or rye flour - 100 g.


Place some blackcurrant leaves on the bottom of the dish in which you will cook the apples, after washing them. Lay the apples on top in two layers, with cherry leaves on them, and then apples again. The next layer is mint leaves (there should be very few of them) and again apples. The last layer can be laid out with a mixture of black currant and cherry leaves, adding a couple of mint leaves to them. Cover all this, for example, with a plate, and put the load on top.

Dissolve honey, salt and malt in warm boiled water. Let it cool and pour over the apples. Keep the container in a cool place for 6-7 days and make sure that the brine completely covers the fruit, top up if necessary. After that, send the pickled apples to infuse in the cold for 4-6 weeks.

Pickled apples recipe with cabbage


  • apples - 3 kg;
  • carrots - 3-4 pcs.;
  • cabbage - 4 kg;
  • salt - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons.


Wash and chop the cabbage. Peel and grate the carrots. Mix vegetables, add salt and sugar to them, and remember a little with your hands so that the cabbage starts juice. Place the washed apples in a saucepan and add cabbage to them, filling all the gaps with it. On top of the apples, the cabbage layer should be 2-3 cm.

Pour all this with cabbage juice, and if it is not enough, then brine from 1 glass of cold water, seasoned with a tablespoon of salt and sugar. Cover this with whole cabbage leaves, plate and place under oppression. Keep apples at room temperature for 2 weeks, and then in a cool place for another 2 weeks.

Soaked apples with mustard - recipe



Put the mustard, salt and sugar in water, bring to a boil, and then let the brine cool. Line the bottom of a barrel or saucepan with black currant leaves, put apples on top and fill them with brine. Insist for about a week at room temperature, and then another 2-3 weeks in a cool place.