Step-by-step recipe with a photo. Step-by-step photo recipe for making azerbaijani lamb piti soup in a saucepan

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Lamb piti soup is considered a traditional dish in Azerbaijani cuisine. An indispensable ingredient is Turkish (mutton) peas. Such a hot dish will appeal to loved ones and guests. Quince in combination with juicy lamb will give an interesting and unusual taste to vegetables. The soup can be thin or thick as a roast. This point depends on the number of components and the added liquid during the cooking process. Our step-by-step recipe with a photo will teach any chef to cook this famous first course. I also want to tell you.


- lamb - 500 gr.,
- onions - 2 large heads.,
- tomato - 1 large.,
- quince - 1 pc.,
- dry chickpeas - 100 gr.,
- potatoes - 5 pcs.,
- salt,
- black peppercorns.,
- greens (parsley, dill).

Necessary information:

Cooking time is approximately 2 hours 30 minutes. Servings Per Container - 6.
For piti soup, you need to choose the right lamb. It should have a pleasant light color aroma with yellow fat. The meat is soft, firm and elastic to the touch.
Before cooking, dry chickpeas should be soaked in cold water for 10 hours. This will make the bean product soft and quickly digesting.

Recipe with photo step by step:

1. Peel the onions, rinse with running water, cut into rings, then cut into halves.

2. Thoroughly wash the lamb meat, dry it from excess liquid, cut into small pieces.

3. Wash, cut the quince into cubes.

4. Remove the pre-soaked chickpeas from the water, pass through a sieve so that they are completely dry.

5. Take a deep metal pan and put all the ingredients in layers in it. First, put onion half rings on the bottom of the container, then lamb, quince and chickpeas (chickpeas). After that, the saucepan needs to be filled approximately halfway with boiling water so that the liquid covers all the components. Put on the stove over high heat, wait for a boil, then reduce the heat to low and leave to simmer under the lid for 2 hours.

6. Peel potatoes, rinse, cut into medium pieces.

7. After that, you need to wash the tomato and cut it into large pieces.

8. 30 minutes before readiness add potatoes and tomatoes to the soup, add salt and black peppercorns. I want to draw your attention to this

Soup is an important part of the human diet. First courses are different: vegetables, meat, cheese, lentils. Azerbaijani cuisine has a very tasty and healthy Petey soup... The Internet is replete with variations of the recipe of the national food, but I dare say that I would hardly call them authentic - these are just pea chowders with tomato.

Having lived half of my life in Baku, I can say that I often ate Piti, which was cooked in our family. The fact that soup is prepared exclusively in pots is not true. Really, if the hostess does not have a special one, she will not be able to please the household with an amazing meal?

Cooking piti soup in a saucepan

Soak one and a half glasses of nukhut peas in cold water.

We prepare the lamb: mine, we divide it into pieces. The amount of meat is at least 500 grams. In addition to the pulp, we take a pair of lamb knees - the bones must certainly be present. Since the lamb is dry, add a little fat tail fat - a small 100 gram piece.

Pour all meat components with water and put on fire. When it boils, be sure to remove the foam.

We spread the washed peas and seven peeled potatoes - not small, medium in size. You do not need to cut the potatoes, they are laid in whole.

Throw peppercorns into a saucepan - 15-20 pieces, salt.

Cherry plum is added to the soup as desired - it is needed to add sourness.

At the moment of boiling, reduce the fire to a minimum so that active boiling stops. Cover the pot tightly with a lid and leave for 3-4 hours.

Attention: The soup should languish, but not boil!

While Petey is getting ready, the hostess can do a ton of housework and even run to the store. This makes the preparation of the soup convenient: all urgent matters have been redone, and dinner has been cooked by itself, just in time for the whole family gathered.

Towards the end of the cooking process, prepare the herbs. Add some saffron for a golden hue and aroma. Mine and chop dill, parsley, cilantro. Ten minutes before readiness, put 2-3 leaves of lavrushka and pour in the chopped greens - there should be a lot of it.

Subject to all the intricacies of cooking, the soup is transparent. Potatoes do not fall apart, peas increase in size three times - everything is absolutely whole, but very soft. This is what Petey will be if you don't let it boil.

Pouring the soup into bowls, add a potato, a piece of meat and broth with peas. Some add a little garlic, but this is not for everybody.

Note: Lamb broth is very tasty and healthy: gelatin, which is boiled into it from meat and bones, has a beneficial effect on health, especially for women.

Of course, in Azerbaijan Petey soup prepared from mutton and fat tail fat. However, not everyone likes dry meat and a specific smell. Therefore, it can be cooked on any meat base you prefer. The main thing is not to forget about ribs or other bones. And for weight-watchers, it is enough not to add fat to make the dish dietary.

Chanaeva Natalia for the magazine "Svoemi rukami"

Prepare the starting ingredients. If the chickpeas are not canned, soak them overnight and boil until half cooked.

Cut the meat into small pieces, as for roast.

By the way:

The shape of chickpeas (nukhut) resembles the head of a ram with a bird's beak, therefore in Azerbaijan it is also called ram peas. Compared to regular peas, chickpeas are softer, lower in calories and contain high quality proteins and fats.

Dip the meat in boiling water, cook over high heat.

Skim off foam as it appears.

By the way:

Sheki chefs put raw meat into pots and then skim off each pot. But in the city of Sheki, this soup is cooked on the stove, not in the oven, so access to the pots is easier, but even then it is a hell of a job. Stalik Khankishiev suggested boiling the meat and I completely agree with the Master.

As soon as foam stops appearing, stop cooking.

Fill the pots with the soup ingredients. By the way, real piti pots look like this.

By the way:

If the pots are not trough, they should be soaked overnight to prevent cracking. Sheki chefs cook piti in special non-pouring pots with a small bottom, in shape and size resembling a beer mug with straight walls (see photo by Stalik Khankishiev).

Dice the onion.

Put a handful of onions on the bottom of the pot.

By the way:

Do not be confused by the size of the pot - piti is a very satisfying dish. Sheki residents play a prank on newcomers, making a bet with them that the newcomer will not eat more than one pot.

Put a few pieces of meat on the onion.

Put a layer of chickpeas on the meat, salt.

By the way:

I have canned chickpeas, i.e. boiled, but the chickpeas are not boiled. so it can also be put in the beginning.

Sheki cooks put the ingredients in the following sequence: Chickpeas - meat - onions - fat tail fat.

Pour the contents of the pot with broth from cooking the meat.

Add dried cherry plum and peeled chestnuts. Spice up. (optional).

By the way:

Cherry plum is put to add sourness to the broth, chestnuts - for satiety. These products are exotic, therefore compassionate Azerbaijanis allow us, the poor, to replace them with tomatoes and potatoes, respectively. But not Sheki people! They believe that with tomatoes and potatoes, the piti will turn sour faster. And when will he turn sour?

In many recipes, chestnuts are pre-boiled or baked. Why - I do not know, for so much time of extinguishing they will be ready anyway without preliminary processing. But the Sheki cooks boil chestnuts in water, as they say, to make them easier to peel, and put them in a ready-made piti.

Spices are practically not used in piti. Why - you will understand when you try.

Put a slice of fat tail fat on top of all the ingredients.

Put in an oven preheated to 180 C and leave for 3-4 hours, making sure that the soup does not boil.

By the way:

In this case, fat tail fat serves as a lid. We have nowhere to get it, so I use regular mutton fat, which I then just throw away.

In Sheki, the petit is cooked for 2 hours, but firstly, the Sheki residents have not heard anything about frozen lamb, and secondly, the pots are on the stove, so the cooking process proceeds in a completely different way.

If you want to follow traditional technology, put a cast-iron frying pan on the burner, and pots on it, but this is your responsibility if you are confident in your pots (I'm not sure in mine).

Meanwhile, cut the potatoes into semicircles and cut the small tomatoes in half. Forgive the Sheki people - well, we are accustomed to our version of piti - without this it seems to us incomplete.

After 4 hours, open the oven, add potatoes and half a tomato to the pots, return the pots to the oven.

Meanwhile, put a pinch of saffron in a cup, boil it with boiling water, and insist.

By the way:

Saffron is added for the color of the broth and is said to be for flavor. Apparently, this refers to high-quality, very expensive Iranian saffron. I have an inexpensive saffron, which I bought in a market in Jerusalem, where prices for it vary several dozen times depending on the variety. As they say, "how much money - so many songs" - there is color, no taste.

After an hour, remove the pot from the oven, taste the potatoes. If it is tough, continue cooking.

By the way:

In some recipes, potatoes and tomatoes are cooked in the oven for 20 minutes. This is the opinion of theorists. Potatoes are cooked for 20 minutes on the stove, not in the oven, and the presence of an acidic environment (cherry plum + tomato) slows down this process 2-3 times.

The original recipe for piti soup is well known in the national Azerbaijani cuisine. For the local population, the preparation of this first course is not difficult. However, any culinary specialist can learn how to make a hearty, rich, aromatic lamb-based soup. In consistency, a properly prepared delicacy resembles a sauce made from meat, vegetables and spices. The spicy and deep taste of this dish is able to truly enchant. The combination of quince and mint gives it a special piquancy.

Cooking time - 2 hours 40 minutes.Servings - 8


To prepare the original Azerbaijani piti soup, you will need:

  • large tomato - 1 pc.;
  • lamb - 500 g;
  • quince - 2 pcs.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • mint - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • chickpeas - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • black pepper (peas) - 4 pcs.;
  • ground pepper, turmeric and salt to taste.

How to make lamb piti soup

  1. First, you need to prepare all the products for the Azerbaijani lamb piti soup.

  1. Then you need to tackle the chickpeas. It should be rinsed and filled with water for 8 hours.

  1. The next step is to prepare the meat. It must be fried in fat tail fat until a crust forms.

  1. In the same fat, it is necessary to fry the onion, cut into half rings or arbitrarily. Turmeric is poured into it. Meanwhile, quince is cut into cubes.

  1. Now you need to preheat the oven. It is necessary to bring it to 190 degrees. Further, quince, chickpeas, meat, onions are transferred to clay pots. Half the containers are filled with products, to which 1 glass of steep brew is poured. The dishes are closed with a lid and put into the oven for half an hour.

  1. Then the containers are removed from the oven. They contain potatoes cut into large cubes and chopped tomatoes.

Note! You can add a little water to the pots.

The future lamb piti soup is peppery and salted. You can add a small slice of butter and place the dish back in the oven for another 40 minutes.

  1. The pots are removed from the oven. Peas and finely chopped mint are added to the soup. The container is closed for 2-3 minutes.

  1. Serve a dish prepared using a step-by-step recipe with a photo with pita bread. You can eat from a pot or pour into a deep plate.

Video recipes for cooking Azerbaijani piti soup

Piti soup is a popular traditional dish of Azerbaijani cuisine, it has a very bright and unusual characteristic taste. Usually, piti soup is made from lamb with the addition of various vegetables, chickpeas, plums, cherry plums, quince, and sometimes chestnuts. To prepare this dish, instead of chickpeas, take ordinary peas, which are boiled in mashed potatoes, and instead of lamb, you should not take beef: then you just get a completely different dish. The traditional recipe for piti soup involves the use of ceramic portion pots (although alternatives are possible). Products are placed in pots in layers.

Azerbaijani lamb piti soup - recipe


  • young lamb - 150-180 g;
  • potatoes - 3-4 pcs. medium size;
  • chickpeas (nagut) - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • lamb fat (preferably fat tail) - 15-20 g;
  • onion - 1 pc .;
  • cherry plum (or prunes, or other plums, better sour) - 2-4 pcs.;
  • hot red pepper fresh - 0.5-1 pod;
  • hops-suneli - to taste;
  • salt;
  • tomato paste - 1 tbsp spoon;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • different fresh herbs (parsley, cilantro, tarragon, etc.).


The calculation of products is given for 1 portion.

Rinse the chickpeas and soak them in cold water for at least 4 hours, or better overnight. Rinse the meat thoroughly, dry it with a clean napkin and chop into small pieces (with an approximate weight of 30-50 grams). Put them in pots, 3-4 pieces in each, fill with water, lightly salt, close the pots with lids (if there are no lids, you can close them with foil) and place them in an oven preheated to medium temperature for 40-50 minutes so that the meat is good boiled. After this time, add finely chopped fat tail fat, peeled and chopped potatoes, chopped onions, pitted cherry plums (or prunes), peas, tomato puree, spices and pepper to each pot. Mix everything, cover with lids and again place in the oven for 20 minutes. Serve to the table in pots, season with chopped garlic and fragrant fresh herbs.

You can prepare piti soup a little differently.

Another recipe for making piti soup


  • young lamb - about 600 g;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • chickpeas (nagut) - 2 tbsp.;
  • lamb fat (preferably fat tail) - about 80 g;
  • potatoes - 4 pcs. medium size;
  • cherry plum - 12-16 pcs.;
  • fresh quince - 1 pc.;
  • sweet red pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • ripe red tomato - 4 pcs.;
  • hot red pepper fresh - 2 pods;
  • spices for broth (peppercorns, bay leaves, cloves) - to taste;
  • salt;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • fresh herbs (cilantro, parsley, tarragon, etc.).


Calculation of products is given for 4 servings.

Put the lamb chopped into pieces in a saucepan or stewpan and cook in a little water with onions, bay leaves, cloves and peas until the meat is tender. Carefully remove foam and grease with a slotted spoon. We extract the meat from the broth, filter the broth. Throw away the boiled onions and used spices. Put in pots 3-4 pieces of meat in each, along with chopped potatoes, quince slices and pitted plums and sweet peppers, chopped into short strips. Before laying tomatoes, you can blanch with boiling water, but this is not important. Pour a little broth into each pot, season with spices (optional), close the lids and place the pots in a preheated oven for 20 minutes. This method is, in some way, even more convenient, and the taste will be almost the same. Serve the piti soup seasoned with chopped garlic, hot peppers and aromatic herbs.