Chudo curd cheese is a wonderful dessert. "Miracle" curds - wonderful dessert Miracle curd airy composition

I am convinced that this is the recipe that a lot of people have been looking forward to, isn't it? And now he is ready - homemade airy miracle curd! Anticipating the question "Is it exactly the same as a shop dessert?" Homemade miracle curd turns out to be very tender, aromatic, moderately sweet and very tasty. Get ready: today I will write a lot and in detail, so please be patient if you decide to repeat this dessert at home.

In general, I made up the recipe for a long time, but still I did not have heavy cream for its implementation. Having repeatedly studied the composition of the wonderful curd, which appears on the label, I took the basic ingredients as a basis and began to experiment. I cooked the dessert twice, and the first result was closer to the original, while the second turned out to be more like a delicate curd jelly.

A little more lyricism and move on to the ingredients, be patient. You must understand that it is important to use the freshest products for this dessert, since the miracle curd will be ready only after 30-35 hours. It is during this time that some wonderful changes take place in it, thanks to which the curd mass becomes really airy and porous. Do not rush things: push the dessert into the farthest corner of the refrigerator and forget about it for a while.

Well, now let's dwell in more detail on the products that I used when making homemade miracle curds. Cottage cheese (we buy the freshest and not sour) I took 2% fat, although, in my opinion, absolutely any will do. And it doesn't matter whether it is pasty or dryish - you still need to carefully punch it with a blender in order to achieve a completely homogeneous mass without grains. True, depending on the fat content and consistency of the cottage cheese (more on this in the steps), the amount of necessary liquid, that is, milk, will depend.

Further in the composition of the miracle curd is yogurt - as I understand it, it's natural. I replaced it with sour cream, which you take with medium fat content (I have 20%), as well as milk (I used 1.7% fat). But the cream for the recipe for this homemade dessert is certainly fatty, that is, those that are suitable for whipping - at least 30% (in my case, 32%).

We reduce the amount of sugar as a sweetener to a minimum - I literally added it a heaped tablespoon. The fact is that the cream itself is sweet enough, so you don't need a lot of sugar. Whether to add vanillin or not (it is not included in the store wonder curd) is up to you.

And now the key ingredient is gelatin. The texture of the finished dessert directly depends on its quantity, so it was important to calculate the mass so that the miracle curd turns out to be just airy. As a result, I came to the conclusion that the ideal would be 1 teaspoon without (!) A slide, that is, under the knife. By the way, read on the label how many different stabilizers are used in the preparation of our favorite miracle. And we will have only gelatin!

And finally, about the filler. Here you have the right to choose the fruit and berry supplement that you personally like best. I used homemade cherry jam (original cherry-cherry), although I also really love the kiwi-banana combination. You can also experiment with options: blueberry, strawberry-strawberry, peach-pear, peach-passionfruit, pineapple and chocolate. The choice is yours!


Cooking a dish step by step with a photo:

So, for making a homemade miracle curd, let's take cottage cheese, heavy cream, milk, sour cream, sugar, gelatin. Add vanillin if desired. Well, any filler of your choice. Cottage cheese, sour cream and milk should be at room temperature.

As you know, gelatin can be different: simple, instant and platelets. Each species needs to be handled differently, so always read the instructions on the packaging. I had an instant gelatin that dissolves in hot liquid. In this case, it's milk. I warmed 100 milliliters well (up to about 90 degrees) and dissolved in it a teaspoon without a slide (!) Of gelatin, constantly stirring. Simple granular gelatin, as a rule, is soaked in cold liquid for 30-40 minutes, after which it is heated (in no case brought to a boil) until it is completely dissolved.

Let's leave the gelatin alone (let it cool) and take care of the other ingredients. Put 250 grams of cottage cheese in a suitable dish, add a tablespoon with a slide of sugar, a tiny pinch of vanillin and 50 grams of sour cream (this is about 2 tablespoons).

Now we simply cannot do without a hand blender, with which we can get a completely smooth curd mass. We punch everything to homogeneity. Then we pour milk with gelatin to it (preferably through a sieve so that the crystals of undissolved gelatin do not get caught for sure) and once again we punch everything. Of course, you can rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, but you still won't get the same effect as with a hand blender.

The result is a completely thin, homogeneous mass. In the photo, unfortunately, it is rather difficult to accurately show its consistency. Well, let's say, it turns out something like fat fermented baked milk or low-fat sour cream. Or a freshly cooked custard that hasn't cooled yet. Or condensed milk ... It is neither liquid nor thick. If the curd mass is thick (due to the dryness of the curd), add a little more milk and punch everything again.

It remains to whip the heavy cream - here I just forgot to take a step-by-step photo, sorry. But I think that everyone already knows what whipped cream looks like ... Whisk 200 milliliters of chilled heavy cream until firm and gently mix them into the curd base, trying to maintain airiness and volume. Just remember that literally 5-7 seconds separate you from well-whipped cream to butter, so be careful not to overdo it.

Well, we got to the finale - we will lay out the components of the dessert in the dishes. It can be bowls, vases, glasses or jars - decide for yourself. We spread the cold fruit and berry filling on the bottom so that it takes up about a quarter of the volume of the entire dish. We try to do everything carefully so that the finished dessert is pleasing to the eye.

Many of us love sweets. But I want the selected products to be not only tasty, but also healthy. Also, the desire to maintain a slim figure is of no small importance. There is a great way to solve the problem: Miracle curds. This delicacy can be purchased in almost every supermarket. Whether it really is a great alternative to brownies, the article explains.

Consumer reviews

Girls often like these kinds of desserts. Many are confused by the small amount of delicacies. But this factor can be viewed as extremely positive. If you use “Miracle” curds in packages, then it is much easier to keep your figure slim than when you make desserts yourself. After opening the curd, it is impossible to eat more than the amount specified by the manufacturer.

On sale you can find several types of these curd products: with the taste of strawberry, cherry, chocolate, raspberry, pear and others. Thus, it is not difficult to diversify your menu.

Useful components

Chudo curds contain quite expected components:

  1. Milk.
  2. Cream.
  3. Sugar.
  4. Water.
  5. Jam from the fruits indicated on the package.
  6. Leaven.
  7. Skimmed milk powder.

Now every consumer will pay attention to the "Miracle" curds, the benefits of which are undeniable. There are few useful components in the delicacy, but in quantitative terms, they are significantly superior to other components.

In addition, beautiful packaging on store shelves looks quite attractive. Therefore, consumers do not always pay attention to the composition when purchasing Chudo curds. The benefits or harms that consumers receive after consuming depend on their personal priorities.

Harmful substances

As if all of these components are good for health. At the same time, the presence of stabilizers cannot be ignored:

  1. Acetylated distarch adipate.
  2. Gelatin.
  3. Oxypropylated dichlorophosphate.
  4. Pectin.

The package also lists the following components:

  1. The flavor is identical to the natural one.
  2. Natural dye (carmine).
  3. Acidity regulators (citric acid, sodium citrate).

Among modern food products, it is impossible to identify uniquely useful or harmful products. You should not entertain yourself with illusions. It is clear that cottage cheese is only beneficial if you buy it from friends. Desserts are also preferable to prepare yourself.

If we are trying to save time, we are choosing between the benefits of food and the speed of preparation. Therefore, all the available arguments should be weighed. When you need to have a quick snack with something tasty, while not overeating, Chudo curds are the best option.

Positive properties of the dessert

Consumers are always interested in how healthy the food they choose is. In this regard, it is impossible to adhere to an unambiguous opinion. The fact is that the goals in life, the characteristics of metabolism, as well as the energy consumption of each of us differ significantly. We select food based on individual preferences. Taste preferences are also different.

You cannot purchase a product that is uniquely useful. Preservatives, stabilizers and thickeners have been added to long shelf life curd products. This is done to increase the shelf life and improve the presentation of the product. Chudo curds are no exception.

Taste characteristics

It is delicate that melts in your mouth. There is a fruit filling at the bottom of the package. You can stir the treat before use, or eat each layer separately from the previous one.

When you want something sweet, but you need to do it without prejudice to your figure, you should prefer the Miracle curds. The manufacturer has tried to add an amazing delicacy to the life of dessert lovers. Cream combined with jam, caramel or chocolate is a great addition to the diet. He gives extremely positive emotions.

Naturalness is characteristic of the filler. At the bottom of the package there is a beautiful jam with seeds of berries, chocolate or other ingredients. The delicacy is characterized by a moderate sugar content, there is no sugary taste.

In addition, there is an interesting feature. If you mix the curd with the filler before eating, then the dessert turns out to be less sweet than when using each layer separately.

Baby food

It is better to restrict children from eating such desserts. Babies are very susceptible to the effects of brightly colored packaging. They ask their parents to buy a treat. That is, packaging that is attractive to a child is often just a marketing ploy. Periodically, you can use such sweets, but you shouldn't do it regularly. In addition, the child often thinks that the dessert in a beautiful box is tastier than the one prepared by his mother. This should always be considered.

It is necessary that the children's diet consists of foods that do not contain additives. These can be self-prepared desserts. Thus, it is easy to control the quality of the products used. In this case, the taste characteristics will fully correspond to individual preferences.

Thus, the "Miracle" curds, photos of which are attached to the article, are a wonderful addition to the diet. They help to pamper yourself with sweets, while consuming a minimum of kilocalories. In any case, the delicacy should not be eaten by everyone who adheres to weight loss diets, as well as babies. Dessert is ideal for everyone who wants to save time preparing breakfast or afternoon tea. In this case, it is preferable to choose the "Miracle" curds, the benefit of which also lies in the ability to satisfy hunger in the workplace.

In general, I am a big sweet tooth, and during a long working day I cannot do without a snack with something sweet. Cookies, cakes, sweets - I just adore all this, but you can burst like that! Therefore, I often buy myself cottage cheese and desserts, at my discretion this is an easier and healthier snack. Since I often go on diets, curd is the best way to feast on sweet and tasty things, while at the same time do not worry about extra calories. And in general, fermented milk products have always been considered very useful for humans.

"Miracle" cottage cheese dessert.

Having tried a lot of cottage cheese, I opted for the Miracle cottage cheese dessert.

The miracle cottage cheese can be purchased in any shop or supermarket, and for those with a sweet tooth, it really is an excellent alternative to cakes and cookies.

Yes, and walk along the counter without noticing the bright and well-designed packaging. The miracle of curds is practically impossible, they immediately catch your eye.

Choice of tastes The miracle of curd is simply amazing, you can eat something new every time. My favorite flavors are Kiwi-Banana and Peach-Pear, but there are also Strawberry, Cherry, Blueberry, Peach-Passion Fruit, Pineapple, Chocolate, Northern Berries, Exotic Fruit. So everyone can find their favorite yummy for themselves.

I like that this cottage cheese dessert is very light: for example, in "Miracle" with Kiwi-Banana flavor, the energy value is only 123 kcal, and its fat content is 4.2%, which is important for me, since I often like to sit on different diets.

Of course, at first, when buying, I was embarrassed by its volume, it is only 115 g. But on the other hand, this is good, you can pamper yourself with delicious food and at the same time not overeat, while maintaining a slim figure.

Miracle curd cheese is a very delicate dessert that melts in your mouth. It consists of two layers: the top layer is a very delicate, light, moderately sweet airy curd, the bottom layer consists of fruit filling in which the fruit pieces are felt.

Sometimes I eat curd in layers, in which case the top layer is tender and moderately sweet, and the bottom layer is with a more pronounced taste and sweetness, after which a sweet aftertaste remains in the mouth for a long time. And when I want a softer taste, I mix the curd with the filler, after which the result is a less sweet curd with pieces of fruit or berries.

Cheese dessert "Miracle" will be a wonderful addition to the diet, you can always pamper yourself with a sweet one, while not overdoing it with kilocalories.

When buying curd, always pay attention to the expiration date and production date. Marked on the top of the dessert. It is very important. Also remember that the curd is stored for no more than 45 days and at a certain temperature (from +2 to +6 degrees C). I prefer to buy a new dessert every time, besides, in supermarkets, the curd dessert is sorted very well, so it is always fresh there (I have never come across a curd with an expired production date, and I always check it before buying).

Please note that in addition to useful components such as cottage cheese, cream, yogurt, sugar, the composition of the curd dessert also includes various stabilizers and flavorings. Of course, sometimes I buy cottage cheese and my daughter, because it is much better than any chips and crackers, but nevertheless, for a child, desserts prepared on their own are better, which will not contain various additives, dyes and preservatives. I try to restrict my child from eating such desserts. From time to time I spoil my little ones with "Miracle" cottage cheese desserts, but I try not to do it regularly.