Pastry hedgehog cream for needles. The "Hedgehog" cake will please not only children! We bake and collect “Hedgehog” cakes with different creams from ready-made cakes

06.11.2019 Bakery

The Hedgehog cake will be a wonderful decoration for any table! There is nothing complicated in its preparation, the main thing is to stock up on all the necessary ingredients in advance, so that during the cooking process you suddenly do not discover that you are missing something.

You can experiment with the filling for the cake however you like. You can make the cream you like best and it won't hurt the cake in the least.

As for decorating the cake in the form of a hedgehog, you first need to work a little with the ingredients for it. Take the marzipan prepared in advance and make a small depression in the mass, then add the dye there and start mixing well until the color is evenly distributed. If in the end the shade is not too saturated, you should repeat the procedure from the beginning.

To get several multi-colored pieces of marzipan, you need to repeat with each of them separately all the above actions. So, if you are going to make a cake in the shape of a hedgehog with your own hands, then our master class with step-by-step photos will be an excellent assistant for you in the cooking process.


  • Egg
    (4 things.)
  • Sugar
    (150 g)
  • Wheat flour
    (150 g)
  • Boiled condensed milk
    (1 can)
  • Butter
    (250 g)
  • Biscuit

Cooking steps

First, we need to make a biscuit for the cake. To do this, take a container in which it will be convenient to beat the ingredients, and break 4 eggs into it. After that, add sugar and begin to beat vigorously until the mass becomes homogeneous and increases several times, acquiring a creamy shade.

After that, you can add the sifted flour and baking powder while continuing to beat. Then we transfer the dough into a mold, which we pre-grease with oil, and put in the oven. It must be preheated to 200 degrees. The dough should be baked for 20-25 minutes.

You can check the readiness of the biscuit with your hand. It will be safer than a stick. To find out if he is ready, you need to lightly press on him with your hand. If, after pressing, a hole remains, then it is worth waiting a little longer.

When the biscuit is ready, we take it out of the oven and, depending on how tall it is, cut it into two or three parts, each of which must be greased with cream.

The cream is prepared very simply: melt the butter over low heat, put the condensed milk in a container in which it will be convenient to beat it. Then fill the condensed milk with melted butter and begin to beat well until the mass turns out to be light brown. After that, we start preparing the decoration.

Make a sponge cake for the base of the cake decorating. The number of ingredients depends on what size of hedgehogs you want to make. In the photo - a biscuit of 8 eggs for a large hedgehog.

Using a small and handy knife, cut out an oval shape - the basis for a biscuit hedgehog.

Use scissors to trim the edges and bevel them slightly.

Now you need to grease the figurine with cream. We make the cream from biscuit scraps. Add any of your favorite jam to them and mix to get a thick, homogeneous mass.

With our hands we give the figure a hedgehog-like shape and wait for the mass on it to dry.

Now take the pre-painted marzipan, roll it out on the table and cut a piece in a triangle-like shape.

We take the resulting piece of marzipan and gently tighten it on the side of our hedgehog where it will have a muzzle.

To make thorns, we need a pastry bag and a special nozzle for it, which looks like this.

We take a pastry bag, put cream in it and start making "thorns", trying to place them as close to each other as possible so that there are no "bald patches".

Now let's start making legs and ears. For this we need sugar mastic and marzipan. Cut out small semicircles and give them the shape of the ears.

We make the paws in the form of "droplets" and with the help of a small knife cut two short stripes.

Eyes and nose can be made from dragees or cream, for which there is enough imagination. We decided to make them from mastic and marzipan, which we painted in advance.

Now we take a thin brush, food coloring and recall drawing lessons in elementary school. Gently draw the hedgehog's mouth, tint the eyes, nose, make red cheeks with a wide brush.

We wrap the cake with mastic or coat it with cream on all sides, set our hedgehog on it, let the cake brew and the treat is ready! Now you can safely treat them to guests and households! Children will be delighted with such a dessert!

You can please your child with a delicious dessert any day without waiting for the holiday. The Hedgehog cake is not very difficult to prepare, but it is insanely tasty and will surely please children and adults. The main highlight of the cake is its appearance.

There are two ways to prepare a treat. The first one involves baking a biscuit, while the second does not require baking (dry crumbly cookies are taken as a basis). In general, these two recipes are similar, only the implementation of the first one will take more time and skills. The cooking process will take about 2 hours. In addition, delicious dough is the basis for any dessert, if possible, it is better to cook the cake yourself.

Recipe for "Hedgehog" cake with baking biscuits

The dough will need the following ingredients:

  • 100 g semolina;
  • 300 g flour;
  • 4 medium eggs;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 300 g sour cream 20% fat;
  • 1 bag of baking powder;
  • 1 bag of vanillin.

For the cream, you need to take the following products:

  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 3 tablespoons of semolina;
  • 300 g butter;
  • 2 tablespoons full of flour;
  • 1 chicken egg.

To decorate the cake, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 50 g poppy seeds;
  • 2 teaspoons of cocoa powder
  • 1 bag of shelled sunflower seeds;
  • 2 teaspoons of cocoa powder
  • raisins to make the hedgehog's nose and eyes.

Method of making a cake

We begin the work by preparing the dough for the cakes. To do this, beat the eggs with sugar and vanilla until a white thick foam forms. Add one bag of baking powder and sour cream to the mass. Mix everything gently or beat with a mixer. Add 100 g semolina and 300 g flour. Mix everything well. The dough is ready.

Then you need to bake two cakes (one a little larger, the other smaller), for which you need to divide the dough, most of which is put on a baking dish, previously greased with butter. The mold should be placed in the oven for 20-25 minutes. The readiness of the cakes can be checked with a toothpick or a match. To do this, stick it into the cake: if it is ready, the toothpick will remain dry, without sticking dough. The second cake is baked in the same way.

While the finished cakes are cooling, you can start preparing the cream. To do this, beat the egg, sugar and 150 g of milk. A little flour is added here, in small portions, so that lumps do not form. And the rest of the milk is added to the resulting gruel, the mixture in a saucepan is put on fire. The cream must be constantly stirred until thickened. The main thing is that it does not burn. Immediately after boiling, the cream must be removed from the heat.

After the sweet mass has cooled, add soft butter to it and mix everything with a mixer until smooth.

The crucial stage begins at which the formation of the cake takes place. The main thing is to be creative in this matter.

The Hedgehog cake will surely delight children with its taste.

It is advisable to make the delicacy not only tasty, but also funny. The child may want to help you prepare dessert.

At the end of the preparation of the cake, you need to take the cake, which is larger, cut off the edges so that it turns out to be almond-shaped. Then this cake should be thoroughly greased with cream and left for a short while. After that, take the second cake and crush it into large pieces, fill them with most of the custard, mix well and put on the first cake, forming a hedgehog figure with a spout and ears.

To decorate, mix 2 tablespoons of cream with cocoa powder until a dark mass is obtained, with which to cover the hedgehog's face, its body must be smeared with white cream. This part of the cake should be sprinkled abundantly with poppy seeds and the seeds should be inserted into it, which will act as “needles”. And from raisins you can make eyes and a nose for a hedgehog. For these purposes, you can also use prunes and candied fruits or small candies.

There are cakes where the "needles" for the hedgehog are made from the same chocolate custard using a pastry syringe with a special attachment. True, such a cake will turn out to be quite high-calorie. When baking, you can add canned cherries to the cakes, then the hedgehog is obtained with a surprise inside. You can experiment with the dough in different ways.

The above recipe is not entirely easy to follow. There is a lightweight version of the cake without baking, which can be made in an hour. This option is perfect for busy mothers who have little free time.

Hedgehog cake without baking

Ingredients needed: 1 kg of crumbly fresh cookies, 2 cans of condensed milk, 200 g of sour cream, 200 g of powdered sugar, 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder, 200 g of butter, a bag of peeled sunflower seeds, peanuts in chocolate for decoration.

First, mash the cookies thoroughly. This can be done using a blender (coffee grinder) or a conventional mortar. The ingredient should look like small crumbs. Then cocoa powder and powdered sugar are added to the liver, condensed milk is gradually poured into the resulting dry mass. Softened butter and sour cream are also added here. The dough should be thick and pliable enough. If it turns out to be liquid, you need to add chopped cookies.

Then comes the main moment, namely the modeling of the hedgehog. The resulting mass should be a hedgehog without "needles". After preparing the base, be sure to roll the hedgehog in the poppy (until it is completely covered) and start making the "needles". For this, peeled seeds are used again. The spout and mouth are made from peanuts in chocolate. Raspberries and a variety of sweets and mushroom-shaped cookies will look very good on such a cake. It will seem that the hedgehog has already visited the forest and reaped the harvest. It is imperative to show your imagination when preparing the cake.

Thanks to the flight of imagination, the cake will not only turn out amazingly tasty, but also delight children with its appearance. Such a dessert can also become an excellent festive treat for a child's birthday, delighting guests with taste and appearance. The main thing is to learn how to give the desired shape to the cake. Everything will definitely work out!

The Hedgehog cake is a simple dessert that will become a spectacular decoration for a children's party. In addition to its visual appeal, it has an incredible softness and juiciness, which is legendary.

To prepare the Hedgehog dessert, you need:

  • 200 g flour;
  • 6 eggs;
  • 300 g sugar;
  • 350 g butter;
  • 1 can of condensed milk;
  • 100 g starch;
  • 100 g cocoa;
  • 15 ml sour cream;
  • the same amount of cognac;
  • 50 ml of jam;
  • 100 g of walnuts.

During cooking:

  1. Eggs are driven into a bowl and mixed with ⅔ of sugar into a froth. Next, a mixture of ⅓ cocoa, starch and flour is poured into the contents.
  2. From the resulting mass of a homogeneous structure, a biscuit is baked for about 25 minutes at 180 ° C.
  3. After cooling, chips are prepared from the biscuit.
  4. Condensed milk is boiled and used to make cream by whipping with ⅔ butter and ⅓ cocoa.
  5. The cream is divided into larger and smaller portions. Most of it is placed in a bowl, where it is mixed with jam, cognac, chopped nuts and biscuits.
  6. From the mass mixed until homogeneous, the base of the "hedgehog" is formed, the muzzle of which is decorated with glaze. It is prepared in advance in a saucepan with sour cream, the remaining butter and cocoa.
  7. "Needles" are made using a pastry syringe filled with the second part of the cream.

How to cook without baking

Hedgehog cake without baking can often be found in pastry shops.

If you wish, you can make the dessert yourself from:

  • 2 cans of condensed milk;
  • 1 kg of shortbread cookies;
  • 200 ml sour cream;
  • 50 g cocoa;
  • 150 g butter;
  • 200 g of powdered sugar;
  • 50 g poppy seeds
  • some peanuts.


  1. The cookies are crushed into crumbs, which are mixed with the powder in a deep bowl.
  2. Everything is covered with cocoa and filled with condensed milk.
  3. Next, soft butter and sour cream are laid out.
  4. A mass with a homogeneous consistency is manually kneaded, after which the body of a hedgehog is formed.
  5. Then it is rolled in poppy seeds so that the muzzle remains clean.
  6. Eyes and nose are created from peanuts

Biscuit based

Biscuit hedgehog cake is one of the most popular desserts, the preparation of which will take much less time if you buy ready-made cakes.

You will need:

  • 1 can of boiled condensed milk;
  • a pack of butter weighing 250 g;
  • food coloring;
  • 2 biscuits;
  • marzipan;
  • pills and peanuts;
  • jam.

Method of creation:

  1. Cream is prepared from butter melted over low heat and boiled condensed milk.
  2. An oval is cut out of the biscuit for the "hedgehog" base.
  3. Chips are prepared from the second biscuit, which is mixed with jam.
  4. The biscuit base is covered with the mixture.
  5. A triangle is cut out of the pre-painted marzipan, with the help of which the animal's face is created.
  6. The eyes and nose are made from peanut dragees. The needles are created using a cream squeezed out of a syringe with a special nozzle.

Cake "Hedgehog in the Fog"

The basis of a delicious dessert is strawberry jam, which the Hedgehog so bravely carried to the Bear Cub in the Soviet cartoon of the same name.

To execute the recipe you need:

  • 500 ml of strawberry jam;
  • 15 g of soda;
  • 250 ml of kefir;
  • 300 g sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 600 g flour;
  • 250 ml sour cream;
  • peanuts in chocolate.

The main stages of preparation:

  1. Dough is prepared from jam, aged with soda for 15 minutes, as well as kefir, ⅔ sugar, eggs and flour.
  2. A biscuit is baked on a baking sheet, then dividing lengthwise into several parts. An oval is cut out of each.
  3. The blanks are greased with whipped sour cream cream with the remaining sugar.
  4. The "coat" of a hedgehog is created with a cream.
  5. The muzzle is formed with peanuts in chocolate.

With butter cream

A delicious variation of the recipe, which requires a simple set of products:

For biscuit dough:

  • 6 eggs;
  • 300 g sugar;
  • 200 g flour;
  • 100 g of starch.

For cocoa butter cream:

  • 300 g butter;
  • ⅔ cans of condensed milk;
  • 40 g cocoa.

For chocolate glaze

  • a piece of butter;
  • 15 g cocoa;
  • the same amount of sugar;
  • 20 ml sour cream and cherry jam;
  • 15 ml of brandy;
  • 100 g of walnuts;
  • ⅓ cans of condensed milk.

For decoration:

  • dragee, berries.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. A biscuit cake is baked from eggs, beaten with sugar, as well as sifted flour and starch. After, it is infused in the cold for 12 hours. This will help prevent dehydration when soaked with syrup.
  2. Using a mixer, the butter is whipped with the specified amount of condensed milk and cocoa to an airy structure.
  3. The cake is rubbed on a grater, after which the resulting crumb is mixed with ⅓ of the cream, cherry jam, cognac and chopped nuts.
  4. The silhouette of a hedgehog is formed from the fragrant sweet composition.
  5. Next, the ingredients for the glaze are sent to the pan, which is immediately placed on the stove. Its contents are brewed until sugar is completely dissolved.
  6. When the mass has cooled down, the glaze is applied with a brush to the muzzle.
  7. The body of the animal is covered with the remaining cream in the form of needles.
  8. Dragee can be used to create a peephole.
  9. The berries are spread over the needles to create a more dramatic appearance for the delicious dessert.

With seeds

The creation of the "Hedgehog" will surely interest children who will help to decorate such a "little animal" with seeds.

It is enough to prepare in advance:

  • 200 g chocolate dates;
  • the same amount of walnuts;
  • carob;
  • 2 bananas;
  • 150 g dried apricots;
  • 50 ml of honey;
  • raisins and seeds.

While creating:

  1. Bananas are whipped with honey using a blender.
  2. Pitted dried fruits are mixed into the whipped mass, and peeled and crushed nuts are added in equal portions.
  3. From the well-kneaded dough, the body of the animal is formed, which is covered with a carob (except for the part intended for the muzzle).
  4. Seeds are stuck into the body as needles.
  5. The eyes and nose are made with raisins.

DIY hedgehog cake

Seeing this cake, every mother will definitely want to surprise her baby with such a sweet surprise with a cute face. To prepare a hedgehog-shaped dessert, you will need to prepare the products according to the list provided.

For biscuit:

  • 5 eggs;
  • 250 g sugar;
  • 250 g semolina;
  • 70 g flour.

For the custard:

  • 250 g sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 15 g flour;
  • 20 g starch;
  • a pack of butter weighing 200 g.

For interlayer and decoration:

  • 3 peaches;
  • 100 g of poppy seeds and seeds.

How to make a cake with your own hands:

  1. Flour with semolina is poured into beaten eggs with sugar, after which the kneaded dough is baked until tender.
  2. Peaches are diced and boiled.
  3. Sugar, eggs, starch and flour are mixed in a saucepan, where milk is poured after boiling.
  4. After cooling, the base of the cream is whipped with butter.
  5. From the cooled biscuit, a hedgehog shape is prepared, which is covered with cream.
  6. Peaches are distributed from above, which are sprinkled with crumbs from biscuit scraps to give the "hedgehog" volume.
  7. The voluminous silhouette is again smeared with a creamy composition.
  8. The muzzle is left white and decorated with raisins.
  9. The body is sprinkled with poppy seeds.
  10. Pre-fried sunflower seeds are inserted as needles.
  11. The cake is sent to the cold for 8 hours for soaking.

This wonderful and sweet dessert - the Hedgehog cake - will be a wonderful decoration of the table and will surely make a splash! Its juiciness and softness are legendary, and its charming design makes you smile.


Hedgehog Cake Recipe

Beat chicken eggs with sugar (1.5 cups), add starch, flour and cocoa (2 tablespoons). Knead the dough for. Grease a baking sheet with a little oil or cover with baking paper. Pour the dough on it and send to the oven preheated to 180-200 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

The readiness of the dough can be checked with a toothpick: if it turns out to be dry when punctured, the biscuit is ready. Cool the cake thoroughly. Beat butter with condensed milk (2/3 cans) using a mixer. Pour cocoa (3 tablespoons) into the resulting cream and beat well again. The mass should be quite lush.

Divide the cream into two parts (smaller and larger). Gently grate the cooled cake on a coarse grater. Finely chop the walnuts. In a deep bowl, send jam, nuts, butter cream, pour in brandy and add biscuit crumbs in small portions. Mix the resulting mass thoroughly until smooth.
Instead of just one cake, you can make a whole family of hedgehogs! Add the remaining condensed milk. Blind a hedgehog from the biscuit mass and put it on a flat dish or dish. Prepare the glaze: for this, send the remaining amount of butter, low-fat sour cream, sugar and cocoa to the pan - mix all the ingredients and cook until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Let the glaze cool slightly. Paint the animal's face with dark glaze using a brush. Place the remaining amount of cream in a pastry syringe. With light strokes (future needles), decorate the entire remaining surface of the cake.

Make the nose and eyes of the hedgehog from a dark dragee, and decorate the back of the animal with fresh berries. Place the resulting cake in the refrigerator for 2-4 hours until complete cooling and the best soak. Serve with tea, milk or unsweetened cocoa. Bon Appetit!

Bake a chocolate sponge cake. To do this: sift flour together with cocoa powder. Mix eggs, yolks, sugar, salt with a whisk and heat in a water bath to about 40 degrees, pour into the mixer bowl and beat until the volume increases by 2-3 times (beat at high speed for at least 10-13 minutes). Sift the sifted cocoa flour into the dough in 2-3 doses, gently stirring with a spatula. Melt butter until liquid, add part of the dough to it, mix well and pour to the main dough, mix. Lightly grease a baking dish with butter, put the dough in it (it should drain off with a ribbon) and bake at 180 degrees for 30-35 minutes. Take out the biscuit, cool completely on the wire rack.

Prepare the impregnation for the cakes. Pour sugar into a saucepan, add water, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Add rum, remove from heat and cool. Prepare cream 1, it will be inside the cake. In a mixer bowl, beat a little mascarpone cheese and gradually add boiled condensed milk to it, beat well. Prepare cream 2, the cake will be covered with it on the outside. Lightly beat the butter softened at room temperature with a mixer until fluffy, gradually add powdered sugar and at the end add cocoa powder.

First, cut off the sides of the biscuit cake, giving a shape similar to a hedgehog. Crumble all scraps into small crumbs. Using the culinary ring, cut out a round middle (you do not need to chop it up). Cut the entire base lengthwise into three cakes.

Start assembling the cake. Put the bottom cake on the dish. At the cut out center, cut off thin circles - the bottom and top. Put the bottom in the bottom cake. Saturate the cake, lay out an even layer of cream 1. Put the second cake on top, soak it too, cover with cream. put the third cake on top, soak. Pour the "Mushrooms" cookies into the middle, leaving a little for decoration, cover with the top cut from the middle. Mix the remaining biscuit crumbs with part of the cream 1 to make a viscous mass, and form the back of the hedgehog from it. Leave quite a bit of this test for the ears and eyebrows.

Cover the whole cake (except for the hedgehog's face) with cream 2, an even thin layer. Cover the muzzle with cream 1. Cream 1 should be lighter than cream 2. Put the cake in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Put the remaining cream 2 in a pastry bag with a suitable attachment and place it on the hedgehog's body in the form of imitation needles. Make ears, eyebrows from the dough. The eyes and nose can be made from black currant berries or from dragees in chocolate. Refrigerate for 4-5 hours.