How to bake a three chocolate cake. How to make three chocolates mousse cake step by step recipe with photo

01.11.2019 Buffet table

Hello everyone. In my Vkontakte group, I promised to post the recipe for the legendary Three Chocolates cake. So everyone who was waiting is the article for you. The cake turns out to be insanely tasty, all chocolate lovers need to cook urgently!

I will say right away that I have been staring at this cake for a long time, but I was embarrassed by the long preparation. Well, the name itself - the mousse cake scared me, since I had never had to cook such a cake before. However, almost every day my Instagram feed was full of this masterpiece, inviting with its even layers and delicate structure. Well, and I, like a true chokaholic, gladly succumbed to this call.

I want to note that this cake is far from cheap and will require some tools from you in addition to high-quality ingredients. Let's start with them.

Since this is a mousse cake, it is collected in a ring. I have a split ring, with a diameter of 16-30 cm. A very convenient thing. I bought it on Aliexpress, but you can also buy it on Ozone.

Acetate border tape should be laid around the perimeter of the ring. I bought in my city in a candy store. It is better to look immediately high - 10 cm and dense. But, since at the moment I am in another city, and there are no pastry departments here, I used a dense file instead of a tape. By cutting it in half and connecting the edges with a stapler. Quite a decent replacement.

I will not write about the mixer, of course, without it - nowhere).

Now a couple of words about the ingredients. In order for this cake to become divinely delicious, very high-quality components are needed. The main role here is, of course, played by chocolate. The result will depend on his taste. This cake is most delicious with Callebaut chocolate, until I tried a worthy substitute. Again, in the absence of a store, I had to cook from improvised ingredients. I advise you to take trusted firms (cheap confectionery tiles are not suitable). And if things are more or less decent with milk and bitter chocolate, then I barely found the white one.

Cream is needed for whipping, from 30%. According to the recipe, for each layer you need to take 200 ml of cream, it turns out in the end 600. Since I only had one pack of 480 g of cream on hand, I reduced their amount in the layers. I added about 140 grams to each layer, leaving 40 grams of ganache cream for the drips. If you have the opportunity to do it according to the prescription, then take the full dose, if, like mine, there will be no big deal, just the cake will come out smaller in size (by the way, according to the recipe, it turns out to be 10-12 cm high, I have the output turned out to be 8 cm).

I will only describe the step-by-step preparation of the mousses themselves and the assembly of the cake. You can take absolutely any base from the cake. I took it as a basis (the entire cooking process is under the link), it will be very tasty with or (links are also clickable). Choose the biscuit that you like best, of course, there is only one limitation - it must be chocolate.

This is what should be the result.

And here is the cut. Perfect layers, moving from rich coffee biscuit to the most delicate mousse on white chocolate.

And even if this delicacy is not an easy one, I assure you, having tried this cake once, you and your loved ones will remember this delicate taste for a long time and ask you to cook such a dessert again and again.

If you like the version of mousse cakes, write to me in the comments or in my VKontakte group, I will try to find a few more successful recipes.

Good appetite.

But I didn't exactly do everything according to the recipe.
I have my own biscuit - (I loved this biscuit so much that it even supplanted my favorite "Chocolate on boiling water" earlier)

And I took not 200 g of chocolate, but 100 g each

If you want, cook according to the author's recipe, and here I will give my number of products

While the biscuit is freezing we prepare 3 types of mousse:


For the dark chocolate mousse:

Black chocolate 100 gr (the higher the percentage of cocoa, the better! The layers of milk and black mousse will be clearer

- butter 30 gr
- 0.5 tbsp. powdered sugar

- sheet gelatin - 1/3 part of the sheet

For milk chocolate mousse:

Milk chocolate 100 gr

- butter 30 gr
- 0.5 tbsp. powdered sugar
- heavy cream (for whipping) 200 gr
- sheet gelatin -
1/3 part of the sheet

For the white chocolate mousse:

White chocolate 100 gr

- butter 30 gr
- 0.5 tbsp. powdered sugar
- heavy cream (for whipping) 200 gr
- sheet gelatin -
1/3 part of the sheet

Melt the chocolate glaze in a water bath

Add 50-60 ml of cream

And mix. The glaze is ready!

We take our cake out of the freezer and fill it with icing, evenly distributing it over the entire surface of the cake.
Put the cake in the refrigerator until it hardens completely (for 2-3 hours or overnight). I left it all night

You can decorate the surface of the cake at your discretion

Well, now let's try!
I advise you to cut a piece with a hot knife (hold the knife under hot water, wipe it with a towel and cut it off immediately)

The taste is sooo rich, chocolatey ... like ice cream ...
It goes very well with this biscuit, because it does not dry in the fridge ... (and the cake will have to be kept in the fridge!). Very satisfying!
Chocolate and mousse lovers must love it!

Enjoy your tea!

P.S. Something I described everything so confusingly. In general, if you are thinking of cooking, ask questions. To get a cake of the same height as mine, the shape needs about 18 cm

I can say with confidence that this is one of the most delicious and harmonious cakes that I have tried recently. And I specially prepared it for you for Valentine's Day!

Recipe from Valrhona official website. I have been working with this particular brand of chocolate for many years and still remain faithful to it. And I want to talk with you a little, in principle, about the quality of chocolate. When we just start to study confectionery, for the most part for us in the recipe the% of cocoa mass in the bar is not so important, the plantations on which the cocoa beans grew ... we see "dark chocolate", "milk chocolate", "white chocolate »And in our usual environment, in the nearest store we are just trying to find a suitable tile with, God forbid, half of natural ingredients, no soy, etc. additives. But when, step by step, we comprehend this science, we begin to try to understand ... what is the difference between 64% from one country, from 66% from another country ... And it turns out that one variety will give off a slight sourness, because there was less sun; and the second variety can have a rich fruity bouquet because it grew in more noble soil. And if you use the first type for any recipe, then in combination with the fruit and berry component it can turn out to be very sour, but if you add the second ... it will be just a fireworks of taste.

There are sommeliers in the world, specialists in wine, and specialists in chocolate. Valron's school also teaches this. People learn to distinguish different varieties to the smallest shades and describe them, to select suitable ingredients for them, in a union which will only reveal their taste qualities even more.

You can talk endlessly about chocolate and I hardly stop myself so as not to embark on a long and exciting journey through this sweet world. Therefore, if anyone wants to know more about the variations, shades, nuances, then I, where you can read all this additionally.

I will tell you one example that I shared on my “I came to another country to visit a good friend of mine, he is a pastry chef at a restaurant in a very good hotel. And my friend made a cake especially for me: chocolate-coconut-mango. I tried it, but apart from chocolate, we felt nothing. I asked him which variety he was taking, after which he wrote to Valrona and explained to them: “There is a cake, a chocolate cake, additional flavors of mango and coconut. You need to choose the chocolate that best combines all this. " Valrona sent in 5 different types. We prepared 5 identical cakes, where only the% of chocolate was changed. Then they cut them into small pieces and called a focus group, completely uninterested people - staff, hotel guests. And they gave them all the same set of 5 pieces and a piece of paper so that they would write down their feelings under each number. And then, when the majority of votes were cast for one particular variety, we tried everything ourselves. And it turned out to be true, it is with this chocolate that the tenderness of mango and a light sillage of coconut are fully felt, chocolate no longer “smothers” this combination, but complements it, as if lifting it on a wave ”. Can you imagine how much can depend on the brand, percentage, country in which cocoa beans grew?

Where am I leading this? This is the first time when I cook with such careful preparation, I approached the execution of the recipe, without retreating a single step. I have collected all the types of chocolate recommended in the recipe. By the way, what I really liked was that the footnotes to the recipe also said which other varieties (and their number at the company has long gone over fifty) are good for this or that type of cream, and if there are changes, then changes in proportions in other species. I will describe all the combinations and the recipe itself in great detail, with all the nuances, so that you don't even have any questions.

Cake composition:

- "Extra bitter" 61% chocolate biscuit (Extra Bitter 61% Chocolat Cake Sponge)


- Ivoire 35% vanilla Namelaka cream

(Milk Chocolate Lightened Mousse)

- Light mousse with dark chocolate (Dark Chocolate Lightened Mousse)

- Chocolate glaze. It was not given in the recipe, so you can use any dark icing from the website, for example dark chocolate icing works well.

- Decor - three leaves of chocolate: bitter, milk and white.

The number of ingredients in the original recipe was indicated for 6 cakes with a diameter of 16 cm.I counted the ingredients for you to get 1 cake with a diameter of 18 cm and a height of about 4.5 cm.

Dessert assembly diagram from Valrona's website, I translated it just for you:


20 g butter 84%
20 g light brown sugar
20 g almond flour
a pinch of felre desel (or sea salt)
20 g flour

60 g eggs
18 g invert sugar
30 g sugar
18 g almond flour
30 g flour
6 g cocoa powder
2 g baking powder
30 g cream 33%
35 g butter 84%
16 g Extra bitter melted 61% couverture (Or you can use 14 g Guanaja 70%; 15 g Caraibe 66%; 15 g Ta? Nori 64%)

52 g milk
1 vanilla pod
6 g glucose
2 g gelatin
75 g Ivore 35% chocolate (or you can use 77g Opalys 33%)
8 g cocoa butter
104 g cream 33% -35%

50 g milk
100 g cream 33% -35%
75 g Bitter lactee 39% couverture (or you can use 70g Jivara lactee 40%; 72g Orizaba lactee 39%; 70g Guanaya lactee 41%)
1.5 g gelatin

82 g milk
162 g cream 33% -35%
1 g gelatin
82 g Extra bitter 61% Couverture (or you can use 74 g Guanaja 70%; 78 g Cara? be 66%; 80 g Tainori 64%)


For this recipe, I used it as more fragrant and delicate, with a slight floral scent. But regular Bourbon will work just as well. We don't use vanillin under any circumstances!

Soak gelatin in cold water and let it swell.

Combine milk and glucose in a saucepan. Cut the vanilla pod in half lengthwise, remove all the seeds and add everything, along with the pods themselves, to the milk. Bring the mixture to a boil, cover and let sit for 3-4 minutes.

Melt the chocolate along with the cocoa butter.

Add the swollen gelatin to warm milk, stir until it dissolves. Then pour everything in a thin stream into melted white chocolate with cocoa butter. Add cold liquid cream at the very end and stir. Cover the cream with cling film so that it completely adheres to the surface of the cream. Refrigerate until solid.

Soak gelatin in cold water and let it swell. Melt the chocolate. Bring the milk to a boil, remove from heat, melt the gelatin in it and pour everything in a thin stream into the melted milk chocolate, stir until smooth. Then cool to 45C-50C.

Whisk in the cream and stir gently into the chocolate mass.

Prepare a ring or mold with a diameter of 18 cm. Pour all the mousse into it and put it in the freezer until it solidifies.

Preheat the oven to 150C / 160C.

Mix dry ingredients. Add chilled butter, cut into pieces. Grind into crumbs with your hands or a food processor.

Spread the crumbs over a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and bake in the preheated oven for 10-15 minutes. Streusel should turn golden, but not brown.

Do not turn off the oven.

Extra Bitter 61% chocolate sponge cake:

Sift dry ingredients together.

Mix eggs, sugar and invert sugar together. Beat on medium mixer speed for 10-12 minutes, until the mass becomes almost white and increases in size several times.

Melt the chocolate and butter.

Add chocolate and cream to the egg mixture. Stir in dry ingredients at the end.

Put the sponge cake in a mold with a diameter of 18 cm. Sprinkle with a streusel on top and bake in an oven preheated to 160C with convection for 20 minutes. Allow the finished biscuit to cool.

Ivoire 35% Vanilla Namelaka, editing:

Collect the cream with white chocolate in a pastry bag with a nozzle 9 (9mm) and place on the cooled biscuit, on top of the streusel, as if you were depositing profiteroles of two different shapes - larger and smaller.

Place in the freezer until solidified. Because the cake will be collected "on the contrary", if you do not freeze the vanilla balls badly, then when pressed into another mousse, they are deformed and you will not get a beautiful pattern when cut.

Light dark chocolate mousse:

It is made in exactly the same way as milk chocolate mousse.

Soak gelatin in cold water and let it swell. Melt the chocolate. Bring the milk to a boil, remove from heat, melt the gelatin in it and pour everything in a thin stream into the melted dark chocolate, stir until smooth. Then cool to 45C-50C and stir in the whipped cream.


Prepare a ring for a cake with a diameter of 18 cm, line the sides with acetate (border) film. Place a disc with milk chocolate mousse on the bottom. Basically, you could freeze it right there. Pour the bitter chocolate mousse over this disc. Take out the frozen white cream biscuit, turn it over, cream side down, and drown to the very edge of the biscuit in the mousse. The mousse will rise and come out on all sides of the biscuit. You do not need to completely hide the biscuit in the chocolate mousse.

Refrigerate overnight. In the morning, cover with glaze, let set and decorate with three petals of three types of chocolate.

Refrigerate until serving.

Enjoy your tea!

Chocolate dessert is a classic of confectionery art. The exquisite sweetness of such a dessert can brighten the gloomiest day, bring a touch of holiday into the gray everyday life, cheer you up, and charge you with cheerfulness and energy. There is an incredible amount of different sweets, but the undisputed leader in the number of interpretations is the cake called “Three Chocolates”.

What to hide, the dessert is quite laborious, it involves several processes at the same time: baking the base, whipping creams and soufflés, preparing the glaze and filling. But the great result of the process is undoubtedly worth the effort. Moreover, the variety of recipes for this cake allows everyone to find their strength.

How to make the classic Three Chocolates cake

First you need to consider a simple recipe for the Three Chocolates cake to create at home.

In order to gain experience in making the delicious Three Chocolates cake, you can rely on a step-by-step recipe with a photo:

For a biscuit, you need to mix 2 eggs with 100 grams of sugar, froth until the sugar dissolves and add dry ingredients - 200 grams of regular and 100 grams of almond flour, a spoonful of cocoa, a package of baking powder. Bake the mixture for 20 minutes, depending on the oven model and deck size, the times may vary.

For assembly, you need to choose a shape of a suitable diameter and cover its bottom with parchment. Also, you need to form the walls of the form from parchment, slightly growing it up. From the finished cooled biscuit, you need to cut the base cake with a sharp knife. Freeze the sponge cake, then make three mousses based on chocolate of different colors - white, milk and black.

Prepare the following foods: 3 chocolate bars of different colors, 20 grams of gelatin, 800 grams of heavy cream, 150 grams of Baileys liqueur.

For mousse, pour 20 grams of gelatin with cream (50 g), then heat a third part of it. It is impossible to boil gelatin, it may lose its gelling properties. Whip 250 grams of cream until creamy, pour in melted dark chocolate (100 g), heated gelatin and 50 grams of liqueur. Stir gently until smooth, place on frozen crust and place in a cool place. While the mousse is cooling, repeat the preparation of the mousse with the two remaining ingredients.

Send the assembled cake to the freezer for 2 hours.

Boil the icing by mixing 50 grams of cream, 100 grams of chocolate and 5 grams of gelatin, cool slightly and pour over the sweet masterpiece. This is an easy way to make the classic Three Chocolates cake. And the result will undoubtedly exceed all possible expectations.

For the mousse to have a more delicate structure, pastry chefs suggest preparing the Three Chocolates cake using mascarpone. This delicate cheese will add a touch of piquancy to the dessert, combined with an unprecedented tenderness.

The recipe needs a slight change, namely, the composition of the mousse for each layer will include: 150 g cream, 100 g mascarpone, 1 cocoa bar, 5 g gelatin.

The rest of the process is similar with the basic steps being followed.

How to bake a cake "Three Chocolates" using agar-agar and photos, how to decorate a dessert

If you need to prepare this weightless dessert in the warm season, then the mousse layer should have a more stable structure than with gelatin. For these purposes, agar-agar is used, it allows you to create a perfectly smooth soufflé structure.

For mousse layers of the Three Chocolates cake using agar-agar, you will need: 100 g of powdered sugar, 500 ml of cream, 600 g of cream cheese, 5 g of agar-agar, 3 cocoa bars of different colors.

For the base, you need to bake a chocolate sponge cake according to a standard recipe, it will become the bottom layer of the cake.

Separate the whites of 4 eggs and froth them with 100 g of sugar. Foam the yolks with 100 g of sugar. Combine dry ingredients (300 g of flour, a small bag of baking powder and 50 g of cocoa) and pour into the yolks, stir until the lumps disappear, using a blender. Then add the whipped egg whites, being careful not to destroy their lush structure. The dough must be sent to bake at 180 degrees. The baking time will be approximately 20-30 minutes.

Sequence of actions for mousse: dissolve agar-agar in 50 g of cream, heat. Whip 150 ml of cream until stiff, add agar-agar, powder and 200 grams of cheese. Without stopping whipping, add the chocolate mass. While the soufflé is cooling, repeat the process twice more, assemble the product and send it to cool for 2 hours.

After completely cooling down, you can think about how to decorate the Three Chocolates cake.

Take a look at the photo, how the decor from raspberry and mint, or from multi-colored macarons, looks spectacular on chocolate glaze. Another decoration option is snow-white meringues or Rafaello sweets.

Three Chocolates Cake with a Biscuit Base

It is not always possible to bake a biscuit, and sometimes, because of the heat, you do not want to engage in any actions with the oven. For this occasion, there is a variant of the Three Chocolates cake with a cookie base.

For the base you will need:

  • 150 g shortbread cookies;
  • 100 g butter;
  • cinnamon to taste.

Grind the cookies in the processor, add cinnamon and butter.

Put the resulting mixture tightly on the bottom of the dish and cool well.

On the solidified base, alternately lay out three layers of mousse prepared according to the previous recipe. This will be the most successful choice for the warm season.

Cool all layers and decorate with seasonal fruits.

Cake "Three Chocolates" with tight mastic

For special occasions, confectionery decorated with mastic looks very elegant. There is an opinion that mousse sweets cannot be covered with mastic, but this is just a matter of skill.

To prepare the Three Chocolates cake covered with mastic, you will need to make 2 chocolate biscuit cakes according to the standard recipe.

Bake one biscuit in a container where you plan to assemble the cake, and the second on a deck covered with parchment.

Before collecting the cake, you need to form the walls along the side of the baking sheet from a thin biscuit, making a kind of "well" where the mousse will be placed.

  • 200 g cream;
  • 200 g cocoa bars;
  • 5 g agar agar.

In a familiar sequence, transfer alternately to the base of the mousse and refrigerate.

For the Three Chocolates cake decorated with mastic, the surface must be leveled with the confectionery potato substance:

  • 100 g of condensed milk;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 100 g of shortbread cookies.

Grind the components in the processor and coat the chilled cake very well. You should get a smooth surface without any irregularities.

After all the manipulations, you get a fairly stable smooth structure, which is covered with mastic, and thus the question of how to decorate the Three Chocolates cake with mastic is solved.

Recipe for curd and cheese cake "Three Chocolates" with shortbread cookies

A useful solution is a variation of the famous delicacy, “Three Chocolates” cake with curd cheese.


  • 750 g of curd cheese,
  • 300 g shortbread cookies,
  • 5 sheets of gelatin
  • 300 ml cream 130 g butter,
  • 200 g cocoa bars of different colors,
  • 125 g sugar
  • 75 g of water.

The production of the Three Chocolates curd cheese cake has no cardinal innovations compared to the classic recipe.

Basic steps: grind the biscuits and butter in the kitchen machine, form the base of the product. Beat the curd cheese, add the cream and beat again. The previously soaked gelatin must be squeezed out and introduced into the mixture. Divide the cream into three parts and add melted chocolate of different colors to each part. Place the cheese layers alternately on the base and refrigerate. After complete cooling, you can remove the form, crush the cocoa on top with a sieve.

An exclusively cheese recipe for the Three Chocolates mousse cake is also possible.

In this version, the soufflé contains cream or curd cheese in the amount of 300 g, gelatin 5 g, powdered sugar 100 g and cocoa bar.

From these ingredients, a mousse of the same color is whipped, placed on a base (biscuit or sand) and cooled. In the same way, two more soufflés of different colors are prepared and a cheese mousse cake "Three Chocolates" is formed.

Delicate cake "Three Chocolates" with mascarpone cheese

Making an exquisite and delicate cake at home is not at all difficult. To do this, just bake a chocolate sponge cake and add mascarpone cream. For a biscuit you will need:

  • dark chocolate - 210 grams;
  • flour - 150 grams;
  • chicken eggs - 4 pieces;
  • butter or margarine - 200 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 160 grams;
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon.

Using the microwave, melt the butter and broken chocolate. Then let the mass cool slightly. Baking powder must be added to the sifted wheat flour. Eggs and granulated sugar must be beaten with a mixer that is set to maximum speed, about 10 minutes, until fluffy. Then set the speed mode to medium, pour in the chocolate-butter mixture. Reduce the speed to the minimum, sift the flour and introduce it, but do it gradually. Turn on the oven and preheat to 185 degrees. Pour the prepared substance into a baking dish and bake for 20 minutes.

For chocolate lovers, a recipe for making mascarpone chocolate cream will suit.

Take 200 grams of chilled cream and put in a bowl, add 160 grams of sugar and beat well to form a creamy consistency.

Put 300 grams of mascarpone cheese on a plate and gradually add the whipped cream, stir, divide into three parts.

Pour 100 grams of pre-melted white chocolate in a trickle into one part of the cream and beat well until smooth.

Add the dissolved gelatin (5 g) and put the cream on the biscuit, cool.

The process described for the cream soufflé must be repeated two more times with chocolate of different colors to obtain different colors of the soufflé.

Assemble the product, cooling each layer, decorate with fruits and nuts.

Recipe for "Three Chocolates" mousse cake: a detailed master class with a photo

Like many culinary treats, mousse is a French invention. In Soviet times, the only soufflé available was "bird's milk". Today, the choice is much wider - mousse is used instead of cakes, instead of cream and to decorate the dish. Mousses are prepared based on fruit purees, wine, cocoa and cream.

It is not hard to guess what exactly will become the base component for the recipe for the mousse variation of the Three Chocolates cake.

Required components.

For mousse:

  • 150 g of chocolate of different colors,
  • 150 g butter
  • 450 ml cream, 33% fat,
  • 30 g of gelatin.

A step-by-step recipe with a photo of a mousse version of the Three Chocolates cake:

The chocolate sponge cake will become the basis of the cake, for it, separate the whites of 4 eggs and froth them with half the sugar (100 g). Foam the yolks with the second half of the sugar. Combine dry ingredients (300 g of flour, a small bag of baking powder and 50 g of cocoa) and pour into the yolks, stir until the lumps disappear, using a blender. Then add the whipped egg whites, being careful not to destroy their lush structure. The dough must be sent to bake at 180 degrees. The baking time will be approximately 20-30 minutes.

For assembly, you need to choose a shape of a suitable diameter and cover its bottom with parchment. Also, you need to form the walls of the form from parchment, slightly growing it up. From the finished cooled biscuit, you need to cut the base cake with a sharp knife. The base diameter should fit into the mold, leaving a small gap. If the top of the biscuit is very dense or crooked, then it is also cut off.

The base is ready, you need to soak it with freshly brewed coffee.

Knowing how to bake a biscuit for the Three Chocolates cake, you can experiment with the ingredients and proportions to get your ideal one.

For the mousse, dissolve the gelatin. Melt dark chocolate, then add 50 g of butter and loose gelatin there. Whip the third part of the cream into a strong foam. It is important not to interrupt them, for this the process must be monitored all the time. Add the whipped cream to the chocolate, stirring gently with a plastic spatula up and down. Put in a form and send the contents to the refrigerator for half an hour.

While the first layer of mousse is cooling, you need to repeat all steps for milk chocolate and get a light brown mousse. Lay it out in the same way, level it and send it to cool. White mousse is prepared in the same way and laid out on top.

The formed cake must be left to cool for 10-12 hours, and then released from the mold by simple manipulations. The cake is ready, you can decorate it with grated chocolate, decorate with sweets, bright macaroons or colored dragees.

Mousse cake "Three Chocolates" with mirror chocolate glaze

You can spend a little more time and prepare a real masterpiece - "Three Chocolates" mousse cake with mirror chocolate icing.

You will no longer surprise anyone with banal oil roses on cakes, and mastic decorations remain relevant only in children's sweets. Mirror glaze is fashionable, stylish, concise and perfect. Sometimes it is a pity to cut such a cake, but it is quite possible to create a culinary masterpiece on your own.

You need to know that before decorating with a mirror top layer, the cake must spend at least 14 hours in the freezer.

To prepare a mirror finish you need:

  • 150 ml invert syrup,
  • 15 g gelatin
  • 150 ml of condensed milk,
  • 150 g sugar
  • 100 g cocoa bar.

Sequence of actions: combine sugar and syrup, boil. Add chocolate and condensed milk to the liquid, stir and pour in the dissolved gelatin. The resulting mixture can be mixed with a blender at low speed, being careful not to allow the formation of bubbles. Next, the frozen cake is placed on the wire rack, a baking sheet is placed under the wire rack. The icing is heated to a temperature of 33 degrees and the cake is poured.

When the mirror layer has set, you can add the desired decor and send the product to the cold.

Cake-mousse "Three Chocolates" from Luca Montersino: recipe with photo and video

These are the perfect baked goods for connoisseurs of chocolate. Check out the photo of this magical dessert with the recipe for the airy mousse cake "Three Chocolates" from the famous French pastry chef Luca Montersino.

There is almost no dough here and a lot of bavarese, a delicate Bavarian mousse.

The following set of products will be required.

For one layer of soufflé:

  • 1 tbsp Sahara,
  • 3 yolks,
  • 125 g chocolate (different for each layer),
  • 125 ml of milk
  • 250 ml cream
  • 5 g of gelatin or agar-agar.

For glaze:

  • 150 ml cream 33%,
  • 150 g chocolate
  • 3 g of gelatin.

For a biscuit base: 75 g butter, 4 proteins, 100 g sugar, 75 g flour, 1 tsp. baking powder, 50 g of dark chocolate.

The biscuit is prepared in the same proven way: egg whites are whipped with sugar into a fluffy foam, dry ingredients and butter-chocolate mixture, made previously and slightly cooled, are introduced into it with gentle movements. Lay out the dough using a pastry bag, drawing a circle of the required diameter. Bake this biscuit at 175 degrees for a quarter of an hour. The base turns out to be quite tender and soft.

Check out the step-by-step photo for a recipe for making Three Chocolates cake mousse:

For the famous Bavarian mousse, you need to prepare a custard base. To do this, egg yolks need to be frothed with sugar and little by little add boiled milk there without stopping whipping. Cook until thickened in a bath, add chocolate and gelatin here, warm everything well and set aside to cool.

Whip heavy cream until creamy, but not too dense, and gently stir into the cooled base. The mousse should be shiny, beautiful and silky. Put it on the base, trying to carefully tamp it against the walls so that there are no voids, and send it to the freezer for 15 minutes.

While the first layer is cooling, you need to prepare a mousse of a different color. Put in a mold and send to cool, in the meantime, prepare the final, white layer, and proceed in the same way.

To prepare the glaze, you need to mix the prepared foods. Warm up everything well, strain from lumps and cool. After that, pour it over the surface of the cake evenly and leave it in the freezer until morning.

A little trick - in order to remove the product from the mold as accurately as possible, it needs to be heated with a hairdryer from all sides.

Watch a video with a step-by-step recipe for the famous Three Chocolates cake performed by the famous Frenchman:

Souffle cake "Three Chocolates" with cottage cheese

For many mothers, the burning question is how to feed the child with cottage cheese. In this case, the “Three Chocolates” soufflé cake will be a real salvation. The cottage cheese, which is included in the recipe, is masked into a delicate soufflé by simple actions.

You will need:

  • 200 g cookies
  • 200 g butter.

Grind these components thoroughly and form the basis of the future masterpiece.

For a soufflé of the same color:

  • 200 g of cottage cheese,
  • 200 g cream
  • white chocolate bar,
  • 5 g of gelatin.

Preparing the soufflé: beat the cream in a blender until fluffy. Kill the cottage cheese separately until the grains disappear. Combine the two masses, pour in melted chocolate and loose gelatin.

This is how one kind of soufflé is prepared. It needs to be laid out on a sand base and cooled.

In the meantime, you need to prepare the second and third soufflés in the same way, using chocolate of other colors - milk and black.

You can decorate the cake with fruits and feel free to treat children.

"Three Chocolates" cake with fresh berries or fruits

Of course, the Three Chocolates cake can be made with berries. The brightest combination with chocolate will be strawberries, raspberries, cherries and cranberries.

If we are talking about the berry filling of the dessert, then it makes sense to place them on a biscuit. Placing a soufflé between the layers will not be a very good solution, since it can spoil the adhesion of the layers.

The most effective will be the berry decor of the surface of the product.

To decorate the Three Chocolates cake with fresh fruit, you need:

  1. Cover the surface with mirror glaze.
  2. Prepare zero jelly from gelatin (5 g) and sugar syrup (100 g sugar and 100 g water).
  3. Dip fruits and berries in jelly, lay them out on a mirror surface, forming a composition.

Mint leaves, powdered sugar and picturesque chocolate drips complete the composition.

The recipe for the Three Chocolates cake allows housewives to pamper their household with a delicious dessert. It can be prepared in many ways using various ingredients.

The classic recipe for making a cake "Three Chocolates"

The peculiarity of this cake is that it consists of three multi-colored layers, so many children like it.

Ingredients for the three layers of mousse:

  • white, black and milk chocolate bars - 150 g each;
  • 450 ml of heavy cream - more than 30%;
  • food gelatin - 30 g;
  • 150 grams of butter.

For biscuit:

  • chicken eggs - 4 pieces;
  • one and a half glasses of flour;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • two tablespoons of cocoa powder;
  • 11 grams of baking powder.

It is not difficult to prepare this delicious delicate cake, but it will take a lot of time.

In the process of baking, follow the step-by-step recipe for the Three Chocolates cake:

First, you need to prepare a biscuit, as it will be the basis for the cake. To do this, beat the eggs with sugar until a thick foam forms. Gradually add the sifted flour, cocoa and baking powder, beat well again to get a homogeneous mass without lumps.

Pour the dough into a mold, covering it with parchment paper, bake at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

Remove the chocolate cake from the mold and cut out a circle slightly smaller than the round cake tin.

Put the cake in a mold and start preparing the first layer of our three-layer dessert -.

Dissolve 10 g of gelatin in 3 tbsp. l. hot water and leave to swell.

Break the black chocolate bar into small pieces and melt in a water bath. When the chocolate is already well melted, add 50 g of butter to it, stir. Then combine the chocolate-butter mass with gelatin, previously filtered through a sieve.

Take 1/3 of the cream from their total mass - 150 ml, and beat well with a mixer until a dense, fluffy mass is formed. Combine the whipped cream with the chocolate-gelatin mixture and mix thoroughly.

In a split form from the inside, where the biscuit already lies, carefully lay a transparent dense film around the sides so that it protrudes upwards by 7-10 cm. Pour the dark chocolate mousse on top of the biscuit cake and smooth with a spatula. Place the mold in the refrigerator to set.

At this stage of the "Three Chocolates" cake recipe, step by step you should prepare milk chocolate mousse in exactly the same way. Pour the milk chocolate bar mousse over the first layer. Send it back to the refrigerator.

Now make a white chocolate bar mousse, place on top of the milk chocolate, and flatten with a spatula. Let the cake brew in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, remove from the mold and carefully put on a dish. Decorate the top of the festive dessert at your discretion, chocolate flowers or butterflies are suitable as decorative elements.

This simple recipe for the Three Chocolates cake with a photo should be in every housewife's cookbook. To make it easier to prepare this dessert, watch the video recipe for the classic Three Chocolates cake:

Step-by-step recipe for "Three Chocolates" mousse cake

Do you want to pleasantly surprise and please your family and friends? Make the Three Chocolates Cake using the step-by-step photo recipe.

You will need the following ingredients:

For biscuit:

  • two eggs;
  • sugar - 1/3 of a glass;
  • 2/3 cup flour;
  • ground almonds - 4 tablespoons;
  • a tablespoon of cocoa powder;
  • a spoonful of baking powder.

For impregnation, use 70 ml of liquor.

For mousses:

  • black, milk and white chocolate bars - 100 g each;
  • 540 ml heavy cream - 180 ml for each type of mousse;
  • 18 g gelatin;
  • 150 ml of cream liqueur - 50 ml for each mousse layer;
  • 75 g butter - 25 for each type of mousse.

Using this Three Chocolates Mousse Cake recipe, prepare your dessert like this:

Eggs and sugar should be placed in a bowl and beat with a mixer until dense white foam. Then gently add the sifted flour mixed with baking powder and ground almonds, stir with a whisk so that the mass is free of lumps.

Pour the prepared dough into a greased removable mold, place in the oven and bake until tender, on average 15-20 minutes. When the cake has cooled, the edges need to be cut off a little so that it is slightly smaller than the shape. You don't need to cut the biscuit, leaving it like that, however, according to the classic recipe for the Three Chocolates cake, the cake should be completely hidden under the mousse.

Soak the finished biscuit cake base well with liquor so that it becomes moist, and send it to the freezer for half an hour.

At this stage of the recipe for the Three Chocolates cake at home, you need to make a mousse. The sequence of adding components for each mousse layer, regardless of its color, is the same.

Soak gelatin in 2 tbsp. l. warm water or milk, 15 minutes is enough for swelling.

Chop the chocolate bar, place in a heat-resistant container and place in a water bath. Add butter to melted chocolate, stir and remove from heat. As soon as the chocolate-butter mass has cooled slightly, add the liquor to it.

Strain the gelatin, divide it into three equal parts, heat one of them, while its temperature should not reach 60 degrees, since it loses its properties in this state. Combine the gelatin with the chocolate mass, stir.

Whip the third part of the cream into a dense thick mass, combine with the chocolate-butter mixture, stir with a spoon. Remove the biscuit mold from the freezer and place the mousse on top of it. After that, put the mold with the first layer in the refrigerator to freeze it a little.

Prepare the mousse in the same way. In order not to disrupt the sequence of creating a dessert, prepare it step by step according to the recipe from the photo of the Three Chocolates cake, which clearly demonstrates all the actions.

Top of the cake can be decorated with three types of grated chocolate. The video recipe for the Three Chocolates cake will help to facilitate the process of making dessert.

Recipe for cake-souffle "Three Chocolates" under mastic (with photo)

The recipe for the cake "Three Chocolates" under mastic has recently been very popular with confectioners. It turns out not only very tasty, but incredibly beautiful.

The process of making this cake is the same as in the recipe for the Three Chocolates mousse cake from the photo above. And for the preparation of glaze for mastic, in the language of confectioners - "ganache", you will also need the following ingredients:

  • 180 g chocolate bar;
  • 200 g 3% cream;
  • 50 ml of Baileys liqueur or similar.

You can use absolutely any chocolate for cooking, its choice depends on your preferences and the idea of \u200b\u200bdecorating the cake. The peculiarity of making such a filling on a cake is that powdered sugar and sugar are not added to it at all, and real high-quality chocolate - black, milk or white - gives it sweets.

Cooking process:

1. Place the cream in a saucepan with a thick bottom, put on fire and bring to a boil.

2. Chop or break the chocolate bar into pieces.

3. Remove the cream from the stove and immediately place the chopped chocolate in the saucepan.

4. Stir this mixture constantly.until the chocolate is completely dissolved and the mass takes on a uniform consistency.

5. Add the liqueur to the chocolate-creamy mass and mix well again. If you are preparing white chocolate ganache, use rum or cognac instead of liqueur as a flavoring.

6. Put the ganache in the refrigerator for a few hours., then knead it so that the mass becomes elastic, roll it into a thin layer and wrap it around the Three Chocolates soufflé cake according to this recipe, as in the photo below.

Recipe on how to make the Three Chocolates cake at home

Use any of the above recipes to make the Three Chocolates Cake at home. And for the preparation of glaze, to decorate the finished delicious dessert, you can choose one of the recipes below.

Colored chocolate icing for the Three Chocolates cake

The coating for this cake can be not only white, but also colored, which is especially attractive for small children. You can make a brightly colored frosting with food coloring.


  • butter 200 grams;
  • 600 g icing sugar;
  • 150 grams of vegetable oil;
  • vanilla;
  • milk - 180 ml;
  • food colors - at your discretion.

Cooking instructions:

1. Melt the butter on a steam, pour odorless vegetable oil into a container with it, add vanilla.

2. In a separate bowl, combine the icing sugar with milk, beat the mixture with a mixer.

3. Now start adding food coloring, drop by drop.stirring well until you achieve the desired color intensity.

4. Combine butter and milk mixture, mix well, let the icing cool and cover the top and sides of the cake with it.

Mirror glaze for the Three Chocolates cake

This recipe makes the cake cover quite thick, smooth and shiny.


  • white chocolate (food colors can be added) - one and a half standard bars;
  • 150 ml glucose syrup;
  • sugar - 150 grams;
  • condensed milk - 100 ml;
  • 12 grams of gelatin, diluted in 60 ml of water;
  • 75 ml of water.

Prepare your mirror glaze like this:

1. Glucose syrup and sugar combine in a saucepan, put on fire and boil.

2. Boil for a couple of minutes, remove the container from the stove and cool this mixture.

3. Add diluted gelatin and condensed milk to the cold syrup.

4. At this stage, if desired, prepare a colored glaze you need to add food coloring.

5. Break the chocolate bar into pieces, melt in a water bath and add to the syrup. Beat the whole mass thoroughly with a mixer and put in the refrigerator overnight.

6. The next day, the glaze must be warmed up in the microwave or in a water bath up to 30 degrees and cover the cake with it.

These are the most suitable icing options that go best with this cake.

Others are capable of making the Three Chocolates cake - in the step-by-step video recipes below: