Dark biscuit recipe. Chocolate Chiffon Biscuit

14.10.2019 Restaurant notes

Hello everyone. Today we are preparing a chocolate biscuit for a cake, lush and delicious, and you will find a recipe with a photo, in steps, under the description.

Delicate, aromatic and very tasty base for the cake, which simply melts in your mouth, prepared from the available products available in the house of every hostess. It takes very little time to prepare such a chocolate biscuit.

By the way, our website is full of recipes for quick desserts, for which, too, it will not take much time, I recommend that you keep them in your bookmarks, since they can be useful to you at any time, in case of unexpected guests. Take note of these quick recipes such as:

Today's chocolate sponge cake is included in this category of delicious quick recipes. So, if guests suddenly come to you, then you, with ease, can surprise them with your delicate chocolate sponge cake.

Since we are making the biscuit chocolate today, in this recipe, we add cocoa powder, and if you need a simple, classic biscuit, you just do not add cocoa here. Otherwise, the technology is the same.

Sponge cake is the most common base for a cake, as it has the most lush texture.

Secrets of making a fluffy chocolate sponge cake for a cake

  • Eggs should be fresh and warm (room temperature)

The natural baking powder of the biscuit is the egg whites, the splendor of the biscuit depends on their temperature and freshness.

  • Eggs with sugar, beat better for a long time

This is necessary for the volume of the mass to increase by 2-3 times. First, beat at low speed, then gradually increase it. This will not be a problem for you if you have a mixer. You can't do anything with a fork.

  • Sift flour and cocoa

They must first be mixed together and sieved. Then, very quickly mix into the egg mass (in 15 seconds), because when you mix dry ingredients, air bubbles in the dough collapse, and they matter for the splendor of the biscuit.

  • Avoid mechanical stress on the dough

It is imperative to stir the dough with a wooden spatula, slowly and carefully so that air bubbles do not burst and the protein does not fall off. DO NOT use metal objects. Gently pour the finished dough into the mold and immediately send it to the well-heated oven.

  • Ready dough, chocolate sponge cake, do not leave to stand for long

Don't get distracted by anything until you put the biscuit in the oven. Prepare the form in advance, cover the bottom with parchment paper. But I do not advise you to lubricate the sides of the form, because they will be slippery and will not allow the biscuit to rise.

  • The form is filled with a test no more than ¾

So it is necessary that the biscuit has a place to climb. It must not be allowed to "run out" over the edges.

P.S. And here, be sure to look: "" is a very healthy dish made from liver, which, by the way, children do not really like, but in this recipe it is so disguised and cooked that the children will not even understand that it is there at all. They will gobble up with pleasure, respectively, receive a lot of useful vitamins for their body.

Well, now we are looking.

Step-by-step recipes for a chocolate sponge cake with berries, nuts and cherries based on butter, custard, chocolate and sour cream, as well as with boiled condensed milk

2018-06-03 Yulia Kosich





In 100 grams of finished dish

5 gr.

18 gr.


41 gr.

343 kcal.

Option 1: The classic chocolate sponge cake recipe

Chocolate sponge cake is considered a classic dessert in almost all world cuisines. Moreover, it is permissible to make it with different creams and fillings. And with which ones we will consider in this collection.


  • four large eggs;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • two bars of dark chocolate;
  • a third of a glass of milk;
  • not a full glass of flour;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • butter for the mold;
  • a glass of heavy cream;
  • half a glass of powdered sugar;
  • any fruit juice for soaking.

Step-by-step recipe for chocolate sponge cake

Carefully separate the white and yolk by smashing the chilled eggs with a knife. Pour sugar into a bowl with the first. Beat until whitened.

Add salt to the second container with protein. Kill with clean whisks until the mass increases several times. At the same time, it will become strong.

Transfer the protein into a bowl with yolk, stirring continuously with a spatula. Only after achieving an even combination of ingredients, sift the flour in batches.

Stir in a flowing, thick biscuit dough. Then quickly melt both chocolate bars in hot milk.

Pour the viscous chocolate into the dough in a thin stream. All this time, mix with gentle movements.

Grease the removable form from the inside with a soft piece of butter. Pour in the chocolate mixture immediately. Place in the oven.

Bake a chocolate sponge cake for 43-44 minutes, preheating the plate to 180 degrees. Check the cake and turn off the hotplate.

Leave to cool for half an hour. Then cut the cold biscuit in half (lengthwise). Saturate each with fruit juice.

Pour heavy cream into a high container. Begin active whisking by adding powdered sugar. Make a strong buttercream.

Lubricate one part of the cake with half of the dressing. Cover the second. Press down lightly (only slightly!).

Decorate the cake with the remaining cream, for which you can use a bag with different attachments.

It is important to store the finished dessert in the cold (basement, refrigerator shelf or balcony in winter). If you want the biscuit cakes to turn out fragrant, soak them not with fruit juice, but with cognac or rum.

Option 2: Quick Chocolate Sponge Cake Recipe

To speed up the culinary process, we suggest not to waste time on creating a cream, but to take purchased boiled condensed milk. It is quite thick, so there is no need to beat it with butter and cool it.


  • four cold eggs;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • a glass of wheat flour;
  • five tablespoons of cocoa powder;
  • a can of boiled condensed milk;
  • half a teaspoon of baking soda;
  • berries from jam for decoration.

How to Quickly Make Chocolate Sponge Cake

Carefully break all the eggs one by one into the dry container of the combine. Cover with sugar immediately.

Use the Whisk attachment to beat the ingredients to form a solid mass. Once this happens, sift through the flour and the planned amount of cocoa powder.

At the end, add soda. Knead the biscuit dough at the slowest speed.

Bake a tall fluffy crust for 35-40 minutes. Switch off the stove. Cool the base of the chocolate sponge cake.

Then remove the cake from the mold. Cut lengthwise into two halves. Now open a can of condensed milk (boiled).

Soak both halves with fruit or berry juice. Smear the first cake with purchased cream. Press it down second. Coat the top with condensed milk again (sides and top). Decorate with whole berries from any jam.

Although we make a quick cake, we recommend leaving it on the refrigerator shelf, even for a short time. In just 30-35 minutes, the biscuit will absorb condensed milk and become amazingly soft and tasty. By the way, if you don't like boiled condensed milk, replace it with a regular one. In this case, it is better to beat it with butter to make the sweet dressing thicker.

Option 3: Chocolate sponge cake with cherries and sour cream

Cherries and sour cream can be safely called the ideal ingredients for filling a chocolate sponge cake for a cake. Try it, you won't regret it!


  • a glass of sugar and flour;
  • four eggs;
  • sweet syrup for impregnation;
  • 295 grams of fat sour cream;
  • two standard chocolate bars (black);
  • 75 grams of milk for chocolate;
  • 195 grams of pitted cherries.

How to cook

Break eggs (always cold) into a suitable wide container. Pouring in white sugar, beat with a mixer until peaks with a strong structure.

Then add flour in small batches (or better sift). Knead the dough with a spatula (wooden or silicone).

In parallel, melt chocolate with fresh milk until a viscous consistency. Pour the mixture into a bowl of dough thinly.

Mix. Pour into a mold with removable rims. Bake a chocolate sponge cake for 42-45 minutes at 185 degrees.

After turning off the hotplate, leave the base of the dessert on the kitchen table to cool down. After a couple of hours, cut and soak in sugar syrup (cold).

At the next stage, grease the surface of the first cake with half of the fatty sour cream. Lay out the washed pitted cherries.

Close the filling with the second crust, soaked side down. Cover the surface of the cake with the rest of the sour cream. Decorate with a few berries. Serve after steeping in the cold after a few hours.

To prevent the cherry for decoration from letting in the juice, spoiling the surface of the dessert, we recommend drying it on several napkins after rinsing so that the fruits become dry. As for sour cream, be sure to use the bold version, it will be easier to decorate the cake. However, do not add sugar to the dressing, which will make it runny.

Option 4: Sponge cake with chocolate, butter cream and berries

Another cream that is often used for such cakes is butter. And so that in the end the dessert does not turn out a little sugary, let's add fresh small berries to the filling.


  • a standard glass of sugar;
  • a pack of butter;
  • not a full glass of flour;
  • a glass of powdered sugar;
  • four eggs;
  • a packet of vanilla sugar;
  • two black chocolate bars;
  • milk for chocolate;
  • impregnation syrup;
  • a glass of small berries.

Step by step recipe

Knead a thick biscuit dough from eggs and white sugar with the addition of wheat flour and dark chocolate melted in a small amount of milk.

Pour the dark viscous mass into a non-stick mold with removable sides. Bake the high cake for 45 minutes at a temperature set at 180 degrees.

Cool the finished base. Cut. Soak both cakes with sweet syrup. Leave, and at the same time wash the small berries (certainly pitted). Dry with paper towels.

Also send the pre-softened butter to a high container. Pour in all the icing sugar. Beat in a homogeneous fluffy cream.

Cover the soft crust with half the dressing. Fall asleep berries. Spread evenly over the surface.

Place the second impregnated crust. Coat the sides and top with the remaining butter cream. Complement the presentation of the chocolate sponge cake with a few berries.

Transfer the finished dessert to the refrigerator shelf. Store until serving for at least two hours.

For this option, any small berry is suitable, in which there are no seeds. It can be blueberries or lingonberries, red or black currants, mulberries or raspberries. It is important to carefully peel the fruit by removing the tails, leaves and twigs. Their presence is unacceptable.

Option 5: Chocolate Sponge Cake with Custard and Nuts

We propose to make the next version of the cake with an unsurpassed custard, in which we add aromatic vanilla, and nuts. It will turn out satisfying and, as always, amazingly tasty.


  • seven eggs;
  • 375 grams of milk;
  • a glass of chopped nuts;
  • one and a half glasses of sugar;
  • six tablespoons of flour;
  • vanillin to taste;
  • a couple of bars of dark chocolate;
  • impregnation syrup.

How to cook

Beat four cooled eggs with a glass of sugar. Once the mixture has lightened and increased in volume, sift four tablespoons of wheat flour.

Kneading a thick dough, thinly pour in dark chocolate melted with milk (75 ml). Having achieved uniformity, pour into a special split mold.

Bake a chocolate sponge cake for the cake at 180 degrees required by the recipe. The approximate time for full baking is 40-44 minutes.

Turn off the heat and leave the tall cake on the table right in the mold to cool down. At this time, bring the remaining milk to a boil.

After boiling starts, add sugar (white). Dissolve it. Then beat in three eggs one at a time. Beat the contents of the saucepan constantly with a metal whisk.

At the end, gently sift two tablespoons of flour. Introduce vanillin. Thicken to a firm consistency. Remove from the burner.

While the cream is cooling, cut the cake that has cooled down by this time into two parts. Saturate each with syrup.

Pour two-thirds of the aromatic custard onto the surface of the first part. Distribute. Cover with some of the chopped nuts (about half).

Place the second soft crust on top. Spread the remaining custard over the surface. Decorate with fine nut crumbs. Keep cold.

To get a richer and more varied nutty flavor, we strongly recommend taking several varieties at the same time. The main thing is to carefully clean them from husks, partitions and shell fragments.

Option 6: Sponge cake with chocolate, condensed milk and cocoa

If you are very fond of chocolate, let's make not only a biscuit with it, but also a used cream. Moreover, we recommend preparing the latter on the basis of ordinary condensed milk and butter.


  • can of condensed milk;
  • two tablespoons of cocoa powder;
  • a pack of soft butter;
  • four eggs;
  • two chocolate bars (black grade);
  • a glass of sugar;
  • impregnation cognac;
  • a glass of flour in the dough;
  • 74 grams of milk.

Step by step recipe

Beat cold fresh eggs with sugar using a mixer. Sprinkle with flour. Knead the flowing biscuit dough.

In parallel, bring milk and dark chocolate to a thick mixture. Pour in thinly and mix.

Pour the chocolate dough from a bowl into a non-stick split pan. Transfer to a roasted oven.

Bake the chocolate sponge cake base for about 45 minutes. The desired temperature is 180 degrees.

Leave the completely baked crust in the mold to cool. At this time, make a fluffy (without lumps) cream from softened butter, cocoa powder and ordinary condensed milk. Take a mixer for this process.

Place the dressing in the refrigerator, where it will finally thicken. After an hour, divide the cooled cake in half with a knife. Saturate both parts with chilled cognac.

Now grease the first biscuit with cream and cover it with the second. Coat on all sides. Garnish with grated chocolate if desired.

We make a cream based on condensed butter and cocoa. But you can take another chocolate bar instead of the latter. To do this, you need to melt it in a water bath and beat with a mixer.

A delicious chocolate sponge cake is an easy way to get versatile cake base. You can use a wide variety of fillings as a cream: whipped cream, syrup, condensed milk, custard, and each time you get a new flavor of the cake.

Most of all I like the chocolate sponge cake with cherries and bananas, separately, of course. And pour the chocolate icing over the cake! Today I will tell you how to make a fluffy chocolate sponge cake for a cake that you get the first time. It is very easy to make a classic chocolate sponge cake, you can see for yourself by reading the recipe to the end.

An ordinary 250 ml glass holds about 200 grams of sugar and 150 grams of flour.

To make the biscuit easier to get out of the mold, it is better to cover it with baking paper or foil, which must also be greased with butter or vegetable oil. Better to use a form with removable sides.


  • Chicken eggs 4 pcs
  • Flour 100 g
  • Cocoa 50 g
  • Sugar 200 g
  • Butter - for greasing the mold

How to make a chocolate sponge cake:

To prepare the correct and fluffy biscuit, you need high-quality chicken eggs, which are carefully divided into yolks and whites.

We put the bowl with proteins in the refrigerator so that they have time to cool down and beat better. And add 100 grams of sugar to the yolks.

Then turn on the mixer at high speed and beat until smooth and creamy. Then preheat the oven to 200 degrees.

We take the proteins out of the refrigerator and use a mixer to beat until peaks. First, beat for a few minutes at low speed, then gradually increase it to maximum.

Add the remaining 100 grams of sugar to the whipped proteins in parts and beat again with a mixer. We should have a stable protein mass that won't spill out if you turn the bowl over.

Sift the cocoa and flour through a sieve into a large, clean plate or bowl.

Pour the whipped yolks to the whites, gently mix from bottom to top so that the mass does not settle and gradually add the sifted cocoa flour.

It is not worth mixing the dough for a long time and thoroughly, otherwise the biscuit may not rise.

Grease the baking dish with butter, lay out the dough, put it in a hot oven and reduce the temperature to 170 degrees.

We bake the biscuit for 30 - 40 minutes until fully cooked. It is not advisable to open the oven door for the first 25 - 30 minutes, otherwise the risen biscuit dough may settle.

We check the readiness with a toothpick, skewer or a match. If traces of raw dough remain, then we continue to bake, if not, we take out the hot chocolate sponge cake from the oven and leave it to cool in the mold.

After the cake has cooled down a little, we transfer it to a wire rack or a wooden cutting board, if necessary, the biscuit can be separated from the mold with a knife.

Many housewives believe that biscuit is a capricious pastry, so they look in its direction with apprehension. Meanwhile, biscuit is a delicious independent dessert, as well as a basic base for cakes and pastries. In this recipe, I'll share with you the secrets of how to make a rich-tasting chiffon chocolate sponge cake. The biscuit according to this recipe has a delicate chiffon structure, it is lush and airy.

So, the recipe for chocolate chiffon biscuit:

  • Wheat flour - 200 g.
  • Vegetable oil (odorless sunflower or corn oil) - 125 ml.
  • Sugar - 180 g (in yolks) + 50 g in proteins
  • Good quality cocoa - 50 g.
  • Cocoa brewing water - 150 ml
  • Baking powder -2 tsp
  • Baking soda - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Salt - 1/4 tsp
  • Egg yolks - 5 pcs.
  • Egg whites - 8 pcs.

How to cook:

Pour cocoa powder (50 g) with hot water (150 ml) and stir. In order for the biscuit to have a rich chocolate flavor, be sure to soak the cocoa in hot water and use cocoa powder with a high cocoa content. By the way, Nesquik children's drinks are not suitable for baking in the same way as for baby food.

Separate the egg yolks from the proteins very carefully so that not a drop of the yolk gets into the protein mass. The recipe for chocolate chiffon biscuit uses 5 yolks and 8 whites. Unused yolks can be frozen by placing them in a bag and signing the quantity.

Beat the egg yolks with sugar (180 g) until white. The better the yolks are whipped into a fluffy mass, the fluffier the biscuit crumb will be. The principle of active saturation of the dough with air is used in all biscuits, including

Pour in vegetable oil (125 ml.) Stir.

Pour the chocolate mixture of cocoa and hot water into the dough (by this time it should be at room temperature so that the yolks do not curl).

Beat the whites from 8 eggs at a powerful mixer speed into an elastic foam. Add sugar (50 g) gradually, when the foam has already formed (so that the granulated sugar does not fall to the bottom of the bowl).

Mix all dry ingredients with a spatula so that the baking powder is well distributed in the flour. In the dry mixture we have flour (200 g) and baking powder (2 tsp). A great way to evenly mix in the baking powder is to additionally sift it with flour through a sieve.

We combine dry ingredients with liquid ingredients. Stir with a spatula or spoon until smooth.

So, we have liquid chocolate dough (look how beautiful it is, I just want to eat it right now, without waiting for baking). Whipped proteins must be added to the chocolate dough for chiffon biscuit, this must be done as carefully as possible so that the air from the protein mass is not lost. All actions are exactly the same as in.

I do this: mentally divide the protein mass into three parts and mix the proteins in three steps. I apply some of the proteins - I stir, then I again apply the next portion, etc. Stirring should be gentle movements from bottom to top, as if you are lifting the dough from bottom to top.

How to mix proteins into the dough correctly can be seen in the following video:

Pour the dough into a specially prepared form (grease with a piece of butter and dust with flour). It should go down in a wide tape, by which you can judge that the consistency is correct.

The oven must be preheated to 180 C. The biscuit is baked for 35-40 minutes until dry with a toothpick. The test for the readiness of the biscuit is carried out as follows: lower a wooden stick (match, toothpick, splinter) into the center of the biscuit and take it out. We look: if the stick is dry, there are no lumps of raw dough on it, then the biscuit is ready.

Take the finished biscuit out of the oven, cool it in the mold for 20 minutes, then release it from the mold and leave it on the wire rack until it cools completely. When placed on the wire rack, the sponge cake is well ventilated, thereby preventing the crumb from soaking.

To make the chocolate chiffon biscuit even tastier, you can wrap it in plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator for 8-10 hours. The chiffon sponge cake will have an even richer taste and aroma of chocolate.

I baked a biscuit in a mold with a diameter of 24 cm, the height of the cake turned out to be 5 cm. A biscuit of this height can be cut into three equal parts using a saw knife. I even managed four.

Chocolate sponge cake will be a great base for many cakes and pastries. Its delicate melting structure will not leave anyone indifferent!
In the photo collage, I collected cuts of cakes, which were prepared on the basis of a chiffon chocolate biscuit.

I hope that this recipe will help you make friends with biscuit dough, because it opens up unlimited scope for creativity for every housewife!

Enjoy your meal!

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Today we are going to prepare a delicious dessert: a classic chocolate sponge cake. It is very delicate, fluffy, soft - every piece just melts in your mouth. You can use an airy classic sponge cake as a base for cakes: their taste will change depending on the cream, decoration and impregnation. Many people ask the question: how to prepare a chocolate biscuit so that it is delicious? The most important thing is to carefully and correctly select all the ingredients and strictly follow the step-by-step recipe.


  • eggs - 6 pieces;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • sugar - 6 tablespoons (with a slide);
  • flour - 6 tablespoons;
  • butter - optional;
  • vanilla;
  • cocoa - 3 tablespoons;
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon.

Classic chocolate sponge cake. Step by step recipe

  • We take 6 eggs at room temperature and separate them: in one container - white, in another - yolk.
  • Add a pinch of salt to the protein and begin to beat. First, beat at a slow speed, then increase. Beat the protein until a thick foam forms.
  • Beat the yolks for about 1 minute, without adding sugar. As soon as the yolks are whipped, they should lighten and expand in volume.
  • Add 3 tablespoons of sugar (with a slide) to the egg white and yolk. Beat both substances for about 3-4 minutes until a thick foam forms.

Please note: the sugar in the yolks may not completely dissolve, but this is not a problem.

  • We combine both mixtures and with a mixer at low speed, mix the yolks with the whites.

Whisking at maximum speed can cause the protein to fall off, so it is best to mix at low speed.

  • After beating, add vanilla (you can also add vanilla sugar or vanilla essence).
  • Now add 6 tablespoons full of flour, 2.5-3 tablespoons of cocoa, and baking powder (if you want the biscuit to be fluffy). Mix everything and sift through a sieve.
  • Gently mix with a spatula in one direction so that the proteins do not fall. Stir until the dough is completely coffee-colored, without white. After mixing, our mass will settle, however, it will be fluffy and elastic.

Be sure to mix with a spatula - silicone or wooden. In no case should you stir with a spoon.

  • We take butter: for 6 eggs, we need 1 tablespoon. Melt the butter in the microwave (it should not be very hot).
  • We literally take a spoonful of our chocolate biscuit dough into a separate bowl and add butter there.
  • Mix everything first in a small bowl, add to the total mass and mix again.

You should not add oil immediately to the general container, because in this case we will mix the biscuit dough for a long time and part of the biscuit will settle.
Also note: if you do not add butter, then the biscuit will be classic dry. But, if you add a little butter, then something like a creamy biscuit comes out.

  • Now it's time to pour our biscuit dough into the mold. I draw your attention to the fact that you can take any shape - the main thing is that the diameter corresponds to the number of products.
    For example: we are preparing a delicate chocolate sponge cake for 6 eggs, so our mold should be about 24 centimeters in diameter. If you take a standard shape, 28 centimeters, then the biscuit will be low.
  • Cover the bottom of the form with parchment paper (if it is absent, then you can sprinkle with flour or grease with oil).

Do not grease the sides in any way, because in this case the biscuit will not rise well!

  • Pour our dough into a mold and send it to a hot oven (preheated to 180 degrees) for 20-25 minutes.
  • We take out the dough and check the readiness with a toothpick. If it remains dry, then the biscuit is ready, if the toothpick is wet, then you need to leave it in the oven for a few more minutes.

Many people ask about the exact level at which the biscuit should be baked: it needs to be baked at 2-3 levels / row (starting from the bottom).

  • Taking out a chocolate sponge cake from the oven, carefully walk the edges with a knife so that they become free of shape, and take it out. Leave it to cool for a few hours.

Tip: if the top of the cake turned out to be a slide, then in order for it to become even, it must be turned over onto a flat surface.

If you made a chocolate sponge cake with baking powder, then it will be about 3.5-4 centimeters in height, and the dough itself will become more airy and porous inside.
Without baking powder, the biscuit will be about 2.5-3 centimeters high, and inside it will be denser.
But, despite these differences, homemade chocolate biscuits turn out to be delicate in taste and insanely tasty.
I draw your attention: when cooking a biscuit in a multicooker, the cake rises about 2 centimeters higher.

Chocolate sponge cake is perfect for tea. It turned out to be soft, lush and literally melts in your mouth. You can serve it to the table without any additives, or cut it into pieces and grease with any delicious cream. In any case, the classic biscuit will appeal to anyone who tastes it at least once.