Strawberry juice: composition, benefits and treatment of strawberry juice. How to make strawberry juice

Today, the stores sell berry juices of all kinds, but good housewives, as before, try to prepare such drinks for the winter on their own.

Homemade strawberry juice is natural, tasty and very healthy, you can't argue with that.

And it is highly recommended to prepare it for the winter, if the jams and compotes are already cooked.

Canning Strawberry Juice with Sugar

1. Wash the strawberries and let them dry a little.

2. Pass through a meat grinder, place in a press and squeeze the juice in two or three steps.

Each time the squeezed mass (pulp) must be well mixed and squeezed again.

3. Filter the squeezed juice through 3-4 layers of gauze.

4. Pour into an enamel saucepan, add sugar at the rate of 100 g per 1 liter of juice and heat on the stove, stirring to 95 ° C.

When heating, you need to make sure that the juice does not boil, otherwise it loses its taste and aroma.

5. Immediately pour the juice into hot sterilized jars, roll up, turn upside down and wrap with a blanket until it cools.

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After wringing out, the pulp remains, in which there are still many taste properties. You can use it for baking or pour water (10% of the waste mass) for 3-5 hours and squeeze again. Secondary juice goes into compotes, jelly, mashed potatoes, jam, jelly, etc.

How to make sugar-free Victoria strawberry juice

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1. Sort out the berries, rinse, remove the stalks, crush with a wooden mashed potato pusher, filter.

2. Pour into an enamel pot, heat over medium heat to 85 degrees, boil for 5 minutes.

3. Pour into clean sterilized jars, cover with boiled tin lids and place in a saucepan with water heated to 60 ° C for pasteurization.

4. Pasteurize at a temperature of 85-90 degrees cans with a capacity of 3 liters - 35 minutes, 2 liters - 25 minutes, 0.5 liters - 15 minutes. Roll up the covers.

Rolled up juice cans should be checked within two weeks. If you do not sterilize them well, then the contents will become cloudy, fermented or moldy.

High-quality juices must be kept in a dark place, otherwise canned juice will lose its beautiful color.

The maximum storage time for homemade juices in cans is 1 year.

Favorite berry

Probably, there are few people who do not like strawberries and can safely walk past the dish with these fresh, fragrant, beautiful berries: the hand reaches for them by itself - I want to take at least one. Strawberries are actively used in the confectionery industry, in cosmetology, and in perfumery, but with all this, few people are familiar with strawberry juice! Meanwhile, as the berry itself consists of seeds, nuts, fiber and juice (by the way, berry - the name here is not entirely correct, but familiar).

Strawberry juice

Strawberry juice is not only tasty, but also very healthy, which our ancestors knew very well. Strawberry is especially rich, and, accordingly, juice from it, vitamins of group B, as well as: C, PP, A and E. Strawberry juice is indicated for strengthening blood vessels, stimulating appetite, normalizing pressure and the action of the digestive system, for removing toxins and toxins, as well as increasing the immunity of the whole organism as a whole and with anemia. One of the attractive properties of strawberry juice is its anti-aging effect. In case of a cold, the juice of these berries will act as a diaphoretic and antimicrobial agent.

In general, if you are not allergic to this miracle berry and other contraindications, then you can safely use its juice. For juicing, the fruit is best harvested on a cool day or in the morning if the weather is warm. It is best to do this with the stalks. You need to store the strawberries unwashed: in the room for several hours, in the refrigerator under the film for several days.

How to prepare strawberry juice for future use

In order to please yourself and your household with fresh strawberry juice in cold winter, prepare it for future use in summer or autumn.

1) Recipe for making strawberry juice. Take ripe berries without damage and with stalks, sort out and rinse them (wash directly with the stalks). Then wait until the water drains from the berries and squeeze the juice out of them - this can be done using a press, after placing the strawberries in a gauze bag. The resulting juice must be filtered into an enamel pan, heated to about 85 degrees, kept on fire for about 5 minutes, without boiling and poured into sterilized containers. Then the jars or bottles of juice must be sterilized (covered with lids) for about 20 minutes and sealed.

2) Another recipe:
- 1 kg of fresh strawberries;
- 1 kg of granulated sugar;
- 1 g of citric acid.
Rinse the strawberries, dry them, separate the pedicels and cut the berries in half. Next, cover the berries with sugar and finely ground citric acid. Leave to infuse for 1 hour. Then pour the strawberries with sugar into a sieve and leave for 3 hours to strain the juice. Pour the juice obtained in this way into a bottle, close the lid and tie with parchment paper.

Strawberry drink recipes

Strawberry juice puree:
- boiled and chilled water;
- fresh strawberries;
- granulated sugar.
Take all the ingredients to taste. The more berries - the more "strawberry" the juice! Sort the berries, rinse, let the water drain from them and separate the pedicels. Then use a blender or mixer to beat the strawberries until smooth and smooth. Gently add water and sugar without turning off the blender, continue whisking. To facilitate the even distribution of sugar, it can be pre-dissolved in water. If desired, ice can be added to the juice-puree (beat the drink with ice).

Strawberry Juice Cocktail:
- 2 tbsp. kefir or yogurt;
- 1 tbsp. strawberry juice;
- 2 tsp granulated sugar;
- ice cubes.
Cool kefir and beat it well with a mixer along with strawberry juice and sugar. Pour the finished cocktail into glasses with ice.

Strawberry cocktail:
- 2 tbsp. natural yogurt;
- 400 g fresh strawberries;
- 1/2 tbsp. honey;
- 1/2 tsp cardamom powder;
- ice cubes.
Rinse the strawberries, drain and separate the stalks from the berries. Next, mix the strawberries, honey and cardamom with a blender until smooth. Add yogurt and ice and stir again.
Enjoy your meal!

There are two ways to preserve strawberry juice.

The first way. Prepared strawberries are passed through a meat grinder, placed in a press and squeezed out in two or three doses. Each time the squeezed mass (pulp) is mixed well and squeezed again. The squeezed juice is filtered through 3-4 layers of gauze. The filtered juice is poured into an enamel pan, sugar (100 g per 1 liter of juice) is added and heated with stirring to 95 ° C. When heating, it is necessary to ensure that the juice does not boil, as in this case it loses its taste and aroma. The juice must be poured hot (temperature not lower than 92-95 ° C) into well washed and heated jars. The filled cans are hermetically sealed, turned upside down, covered with a thick cloth and slowly cooled.

After squeezing out the juice, waste remains that can be used to obtain secondary juice. For this purpose, they are poured with water in an amount of up to 10% of the waste mass, kept for 3-5 hours and squeezed again. The resulting juice can be used for making jelly, jelly or syrup, it can also be used for cooking preserves, jams and compotes.

Second way. If you have a juicer, strawberry juice can be obtained in an easier way. 2-2.5 liters of water is poured into the juicer tank and heated to a boil, after which a juice collector and a grid with berries are installed on the tank. Then the apparatus is covered with a casing or lid. The branch pipe must be closed with a clamp. As soon as the valve inserted into the hole in the casing begins to rise with steam, it is necessary to reduce the heat in order to prevent the water boiling away and overheating of the released juice. Depending on the variety and ripeness of the berries, the juicing process lasts from 45 to 70 minutes.

After 30 minutes of boiling and juicing, it is recommended to drain about 0.5 liters of juice through a drain pipe, remove the casing and pour this juice into the net with berries, since at the beginning of the juicing process, the juice is non-sterile. It should be borne in mind that the drainage tube does not itself fill with juice. To do this, press the hose above the clamp several times with your fingers. At the end of the boiling period, hot juice (temperature about 70 ° C) is poured through a drain pipe into sterilized dry jars. In order to avoid losses when filling the jar with juice, it is recommended to substitute a deep plate or basin under it.

Jars filled with juice are hermetically sealed, turned upside down and cooled slowly.

To obtain sweet juice, sugar is poured into the net simultaneously with the berries at the rate of 100 g of sugar per 1 kg of berries.

After evaporation of the juice from the berries, pomace remains in the net, which, with the addition of sugar, can be used to re-juice. To do this, the pomace is subjected to an additional action of steam for 30 minutes and removed from the heat. Since the repeated juice is released slowly, it is recommended to leave the juicer full overnight, and heat the juice released at the same time to a temperature of 75 ° C, after which it is poured into sterilized jars, hermetically sealed, turned over and cooled.

From the pomace, you can make mashed potatoes or jam with the addition of the appropriate amount of sugar.

Sweet strawberry juice, in which vitamins are retained in greater quantities than those obtained by juicing by the methods described, can be prepared as follows.

Immediately after picking the berries (they must be ripe and dry), they are carefully sorted out, kneaded with a wooden pestle and rubbed through a thick sieve. For each glass of the resulting puree add 2 cups of powdered sugar or sugar syrup, cooked per 1 glass of mashed potatoes 2 cups of sugar and 1/4 cup of water, mix and put on ice or in the refrigerator for 2-3 days, stirring 2-3 times a day so that the sugar is completely dissolved. After aging, the juice is poured into dark sterilized bottles, sealed with boiled corks, the neck of the bottle is poured with sealing wax or paraffin. Store the juice in a cool dark place at a temperature of 2 to 4 ° C (you can use the refrigerator).

With the onset of summer, it is time to receive generous gifts from nature in the form of useful goodies. Everyone who cares about their health and loves to enjoy the fresh gifts of the garden, not only intensively fill their body with vitamins, but also try to stock up on them for the whole year. One of everyone's favorite summer treats is aromatic strawberries. This berry is distinguished not only by its delicious taste, but also by the richest set of vitamins. Having eaten enough fresh strawberries, you can start preparing various delicacies from it: jam, mousse, cocktail, various pastries, compote and juice. Strawberry juice is a great option for a refreshing, vibrant and delicious drink. This drink is a great combination of delicious taste and tremendous health benefits. The most convenient way to prepare it is using a juicer.

Preparing strawberry juice in a pressure cooker:

  1. Prepare the strawberries: sort them out, wash them, remove them from the green caps.

    2. Fill the saucepan of the juicer with water and close the lid. Bring water to a boil.

    3. Pour strawberries into a special fruit basket. Cover with sugar. Place the grid on the middle part of the juicer - the juice collector. To the juice collector, first connect a rubber tube for juice drainage, fixing a clamp on it, which prevents the juice from flowing out during cooking.

    Place the mesh and collector structure in a pot of boiling water.

    5. After 5 minutes, when a strong boil becomes noticeable, reduce heat to a moderate state.

    6. While the juicer is doing its job, you can prepare the dishes into which the resulting juice will be poured. To preserve the juice until the winter period, the jars and lids must be sterilized.

    7. To achieve complete sterility of the resulting drink, it is necessary 30 minutes after the start of cooking to drain 1-2 glasses of the released juice by loosening the clamp, and pour it back into the saucepan over the berries. It can be seen how the berry has decreased in size and turned pale.

    8. Leave to simmer for another 30-40 minutes, then turn off and start draining the juice. To do this, release the branch pipe from the clamp and carefully, not forgetting that all parts of the juicer are very hot, pour the resulting drink into prepared containers.

    9. Roll up the jars with a flavored drink with a key, turn the lids down, cover with a towel and leave to cool. After cooling completely, move them to the cellar or refrigerator.

Delicious, rich in vitamins, alluring with its aroma and color, strawberry juice is ready! Such juice can be drunk immediately, chilled in the refrigerator, or enjoyed in winter, getting pleasant memories of summer through the taste. No one will refuse to pamper themselves with this juicy natural taste.

Strawberry juice and berries have long been used in folk medicine. With their help, rheumatism, hypovitaminosis and anemia were treated, since they contain a lot of iron, as well as hypertension, insomnia, they used strawberry juice for the prevention of atherosclerosis and strengthening the immune system. Strawberries helped women recover from uterine bleeding.

Cigarette lovers need strawberries: the organic acids contained in it are able to neutralize the effect of toxic substances that enter the body with tobacco smoke, and thus prevent the development of cancer.

Sweet taste strawberry juice does not prevent him from normalizing blood sugar levels, so strawberries are not only not contraindicated for diabetic patients, but even useful. Strawberry juice lowers the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, and also protects organs such as the pancreas and spleen from damage.

Helps a lot strawberry juice with stones in the gallbladder, if you drink it on an empty stomach, by? glasses every morning.

Taste qualities in strawberry juice go well with its high value: it helps to relieve all organs and systems, while improving metabolism at all levels.

Due to the high content of manganese, strawberry juice promotes the formation of a normal blood and bone tissue composition, helps nourish nerve cells, relieves joint pain, stimulates sexual desire, maintains normal thyroid function, and even is responsible for the color of the skin and hair, supplying them with coloring pigments.

From the intestines strawberry juice removes toxins, and generally normalizes the entire digestive system. Therefore, strawberry juice mixed with raspberry 1: 1 is prescribed for diarrhea, after eating, although this may seem surprising - after all, strawberries are also recommended for constipation. The fact is that the substances contained in strawberries kill not only pathogens of intestinal infections, but also pneumococci, staphylococci and streptococci, which cause many dangerous diseases - from skin lesions to blood infections.

To maintain the vitamin and mineral balance in the body strawberry juice it is recommended to drink for children - a glass a day, and for adults - 2 glasses. This is especially necessary for those who have been ill with serious, including infectious diseases, and need to restore strength and additional energy.

Those who want to lose weight will also help strawberries and strawberry juice - you should always use the strawberry diet in a season when there are a lot of berries. People have always treated obesity and edema with strawberries, so it will definitely help get rid of excess weight.

Do not rush to cook strawberry jam for the winter, although it is also very useful, but try for at least a few days in a row to just eat ripe strawberries - up to 1.5 kg, or drink the juice squeezed out of them. Of course, this can be done if you are sure that you will not face any allergic reactions.

To rinse the mouth with an unpleasant odor and throat with sore throat, an aqueous infusion of strawberry berries is used to destroy pathogenic bacteria and reduce inflammation.

Strawberries and their juice have long been used to treat skin rashes, diathesis, eczema, ulcers and wounds - simply by lubricating the affected areas with juice or applying gruel from fresh berries to them.

Of course, all women know that strawberries are successfully used in cosmetology, and effective home remedies for skin and hair care are prepared from it: lotions, lotions, face and hair masks, etc.

How to make strawberry juice

Prepare strawberry juice for future use it is possible at home. For this, the berries must be taken fresh, ripe and absolutely whole, without any defects or damage. Strawberries do not have to be large varieties: from small, brightly colored berries, the juice also turns out tasty and high-quality.

The berries must be sorted, washed, wait for the water to drain, put in a clean linen bag and squeeze out the juice using a press. Then the juice is filtered, poured into an enamel container, heated to 85 ° C, kept for 5 minutes and immediately poured into sterilized jars or bottles, covered with sterilized lids or stoppers, and pasteurized at 90 ° C for up to 20 minutes. Pasteurized juice is immediately sealed.

Strawberries are best picked in cool weather or in the morning. It is recommended to store the berries unwashed: in the refrigerator for several days, laid out on a wide dish and covered with cling film, and at room temperature for several hours.

Mold must not be allowed to appear on the strawberries - it quickly affects all the berries. You need to wash the strawberries together with the pedicels, otherwise it will get wet. By the way, when buying strawberries, you also need to ensure that the berries are strong and that all the pedicels are in place - without them, vitamins are quickly lost.

And strawberries are very useful, but they often cause allergic reactions. Those who are prone to them need to eat strawberries in small quantities, or use them along with fermented milk products. You can also make a strawberry shake with cream or milk to reduce the likelihood of allergies.

Pregnant and young children should eat strawberries with caution, and in case of renal and stomach colic and increased secretion of gastric juice, it is better to refuse it.