Cupcakes in the oven in a silicone mold. Silicone cupcakes - the best recipes

01.10.2019 Desserts and cakes

Delicious and easy baking recipes

Secrets and subtleties of making cupcakes in silicone molds. Simple recipes for chocolate, cottage cheese and kefir muffins. Try it!

1 h

280 kcal

4.71/5 (21)

Cupcake (translated from English - cake) is a pastry made from dough into which chocolate, raisins, nuts, jam, fruits and much more are added. Cupcakes can be made simply vanilla. The filling can be either sweet or not sweet. Most often, it is customary to prepare such confectionery products for Christmas.

Today I will tell you the recipe for the most delicious cupcake! Or rather - a few recipes on how to cook sour cream at home.

Why are cupcakes so popular

The popularity of cupcakes can be explained by the fact that they incredibly convenient and easy to prepare... You can easily take them with you for a walk, a picnic or, as a snack, to work.

You can bake low-calorie muffins. Products for the preparation of such a muffin can be found in every refrigerator. They are useful for children who need enhanced nutrition.

For example, adding walnuts will improve brain function, banana muffins will boost your mood, and blueberries will have a beneficial effect on your eyesight.

Interesting to know: cupcake is one of the few products that has been listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

Secrets and subtleties of cooking

This confection is not difficult to prepare. To do this, you need to remember some subtleties and secrets:

  • all ingredients must have the same temperature;
  • the dough must be mixed quite quickly, while gently stirring from bottom to top;
  • whipped egg whites required add at the very end to a ready-made test;
  • the confection must be baked in a well-heated oven at a temperature of at least 200 degrees;
  • during the baking process, you cannot move the molds with the dough, otherwise it will not rise;
  • it is not recommended to open the oven for the first 20 minutes or move cupcakes;
  • for a more delicate and porous dough structure, instead of one egg, it is worth putting two yolks;
  • if the inside of the cake is still damp, and has already begun to burn on top, then cover it with paper and bake further until tender;
  • the product should be removed from the molds only after they cool down to maintain a beautiful shape;
  • so that the baking does not stick to the mold, you can grease it with a thin layer of butter before baking;
  • if the mixture is too thin, add a little more flour, and if it is very thick, add a little liquid (milk or kefir).

Simple cupcake recipes

There are many recipes. The simplest and most original are chocolate, cottage cheese and kefir muffins.

Chocolate cupcake - recipe with photo step by step


We cook as follows:

  1. Beat butter with a mixer with powdered sugar until fluffy. Then add the yolks and whites to the mixture, while continuing to beat.
  2. Add baking powder (or soda), milk and vanillin to the resulting mass. Mix everything thoroughly with a spoon.
  3. Add chocolate. Sift and gradually stir in the corn flour. It is not necessary for the dough to be completely thick, but not liquid either, a creamy consistency.
  4. We grease the forms with the thinnest layer of oil and put the dough there with a spoon;
  5. In preheated up to 200 degrees oven, put the muffins and bake about 25 minutes.

Cottage cheese cake in the oven - recipes with photos


  • 250 g of soft medium fat curd mass;
  • 1.5 tbsp granulated sugar;
  • 2 medium or 3 small eggs;
  • 100 g milk margarine;
  • 450 g flour (premium grade);
  • 10 g baking powder;
  • vanilla extract to taste;
  • 50 ml of milk;
  • 70 g raisins optional.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Combine warm creamy margarine with eggs, vanilla extract and granulated sugar. Beat everything with a mixer.
  2. To this mass we mix cottage cheese, milk and beat further.
  3. Then add baking powder and mix quickly, the mixture should foam slightly.
  4. Then sift the flour and add it to the mixture. Knead a soft, slightly thin dough.
  5. Wash and dry the raisins. Add it to the dough.
  6. Put the dough in pre-greased molds and bake for half an hour with temperature 210 degrees.

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It is quite possible to create a unique culinary dessert or just an intricate breakfast loaf. To this end, it is worthwhile to study such baked goods as muffins and understand that you simply cannot do without them. They come to the table, both as an exquisite treat, and as a bakery product with special additives. The main thing is that the hostess has a desire to experiment and create muffins to her liking. Although everyone can participate in this process, without exception. The result will only benefit from this.

A couple of decades ago, it was a truly outlandish delicacy in the domestic open spaces. After all, ordinary gingerbread and cookies, and sometimes cakes were held in high esteem. But there was no need to talk about various overseas curiosities. Muffins were served in gourmet restaurants and were considered almost a delicacy. This was the case until the time when ordinary cooks learned the real recipe for cooking. From that moment on, a riot of taste and a variety of culinary fantasies began. Muffins were created according to unique recipes. Each chef had a couple of options in stock. Many parameters differed. But, unchanged was the fact that the taste was always at its best.

The result has exceeded all expectations. This delicacy has become something extraordinary, since it is based on a variety of fillings. And they don't have to be sweet. You can always find a decent alternative. And if you add special herbs, then the result will not keep you waiting long. Muffins turn out to be excellent if you put your soul and imagination into them.

The most interesting thing is that even young cooks can cope with this dish. Moreover, it will be incredibly interesting for them to lay out the dough in tins. This will help them not only succeed in creating unique recipes, but also learn how to cook such culinary masterpieces with their own hands.

How to make chocolate muffins

A real paradise for those with a sweet tooth. They will never refuse such a delicacy. Not only do muffins have a nice texture, but they also taste like chocolate. In this case, one true rule should be observed: clearly comply with all measures. In this case, even a child will be able to cope with the task, and the result obtained will exceed any expectations.


  • Selected egg - a couple of pieces.
  • Whole milk - half a glass.
  • Granulated sugar - 100 grams.
  • Cocoa - 2 tablespoons.
  • Wheat flour - one and a half glasses.
  • Vanillin - pack.
  • Baking powder - packaging.
  • Dark chocolate bar.
  • Rock salt - 0.2 grams.

The dish is for 12 persons.

Cooking process:

1. Melt the butter in a water bath from 2/3 of the chocolate bar. Mix with vanilla, cocoa and milk.

2. Grind the remaining chocolate. Beat eggs into the cooled creamy chocolate mixture using a mixer or a whisk.

3. Sift flour thoroughly. Mix with salt and baking powder.

4. Add the flour mixture to the warm ingredients in small portions. Mix thoroughly.

5. Put a little more than half of the dough into each silicone mold. Top with chopped chocolate. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Place the blanks in it for 15-20 minutes.

6. Reach and, if desired, tame a little with powdered sugar, or you can leave it without additional tweaks.

The result, both external and gustatory, is simply amazing. Muffins literally melt in your mouth. And here the main task is to stop in time, since you can not notice and immediately absorb several portions.

Watch the video recipe from Natalia Vysotskaya:

Enjoy your meal!

Classic recipe

If you want to cook something unusual and simple, then the proposed muffins will just come to the rescue. They are so tasty and at the same time original that one can only admire the skill of the cook. And only he knows that the procedure for creating a culinary masterpiece does not take much time.


  • Selected egg.
  • Wheat flour - glass.
  • Salt.
  • Baking soda - 1/2 teaspoon.
  • Butter - 50 grams.
  • Granulated sugar - 2 \\ 3 cups.
  • Citric acid - 0.2 grams.
  • Whole milk - a third of a glass.
  • Vanillin - pack.

The dish is designed for 7 persons.

Cooking process:

1. Prepare the necessary food on the work surface.

2. Thoroughly grind the butter with sugar until smooth.

3. Drive in an egg.

4. Add milk with soda and citric acid. Mix.

5. Sift the wheat flour. Mix in small portions with the dough.

6. Using a mixer, bring all components to a uniform state.

7. Fill silicone molds slightly more than halfway. Preheat the oven to a temperature of 180 degrees. Place blanks in it. As soon as the crust is browned, it is necessary to turn off the cabinet and leave the muffins in it until it cools completely.

8.Pull the resulting delicacy onto a plate and decorate as desired.

It is noteworthy that such muffins can always be made an order of magnitude more original if you add various sweet toppings and fruits with berries when serving. This will refresh the dish and give it a special flavor.


Connoisseurs of tropical fruits will appreciate this option for creating a unique creation. Although such muffins are considered by many to be almost classic. It doesn't matter who has what opinion. If you like them, then you should take such a recipe into service and use it in practice.


  • Selected egg.
  • Granulated sugar - 5 tablespoons.
  • Wheat flour - 1.2 cups.
  • Baking powder - pack.
  • Butter - 3 tablespoons.
  • Banana.

The dish is for 8 persons.

Cooking process:

1. On the work surface, prepare all the products necessary for cooking.

2. Chop a ripe banana thoroughly. Add sugar and beat in an egg. Mix well until a whole consistency is obtained.

3. Grind the butter. Add to prepared foods.

4. Sift flour and add baking powder to it. Mix in small portions with the rest of the products. You should get a uniform consistency.

5. Fill a little more than half of each mold. Place the oven preheated to 190 degrees. Baking time is 20 minutes.

6. Get banana treats and decorate them as you wish.

An incredibly simple and gentle recipe for creating everyone's favorite delicacy. Moreover, every time you can experiment with something and add some spices. This results in a richer flavor.

Muffins on kefir with currants

There are no more than ten minutes left before the guests arrive, but there is nothing to serve? In this case, it is worth being smart and resorting to an incredibly simple, but no less delicious recipe. Such muffins are unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. Both children and adults will definitely demand supplements and thank the hostess for a decent treat.


  • Selected egg.
  • Vegetable oil - half a glass.
  • Kefir is a glass.
  • Vanillin - sachet.
  • Wheat flour - 250 grams.
  • Baking powder - packaging.
  • Currant - 150 grams.
  • Granulated sugar - 200 grams.

The dish is for 10 persons.

Cooking process:

1. Thoroughly beat the egg with kefir. Gradually lead the sunflower oil.

2. Sift the wheat flour. Mix with baking powder and vanilla. Add salt and sugar.

3. Add flour mixture to kefir in small portions. You should get a viscous homogeneous mass.

4. Pour in most of the currants. Mix well.

5. Fill each mold 2/3. Put a couple of currant berries in the center. Place in an oven with a temperature of 190 degrees.

6. Bake for about 25 minutes. It is necessary to monitor the formation of a golden brown crust.

Now you don't have to worry that guests will be left without a treat. Everyone will love muffins. Moreover, you can always use another berry that is in the refrigerator or on the table. In some cases, you can resort to jam.


The sunny fruit can delight with its rich taste. Orange muffins will be appreciated by everyone who prefers bold experiments and spicy notes. The result is always unsurpassed. And if you consider that this delicacy literally melts in your mouth, then you simply will not be able to pass them by.


  • Selected egg - a couple of pieces.
  • Wheat flour - 1.5 cups.
  • Baking powder - pack.
  • Butter - half a pack.
  • Vanillin - pack.
  • Orange is a large fruit.

The dish is for 8 persons.

Cooking process:

1. Grind the orange zest. Squeeze the juice from the pulp while removing all the bones and excess impurities.

2. Melt the butter and cool slightly. Beat in two eggs and mix with a fork or whisk.

3. Pour in juice and zest. Mix.

4. Sow the flour. Add baking powder. Add vanilla sugar and mix. Pour liquid ingredients on top. Mix well with a whisk. No need to shoot down.

5.Prepare baking tins. Fill more than half with dough.

6. Place molds with blanks in a preheated oven. The time is conditional, since the degree of readiness is determined by a ruddy crust and a dry center. Cool down. Extract from forms.

7. Decorate with powdered sugar or syrup if desired.

Excellent muffins can diversify any tea party. In addition, they are also healthy, and gourmets will appreciate their spicy notes.


This is a real culinary miracle that can surprise everyone. The main thing is that these muffins are incredibly healthy. Therefore, they can be offered without any problems to children who value pastries without any fear. In addition, even adults will appreciate the tenderness of the test. After all, it literally melts and delivers incomparable gastronomic sensations.


  • Natural cottage cheese - 200 grams.
  • Selected egg - 3 pieces.
  • Wheat flour - 1.5 cups.
  • Baking powder - pack.
  • Butter - 2 \\ 3 packs.
  • Sugar sand - half a glass.
  • Orange essence - a couple of drops.

The dish is for 7 people.

Cooking process:

2. Mix eggs with sugar and beat with a mixer until a homogeneous dense mass.

3. Melt the butter and add to the eggs.

4. Having received a homogeneous mass, combine with cottage cheese.

5. Add essence to mixed products.

6. Sift flour and mix with baking powder. Introduce to already mixed ingredients.

7.Using a mixer, mix all the ingredients together.

8. Lay each silicone mold with parchment blanks. Fill with dough to 2/3 the volume.

9.Heat the oven to 200 degrees. Place molds with dough. Bake for no more than half an hour.

10. Remove from silicone molds after cooling.

And then you can safely proceed to various experiments. After all, curd muffins can be served with whipped cream and berries, condensed milk and grated chocolate. The main thing is to have the desire to surprise and then the fantasy will manifest itself.

Muffins in the microwave

Using modern appliances to facilitate the cooking process is very effective, they help quickly create almost incredible culinary masterpieces. The main thing is to adopt the correct recipe, and then everything will turn out just fine. The proposed muffins are very unusual, which literally makes you try this recipe.


  • Cocoa - 50 grams.
  • Bitter chocolate - bar.
  • Wheat flour - 1.5 cups.
  • Butter - pack.
  • Baking powder - packaging.
  • Whole milk - 2 \\ 3 cups.
  • Selected egg.
  • Sugar - 1/3 cup.
  • Salt - 1/2 teaspoon.

The dish is for 8 persons.

Cooking process:

1. Collect the required products on the work surface.

2. Using a sieve, sift the flour and add sugar and salt.

3. Pour cocoa into the flour mixture and mix.

4. Beat the egg with milk. Add previously melted and cooled butter. Continue kneading.

5. Combine all products and mix thoroughly.

6.Grate the chocolate on a coarse grater. Add most of it to the prepared test.

7. The result should be an airy, homogeneous dough.

8.Prepare silicone molds. Pour the dough so that it slightly exceeds half of the total volume.

9. Program the time 3 minutes, and the power is not more than 630 kW. Place on the platform. Start baking.

10.Cool slightly and remove from the molds. Sprinkle with the remaining dark chocolate.

11. When the chocolate is melted and soaked in the muffin, you can say that the result has been achieved.

Some may think that this recipe is a bit like a chocolate fondant. The statement is correct. But, preparing such a muffin is an order of magnitude easier and you can create a similar masterpiece quickly and at no extra cost.

With ham and cheese

Do you want to surprise your guests and relatives? Then the proposed option will come in handy more than ever. After all, a seemingly already beloved dish appears in a completely different form. Very few people have tried muffins with ham. And the truth is to say that after the test there were no people indifferent to them. So it's time to experiment.


  • Selected egg - 3 pieces.
  • Baking powder - pack.
  • Hard cheese - 100 grams.
  • Olives - 13 pieces.
  • Ham - 250 grams.
  • Wheat flour - glass.
  • Sun-dried tomatoes - 150 grams.
  • Milk - half a glass.
  • Olive oil - 6 tablespoons.
  • Oregano.
  • Sea salt.
  • Pepper and spices.

The dish is for 13 persons.

Cooking process:

1.Prepare all products on the work surface.

2. Cut the tomatoes, olives, cheese and ham into small cubes.

3. Beat eggs with milk and olive oil until smooth.

4. Sift flour. Mix with baking powder, salt and pepper.

5.Add pre-chopped food and stir. Sprinkle with oregano and Italian herbs.

6. Using a silicone spatula, mix thoroughly.

7.Fill the molds more than halfway. Place in a preheated oven for half an hour. Allow to cool slightly and remove from the molds.

8.Serve with fresh herbs and sour cream sauce.

Such mouth-watering muffins will surely find their admirers. In addition, they will be a great find for enterprising housewives for breakfast or as a snack for family and friends.


The muffins on offer may seem like an absolutely classic option. In many ways, they resemble classic muffins, so they go well with any drink. In addition, they are so light and melt in the mouth that households simply will not be able to tear themselves away from them.


  • Selected egg - a couple of pieces.
  • Butter - half a pack.
  • Baking powder - pack.
  • Sugar sand - half a glass.
  • Lemon.
  • Raisins - 100 grams.
  • Wheat flour - glass.
  • Vanillin.
  • Rock salt.

The dish is designed for 10 people.

Cooking process:

1. Rinse the raisins thoroughly. Cover with hot water.

2. Grate the lemon zest on a fine grater.

3. Melt the butter. Cool down.

4. Squeeze juice from the remaining lemon. Remove excess.

5. Mix the eggs thoroughly using a whisk.

6. Sift flour, mix with baking powder, salt, sugar, vanilla.

7. Mix eggs with ghee and lemon juice.

8. Mix all ingredients together.

9.Add raisins and zest.

10.Stir the dough and spread it evenly over the prepared molds.

11. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Place the blanks for 20-30 minutes.

12. Let the dessert cool slightly and remove from the mold.

The proposed option is simply irreplaceable during any tea drinking. After all, it is unusual and delicious. Everyone, young and old, will be delighted with him.


It is quite possible to cook an original appetizer. Meat muffins are a worthy confirmation of this. They are unusual in their texture and will be an excellent option, both for any feast, and as a snack.


  • Chicken breast without skin.
  • Olives - 1/2 cans.
  • Onion feather - a couple of pieces.
  • Selected egg - 4 pieces.
  • Baking powder - pack.
  • Flour - a couple of glasses.
  • Natural cheese - 100 grams.
  • Olive oil - half a glass.
  • Italian herbs.
  • Milk - 100 milligrams
  • Sea salt.

The dish is designed for 12 persons.

Cooking process:

1.Prepare all necessary components on the work surface.

2. Separate the chicken breast from the skin. Rinse. Boil until fully cooked. Cool down. Divide into fibers.

3. Beat eggs with olive oil and milk in a deep bowl.

4. Sift the wheat flour. Mix with baking powder. Add to the rest of the components.

5. Grind all products. Add Italian herbs to the ready-made dough. Mix. Add sea salt last.

6. Preheat the oven. Place a couple of tablespoons of dough in each mold. Bake for no more than half an hour.

7. Give the muffins a little brew. Put out of the form.

Video recipe:

This dish is a great option that will appeal to both children and adults. And most importantly, an original snack can be obtained quite quickly.

It would seem that baking decent muffins is incredibly easy. Although even here there are a number of rules that can improve the result and make it literally unsurpassed.

  • Each muffin mold must be prepared in advance: treated with butter or flour.
  • Always use a mixer to get a homogeneous dough.
  • The optimum temperature for baking is 190 degrees.
  • Each form should be slightly more than half full. Otherwise, spreading cannot be avoided.
  • Using fresh or frozen berries in cooking, it is worth crushing them with flour before adding to the dough.
  • The measure of readiness is determined not only by the golden brown crust, but also through the use of a length of wooden stick or match.

Making awesome muffins is incredibly easy. And most importantly, in the process, you can always vary the main components. The main thing is that the dish is prepared with soul, and there will be no limit to the delight of those who have tasted the delicacy.


Tell VK

When mankind came up with cupcakes, it did all the housewives a great service, because such an elegant treat can be prepared even for tea for the household, even though it is easy and simple for the arrival of guests, and the taste is always excellent. The recipe for cupcakes in molds appeared relatively recently, when silicone, paper small molds came into fashion. The muffins baked in them are called muffins. They are convenient to prepare, you can take them with you to work, to school, or to a picnic. They keep their shape well and do not crumble.

Back in Soviet times, we knew one large cupcake "Stolichny", and even small portions with raisins. But - they are so far in taste from the modern, delicate and aromatic cupcakes with which the housewives pamper the family. Moreover, in the presence of small silicone molds, even separate, even united by one plane, there is nothing difficult to prepare them. Cupcakes in paper tins are also good, and have the right to be recognized, but sometimes they are difficult to remove, the paper sticks and can spoil the muffin's beautiful appearance somewhat.

If you are interested in muffins, the recipes are simple and tasty, in tins and forms, you will find them in abundance here. Moreover, from the simplest ones, which traditionally include flour, sugar, unchanged (where without them) eggs, and a fat component (butter / margarine), to sophisticated ones, with many tasty additives, etc. Everything we add to baked goods - nuts, raisins, berries, vanillin, etc. - enriches and modifies the taste of products, they can be adjusted according to their preferences, and every time they please the household with new delights.

Anyone who has ever tried how easy it is to make cupcakes at home, found his own recipe, will not give up on it, and such a delicacy will often appear on the family table in different interpretations. To diversify the taste and appearance of muffins, you can add cocoa, small pieces of chocolate, candied fruits, cottage cheese, vanilla, cinnamon, dried fruits, berries to the unchanged base. And if you want the muffins to be the most tender, add 2 yolks instead of a whole egg to the dough - the taste will simply amaze you, and the delicate texture will delight you, melting in your mouth.

Cupcakes in silicone molds of large size are suitable for a large feast when guests are invited, and a beautiful, brightly decorated holiday cupcake is placed in the center of the table - with raisins, candied fruits, glazed and decorated with berries. Poppy is often added to such baked goods. Pre-steamed and grated with sugar, it turns out to be dense, well cut, and it is convenient to serve it to guests by cutting off pieces. Cupcakes in the oven in small silicone tins, portioned, are baked much faster, and if the number of guests is small, and they are invited to tea, then this option will be simply excellent.

Cupcake Cooking Secrets:

Advantages of silicone molds - they do not stick, they are easy to remove, they keep their shape well, they are easy to clean and can be stored for a long time;

Paper molds are also an interesting option. But they are preferable to use for making muffins of light texture, tender and airy;

Cakes in silicone molds with the addition of cottage cheese are incredibly tasty. Their texture is denser, the taste is saturated, especially children like such pastries, and they are more useful;

Starting baking, prepare all the products from the refrigerator so that they come to the same temperature;

Preheat the oven well immediately before putting the muffins in the tins there, and do not open the oven for 20 minutes so that they do not fall off;

When adding whipped proteins, add them at the very end of kneading the dough;

If during the baking process you see that the cupcakes are already "tanned", and inside it is damp, cover it with parchment on top, and, if possible, transfer to the lower wire rack.

We hope you will like our recipes for cupcakes prepared in paper or silicone molds - choose, we have a lot of them, and everything is fine!


Chocolate muffins with chocolate chunks

Ingredients: flour, cocoa, baking powder, sugar, milk, chocolate, butter, egg

For a cup of coffee or tea, I suggest you bake delicious chocolate muffins with chocolate pieces. The recipe is very simple.


- 200 grams of flour,
- 2 tbsp. cocoa,
- half tablespoon baking powder,
- 150 grams of sugar
- 108 grams of milk,
- 100 grams of chocolate,
- 85 grams of butter,
- 1 egg.


Cocoa muffins

Ingredients: egg, yogurt, flour, cocoa, sugar, soda, baking powder, coffee, butter

Making chocolate muffins with cocoa is simple and quick enough. I have described the recipe for you in detail.


- 2 eggs;
- 150 ml. yogurt;
- 300 grams of flour;
- 100 grams of cocoa;
- 250 grams of sugar;
- 1 tsp soda;
- 1 tsp baking powder;
- 100 ml. coffee;
- 80 grams of butter.


Raisin muffins

Ingredients: butter, raisins, cognac, sugar, flour, egg, milk, baking powder

There are a lot of muffin recipes. Today I have described for you a simple recipe for my favorite raisin muffins. The baked goods are very tasty.


- 100 grams of butter,
- 75 grams of raisins,
- 2 tbsp. cognac,
- 80 grams of sugar
- 120 grams of flour,
- 2 eggs,
- one and a half tablespoons milk,
- ¾ tsp loosener.


Muffins with cottage cheese and banana

Ingredients: banana, cottage cheese, egg, flour, sugar, butter, vanillin, soda, lemon juice, butter

For a cup of tea I suggest you prepare delicious muffins with cottage cheese and banana. The recipe is very simple, so be sure to indulge your loved ones with delicious pastries.


- 1 banana,
- 100 grams of cottage cheese,
- 2 eggs,
- 1 glass of flour,
- half a glass of sugar,
- 100 grams of butter,
- 2 pinches of vanilla sugar,
- half a tsp soda,
- 1 tsp lemon juice
- 1 tbsp. vegetable oil.


Pumpkin muffins

Ingredients: pumpkin, egg, butter, sugar, flour, cinnamon, baking powder, salt, nut

Pumpkin muffins look very bright, appetizing, and their taste deserves only praise. We got their recipe from Jamie Oliver, and this is the key to the success of the dish, right?

- 270 grams of butternut squash;
- 2 eggs;
- 110 ml of olive oil;
- 185 grams of cane sugar;
- 285 grams of wheat flour;
- 5 grams of ground cinnamon;
- 7 grams of disintegrant for dough;
- 3 grams of table salt;
- 60 grams of walnuts.


Chicken muffins with cheese

Ingredients: chicken fillet, cheese, sour cream, egg, butter, milk, flour, baking powder, salt, pepper

I have prepared for you an excellent recipe for delicious hearty chicken fillet muffins with cheese. The recipe is very simple and quick.


- 400 grams of chicken fillet,
- 200 grams of hard cheese,
- 200 grams of sour cream,
- 2 eggs,
- 100 ml. sunflower oil,
- 100 ml. milk,
- 200 grams of flour,
- 2 tsp baking powder,
- a pinch of salt,
- ground black pepper.


Berry muffins

Ingredients: flour, sugar, baking powder, nutmeg, salt, egg, milk, vegetable oil, raspberries, blueberries

Delicious berry muffins. You can use any frozen berries that will give the muffins a pleasant sour taste.
- 250 g flour;
- 200 g of sugar;
- 2 tsp baking powder;
- 0.25 tsp nutmeg;
- 1 egg;
- 100 ml of sunflower oil;
- 0.5 tsp salt;
- 150 ml of milk;
- 100 g of raspberries and blueberries or other berries.


Pumpkin muffins with sour cream

Ingredients: egg, sugar, flour, pumpkin, margarine, butter, sour cream, soda

If you still buy pastries in hypermarkets, give up this bad business, but rather bake yourself, for your family, delicious fragrant pumpkin muffins. It is very tasty if such muffins are served with milk.

For the dish you will need:
- one egg;
- 150 g of sugar;
- a glass of flour;
- 200 g pumpkin;
- half a pack of butter (95 g);
- 110 g sour cream;
- a teaspoon of baking soda.


Cupcake dough in tins

Ingredients: flour, egg, sugar, margarine, sour cream, baking powder, cocoa, vanillin

What sweet loves everyone, without exception? Of course, these are cupcakes. The easiest way to prepare them in tins, using the classic recipe. Believe me, no one will refuse such baking!

- 160-180 grams of wheat flour;
- 2 eggs;
- 150-180 grams of sugar;
- 120 gr margarine;
- 100 ml sour cream;
- 1 tsp baking powder;
- 1-2 tbsp. cocoa;
- 0.5 tsp vanilla essence;
- powdered sugar for sprinkling.


Cupcake in the microwave in 5 minutes

Ingredients: flour, cocoa, butter, baking powder, salt, sugar, egg, milk

Today I will teach you how to cook a cupcake in the microwave in a cup in 5 minutes. The recipe is very simple, you can very quickly prepare a delicious dessert for a cup of coffee for breakfast.


- flour - 70 grams;
- cocoa powder - 10 grams;
- vegetable oil - 25 ml.;
- baking powder - 2 grams;
- salt - a pinch;
- sugar - 60 grams;
- egg - 1 pc .;
- milk - 1 tablespoon


Curd muffins in paper tins

Ingredients: flour, sugar, cottage cheese, butter, egg, baking powder, sesame seeds, prunes, dried apricots, peanuts, cinnamon, apple, orange peel, jam

These curd muffins are easy to make. I suggest using disposable paper molds - it's simple and very convenient. The baking recipe is simple and quick.


- 250 grams of flour;
- 170 grams of sugar;
- 200 grams of cottage cheese;
- 70 grams of butter;
- 2 eggs;
- 5 grams of baking powder;
- 30 grams of white sesame;
- 30 grams of prunes;
- 30 grams of dried apricots;
- 30 grams of peanuts;
- 3 grams of ground cinnamon;
- 70 grams of apples;
- orange peel;
- salt;
- apricot jam;
- confectionery dressing.


Cupcakes Red Velvet

Ingredients: butter, sugar, flour, egg, cocoa, baking powder, salt, yogurt, dye, vinegar, vanillin, cream

If you want to cook an unusual dessert that will create a real sensation, then pay attention to this recipe for cupcakes "Red Velvet". They are so beautiful and delicious that everyone will definitely like them!
for 12 pcs.

- 100 grams of butter;
- 150 grams of sugar;
- 150 grams of flour;
- 1 egg;
- 1 tbsp. cocoa;
-0.5 tbsp baking powder;
- 1 pinch of salt;
-140 g of natural yogurt;
- 1 tsp food coloring;
- 0.5 tbsp. vinegar;
- 0.5 tsp vanilla sugar;
- heavy cream (33-35%) for decoration.


Marble cake

Ingredients: flour, cocoa, sugar, egg, kefir, margarine, salt, soda, butter

Many housewives know how to make a marble cake. This pastry is not only beautiful, but also very tasty. Most of the cake is baked in one large form or, for example, in a multicooker bowl. This time we offer you to bake small marble muffins in tins.

Products for the recipe:
- 200 g flour;
- 30 g of cocoa powder;
- 200 g of sugar;
- one egg;
- 120 ml of kefir;
- 120 g margarine;
- salt;
- soda;
- baking powder;
- vegetable oil;
- icing sugar.


Kefir cupcakes in silicone molds

Ingredients: flour, sugar, egg, kefir. oil, raisins, orange powder, cinnamon, baking powder, salt, powdered sugar

Today I described a very simple recipe for cupcakes in silicone molds for you. Preparing such cupcakes will not be difficult for any housewife. This recipe is unusual in that we add orange peel powder to the dough.


- 150 grams of flour;
- 100 grams of sugar;
- 2 eggs;
- 120 ml. kefir;
- 35 ml. vegetable oil;
- 100 grams of raisins;
- 30 grams of orange peel powder;
- 5 grams of ground cinnamon;
- 10 grams of baking powder;
- salt;
- icing sugar.


Paper Cupcake Recipe

Ingredients: flour, powder, yogurt, soda, sugar, butter, egg, date, raisins, cinnamon, salt

I think each of you baked muffins. I also recently decided to bake them for my family. but it turned out that I didn't have cupcake molds and had to use paper molds. As it turns out, baking muffins in paper tins is very easy.


- 135 grams of wheat flour;
- 7 grams of baking powder;
- 120 ml. yogurt;
- 3 grams of baking soda;
- 120 grams of sugar;
- 55 grams of butter;
- 1 chicken egg;
- 70 grams of dates;
- 50 grams of raisins;
- 5 grams of ground cinnamon;
- salt to taste;
- forms for paper muffins.

Sometimes I really want to please loved ones with something tasty and sweet. For example, bake small muffins, otherwise they are also called muffins or cupcakes. For cooking, we need silicone or paper molds, yeast-free dough and some kind of filling (boiled condensed milk, jam or jam).

Kefir Mini Cupcake Recipe

Ingredients for the dough:

  • Margarine or butter little - 150 gr.,
  • Eggs - 3 - 4 pieces,
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups
  • Soda - 1 tsp (or baking powder for dough - 2 tsp),
  • Kefir - 1 glass
  • Vanillin to taste
  • Flour - 2.5 - 3 stack.

For filling:

  • Jam or boiled condensed milk.

Put butter in a deep plate and set to melt. It is very convenient to melt in the microwave.

While the butter is hot, add sugar and stir. Then break the eggs, beat everything together. Then add kefir, soda and vanillin to taste (I add about a pinch), beat everything with a mixer.

The last step is to add flour, about 3 cups. In the photo below you can see what the consistency of the dough should turn out - thick enough, like homemade sour cream. Beat the dough until all the lumps are gone.

Prepare silicone molds and baking sheet. Before you start pouring the dough into the molds, turn on the heating oven.

Put a little dough in a mold, about half. Then add a teaspoon of jam or boiled condensed milk. Put some more dough on top. So fill out all the forms. We use the remaining dough for the second batch of mini-muffins (I got 2 batches of 12 muffins).

We send the muffins to the oven and bake for about 15 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Sour cream muffin recipe

Surely it happens to everyone that some products in refrigerators remain unclaimed for a long time, and their shelf life is coming to an end. In the same way, I have accumulated sour cream, it was a pity to throw it away, I decided to try to make dough for muffins on it. And it turned out very tasty!


  • sour cream - 350 grams (1 package),
  • sugar - 0.5 stack.,
  • 3-4 eggs,
  • flour - 2 - 2.5 cups,
  • vanillin to taste
  • 2 tsp baking powder (or soda - 1 tsp),
  • boiled condensed milk.
We break the eggs, add sugar, vanillin and soda (in the last photo in a teaspoon)

Beat eggs with sugar, add vanillin and baking soda, and then add sour cream. Stir, add flour and stir (or whisk) again. The dough should be thick. You can also add dried fruit pieces.

As in the first case, put a little dough in muffin molds, then put a teaspoon of the filling, in my case it is boiled condensed milk. Put some more dough on top of the filling. For decoration, I sprinkled the muffins with confectionery sprinkles. We bake at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes.

Sour cream mini cupcakes are ready!

These are the cupcakes in silicone molds. Lush and delicious! By the way, so that the muffins are soft the next day, it is advisable to put them in a bag, after they have cooled down, of course.

Another great product for muffins is curdled milk, especially if it is made from homemade milk. The recipe is identical to the above.


  • butter or margarine - 100 grams,
  • Sugar - half a glass
  • Eggs - 3 pieces,
  • Sour milk - 1 glass,
  • Vanillin - 0.5 tsp,
  • Soda - 1 tsp.
  • Flour - 2 - 3 cups.

For filling - boiled condensed milk or jam.

The butter needs to be melted; you can do this in the microwave. While it is hot, add sugar and mix well. Then add the eggs, beaten in a separate bowl.

Now pour out the yogurt, add vanillin and soda, mix everything thoroughly.

Add eggs, vanillin, soda and yogurt

Finally, add flour, about two glasses. The dough should be similar in consistency to condensed milk, even a little thicker. If it turns out to be watery, add more flour. Beat the dough thoroughly.

We spread the dough, condensed milk and dough again

Prepare the molds, turn on the oven. Put a little dough in the molds, then condensed milk, then the dough again. Bake for about 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

How to decorate muffins

Ready-made muffins can be said with icing or cream, it is especially great to turn out if you decorate with a pastry syringe. If there is none, you can use a regular bag, cutting off a small corner to make the hole very small. Or use a large medical syringe, without playing, of course.

Here are the simplest cream and frosting recipes.


  • Egg white,
  • Powdered sugar,
  • Lemon acid.

Separate the egg white, add a couple of tbsp. tablespoons of powdered sugar and a pinch of citric acid (or you can drop a few drops of lemon juice) beat with a mixer until foam forms. Add food coloring to keep the cream less boring.

Chocolate cream

Let me remind you that for its preparation you need to mix melted butter (half a pack), cocoa (4 tablespoons), sugar (to taste), milk and a little flour (1 - 2 tablespoons). Cook until thick.

Butter cream (classic of the genre):

  • Butter,
  • Powdered sugar.

We use butter and powdered sugar in a 1: 1 ratio, for example, for 100 grams of butter, you need 100 grams of sugar. It is advisable to hold the oil for an hour on the table so that it becomes soft. Then beat it together with sugar using a mixer until a creamy mass is formed. As in the case of icing, to make the decoration more effective, add any food coloring to the cream, as well as a little vanillin to taste.

Cupcakes in tins (simple recipe)

Delicious homemade muffins

Like many adults, I have a sweet childhood memory of simple Soviet muffins with raisins and curd muffins, which were sold in all canteens and cookery. It was very tasty! Therefore, even now, as soon as I see ruddy cupcakes with a wavy skirt on the counter ... my hand is trying to buy it.

Modern store-bought cupcakes from cafeterias and cafes still taste good, but those cupcakes sold in pastry departments seem to have shrunk in size and slightly lost in taste. Something wrong is added there. Do you think so too?

And after visiting a visit, where a friend treated me to excellent soda cakes with kefir and margarine, which she served hot with a generous portion of ice cream and a glass of dessert wine, I decided to remember my childhood and cook my own.

I baked 3 options: and kefir cupcakes: with butter (with candied fruits) and in vegetable oil (with raisins).

Cupcake recipe

In general, friends, I have already said a lot, let's move on to the recipe for muffins in tins. I propose the simplest, inexpensive and very successful one - with kefir and vegetable oil. Taste is great, especially 2-3 days after preparation, when kefir acidity appears. Just don't come off.

It can be cooked in portioned tins or as larger pie cakes.

Cupcake recipes

I give options for the composition, the cooking process is the same.

1. Composition of kefir cupcakes

for about 24 portions of muffins

This is the simplest, most inexpensive and very successful composition - with kefir and vegetable oil. Taste is great, especially on 2-3 days after preparation, when kefir acidity appears. Just don't come off.

  • Kefir (, yogurt, yogurt) - 2 glasses;
  • Eggs - 4 pieces;
  • Sugar - 1.5 cups (for those with a sweet tooth - 2 cups);
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Vegetable oil - 1 cup (230 g), if butter or margarine - 2 packs (400 g);
  • Flour - 4 cups (approximately, be guided by the density - like sour cream);
  • Soda - 1 teaspoon, slaked with vinegar or lemon juice / or a bag of baking powder;
  • Vanilla sugar - sachet (optional);

2. Composition of lemon curd muffins

Girls, recently baked, it's amazing! No filling is needed in this muffin dough. The taste is sparkling curd, with a pleasant sourness. The muffins are sweet enough, but the lemon overcomes the sweetness and harmonizes the flavor. Very juicy. Very tasty!

I took cottage cheese and kefir in half, but it is possible in other proportions, they are both sour. If you take more kefir, the dough will become thinner - then more flour will be required. If the cottage cheese is dry and you do without kefir, then you will have to take less flour. Or add a little water (milk) to the dough.

  • Cottage cheese (fatty) - 0.5 cups;
  • Kefir - 0.5 cups (top up the cottage cheese in a glass with kefir, if there is no kefir, you can just cottage cheese or sour cream);
  • Lemon (an orange can be used) - 1 large (finely grate the whole - and the peel and pulp. Or chop in a blender);
  • Eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Sugar - 1 glass;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Vegetable oil - 1 glass (or 2/3, as you like);
  • Baking powder - 2 teaspoons;
  • Flour - about 1 cup (the dough should be viscous and thick, like very fatty sour cream. Add flour if the dough is thin).

How to cook

  • Preheat the oven: up to a temperature of 180 С
  • Make dough: fromcombine butter and kefir (for curds: butter, cottage cheese, kefir and citrus fruits). Mix. Add eggs (beaten with sugar and salt). Stir. Gradually add flour, bringing the consistency of the dough to a thick (like sour cream). Quench the soda with vinegar or lemon juice, add it to the dough, stir. Add raisins or other dried fruits or berries. Stir again.
  • Bake muffins: fgrease the muffin muffins with butter, fill them 2/3 full with dough and send to the preheated oven. Bake muffins on a shelf above average, temperature 180 degrees C (20-30 minutes). Ready-made muffins - golden brown on top and a very tasty smell flows from the oven.

Portion cupcakes in silicone molds. The baking sheet holds 2 tins for a total of 12 muffins. I.e. the recipe requires 2 baking sheets.

You can check the readiness of a large cake with a wooden stick - pierce it in an inconspicuous place and remove. If the stick with lumps of dough - the pie is raw, if it is smooth - ready!

Cupcakes are ready!

You can add raisins, prunes or dried apricots to muffins, candied fruits - 0.5-1 glass. Rinse everything beforehand, soak for 20 minutes, rinse and dry again. Cut large pieces of dried fruit. Here's a Soviet one (with raisins).

Cupcakes with crumbled chocolate are good (break into small pieces), you can combine tangerine slices + chocolate, or put black currant, cheese, lemon or orange zest in the dough (video recipe for Greek cake on yogurt with lemon and orange). There are a lot of options. Imagine.

When to eat cupcakes

Ready-made muffins can be eaten immediately - hot (they will be crumbly and very fragrant), or cooled (covered with a towel or clean cloth) and eat.

Or - cool, put in a bag, seal hermetically and eat in 1-2 days or later. Such muffins will be the most delicious, they will ripen, the dough will become more oiled, the characteristic sour-cheese taste of their fermented milk base will appear, reminiscent of curd dough. Don't come off.

Delicious muffins on kefir.

These are butter muffins. Delicious, but on vegetable it turned out tastier!

What butter is best for cupcakes

She decided not to use margarine in principle, so as not to doubt the quality of the product. And I realized that for the biscuit dough of muffins, the most correct oil is vegetable (preferably olive) or margarine (the same vegetable oil).

Fatty drops of vegetable oil abundantly soak the dough crumbs, making them more juicy and somehow luxurious, savory. But butter (of the same weight or volume) does not do the job. To soak baked goods well, you need to take it 2 times more. It is expensive and not a fact that butter muffins dough will turn out much better than butter muffins.

In general, if someone wants to bake muffins with butter or margarine, take a double rate of butter, then it will be delicious (butter and margarine must first be melted and cooled). And for those who choose a simple, inexpensive way and guaranteed good results - take vegetable oil (1 rate).

Baking soda or baking cupcakes

Friends, the baking powder (bukpulver, baking powder) contains the same soda and acidic additives (which, when combined with liquid and heated, react with this soda). Therefore, you can make the dough with soda (extinguishing it with vinegar or lemon juice), and with baking powder (just adding it to the dough).

Soda begins to emit carbon dioxide at the time of its quenching with an acidic liquid. That is, this bubbling mixture loosens the raw dough immediately, at the moment of connection. Therefore, you need to immediately put the cupcakes in the oven so that the reaction does not go in vain. Although some housewives claim that the soda dough should be infused and fermented (30 minutes or more), I do not really understand what the mechanism is, what justifies such insistence. If anyone can substantiate the need for this physicochemical process - write, it is very interesting to know.

If you use a baking powder, then the reaction with the release of gas begins only when the dough is heated in the oven. And only then the flying bubbles begin to loosen the dough.

A cross-section of a muffin with cheese and dill; here you can clearly see the passages that make air bubbles, flying up and loosening the dough. Open the photo in a separate window, read the recipe.

What molds to take for cupcakes

Cupcakes are:

  • in the form of a large pie (with and without a hole), in the form of a log (long box) - this is 1 pie for several servings;
  • small portions, for 1 portion (like cakes or cookies).

The first form is rectangular and deep, the second is for portioned rounded muffins, this was prepared by Marina in the recipe for Walnut-Chocolate Cake.

Small muffins can be baked in almost all muffin and muffin (filled muffins) tins with fairly high sides (4-5 cm).

That is, the cupcake (both small and large) should not be flat and long, but bulky - beaten into a ball, with a large internal space. And in shape, it strives not to a plane, but to a filled ball, cube or parallelepiped. Then the inside of your muffins will have a lot of tasty and juicy muffin pulp, not the dried edges of the baked goods.

Therefore, traditional forms with wavy edges (large and small), 6 or 12 cupcake molds in the form of hearts, roses, truncated pyramids or cones are perfect for small cupcakes. And the most ideal form for cupcakes is a cup or coffee cup (as they are aptly called in English cupcakes - pie in a cup).

Flip the cupcake pan

Large muffins can be baked in deep cake tins (sides at least 4 cm) - round, rectangular or square. Or in a form with a hole, from which muffins are made with a hole in the form of a wreath or donut.

I baked this cake with prunes. Click on the photo, the recipe will open.

Shape with or without hole

For a whole cake with a large amount of dough, tall tins with a hole are good. The bore sides of the baking dish allow tall cakes and muffins to bake in the middle.

In the usual form, such a large, tall cake or cake will take a long time to bake, this must be done slowly and at a lower temperature (150-160 degrees) so that the sides and bottom do not burn, and the cake does not grab inside yet.

And, still, you run the risk of getting baked goods with heavily browned edges and a raw center. And in a mold with a hole, the middle has already been taken out and hot air easily bakes the dough along the contour of this groove. Or do not fill the entire volume of a tall form without a hole, pour a little less dough so that its layer can be guaranteed to bake (rely on your experience + properties of the form and oven).

Small hole tins, however, are not always suitable for baking small muffins. The space that the hole takes away often makes the sides of the cake too thin, and baked goods can feel dry and harsh to you. Therefore, for small cupcakes, it is best to use simple, hole-free molds.

How to lubricate cupcake tins

Silicone molds should be lubricated with vegetable or butter.

You can do the same with metal tins, porcelain cups, or other muffin tins.

Paper molds (disposable) are inserted into regular (reusable) and filled with dough. And ready-made cupcakes are obtained - each in an individual package. Nice and comfortable. Photo:

Large muffin tins can also be sprinkled with breadcrumbs, but silicone is not necessary at all (there is enough oil, nothing sticks to it).

All portioned muffins can be laid out with special disposable parchment paper tins. Then you do not need to grease the dishes, just insert the wavy pleated piece of paper into the mold. And then put the cake dough there. The paper folds give the cupcakes a beautiful corrugated shape, prevent them from sticking to the dishes and serve as an elegant candy wrapper for portioned baking.

How to pour muffin dough into molds

During the baking process, the muffins grow and expand in volume. Therefore, the tins should be filled only 2/3 full of cake batter.

If you have a large filling of kes, then you can lay it like this: pour 2/3 of the entire dough. Lay out the filling. Pour the remaining 1/3 of the dough, as in (very tasty).

This is how we put the filling into the chocolate muffin.

This is a banana and prune chocolate muffin in a cut.

Which shelf to bake cupcakes on

Experience has shown that it is best to place the muffins in the oven on a higher shelf. If you leave molds with dough on the middle shelf of the oven, they risk burning from the bottom and not have time to brown on top.

How to store cupcakes

Unfilled muffins can be stored in a tin can or in a plastic bag for a long time, until they become stale (2-4 weeks, as it turns out. If you do not gobble it up). But the place should be cool, not hot. You can generally, over time, put them in the refrigerator.

And if the muffins are stuffed, the stuffing can ferment and spoil like in regular cakes. Therefore, depending on the additives, the shelf life of the muffins may be shortened.

All our tips and cooking secrets concern muffins made with this and similar biscuit dough recipes. If you are making your muffins with yeast dough, there are other rules and tips for making yeast baked muffins.

Enjoy your meal!

Capital Cupcakes

Cupcakes that were baked according to this recipe

These are delicious muffins in tins baked by Yulia Shpakova. Well done!

These delicious muffins were prepared by Victoria Yuksel. Well done! Vika reduced the norm of food by 2 times, she got 12 small + 1 more))