Cooking food in foil. Delicious surprise in foil

26.11.2019 Grill menu

As you know, in the women's hostel, dishes are washed after meals, and in the men's hostel before. Because we don't like all this fuss in the kitchen sink (and how can we love it?). And the foil practically frees you from contact with kitchen utensils. I put all the ingredients on a thin aluminum sheet, wrapped it, put it in the oven - that's all the science. If you wish, you can even do without plates. Here, check out the menu.

1. Salmon with zucchini

What do you need

(for 2 servings)

  • 2 strips of fillet of any salmon fish (salmon, trout, pink salmon), 200 g each
  • 3-4 st. l. olive oil
  • 1 tsp ground coriander
  • 1 tsp ground white pepper
  • Zest of 1 lemon, grated
  • 2 zucchini
  • Sauce to taste (Chinese sweet and sour, or soy, or ordinary adjika are suitable)

What to do

1. Grate fillet with spices, lemon zest and brush with olive oil. Leave to marinate for 10 minutes - this will make the dish more aromatic.

2. Spread the sauce over the pieces and place each on a separate sheet of foil.

3. Cut the zucchini into half-centimeter thin slices, add a little salt and put in 2-3 layers on each piece of fish.

4. Now is the time to wrap the fish in foil envelopes. How to do it simply and correctly - look further on the diagram.

5. Put the envelopes in the oven preheated to 180 ° C (this is a common rule for all recipes - first heat up the oven, and then stick into it) for 15 minutes. However, you can cook in a regular frying pan - without adding oil. Fry the envelopes over low heat, cover with a lid, on each side for 5-6 minutes. You can even cook this fish in the microwave. It is important, however, that the oven has a convection or grill mode. Cook in the same way as in a conventional oven.

If you don't have a heart for fish, you can bake chicken in a similar way. Write it down.

2. Chicken breasts in spices

What do you need:

(for 3-4 servings)

  • 1 kg chicken breasts
  • 1 tsp ground chili
  • 4-5 Art. l. sunflower or olive oil
  • 3-4 pinches of ground cloves
  • 1 tsp ground paprika

What to do

1. Roll the breasts in spices, salt and butter, then place each in a separate envelope.

2. Bake in the oven at 180 ° C for 30 minutes.


What do you need

(for 3-5 servings)

  • 1 kg of potatoes
  • 4-5 branches fresh thyme
  • 300 g of any hard cheese
  • 35 g sunflower or olive oil
  • 1 tsp ground cumin
  • 1 tsp ground paprika
  • 100 g sour cream of any fat content

What to do

1. Peel the potatoes and cut them into thin (as far as you can) circles. Grate the cheese.

2. Combine sour cream, salt, spices, thyme leaves and oil in a bowl. Roll over potato mugs in this sauce.

3. Put in equal portions on sheets of foil (the quantity and sizes were determined by yourself, depending on the number of eaters) on a layer of overlapping circles. Sprinkle cheese on top. Make three of these layers. Tamp everything tightly and wrap in envelopes.

4. Bake in the oven at 180 ° C for 30 minutes. We recommend making a separate envelope for each serving. So it is more convenient to serve on the table (if there are several of you), or you can hide some of the blanks for the future. But no one forbids you to wrap all the ingredients in foil at once, just tear off a larger sheet, or even use two sheets. Well, it will take longer to bake the dish.

These envelopes are great stuff. They fold in three steps and free you from fiddling with all kinds of baking bowls. See how simple it is:

1. Tear off a sheet of foil. The size for each dish will have to be determined separately, but less than 25 cm in length (this is about an A4 sheet) it makes no sense to make them.

2. Bend the sheet in half. Sprinkle both halves with sunflower or olive oil to prevent food from sticking as you cook. Then put the food in one half.

3. Having covered the dish with the second half of the sheet, fold the edges twice: first from the sides, then from the end side - and you're done. The envelope should not be too tight on the dish.


What do you need

(for 4 rolls)

  • 1 kg of meat (veal, beef or chicken will do)
  • 30 g gelatin
  • 1 tsp ground nutmeg
  • 1 tsp dried marjoram
  • 1 tsp dried oregano
  • 1 head of garlic, peel
  • 2 pickled bell peppers
  • 2 tbsp. l. chopped fresh herbs (parsley, onion and dill)
  • 1 egg

What to do

1. Place the meat, spices and garlic in a food processor or blender. To prevent your machine from choking, first cut the meat into finger-sized cubes. Break the egg here. Thoroughly grind everything. If you don't have kitchen appliances, just buy minced meat and mix it with other ingredients.

2. Pour cold water into a bowl and throw in the gelatin. Wait until it looks like a jellyfish.

3. Narvi four wide sheets of foil and in the center of each place the minced meat in equal portions in an even layer. It is important that you have a lot (three fingers) of free space on all sides of the sheet so it will be easier to wrap it up.

4. Remove the gelatinous jellyfish from a bowl of water and grease the meat with it. The jelly will not let the juices that stand out from the meat during the baking process disappear, the rolls will be juicy.

5. Cut the peppers into strips. Place strips in the middle of each serving.

6. Now roll the meat into tubes and wrap it tightly with foil. Twist the ends of the foil sheets additionally - the rolls should resemble large candies.

7. Cook in oven at 180 ° C for 20 minutes. When you take it out of the oven, wait 5-10 minutes until it cools slightly (it is important that the jelly hardens), and you can put it on a plate.

Put it aside

You can prepare yourself such dinners for several months in advance. The trick is simple: fold the foil envelope and send it straight to the freezer instead of the oven. You can cook it later at any time. The meat rolls must be defrosted first, and as for the rest of the dishes, just hold them in the oven for 10 minutes longer than the fresh version, and a hearty, juicy lunch is ready.

“Without harm to its nutritional and taste properties, fresh food can be stored in the freezer of the refrigerator for up to six months,” says nutritionist Yevgeny Repko.


What do you need

(for 2 servings)

  • 500 g green apples (eg Granny Smith)
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • Half a glass of sugar (however, you can do without it - it will not be so sweet, but the dessert will not turn into a belly at night)
  • 150 g of any cookie
  • 1 lemon

What to do

1. Without peeling the apples, cut them into thick, finger-thick slices. Place in a deep bowl.

2. Stir apples with ground cinnamon and sugar. Squeeze lemon juice on them. Sodium lemon peel on a grater and add to the same.

3. Lay out the result in equal portions on two sheets of foil and sprinkle with crushed cookies on top. Pack it in an envelope.

4. Bake in the oven at 180 ° C for 20 minutes.

Tasty? And useful!

It is clear that a baked dish does not harm your body as much as a fried one. “And due to the fact that they are prepared in their own juice, products baked in foil retain the maximum level of nutrients,” adds nutritionist Evgeniy Repko. But look at the clock and the thermometer when you cook. Studies published in the International Journal of Electrochemical Science show that if you bake a dish at temperatures above 180 ° C for 40 minutes or more, then aluminum from the foil can penetrate into the food, which is by no means useful. Don't go overboard and you won't have to digest metal.

This thinnest metallic paper has become one of the most important discoveries of our time, and its importance in cooking is especially valuable. However, often we do not even know the basic rules of how to bake various products in foil, despite the fact that we often resort to its help in this matter. Having made friends with this chrome wrapper, you can create real masterpieces in the kitchen, and here we will try to study in detail all its possibilities.

Foil advantages

The scope of use of foil in food handling is incredibly wide. It carries the functions of protecting food raw materials, is used as a dish, and besides, one can hardly find at least one negative side of it.

  • The foil is not oxidized.
  • It is not toxic.
  • It does not need to be washed as it is classified for one-time use.
  • This paper is lightweight and compact, and in any even the smallest kitchen there is a place for it.

And this is just a small fraction of its merits. Its versatility is simply amazing. Foil is used for confectionery, freezing, storage and baking. With regard to high-temperature treatments, here we will dwell in more detail.

Foil has truly amazing capabilities in imitating the processing of products over an open fire, in particular, roasting over a fire, that is, grilling or on coals, like on a grill.

She is also able to recreate with striking similarity the culinary creation of Russian stoves and cooking vegetables in ash. And all this is possible without leaving comfortable homes, with minimal time and physical costs, and here it is not necessary to have the rank of a chef of an elite restaurant, the foil will do everything by itself and in the best possible way. Amazing, right?

What can and can not be baked in foil

It may seem to us that we know everything about foil, but this little thing, like any other unknown material, should be handled skillfully. And what kind of skills the metal wrapper will require from us, we will try to make out here, as much as possible.

In general, initially, we should have dotted all the "i" s and found out which foods can be baked in foil paper, and which ones should not be worth approaching this wrapper.

We bake in foil

The list of permitted ingredients is quite extensive and includes:

  • Meat and poultry (game is an exception). Meat products cooked in foil have a taste close to stews, while poultry is closer to fried foods, not burdened with fat and without a characteristic smell.
  • Minced meat and products from it;
  • Fish and seafood, which are cooked and baked in foil.
  • Meat, fish and vegetable products, coupled with boiled cereals;
  • Cheese and salted cheeses;
  • Vegetables, in particular root vegetables - whole, and such as cabbage should be divided into large pieces. These gifts of nature, heat-treated in foil, repeat the taste of fruits baked in ash.

All dishes prepared with metal paper definitely have better qualities than their counterparts that have been fried and boiled in a pan or saucepan. They are more delicate, juicy and aromatic, in addition, they preserve the taste of products as much as possible.

Among other things, foil culinary masterpieces can rightfully be considered dietary, and can be safely given to children, since all cooking processes are carried out without the involvement of oils and fats.

The use of foil for heating ready meals is also allowed, but in this case the exposure time is limited to 5-10 minutes.

Are not friendly with foil

However, among the abundance of various products, there are those that should have avoided contact with a metal-like wrapper.

These include:

  • Cereals, cereals and products from them;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Vegetables of soft, green types and growing on the surface of the earth;
  • Fruits: quince, pears and apples;

The ban on fruits can be more attributed to restrictions, since the fruits of trees do not suffer at all qualitatively, but they are significantly inferior in taste and, moreover, completely lose ascorbic acid from their healing bins.

Cooking time

One of the most important rules for cooking in foil is the time factor. There are several main aspects that affect the timer in one way or another.

Oven: 380-400 o C

The first indicator of the cooking speed is, of course, the technique, that is, the oven. If the brazier has excellent insulation and is able to heat up to high rates (380-400 ° C), then cooking in foil even such long-playing dishes as meat will last no more than half an hour.

Oven: 250-300 o C

However, the capabilities of our kitchens are often limited, and the stoves can produce maximum values ​​of 250-300 ° C.

In such situations, the cooking time is influenced by the following factor, namely the properties of the product.

So, for example, it takes time to bake the following products in foil:

  • tough, old beef - 1-1.5 hours,
  • duck - 1 hour - 45 minutes,
  • chicken carcass - 40-35 minutes,
  • fish weighing 1 kg - no more than half an hour,
  • chicken - it will take about 25 minutes,
  • the potato only needs 20 temporary units,
  • brynze - only 7 minutes.

Cooking in foil makes her culinary work much easier for the cook, because in this shell, as well as taking into account the specified time, the product is not threatened by such a seal as burning, and she, in turn, can calmly be distracted by other chores, and return to the main dish only during the last 5 minutes of its preparation.

And now the cherished hours or minutes have passed in anticipation of the crown item on the menu, and we are preparing to extract our masterpiece from the belly of the oven. However, we need to make sure whether the dish is ready, whether it has reached its climax. How can this be done?

Foil is the main "sensor" here.

  1. When meat or fish treats, as well as salty cheeses or aromatic poultry are prepared in a metal wrapper, the swelling of the foil casing will serve as a signal that the dish is ready.
    However, such an action takes place only when the product is wrapped in metal paper in compliance with all the rules.
  2. Darkening, that is, the appearance of soot in the places where the metal-like wrapper is folded, can serve as another conditional signal for the end of cooking. This phenomenon is caused by the combustion of the juice extracted from the cooking product by the time the dish itself is completely baked.
  3. However, this method will not work, for example, when baking potatoes. Here you can act by "typing", in the truest sense of the word.
    By piercing the foil and tuber with a knife, you can diagnose the degree of readiness of the vegetable. If the root crop has not yet reached its climax, then the broken integrity of the foil shell will not affect the quality of the dish in any way, and we can calmly bake the potatoes.
  4. Smell is one of the most effective methods for determining the readiness of a product, but it is still best combined with other test options.

And so we got to almost the most important moment of cooking in foil paper - wrapping the ingredients. You should not approach this process carelessly, because the quality of the finished product directly depends on the correct wrapping.

Tightness is the key to a successful dish, especially if we are dealing with a large (over 500 grams) piece of meat or fish, as well as fatty or overly tender poultry such as duck or chicken.

If the impermeability of the wrapper is violated, the product will lose its juice, and with it the taste, the necessary consistency, softness, and in the future we can get a dry, hard and burnt dish.

The creation of an impervious package should be carried out as follows:

  1. If the foil is thin, and the product that you want to bake is large, then it must be folded in two layers to increase the strength of the paper.
  2. Having spread a double metal-like sheet on the work surface, we put our future dish (fish, meat, poultry or vegetables) on it from one edge.
    Next, cover it with the second half of the foil, avoiding tension.
    We must fold the free edges several times, forming tight seams. As a result, we should get an impenetrable quadrangular bag, which must be squeezed neatly with light pressure to fit the shape of the product inside.
  3. When we place a metal-glass package with a filling in the oven, the package will unfold under the influence of heat, without breaking the tightness, keeping the correct cubic or spherical shape.

If large fish or meat slices cannot do without airtight foil containers, then poultry, like root crops, have an alternative packaging option - edging.

Having laid the carcass or vegetable on the foil, you should go around the product with its edges on all sides, leaving the top open. This will be enough to get an excellent dinner.

Fish have their own foundations. The packaging should be made of single-layer foil, however, it should be packed twice, that is, the second wrapper should overlap the seams of the first, thus ensuring the tightness of the baking bag.

Food preparation

Speaking about the advantages of foil, we attributed unheard-of possibilities to this kitchen helper, but one should not naively assume that the aroma and taste of the dish depends solely on the metal wrapper.

Preparing the ingredients is already a chef's job, which also has a phenomenal meaning in this whole culinary epic.

And here, again, several features should be noted, because different products require specific pre-processing before baking them in foil, and dish practice will not help here in any way.


When preparing meat, you should pay attention to the presence of bones. If there are sharp, protruding bone elements, then they should be removed so that they do not damage the integrity of the sealed package and, as a result, do not lead to spoilage of the dish.

Meat does not tolerate water procedures, therefore, it should be cleaned from various damages and contaminants only when dry. However, if you did have to redeem the meat piece, it should be thoroughly dried with a napkin or rolled in flour, bran before packing in foil.


Birds are a special "client" of foil packaging. There are many bones in the carcass, which can break through the foil during the cooking process due to the fact that when heated, the meat first increases in size, and then contracts again, which causes movement of the bone elements.

This is why chicken or duck carcasses are often tied or stitched together, thus making them immobile, before being wrapped in metal-like paper.

Separate pieces (legs, wings and others like them) are subject to beating with a hammer in the area of ​​the joints and in the places where the bones are located. Such a measure will destroy their strong bond with fillets.

A fish

When placed in foil, a fish carcass should be free of all fins, in particular the tail, as well as any elements that can burn before the fish meat is cooked.


The garden harvest, on the eve of baking, must be washed and cleaned to remove all damage and flaws.

Root vegetables can be baked as a whole, and at the end we will get baked products. You can also chop vegetables into slices and place them in a foil bag, but in this case, the dish will look more like a stewed-boiled one.

Spices and condiments

When we cook this or that culinary masterpiece by baking in foil, we expect to immediately serve the dish to the table after the oven. That is why, before going to the packaging made of metal paper, the food product must receive a whole portion of the necessary seasonings, spices and herbs. But in this case, there are some nuances.

  1. Meat baked in a whole piece should not be salted.
  2. Minced meat must be seasoned with everything that is required by the recipe (salt, spices, onions, garlic), and also rolled in breading, for example, in flour.
  3. Poultry should be enriched exclusively with dry spices and never with fresh herbs and spicy vegetables. As for salt, it should be added in moderation;
  4. Fish loves a lot of salt, and most importantly, coarse salt! 1 tbsp for every 1.5 kg of fish, there will be enough. In addition, in the lavrushka, these sea inhabitants do not know the measure, you can put more fragrant leaves, just like onions.
  5. Vegetables should be smeared with salt, capchup, butter or sour cream with spices only after cooking.

This metal-like packaging allows you to achieve incredible heights in the field of culinary.

And as we can see, it is not so difficult to bake correctly in foil, if you turn to time-tested and experience-proven advice. And if you follow all the rules, then your dishes will become much tastier, and the cooking process itself will be much faster.

Let's reveal little secrets of how to cook in foil. Foil has become an indispensable attribute in the kitchen of a modern woman. Foods tightly wrapped in foil have a longer shelf life. You can also protect the surface from damage by covering this surface with foil. But the most important function of foil in the kitchen is to bake various products.

How to cook in foil in the oven

The main and difficult task of cooking meat is how to make it juicy, tender, and even so that it retains its useful properties. This will take a lot of time and effort. The thinnest sheet of metal - food foil - will come to your aid. It is the foil that will help you save time on cooking meat. You do not have to flip and juice chunks of meat often.

Cooking takes 20 minutes. For this we need:

  • Decide what kind of meat you want to bake. Chicken will cook very quickly, while pork will take longer to bake. Beef will take longer when baked in the oven. Let's prepare the meat:
    • defrost meat if it was frozen;
    • wash and dry the meat thoroughly with a napkin;
    • remove films, trim bones and excess fat, if any;
    • cut the meat into small pieces - about 500 grams;
    • beat the beef and pork pieces before cooking.
  • We rub our meat with salt and spices to taste. You can also spread the slices with your favorite sauce or mustard. You can soak cuts of meat (pork or beef) in the marinade for 1 to 2 hours, or sprinkle with garlic and carrots. To do this, make small cuts in the meat and insert pieces of prepared vegetables with the tip of a knife.
  • We wrap the meat tightly in foil, maybe even in two layers, so we will prevent the juice from flowing out. Then we put our bundle on a baking sheet and place it in a preheated oven. Cooking meat in the oven at 200 ° C. Chicken is cooked for about 30 minutes, pork - 40-50 minutes, beef - 60 minutes. Do not unfold the foil unnecessarily, otherwise you will release steam, which is important during cooking, and the meat will be dry.
  • To check the readiness of the meat, after half an hour, open the edge of the foil and pierce the meat with the tip of a knife. If it pierces easily, it means that it will soon be ready. Open the foil carefully as it creates a lot of steam that can burn you.
  • During the cooking of meat, the foil does not form a golden crust, which many people love. If you want a crust to form, then 10-15 minutes before readiness, carefully open the foil on top.
  • Foil wrapped meat can also be cooked with vegetables. To do this, cut them into large pieces, sprinkle with seasoning and wrap them together with the meat in foil. This will significantly reduce your time for side dish preparation. It is important to know that meat takes longer to cook than vegetables, so meat should be cut into smaller pieces.

Now you know how to cook meat in foil. Bon Appetit!

Culinary foil is one of the magic wands that allows you to cook any dish with minimal cost. Boiled pork, baked fish, vegetables, baked apples - cooking any type of dish becomes easier and, at the same time, more sophisticated after baking in the oven or over charcoal.

But even with the seeming simplicity of cooking, foil has its own little tricks that are worth knowing.

  • Choose the thickest possible foil so that it does not tear during cooking. If the foil is rather thin, then it should be folded in two or three layers, and only after that put food in it.
  • Wrap meat and fish tightly; on the contrary, give vegetables a lot of air. It is this way of bookmarking that will allow the main dishes to be baked, and the vegetables to be "steamed", that is, to preserve the nutrients as much as possible.
  • In order for the meat to bake better and be saturated with the aroma of spices and vegetables, apply shallow cuts on its surface with a knife crosswise.
  • So that the meat does not dry out and does not burn, create, if possible, a "pillow" of vegetables for him, putting chopped vegetables and onion rings on the foil, and only on top - meat. So it will definitely remain juicy and saturated with the smells of vegetables.
  • At the end of cooking, carefully open the foil wrapper and place the dish open in the oven for another 3-10 minutes (depending on the type of dish). It will brown and take on a finished look.

Paying attention to food cooked in foil, you will make your diet more useful and at the same time reduce the total cooking time, freeing it up for other, equally exciting activities.

Roasting in foil gives the dish an unusual, delicate taste and bright aroma.

Every housewife knows that to cook a juicy dish of meat or fish in the oven, she simply needs foil for baking. Roasting in foil gives the dish an unusual, delicate taste and bright aroma. It is a very convenient, simple and economical way of cooking.

We bake in foil: advantages

During baking, the product is wrapped tightly in foil so that steam does not escape during cooking. At the same time, the dish is prepared in its own juice, the natural taste and aroma of the product, as well as nutrients, are preserved.

Unlike other culinary methods, the dish turns out to be unusually juicy and tasty. In addition, most dishes are dietary, because when baking in foil, you do not need to add oil.

We bake in foil: rules

The main rule when baking in foil is to ensure complete sealing. If the foil breaks, the juice will flow out and burn, and the dish will turn out to be tough. Therefore, you need to wrap the food so that the juice does not leak out, but the foil should not fit snugly to the product, it is necessary to leave room for air.

We bake in foil: products

Almost any food can be baked in foil: meat, poultry, fish, fruits and vegetables. You can bake meat and poultry in both small and large pieces, adding spices and herbs to them.

But it is impossible to salt the meat abundantly when baking in foil, this will cause too much juice release. You can add salt to the dish on the table.

The fish, on the other hand, before baking, is salted 2 times stronger than usual, and then breaded in flour with spices.

Vegetables are baked whole or in large pieces.

Bake in foil: trout

Ingredients: trout 400-500 g, half a lemon, 1 tbsp. olive oil, a bunch of parsley, salt and pepper.

Wash the trout, remove the entrails, rinse and dry the fish again. Rub it with salt and pepper and place on foil. Cut the lemon into circles and squeeze the juice out of a couple of slices. Mix the juice with vegetable oil and drizzle over the trout. Place the rest of the lemon slices on top, and fill the belly of the fish with finely chopped parsley. Tape the edges of the foil together and place the trout in an oven heated to 180-190 degrees for 35-40 minutes. 5 minutes before cooking, open the foil to brown the fish.

Bake in foil: pork with garlic

Ingredients: 700 g pork, 6 cloves of garlic, mustard, salt and pepper.

This is a very simple and delicious pork recipe, the meat is very tender and juicy. Rub the meat with mustard, pepper and lightly salt. Cut the garlic cloves into 4 pieces and insert them into the cuts you made in the pork. Wrap the meat in foil and bake in the oven for 1.5 hours at 180 degrees.

Bake in foil: vegetables

Ingredients: 2 potatoes, 1 onion, 1 bell pepper, 6 mushrooms, soy sauce and any greens.

Cut the potatoes into large cubes, finely chop the onion. Remove the seeds from the pepper and cut into long strips and cut the mushrooms into quarters. Mix vegetables and mushrooms, add finely chopped herbs and season with soy sauce. Cook each serving of vegetables separately. To do this, cut the foil into small squares, put a pile of vegetables in the center, lift the ends and secure the foil. Roast the vegetables for about 30 minutes.

Bake in foil: diet chicken

Ingredients: chicken 1.5 kg, 2 tbsp. sour cream, 2 cloves of garlic, a little olive oil, salt and pepper.

Take a chicken and brush it inside and out with a sauce made with sour cream, crushed garlic, salt and pepper. Spread the foil on a baking sheet and drizzle lightly with olive oil. Then gently wrap the chicken and bake it for about 70 minutes at 200 degrees.

Bake in foil: potatoes

Ingredients: potatoes - 8-10 pcs, vegetable or olive oil, salt, pepper.

Wash the potatoes, peel and boil in salted boiling water for 10 minutes. Remove the potatoes from the water and dry. Pour vegetable or olive oil into a bowl, you can add a little pepper or paprika and stir. Dip each potato in butter and wrap in foil and place on a baking sheet or wire rack. Bake for 20 minutes in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.