How to drink oat jelly. Oatmeal jelly from rolled oats, oatmeal, whole oats

18.04.2019 Beverages

Doctors and nutritionists often prescribe oat jelly, since this food product rich in essential amino acids (tryptophan, methionine, lecithin) and vitamins A and B.

This cereal contains calcium and iron, which support metabolism and enhance the action of digestive enzymes. Potassium and magnesium are involved in water-salt metabolism, increase a person's endurance, prolong his youth and help slow down the aging of the body. Kissel from oats, which patients consume for two months, effectively relieves the body of toxins. A person feels a surge of vivacity, his immunity is strengthened, his working capacity increases.

There are many ways to make jelly:

1. A quick way when it is made from rolled oats.

2. Healing jelly can be made from oats.

3. "Live" jelly from sprouted grains of oats or barley.

4. Children's oatmeal jelly.

To make "live" jelly, you must first germinate the seeds of barley and oats (800: 1000 g), then grind them in a meat grinder and pour water (2.5 liters) in a large container. The seedlings are infused for about an hour, while they must be constantly mixed. At the next stage, you need to squeeze out all the thick mass with your hands, pass the rest of the water through a fine sieve. Pour the resulting cake again with a liter of water, let it stand for a while and squeeze again.

The liquid in the amount of 3.5 liters is placed in the refrigerator for 2 days. During this time, the jelly turns sour and tastes good. It turns out a liquid that resembles thick cream in consistency, which envelops the mucous membranes and softens the pain, even with stomach ulcers. For small children, you can make jelly from grains or rolled oats with the addition of honey, juices, fruit drinks and sugar. Even infants will benefit from oat jelly.

How to prepare this healing dish?

Let's describe the simplest cooking method. First, oat grains are soaked in water for an hour. Then they must be boiled. For this, 1 glass of grains is poured with 3 glasses cold water and put on the stove. The finished broth is drained, a tablespoon of starch is added and cooked over low heat for 1 minute until thickened. Pour juice, fruit drink or compote into the cooled jelly. Add sugar if necessary.

For medicinal baby jelly best to take corn starch and not grains, but oatmeal. Then it will be thicker and delicious drink, which stimulates the growth of the baby, favorably affects the formation of teeth and protects the delicate skin of the child thanks to vitamin A. Kissel from oats for babies gives them energy and nutrients that are so necessary for their growth and development. For adolescents and adults, this drink helps to increase endurance, recuperate after physical work. To old people oat broth necessary to strengthen immunity. Healing drink cleanses the intestines, removes toxins and toxins, improves mood.

Sick people with sluggish peristalsis, constant constipation and bloating, oat jelly with the addition of Tibetan mushroom or milk rice is useful. And you can ferment oat jelly. In this case, the grains are poured with boiled warm water, add a piece of rye bread, berries and herbs to improve the taste and leave warm for 2 days with closed lid to ferment the oat jelly. Then it must be filtered through a sieve or cheesecloth. The remaining grounds must be rinsed with water several times, and the liquid must be poured into a large container. You will get 3 times more healing liquid than during fermentation. It should be placed under the table at night. In the morning you will see two layers: liquid on top, and white sediment at the bottom. The liquid must be carefully poured into another jar, and the sediment must be transferred to a small container and put into the refrigerator. This sediment is a jelly concentrate, from which it will be possible to prepare new portions healthy drink everyday.

To cook jelly, you need to take 6 tablespoons of thick for 2 cups of liquid that remained after filtering, and cook to the desired density. To get a new portion of the drink, take 3 tablespoons of the starter culture per three-liter jar liquids.

Oatmeal jelly, recipe on water.

This is the simplest and most affordable cooking option. The resulting drink will be tasty and healthy. It can be consumed by those who do not like milk, and those who are on a diet or fasting. how to cook oatmeal jelly oatmeal take 200 ml of water, salt and honey to taste, as well as a little cinnamon for flavor (you can not add it). Instead of honey, they sometimes use regular sugar... Before preparing the oatmeal jelly, pour the flakes onto a baking sheet and brown a little in the oven. Then they are poured cold water, and after 10-15 minutes put on fire. Bring to a boil, salt and simmer for about 20 minutes. Then the resulting mass is filtered, honey or sugar is added to taste, and decorated with cinnamon. Delicious and aromatic homemade jelly can be served for breakfast or as a light dinner.

Milk recipe

Unlike the previous version, this one turns out with a rather pronounced creamy taste and more thick consistency... This dish can no longer be called a drink, since you have to eat it with a spoon. But all these differences do not make the recipe for making oatmeal jelly too complicated. True, in a portion it turns out a little more calories... You will need 100 grams per liter of milk. flakes, 1.5 cups of sugar, 30 gr. butter, some raisins and any nuts. To make the dessert enjoyable chocolate color, you can add 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder. As in the previous recipe, before preparing the oatmeal jelly, you need to fry the flakes a little. But in this case, on top of them, you should put butter cut into small cubes. This will give them extra flavor and improve appearance dishes. Then the milk is brought to a boil, raisins, flakes and sugar are added (you can mix it with cocoa). The mass is boiled, stirring, for about 5 minutes. Then they are laid out in glasses and sprinkled with chopped nuts. Served warm, washed down with milk.

With beets

Oatmeal jelly can also be used as a main dietary meal. Cooking with beetroot makes the treat brighter. A additional substances contained in the vegetable enhances the cleansing properties of oatmeal. For 100 grams of flakes, take medium-sized beets. You will also need a glass of water, a little salt and literally a spoonful of sugar. Beets are peeled and rubbed on fine grater, combine with oatmeal and fill with water. Bringing to a boil, the mass is salted, sugar is added and, stirring, cook for about 20 minutes. You can use jelly for breakfast or throughout the day. It is stored in the refrigerator for 48 hours. With prunes For those with digestive problems, we recommend a cleansing jelly from oat flour... For maximum effect, it is prepared with prunes and beets. A glass of oatmeal or oatmeal is poured with 2 liters of cold water. Then add a handful of prunes and randomly chopped medium-sized beets there.
The mixture is brought to a boil and cooked for about 15 minutes. The fire should be small. The finished broth is cooled and filtered. Accepted as remedy before eating. You can arrange a fasting day for yourself by using only this drink.

Oatmeal dessert

So, jelly is not only a drink. It can be cooked in the form of a fairly dense substance and can completely replace panna cotta, pudding or blamanje. Before you cook oatmeal jelly for dessert, you need to stock up on only two products. You will need a liter of fermented milk whey and a glass of flakes. You also need salt and sugar to taste. The ingredients are very simple, it's hard to believe that they make this delicious dessert... Oatmeal is poured with whey and left overnight at room temperature... By morning, the mass should ferment and resemble a dough for yeast dough... Strain it through cheesecloth and squeeze. The resulting liquid is put on fire, salted a little and sugar is added to taste. After it boils, reduce the flame and cook, stirring constantly, bringing to the consistency of a liquid vegetable puree... Then the jelly is removed from the heat and poured over oiled silicone molds... They are put into the refrigerator to freeze, and after a few hours, turning them over, they are laid out on a dish and decorated with chocolate, condensed milk or whipped cream. It turns out very tasty and much healthier than other desserts.

Kissel for weight loss

In principle, any of the recipes proposed above, to one degree or another, contributes to a decrease in body weight and the elimination of toxins. But there is also a separate version designed specifically for those who are on a diet. Per 100 grams oat flakes take 200 grams of uncooked oats and the same amount of kefir. You will also need 50 ml of water and a little salt. Oats and flakes are poured with kefir overnight, in the morning the mass is filtered through cheesecloth, the solid part is thrown away, and the liquid part is diluted with water and boiled for about 5 minutes, salting. Drink this drink to satisfy hunger during a diet. Healing jelly If we consider all the existing recipes of this dish, this one will probably prove to be the most popular. Its author is a virologist Izotov. Studying old recipes of healing dishes, combining them with his own experience and knowledge, he created universal remedy, which can not only cleanse the body of toxins and improve digestion, but also normalize the functions of almost all systems. Such a jelly is prepared on the basis of oat concentrate, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or made independently at home. First you need a big glass jar mix 3 liters of water at room temperature with 500 grams of rolled oats and 100 ml of kefir. Then it is tightly closed with a lid and left in a warm place for a day to ferment. The resulting mass is filtered using a conventional colander and left for another 6-8 hours. During this time, a precipitate should fall out - this is the oat concentrate. The liquid above it is drained, and the loose mass is stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks. Medicinal oat jelly is prepared from the concentrate, for which 5 tablespoons of the mass are diluted with 500 ml of water, brought to a boil and boiled over low heat until sour cream is thick, stirring constantly. Add a little oil (either) and salt. It is recommended to use it with rye bread on breakfast. The taste is quite specific, but pleasant.

When is it recommended to use the Izotov method Knowing the benefits of oatmeal jelly prepared according to this recipe from a concentrate, it can be safely recommended to people with diseases of the digestive system, cardiovascular and nervous systems.

It should be noted that its regular use improves overall health and mood, and increases efficiency. Kissel has a beneficial effect on immune system human, perfectly cleanses the body. In general, it can be safely recommended to residents of large polluted cities, people suffering from chronic fatigue. According to the reviews of patients who regularly use this product, their memory improves, there is a feeling of lightness and a surge of vitality. And all ailments recede by themselves. Are there any contraindications Knowing how useful oatmeal jelly is, it is necessary to clarify whether it will harm the body. In principle, there are very few contraindications for the use of the product, but they still exist, although with moderate consumption jelly does not appear in any way. First of all, this concerns the high content of mucus in the product. In large quantities, it can lead to the opposite effect, and the body will store it in the form of fat.

When buying a finished concentrate from a store or pharmacy, there is a chance that it will turn out Low quality... Such a substance may contain additional preservatives and dyes, which is also of little benefit to the body. People suffering from severe forms of any disease should consult a specialist before using jelly. Otherwise, the product is only beneficial.

Oatmeal jelly is not only a traditional Russian drink. Subject to certain technologies, you can get a dessert, and a means for losing weight, and even a real medicine. Its use will certainly benefit and lead to excellent health. And vitamins, minerals and others useful elements contained in the ingredients will support the body during the diet. But even in this good endeavor, you need to know when to stop in order to prevent the opposite effect.

Live oat jelly - recipe

To get live jelly from oats, all that is required is unhulled oat grain - 800 g (or half oats and half barley), wheat grain - 200 g and water - 3.5 liters.

First, oats and barley begin to germinate in the evening. To do this, pour the grains into containers (I do everything in separate ones), pour in and drain the water several times, rinsing them. Then fill with water and leave overnight. In the morning, drain the water and cover the containers with a cloth or towel. During the day, you can stir the grains several times so that the top ones do not dry out too much. In the evening, rinse the grains (pour and drain the water). At this point, wheat germination begins: the wheat is washed and filled with water. oat jelly In the morning, wash the oats and barley again, and drain the wheat from the water. In the evening, rinse all the grains again. In the morning, rinse the grains again - all the seedlings are ready. As a result, it takes two and a half days for oats and barley to germinate, and one and a half days for wheat. Oats and barley often germinate unevenly, but this is not important, since all necessary processes grain awakenings are still triggered. The main thing is to soak all the grains overnight for at least 12 hours.

Now the second most laborious stage begins - crushing the seedlings. There are two options for this: in a blender or through a meat grinder. It seems to me that the procedure is heavy for a blender, but if you still use it, then the seedlings are loaded in small portions with water (this should take 2.5 liters of water out of 3.5 liters, which are all needed) and crushed to a fine fraction, starting with low and ending with maximum speed (the main thing is not to overheat the device). It is better to use a meat grinder (an electric one, of course, is more convenient, although I often did a manual one - quite acceptable, but of course it takes a long time and good physical training is needed), having passed all the seedlings through it twice (I always pass it through a large grate).

The third stage is insistence. Water is added to the crushed seedlings (2.5 liters from 3.5 liters, which are needed in total) and all this is infused for one hour, from time to time the jelly from oats and oats are mixed. If desired, you can add chopped dill and spices while insisting (this is all for everybody).

The fourth stage is the preparation of the jelly base. It is necessary to squeeze out all the prepared mass. I have adapted to do it in the following way. While there is a lot of thick, I just jelly from oatmeal and oatmeal, I grind the chopped mass with my hands and squeeze it out as if making a snowball. Then I drain the liquid through a fine metal sieve, and wring out everything that remains in it with my hands. Now the resulting cake is poured with the remaining liter of water, kneaded, mixed and squeezed out again.

Oat jelly jelly The final stage- getting the jelly itself. All the resulting liquid (4 l with a consistency heavy cream) mixes well, is poured into containers and placed in the refrigerator. On the third day, the liquid acidifies and acquires pleasant taste- live oat jelly is ready.

You do not need to ferment this jelly at room temperature, as an excess of some bacteria can form, which can lead to inhibition of the symbiotic intestinal microflora and cause an imbalance.

It is not worth storing live oat jelly in the refrigerator for more than two weeks. Before using it, you need to shake it well (since all the thickets settle to the bottom).

Despite the seeming laboriousness, the process of obtaining this fabulous jelly is quite simple.

Live oat jelly by Vadim Zeland.

"My mother makes a similar jelly from oat sprouts, only without spices, but dilutes it with compote (water, from dried fruits soaked overnight: raisins, prunes, dried apricots). It tastes very much like chocolate!
Only she did not read Zeland, it turns out this is her know-how! "

Vadim Zeland: Here I will give only recipes for the main dishes, without which it will be difficult for you to feed yourself, and without which you will not be able to hold out on a raw food diet for a long time. I call these dishes systemic, because they supply the body with everything it needs, every day, and in the first place. In the rest of the items on your menu, you can give free rein to imagination and improvisation. None of these recipes, with the exception of the last two, you will not find anywhere else (yet), because this is my unique author's technology.

Unhulled oats (in shell) 800 g

(or 400 g of oats and 400 g of barley, also unshelled)
Wheat grain 200 g

Cumin seeds 1 tablespoon

Dill seeds 1 tbsp spoon

Seasoning for Korean carrots 1 tbsp. spoon

Ground cayenne pepper (chili) 1/2 teaspoon

Drinking water 3.5 l

1. Pour oats into a colander, rinse with a stream of water. Then pour shungite water in a large saucepan overnight. In the morning, transfer to a colander and cover with wet gauze in two layers. In the evening, rinse with a stream of water without removing the gauze. Soak the wheat in a pot the same evening. Rinse the oats again the next morning. With wheat, proceed in the same way as in the previous recipe. In the evening, wash the oats again. The next morning, wash the oats and wheat, the seedlings are ready.

Thus, it takes two days for oats to germinate - twice as long as for wheat. The size of oat sprouts should not exceed 1-1.5 cm. Oats and barley usually germinate unevenly, but this should not bother you, all the necessary transformations in the grain will ripen. The main thing is to soak them overnight for at least 12 hours. If the barley grains do not hatch at all, it is best to germinate only oats.

2. Now, load the seedlings in small portions into a blender, adding water, and grind to a fine fraction, starting at low speed and ending at the highest, just not very long, so as not to overheat the device. In total, this should take 2.5 liters of water. You cannot overload the blender, otherwise it will not cope. It is best to buy the most powerful blender, over 1 kW. A weak device may fail. If there is no powerful blender, it is better to use an electric meat grinder, the power of which must be at least 1.5 kW. Grind wheat twice through a fine wire rack, oats once through a medium wire rack, and if it does not go (chewed), then through a large wire rack.

I cannot guarantee that any meat grinder will cope with unhulled grain. The designs of imported meat grinders are imperfect, since manufacturers usually assume that nothing will grind on them except for meat. The designs of domestic meat grinders in this sense are more adequate. Here are just electric, high-power, our production, I have not met, and if you grind by hand, you need good physical training. It should also be borne in mind that a new meat grinder, which has not yet ground in the parts, can clog the product with metal, which is not good. So, it is advisable to look for a powerful blender after all.

3. Next, grind the seeds of caraway and dill in a coffee grinder. Combine ground sprouts and all seasonings in large crockery and leave for one hour, stirring occasionally. If the jelly is supposed to be given to children, you should handle the pepper sparingly.

4. Next step- it is necessary to squeeze out the entire cooked mass. To do this, you need to somehow adapt a fine metal sieve to the pan. The most convenient option is simple steamer consisting of a saucepan and a tray with a wire rack. A sieve (select by size) is placed on this pallet, a jelly mass is poured there and first wiped a little with a wooden spatula, and then wrung out by hand. At the same time, the finished jelly flows into the pan. The cake is deposited in a large bowl. When the entire mass is squeezed out, the cake is poured with a liter of water, kneaded, and squeezed again through the same sieve.

5. The result will be 4 liters of jelly with a consistency good cream... You can pour it into 2 liter plastic bottles and put it in the refrigerator. Store no more than two weeks. In the refrigerator, on the third day, the jelly slightly acidifies and acquires a pleasant taste, with sourness. Shake the bottle well before use.

Ferment jelly at room temperature, as is done in classic recipe- completely unnecessary. An excess of bacteria of one kind in the product is undesirable, since it inhibits the symbiotic microflora of the intestine and causes an imbalance.

Unlike the old Russian recipe for jelly, restored by Dr. Izotov, live jelly prepared using this technology is many times richer in composition, concentration nutrients and healing properties.

Of course, you can cook it, as our ancestors did, then it will really turn into a thick jelly, which is just right to cut with a knife. But what's the point? To kill all living things and get a dead biomass containing only echoes of all those healing properties that only a living product can have?

Considering that even boiled oatmeal jelly cures many different diseases and normalizes many functions of the body, then you can imagine the power of living jelly. In fact, it is the ideal food for the body, after mother's milk. One ORP is worth something - he has it as much as -800! And this indicator does not decrease as quickly as in living water, but persists for a long time.

Live jelly is a biologically active product, so it should be taken carefully at first, gradually accustoming your body, and not mixed with other food. If it causes digestive upset, then the intestines are heavily clogged. What to do? Cleanse the intestines, what else. Or continue to eat dead food, and forget about living food. Then everything will be as before, "in order."

Live jelly is ideal for baby food... But again, you should give it a little at first, accustoming it gradually. Of course, if you have already managed to feed the child with milk mixtures and boiled cereals, his body may not immediately accept the biologically active product, or even refuse altogether. I must warn you: do not experiment on children, if you yourself have not really figured out your diet! If a mother decides to make her child a raw foodist, she herself must live on a pure raw food diet for at least a year before conception. Only under this condition is it possible to safely feed a weaned baby exclusively with live food. If given condition was not fulfilled, live food must be introduced into the child's diet carefully, gradually replacing the share of dead food with live food.

6. And now, in fact, the recipe for oatmeal jelly. For one serving, 200-300 grams of the product is taken, three tablespoons of wheat bran topped with, a tablespoon of milk thistle powder, a dessert or a tablespoon of milk thistle oil (sold in pharmacies) and juice of one quarter of a lemon, (or one or two tablespoons of natural apple vinegar), and it all mixes.

I can’t promise you will enjoy this food right away. But then, when the body tastes what kind of miracle it is, and gets used to it - you can't drag it by the ears - I guarantee it. In general, living food has such a property of affecting the body that when it discovers something useful for itself, it will not want to return to something harmful. The old habit of eating something like that will not give rest for a long time. But experience will show that nothing good comes of it - only one heaviness in the stomach, but sheer disappointment.

Drink live jelly and be healthy!

You can do something like: sprouted oats + sprouted wheat + a few slices of apples, a slice of bread, stevia. It tastes great!

Doctors and nutritionists often prescribe oat jelly, since this food product is rich in essential amino acids (tryptophan, methionine, lecithin) and vitamins a and b.

This cereal contains calcium and iron, which support metabolism and enhance the action of digestive enzymes. Potassium and magnesium are involved in water-salt metabolism, increase a person's endurance, prolong his youth and help slow down the aging of the body
... Kissel from oats, which patients consume for two months, effectively relieves the body of toxins. A person feels a surge of vivacity, his immunity is strengthened, his working capacity increases.

There are many ways to make jelly:

1. quick way when it is made from rolled oats.

2. medicinal jelly can be made from oat grains.

3. "Live" jelly from sprouted grains of oats or barley.

4. children's oatmeal jelly.

To prepare "Live" jelly, you must first germinate the seeds of barley and oats (800: 1000 g), then grind them in a meat grinder and pour water (2.5 liters) in a large container. The seedlings are infused for about an hour, while they must be constantly mixed. At the next stage, you need to squeeze out all the thick mass with your hands, pass the rest of the water through a fine sieve. Pour the resulting cake again with a liter of water, let it stand for a while and squeeze again.

Liquid in the amount of 3.5 liters is placed in the refrigerator for 2 days. During this time, the jelly turns sour and tastes good. It turns out a liquid that resembles thick cream in consistency, which envelops the mucous membranes and softens the pain, even with stomach ulcers. For small children, you can make jelly from grains or rolled oats with the addition of honey, juices, fruit drinks and sugar. Even infants will benefit from oat jelly.

How to prepare this healing dish?

We will describe the easiest cooking method. First, oat grains are soaked in water for an hour. Then they must be boiled. For this, 1 glass of grains is poured with 3 glasses of cold water and placed on the stove. The finished broth is drained, a tablespoon of starch is added and cooked over low heat for 1 minute until thickened. Pour juice, fruit drink or compote into the cooled jelly. Add sugar if necessary.

For medicinal baby jelly, it is best to take cornstarch and not grains, but oatmeal. Then you get a thicker and more delicious drink that stimulates the growth of the baby, favorably affects the formation of teeth and protects the delicate skin of the child thanks to vitamin a. oat jelly for babies gives them energy and nutrients that are so necessary for their growth and development. For adolescents and adults, this drink helps to increase endurance, recuperate after physical work. Elderly people need oat broth to strengthen their immunity. A healing drink cleanses the intestines, removes toxins and toxins, improves mood.

Sick people with sluggish peristalsis, persistent constipation and bloating are useful oat jelly with the addition of Tibetan mushroom or milk rice. And you can ferment oat jelly. In this case, the grains are poured with boiled warm water, a piece of rye bread, berries and herbs are added to improve the taste and they are left warm for 2 days with a closed lid so that the oat jelly is fermented. Then it must be filtered through a sieve or cheesecloth. The remaining grounds must be rinsed with water several times, and the liquid must be poured into a large container. You will get 3 times more healing liquid than during fermentation. It should be placed under the table at night. In the morning you will see two layers: liquid at the top and white sediment at the bottom. The liquid must be carefully poured into another jar, and the sediment must be transferred to a small container and put into the refrigerator. This sediment is a jelly concentrate, from which it will be possible to prepare new portions of a healthy drink every day.

To cook jelly, you need to take 6 tablespoons of thick for 2 cups of liquid that remained after filtering, and cook to the desired density. To get a new portion of the drink, take 3 tablespoons of the starter culture in a three-liter can of liquid.

Oatmeal jelly, recipe for water.

This is the simplest and most affordable cooking option. The resulting drink will be tasty and healthy. It can be consumed by those who do not like milk, and those who are on a diet or fasting. How to cook oatmeal jelly half a glass of oatmeal take 200 ml of water, salt and honey to taste, as well as a little cinnamon for flavor (you can not add it. Instead of honey, sometimes ordinary sugar is used. Then they are poured with cold water, and after 10-15 minutes they are put on the fire. Bringing to a boil, salt and simmer for about 20 minutes. Then the resulting mass is filtered, honey or sugar is added to taste, and decorated with cinnamon. Delicious and aromatic homemade jelly can be served for breakfast or as a light dinner.

Milk recipe.

Unlike the previous version, this one is obtained with a rather pronounced creamy taste and a thicker consistency. This dish can no longer be called a drink, since you have to eat it with a spoon. But all these differences do not make the recipe for making oatmeal jelly too complicated. True, a serving contains a little more calories. You will need 100 grams per liter of milk. Flakes, 1, 5 cups of sugar, 30 gr. Butter, some raisins and any nuts. To make the dessert a pleasant chocolate color, you can add 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder. As in the previous recipe, before preparing the oatmeal jelly, you need to fry the flakes a little. But in this case, on top of them, you should put butter cut into small cubes. This will give them additional flavor and enhance the appearance of the dish. Then the milk is brought to a boil, raisins, flakes and sugar are added (you can mix it with cocoa. The mass is boiled, stirring, for about 5 minutes. Then it is laid out in glasses and sprinkled with chopped nuts. Served warm, washed down with milk.

With beets.

Oatmeal jelly can also be used as a main dietary meal. Cooking with beets makes the delicacy brighter. And the additional substances contained in the vegetable enhance the cleansing properties of Oatmeal. For 100 grams of flakes, take medium-sized beets. You will also need a glass of water, a little salt and literally a spoonful of sugar. Beets are peeled and finely grated, combined with Oatmeal and poured over with water. Bringing to a boil, the mass is salted, sugar is added and, stirring, cook for about 20 minutes. You can use jelly for breakfast or throughout the day. It is stored in the refrigerator for 48 hours. With prunes, for those with digestive problems, a cleansing jelly made from oat flour is recommended. For maximum effect, it is prepared with prunes and beets. A glass of oatmeal or oatmeal is poured with 2 liters of cold water. Then add a handful of prunes and randomly chopped medium-sized beets there.
The mixture is brought to a boil and cooked for about 15 minutes. The fire should be small. The finished broth is cooled and filtered. It is taken as a remedy before meals. You can arrange a fasting day for yourself by using only this drink.

Oatmeal dessert.

So, jelly is not only a drink. It can be cooked in the form of a fairly dense substance and can completely replace panna cotta, pudding or blamanje. Before you cook oatmeal jelly for dessert, you need to stock up on only two products. You will need a liter of fermented milk whey and a glass of flakes. You also need salt and sugar to taste. The ingredients are very simple, it's hard to believe that they make such a delicious dessert. Oatmeal is poured with whey and left overnight at room temperature. By the morning, the mass should ferment and resemble a dough for yeast dough. Strain it through cheesecloth and squeeze. The resulting liquid is put on fire, salted a little and sugar is added to taste. After it boils, reduce the flame and cook, stirring constantly, until it reaches the consistency of a liquid vegetable puree. Then the jelly is removed from the heat and poured into greased silicone molds. They are put into the refrigerator to freeze, and after a few hours, turning them over, they are laid out on a dish and decorated with chocolate, condensed milk or whipped cream. It turns out very tasty and much healthier than other desserts.

Kissel for weight loss.

In principle, any of the recipes proposed above, to one degree or another, contributes to a decrease in body weight and the elimination of toxins. But there is also a separate version designed specifically for those who are on a diet. For 100 grams of rolled oats, take 200 grams of unhulled oats and the same amount of kefir. You will also need 50 ml of water and a little salt. Oats and flakes are poured with kefir overnight, in the morning the mass is filtered through cheesecloth, the solid part is thrown away, and the liquid part is diluted with water and boiled for about 5 minutes, salting. This drink is used to satisfy hunger during a diet. Healing jelly if we consider all the existing recipes for this dish, this one, perhaps, will be the most popular. Its author is a physician - virologist Izotov. Studying old recipes for healing dishes, combining them with his own experience and knowledge, he created a universal remedy that can not only cleanse the body of toxins and improve digestion, but also normalize the functions of almost all systems. Such a jelly is prepared on the basis of oat concentrate, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or made independently at home. First you need to mix 3 liters of room temperature water with 500 grams of rolled oats and 100 ml of kefir in a large glass jar. Then it is tightly closed with a lid and left in a warm place for a day to ferment. The resulting mass is filtered using a conventional colander and left for another 6-8 hours. During this time, a precipitate should fall out - this is the oat concentrate. The liquid above it is drained, and the loose mass is stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks. Medicinal oat jelly is prepared from the concentrate, for which 5 tablespoons of the mass are diluted with 500 ml of water, brought to a boil and boiled over low heat until sour cream is thick, stirring constantly. Add a little oil (either) and salt. It is recommended to use it with rye bread for breakfast. The taste is quite specific, but pleasant.

In what cases it is recommended to use the Izotov method. Knowing how useful is oatmeal jelly prepared according to this recipe from a concentrate, it can be safely recommended to people with diseases of the digestive system, cardiovascular and nervous systems.

It should be noted that its regular use improves overall health and mood, and increases efficiency. Kissel has a beneficial effect on the human immune system, perfectly cleanses the body. In general, it can be safely recommended to residents of large polluted cities, people suffering from chronic fatigue. According to the reviews of patients who regularly use this product, their memory improves, there is a feeling of lightness and a surge of vitality. And all ailments disappear by themselves. Are there any contraindications, knowing how useful oatmeal jelly is, it is necessary to clarify whether it will harm the body. In principle, there are very few contraindications for the use of the product, but they still exist, although with moderate use of jelly they do not appear in any way. First of all, it concerns the high content of mucus in the product. In large quantities, it can lead to the opposite effect, and the body will store it in the form of fat.

When buying a finished concentrate from a store or pharmacy, there is a possibility that it will be of poor quality. Such a substance may contain additional preservatives and dyes, which is also of little benefit to the body. People suffering from severe forms of any disease should consult a specialist before using jelly. Otherwise, the product only benefits.

Oatmeal jelly is not only a traditional Russian drink. Subject to certain technologies, you can get a dessert, and a means for losing weight, and even a real medicine. Its use will certainly benefit and lead to excellent health. And vitamins, minerals and other beneficial elements contained in the ingredients will support the body during the diet. But even in this good endeavor, you need to know when to stop in order to prevent the opposite effect.
FB. ru.

Live oat jelly - recipe.

In order to get live jelly from oats, all that is required is unhulled oat grain - 800 g (or half oats and half barley), wheat grain - 200 g and water - 3.5 liters.

First, oats and barley begin to germinate in the evening. To do this, pour the grains into containers (I do everything in separate ones), pour in and drain the water several times, rinsing them. Then fill with water and leave overnight. In the morning, drain the water and cover the containers with a cloth or towel. During the day, you can stir the grains several times so that the top ones do not dry out too much. In the evening, rinse the grains (pour and drain the water. At this point, wheat germination begins: the wheat is washed and filled with water. Kissel from oats in the morning, wash oats and barley, and drain the water from the wheat. In the evening, rinse all the grains again. In the morning, rinse the grains again - everything the seedlings are ready. As a result, it takes two and a half days for oats and barley to germinate, and one and a half days for wheat. Oats and barley often germinate unevenly, but this is not important, since all the necessary processes of awakening the grain are still started. The main thing is to soak all the grains on night for at least 12 hours.

Now the second most laborious stage begins - crushing the seedlings. There are two options for this: in a blender or through a meat grinder. It seems to me that the procedure is heavy for a blender, but if you still use it, then the seedlings are loaded in small portions with water (this should take 2.5 liters of water from 3.5 liters, which are all needed) and crushed to a fine fraction, starting with a small and ending with a maximum speed (the main thing is not to overheat the device. It is better to use a meat grinder (electric, of course, it is more convenient, although I often did a manual one - it is quite acceptable, but of course it takes a long time and good physical training is needed), having passed all the seedlings through it twice (I always pass through large lattice.

The third stage is insistence. Water is added to the crushed seedlings (2.5 liters from 3.5 liters, which are needed in total) and all this is infused for one hour, from time to time the jelly from oats and oats are mixed. If desired, you can add chopped dill and spices while insisting (this is all for everybody.

The fourth stage is the preparation of the jelly base. It is necessary to squeeze out all the prepared mass. I have adapted to do it in the following way. While there is a lot of thick, I just jelly from oatmeal and oatmeal, I grind the chopped mass with my hands and squeeze it out as if making a snowball. Then I drain the liquid through a fine metal sieve, and wring out everything that remains in it with my hands. Now the resulting cake is poured with the remaining liter of water, kneaded, mixed and squeezed out again.

Kissel from oat jelly The fifth final stage is to obtain the jelly itself. All the resulting liquid (4 liters with the consistency of heavy cream) is well mixed, poured into a container and placed in the refrigerator. On the third day, the liquid acidifies and acquires a pleasant taste - live oat jelly is ready.

You do not need to ferment this jelly at room temperature, as an excess of some bacteria can form, which can lead to inhibition of the symbiotic intestinal microflora and cause an imbalance.

It is not worth storing live oat jelly in the refrigerator for more than two weeks. Before using it, you need to shake it well (since all the thickets settle to the bottom.

Despite the seeming laboriousness, the process of obtaining this fabulous jelly is quite simple.

Live oatmeal jelly vadim zelanda.

"My mother makes a similar jelly from oat sprouts, only without spices, but dilutes it with compote (water, from dried fruits soaked overnight: raisins, prunes, dried apricots. It tastes very much like chocolate! Only she did not read zeland, it turns out this is her know-how ! "Vadim zeland: here I will give only recipes for basic b.

To prepare oatmeal jelly, you need to have some skills and free time, but the result is worth the effort.

Consider five reasons why you definitely need to cook oatmeal jelly:

  • If you constantly use this drink, your health will recover, since the jelly includes great amount vitamins and various minerals.
  • Those vitamins contained in the drink will have positive influence on your skin: it will become smoother and much softer. As for the hair, it will strengthen and become shiny.
  • Thanks to oatmeal jelly, your metabolism will improve and regular use drink you will become more graceful. Many nutritionists advise consuming this drink during your diet.
  • Oatmeal jelly will help you prolong youth and stop the aging process.
  • Also, the drink will save you from many diseases.

Kissel made from oats is considered very nutritious product... It is easily and completely absorbed by the body. Due to the fact that the drink contains a lot of starch, it benefits the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. That is why oatmeal jelly is very often prescribed for:

  • stomach ulcer
  • gastritis
  • pancreatitis
  • cirrhosis
  1. Kissel is recommended to be consumed after poisoning.
  2. It also has a positive effect on the heart and the entire cardiovascular system.
  3. Kissel reduces the risk of sudden onset of atherosclerosis
  4. The drink is also recommended to be consumed during weight loss, as it normalizes performance metabolic processes, helps burn fat cells

The jelly is especially beneficial for the pancreas. Very often, problems associated with this organ appear by the age of 40: there is severity, there is an unpleasant belching and pain in the hypochondrium on the right side. If you start drinking oatmeal jelly on time, after a couple of months you can ease the pain and eliminate all these symptoms.

These were the positive aspects of oatmeal jelly. Concerning harmful qualities, then there are practically none. Some factors can only be noted:

  • Individual intolerance to oatmeal may be present.
  • After overeating jelly, stomach pains often appear. This is because jelly is a nutritious product, so you can't eat a lot of it. However, this only happens in those people who decide to fast weight loss... Fans of a graceful waist suffer when they consume jelly in very large portions.
  • It is advisable to use oatmeal jelly in the morning, as it adds vigor. Accordingly, it is advisable to refuse it in the evening.

Since ancient times, people knew about healing properties oat jelly. At all times, due to its useful properties, it was very popular. It is recommended to drink it for pain in the stomach, kidneys or liver. In this article, you will learn about the benefits of the drink, and we will also look at several recipes.


Oatmeal jelly should be present in the diet of every person. He is vital necessary drink, since it is very rich in vitamins and minerals (Fe, Ca, F, A, B1, B2, B5, PP). And also has in its composition such biologically active additives like proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Based on the foregoing, it can be emphasized once again that oatmeal jelly has an extremely positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it removes toxins, stabilizes the intestines and pancreas, creates a feeling of lightness, and normalizes stool. At frequent use jelly reduces the risk of gallstones.

Indications for use

Oatmeal jelly is an irreplaceable remedy in medicine. Even oatmeal does not give such a quick effect.

You need to use jelly in the morning with a piece of bread (to taste). Then it is advisable not to eat for at least 30 minutes.

Kissel from oats for the liver. Why oats are good for the liver

  • The liver is cleansed, begins to be fuller and better to perform all its functions. Oats improve metabolic processes in the body, and it cleans itself. Cleaning the liver with oats is very effective.
  • Prevention and treatment of inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.
    Improving metabolism. Oats contain an enzyme similar to amylase, which our pancreas produces. It stimulates the absorption of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
  • Rapid improvement of the cardiovascular system.
    General strengthening of the immune system. The liver is the organ responsible for building up a fairly strong immune system. Improving the liver and improving its functions helps to significantly strengthen the human immune system.

Variety of ancient and modern recipes Oatmeal jelly preparation is impressive. It can be cooked from grain, flakes or oatmeal, in water or with the addition of milk (read how to brew oats properly). You can also pamper yourself with a frozen kind of jelly. But no matter what recipe you like, the method of preparation does not change its valuable medicinal qualities.

Interesting! Kvass from oats has the same medicinal properties like jelly!

Quick jelly recipe

This delicacy does not ask for pre-soaking and insisting, it will take no more than an hour to prepare it. You will need 200 grams per liter of water. oatmeal. Cook for 40 minutes, after which we pass the resulting mixture through a colander. The remaining cooked flakes must be rubbed through a sieve and combined with the broth. Boil again over low heat for 5 minutes, the jelly is ready.

Important! It is better to take oatmeal for making high-quality jelly coarse... You can turn them into the necessary fine substance using a coffee grinder or an ordinary meat grinder.

Kissel from oats has been known to the Slavs since ancient times. The recommendation to prepare this drink can be found in Domostroy. But long time the product was swept off the store shelves by new products. The townspeople managed to taste the oatmeal jelly only when visiting their grandmother in the village. This product has reached a new level of popularity relatively recently.

This is due to a person like Dr. Izotov. This Russian doctor has revived old traditions and improved the product a little. It would seem, why would a certified specialist, a serious doctor, engage in folk medicine? The reason lies in personal tragedy.

The doctor was bitten by an encephalitis tick. The bite itself and the long treatment completely destroyed his immunity. He started having problems with metabolism, heart, hearing deteriorated, and many other diseases appeared.

His life turned into an endless circle of drugs that helped less and less, and often only caused allergies. Out of despair, Izotov began to look for other ways. In his research he came across old recipe jelly from oats. For a long 8 years, the doctor took this remedy every day. During this time, he was able to increase his immunity and the disease receded.

You can treat differently folk medicine... It is fanatical to accept any grandmother's remedies and hope that they will heal you is not worth it. But oatmeal jelly is inherently not a medicine. This is just one of the options healthy food, which will perfectly fit into the diet of any person.

A miracle is unlikely to happen, but you will improve your immunity, which means that the body will be able to better fight disease. People who started drinking oatmeal jelly note that their health has improved, their mood and performance have increased.

Since ancient times, Russian, but, unfortunately, a completely forgotten type of kvass today - oatmeal - can be made quite easily on your own at home. It perfectly quenches even the most intense thirst, and in addition, it has a variety of healing properties.

The nutritional value

Kvass is a traditional national drink. Alas, these days, most consumers prefer store products... Recipes of ancient ancestors where bread was used, flower honey, herbs and fragrant berries, undeservedly consigned to oblivion. Meanwhile, they began to make kvass from oats many centuries ago, there is even a humoresque that those who constantly drink it become strong and strong like a horse.

However, this primordially slavic drink and is actually extremely useful. It contains all the minerals and vitamins necessary for the body from oats, but at the same time it converts them into a form that is well absorbed by the human body.

Oats are widely used in agriculture, they are considered nutritious and dietary product... 100 grams of this product contains:

  • 10.1 g of proteins;
  • 10.7 g fiber;
  • 57.8 g of carbohydrates.

Part cereal crops includes essential minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium, as well as phosphorus, sodium and iron. Oats are rich in B vitamins and amino acids necessary for the growth of protein tissue. human body are not produced and must come from the outside: leucine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, methionine and others.

Kvass from cereals can be prepared without any additives, however, the taste of such a drink is quite specific, and not everyone will like it, therefore many recipes suggest using honey, dried fruits and various spices- each of these components not only adds piquancy to the drink, but also adds nutrients.

Oat kvass is valued due to a large number biologically active ingredients, thanks to which you can get enough and get rid of thirst. A cereal drink enhances immunity, improves basic metabolic processes and promotes fat oxidation.

Video Kissel from oats

Oat kissel is not the usual sweet berry drink... The cooking recipe is also different. You will need ground grains, which must be fermented. For greater use no sugar is added. Sbiten with useful properties in consistency is the same viscous, but with small grains. The dish has been known since the 16th century as traditional food on lean table... The peoples of the North called this drink "Disperse". He was put on the table at the end of the meal, and the guests learned that the feast was coming to an end.

Are applied unique properties dishes for health improvement, weight loss and proper nutrition. The composition contains useful lactic acid bacteria and other necessary for health chemical substances... As a powerful probiotic, the product can help improve digestion and strengthen the immune system.

Vladimir Izotov invented his own recipe for sbiten oats and patented it in 1992. Doctor-virologist studied ancient records of the 6th century, where oats were fermented and used as a remedy with medicinal properties. Izotov supplemented the composition with modern knowledge in medicine. The result is a product with a wide range of applications, bringing huge benefit and harmless.

Comment! Izotov cured himself with his recipe. The doctor has a severely weakened immune system after suffering tick-borne encephalitis. Diseases began to stick to him, for which traditional medicines did not help. After applying his recipe for 8 years, the inventor got stronger and stopped going to doctors.

Ingredients: oat groats, oats, water, kefir

Whatever problems a person has with the body (bad skin, a problem with weight, or some kind of disease), doctors always recommend reconsidering the diet. Our health, appearance and well-being largely depend on what we eat. There is harmful food (fast food, sugar, fatty foods), and there is healthy. Unhealthy food It is rich in fats that the body is used to storing for future use, which is why it is so attractive to us. Moreover, manufacturers usually abundantly improve it with various flavors.

Healthy food is rich in vitamins, fiber, protein, and other nutrients that are beneficial to the body. Such healthy foods include natural products: fruits, vegetables, cereals, lean meat and more. For example, oatmeal is very useful for the body.

Why is oats good for the body?

Oats are good not only because they contain a lot of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, amino acids and vitamins. The benefit of oats lies in the fact that all the nutrients in its composition are contained in the amount that is necessary for the human body.

It contains sulfur, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, manganese and other substances. In terms of the amount of protein from all the cereals known in our country, it is second only to buckwheat.

The history of oatmeal jelly

Kissel from oats has been known to the Slavs since ancient times. The recommendation to prepare this drink can be found in Domostroy. But for a long time, the product was swept off the store shelves by new products. The townspeople managed to taste the oatmeal jelly only when visiting their grandmother in the village. This product has reached a new level of popularity relatively recently.

This is due to a person like Dr. Izotov. This Russian doctor has revived old traditions and improved the product a little. It would seem, why would a certified specialist, a serious doctor, engage in folk medicine? The reason lies in personal tragedy.

The doctor was bitten by an encephalitis tick. The bite itself and the long treatment completely destroyed his immunity. He started having problems with metabolism, heart, hearing deteriorated, and many other diseases appeared.

His life turned into an endless circle of drugs that helped less and less, and often only caused allergies. Out of despair, Izotov began to look for other ways. In his research, he came across an old recipe for oat jelly. For a long 8 years, the doctor took this remedy every day. During this time, he was able to increase his immunity and the disease receded.

You can treat traditional medicine in different ways. It is fanatical to accept any grandmother's remedies and hope that they will heal you is not worth it. But oatmeal jelly is inherently not a medicine. This is just one of the healthy food options that will fit perfectly into any person's diet.

A miracle is unlikely to happen, but you will improve your immunity, which means that the body will be able to better fight disease. People who started drinking oatmeal jelly note that their health has improved, their mood and performance have increased.

Oatmeal jelly - how to cook according to the Izotov method

First of all to get really useful product you need to get the simplest and most natural flakes without any additives.

You need to find the oats that have kept their beneficial features... How to cook oatmeal jelly from rolled oats? Its preparation will take several days and includes several stages. In fact, the recipe for oat jelly is quite simple, but you need to be patient to wait out the longest fermentation stage.


  • oat groats - 300 grams;
  • coarse oats - 8 tbsp. l .;
  • pure water- 2 liters;
  • kefir - 100 grams.

Sourdough preparation

Take big jar(preferably 5 liters) and pour 300 grams of flakes into it. You can take a smaller jar, but remember that during fermentation, the mass will rise up. Pour water over the oats to fill about half the jar. To improve the fermentation process, add 8 tablespoons of natural oats and 100 grams of kefir to the flakes.


Advice: instead of kefir, it is better to take 100 ml sour milk... It will be much healthier than store-bought kefir.

The jar must be covered with a lid so as to maintain tightness. Just remember, carbon dioxide needs an outlet, so you can put on a rubber glove on the can, just like when making wine.

We put the bank correctly

For fermentation to proceed correctly, two factors are necessary: ​​warmth and lack of direct sunlight. It is best to completely cover the jar with a cover made of thick fabric or paper. Then the light will not destroy the nutrients in the leaven.

Heat is a prerequisite for the fermentation process, so the jar cannot be put into a cellar or other cool place. If the apartment is not very warm, then the jar is best placed near the stove or battery.

Signs that the fermentation process has begun is the stratification of the mass and the appearance of bubbles.

Filtration of liquid

Two days after the start of fermentation, you can start filtering the mixture. To do this, you can use a regular sieve, or a colander. Pour the liquid into one container, and wash the oats. To wash the oats, fill it with small portions of cold boiled water and mix thoroughly.

We also collect the merged water in a separate container. Or you can act differently. Transfer the sourdough from a colander to a jar, top with cold boiled water and shake well. Strain the resulting mixture through a sieve. Do not overdo it with rinsing; you should use about two liters of water in total.
You now have two cans of oat concentrate and used oatmeal.


Tip: do not rush to throw away the used oats. It is recommended for use in face masks. Oats are especially good for problem skin. Mix it with water and almond oil v equal proportions and apply on face for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly with water and apply moisturizer.

You now have two containers filled with filtrate. Cover them with a lid and set aside for 16 hours. During this time, liquid stratification will occur. The top must be carefully drained. This is oat kvass, you can also drink it just like that. But the lower concentrate is what we need in the recipe to make Izotov's oatmeal jelly.

It is believed that these two different concentrates from different cans(one saturated and the other after rinsing) do not mix. The first should help well with gastritis and pancreatitis, and the second - with hypertension and dysbiosis. But even if you are cooking just to maintain immunity, it is best not to mix the contents of the jars. They must be stored in the refrigerator, no more than three weeks.

Recipe: Oatmeal Jelly

When preparing jelly, fermentation and filtration take a lot of time. And the jelly itself is prepared very quickly.


  • oat concentrate - 5-7 tbsp. l .;
  • water - 2 glasses.
  • add honey or oil if desired.


Take a small saucepan, put a few 5-7 spoons there oat sourdough and fill with two glasses of boiled but chilled water. Put the mixture on fire and bring to a boil. Then cook, stirring occasionally, until the liquid thickens.

It is necessary to eat jelly in a warm form. Since oatmeal jelly itself is practically tasteless, you can diversify it with fruits, berries, honey, or a lump of butter. If you keep changing additional ingredients, then you will not get bored with jelly.


Advice: it is best to eat jelly in the morning. First, he is quick to prepare. Secondly, it is very useful option breakfast, which immediately saturates the body for the whole day. Thirdly, after taking jelly, the body receives a charge of vigor, which can prevent you from falling asleep at night.

Oatmeal jelly for weight loss

There are many rumors that oatmeal jelly helps to lose extra pounds. Therefore, he is actively advised to everyone who wants to lose weight. But in fact, jelly does not have magic fat burning properties.

And at the same time, people who use it usually begin to lose weight. What's the secret? In fact, there are several factors influencing here.

Firstly, oatmeal jelly helps to improve digestion and removes toxins from the body. This alone helps to improve your well-being and get rid of a few extra pounds.

Secondly, people who start drinking oatmeal jelly eat it instead of their usual breakfast. This means they reduce daily intake calories. So it turns out that people lose weight a little.

To the girls who sit on strict diet, it is advisable to introduce oatmeal jelly into your diet. Let it be nutritious, but all the substances in it will benefit the body, and will not remain on the sides.

The benefits and harms of this dish

The healing properties of oat jelly are that it helps the body to work better. What are the benefits and harms of this remedy? The benefit is that the body receives many useful vitamins and substances in a form that is easy for him to process. And already due to such "reinforcement" human health becomes stronger in an absolutely natural way.

As for contraindications, in principle there are none. Usually anyone, even the most healthy dish may be harmful people with some kind of disease, or individual allergies. But in oatmeal jelly, doctors have not yet found any contraindications for use.

As you can see, making oatmeal jelly is not difficult at all. Even if there are some difficulties, a recipe with a photo will quickly solve these problems. If you are planning to upgrade to proper nutrition, then be sure to make yourself a jelly according to this recipe. Besides being useful, it is very convenient.

You don't have to wake up an hour earlier before work every day to prepare yourself a healthy and balanced breakfast. Taking care of the sourdough in advance can take many days to solve your breakfast problem.

Oatmeal jelly is a very ancient dish. Our ancestors, the Slavs, also prepared it on the basis of cereals and fed on it during the raids of the nomads, when the inhabitants of the settlements were tormented by hunger. The drink saved during epidemics, put the sick on their feet, supported the poor. It has now gained popularity as dietary meal for weight loss and health improvement.

Why is oat jelly so good? Richest vitamin composition this cereal allows you to support patients during an exacerbation of diseases gastrointestinal tract... In the course of infections, when there is no appetite, but you still need to eat, this dish makes it possible to recover thanks to its protein and starch. In addition, jelly is easy to prepare, and oatmeal is always available for making it.

What are oats?

it useful cereal, which includes the following elements:

  • vitamins A, E, F, K;
  • group of B vitamins;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • silicon;
  • calcium;
  • minerals;
  • starch;
  • protein;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates;
  • cellulose.

Effects of the product on the human body

Oats have many beneficial properties for human health:

  • is a powerful absorbent, absorbs and removes toxins;
  • promotes the elimination of excess fluid;
  • incredibly nutritious;
  • lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • a source of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and enzymes;
  • natural immunomodulator;
  • improves bowel function;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • helps to improve digestion;
  • is a stimulant of metabolic processes;
  • ideal as a dietary product.

Popular recipe

Everyone knows how to cook oatmeal jelly experienced hostess... This dish does not require much labor. However, it will come to the rescue in stressful situations, with diseases and ailments.

So, to make oat jelly, you need 1 glass of cereal and 2 glasses warm water... Ground oats are filled with water and infused for 24 hours. Later, the whole mixture is filtered and cooked with constant stirring until thickened. Finished product it is advisable to cool it so that it reaches a temperature favorable for the body.

In about the same way, jelly is prepared from oatmeal. The only difference is that to speed up the fermentation process, you can put a piece of bread in the prepared mixture.

The benefits of oatmeal jelly

200 g of this product per day - and many health problems will be solved by themselves:

  • Oatmeal jelly for weight loss is indispensable, since with a small amount of calories, it is quite nutritious, rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • It helps cleanse the body.
  • With stomach ulcers, pancreatitis, bowel diseases, it reduces the inflammatory process.
  • It is a general tonic, slows down the aging process of the body.

Many athletes consume oatmeal jelly on an ongoing basis. The benefits of its effects are obvious, and this dish is perfect for energy metabolism.

Fasting day on oatmeal

Delicious and healthy for the stomach, this product can serve as the basis for a fasting day. First of all, the processes of cleansing the body from toxins will start. During this period, it is recommended to stay at home and not plan any time-consuming work.

Before the start of the fasting day, you should not eat heavy fatty foods for a day. A few plant-based meals will prepare your body for cleansing. In the process of unloading, you should increase the amount of liquid consumed.

  1. The fasting day should be started with a glass of warm water drunk on an empty stomach.
  2. You already know how to make oatmeal jelly from rolled oats (its recipe is given above).
  3. After cooling the dish, eat it for breakfast.
  4. One hour after eating, you can drink a glass of green tea.
  5. For lunch, you can eat a vegetable salad.
  6. Dinner must take place no later than 7 pm. Either freshly prepared oatmeal jelly or oatmeal pre-steamed with boiling water and seasoned with fruits or dried fruits will do.

Oatmeal jelly is suitable for losing weight if during the day you, besides it, do not eat any food, but only drink water and green tea.

Cooking oatmeal jelly according to Izotov's recipe

A serious illness, which entailed a lot of complications, forced the virologist Izotov to turn to old recipe... Having studied the effect of the product on himself, the specialist improved the recipe, adding some changes, and thus got a new dish. Kissel helped the doctor fully recover from a serious illness, as well as cleanse the body of toxins accumulated during treatment.


Izotov's oatmeal jelly is easy to cook. To do this, it is enough to follow a simple instruction:

  1. Choose a glass container. Rinse thoroughly.
  2. Grind 10 heaped tablespoons of oats in a coffee grinder.
  3. You will need oatmeal and kefir in a ratio of 1: 3 (for 100 g of kefir, 300 g of oatmeal).
  4. Mix ground oats, rolled oats and kefir.
  5. Pour the composition with warm boiled water (3 liters).
  6. Place in a warm place, wrapping the dish with a towel so that no light falls on it.
  7. The mixture should be infused for 48 hours.
  8. After this period, strain the composition.
  9. Rinse the remaining mass with cold water. The filtered liquid is also used to prepare the product. The basic composition is not needed - it can be used for other needs.
  10. Store both liquids obtained during the first and second straining in a dark place for 15 hours.
  11. A sediment will appear at the bottom of the dishes, which will become the basis for making Izotov's jelly. The rest of the liquid - kvass - can be drained and kept in the refrigerator for a week.
  12. To cook one serving of Izotov's jelly, it is enough to take 3 tbsp. l. concentrate and add 1 tbsp. warm water.
  13. Put the mixture on low heat and cook, stirring constantly. It is better to do this with a wooden spatula, metal should be excluded.
  14. After 5 minutes, remove the pan from the heat. Izotov's oatmeal jelly is ready!

A step-by-step cooking recipe will help you get quality product to be used during the dieting period.

The liquid remaining when draining can be used as a starter for making a new portion.

What is the advantage of Izotov's jelly?

If you are concerned about diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, Izotov's oatmeal jelly will become not just an additional dietary product, but also a medicine. There is only one condition for effective results: it must be taken regularly on a daily basis.

For example, pancreatitis requires a constant diet, which is exhausting enough for anyone. Kissel prepared according to Izotov's recipe will relieve pain and ease the course of the disease in its most acute period. Of course, if you suffer from a similar disease, you should consult a specialist about a diet based on Izotov's jelly or plain oatmeal jelly.

If your doctor confirms the possibility for you personally to consume this product constantly, it will not be difficult for you to cook it every day using oatmeal or rolled oats.

With pancreatitis, the benefits that you get from using Izotov's oatmeal jelly will allow you to recover many times faster and get wonderful results.

Are there any contraindications for use?

Of course, when eating any product, we first of all listen to our body - how it feels after eating. Discomfort after a meal suggests that you should refuse a particular dish, since it is poorly absorbed by the body. As for Izotov's oatmeal jelly, this dish is suitable for absolutely everyone and is a dietary product indicated for any ailments.

Any diet should be approached carefully and wisely. But even in the event of an overdose of the product, the harm is minimal. The same can be said about Izotov's oatmeal jelly. Its benefits and harms are determined individually. However, the fact that it is suitable for everyone and is able to solve many health problems is a fact established by medical professionals.

Contraindications to the use of the product are only individual intolerance. Otherwise, this oat dish is suitable for everyone.

Losing weight with oatmeal jelly

It is not difficult to cook jelly based on oatmeal. Therefore, a diet based on this product is very popular and helps to easily and quickly get rid of excess weight... To lose a few pounds, it is enough to replace one meal for a month with a dish made from rolled oats or oatmeal.

Boil oats over low heat until thickened, then cool and eat fresh. It is not recommended to store this product as it loses its beneficial properties rather quickly.

Such a dish will not bring harm, but there will be little benefit from it. Therefore, it is recommended to use oatmeal jelly for weight loss as soon as it cools down.

It is not difficult to buy oatmeal, so if you stock up on this product and try several cooking options for this dish, including Dr. Izotov's recipe, you will soon feel positive changes in your body.

A low-calorie drink will replace one or two meals and saturate your body with essential micronutrients. You will like the result obtained with such a diet. And the process of losing weight will be gentle and painless.

Oatmeal jelly for the stomach has been used for centuries. It helps to treat gastritis and ulcerative lesions of the digestive system. In addition, this remedy perfectly copes with pathologies of the liver and kidneys. There are quite a few ways to prepare this today. miraculous drink, which allows each person to choose the most optimal option.

The effect of jelly on the stomach

Kissel made from oatmeal is very useful for the stomach and all other organs. digestive system... Experts identify the following properties of this unique product:

  1. Oatmeal jelly perfectly cleanses the body of toxic substances and other harmful products that accumulate over the years. A similar effect is achieved due to enough vitamins.
  2. Due to the presence of nutrients in the jelly, it helps to saturate the body with the necessary substances, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system and strengthening the immune system.
  3. It is very useful to use jelly for inflammation and stomach ulcers. This product helps to reduce acidity, which improves metabolism, disinfects food and accelerates the digestion of food.
  4. This product is great for overweight or underweight people. The fact is that jelly contains a lot of calories and nutrients at the same time. Due to this, a person quickly eats up, saturating the body with the necessary elements.

In addition, oatmeal jelly helps to reduce the feeling of heaviness in the stomach. With the help of this product, it is possible to quickly establish stool, because it prevents constipation and effectively copes with diarrhea.

Indications for the use of jelly

Oatmeal jelly for the stomach can be consumed by everyone - both children and adults. This product is perfectly absorbed by the body. To people who have chronic diseases, be sure to include oat jelly in your diet.

Indications for the use of this product are the following disorders in the digestive system:

  • exhaustion;
  • deficiency of pancreatic enzymes;
  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • dysbiosis;
  • bowel disorders;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • fatty liver hepatosis.

Effective recipes

There are quite a few healthy recipes that allow you to prepare an effective drink. To get oatmeal jelly, you need to take 0.5 kg of flakes, add 3 liters of boiled water and leave overnight. Strain the composition in the morning. In this case, the oatmeal must be pressed in order to improve the discharge of mucus. Filtered liquid can be used for rinsing.

Leave the resulting solution to settle for several hours, then strain again. After a certain time, a layer of water forms at the top, which must be placed in a separate container.

Heat the remaining base, stirring all the time. As it cooks, the composition will thicken more and more. At this point, it is recommended to pour the drained water into the container. It literally takes 5 minutes to cook. In this case, the composition should not boil, since useful elements will die.

Oatmeal jelly can be made even easier. To do this, take 4 cups of oatmeal and add 8 cups of water. Leave the composition to infuse until evening, then shake and strain. Boil the resulting water over low heat for several minutes. If the food becomes too thick, you can add a little water to it and reheat for 10 minutes.

If you don't have time, you can cook oatmeal jelly in just 45 minutes. To do this, it is enough to pour 200 g of oatmeal into 1 liter of water and cook for 35 minutes. After that, filter, and rub the remaining oatmeal through a sieve. Add the resulting mass to the broth and bring to a boil. You can add a small amount of salt if desired.

However, one of the most useful recipes for oatmeal jelly is a product prepared according to Izotov. This virologist has developed a unique manufacturing method based on ancient traditions. The resulting product is ideal for treating the organs of the digestive system. With the help of such jelly, it is possible to easily cope with peptic ulcer disease.

Of course, this drink takes a long time to prepare, however, thanks to its use, it is possible to achieve the maximum effect. So, to prepare oatmeal jelly according to Izotov, you need to go through the following steps:

  1. Fermentation. Bring 3.5 liters of water to a boil, then cool it to 30 degrees and place in a 5 liter jar. Add 0.5 kg of oatmeal and 125 ml of kefir there to get the sourdough. Cover the container with a lid, wrap and leave. To speed up the fermentation process, the jar should be placed in a warm place - for example, near a radiator. It is best to mix the cereal with crushed oatmeal - this will require about 10 tablespoons.

This stage takes up to 2 days. Bubbles and stratification of the composition will help determine readiness. It is important to stop this process in a timely manner - too long fermentation will negatively affect the taste of the product.

To cope with diseases of the stomach and other organs of the digestive system, this drink should be consumed every day, replacing breakfast with it.


Oatmeal jelly belongs to the category of those rare products, which have absolutely no contraindications. The only limitation is overeating, because excess consumption any product can harm. Therefore, when you include oatmeal jelly in your daily diet, you should remember about a sense of proportion.

Oatmeal jelly can be called with confidence miraculous product... With the help of this tool, it is possible to establish the digestion process, restore normal stool, eliminate the manifestations of gastritis and peptic ulcer disease. The main thing is to clearly adhere to the recommendations for cooking of this drink... In order not to harm your stomach, before using this remedy, you should consult with your doctor.