Instant oatmeal jelly. How to cook oatmeal jelly? Homemade jelly

23.09.2019 Bakery
How to make healthy oatmeal jelly

Oatmeal jelly is one of the old-timers of traditional Russian cuisine. In ancient times, various legends and traditions were associated with this drink. It is very likely that its preparation was carried out in the ancient years, but there is no official evidence of this.

The benefits of oatmeal flakes

No one doubts the usefulness of oatmeal. Kissel prepared on the basis of them has no less beneficial effect on the body. Some, due to its medicinal properties, call it Russian balm.

It is worth noting the fact that this drink nourishes the body well, and also contains a huge variety of useful elements for the body, including vitamins and microelements.

In addition, the following can be attributed to the useful properties of oatmeal jelly:

  1. Since it contains probiotic bacteria, its use leads to the normalization of the intestinal flora, which is especially useful for those people who suffer from various gastrointestinal ailments, as well as for those who have recently undergone antibiotic treatment;
  2. For those who have been diagnosed with one of such ailments as ulcers, erosion, acid reflux or gastritis, jelly will be useful for its enveloping and antiseptic properties;
  3. Has a cleansing effect on the liver and other organs;
  4. Has a beneficial effect on blood composition, leads to the normalization of hormonal balance;
  5. Reduces the possibility of stones and other deposits forming in the kidneys;
  6. Helps to improve the work of the protective system, as well as activates its functions.

Traditional oatmeal jelly

A long-standing traditional recipe was prepared by our ancestors from the following components:

  • Flakes - about 0.2-0.3 kg;
  • Half a liter of warm water;
  • A small piece of black bread (you can take a crust);
  • Salt (to taste).

First of all, fill the flakes with water. You can use glass containers as a container. We throw a piece of bread there and stir. We put it away for a couple of days in a warm place. Sometimes, the mass can be taken out and mixed.

After 48 hours, pour the mass into a colander so that the liquid glass. We do not use the thick, it can be removed immediately. The expressed liquid must be placed on the stove and brought until boiling bubbles appear, then add salt.

How to cook oatmeal jelly from flakes for weight loss

For the simplest recipe for making jelly for those who are trying to lose extra pounds, the following components are needed:

  • Half a packet of oatmeal;
  • Water.

Pour the prepared flakes into a suitable container (traditionally a saucepan);

After that, pour in water. We use the liquid by eye: it should cover the flakes by about 2-3 cm.Close the pan with a lid and set it aside for 48 hours.

After the allotted time for souring, we take out the container, filter it. The thick that remains in the colander is not used. You can throw it away.

Pour the rest into a saucepan and put on the stove, stir constantly. When there is a thickening and small bubbles from boiling, remove the pan from the heat;

Pour the resulting liquid into portioned dishes. We put the jelly in the refrigerator.

Milk can be added before use. 100 g of such a product accounts for about 45-55 kcal.

  • A more complex recipe involves the use of the following products:
  • 0.1 kg of flakes;
  • 0.2 kg of oats;
  • 0.2 l of fat-free kefir;
  • 1.5 liters of water.

100 g of jelly made according to this recipe contains no more than 60 kcal.

Put oats and cereals in a jar. Pour kefir into it and mix thoroughly. We close the jar and set it aside for 24 hours in a warm place.

After a day, we filter the resulting mass. Add water to the resulting liquid mass and set it on fire. As soon as it thickens, you can drain from heat and cool.

Healing oatmeal jelly

The first recipe for "Russian balsam" was proposed by the microbiologist Izotov. It was his instruction that became the first to be used for medicinal purposes.

To create this medicinal jelly, you need:

  • 5 liters of water;
  • 0.5 kg of oatmeal;
  • ½ glass of kefir;
  • Salt, sugar to taste.

Stage 1: fermentation. We take 3.5 liters of water, put on the stove, bring to a boil. After a couple of minutes, we remove it and wait until it cools down to a temperature of 20 degrees. Pour 0.5 kg of flakes into a separate container and fill them with water. Stir, then add half a glass of kefir. If you don't have kefir, you can use bifidok. Then the container is well closed and left in a dark place (or, you can close it with a cloth or paper) for a couple of days. Should not be placed next to radiators or heaters, as excess heat can aggravate the fermentation process.

Stage 2: after two days, take the resulting liquid and filter it twice. For the first time, simply turn it over in a colander and let it drain. We set aside the liquid that is glass. What is left in the colander, rinse with water, but not in a hurry: you will need about 2 liters of water. It is necessary to make several runs and each time you need to squeeze the gruel a little.

Stage 3: mix the masses that we got from the first and second filtration. We leave in a transparent container (you can use a glass jar) for 10-12 hours. During this time, sediment will gradually form at the bottom, which must be removed using a siphon tube. As a result, a liquid should remain, which will serve as the basis for cooking jelly.

Stage 4: cook jelly. We put a saucepan with the resulting liquid on the fire. Do not stop stirring it until it becomes thick. You can add sugar or salt for flavor. Cool before use.

As in any other dish, there are some nuances in the preparation of jelly that you need to know:

  1. For the preparation of this drink, the now popular instant cereals are not suitable. You need to choose only ordinary, natural cereal flakes;
  2. The fermentation period is, in fact, the most important. It is necessary to ensure that the process proceeds in moderation, because the drink should have a light and pleasant sourness;
  3. Do not forget to constantly stir the jelly during cooking, otherwise it will burn;
  4. To make the dish more appetizing (especially if you are giving it to a child), you can add chopped nuts, berries or fruits.

You also need to remember that this product, if you plan to lose weight, must be taken correctly. By and large, they can even replace one of the meals (for example, an afternoon snack or dinner). If you decide to replace a full meal with jelly, then it will be useful to add some berries and chopped fruits to it.

Another option is to use jelly before each meal (20-30 minutes), about a third of the glass. This will prepare your body for food intake and also reduce the amount you eat.

If it is correctly combined with dietary food, jelly will not only help get rid of extra centimeters at the waist, but also cleanse the body of deposited toxins and other harmful substances.

The composition of oatmeal jelly contains active bacteria participating in the fermentation process, which have pronounced probiotic qualities, a natural vitamin complex and microelements necessary for the body. In Russia sauerkraut jelly since ancient times it is known as a curative, healing and very useful food that helps with many ailments. Modern experts believe that oatmeal jelly launches the process of self-healing, self-healing, self-cleaning and self-rejuvenation of the body at the cellular level and is a biological stimulant that slows down the aging process, increases the body's endurance and performance.

Oatmeal jelly is useful for adults, children and the elderly. It is advisable to prepare it daily for breakfast during Lent.


Oat flakes Hercules;
clean water, boiled, warm;
rye bread crust, for better fermentation.

I like to feel products, not measure or weigh them.

This jelly was made by my grandmother, it is still prepared by my mother-in-law during numerous and long fasts. This is not only a healthy, but also a very tasty dish, although at first it seems that the jelly is not very attractive in appearance, gray, gelatinous and cannot be tasty.

I pour the oatmeal into a liter jar almost shoulder-length and fill them with lukewarm boiled drinking water. The water should cover the oatmeal about two fingers thick. When we prepare oatmeal jelly for the first time, we add a small piece of rye bread crust to a jar of cereals and immerse it in water. Cover the jar with a clean towel or napkin.
We leave this jar for two or three days in a warm place for fermentation, the rye crust of bread will speed up the fermentation process and make it of better quality. When the heating batteries are turned off, you can keep a jar of oatmeal jelly for fermentation at the stove where food is being prepared.

During fermentation, oat flakes swell, increase in volume, acquire a pleasant bread aroma, very appetizing. After the fermentation process oatmeal the liquid must be filtered. I take out the bread crust, and filter the swollen oatmeal through a colander or strainer. Pour lukewarm boiled drinking water into the oatmeal remaining after straining, so that it is possible to rinse all the available flakes while stirring, stir the mass and again decant the liquid.

All the liquid obtained after fermentation of oatmeal is poured into a liter jar, covered with a lid and put into the refrigerator. I usually get 1.5 liters of oatmeal liquid for making jelly, and after straining and squeezing oatmeal, about 1 cup is obtained.
Remaining oat cake I never do not throw away, it can be used for a variety of both culinary and cosmetic purposes.

Cooking oatmeal jelly.
To cook yourself oatmeal jelly, I take the jar out of the refrigerator and stir the contents of this jar with a spoon, as it is divided into 2 layers: a clear liquid and a thick white precipitate. I pour the amount of oat liquid I need, about a glass, into a small saucepan. I put on fire and cook, stirring constantly, until the oatmeal thickens and begins to boil. Having brought the oatmeal jelly to a boil, I immediately remove it from the heat. I like to eat oatmeal jelly warm. The density of the jelly depends very much on the amount of water with which the oatmeal was washed. My jelly is thick enough and I eat it with a spoon.

Depending on taste oatmeal jelly can be served not only hot, but also as cold as jelly. To do this, it is poured into small bowls, cooled and placed in the refrigerator. Frozen oatmeal jelly cut and eat to taste, adding any vegetable oil, syrup, jam, honey or granulated sugar. This one is pretty simple oatmeal jelly recipe and even nowadays it is very popular in monasteries.

Long-term practice of using oat jelly proven to promote wellness, rejuvenation, longevity, gives strength and energy, improves the functioning of the brain, intestines and the whole human body as a whole.

I never throw away cake left over from the preparation of oatmeal jelly... What to cook from oatmeal jelly: you can use it in any baked goods, be it muffin, oatmeal cookies, bread, pancakes, tortillas, or pancakes... You can feed the squeezed oatmeal to animals or birds. And you can use it like Body Scrub or as rejuvenating skin mask.

Wheat flour 200 g;
oatmeal remaining from the preparation of oatmeal jelly, cake, 1 glass;
sugar 100 g butter 100 g or 0.3 cups of vegetable oil;
raw chicken eggs, 3 pcs.;
sour cream 1-2 tbsp. spoons;
baking powder 1.5 tsp;
ground cinnamon 1 tsp;
rose petals, ground 1 tsp;
vanilla sugar 1 packet;
apples 2-3 pcs., cut them into small pieces and mix with sugar and 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon;

Peel the apples and cut into small pieces. Sprinkle the apple pieces with granulated sugar and cinnamon, stir and leave for 1 hour. Apples will give juice, this juice must be drained and you can drink it, it is very tasty.

Put the butter in a bowl and melted it over low heat. I poured sugar into softened butter and mixed everything, then added eggs and cake, i.e. swollen oatmeal and mixed again. I poured flour, baking powder and the remaining products, mixed the dough well.

The dough should look like a thick gruel. Grease the cake pan with vegetable oil, heat up and put a part of the dough there, on top of which lay a layer of apples. We lay out all the apples and spread them evenly over the surface of the oatmeal dough. Put the remaining dough on top of the apple pieces.

I have a regular round skillet which is very suitable for baking muffins. The dough should occupy a little more than half of the mold in height, as the cake will rise slightly during cooking. Bake oatmeal with apples in the oven at 180 degrees for about 50 minutes. We check the readiness of the cake with a thin wooden stick.

When baking this oat cake, you can replace apples with any berries, for example, fresh raspberries.

Oatmeal cookies with apples and raisins, made from oatmeal jelly cake

Delicious and satisfying oatmeal cookies with poppy seeds and nuts, apple and raisins.

Ingredients for Apple Oatmeal Cookies:
100 g butter;
0.5 cups of sugar;
2 tablespoons of usable or flower syrup
2 eggs;
0.5 cups flour;
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup oatmeal cake;
2-3 medium apples;
1/4 cup raisins
A pinch of cinnamon.

We wash the raisins and steam them for 5 minutes in not very hot water to preserve the nutrients. When the raisins become soft, drain the water, and the raisin water can be drunk, it is good for the heart, like the raisins themselves.

Rub the soft butter with a spoon with sugar. Add syrup and mix. Add eggs and flour with baking powder, mix again. Wash apples, peel, cut out the core and three on a coarse grater.

Then add oatmeal, raisins, grated apples and a pinch of cinnamon for flavor. Mix well again. It turns out a soft dough with oatmeal.

We cover the baking sheet with confectionery parchment, grease it with refined sunflower oil.
We moisten our hands in water and form balls of the size of a large nut out of the dough. We distribute the cookies on a baking sheet. We bake oatmeal and apple cookies at 170-180C for 30-35 minutes, until tender.

Using various additives for the preparation of the dough: seeds, poppy seeds, dried apricots, dried berries, nuts, each time we will receive new homemade cookies for tea, fragrant, healthy and tasty.

Oatmeal pancakes or oatmeal

Oatmeal pancakes or cake left over from cooking oat jelly... Pressed oatmeal, i.e. cake, as good for health, like oatmeal jelly. How to bake oatmeal pancakes.
Recipe for pancakes from squeezed flakes obtained during the preparation of oatmeal jelly.


Oatmeal, which remained after the preparation of oatmeal jelly, i.e. well squeezed cake;
wheat flour, the amount is determined during the preparation of the dough;
vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon;
white rose petals, ground - 1 teaspoon;
flaxseed - 1 teaspoon;
dill and basil, fresh, but also dried;
cardamom, ground - 1/4 teaspoon;
ground cumin or coriander - to taste.
salt and sugar to taste.

How to cook oatmeal pancakes obtained from oatmeal jelly:

We combine all the ingredients and knead the thick dough. Add wheat flour in portions until the dough stops sticking to your hands.
We divide the dough into equal portions and form a ball from each, which we then flatten and shape the pancakes.

Fry the resulting pancakes in a preheated pan with vegetable oil.
If oat cake stored in the refrigerator and fermentation continues, the pancakes will turn out to be more porous and tasty, eaten very quickly.

Many dishes that were popular with our ancestors are now undeservedly forgotten. And completely in vain, because such food has not only an interesting taste, but is most often characterized by a mass of useful qualities. So one of the amazing ancient Russian dishes can rightfully be called oatmeal jelly. I will tell you how to cook oatmeal jelly from oatmeal without any hassle, with your own hands, I will give simple and tasty recipes for such a dish, I will consider contraindications to its consumption, and I will also give reasons for using such a composition for weight loss.

The easiest recipe

To prepare this version of oatmeal jelly, you will need three glasses of oatmeal, two and a half glasses of lukewarm water, a slice of white bread, and a small pinch of salt.

Pour the flakes into a stainless steel saucepan and cover them with warm water. Place a slice of bread (whole) on top. Cover the pot with a towel and move to a warm place. The future jelly should stand for one or two days.

After that, strain the liquid through a fine sieve or cheesecloth and add a couple more glasses of water to it. On the gauze (sieve), the husk from the flakes, as well as the crust of bread, should remain.

Salt the liquid to taste and place the container over the minimum heat. Stir the jelly with a wooden spoon until it begins to boil.
Pour the prepared dish into small bowls.

And here is the next oatmeal jelly for weight loss, the recipe for which, however, will be more difficult to prepare, but also a little more effective.

Recipe 2

Prepare a three-liter jar and fill it one third with oatmeal, which is about half a kilogram of cereal. You will also need oats, it should be chopped in a coffee grinder so that you get a couple of handfuls of raw materials, it also needs to be poured into a jar.

Next, pour one hundred milliliters of kefir or sour milk into this container. Next, fill the jar up to the shoulders with plain warm water (about two liters). Stir the mixture with a wooden spoon and cover with a plastic lid. Move the jar to a sufficiently warm and dark place. In principle, you can simply cover it with a towel or a black bag. This mixture should ferment for two days.

Next, it must be filtered through a sieve, and the flakes remaining in the sieve should be rinsed with clean water, collecting the cloudy liquid from this process in a separate container. Set both trains aside for sixteen to eighteen hours. As a result, the first filtrate should separate into a pair of clear layers. The first of them (transparent) is oat kvass, and the denser lower one is the basis for making oat jelly. Kvass should be taken using a tube into a separate container.

To create jelly directly, you need to take three to four tablespoons of a white base, brew it with one glass of water and boil it for five minutes with constant stirring. In order to give the finished dish a taste, it is recommended to use honey and dried fruits. But you need to add them only after the jelly has cooled down.

Can oatmeal jelly be dangerous, does it have contraindications?

Experts say that when properly prepared, oatmeal jelly is completely incapable of harming the body. It can be eaten by both adults and children. Such a product has an excellent effect on the general condition, and can help in the treatment of a wide variety of pathological conditions, including it is advisable to take it when losing weight.

The only possible contraindication to the consumption of such a product is the presence of celiac disease in a person - gluten intolerance.

Kissel from oatmeal for weight loss (option 3)

If something does not suit you in the previous two options, then try making oatmeal jelly from rolled oats using this recipe. Prepare three hundred grams of whole oats, one percent kefir in the amount of one hundred milliliters, a tablespoon of sour cream, a small piece of rye bread with a crust, and one and a half liters of boiled warm water.

Pour the oats into a three-liter jar, then pour kefir, sour cream into it, put a slice of bread and fill all the ingredients with water. Stir the ingredients, tie the neck of the container with gauze and put it away for three days in a dark and warm enough place.

After three days, strain the composition through a colander (sieve or cheesecloth) and squeeze out the cake thoroughly. Pour the liquid into a separate container and prepare oatmeal jelly from it as needed. Cook it over low heat, stirring constantly using a wooden spoon. After boiling, immediately remove the drink from the stove. Take one hundred milliliters about twenty minutes before each meal.

Oatmeal jelly is an excellent weight loss product. It perfectly cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, and also has a mild laxative effect. In addition, such a drink is able to optimize metabolic processes, accelerating weight loss. And it also relieves hunger for a long time, which helps to reduce the consumption of unhealthy foods.

To achieve a positive weight loss effect, you can use all three of the listed recipes, choosing the composition that will be most suitable for you.

In order for oatmeal jelly to show all its unique qualities, it must be consumed in a course - in the form of a medicine. The duration of the first course is one month, then it is worth taking a break for six months. Six months later, the course must be repeated. Already after one week of such therapy, you will feel the beneficial effect of consuming jelly and will become an order of magnitude more cheerful.


P.S. The text uses some forms characteristic of oral speech.

Hercules is a brand of cereal that has found use in many types of food. Oatmeal, which is used to maintain a healthy lifestyle, as well as to lose weight quickly, is a generally available product that can be purchased at almost any store.

Nutritionists advise eating this type of porridge every morning in order to quickly achieve the desired result. However, in addition to ordinary porridge, many very tasty and healthy dishes can be prepared from rolled oats.

The benefits of oatmeal jelly

The dish is very easy to prepare from a minimum amount of products, but it has a large amount of useful substances. The dish contains a large amount of minerals that are necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.

These components include:

  • Protein
  • Carbohydrates
  • Amino acids
  • Iron
  • Potassium
  • Phosphorus

In addition, jelly has useful properties, which include the following types:

  1. Has the properties of cleansing the body
  2. Promotes wound healing
  3. Improves the metabolic process
  4. Used to lower blood cholesterol
  5. Promotes the excretion of bile from the body
  6. Promotes the Burning of Subcutaneous Fat
  7. Restores the work of the pancreas
  8. Relieves Stomach Pain
  9. Improves skin condition
  10. Promotes better vision
  11. It is a means for the general strengthening of the immune system.

Good to know! In addition to the main useful means, the constant use of the dish helps to increase endurance and gives vigor and additional energy.

Benefits for children

Currently, many children suffer from dysbiosis from birth. To prevent the development of various diseases that bring great harm to the child's immunity, it is recommended to cook this type of dish several times a week.

Kissel helps to eliminate colic and abdominal pain, and is also great for establishing daily bowel movements. However, you should be aware that for young children, this type of product should be given in small portions and observe the body's reaction.

If no complications are observed, it is necessary to gradually increase the portion. If there are any allergic reactions to dairy products, jelly can be prepared in boiled water. It is allowed to add various berries to the finished jelly, which will make the drink even healthier.

The use of oatmeal jelly for children allows you to achieve the following results:

  • Increasing the body's resistance to viral infections
  • Reduces the likelihood of developing hypovitaminosis
  • Has antiseptic properties
  • With the development of colds, it allows the body to quickly cope with the infection
  • In case of diarrhea, it restores the gastric mucosa
  • It is an additional source of vitamins
  • Recommended for persistent constipation.

This tool will be a good helper in losing weight. The components of the sweets have a mild effect on the body, have a 100% natural composition, this determines the absence of side effects.

Of course, it is especially important to combine taking pills with proper nutrition and exercise. In this case, the effectiveness will be maximum, and the result is noticeable on the face.

Kissel from hercules - grandmother's recipe

It is quite simple to prepare real oatmeal jelly, but not everyone remembers and knows the recipe that grandmothers used to prepare such a dish.

This product has a much better effect on the human body than any product containing live bacteria. However, nowadays it is very rare to meet people who use this dish to improve the state of the body.

Cooking method

In order to prepare the jelly, the following ingredients should be prepared:

  • Water one liter
  • oatmeal porridge 500 grams.
  • one slice of rye bread

To prepare, you need to do the following:

  1. Pour oat flakes into a glass container, add bread, which must first be kneaded into pieces, and pour water over it all. Stir the resulting mixture and cover with gauze and put in a warm place for fermentation for 24 hours.
  2. After a day, the mixture should ferment, after the appearance of a loose layer on the surface, the remains of the bread should be removed. Take another container, send the bottom of which with gauze and pour the leaven into it, squeeze out all the liquid.
  3. To prepare the dish, it is precisely the liquid that is needed, the remnants of the porridge can be thrown away.
  4. Add salt to the liquid to taste and put on low heat, cook for several minutes, until the liquid thickens. When cooking jelly, stir it constantly to avoid burning and the appearance of lumps.
  5. After the dish becomes thick, it is necessary to remove the dish from the heat and pour it into small bowls, decorating with berries or fruit slices on top.

This dish is allowed to be consumed both cold and warm, such jelly goes well with honey and jam.

This method of losing weight has been used for a long time, and is recommended by many nutritionists. Eating a dish has a beneficial effect on the microflora of the stomach and contributes to the natural cleansing of the body from various harmful substances.

Note! Oatmeal jelly accelerates metabolism and promotes the breakdown of subcutaneous fat. When losing weight, this dish is recommended to be used as a separate dish, which can perfectly replace breakfast and give the body a feeling of vivacity and additional energy.

Want to lose weight?

A slender figure is the dream of many women and men. I want to be at a comfortable weight, without exhausting myself with rigid diets and hard exercises.

Plus, being overweight can lead to health problems! Heart disease, shortness of breath, diabetes, arthritis and noticeably shortened life expectancy!

It has the following properties:

  • Boosts metabolism
  • Burns body fat
  • Reduces weight
  • Losing weight even with minimal physical activity
  • Helps Lose Weight in Cardiovascular Diseases

Cooking steps

For cooking, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 100 g oat flakes;
  • 200 gr. fat-free kefir;
  • 100 g oats;
  • 1 liter of water.

To prepare, you must perform the following list of actions:

  1. Pour the flakes and oats into a container and add kefir. Mix the resulting mass, cover and place in a warm place for fermentation for 24 hours
  2. After the mass ferments, it must be filtered through cheesecloth.
  3. Dilute the resulting liquid with water and put on low heat. Cook for 15 minutes, stirring constantly.

To achieve a more visible effect, it is recommended to use jelly three times a day.

Stories from our readers!
“I don’t have a lot of excess weight, only 5 kilograms. But these kilograms are located in very unpleasant places that cannot be corrected with exercises. Ordinary diets also did not give results - completely different parts of the body were losing weight!

A friend advised to "speed up" the metabolism and ordered these sweets. I was very pleased with the natural composition, pleasant taste and ease of use! Combined with a light diet and plenty of drinking. Recommend!"

Calorie content

This type of product perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger and, which is important, has a low calorie content. Only 30 calories are taken per 100 grams of the product.

For those who want to diversify this dish, it is possible to add any types of berries and fruits, which will also be positively displayed on the figure.

Reviews of losing weight

I have been using the product for several weeks, the result appeared very quickly. She lost three kilograms without performing any physical activity. And the use of jelly in the morning and in the evening helped to gain a feeling of lightness and reduce fatigue after a working day.

Irina, 34 years old

This method was advised by a friend who achieved simply excellent results after use. I have been drinking this remedy for only a week, but the stool has already returned to normal, the stomach has decreased. I replaced all heavy dishes with jelly, in addition, the whole family is delighted with such a drink, especially if you add berries and pour honey.

Oats are a spring cereal, which initially served as food for the household, but later it was noticed what benefits it brings and people began to get involved in its use. This cereal is used to make flour, oatmeal and oatmeal, and in addition to its nutritional value, its use has been found in the field of traditional medicine. The product contains a huge amount of nutrients, the most common remedy with its entry is oatmeal jelly.

Useful properties of oatmeal jelly for the body

Oats have gained such popularity due to the fact that it is in this cereal that nutrients are found in the optimal proportion for humans: proteins - 18%, fats - 7%, starch - up to 40%. The beneficial effects on the human body include:

  • a high concentration of nutrients, such a jelly contains vitamins A, F, E, B-groups, due to which it supports immunity well;
  • the dish is very easily and quickly absorbed by the body without a trace;
  • reduces the negative effects of increased acidity in the stomach;
  • is a prophylactic agent for a relatively common problem today - dysbiosis, restores normal intestinal microflora in people who suffer from long-term illnesses
  • the digestive system and those who have received antibiotic treatment;
  • antiseptic effect;
  • also jelly has a cleansing effect - it helps to normalize the work of the excretory organs, helps rid the body of lead compounds;
  • helps with food poisoning, normalizing the work of the digestive tract, with hemorrhoids;
  • has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, thereby reducing the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis;
  • normalizes the work of the pancreas;
  • normalizes the natural metabolism in the body.

As you can see, oatmeal jelly is really an excellent remedy that is suitable both for eliminating health problems and for their effective prevention.

List of diseases for which jelly is useful

Such a product will be useful for the following problems:

  • diseases of the kidneys and the urinary system in general;
  • disturbances in the normal metabolism;
  • decreased immunity;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • liver and pancreas problems.

How to make a remedy according to Izotov

VC. Izotov is a microbiologist who patented his recipe for oatmeal medicine and conducted a lot of scientific research confirming its benefits. The main condition for the maximum usefulness of such a composition is in mixing oats with a kefir stick. The main purpose of the finished product is to treat the pancreas and other problems with the digestive system. To prepare Izotov's composition at home, the following steps must be taken:

  1. fermentation of the mixture. In 3.5 liters of boiled water at room temperature, add half a kilogram of oatmeal flakes (exclusively natural, not "fast"). Only 100 ml of kefir is added to the resulting composition to activate the fermentation process. The container is closed, sheltered from sunlight and left for two days in a warm place;
  2. the resulting mixture is filtered and washed with two liters of pure water. More active properties are endowed with the first composition, which was obtained by natural drainage of liquid from the mixture, the second (remaining after washing) has a softer effect;
  3. the liquid is defended until a cloudy precipitate is obtained, which is separated using a tube. He is the basis for jelly - it must be boiled over low heat until thickened.

They usually eat jelly with sweeteners (honey, sugar, etc.) for breakfast.

How to make oatmeal jelly according to Momotov

The recipe for the preparation of jelly, proposed by the doctor Momotov, is somewhat different from the one described above in the proportions and complexity of preparation. Regarding the benefits of the finished composition, the difference is usually not noted, patients choose the one that is easier for them to cook and more pleasant to use. Consider the intricacies of creating a composition.

Prescription for patients with pancreatitis or stomach ulcer

A three-liter jar is filled by a third with small flakes, 3-4 tablespoons of large oat flakes are added to them. Next, 70 ml of kefir is poured in, and the rest of the free volume in the jar is supplemented with water. The mixture should stand covered in a dark place for 48 hours.

After the fermented composition is stirred with a spoon or spatula made of wood and filtered through a sieve. The resulting mixture is highly acidic. The "cake" from the flakes can be washed with clean water to obtain a less concentrated composition. The selected mixture does not need to be defended, it is simply boiled until it thickens.

For the treatment of pancreatitis or stomach ulcers, it is recommended to mix both fluids to achieve neutral acidity and take in small sips several times a day.

For the treatment of the stomach with gastritis and ulcers

The recipe for making jelly according to Momotov to combat gastritis is no different from that described above, the difference lies in what kind of liquid to choose for use. So, with low acidity, the primary mixture is perfect as the most active, and with increased acidity, the secondary, less concentrated one.

Other recipes for making oatmeal jelly

When deciding to test the beneficial properties of oatmeal jelly, you can resort to simpler recipes based on Hercules flakes.

Step-by-step recipe for oatmeal in water

The simplest version of a healthy dish is water jelly. To prepare it, pour 250 grams of Hercules with a glass of cold water, and put a slice of black bread in the composition. They insist all together during the night, and in the morning they take out the bread and rub it through a sieve, then put it on the fire. As soon as the mixture starts to boil, it must be turned off. You can eat right after cooling down.
You can also prepare such a composition in milk, in which case it will be more suitable for children to taste.

How to cook oats from whole grains in kefir

For the preparation of this type of jelly, Izotov's recipe is taken as a basis. The main ingredient will be grain, which must first be crushed. The composition is also infused for two days, after filtering the mixture is defended. For cooking, use the lower part - a concentrated precipitate.

How to quickly cook with oatmeal

Oatmeal can be used to make jelly most quickly. The first thing to do is to pour a glass of flour with warm water, and gradually, so that it does not become a lump. The composition will swell quickly - in just a few hours, after which it can be filtered and boiled until thickened. The resulting jelly can be seasoned to taste - salt, add sugar, honey, jam, dried fruits.

How to make oatmeal in a slow cooker

150 grams of cereals are placed in a multicooker bowl, after which they are poured with 2.5 liters of clean water. At the first stage, you need to turn on the device in the "extinguishing" mode for half an hour. The finished composition is grinded through a sieve, and the liquid is again sent to the multicooker - already for 25 minutes on a similar mode. The mixture will only have to be brought to taste and cooled; you can drink it both warm and cold.

What is useful for losing weight and how to take it

The effectiveness of jelly from is explained by its ability to minimize appetite - it actively saturates, eliminating the feeling of hunger, and itself is easily digested and absorbed. In addition, the product improves bowel function, normalizes metabolic processes and stimulates the release of excess fluid, which also helps to lose weight. You can prepare the composition according to any of the recipes described above. It is worth noting that the calorie content of ordinary jelly on rolled oats does not exceed 100 kcal per glass, if it is necessary to further reduce it, kefir and more water are used in the preparation.

The product is also taken in different ways:

  • 100 ml before each meal;
  • instead of a snack, half a glass during the day;
  • instead of a morning or evening meal, 1 glass.

Health harm and side effects

There is still a lot of talk about the dangers of oatmeal jelly, and all because it was not possible to establish it. The product is extremely useful for the body and never provokes any side effects, even for a baby or during pregnancy. Some experts note only one aspect - a feeling of heaviness and mild abdominal pain when overeating, but in order to eat too much of such a product, you will have to try - it quickly satiates, and no one wants to forcefully swallow another spoon.

Separately, it is worth noting that when purchasing formulations for making jelly in a store, it is impossible to reliably state the complete absence of harm, only a self-prepared composition of high-quality ingredients - without dyes, preservatives and other additives - has the greatest benefit.

Contraindications to use

There are contraindications to the use of this product, but they are rather limited and it would be more correct to call them restrictions. So, such jelly contains a lot of mucus, which, if consumed excessively, can lead to weight gain, so you should not get carried away with the dish for people who do not want to gain weight.

The main contraindication to the use of the product is food allergy, oat intolerance. Restrictions may apply not to the jelly itself, but to additives to it, for example, honey.