How to make heavy cream at home. Better to undercut than interrupt

15.03.2020 Seafood dishes

Everyone knows about the high calorie content of whipped cream, but few can resist a delicious cake or brownie with sweet creamy foam. Therefore, hostesses often buy whipped cream. However, a store product is not useful because it is not useful. its composition is saturated with many chemical substances. Therefore, the best option is to whisk the dairy product at home. We will talk further about how to make whipped cream at home.

Homemade whipped cream can be used to make a variety of cakes, pastries, and fruit salads. Or you can simply serve it as a separate dish, complementing it with berries, chocolate or sweet topping.

Whipped cream in an ice cream maker

There are several ways to whip cream, and the easiest one is to use a regular ice cream maker.


  • 300 gr. heavy cream at least 33%;
  • 15 gr. gelatin;
  • 1 egg white;
  • Powdered sugar to taste;
  • 10 gr. vanilla sugar.


  1. The ice cream maker will help you whip the product quickly and without hassle. It is not recommended to beat more than 300 grams at a time. cream.
  2. The product must be well cooled, because warm simply will not beat up. Add white or brown sugar to your liking, but it's better to use powdered sugar.
  3. At the beginning of whipping, you can add any filler or a little aromatic alcohol (liqueur, cognac).
  4. To stabilize the consistency of the product, you need to put pre-soaked and heated gelatin and raw egg white.
  5. Fill the ice cream maker with the prepared composition, start whipping at low speed.
  6. When a soft foamy consistency is formed, increase the speed by one division. We gradually increase the speed until an airy light mass is formed. It is very important not to interrupt, then the mixture will settle and turn into a shapeless oily mess.

Sooner or later, every housewife wonders how to make whipped cream at home. This can be easily done using a regular household mixer. You just need to learn a few simple rules.


  • 500 ml 33% cream;
  • 50 gr. granulated sugar;
  • whipped cream fixer, or egg or gelatin.


  1. Pour the dairy product into a glass or metal deep bowl, tighten the top with cling film. We put everything on the refrigerator shelf for an hour. We also send whisks from the mixer there. Thus, we cool the product itself, the dishes for whipping and the whisks with which we will work.
  2. Meanwhile, using a coffee grinder, grind the sugar into powder. The resulting product is additionally sifted through a fine sieve to remove large sugar particles.
  3. An hour later, we take out the dishes from the refrigerator, remove the film and begin to beat in a circular motion at low speed, gradually increasing the speed.
  4. After 5-7 minutes, when the mass begins to thicken noticeably, add icing sugar a little bit. It will make the mass sweetish and help the cream to form a stable foam.
  5. Beat for another 5-6 minutes until stable peaks. Do not beat for too long, because oil can be obtained.
  6. To thicken and fix the consistency, add a little lemon juice. You can replace the ready-made whipped cream fixer. It, as well as lemon juice, egg or gelatin, is added to the mass last.
  7. The finished mass can be supplemented with various fillers and mixed gently. Having laid out everything in portioned containers, we send to cool, because at room temperature the natural cream will melt quickly.

How to whisk cream

Oddly enough, the best way to make whipped cream at home is to whip it by hand with a simple whisk. More oxygen gets into such a knocked down product, it turns out to be more lush and stable.


  • 350 ml heavy cream (33-35%);
  • 30 gr. powdered sugar;
  • 0.5 teaspoon lemon juice;
  • 10 gr. vanilla sugar.


  1. The 2 golden rules for whipping cream either by hand or with a mixer are cold and high fat cream. The product must contain at least 33% fat. Cream, utensils, and even the whisk should be well cooled. To do this, immediately pour them into the dishes where the whole process will take place, tighten it with cling film and put it together with a whisk in the cold for at least 2 hours. The whipping utensils should be selected with a wide top to ensure good air flow.
  2. For more effective whipping, place the bowl of chilled cream on ice. This will allow the product to stay cool during the whipping process.
  3. Hold the bowl at an angle, this will allow the product to circulate better and accelerate the formation of a stable consistency.
  4. We begin to work with a whisk, gradually accelerating. When the mass thickens a little, add a spoonful of powdered sugar and vanilla, each time stirring in the next portion.
  5. We continue to beat, in a circular motion, capturing the entire surface.
  6. The cream can be considered ready when the circulation of the mass stops, and a noticeable relief pattern will form on the surface. It is important not to miss this moment, otherwise the cream will break and settle.
  7. At the end of cooking, add lemon juice to stabilize the whipped cream.

Video recipe how to make whipped cream at home

Whipped cream with milk and butter


  • 300 ml of fresh milk;
  • 250 gr. oils;
  • 50 gr. powdered sugar;
  • 1 bag of vanillin.


  1. We get the oil out of the refrigerator in advance so that it softens.
  2. Boil the milk, remove the froth.
  3. Cut the butter into small pieces or rub on a coarse grater in hot milk.
  4. Armed with a mixer, mix the mass thoroughly until a thick slurry is obtained.
  5. Cover the dishes with cream, put them on the refrigerator shelf for 8 hours or overnight.
  6. Then we take it out, start whipping at low speeds, gradually increasing the speed.
  7. When soft peaks begin to form, add the vanilla with sugar.
  8. Continue beating until you get a stable fluffy mass.
  9. We use ready-made milk cream as intended or store it in the refrigerator under a closed lid.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult about making whipped cream at home. You just need to clearly learn some of the culinary subtleties of cooking this product. Bon appetit and delicious desserts!

Whipped cream (see photo) - one of the most popular culinary products, which is used not only for filling sweet pastries, but also for decorating holiday desserts.

For the first time, the recipe for cream was invented in the fourteenth century by the famous chef from France Francois Vatel. The product turned out to be so tasty that it gained popularity among many consumers and continues to delight to this day.

Whipped cream is divided into homemade cream, which is whipped using a mixer or a whisk from fresh heavy cream, as well as cream, which is produced in production using a variety of food additives.

Usually ready-made whipped cream is packed under pressure in special cylinders to make it easier to squeeze out. And fresh country cream is sold in ordinary cardboard packages.

Whipped cream composition

The product contains many beneficial nutrients for the body.:

  • vitamins A, B, C, D, E;
  • fatty acid;
  • minerals (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc);
  • milk proteins.

According to the current GOST, cream must comply with the following technological map:

The shelf life of the finished product in the bottle is exactly ten months. And homemade cream is stored in the refrigerator for about thirty days.

Useful properties and harm

The beneficial properties of whipped cream have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body, strengthening health and improving well-being.

Because they contain many nutrients, they are used:

  • to normalize brain activity;
  • to cheer up, generate positive emotions;
  • to stabilize the central nervous system;
  • to strengthen the immune system.

Along with the benefits, such a product can be harmful to health. The calorie content of cream is quite high, therefore, excessive use threatens not only the appearance of extra pounds, but also a deterioration in liver function. Also, this product is contraindicated for people who have a chronic disease of the blood vessels (atherosclerosis).

How to whip the cream correctly?

To whip fresh rustic cream correctly, you should know a few simple rules for whipping:

  1. You need to take very fat cream (at least thirty percent). To beat them, you need to cool them a little (just refrigerate for three hours).
  2. The container where the cream will be prepared must also be cooled (you can put it in the freezer). To prevent the container from heating up during the manufacturing process, it is necessary to lower it into cool water with ice.
  3. Whipping should take place in several stages. Start at the slowest speed and gradually work up to maximum power. Also, the cream should not be put all at once, but a little bit, then the cream will turn out to be very airy.
  4. The cream is whipped only with a whisk and mixer.
  5. The readiness of the product can be determined by how thick and fluffy the cream is.

Experienced chefs advise you to adhere to these rules so that as a result you get a very tasty and fluffy cream.

What can you cook?

You can cook a lot of dishes with rustic whipped cream. They are great for spreading over sweet pastries (cakes, pies, biscuits, rolls, muffins, cookies, waffles, cupcakes, pastries, eclairs, tiramisu).

You can also fill buns, rolls, tartlets, ice cream, baskets, pancakes with such a delicious cream, giving the products such an amazing taste that you will want to eat them again.

In addition to baking, rustic cream is added to semolina porridge, coffee, and fruit salads. They are used for dipping berries (raspberries, strawberries, cherries, kiwi), as well as fruits (bananas, apples, peaches, quince).

Whipped cream is in demand for creating not only milkshakes, but also alcoholic ones. In addition, they can be used to decorate desserts. Many experienced chefs make a variety of roses, violets from them, which are laid out on top of baking. They are alternated with soufflé and meringue for spreading cakes and pastries.

Many hostesses ask themselves the question: "Is it possible to freeze whipped cream?" Chefs all over the world advise to plant small roses from cream, distribute them on a baking sheet and put them in the freezer. Then you can take them to decorate sweet desserts or hot drinks..

What to replace?

You can replace the village whipped cream with any other dairy product (milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt). Homemade fatty milk is the best option. If for some reason you did not manage to get the required consistency of cream or you simply did not find a finished product in the store, then you can make such a delicious cream with your own hands.

It is necessary to take a small container covered with enamel, pour in a glass of fat milk and add about one hundred grams of butter. The milk needs to be heated until the butter is melted. Then, using a mixer or a whisk, you need to knock down the milk mixture for five minutes. Then put in the refrigerator for twelve hours. Then again you need to beat the milk mass with a mixer for two minutes. During this time, the cream thickens enough. At the end, you can add two tablespoons of granulated sugar and stir with a whisk. This cream is perfect for spreading sweet pastries (cakes, pies, biscuits, rolls).

How to make whipped cream at home?

Making your own whipped cream at home is easy enough. The main thing is to follow the recipe step by step, and then everything will certainly work out. There are many options for making whipped cream. Therefore, everyone chooses at his own discretion.

Many culinary experts recommend adding gelatin or agar-agar to the cream to make the finished product thick. Also, whipped cream can be made with your own hands, not only classic, but also with the addition of various liquid flavors or bulk components (nuts, lemons, caramel, yoghurts, vanilla). The amount of ingredient added will depend on the volume of the cream. Such additives are poured or poured gradually in the process of whipping cream.

Whipped cream

Cooking method

With sour cream

To make sour cream with whipped cream with your own hands, you need to take a container, put half a cup of fat sour cream there, add four teaspoons of granulated sugar and beat the mass with a mixer until the sugar completely disappears (it will take about five minutes). Separately, beat half a glass of cream and gradually add to the sour cream mass, without stopping to stir with a whisk. The cream is ready.

Condensed milk

To do whipped cream with condensed milk, you need to melt a little butter (about three hundred grams). Then pour one can of condensed milk into a deep container, add ghee and beat with a mixer until a homogeneous mass is formed. Then beat one and a half cups of cream and add them gradually to the milk mass, stirring constantly with a whisk. Stir the cream thoroughly.

With proteins

To make whipped cream with your own hands, you need to take a deep container, drive in four proteins, add three hundred grams of granulated sugar and beat with a mixer until bubble foam forms. Then gradually pour in two hundred grams of cream and beat until a thick cream is formed.

With milk (no added cream)

To do milk cream, you should take a small saucepan covered with enamel, pour in a glass of milk and put about two hundred grams of butter. Heat the milk mixture and wait for the butter to melt. As soon as the milk begins to boil, you need to remove the container from the stove. After that, beat the milk mass with a mixer for five minutes. Then, covered with a towel, remove to cool. Next, the mass must be refrigerated for about eight hours. Then beat again with a mixer until the cream thickens.


To do it yourself custard with whipped cream, mix four egg yolks, half a glass of granulated sugar in a deep bowl and beat thoroughly with a whisk until the sugar disappears. Then add about four hundred grams of mascarpone, half a glass of white wine and beat with a mixer until smooth. Then put on fire to boil. As soon as the mass begins to become covered with bubbles, it must be immediately removed from the stove. Beat separately about three hundred grams of cream and gradually add to the cooled mass, stirring thoroughly with a whisk. Next, beat the mass with a mixer until the cream thickens.

With mascarpone

To prepare such a cream, you should whip a glass of cream with a mixer. Then gradually add half a glass of granulated sugar and beat until a light airy mass appears. After that, you need to put about two hundred and fifty grams of mascarpone in a separate container and, stirring it constantly, add the whipped cream. Mix the mass thoroughly, then add a pinch of vanillin and stir again. The cream is ready.

With cottage cheese

To do curd cream with whipped cream, you need to take about five hundred grams of cottage cheese and chop with a blender to remove lumps. Then you need to pour in about fifty grams of cream, add one hundred grams of granulated sugar, one teaspoon of lemon zest and five grams of vanillin. Beat the resulting mass thoroughly with a mixer until a homogeneous curd mass is formed. The cream is ready.


To do rustic cream whipped, you need to take a deep container, pour in two glasses of cream and beat at low speed with a mixer for about ten minutes. Then increase the power and beat until a light airy mass appears. Then add half a glass of powdered sugar and seven teaspoons of vanillin. Mix the resulting mass thoroughly. The whipped cream is ready.

Below is a video on how to whip cream with your own hands.

Ready-made whipped cream will give your dish a stunning appearance, unrivaled aroma and amazing taste, leaving no one indifferent.

The most important question is how to properly whip cream at home? Some of my tips will answer this question:
For quick whipping, use a mixer or do it by hand with a whisk. The blender is not intended for beating. It can be used if there is a whisk attachment.

Choose fresh, high-quality cream and, most importantly, suitable fat content. The best - 30 - 33%, with which the cream whips perfectly, since it is the fat that gives a good foam. A product with a lower fat content of 10 or 20% is suitable, but the whipping will be worse, and you will not achieve airiness. In this case, the hostesses put proteins or gelatin to thicken. The cream should not be warm or frozen, in this case, instead of a beautiful and tasty dessert, you risk getting butter and whey in return - the cream will exfoliate. Chill them slightly before whisking, but don't overdo it.

The dishes and whisk should also be cold; keep them in the freezer before use. To do this, it is better to take metal utensils, not glass or ceramic. These freezer materials are too fragile.
To prevent the pan with cream from getting hot during operation, place it in ice water.
Try not to whip the entire serving of cream at once, divide into 250 - 300 ml portions.
Also, do not make the mixer speed too fast - accelerate gradually.
It is better if instead of sugar you take powdered sugar, it dissolves badly and for a long time, and will crunch on your teeth.
The finished product is stored for no longer than 12 hours, then they settle, the stabilizer increases their shelf life, but it affects the taste.
To reduce the calorie content of the dessert, you can add a little milk.
To make the delicacy beautiful, add fruits, food colors, chocolate to it.

How much to whip cream:

The whole process will take you about 10 minutes, no less. You can understand the readiness of the dessert if the cream has become fluffy and frothed. Watch the circles around the whisk carefully as you whisk. Once they are subtle and cloudy, the cream is ready, and if you turn the dishes over, the cream will stay in place.
You can check the readiness in one more way: pierce the dessert with a knife (or stick your finger, it's faster). If the hole is not tightened, then you no longer need to beat.

The classic whipped cream recipe

Cream, at least 30% fat - 400 ml.
Sugar (or even better powdered sugar) - 6 tbsp. spoons.
Vanillin - 7 gr.

How to make classic whipped cream correctly:

First you need to cool the cream: pour it into a metal container and send it to the refrigerator for several hours.
Place the container in another (it should be wider), pouring ice water into it. For the first few minutes, whip the cream on low speed without sugar at all.
When the cream is a little thicker, add the icing sugar and beat together for 2 - 3 minutes with a mixer at low speed. It is best to introduce the powder little by little: add - beat, then another portion and beat again.
Then slowly increase the speed to the maximum value. Experienced pastry chefs say that it is better to whip the whisk after all, in this case more air gets into the cream, and it becomes more luxuriant. At the same time add vanillin.
Continue to act until an air mixture forms. There should be a whisk mark or firm peaks on the cream.
This means that you need to stop whisking, otherwise, instead of dessert, you will knock out sweet butter.

Whipped cream - recipe

The main task when making cream from cream is to achieve a thick and strong foam, for this gelatin is introduced here. It can be used for cakes or cake - it holds its shape well.
Fat cream, 33% - 500 ml.
Powdered sugar - 70 gr.
Gelatin - 1 large spoonful.
Water is a quarter of a glass.

How to make whipped cream:

The first thing to do is place the cream cup and whisk in the refrigerator to cool if you are going to whisk without a mixer. It also needs to be cooled if you decide to use it.
Soak gelatin in cold water shortly before cooking, let it swell. After 20 - 30 minutes, warm it up so that it is completely dissolved, but do not let it boil. Set aside to cool.
Now we move on to the main steps: we begin to whip the cream into a foam, as described in the first recipe, at first at low speed. Then we slowly begin to pour in the powder, and when everything is laid out, pour in the gelatin. Increase the speed gradually.
Continue whisking everything together until the cream is thick and firm and firm.
If this is a cake cream, then you should immediately smear it on a biscuit, decorate with a pattern and refrigerate.
How to make chocolate whipped cream cake cream
Homemade whipped cream with chocolate can be a stand-alone dessert or serve as a cake decoration. In the first case, immediately after cooking, transfer it to the bowls and put it briefly in the cold. If you are making for a cake, then coat it with layers or decorate and also send it to the refrigerator.

Cream 20% fat - 2 cups.
Powder - a third of a glass.
Gelatin - 1 teaspoon.
Cocoa - powder 30 gr. (Or 50 gr. Chocolate).

Step-by-step recipe for making chocolate cream:

First of all, pour the cream over the gelatin, for this use a third of the total. Wait until it swells and place the bowl with the contents in another container with water. Heat it, stirring frequently, to dissolve the gelatin. Then set aside and let cool.
Dissolve the cocoa powder in the hot cream, for this use another 1/3 of their amount. Stir until completely dissolved. If you decide to use chocolate, then it also needs to be pre-melted - it will become easier to mix with cream.
Now mix the rest of the cream with the powder and start whisking slowly. When the first foam appears, pour in the chocolate cream, and after a while, gently add the gelatin.

Nothing decorates a cake like a light airy cream with a delicate taste. Whipped cream is not only about confectionery decor. They are also incredibly tasty. They can be served as a separate fruit dish. In addition, they can correct the taste of the cake itself (if, for example, the dough came out too cloying or, conversely, not very sweet). Let's take a look at how to make Whipped Cream.

The product has the unpleasant feature that it can't wait to return to its original form, that is, to a liquid. Therefore, in confectionery factories, emulsifiers, stabilizers, gelatin, and other chemicals are added to the cream for form stability. But all this affects the taste in the saddest way. But if you know how to do it, you can get an excellent cream with a thick foam consistency.

It is very important to choose the right product. Several types of cream are sold in shops. If the packaging says "For whipping", it is likely that emulsifiers have already been added to the milk.

Pay no attention to these labels - you just need heavy cream. The first rule - and the main secret - of how to make whipped cream at home is a dairy product of at least 30% fat. You can make the cream yourself. You should put fresh farm milk to flake, and after a while you just need to remove the resulting thick, creamy mass with a spoon on top. But this way you run the risk of getting real butter when whipping. Therefore, it is recommended to dilute homemade cream with milk.

So, the product is selected. Now you are faced with the challenge: how to whip the cream into a lather? If you start working with a whisk or mixer with a substance heated to room temperature, it will separate into serum and oil. To prevent this from happening, the cream must be properly cooled. And not to the point where ice crystals will float in milk. Just put the jar in the refrigerator for a few hours. In the freezer, you can place a whisk or mixer attachments, as well as dishes in which you will whip cream. Plus, prepare as many ice cubes as possible.

Before making your whipped cream at home, use a bowl that is wide and deep. Then fill it with crushed ice. Already in this basin we put a bowl in which we will whip the dairy product. She, like the corollas, should be ice cold. Powdered sugar should be waiting in the wings separately. This is important: not sand, as it dissolves for a long time. And in the cold foam, it remains sugar crystals. If you don't have powder, you can make it yourself by simply rubbing sand or refined sugar in a coffee grinder.

This art of making whipped cream at home also has its own secret. Begin to beat with slow turns, only gradually increasing the speed of rotation of the beaters. When a thin foam forms, you can start adding the powdered sugar. In no case, not once, but in small portions, without stopping the whipping process. If you plan to add vanilla, cocoa or lemon zest to the cream, you must first mix these ingredients with the sugar and then pour into the cream. When the powder has dissolved, you can gradually increase the rotation speed of the whisk to maximum. The foam will soon harden and stop slipping off the attachments. Then you need to gradually move in reverse order to the minimum speed and turn off the mixer.

Whipped cream is a delicious delicacy with a delicate and airy consistency. They are often used for a variety of desserts, baked goods, fruits and other sweet treats. The stores offer a wide range of whipped cream in cylinders, but they still have a specific smell and are less useful. Therefore, it is best to learn how to cook them yourself.

Moreover, during cooking, you can add your favorite fillers, spices, nuts, food colors and much more. There are several ways to prepare this delicacy. But first, let's get acquainted with the rules for whipping cream.

Whipping cream rules

  • Use high-fat cream for whipping. The best option is 30% fat. Otherwise, the cream will be of poor quality;
  • Cream should be cold, but not frozen. If you use warm, supercooled or frozen cream, then during the whipping process, they stratify into whey and butter;
  • In addition, the dishes, the whisk, must be cold. They should be placed in the freezer. Also, so that the cream and dishes do not heat up during whipping, the dishes with all the ingredients should be placed in ice water;
  • You do not need to whip the entire amount at once, it is best to divide into portions of 200-300 grams. Also, the whipping speed must be gradually increased, starting from slow to fast;
  • Remember that the cream is whipped with a mixer, whisk, but not with a blender;
  • The readiness of the cream must be determined by eye. They should be fluffy and have a foam-like consistency.

Homemade whipped cream recipe


To begin with, the cream should be poured into a medium container and refrigerated for several hours to cool;

Then we begin to increase the speed to maximum;

Beat everything until an air mixture is formed;

After that, add powdered sugar and vanillin. Mix well.

How to make whipped cream at home with a thick froth in an ice cream maker

  • Cream of 30% fat content - 400 ml;
  • 150 grams of powdered sugar.


  1. Cold cream should be placed in an ice cream maker;
  2. Then we add powdered sugar to them;
  3. Begin to beat at a minimum speed until foam with a soft and dense structure;
  4. After that, we increase the whipping speed and beat until an airy mass.

Whipped cream with a whisk

Products you need:

  • Cream - 400 ml;
  • Powdered sugar - 100 grams.


  1. About 3 hours before whipping, the cream should be refrigerated in the refrigerator;
  2. The bowl and whisk must also be placed in the freezer in advance;
  3. After that, pour cold water into a medium container, put a bowl of cream and begin to whisk with a whisk;
  4. Beat until airy;
  5. At the end, add the sugar powder and mix.

Homemade whipped cream recipe

Ingredients Required:

  • 70 ml of water;
  • 150 grams of powdered sugar;
  • Cream with 30% fat content - 700 ml;
  • Food gelatin - 2 tbsp spoons.


  1. Gelatin should be placed in a cup and filled with water. We leave it to swell;
  2. Before whipping, the cream should be refrigerated for a couple of hours;
  3. The bowl and whisk should also be placed in the freezer;
  4. Then put a bowl of cream in cold water and beat with a mixer until an airy mass;
  5. Without stopping whipping, pour in the sugar powder;
  6. Next, slowly pour in the gelatin;
  7. Beat until the cream holds its shape.

Moving on to your favorite desserts: hold on, sweet tooth!

, this is a sumptuous dessert that will be enjoyed by both kids and their parents.

Fruit dessert with whipped cream

For dessert, you will need the following components:

  • Pear - 1 piece;
  • 200 grams of ice cream;
  • Banana - 1 piece;
  • Mandarin - 1 piece;
  • 150 grams of grapes;
  • Whipped cream.


  1. Fruit must be washed, peeled and pitted;
  2. Next, choose a beautiful dish;
  3. Cut the pear into slices and lay out the dishes in a layer on the bottom;
  4. Then spread evenly creamy ice cream on the pear;
  5. Cut the banana into circles and lay it on top of the ice cream;
  6. Divide the tangerine into slices and spread it on top;
  7. We cut the grapes and put them for dessert;
  8. At the end, the dessert is garnished with whipped cream.

Whipped cream dessert with berries and cookies

For dessert you will need the following components:

  • Cookies - 3-4 pieces;
  • 1 chicken egg white;
  • 200 ml cream with 30% fat;
  • Strawberries and raspberries - 150 grams;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • Powdered sugar - 100 grams.


  1. Cookies should be crumbled to small crumbs;
  2. Cut the strawberries into two parts and put them in a bowl, put the raspberries there and sprinkle with powdered sugar;
  3. Next, beat the protein until a strong foam;
  4. Mix the cream with lemon juice and beat with a whisk until an airy mass;
  5. Then mix the whipped cream with the cookies, with the juice that came out from the berry and protein;
  6. We spread the mass on the bowls;
  7. Decorate the top with strawberry wedges and raspberries.

Merengue with whipped cream

The meringue will require the following components:

  • Chicken proteins - 4 pieces;
  • Powdered sugar - 300 grams;
  • Cream 30% fat - 200 ml;
  • 100 ml of condensed milk;
  • Vanillin - 50 grams;
  • Fresh or frozen cherries;
  • A pinch of salt.


  1. In a bowl, beat the egg whites and salt with a mixer until frothy;
  2. Next, slowly add the icing sugar, while we do not stop whipping;
  3. Pour lemon juice into the mixture and mix until stable peaks;
  4. Cut out a circle of parchment paper with a diameter of 20 cm.Then put it in the center of the baking sheet and cover it with parchment paper;
  5. We transfer the entire protein mass into a pastry bag with an asterisk attachment, and squeeze it out in a circle. We make a recess in the center;
  6. In a preheated oven to 100 degrees, set the meringue to dry for 1.5-2 hours;
  7. Leave the finished meringue in the oven for a while to cool;
  8. In the meantime, whisk the cream until an airy mass and mix with condensed milk and vanilla;
  9. Then we place them in a pastry bag and squeeze an asterisk through the nozzle from above in the form of roses;
  10. We decorate the meringue with cherries.

  • Use icing sugar for whipping. If you use granulated sugar, it will not dissolve and will crunch on your teeth. In addition, the whipping time will increase significantly;
  • Add the icing sugar slowly;
  • Beat first at a slow speed for 2-3 minutes, then switch to a fast speed;
  • To reduce the calorie content, a little milk can be added to the cream;
  • For variety, you can add a piece of fruit, nuts, grated chocolate and various food colors to the cream.

Homemade whipped cream is a great decoration for fruit desserts or baked goods. Cooking them is not that difficult. The main thing in this business is good patience and perseverance. Also, do not forget about the rules, they will help make this delicacy perfect.