Oat flakes porridge on water. Herculean porridge on the water

05.11.2019 Seafood dishes

As doctors advise, the morning should start with a full breakfast, allowing you to recharge your energy at least until lunchtime. According to many nutritionists around the world, the best option for such a breakfast is oatmeal. It will not harm your figure and at the same time provide you with nutrients and vitamins. By adding oatmeal to the daily diet, a person can easily cleanse themselves of slagging, strengthen the immune and nervous systems, and lower cholesterol and sugar levels. Probably it is these properties that gave the oatmeal porridge the name "Hercules".

Why is there not as many fans of oatmeal today as it deserves? We suspect that not everyone knows how to cook it. But oatmeal cooked according to the rules tastes good and is in no way inferior to other types of cereals. In addition, it can be varied, it is enough to replace the ingredients included in its composition with others. Here are the most popular recipes for cooking oatmeal on gas in the oven, multicooker and microwave.

The simplest of these is oatmeal on the water.

Oat flakes Hercules - how to cook with water?

One serving of this dish contains only 102 kcal, but its use guarantees vigor and excellent well-being for the whole day. Oatmeal boiled in water is recommended for those who are trying to lead a healthy lifestyle.

To prepare it you will need:

750 ml of water,
- a glass of "Hercules",
- salt, sugar, butter.

How to cook:

Pour cereals into a plate and remove specks, husks and defective flakes from it. Pour cereals into boiling, slightly salted water and cook for about 10-15 minutes. To prevent the porridge from burning, it should be stirred periodically. You can determine the readiness of the porridge by the taste - the flakes will become soft, and there will be no liquid left in the pan at all, it should all be absorbed into the cereal. To make the oatmeal more tender, do not put it on the plates immediately after turning off the AO heat, but cover and let it stand for a while.

Oat flakes Hercules - how to cook with milk?

Oatmeal cooked in milk is more nutritious and tastier than cooked in water. It is suitable for a children's breakfast and for those who have a difficult day at work.

To cook oatmeal in milk, you need to take:

2 glasses of "Hercules",
- a liter of milk,
- salt and sugar to taste,
- butter.

Put the saucepan with milk on the fire and let it boil. Then you should add salt and sugar, oatmeal, peeled from debris, to it. Cook the porridge over low heat until it becomes thick - about 10 minutes. Leave the porridge to stand under the closed lid or pour it into a plate, cover and let it brew.

To make the porridge soft and delicate in taste, you need to add butter to it. Dried fruits, berries and fruits will not be superfluous.

For those whose milk porridge invariably burns, we can recommend a win-win option for a successful dish on milk without burning. Cook the oatmeal in water according to the recipe above, and at the end add condensed milk to it. Who likes sweeter, add more condensed milk. By the way, you don't need to add sugar in this case.

Oatmeal cooked according to this recipe will definitely become a favorite dish for both children and adults with a sweet tooth.

Oatmeal in a slow cooker

Oatmeal can be cooked in different ways. The recipes above are for cooking on the stove top. But the happy owners of the multicooker, having cooked oatmeal in it at least once, are unlikely to cook it ever again on the fire. After all, the main advantage of the multicooker is its simplicity and invariably successful result. And no burning!

To cook porridge in a slow cooker, you should take:

2 glasses of "Hercules",
- 4 glasses of water or 600 ml of water and 400 ml of a glass of milk,
- a pinch of salt.

All ingredients are placed in the multicooker bowl and the "Porridge" automatic mode is set. In most modern models of multicooker, the cooking process in this mode is designed for half an hour, but if the technique offers 20 or 40 minutes, then it is better to trust her. After giving the signal of completion, you can add what you like to the porridge - sugar, butter, fresh or dried fruits, nuts.

Oatmeal in the microwave and oven

Oatmeal is no less tasty in the microwave. In this way, porridge is prepared quickly, which means this recipe is perfect for cooking for breakfast.

Pour 3 cups of water into a cup and heat it for 5 minutes. Then add a little salt to the water, pour a glass of oatmeal into it and put it in the microwave for another 5 minutes. The porridge prepared according to this recipe turns out to be very tasty.

Supporters of traditional Russian cuisine can be offered a recipe for cooking oatmeal in the oven. To do this, grease the inside of the clay pot with butter - this trick will not allow the porridge to escape during cooking. Pour 1 part of cereal, 3 parts of milk, previously boiled, salt and sugar into a pot. Prepare such porridge for about half an hour at a temperature of 180.

We hope that in one of the suggested oatmeal recipes you will choose the one that will make this dish one of the most favorite in your family. Eat oatmeal and be healthy!

Hercules porridge is a great start to the day.

But only if it is cooked correctly!

Much has been said about the benefits of oatmeal and we will not repeat ourselves. But to learn about how to cook oatmeal is really tasty, it will be useful.

Let's please our household with amazing porridge?

How to cook rolled oats - general cooking principles

Hercules porridge is cooked in milk, in water or in their joint mixture. Moreover, the percentage can be absolutely anything. If there is no fresh milk, then dry milk can be used. Sometimes housewives find a way out and add condensed milk, fresh cream to the porridge on the water, or enrich the dish with other products.

What can be added to oatmeal:

Dried fruits (raisins, dates, prunes, dried apricots and others);

Nuts (walnuts, peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts and others);

Spices (vanilla, cinnamon)

Honey substituted for sugar;

Fresh fruits and berries, including exotic ones.

Before cooking oatmeal porridge, carefully look at the packaging. If the cereals are instant, then it is enough for the porridge to boil for 1-2 minutes. If you have ordinary flakes in your hands, then cook for 7-10 minutes. There is oatmeal, which is completely without cooking, it is enough just to pour boiling water or hot milk over it. But, as experts say, such cereals are less useful than ordinary ones.

How to cook rolled oats in water

Herculean porridge on the water is a dietary and medical food. It is prescribed for obesity, diseases of the digestive system, and is also given to people with lactose intolerance. Therefore, it does not hurt to know how oatmeal porridge is cooked.

1 glass of rolled oats;

1. Salt the water and put it on the stove, let it boil.

2. Add rolled oats, stir, bring to a boil and reduce heat.

3. Cook until thickened. We look at the state of the cereal, on average, the process takes from 7 to 10 minutes.

4. Add sugar, boil for a minute and turn off. But you can sprinkle sugar on the ready-made porridge in the plates.

How to cook oatmeal porridge in milk

For porridge, you can use milk of any fat content, this does not really matter. But most often they take the standard 3.2%. Before cooking oatmeal porridge, you need to remember that it is better not to do this with whole milk, it is advisable to dilute it with a small amount of water. And better in half.

1 glass of rolled oats;

1 glass of milk;

50 grams of oil;

Salt, sugar, or honey.

1. Pour water and milk into a saucepan and place on the stove.

2. After boiling, salt and add the rolled oats, stir and let it boil again.

3. Cook over low heat for three minutes, add sugar.

4. Cook for another minute, add butter, cover and turn off.

5. Let the porridge stand on the stove for about 20 minutes so that the flakes come to readiness. If there is no time, then you can simply boil them a little longer, for about another three minutes.

How to cook rolled oats in milk powder

The recipe for cooking oatmeal porridge in milk powder, which can also have different fat content. On average, a product with 25% is used.

50 grams of rolled oats;

2 tsp powdered milk;

1. Add 200 grams of water to the milk powder, send it to the stove and let it boil.

2. Put a pinch of salt and you can immediately add granulated sugar.

3. Pour the rolled oats, stir and cook for about three to five minutes.

4. Add a piece of butter, cover and turn off. Let's stand.

5. After a quarter of an hour, remove the lid, stir and you can have breakfast!

How to cook oatmeal porridge in the microwave

This recipe can simply help out if there is no way to cook breakfast on the stove. There are several ways how you can cook oatmeal porridge in the microwave and this is one of the most successful. You can pour milk over the oatmeal in the evening and then the cooking time will be reduced to a minute.

3 tablespoons of oatmeal;

1 teaspoon of sugar (honey can be used);

1 piece of butter;

1. Take a container for a microwave oven and pour flakes into it.

2. Stir milk with a pinch of salt, immediately add sugar. If honey is used, then it is better to add it to the already cooked porridge so as not to ruin the vitamins during cooking.

3. We put the container in the microwave oven, turn it on at a power of 700 watts.

4. Cook for three minutes. You can use a microwave lid to prevent accidental splashing.

5. We take out the porridge, put a piece of butter on top and you're done!

How to cook rolled oats with pumpkin and nuts

Pumpkin porridge with oatmeal is a bright, tasty and extremely healthy dish. For cooking, it is better to use sweet pumpkin, orange and ripe. And then the porridge will also be very fragrant. Recipe with water, but milk porridge can be cooked in the same way.

250 grams of pumpkin;

6-7 tablespoons of cereal;

20 grams of butter;

1 spoon of walnuts;

1. Cut the pumpkin into cubes, put it in a saucepan, pour in 50 ml of water and cook under the lid until soft.

2. In a skillet, fry oatmeal and chopped nuts until golden brown.

3. Add the oatmeal to the pumpkin puree, pour in about 150 ml of water or milk, let the future porridge boil.

4. Salt, add sugar and boil for two minutes.

5. Throw in a piece of butter, cover and let stand for about half an hour. You can add ground cinnamon to taste, it goes well with pumpkin.

How to cook oatmeal with raisins

In general, raisins can be simply washed and added to any porridge. But it will not be very tasty and aromatic. We'd better tell you how best to cook rolled oats with raisins. Similarly, you can cook porridge with dried apricots, prunes and other dried fruits, only by adjusting the amount of sugar.

100 grams of rolled oats;

50 grams of raisins;

20 grams of oil;

1. Boil a mixture of water and milk.

2. Add a pinch of salt and sugar. Raisins themselves contain a lot of sugars. This must be taken into account. If you do not like too sweet dishes, then you can only add a little salt to the milk.

3. Add the flakes and cook for three minutes after boiling.

4. Rinse the raisins, let the porridge boil again, throw in a piece of butter, stir and cover.

5. Turn off and leave for 10 minutes.

How to cook rolled oats with apples

A version of the magic oatmeal porridge, which is prepared with fresh apples. The dish is very nutritious, healthy, but not boring. You can also add a little raisins, nuts or other dried fruits to apples, but this is already a matter of taste.

1 glass of rolled oats;

3.5 glasses of milk or its mixture with water;

1 spoon of butter;

Sugar and salt to your taste;

1. Boil milk. If desired, we dilute it with water, it can be by a third or even in half.

2. Add sugar, do not forget to salt the porridge so that it shows its taste.

3. Put the oatmeal and cook for about 7 minutes.

4. Throw the oil into the pan and turn it off.

5. The apple must be washed, grated on a coarse grater. The skin can be left or removed, we do as you like.

6. Throw an apple into a saucepan, stir and let it brew for ten minutes. During this time, the porridge will be saturated with a fruity aroma and will become extraordinary.

7. Lay out on plates and you're done!

Herculean porridge thickens very much as it cools. And if you need to cook it in advance, then it is better to reduce the amount of cereal by a third and prepare a liquid dish. Gradually it will harden and become thicker.

When cooking porridge, cereals are always added to the liquid, and not vice versa. And if you just need to steam the flakes, then the liquid is added to them.

How much cereal to add to water or milk? This question is asked by many. If you want to cook a thin porridge, then 100 grams of cereal is 570 grams of milk (water). To prepare a viscous porridge, it is enough to pour 350 grams of liquid per 100 grams of dry cereal.

Did you know that if you stir porridge quickly, the cooking process slows down? Stir slowly and infrequently. Better to buy a good container for cooking porridge, in which they will not burn.

Is there oatmeal left? Don't rush to throw it away! It can be used for casseroles, sweetmeats and pancakes. And if the rolled oats are also unsweetened, then it can be sent into minced meat for meat or fish cutlets and not add bread, semolina.

You can treat oatmeal as you like, but no one can deny its benefits. With the launch of steam processing of cereals, the taste of porridge became less specific, and the consistency became more delicate. It gained more admirers, and thanks to its valuable nutritional properties, the name "Herculean" stuck to it. It is believed that on water, the recipe of which will be given in our article, is suitable both as a quality and as a main dish on fasting and fasting days.

Why didn't the Scots add milk to oatmeal?

Oatmeal was first cooked in Scotland in the 16th century. The cooks immediately began experimenting with the recipe and even managed to add spices to the dish. Even superstitions and certain rituals were used to achieve the ideal taste. So, it was believed that when cooking, it was necessary to stir the porridge exclusively with the right hand in a clockwise direction. This action allegedly frightened off those who had accumulated around. According to the chefs of those years, milk spoiled the taste of the dish, so it was customary to cook oatmeal only in water. However, milk for porridge was served separately, in a glass, so that the dish could be washed down.

Herculean porridge on the water recipe: the best breakfast

  • Oatmeal - 2 cups
  • Water - 4 glasses.
  • Butter - 2 teaspoons.
  • Salt - 0.5 teaspoon.
  • You can add sugar to taste.

Hercules flakes do not need to be rinsed before placing in the pan. But even in a premium product, various foreign particles, husks and pebbles come across. Therefore, we will sort the flakes before laying, so that later we do not pull out the uncrushed grains from the mouth. Herculean porridge on water, the recipe of which readers see at the moment, is capable of providing up to 15% of the daily requirement of the human body for vitamins and microelements. Milk in this situation is seen as an extra product, especially on fast days.

Cooking process

First, we put the water on fire. When the water boils, add salt, and then gradually add the flakes. Additional stirring at the time of filling is not required, since the flakes themselves will be evenly distributed throughout the liquid, without forming lumps. We will cook over moderate heat until thickened, stirring occasionally slowly so that the porridge does not burn. After 7-10 minutes, the cereal is already able to completely boil. Turn off the heat, add butter, if required, sugar, close the lid. It is advisable to cover the pan with a terry towel and leave to sweat for another 10 minutes.

What to serve with?

Sometimes you want to pamper yourself and diversify your daily diet. Some people eat daily, and it will not be superfluous for them to find out what the finished dish goes best with. A good addition to the porridge served on the table will be well-washed raisins, honey, pieces of fresh fruit. In summer, you can add berries, of which raspberries, strawberries and cherries are best served with the taste of the finished dish. And how beautiful and appetizing the composition of porridge, decorated with several raspberries and mint leaves on top, will look! Our herculean porridge on the water, the recipe with the photo of which you see, is ready! After such a beautifully decorated breakfast, in addition to a surge of energy, a good mood for the whole day is provided.

Herculean porridge on the water: a recipe in a slow cooker

People have long appreciated all the delights of a multicooker: it can save the hostess's personal time and provide a hot breakfast for the family right after waking up. When every minute counts in the morning, oatmeal porridge on the water, the recipe for which we will now analyze in a slow cooker, is a real salvation. In addition, it is believed that an order of magnitude more valuable nutrients are retained in this unit than with traditional cooking.

As ingredients (per serving) we take:

  • 0.5 cups oatmeal
  • 1 glass of water
  • salt.

So, based on a family of 4 people, we will lay 2 glasses of cereal and 4 glasses of water, and for a family of 5 people - 2.5 glasses of cereal and 5 glasses of water. Salt in both cases is sufficient in the amount of 0.5 teaspoon. As you can see, there is no butter or sugar here. Such oatmeal porridge on the water is a recipe for losing weight and a slim figure!

Ingredients tab

In the evening we will put all the ingredients in the multicooker, which, if desired, can be mixed. We set the "Porridge" mode, then the delay timer until the hour when the family is ready to get ready for breakfast. Those who have time in the morning can also bookmark after waking up. In this case, we will manage with only one "Kasha" regime. The positive thing about cooking in this way is the lack of milk. In this case, the finished dish will definitely not burn.

Porridge with dried fruits

Herculean porridge in water, the recipe for which we have analyzed, is prepared simply, and all additional ingredients are added to the finished dish. Are there options where additional ingredients are cooked along with the cereal? Yes, there are. Pieces of dried fruit soften well during the simmering process, and also give their incomparable sweet and sour taste to the main dish. For cooking we take:

  • Oat flakes - 200 g.
  • Water - 400 ml.
  • Olive oil.
  • A mixture of dried fruits (dried apricots, figs, raisins, prunes, dates).
  • Salt, sugar to taste.

The recipe for oatmeal porridge in water with dried fruits can sometimes be modified for a change. For example, take water and milk in equal proportions.

Cooking method

After the water boils, pour the flakes and cook, stirring slowly, no more than 10 minutes. Dried fruits by this time should have already been washed, scalded with boiling water and cut into pieces, with the exception of raisins. It itself is so fine that it does not require grinding.

As soon as the flakes in the pan thicken, add salt, sugar if desired, as well as a mixture of dried fruits, mix. Then we reduce the heat to a minimum or turn it off and cover the dishes with a terry towel. The total soaking time is 10 minutes. Instead, we will use olive, which will add spice and oriental flavor to the dish.

The benefits of the dish

There are people who still do not understand and do not accept the taste delights of oatmeal. Sometimes life forces you to make adjustments to the diet, for one reason or another, give up unhealthy food. And then, willy-nilly, people turn their eyes to such a dish as oatmeal porridge on the water, a recipe, the benefits of which are described here. In the minds of people, the idea, laid down by the monotonous nutrition of children's institutions about this dish, changes, and they discover oatmeal from a new side. If you supplement the dishes with the right ingredients, then every time the taste will play with new colors.

The article is devoted to oatmeal porridge. We will analyze how much it needs to be cooked in water and milk, and how to do it correctly so that the porridge does not burn.

⌚ Cooking time for oatmeal porridge

Table 1. Cooking time for porridge "Hercules"

Types of oatmeal In a saucepan, minutes In a slow cooker, minutes In the microwave, minutes
Oatmeal (groats) 40-50 50-60 80-90 90-100 β€” β€”
Hercules (flakes) 15 20 15-20 20-25 3-4 5

You shouldn't add honey before or while cooking porridge. Heat treatment destroys most of the beneficial ingredients of honey, so it is best to add it to the finished dish just before serving.

πŸ’§ How much water to add (proportions)

For cooking rolled oats in a saucepan, as a rule, proceed from the proportion: 1 cup of cereal - 3 cups of milk (water).

When cooking in a multicooker or microwave, the liquid does not evaporate as much as in the first case, so the proportions are as follows: 1 glass of flakes - 2 glasses of liquid.

It is best to use a 1: 1 mixture of water and milk as the basis for making oatmeal. So, the porridge will turn out not too bland, and not too greasy.

πŸ“‹ Technology of cooking oatmeal porridge

Hercules can be prepared in a variety of ways. We will cover 3 of the most popular ones.

In a saucepan

The most common thing is to cook oatmeal porridge in water in a saucepan. By following the step-by-step instructions, you will certainly get an excellent result.

πŸ“Œ Cooking method:

  1. Fill a saucepan with milk or water and put it on the stove to boil.
  2. Add salt and sugar to the boiling liquid to taste.
  3. Add the rolled oats and mix.
  4. Reduce the cooking temperature and cook for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Remove the pot from the stove, cover with a lid and leave the porridge for 5 minutes to reach full readiness.

You should definitely stir the porridge throughout the entire cooking process in a saucepan. Otherwise, the oatmeal burns very quickly and has an unpleasant aftertaste.

πŸ“Ή How to cook delicious oatmeal porridge on the stove [video recipe]

In a multicooker

Cooking rolled oats in a multicooker is somewhat easier than on the stove. The porridge does not need to be stirred and monitored.

πŸ“Œ How to cook oatmeal porridge:

  1. Lubricate the bottom of the multicooker bowl with butter.
  2. Pour dry flakes into a bowl.
  3. We fill the bowl with liquid in the required proportions.
  4. Add salt and sugar to taste.
  5. We close the bowl with a lid.
  6. We turn on the multicooker in the "Milk porridge" / "Porridge" mode.
  7. We are waiting for the preparation of rolled oats for about 20 minutes.
  8. Add fruit and honey to the finished porridge if desired.

Scotland hosts the annual Oatmeal Cooking Championship, in which the award is a Golden Stirrer.

πŸ“Ή Night oatmeal porridge [video recipe]

In the microwave

πŸ“Œ Cooking method:

  1. Pour rolled oats flakes into a dish suitable for microwave cooking.
  2. Add milk and / or water and the necessary ingredients to taste - salt, sugar.
  3. Mix the entire composition and place the container with porridge in the microwave.
  4. We turn on the microwave at a power of 700-800 W, setting the timer for 3-5 minutes.
  5. Add butter and additives (fruits, honey) to the finished porridge as desired.

In the process of cooking rolled oats in the microwave, the porridge is often sprinkled. To avoid this, fill the container with liquid no more than half.

πŸ“Ή Video recipe for cooking rolled oats in the microwave

Learn how to cook millet porridge properly. to Article…

Useful and harmful properties of oatmeal porridge

βœ… Useful

πŸ”Έ Advantages of porridge:

  • hercules contains a lot of fiber;
  • vitamins A, E, K, B1, B2, B6, B12;
  • macro- and microelements K, Fe, Mg, I, Zn, F;
  • regular consumption normalizes the body's metabolism;
  • has a beneficial effect on the work of the intestines;
  • helps to remove toxins and toxins from the body;
  • long carbohydrates saturate with energy and allow you to maintain a feeling of fullness for 4 hours;
  • helps to strengthen bone tissue;
  • relieves and prevents swelling.

πŸ’‘ Choose rolled oats in transparent packages that allow you to check the quality of the flakes: they should be large, light in color and crumbly.

In addition, such packages allow you to protect the rolled oats from moisture, so that they do not go rancid and retain their beneficial properties.

❌ Harmful

πŸ”Έ Cons:

  • with excessive consumption (more than 3 times a week), rolled oats can cause calcium deficiency;
  • poor quality cereals contain excess starch, which can cause an increase in blood sugar;
  • contraindicated in people with gluten intolerance.

In 1766, the English writer Samuel Johnson noted in an explanatory dictionary that oats in England are food for horses, and in Scotland they are human food. The Scotsman James Boswell ingeniously replied that this is why beautiful horses are raised in England, and wonderful people in Scotland.

Herculean porridge for breakfast - a traditional dish for the inhabitants of England, Scotland, Russia. This porridge is incredibly useful for our gastrointestinal tract, oatmeal contains the lion's share of fiber, which in turn acts as a "whisk" for the entire intestine, removing all accumulated toxins. It is recommended to serve oatmeal porridge on water with steamed raisins, dried apricots, fruits, nuts, honey, and butter. This porridge is also able to cleanse our blood vessels, ridding them of cholesterol. In general, this is the most healthy porridge and this is how it is prepared:

How to cook a recipe for oatmeal porridge in water:

1) We measure the rolled Hercules oat flakes; to prepare one serving for an adult, it is enough to take a full teacup of flakes. The cup is small.

3) Boil water in a kettle and fill in our flakes. We take water at the rate of one to two, that is, for one cup of cereal, you need to take two cups of boiling water. Mix the flakes in water and add quite a bit of salt. Let the flakes swell for two to three minutes.

4) After the specified time has elapsed, put the mug (saucepan) on a low fire and bring it to a boil. As soon as the porridge boils, turn off the heat. Stir the oatmeal porridge a couple of times and let it cool. After a couple of minutes, it will thicken considerably.

Ingredients for the recipe "Herculean porridge on the water":

oat flakes "Hercules" one cup, filtered water two cups. Dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, nuts) and honey if desired. A pinch of salt.