Recipe for manna on kefir without oil. Mannik without oil: a cool recipe

04.03.2020 Healthy eating

One winter evening, when the cookies, eggs and butter suddenly ran out, and I didn't want to go to the store, I decided to bake something delicious. What can you bake without eggs and butter? For example, mannik on kefir! Eggs are not needed in it, but kefir, semolina and sugar are available. But what about butter, of which not so much is needed in the dough, but still - 100 g? But what if you take sunflower instead? It is known that fats in baked goods are interchangeable. Butter and vegetable oil can be substituted for one another in both yeast and cake dough, this practically does not affect the taste - and you can't tell what kind of butter is in this cake. Now we will check it!

The experiment was successful. Mannik in vegetable oil turned out to be crumbly and fluffy, tasty and beautiful. So I recommend it if you, too, are reluctant to go to the store at night looking. In general, manniks are a very unpretentious recipe, where the products vary as you like: kefir can be replaced with milk; flour - semolina, soda - baking powder, and add everything from berries and fruits, fresh and dry - to chocolate, poppy seeds and nuts to the filling.

You should take a little less sunflower oil than butter, since there is 80% fat in butter, and as much as 100% in vegetable oil. Therefore, we take about ¼ less vegetable. And yet, it is worth adding refined vegetable oil so that the cake does not smell like it - unless this is a specific recipe such as pizza or focaccia, where the aroma of olives is simply necessary.


  • 1 glass of semolina;
  • 1 cup flour;
  • 1 glass of kefir;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 0.5 cups refined sunflower oil;
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda (no top);
  • A pinch of salt.

Attention! I took 100 ml of sunflower oil, and the opinions of the tasters were divided: half of the household said that the cake was very tasty, and the other half said that it was too fat. Therefore, I advise you to take less oil - 70-80 ml, and in accordance with this increase the amount of liquid ingredients, that is, you will need 20 ml more kefir.

This time I decided to add chocolate droplets, white and black, to the cake. You can just chop the chocolate finely. In the pie, the pieces melt, and it turns out very tender and tasty!

As usual for making manna, fill the semolina with kefir in advance. It is possible for half an hour, you can even overnight (if you put it in a cool place).

When the kefir is absorbed into the cereal, add a spoonful of soda and mix thoroughly so that the soda is evenly distributed in the dough. Reacting with fermented milk product, it creates splendor.

Now add sugar, salt, if desired - a little vanillin, mix.

Pour in vegetable oil, mix well again.

Sift flour and knead the dough.

Add some chocolate chips to it, mix.

We grease the form with vegetable oil (and here it came in handy, usually for manniks I grease with butter and sprinkle with semolina - but sunflower will help out in this case too), and spread the dough.

We put the mannichek in the oven, preheated to 180C, and bake for about 30-35 minutes, until a dry skewer and golden brown crust.

Turn the finished pie right with the mold onto a dish, cover with a towel and leave it for 5-7 minutes. After standing, the manna will easily get out of shape. And if you don't want to, then gently pry its edges with a knife and try again.

Mannik in vegetable oil turned out to be so tender that it turned out to be difficult to turn it over on a platter and cut it, it crumbled and crumbled in the hands.

What a pleasure it is to treat yourself to such a wonderful, aromatic pie with a cup of milk or cocoa!

And how interesting the scattering of chocolate pieces looks on the top and in the cut!

Who is not yet familiar with such a wonderful baking as mannik, we suggest doing it right now. Why a miracle? Because the cake is so simple and easy to prepare that even a novice cook can handle it. With semolina, the biscuit is not as capricious as with flour, and the cake always rises well.

Mannik - general principles and methods of preparation

The recipe necessarily includes semolina, which is why the name "mannik" appeared. And also flour, butter, sugar and any dairy or fermented milk product, sometimes cottage cheese. To add flavor, candied fruits, dried fruits, pieces of chocolate, poppy seeds, honey, apples, pumpkin, berries can be added to the dough.

To give the cake a beautiful appearance, sprinkle it with powdered sugar, smear with fondant, icing, and jam. And to improve the taste and make it more juicy, the manna is cut into two halves and smeared with sour cream, condensed milk, jam, soaked in rum or cognac. It turns out to be a real cake.

Mannik - food preparation

To make a delicate and tasty cake, semolina must be soaked so that it is saturated with moisture and swells well. It is left in the liquid for at least an hour, as much as possible. Otherwise, the semolina will not disperse well, and the grains in the finished cake will crunch on your teeth.

Mannik - the best recipes

Recipe 1: classic mannik

There are many recipes for manniks that claim to be the most classic, only some are mixed with sour milk, others with kefir, and others with sour cream. Therefore, these ingredients can be combined into one definition - fermented milk products, and you yourself choose which one is closer to you. The rest of the composition is the same - semolina, flour, sugar, butter.

Ingredients: 1 st. semolina, sugar and dairy products, 3 eggs, soda - 1 tsp., 100g butter, 1 stack. flour.

Cooking method

Stir semolina with any fermented milk product of your choice and leave for an hour.

Mix eggs and sugar and beat. Add melted butter, mix and combine with semolina. Add flour and soda. To avoid the appearance of lumps, it is better to use a mixer to mix the mass. The dough should not be quite thick. If thick sour cream is used, the amount of flour can be reduced to one glass.

Grease the form, sprinkle with semolina or flour and pour out the dough. Bake (190C) for 35-40 minutes.

Recipe 2: Mannik on sour cream

Mannik on sour cream is not only very delicate and tasty, but always succeeds. In this recipe, the amount of food is indicated on a standard cake pan. If you double the food, the cake is about the size of a large baking sheet.

Ingredients: 2 eggs, 1 glass of sour cream and semolina, 2/3 tbsp. sugar, without a slide of soda 1 tsp., margarine or butter (grease the form).

Cooking method

Mix semolina and sour cream and leave for an hour so that the semolina has time to swell. If the sour cream is thick, it is better to hold it for one and a half to two hours.

Beat eggs, adding sugar. Mix with semolina, add baking soda and stir. Grease a baking dish and sprinkle with semolina, breadcrumbs or flour. Add dough and bake for 30 minutes (190C).

Recipe 3: Mannik on kefir

A simple recipe for manna on kefir. If you have already prepared such a cake with sour cream or milk, be sure to try it with kefir, you will not regret it. It turns out to be light, airy and crumbly. This is a basic pie recipe. You can add fresh berries, dried fruits, chocolate to the dough.

Ingredients: kefir - 1 glass (200ml), a glass of semolina (200g), 3 eggs, butter (grease the form), baking powder - 10g or soda -1/2 teaspoon, a pinch of salt, granulated sugar - 100g, vanilla sugar - 1 sachet.

Cooking method

Add a glass of semolina to kefir. When a glass is mentioned in a recipe, it means the legendary faceted Soviet glass for 250 ml. Leave the cereal to swell for at least an hour, or even two. The dishes can be covered with a plate or plastic wrap.

We begin to prepare the dough. Beat eggs with salt and sugar. Beat well like this, the easiest way is to do it with a mixer. Add vanilla sugar, then baking powder (or baking soda), but one thing.

It's time to combine the egg mass and kefir with semolina and mix them thoroughly. At this stage, add dried fruits, zest or citrus juice, if desired.

The dough is ready, it remains to pour it into a mold and bake (190C). In about 40-50 minutes, the cake will be ready. He can bake earlier, especially if the crust is very brown. Then you should pierce it with a wooden stick. Usually this role is entrusted to a simple toothpick. If it remains dry, you can get the manna.

Recipe 4: Milk mannik

Delicious manna, literally melts in your mouth. It is made from the simplest ingredients that are at hand every day, and kneaded in just a couple of minutes. If you add a bag of vanilla sugar to the mass, the cake will turn from milk into a fragrant one, and if a spoon or two cocoa, then into chocolate. Instead of butter, you can add chocolate, coconut or cocoa butter to make the cake taste more original.

Ingredients: 3 eggs, 1 glass of milk, semolina, flour and sugar, 1 table. lies. baking powder, vegetable oil - 80ml, butter - 20g, a pinch of salt.

Cooking method

Beat eggs with a mixer or whisk with sugar. Pour in vegetable oil, grind until smooth.

Heat the milk until the butter melts. Do not heat or boil too much so that the egg whites do not curl. Combine with semolina and egg mixture, set aside for 30 minutes to allow the semolina to swell.

Mix baking powder with flour and combine with milk dough. Grease the form with butter, for reliability, so that the cake does not stick to the bottom, dust it with flour or semolina. Pour the dough into a mold and bake (180C - 40 minutes). It is better to keep a wooden toothpick on hand, periodically piercing the cake with it.

Recipe 5: Mannik in a multicooker

It's easy to cook mannik in the oven, and even in a slow cooker for one or two. In addition to cottage cheese, the recipe contains a small amount of sour cream. You can take it of any fat content, but not too liquid. If you put soda instead of baking powder in the composition, the biscuit may turn out to be slightly darker in color. If you are not a fan of too sweet baked goods, reduce the amount of sugar. To achieve a more tender cake, the curd needs to be rubbed or mixed with a blender to break up the lumps.

Ingredients: a glass of sugar and semolina, 4 eggs, 0.5 kg of cottage cheese, baking powder 1 tbsp. spoon or soda ½ tsp. l., sour cream 5 tbsp.

Cooking method

Mix cottage cheese, semolina and sour cream. Can be mixed with a blender. Beat eggs and sugar separately, adding them to the curd. Add baking powder and mix.

Grease a bowl with margarine or butter and pour out the dough. Bake for 60 minutes in baking mode. When the cake is removed from the multicooker, it settles a little, but still remains quite plump and lush.

Recipe 6: Pumpkin Manna without Eggs

Many people will love this amber sun cake. The cinnamon included in the manna gives it a festive Christmas touch. If you don't like the aroma of cinnamon, simply eliminate it from the composition. This recipe has one highlight - the finished pie is filled with syrup. This moment will be especially appreciated by lovers of juicy and "wet" biscuits.

Ingredients: 2 cups grated pumpkin, semolina - 1.5 cups, a glass of kefir, baking powder - 1 tbsp. or soda 1/2 teaspoon, sugar - 1/2 cup. Syrup: 100 g of apple juice or 1 large orange (you need freshly squeezed juice), lemon juice - 1 table. l., sugar 2/3 cup., a pinch of cinnamon.

Cooking method

Finely grate the pumpkin and squeeze. The resulting juice can be used for syrup instead of apple or orange juice, or find other uses. Can be frozen.

Stir the soda with kefir, the liquid will begin to foam, this is how the reaction occurs when the soda is quenched with acid. Mix with pumpkin, sugar and semolina. The dough is mixed, it remains to bake it. After 30-40 minutes, the cake will be ready at 180C.

While the manna is baking, prepare the syrup. Squeeze the juice out of the orange, or use the apple cider. Mix with lemon juice and sugar. Cinnamon lovers can add a pinch of this spice. Boil the syrup.

Pour the boiled syrup while still hot. At first, the manna will "float" in it, so it is better to put it in a bowl with high edges. After 30-40 minutes, the cake will absorb all the liquid like a sponge. Then you can cut it up and serve.

Recipe 7: Mannik with raisins

For such a manna recipe, you can use light or dark raisins, this is not so important. It is much more important to prepare it correctly. To make the additive tasty and aromatic, the dried fruits must be soaked. Dough for manna in milk.


150 grams of sugar;

170 grams of cereals;

0.2 liters of milk;

Two eggs;

6 grams of ripper;

65 grams of oil;

70 grams of flour;

100 grams of raisins.

Cooking method

1. Pour the washed raisins with hot water from the kettle, leave for five minutes. Then we decant the water.

2. Combine warm milk with sugar and cereals, add raisins, eggs, you can add salt. Stir everything well, cover, leave for at least twenty minutes, you can keep it up to two hours.

3. Melt the butter, grease the mold, it should take 15 grams. Pour the rest into the dough and add a ripper mixed with flour.

4. We send the dough into the mold, level and bake the raisin pie for 35 minutes at 200 degrees. The multicooker is also suitable for cooking; the manna will cook in it for at least 50 minutes.

Recipe 8: Mannik with apples

This apple pie is not inferior in taste to everyone's favorite charlotte. For manna, you can take any apples: sour, sweet, slightly lethargic and even broken. All damage must be cut off.


140 grams of sugar;

160 grams of semolina;

0.22 l of kefir (fermented baked milk);

10 grams of soda;

Two apples;

100 grams of oil;

130 grams of flour.

Cooking method

1. Throw salt into kefir, add cereals and leave for 40 minutes. If time is short, then you can slightly warm up the fermented milk product, leave the semolina in it for 25-30 minutes. Be sure to stir.

2. Beat eggs and sand, melt butter, can be replaced with quality margarine. We add all this to the rump. At the end we throw in soda and flour. Since the dough is on kefir, you can not extinguish it in advance.

3. Peel the apple, cut into slices, pour into the dough. Mix and send to the form. We put the manna in the oven for 40 minutes, bake at 170 ° C.

Recipe 9: Chocolate mannik with cocoa

Manna is not always presented to us as a modest and boring cake. It can be a wonderful dessert if prepared according to this recipe. Cover with glaze after baking if desired. Instead of yogurt, you can take kefir.


200 grams of cereals;

500 grams of yogurt;

60 grams of cocoa;

Two eggs;

100 grams of flour;

4 tablespoons of oil;

10 grams of ripper;

190 grams of sugar.

Cooking method

1. Pour sugar with cereals to curdled milk, stir and forget about them for half an hour.

2. In another bowl, beat eggs, add cocoa, salt, stir. Pour over the croup.

3. Add flour to the dough and add with baking powder. Knead until smooth.

4. Pour the chocolate mass into a mold about 20 cm in diameter. Bake the manna with cocoa at 180 ° C. If desired, grease with icing, but we do this after the cake has cooled.

Recipe 10: "Delicate" mannik on sour cream with margarine

Mannik according to this recipe always turns out. The pie is tender and crumbly, buttery due to the addition of fat. If you wish, you can add a little dried fruit to it or cut an apple, but even without additives, the taste will still please.


150 grams of margarine;

A glass of low-fat sour cream 10-15%;

160 grams of cereals;

160 grams of sugar;

Three eggs;

6 grams of baking soda;

140 grams of flour;

A pinch of zest.

Cooking method

1. Margarine for such a manna can be softened well, but it is better to melt and cool. We mix it with sour cream. It shouldn't be too thick. We use a product with a low fat content so that the dough is of the desired consistency.

2. Add granulated sugar, and then eggs, add zest, you can replace it with vanilla sugar.

3. Fall asleep semolina, leave the mixture for half an hour.

4. Introduce flour and soda to be extinguished. Mix the dough, transfer to the mold. Bake at 170 ° C for 35 minutes. If the shape is small and the cake is tall, then you can add a few more minutes.

Mannik is a simple and beloved pie with semolina, which serves as an excellent base for baking. Mannik is an irreplaceable type of cake for modern women who are constantly complaining about the lack of time. The main ingredients of manna are semolina itself, sugar, eggs, butter or vegetable oil, baking powder, flour is sometimes added, as well as other ingredients that enhance the taste and aroma of the product, such as dried apricots, nuts, poppy seeds, raisins, fruits, berries, etc. ..

Mannik is baked according to different recipes, and each culinary specialist seeks to try his own ingredients in his preparation, giving the cake new flavors. It is very important to initially choose the main component of the manna, since it is prepared using different dairy products: milk, sour cream, kefir, yogurt or yogurt. Probably the most popular of the recipes is kefir manna, it is also called the classic kefir manna. This recipe is used by most housewives. Kefir makes the manna tall, lush and very tasty. The secret to making this tender pie is to soak semolina in kefir for about an hour. This is done so that the cereal is saturated with moisture and "swelled" well. All other ingredients are added later. You can create a culinary masterpiece using different kitchen techniques. It turns out great manna on kefir in the microwave, as well as manna on kefir in the oven.

Making an ordinary manna on kefir a festive treat for guests or for your family's dinner is a simple and at the same time interesting and creative task. With each new ingredient, you can get a new taste, a new kind of cake. And for the ease of the product, you can cook manna on kefir without flour.

So, we are preparing manna on kefir, take the recipe as a basis, but write your own options. You will definitely like all the options offered by our website: a recipe for manna on classic kefir, recipe for manna on kefir in the oven, etc. Also choose your own version of the photo of a manna on kefir, the photo can tell a lot. It is very effective to cook manna on kefir, the recipe from the photo of which you liked and liked it. A step-by-step recipe that presents separately each operation in the required sequence is also good for mastering manna on kefir.

It is imperative to soak the semolina in kefir;

Semolina should be kept in kefir for half an hour to an hour. It can be longer, but not less. If the cereal is soaked for less than 30 minutes, then it will disperse poorly, and grains will remain in the manna, which will crunch on the teeth;

The remaining components prepared by you are laid in the swollen semolina;

The finished dough, laid in a baking dish, is sent to the oven or microwave. The oven must be preheated to 180-200 degrees, and the baking dish must be greased with butter and sprinkled with semolina on top;

Usually manna is baked for about forty minutes;

If the manna is not yet ready, but has begun to burn on top, try covering it with foil and continue baking until tender;

You can get different flavors of your manna by using dried apricots, prunes, raisins or other delicious products of your choice as additional ingredients.

Mannik is an amazing cake. We sprinkle semolina, but semolina is not felt, there is no cottage cheese in the recipe, but gives a little taste of cottage cheese. You can cook without flour and you will still have a dough. And of course this is a quick-to-prepare, light, tasty cake.

I have already given. All reviews about him are only positive. I decided I needed to add more so that everyone could choose. You can write what kind of manna you want to see more. What is it cooked in. Anyway, what would you like to see in my articles.

How to cook manna on kefir. Delicious manna recipes

In this article, we will consider one type of preparation of semolina pie, with kefir. In other articles, if you are interested, I will give other types of cooking, with different ingredients.


  1. Recipe for jellied manna on kefir


  • Kefir - 1.5 cups
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 1 glass
  • Vanillin (or vanilla extract - 1 tablespoon)
  • Semolina - 1 glass
  • Flour - 1 glass
  • Salt - 1/4 tsp
  • Baking powder - 10 gr.
To fill:
  • Milk - 1/2 cup


1. Break eggs into a deep cup and add sugar to them. Mix with a whisk. Pour in 1 tbsp. vanilla extract. Salt.

2. Add kefir to the eggs. Kefir can be taken both at room temperature and cold. Stir until smooth.

3. Pour semolina into the mixture of eggs and kefir. Stir well, breaking all the lumps. Leave for 15-20 minutes to swell the semolina. Actually, if you have time, you can let it stand for more, 30-50 minutes.

4. The semolina is swollen, add baking powder and flour. Mix everything well until the mixture is homogeneous.

5. The dough is ready, pour it into the mold. You can take any shape, round, square. We have a round one with a diameter of 22 cm.

6. Place the mold in an oven preheated to 180 °. We bake the cake until tender. Depending on the shape (how thick the manna will be), and your oven, each will need its own baking time.

7. Mannik blushed. We check the readiness of the cake with a wooden stick. Pierce the pie and remove the stick, if dry, the manna is ready. With the same stick we pierce the cake in several places. Do not be afraid. Do 25-40 punctures. This is so that the milk gets inside faster.

8. Fill the manna with milk. Pour in a little, giving the milk time to absorb. Put the mold in the oven again for another 15 minutes.

9. Take it out of the oven and let it cool down a little. To make it easier to remove the cake from the mold, with a spatula, carefully pass between the mold and the cake and take it out of the mold.

10. Mannik is ready. It turned out to be very soft, airy and at the same time very juicy.

If desired, you can pour over the jam, sprinkle with grated chocolate, add fruits, berries, lemon or orange zest.

Enjoy your meal!

  1. Mannik - very tasty and juicy

Form diameter - 22 cm.


  • Kefir - 250 ml.
  • Flour - 150 gr.
  • Sugar - 230 gr.
  • Semolina - 200 gr.
  • Butter - 50g.
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Salt - 1/3 tsp.
  • milk - 250 ml.
  • icing sugar - 100g.
  • Berry juice (cranberries, currants) - 2 tbsp


1. Melt the butter in a saucepan.

2. Pour kefir into a deep bowl. Add semolina and sugar. Mix everything with a whisk until smooth.

3. Salt and break a couple of eggs. Stir well again.

4. Add the cooled butter (but it is still in a liquid state).

5. Put a sieve on a plate, pour flour into it. Pour baking powder into flour. Sift the flour and send it to the bowl to the kefir mass. We knead the dough and try to avoid lumps.

6. Cover the form with parchment paper and grease with vegetable oil. Our shape is round, 22 cm in diameter.

7. We spread, or rather pour, the dough into a mold. It is quite liquid and it will not be difficult to lay it out. From the middle, we sort of rake the dough cross to cross so that the dough goes to the edges of the pie. Simply put, we align it in thickness so that the cake bakes evenly.

8. Put the dish in a preheated oven to 180 ° and bake for 35-50 minutes. We check the readiness with a wooden stick.

9. Pour the finished manna with milk and leave to cool. We take the cooled manna out of the mold, remove the parchment paper from the bottom side.

We prepare the glaze.

10. Pour the icing sugar into a cup and pour in 2 tbsp. berry juice. Stir until smooth. Immediately grease the cake with icing.

There is no need to prepare the glaze in advance. She quickly freezes.

Well, our manna is ready. Sprinkle with ground nuts if desired. It turned out to be soft and juicy. The glaze does not break when sliced.

Enjoy your meal!

  1. Simple delicious manna with vanilla


  • Kefir - 1 glass
  • Semolina - 1 glass
  • Flour - 1 glass
  • Sugar - 1 glass
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Baking dough - 10 g
  • Crystalline vanillin - 1 g.
  • Butter - 100 g.


1. Pour semolina into a deep bowl and add a glass of kefir to it. Stir well and leave for 15-30 minutes (depending on how much time you have) so that the semolina swells.

2. After 25 minutes, the semolina swelled. We continue to prepare the mixture we need.

3. Melt the butter.

4. Add 2 eggs to the mixture of kefir and semolina and pour in the melted butter.

5. Add sugar, flour, vanilla to the mixture to taste. Please note that if you add a lot of vanilla, it can give bitterness. Add on the tip of a knife. If you are not very fond of, put less. Pour in 1/3 bag of baking powder (about 3 g)

6. Mix everything thoroughly. You can start baking the pie. You can lick the dough. Check for vanillin, salt may be needed.

7. Put the dough into a multicooker dish. By the way, this manna can be baked both in the oven and in a slow cooker.

8. Before sending the dough into the mold, grease it with butter. We have a form to which nothing sticks. Already tested.

9. We send the form to the multicooker, everything is done there automatically. Who does not have a multicooker, send the form to the oven preheated to 180 °, for 45-50 minutes. Check the readiness by piercing the cake with a wooden stick.

10. We checked the readiness, if nothing sticks to the stick, let it cool slightly and take it out of the mold.

11. Turn the bottom side up. (We had a beautiful shape, so the bottom side of the cake is also very beautiful. If you have a nicer top side, take it out and put it on top). Sprinkle with powdered sugar.

12. We cut, look and try. It turned out to be a soft, pleasant consistency pie - manna.

You can serve it with jam, any sweet sprinkle, or sprinkle with nuts. In general, who loves what.

Enjoy your meal!

  1. Video - Mannik without flour

Enjoy your meal!

Mannik on kefir is a very tasty pie in which the main ingredient is not flour, but cereals. This cake has been baked for over 800 years and during this time many different recipes for their preparation have appeared. It is prepared simply, the products for cooking are inexpensive and affordable. To make our dessert tender, crumbly, with a crispy crust, it is necessary to observe certain proportions of the main products. But you can dream up with various additives.

This delicious biscuit can be given to young children, and there is no need to make the child fall in love with semolina, just cook this unusual cake for him, add bright fruits, berries, raisins, walnuts, poppy seeds to it. The dish will become even tastier and more interesting.

Give the cake a beautiful appearance, sprinkle it with powdered sugar, brush with icing, jam. Make it more juicy, cut into two halves and brush with sour cream, jam, condensed milk, soak in syrup. This breakfast will be tasty, healthy, and your child will definitely like it.

It can be made from milk and sour cream, kefir and fermented baked milk. The calorie content of manna on kefir is 249 kcal per 100 grams of the finished product, in order to reduce the calorie content of the pie, it is necessary to exclude the addition of flour and oil.

Orange manna on kefir without flour in the oven

A simple recipe for making tender and very tasty manna on kefir, without flour, without eggs. In this recipe, you do not need to soak semolina in kefir for a long time, which will significantly speed up the cooking process. The calorie content of such baked goods is lower, but there will be more benefits.

To prepare a ruddy and very fragrant manna, we need:

  • kefir - 2 tbsp.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • soda - 1 tsp.
  • semolina - 2 tbsp.
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • orange peel - 2 tbsp l.
  • orange - 1 pc.
  • cinnamon - 1/2 tsp

Step by step cooking:

Pour two glasses of kefir of any fat content into a bowl, add a glass of sugar, stir.

Add one teaspoon of baking soda or any baking powder you are used to. Mix everything with a whisk.

Then add two cups of semolina, cereal, not semolina.

Add two tablespoons of vegetable oil. You can skip adding butter, but butter will make the cake softer and more fluffy.

Mix everything well. So, we got the base of the manna. I suggest you prepare a filler ...

Pre-dried orange peel, grind into a powder in a coffee grinder. You will get a fragrant orange peel.

Add two tablespoons of this zest to the manna.

Add one peeled and chopped orange to it.

Add 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon. The combination of orange and cinnamon will add an extraordinary flavor to the cake.

Mix everything thoroughly with a whisk until smooth.

And as a result of mixing, it will be seen how much air the mass becomes.

Put the dough in a greased baking dish.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees in advance. Send the form to the oven, bake the manna for 20 minutes at 200 degrees, and another 30-40 minutes at 180 degrees.

During baking, do not open the oven door, otherwise the manna will not rise, it will be dense and not lush.

We learn about readiness by the fragrant smell and golden brown crust, and with the help of a match, if the match is dry, then the manna is ready.

Decorate the finished manna. Bon appetit, delicious tea!

The classic recipe for manna on kefir


  • semolina - 1 tbsp.
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp.
  • flour - 1 tbsp.
  • egg - 3 pcs.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • butter - 30 gr.
  • salt - 1/2 tsp.

Step by step cooking:

In a bowl, mix semolina with sour cream and leave for 60 minutes to swell the semolina.

Beat eggs with sugar. Add salt, softened butter and whisk well again.

Add semolina with sour cream and mix everything.

Add a glass of flour and knead the dough.

Grease a baking dish with butter, sprinkle with semolina or breadcrumbs and pour the dough into it. Place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 40-45 minutes.

Check the readiness of the manna with a match. If the match is dry, then the manna is ready.

Cool the pie to room temperature, and enjoy the most tender biscuit.

Recipe for manna on kefir with cottage cheese

Do you want to pamper your loved ones and loved ones with something tasty and easy to prepare!

Baking a delicious manna with cottage cheese is easy and does not take much time. Add raisins, slices of orange or banana, dried apricots or apples for a real treat.

Add orange zest and cinnamon for a wonderful, sophisticated flavor.


  • semolina - 1 tbsp.
  • kefir - 1 tbsp.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • cottage cheese - 300 gr.
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • flour - 1/2 tbsp.
  • baking powder - 1 tsp.
  • vanillin, vanilla sugar - to taste
  • butter - 150 gr.


  • Pour semolina with kefir, stir and leave to swell, from about 1 hour.

Mixed dough, let it brew. Then the semolina will swell to the desired consistency, otherwise the manna with cottage cheese will turn out to be dry, and the semolina will be tough. The dough for manna with cottage cheese should not be too steep!

  • Mix cottage cheese with sugar.
  • Beat the eggs separately and add to the curd mass.
  • Combine semolina with kefir with curd mass and mix well until smooth.
  • Add flour, vanillin and softened butter. To make the manna high and lush, loosen the curd dough.
  • Grease a baking dish with butter, sprinkle with breadcrumbs so that the dough does not stick to their walls.
  • Use a baking tray or small muffin tins to bake.
  • Distribute the dough evenly over the shape and send to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees. Cooking time - 45 minutes.

Ready-made manna with cottage cheese can be decorated to your liking: icing sugar, cream, icing, coconut or chocolate chips.

Manna with cottage cheese can be placed on the table with condensed milk, jam or honey; fresh bright berries make a good combination.

Mannik with apples in a slow cooker

Thanks to new developments in kitchen appliances, housewives have made their lives easier. We make a blank, put it in a bowl, turn it on, set the required mode and wait for the manna with apples. The pie is prepared quickly and turns out to be very tasty. Delicate, airy dough with fruit aroma. What could be even better with a cup of fragrant tea? And so, let's get started.