How to make horseradish kvass according to old recipes. Essential ingredients for a homemade drink

30.04.2019 Lenten dishes

Horseradish is such a garden culture, which only needs to be planted once, and it will live on the site for decades, growing by itself and not requiring any care at all. In the fall, they dug it out of the ground and begin to think about how to recycle it.

It is no secret that this is not an easy task, because the smell emanating from him at any machining, sometimes just unbearable. With tears in my eyes, it is possible to produce, and you can live in peace whole year until next fall.

What other products can you get using fresh roots this vegetable?

Of course, the most common product made from horseradish is horseradish. A few of her jars are enough for the whole winter. And if there was too much horseradish on the site? Then you need to come up with something to make such an interesting thing out of it?

Delicious recipes with horseradish

A very tasty item suitable for almost everyone meat dishes and to any side dish.

Cooking method:

  • Pour 200 ml of water into a small saucepan and mix the following ingredients in it: 9% vinegar (2 tbsp), salt (1 tsp) and sugar (1 tbsp). Bring all this to a boil, remove the pan and put to cool.
  • During this time, you can wash and peel 100 g of beets and 200 g of horseradish root. Rub both vegetables on fine grater.
  • Put everything in a jar and pour the resulting marinade from a saucepan on top. Mix everything, close the lid. When the jar has completely cooled to room temperature, put it in the refrigerator. Every other day you can eat and treat your loved ones.

Tomato and horseradish sauce for the winter

Another popular recipe, which will help transform everyday dishes into interesting and new ones. The steps for making a sauce that is not very spicy (due to heat treatment), but which has a long shelf life, will be described below.

Cooking method:

  • Wash and peel 1 kg of tomatoes. Scroll them through a meat grinder, and cook the resulting mass for about 20 minutes.
  • Peel the garlic (4-5 cloves) and 100 g of horseradish root and also mince. Throw over the tomatoes.
  • Add 1 tablespoon to the mixture. salt and ½ tbsp. Sahara. Mix everything well. Continue to cook the whole mass for another 10 minutes, while stirring constantly.
  • Pour the prepared sauce into jars, roll up. Leave to cool completely when room temperature covering with a blanket. The sauce is ready!

And finally, very unusual

Recipe for vigorous kvass with horseradish

Great for okroshka and quenches thirst.

Cooking method:

  • To prepare crackers, you need to take 1 kg of stale rye bread, cut into slices and dry it in the oven or in a frying pan without adding oil.
  • Put the finished croutons in a glass or enamel pot and pour six liters of boiling water. Leave on for 4 hours.
  • After the specified time, strain. Dissolve 25 g of yeast and 200 g of sugar in the resulting liquid. When the foam starts to rise, throw in the shabby horseradish root (300 g) and 50 g of honey. Leave on for two hours. Strain and bottle again.
  • Divide 25 g of raisins into even piles depending on the number of bottles with kvass and pour into each of them.
  • Close all bottles and put in a cool place for 4-5 days. Horseradish kvass ready to eat.

Here are some examples of simple but time-consuming ways to recycle harvested horseradish. These recipes will not only help you eat and drink tasty and "with a twinkle", but also improve your health, thanks to the substances contained in the horseradish root.

In conclusion, I would like to note that horseradish in Russia, a culture that has long been known and irreplaceable, will probably never lose its popularity among mature people (young people somehow do not like him very much, but with age they will also really appreciate all his taste and useful for health dignity). In addition, it is so easy and unpretentious in growing that it is simply a sin not to plant it.

And what to do with it after harvesting, how to cook it deliciously, decide for yourself - recipes with horseradish will help you.

Per long history people have learned to cook many dishes from this plant, using both the root and the ground part.

Horseradish is contained in huge amount recipes of traditional medicine and cooking.

What is the effect of the plant on men and how to properly prepare the root, about this there will be a speech in the article.


The effectiveness of the product is due to the multicomponent composition:

  • Folic acid;
  • Calcium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Iron, Copper, Magnesium and Sodium;
  • Lysozyme is a bactericidal component;
  • Essential oils and phytoncides.

Essential oils are dangerous to humans, as long-term inhalation and consumption in high concentrations causes irritation or destruction of the mucous membrane.

From which many different dishes are prepared. Properties are saved in fresh and after heat treatment.

Interesting: they call it hell herbal antibiotic due to its anti-infection properties.

The effect on the body can hardly be overestimated, since it extends to almost all organs:

  • Digestive system;
  • Leather;
  • Immunity;
  • Urinary system;
  • Respiratory system;
  • The reproductive system.

The impact on the latter system is of increased interest in men, especially after 45 years.

How does the product affect potency

For men, the main effect comes from the bactericidal components of horseradish. It's all about the prevention of prostatitis, which is ensured by the use of the product.

Lysozyme, essential oils that act on microbes, enter the body through food. Further, they are absorbed in the initial part of the small intestine and carried with the bloodstream throughout the body.

Getting into the genital area, there is a decrease in the likelihood of the formation of prostatitis - inflammation of the prostate gland. Therefore, we can say that horseradish affects potency indirectly, through the health of the prostate.

Vitamin C, groups B, E, folic acid also affect the male organ. These vitamins are essential for the reproductive system to function. Sufficient intake of them in the body will increase the chances for a couple to conceive a child.

To a lesser extent, but quite significantly, the plant affects the blood circulation in the pelvic organs. A noticeable effect develops as a result of constant consumption of the root for more than several years.


Horseradish recipes are presented in a variety. It is difficult to find a similar product in Russian cuisine, which enjoyed the same popularity among traditional healers.

Such a combination of the two areas of application suits people, because even adding a product like hot seasoning, to meat, lard, jellied meat benefits not only erectile function, but also stimulates the immune system.

№1 Horseradish tincture with vodka, which increases potency, is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • Horseradish root - half a kilogram;
  • Vodka - 1.5 liters.

Grind the plant in a meat grinder, pour into a three-liter jar. Pour vodka over the mass. Insist for seven days.

Then mix everything, add 500 grams of honey and a glass there lemon juice... Leave the tincture for another week. The regimen is limited to 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

№2 Recipe for potency with beet juice is prepared as follows. We take several roots and rub them on a grater.

After that, pour in beet juice and leave in the refrigerator for three to four days. This mixture can be added to meat to add flavor and stimulate erection.

№3 with horseradish goes well. Two antiseptic products are mixed in equal proportions... The product is stored in a dark place or in the refrigerator.

Men can take 1 teaspoon in the morning and evening. The mixture is still well suited as prevention and treatment of colds in winter time... Horseradish with honey for potency, as well as for the purpose of strengthening health, is an excellent remedy.

№4 It can be done using horseradish leaves. It is necessary to take the green part of the plant, rinse thoroughly under running water and chop it into the middle parts.

Consume 20-30 drops in the evening. The course of treatment is 28 days, then take a break and repeat the medication.

Other popular recipes

№5 Horseradish is a separate type of tincture. It can be prepared using vodka, moonshine or alcohol.

Added to alcohol various ingredients, which, if desired, can be varied, but horseradish is an indispensable component.

In order to cook, you need:

  • Plant root - 4 medium;
  • Ginger root - three circles;
  • Spices: cloves (3), allspice (1-2), nutmeg(on the tip of a knife).
  • Honey - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • Vodka - liter.

The roots of plants are grated, placed in a bottle for vodka, moonshine. All spices are ground in a mortar and added to a container with liquid. Honey also goes there.

After the ingredients are infused, the color of the drink will be transparent and neutral, but you can color it with peeled onion peels.

Horseradish tincture for potency is prepared for ten days. Further, it is filtered with gauze and cotton wool. You cannot store the drink for a long time.

Dose 50-100 grams before meals in 20-30 minutes. Also, the drink is well suited during a feast.

№6 For men who do not drink or have problems with alcohol, horseradish kvass will become a substitute for horseradish. It is not prepared quickly, taking into account the fermentation time of the drink, but final result well worth the time. There are many recipes for making kvass.

First dry the chopped Rye bread in the oven. At a temperature of 100 degrees, bread laid out on a baking sheet is sent to the oven for 15-20 minutes or until Brown.

You need to get about a kilogram of crackers. Then, they must be poured with four liters of boiling water. The mixture is left for 4 hours.

The next stage is straining the remaining breadcrumbs and adding a tablespoon of yeast and half a kilogram of sugar.

Leave the mixture in the sun for a day. The next morning, add two grated roots and half a glass of honey to it. Mix everything together, bottle and store in the refrigerator.

It will also be good to add a handful of washed raisins to the prepared kvass. The benefits of the drink last for several days. Therefore, it is good to drink kvass in 2-3 days, and then prepare a new, fresh one.

№7 Very useful horseradish leaves are prepared vitamin salad... It is necessary to chop cucumbers, tomatoes, celery. Greens are presented in the form of leaves of a fragrant plant and parsley.

Modern medicine, increasing its awareness and technical content, does not refuse, and sometimes even adopts the practical advice of our ancestors to restore health. Folk recipes more popular than ever. Each of them has been tested for centuries and many generations of users. What does traditional medicine offer in cases where a man's potency is "not up to par"? today we will share the most unique knowledge, and call it - horseradish kvass recipe for potency. Perhaps this will surprise and seem unusual, but the plant with a tart taste and specific aftertaste is one of the oldest aphrodisiacs in Russia. What exactly was the use of horseradish for men, we will tell you right now.

The benefits of horseradish for the body

The unique plant was widely used in ancient Russian cooking. Salt and pepper were overseas spices, very expensive, but horseradish, which adds astringency, pungency and a specific aroma, could be grown near the house. Since the specific properties of horseradish for men are of interest (do not count it as a pun), then let's talk about them. For male potency, it is necessary that several basic systems of the body work in complete agreement, and also that the body receives (and produces) the necessary vitamins and minerals. The health of the body as a whole necessarily affects its reproductive function, and on the possibilities of his libido with potency. Next, we will consider what the benefits and harms (if any) of the horseradish plant are. Does this root with a tart taste and leaves of a specific shape really affect potency? The following list will show the basics of this knowledge, considered from the standpoint modern technologies and research.

  • The plant causes and enhances sexual desire (libido) and arousal;
  • Promotes an increase in the duration of intercourse;
  • The constituent components and trace elements of the plant have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects;
  • From the inside, I prevent the occurrence of inflammation of the prostate, as well as adenomas and disinfect the cells of the reproductive system;
  • It activates blood circulation in the body and locally in the pelvic organs. Eliminate the stagnation that our mobile ancestors did not suffer, but modern office men do, spending most of the day sitting on chairs at the monitor;
  • Horseradish increases vitality and increases the body's resistance to infectious lesions from the outside;
  • Plant at constant use v pure form activates the immune system.

How horseradish affects potency

Most likely, the name of the plant was not given by chance. The ancestors noticed a lot in nature, and used its help, without having a pharmacy. To avoid various urological diseases, the use of horseradish alone is not enough, but it is quite possible to significantly reduce the risks of infection and manifestations of erectile dysfunction. What is included in the plant, and what of the components is considered the most necessary for male power and to increase potency?

  • Essential oils that enter the bloodstream affect libido;
  • Lysozyme is a bactericidal component, activated the immune system and guarding against the penetration of infection;
  • Vitamins C, B and E are among the most essential for male strength and reproductive health;
  • Accelerated blood circulation will fill the cavernous corpus cavernosum of the penis and improve erection, as well as make intercourse lasting due to persistent erection.

As you can see, horseradish for the potency of men has an effect on several levels (cellular, circulatory, sensory).


Even natural ingredients, and their use, are accompanied by contraindications. Eat the plant with care and deliberation:

  • With individual allergic intolerance to the product;
  • With pathologies of the duodenum and stomach, as well as the entire gastrointestinal tract;
  • With arterial hypertension, to avoid a critical mark of an increase in pressure.

A very strong concentration of horseradish root in the cooked dish is undesirable. Sometimes this leads to a natural "burn" of the oral mucosa and sinuses.

Horseradish recipes for male potency

In addition to the fact that the root can be added to food, there is special recipes that enhance the potency:

  • Horseradish kvass for potency;
  • Water tincture with honey;
  • Horseradish recipes based on vodka or alcohol (horseradish);
  • Broths for stocks for a year.

Each of them is not difficult to prepare, and only requires maintaining the indicated proportions. Any man can make a medicine for himself without spreading about its appointment to family members (after all, the very problem of a personal and intimate nature).

Horseradish and honey tincture

A combination of two potent natural products can give startling results. Horseradish tincture for potency, or rather to eliminate impotence, is almost a "trump card" in home therapy. Improves erection, and honey allows the ingredients to penetrate not only into the bloodstream, but also into the cells of the pelvic organs. You can take the tincture as a prophylactic agent and during drug therapy, to enhance the results of recovery. What should you pay attention to? Tinctures are compositions based on alcohol, or water, or other liquids that require some time for infusion, during which the necessary process of interaction of medicinal components is taking place. Even homeopathy arose from the conclusion that a substance transmits its medicinal properties the environment in which they are placed, and they are just as effective in that environment. Let's go to the recipe itself:

  • Chop the roots of the plant and pour the filtered cold water(500 grams of roots / 1.5 liters of water);
  • Put in a dark and cool place, infuse for a week;
  • Next, juice from 3-4 lemons is squeezed into the solution (large 3 pcs. / Medium-sized 4 pcs.);
  • After mixing, add light honey, about half a kilogram;
  • They continue to insist for the second week, at the end of which the medicinal infusion is ready.

Apply 20 ml, one hour after meals, 1-2 times a day. The duration of the course is 30 or 60 days. This wonderful honey and horseradish recipe is perfect, easy to prepare, and amazing.

Milk product

Everyone who uses horseradish to increase potency was satisfied, otherwise the recipes would not have reached us, after passing through the centuries. Let's move on to the next powerful recipe.

  • Wash the roots of the plant, dry, and grind them with a blender or grate. Be guided that the "shavings" should be placed in 2 glasses, without a slide and tamping;
  • Boil milk, checking its freshness (about 500 grams), and cool until hot, but not boiling. Check - try like hot tea, then the temperature is adequate;
  • Pour the grated horseradish, and let the mixture settle. Perfect timing- from 5 to 6 hours.

A new natural analogue of VIAGRA, developed by European scientists for the prevention of IMPOTENCE and for the natural enhancement of POTENCY in men "EroForce". Inside the capsules Erofors are exclusively proven in their effectiveness and safety natural extracts and amino acids that provide the body with everything it needs for sexual power, which you will be proud of in any circumstances.

Having problems? Unfortunately, at the present time, the problem of potency in men is quite common. Especially among middle and older people. This nuisance affects family comfort and often sows discord in the family. Not everyone can afford to buy expensive drugs. And the problems continue to interfere with living a normal and fulfilling life. All this is nerves, stress and misunderstandings. But there are ways to solve it without medical intervention.

Better, of course, but you can try and traditional medicine... In this article you will find out what remedy on Russi helped men increase their strength. Why is shitty kvass considered Russian Viagra? And can you make a love drink today?

Horseradish kvass has been considered Russian Viagra since ancient times. It is a drink with which men multiply their strength. The drink is based on horseradish leaves... They are believed to have the ability to awaken passion!

And not only in the strong half, but they also affect fair half... Women have also used horseradish in rejuvenation. For the preparation of healing water, which was washed every day to keep the skin fresh and firm.

In the old days, horseradish root was added to all dishes because of its many healing properties... And women, wishing to increase their masculine strength, prepared various extracts for their husbands. Thanks to this love elixir, Russi were strong families and large offspring (families had from 10 to 15 children). Young people who are preparing to get married soon should certainly use horseradish and extracts infused with it.

It tastes not hoppy, but invigorating, refreshing and tonic, adding energy to nectar. They mocked the root in every way. It was fried, boiled, and dried to achieve aromatic spices.

It was served primarily to awaken the appetite. It is very rich in acids and strengthens the immune system, also relieves various inflammations. The root was perceived not only as a seasoning, but also as an independent dish.

The smell alone is worth something! As it turns out, they can kill a lot of harmful bacteria in the body. Eating it periodically in food, you can carry out a strong healing of the body.

So what is the reason for the worthless kvass - a tincture that is considered Russian Viagra?

Unique properties of horseradish

  1. A huge amount of vitamins A, E, B, C and an inexhaustible complex of minerals;
  2. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates and fiber;
  3. Various organic and ascorbic acid;
  4. Antibacterial action;
  5. Mineral salts and nitrogen substances;
  6. Variety of phytoncides and essential oils.

In the complex of all these useful qualities fuck to be excellent remedy treatment of various diseases.

It is considered Viagra mainly because of the bactericidal properties of horseradish. The use of this product contributes to the prevention of prostatitis.

Essential oils have a positive effect on skin receptors and increase sensitivity.

When it enters the genital area, the formation of inflammation of the prostate gland decreases significantly.

Horseradish affects potency indirectly, mainly its properties are aimed at the health of the prostate and preventing inflammation.

Another very effective quality for improving male strength is provided by a complex of vitamins C, B, E. They contribute to the normalization of the reproductive system. Upon receipt the required amount the chance of conceiving a child increases.

Less effective property plants - this is an improvement in blood circulation in the small pelvis.

If you constantly eat horseradish, all these qualities of the plant have a very noticeable effect.

Several ways to cook horseradish to improve potency

There are plenty of such recipes, but irreplaceable everywhere - it's horseradish, nothing can be replaced with anything.

A very simple recipe for horseradish kvass to improve potency

  1. Wash and finely chop the horseradish leaves and the peeled root, mode in small strips of about 0.5 kg.
  2. We put all this in a decanter or a jug and fill it with kvass.
  3. Let it brew in a dark place (not cold) for seven days.
  4. Filter the love elixir and add a couple of tablespoons of honey and the juice of one lemon.
  5. You can wait a couple more hours to infuse.

And treat your husbands before eating one tablespoon, awakening their strength and desire.

Horseradish with the addition of walnuts increases potency

  1. Grind horseradish root and leaves walnut in a ratio of 13: 3 (in tbsp),
  2. Add a pinch of basil and pour over homemade kvass.
  3. Insist for three hours and you can use a quarter glass before meals.

Russian Viagra on vodka

  1. We pass about a kilogram of horseradish through a meat grinder and pour it into a three-liter bottle.
  2. Fill with two liters of vodka and let it brew for four days.
  3. After that, mix everything and add 200 g of honey and insist it for about two days.
  4. Apply only once a day before lunch.

Traditional horseradish tincture for potency

  1. Plant root 4 pcs. rub on a fine grater and pour 1 liter into a bottle of vodka or moonshine.
  2. Ginger root, crush a couple of rings in a mortar, add 3 cloves, a few peas allspice and throw it to hell.
  3. We also add 3-4 tablespoons to the container. honey.
  4. Let the drink brew for ten days, the color will be transparent as a tear.
  5. It is not recommended to store for a long time. Consume 50 g half an hour before meals.

There are many options for making horseradish kvass.

Follow the proportions in the recipes and do not deviate from them, as with a high concentration of horseradish, there may be burns to the esophagus!

Choose the most optimal and effective one for yourself.
Of course, you should be careful and make sure that your body does not have allergic reaction on a "wonderful" plant. Severe abuse of the tincture can also lead to poor health.

You will see what effect the hell has on male body and experience all the positive aspects of the love elixir. Don't be afraid to improve your life with folk methods... Sometimes they are more effective than any medicine and help in difficult situations.

For homemade kvass usually three ingredients are enough: water, bread, yeast. But this is too easy, so we looked for special options in the recipe books. traditional drink... Most likely, this is how your grandmothers and mothers made kvass. And if you are too lazy to cook, try ours.

Bread kvass recipe

What do you need

2 kg rye bread

3 tbsp. l. wheat flour

100 g yeast

3 tbsp. l. grated horseradish

What to do

Cut the rye bread, dry it in the oven or oven until brown and put it in the prepared dish. Then we boil 10 liters of water to 90 degrees, fill in the crackers and leave for 12 hours. After the allotted time, we filter (we leave the water and don’t squeeze out the thick), add yeast and wheat flour and put in a warm place so that the yeast rises. Separately pour horseradish with boiling water and boil for several minutes, then filter and add honey.

Then we add the raised yeast and horseradish to the bread liquid, mix well and leave in a warm place until thick foam... We remove the foam, pour the kvass itself into bottles, which we seal and put horizontally in the refrigerator. You can drink after 12 hours.

Horseradish kvass recipe

What do you need

4 l boiling water

800 g rye bread crumbs

20 g yeast

100 g grated horseradish

50 g raisins

What to do

Pour crackers with 4 liters of boiling water and leave for 3-4 hours. Strain the resulting mass, add yeast - and let it ferment in a warm, dark place for 5-6 hours. Then throw mashed horseradish and honey into the container. Everything must be mixed, poured into bottles (you can add a zest to each one - for beauty) and leave for another two hours - to brew. That's all, vigorous kvass with horseradish is ready!

Beet kvass recipe

What do you need

2 l warm water

1 kg of beets

20 g sugar

1 slice of black bread

1 clove of garlic

1 pinch of salt

What to do

Peel and grate fresh beets coarse grater, then put in a jar and fill with two liters of warm water. Add a piece of black bread, sugar and salt there. Then we cover the jar with gauze, put it in a warm place for 3 days and wait. Then we filter and pour into jars. You can drink it like that, but experts recommend adding a little garlic to the drink - for taste.

Cracker kvass recipe

What do you need

1 kg rye bread crumbs

2 kg sugar

40 g yeast

3 tbsp. l. caraway

What to do

Pour rye crackers hot (80 degrees) boiled water and insist in the heat for 2 hours. Then we filter the wort, and again fill the rusk sludge with water for two hours and filter again. Mix both strained infusions, add 20 liters of water, sugar, yeast and caraway. According to your mood, you can throw dry mint or a leaf of black currant. Then we leave the kvass in a warm place for 10 hours, filter it, bottle it and put it in the cold for 2-3 days. After that, boldly put it on the table.

White kvass recipe

What do you need

7 l boiling water

1 kg rye malt

1 kg barley malt

2 kg wheat flour

0.5 kg rye flour

1 tbsp. l. liquid yeast

10 g raisins

What to do

First, knead thick dough on boiling water, gently pouring it in a thin stream and stirring so that there are no lumps. After three hours, we dilute this dough with seven liters of boiling water and add liquid yeast or leaven from the old kvass and mint infusion. We ferment the wort in a warm place, carefully decant the settled kvass and pour it into bottles, putting a few raisins in each beforehand. You can drink it right away, or you can store it horizontally in the cold.

Recipe for cabbage kvass with raisins

What do you need

1 kg fresh cabbage

200 g sugar