What can you bake from jam recipe. Delicious jelly from old jam, a simple recipe with a photo

02.07.2019 Desserts and cakes

Many housewives have several jars of jam after winter. Candied jam can be made delicious wine or liqueur (see), but what to do with the rest, which has not lost its taste and aroma? Try making jelly from old jam, a simple recipe for which is shown below. It takes very little time and ingredients. The main thing is to wait until the jelly hardens, so it is better to start cooking it in the evening so that you can try it in the morning.


  • gelatin - 20 grams;
  • jam (any) - one glass;
  • water - 4 glasses;
  • sugar - two teaspoons.

How to make jelly from old jam

Pour gelatin in a bowl cold water, according to the instructions on the package. Leave it to swell for about an hour. Usually, about two glasses of water are needed for 20 grams of gelatin. And it is desirable that it be boiled or passed through a filter.

While the gelatin swells, the jam must be diluted with two glasses of water and sugar added. Next, we filter the jam from the berries and put it on the stove. Boil the resulting syrup for ten minutes. After that, we leave the syrup to cool.

Put in a bowl cling film... So that after hardening, the jelly can be easily obtained. The bottom can be decorated with the remaining berries from the jam.

We put gelatin on medium fire and warmed up. Be sure to stir constantly with a spoon so that it does not burn. Do not bring to a boil. Remove from heat when the grains are completely dissolved. Add gelatin to the syrup and mix.

The resulting mixture pouring into a bowl with berriesamy. When the jelly cools down, put it in the refrigerator until it hardens completely (for four hours, or better overnight).

A bowl of congealed we turn over to flat dish, and carefully remove the film. The sweet jelly is ready.

Jelly jelly can be cut into figures (rhombuses, squares, rectangles, etc.), dipped in icing sugar... It will turn out delicious marmalade, and most importantly, without dyes and other chemicals, so it can be eaten even by little children instead of purchased sweets.

If you are expecting guests or just want to please your loved ones unusual treatthen prepare for them sweet dessert... Recipe and photo of jelly from homemade jam we have posted below.

Cooking a treat:

  1. Pour gelatin into a glass, pour in 100 ml of cold water. Leave the mixture alone for 20 minutes.
  2. Heat the remaining water in a saucepan to 80 ° C. Toss liquid with jam and sugar.
  3. Return the saucepan to the heat and bring the mixture to a boil. After that, turn down the heat and cook the food for 10 minutes. Cool the jelly base at room temperature up to 50 ° C.
  4. Heat swollen gelatin in the microwave or in a water bath. Stir the liquid with a whisk and make sure there are no lumps left in it.
  5. Combine the jam with gelatin, then pour the mixture into silicone muffin molds.
  6. Send the workpieces to the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

When the jelly hardens, it must be taken out of the molds, transferred to a plate and served. Garnish the dessert with fresh mint leaves, pieces fresh fruit or berries. The sweet treat can be served with ice cream or cookies.

Jelly Jelly Recipe

This time we propose to roll the berry dessert into small jars. Jelly can be removed from the pantry at any time to enjoy a fresh and bright taste last summer.


  • fresh cherries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • gelatin - 70 g;
  • water - 500 ml.
  1. Free the seeds from the berries, transfer them to a heavy-bottomed saucepan and mix with the sugar. Place a lid on the pan and set it on low heat.
  2. Pour in gelatin hot water and let the crystals swell. This process will take about 30 minutes.
  3. Stir the berries and wait for the jam to boil. Then cook it for another 5 minutes.
  4. Remove the pan from the stove, mix the jam with the gelatin. Divide the resulting mass into glass jars with a volume of 0.3-0.5 ml.
  5. Close the treats with clean lids and roll them up with a key. Turn the jars over, cover them with a warm blanket, and leave to cool at room temperature.

Send the blanks to the refrigerator for storage.

Fruit or berry jam jelly can be served for dessert with tea or coffee. It can be used to decorate homemade cakes or pastries if desired.

If you like light desserts, prefer easy-to-prepare dishes and there are always homemade preparations in your home, then our article is for you! Jelly from jam and gelatin can not only be quickly prepared from improvised products, but also served in an interesting and unusual way. Recipes healthy sweetness can be exactly as much as you have homemade jams and preserves, with or without berries!

Such unusual dessert jam is good to serve on its own, if you put it in layers with milk, yoghurt or other types of fruit or berry jelly... And they can also decorate cakes and pastries - it's not at all as difficult as it seems!


  • Gelatin - 20 g (or 2 packs)+ -
  • Jam - 3/4 cup + -
  • - 1 liter + -


it basic recipe, having mastered which, you can easily vary and supplement the main composition, as well as experiment with the shape and presentation. Let's make a reservation right away: all the ingredients are indicated in an approximate amount and should be prepared based on taste preferences and strictly following the instructions on the gelatin sachets. concentrated product and then instead of 1 tablespoon, 1 teaspoon is enough. Sometimes he needs to stand for 30 minutes, and sometimes 5 is enough.

  1. Soak gelatin in the proportion indicated on the package, as a rule, it is 1: 6 and leave to swell.

It is best to do this in a small metal container, since immediately after the time has passed, we will put it on fire.

  1. We dilute the jam with water to the desired taste, remember that the chilled dessert becomes less sweet.

If necessary, filter it through cheesecloth. It is better to do this with black or red currant, raspberry or apple jams so that the resulting compote is without pulp and cake.

  1. Then, we warm up the swollen gelatin until it is completely dissolved, stirring continuously and making sure that it does not boil in any case, otherwise the gelling properties will disappear.
  2. We filter it through a sieve to avoid undissolved lumps and pour it into a fruit drink from the jam. We pour everything into molds or fill one large form for the cupcake.

Of silicone molds it will be easiest to remove the jelly, and metal or plastic will need to be lowered into warm waterto move the mass away from the edges.

  1. We take everything out in the cold for 3 - 6 hours. If the weather permits, we put it on the balcony, if it's warm outside, first cool the jelly at room temperature, and then put it away in the cold.

Serve dessert garnished with whipped cream or fresh berries and fruits.

Ideas for Crackers

We examined a recipe for making jelly from jam, which requires filtering - of course, we do not return cake to it.

But if we have a transparent cherry syrup with neat berries or apricot jamwhere the appetizing halves float, we can catch them beautifully laid out on the bottom of the mold before pouring jelly into it.

  • Plus, fruits and jams can be combined! For example, if we do not have suitable berries from blackcurrant juice, we can lay out the bottom of the form with slices of bananas or kiwi, pour them 2 - 3 cm and refrigerate.

  • Then, put the raisins grapes, pour the jelly again a few centimeters and let it harden again.

Repeat the procedure with different fruits until the form runs out of space. Then add the rest of the fruit drink fromgelatin and set in the cold for several hours. This will make us wonderful fruit jelly from jam.

Multilayer dessert

We make a multi-layered dessert in the same way.

  1. For 2 packets of gelatin, take ½ cup of one jam, ½ cup of the other and a glass of fruit yogurt.
  2. We select jam or jams of contrasting colors to make the jelly look more attractive. For example, cherry and apple or apricot and raspberry.
  3. Soak gelatin, dilute fruit drinks and, if necessary, filter.
  4. Dissolve the gelling mass and measure out 1/3 part. We add it to the fruit drink, which will become our top layer.
  5. Add fruit if desired or fresh berries, fill it in and let it "grab".
  6. The second layer will be yogurt, so that you get an alternation of not only colored stripes, but also tastes.
  7. We also do with the 3rd layer. After we take out the jelly from the mold, we will have a very beautiful, absolutely natural and useful product... It can be served with ice cream, milkshake, or fruit. Enjoy friends!

Layers of cherry jam are well combined with each other chocolate mousse or from apricot with coffee or yoghurt.

Besides independent dish we use jam jelly as decoration.

  1. It will be especially delicious when combined with homemade cheesecake. For it, we need a split form.
  2. We use 400 g of chopped shortbread cookies or bake thin biscuit cake, this option is less caloric.
  3. Put on top 450 - 500 g of cottage cheese mixed with a glass heavy cream and dissolved directly in them 15 g of gelatin.
  4. Due to the fact that there will be no excess liquid in the curd - only cream and no water, it “grabs” very quickly.
  5. We lay out fruits or an assortment of them on a frozen cheesecake and pour jelly from ½ cup of any jam and 1 tbsp. water.
  6. After 2 - 3 hours, when the jelly hardens for sure, remove the cake from the mold and serve, cutting into portions.