Choosing an avocado: how to determine its ripeness and let it ripen at home. Avocado

13.10.2019 Snacks

This nourishing and vitamin-rich exotic fruit has long been loved in our kitchen. However, many are still wondering how to choose a good tasty avocado so as not to be disappointed and prepare the intended dish. How to determine the ripeness of an avocado when buying - we will consider further.

Why do people often face the purchase of hard unripe fruits, or vice versa - rotten Persei fruits? The thing is that the oily pulp of an avocado is very sensitive and does not last long. The fruits are harvested unripe, after which they reach room temperature. It is quite difficult to create optimal storage conditions for fruits, therefore the shelf life of the fruit is very short: an avocado that was tough a couple of days ago can become spoiled today. So that the purchase does not have to be thrown away, and the pulp only benefits the body, you need to learn how to choose good avocado fruits.

How to tell if an avocado is spoiled?

It can be difficult to tell by eye whether a ripe avocado is on the counter, and sellers, unfortunately, are not always honest if the product is of poor quality. Here are some guidelines for choosing a suitable product:

  1. Skin appearance. The avocado peel should be intact, free of dents or scratches. There should be no traces of mold or damp discharge on it. In some varieties, the skin is smooth and shiny, in others it is embossed and wrinkled.
  2. Fetal firmness. A good avocado is quite dense. It can be gently squeezed and the skin will regain its shape. If you squeeze the avocado between your palms, it should resemble a ball with moderate pressure. If dents remain on the peel, it means that the pulp is already loose and such a fruit can simply not be brought to your table.
  3. Cutting type. A small stalk may remain at the thin pole of the fruit, it must be torn off. It's good when this ponytail is not too juicy, but also not overly dry. The space underneath should be white or greenish. If the planting point of the cutting is dark or brown, the fruit is already bad. Even worse, if at this pole the avocado squeezes and falls in, it means that the fruit has literally gone bad.
  4. Smell. Avocados may not have a pronounced aroma or have a pleasant herbaceous-fruity aroma. If the fruit pulls sourness or the smell is similar to water from under the flowers in a vase - this is a reason to refuse to buy.

So, if an avocado has a very dark peel with grooves and damage, even has a faint unpleasant odor, easily creases and oozes, it is no longer possible to buy it.

Attention! If the avocado has become soft after the purchase, it can still be eaten, but you should not buy loose fruits - they will quickly disappear.

If the avocado starts to spoil, pay attention to its smell and taste. A spoiled product should not be consumed so that poisoning does not happen. Do not hesitate to throw away the unusable fruit, so as not to throw away even more money later on treating digestive disorders.

How to choose a ripe fruit for quick cooking

If you are stocking up on avocados for future use, for example, buying groceries for a week, then it makes sense to take hard greenish fruits that will lie still without losing their nutritional qualities. When cooking is planned for today or tomorrow, they choose a fruit of ideal ripeness.

Here's how ripe avocados differ:

  1. The peel of the "green" fruit is smoother and more glossy, later it begins to dry out until the pulp reaches the desired condition. The color of the skin does not always matter, since the rates of its changes differ significantly in different varieties. However, in most of the fruits that are brought to us, a light green crust indicates an early fruit, and a darker one - a ripe one. Therefore, they take a lighter avocado for the future, and "for now" - a dark dried, sometimes slightly wrinkled fruit.
  2. The pulp of unripe fruits is still very hard, so the fruits are hard to squeeze. The taste of such an avocado is still unsuitable in dishes; it is bought to mature. Ripe avocados are springy, but not wrinkled. Choose fruits that are soft enough.
  3. The sound of the bone. Another sign of the ripeness of the fruit is the pronounced knock of a grain in a bone. It is not yet in green fruits, since the seed has not separated from the walls of the stone, the pulp of such a fruit will also be hard, herbaceous and even tart to the taste. In overripe fruits, the sound can be muffled or strange because the flesh changes texture when it spoils. In a good avocado with a dense soft core, the bone taps quite loudly when shaken.
  4. The stalk of an unripe fruit is often green and juicy, since the fruit was picked recently. A ready-to-eat avocado has a dry tail, and a white or light spot remains under it. Therefore, they buy dense dark fruits with a greenish shank for storage, and for quick use, moderately soft avocados with a dried peel, a pounding bone and sometimes a pronounced fresh smell, without any defects.

Note: there is a very tasty avocado with a dark, almost black rind, which does not indicate spoilage. Consider all signs of ripeness in general to select the right fruit.

If you bought a dense avocado, let it ripen. This is done at room temperature and in the presence of daylight - just put the fruit on the windowsill or leave it on the table for 2-3 days and probe it periodically. The fruit will not fit in the refrigerator. Cold - on the contrary, will slow down the transformation processes, keeping the fruit fresh for longer.

If you need to get the avocado to the desired condition very quickly, you can place it in a paper or plastic bag with bananas or apples. These fruits release a specific gas that speeds up ripening. If the avocado "sleeps" with fruit, it can be consumed faster.

Ripe fruits should be immediately placed in the refrigerator and kept there for no more than 3 days. It is recommended to sprinkle the cut fruit with lemon juice to prevent rapid oxidation of the pulp, and store it in the refrigerator under a film for no more than 12 hours. Ready-made avocado dishes will stay in the refrigerator for a maximum of 6-8 hours, but at the same time they will lose their positive taste. Avocados are not insisted, you need to eat dishes with this component right away.

How to find a delicious avocado

Avocados have a lot of varieties, only 2-3 of them get to us. Usually these are small "pears" or elliptical fruits with a medium-sized stone and flesh without a pronounced taste and smell. There are varieties with larger fruits. The skin of such avocados is lighter and smoother - glossy, and the flesh has a yellowish tint and a pronounced nutty flavor. This avocado is less suitable for fish and sushi, but ideal as a dressing for vegetable salads and hearty sandwich pasta.

Large wrinkled fruits with a dark rind and whitish flesh have a more subtle sweet-herbaceous aroma, somewhat similar to the smell of aloe and cacti. They are able to give salads and appetizers a special fresh touch, and they are also pleasant to eat as a separate dish - with a spoon from the peel.

The fruits that we sell are well suited to vegetable and fish dishes, but eating them separately is unlikely to be interesting - their aroma is not so pronounced.

Video: how to choose the perfect avocado in the store

How to choose the right avocado is a question that many housewives have asked. What is the indicator of ripeness? How not to buy overripe fruit?

What beneficial properties does it have? We will talk about these and other issues.

So let's go.

Overseas miracle

Have you ever wondered how to make the right choice? Yes, you are right - the question is quite difficult. This is an unusual exotic that came to our stores from the tropics themselves!

Interestingly, all parts of it, with the exception of the juicy pulp, are poisonous. It is impossible to die from such a poison, but mild poisoning can be obtained in no time.

It has a special nutty buttery flavor, therefore it is widely used in cooking.

It is used in the preparation of sauces for rolls, the rolls themselves, for making soups, salads, smoothies and cocktails, or simply spreading on bread.

The assortment of these overseas "guests" in our hypermarkets is mainly represented by three varieties.

They are brownish, dark or light green in color, with a small bone and an easily peeled skin, or with a large bone and an incredibly pleasant taste.

If you are looking for a small-core, high-fiber version, check out the pimpled, dark green varieties. Such representatives have a very thick surface layer and a small core.


The pulp is incredibly healthy. Containing no cholesterol in its composition, it has a high calorie content, which is due to the indicator of 160 kcal per 100 g.

Obvious pros:

  • weight loss with a properly selected diet;
  • improving the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • an increase in the percentage of assimilation of iron by the body, which is due to the content of copper in nutrient fibers;
  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • strengthening the nervous system due to the content of B vitamins;
  • increased alertness and memory due to the content of saturated fatty acids;
  • elasticity, silkiness and moisture of the epidermis increases due to the high content of vitamins;
  • possibly protects against oncology and some kidney diseases - these studies are still to be done.

All these advantages are due to the chemical composition presented in the table:

The quantity Quantity per 100 g.
Calorie content 160 kcal
Fats 14.66 g.
Protein 2 g.
Carbohydrates 1.83 g
Water 72.23 g.
Alimentary fiber 6.7 g
Saturated fatty acids 2.1 g
Mono and disaccharides 0.66 g.
Vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, K, PP, Beta-carotene, Choline
Minerals Potassium (485 milligrams), Calcium (12 mg.), Magnesium (29 mg.), Sodium (7 mg.), Phosphorus (52 mg.), Iron (0.55 mg.).

If you suffer from hypertension, include avocado in your daily diet - high blood pressure will cease to bother you.


No major harm has been identified. However, if you suffer from individual intolerance to the substances contained, then it is not recommended to eat it.

If you decide that the fruit is harmless, and start consuming it in exorbitant quantities, then we warn you - this action will lead to a set of extra pounds.

In addition, despite the beneficial properties of the product, its excessive use will lead to oversaturation of the body with one type of fats, which is not enough to replace the entire spectrum of fatty acids necessary for humans.

Be sure to remember that the kernel and rind contain toxic substances, so they should not be consumed for food.

It is necessary to cleanse the product from toxic constituents, and then you can enjoy the unusual taste of this "tropical pear".

Summarizing the above, we emphasize that you do not need to eat the core and skin, and you should not eat too much - only if you follow the measure in food, it will not harm you in any way.

How to choose a quality fruit in the store

Look carefully from all sides. The ripe version should not have any damage, stains, cracks, or dents on the surface.

If there are any, then most likely it is rotten or overripe.

If you managed to get a ripe specimen, then it will have a sweetish aftertaste, a loose oily structure, which can be determined by easily crushing it with a fork.

If it is unripe, then the taste will be bitter, and the fibers are tough. After a short time, the cut begins to darken and deteriorate.

To prevent this from happening, you can sprinkle it with a few drops of lemon or lime juice - this will preserve its original color and presentable appearance.

In the store, you need to pay attention to:

  • color;
  • firmness or softness;
  • the condition of the peduncle;
  • weight and sound when shaking.

It is better to determine the degree of maturity by all four criteria, and not by one of them - then the purchase will be of high quality in 90% of situations.

Selection by skin color

The peel changes its color depending on the degree of maturity:

  • Yellow green... Indicates immaturity. In this case, you need to keep it in a sunny place for about 5-6 days, and it will become soft and tasty.
  • Light green... It should ripen for 2-3 days until it reaches the proper ripeness.
  • Intense green... Representatives with this color can be added to various dishes, but they are also able to lie down for several days without spoiling.
  • Brownish green skin... Look carefully to see if the fruit is overripe. If it's still good, you can consume it immediately.
  • Brown color with spots- indicates that he is overripe and is no longer suitable for food.

If you need to use it immediately for food, then choose copies with a rich green skin color. If time is needed for transportation or long-term storage, then it is better to choose light green with a yellowish tinge.

Softness selection

Many buyers make a big mistake by pressing hard with their finger on the surface, thereby injuring it and creating favorable conditions for rotting.

The suitability of the product can be determined by lightly pressing the pad of your finger against the surface. If it bent a little, and then immediately returned to its original position, it means that it is in the best stage of maturation. This may also be evidenced by the juice released when pressed.

If the peel remains in a bent state, then this indicates looseness, and, consequently, overripe.

When choosing, press on the upper, narrower part - rotting begins from it, and you can more accurately determine the suitability without damaging the skin.

So, the surface should be:

  • elastic;
  • not rotten;
  • some juice may be released.

If, when pressed, the peel does not bend and feels firm, then it takes several days for ripening. And, conversely, it is overripe if the peel is too soft and loose, does not return to its original position after pressing on it.

Choice by cut

Cutting color is an important guide to ripeness. In a ripe specimen, it will be light yellow or dark brown. Why is there such a difference in color?

The "overseas miracle" possesses a light shank at the optimum stage of its maturity, and it darkens when overripe.

For complete confidence, you can tear off the stalk and see the tone of the pulp. It happens:

  • Light pistachio color and gives off a drop of aromatic juice, then you can safely take - ripeness in the right stage.
  • Light beige or white, it will take several days to fully ripen.
  • Dark brown, almost black - not good for food, because it is overripe.

Choice by knock and weight

It is a big mistake for buyers to choose the heaviest avocados. By weight, ripe representatives should be weighty, but not excessively.

If you choose the heaviest and softest specimen, it is highly likely that it is already overripe. Conversely, too light weight is an indicator that it will be immature.

As for knocking, this is also a convenient way to determine ripeness. The fact is that inside each such overseas representative there is a bone of a sufficiently large size, inside which there is a core.

Here it also knocks when shaken, indicating sufficient ripeness.

In immature individuals, it is tightly attached to the walls, and overripe individuals envelop both the bone and its interior with rotten gruel.

When shaking, bring the fruit to your ear, and you will clearly hear the beat of the kernel against the lignified walls.

Also note:

What to do with an immature fetus

When you buy unripe fruit from the store, don't despair.

And, although their taste is a bit like a tasteless pumpkin or green pear, it is still fixable, and you can enjoy them in a few days.

How to speed up the process?

1 way. Put your purchase on the window - the sun's rays will do their job in 2-3 days.
Method 2. Wrap them in a newspaper or paper bag with bananas or apples. This will speed up maturation.
Method 3. Place the paper bag with the purchase in an environment where it is more than 25 degrees Celsius.
Sometimes these methods don't work. This happens in cases where the casing has been damaged in transit. In this case, instead of ripening, immediate decay occurs.

You should not keep such exotic things in the refrigerator - they will not only not ripen, but will even start to deteriorate.

In modern recipe books, it is quite common to find recipes in which the main ingredient is avocado. And everything is so beautifully painted that even now take it and cook it, if not for it "but". For some reason, they do not write how to choose the right ripe avocado in these books. But in vain, because this fruit is exotic for our latitudes and not everyone knows how it should look when ripe.

What should be a ripe avocado fruit?

  1. Let's start the selection of avocados with a visual inspection. We carefully examine the fruit for dents, cracks, dark spots and other defects. Pay attention to the color of the peel, usually fruits with a darker color, more ripe. But do not forget about the variety of varieties, the color of the avocado peel can vary from dark green to brown. If you see several varieties of avocados on the counter and are at a loss with the choice, you should not take the largest fruit. Some varieties of avocados (by the way, their peel is dark green) are distinguished by a rather large bone. And by choosing such a large fruit, you will get much less pulp than if you chose a different type of avocado, smaller in size. But it is obvious that choosing a ripe avocado fruit, focusing only on how it looks is impossible, so let's move on to the next step.
  2. Press lightly on the fruit if the fruit bends slightly under the fingers. But it quickly regains its shape, as if springing, then this avocado is ripe. If, after pressing, the fruit does not restore its shape for a long time, then this indicates its overripeness. You can risk buying such a fruit only if you are going to put it into business as soon as you bring it home. Why take a chance? Because there is a high probability that such a fruit will turn out to be rotten inside. Well, if, having pressed on the fruit, you did not find any reaction on its part - the fruit is hard, does not spring under your fingers, then you have an unripe avocado in front of you. You can, of course, buy it, but only if you want to enjoy its taste 2-4 days after purchase. That is how long it will take to ripen at home.
  3. Also, its bone will help us determine the ripeness of an avocado. No, it does not need to be removed directly from the store and subjected to a thorough inspection. You just need to lightly shake the fruit near your ears. Did you hear the bone tapping lightly? Great, this avocado is ripe. If the bone remains deaf to your efforts, then this fruit is still green, unripe.
  4. You can also determine the ripeness of an avocado by tearing off its stalk. If the place under it is brown, then you have overripe fruit in your hands. The yellow-green color, coupled with the firmness of the fruit, indicates the immaturity of the avocado. Well, if the color of the trace is green and bright, and even the juice appears with a slight pressure, then this fruit is ripe.

How to store avocados?

Ripe avocados can be refrigerated for 2-5 days. You just need to make sure that this fruit lies away from bananas and apples. The top shelf of the refrigerator compartment is best suited for storing avocados, provided that the fruit does not come into contact with the back wall of the refrigerator - it freezes.

We figured out how to choose the right avocado, but what to do if you bring home only unripe (all fruits, as one, were tough) fruit? We'll have to give up the idea of ​​eating the fruit immediately and leave it to ripen. To do this, put the fruit in a paper bag or wrap it in paper towels and store it at room temperature in a dark place, such as under the bed. Depending on the initial ripeness of the fruit, it will take 2 to 10 days to ripen. True, the process can be accelerated by placing bananas or apples in a bag of avocados. The ethylene gas these fruits release will help the avocados ripen faster. Only in both cases, do not forget to check how your avocado is doing, otherwise you risk missing the moment of ripeness and get rotten fruit.

It is a part of sauces, salads, stuffed with it, rolls are made from it. The product is also useful in its raw form. In addition to excellent taste, it is also low in calories. How to determine the ripeness of an avocado is described in the article.


There are over four hundred types of fruit. But only 3 types are sold in stores:

  1. Californian. It has brown skin and a soft inside. The product is perfect for making pureed soups, pasta for sandwiches, cocktails. This variety is sold throughout the year. Care should be taken: there may be dents and spots under the dark skin.
  2. Florida. It has a light green color and firm flesh. The skin of the fruit is thin, so if you do not plan to eat it raw, you should use a knife. The product is suitable for salads, rolls, and due to its low calorie content, it is used in a diet.
  3. Pinkerton. The variety has a dark green color, it has pimply skin. The fruit has a small bone compared to the Florida variety. This type of avocado is considered the best for rolls.

These fruits are rich in vitamin E, which protects cells from aging. The use of the fruit reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, normalizes memory and reduces blood cholesterol. For the fruit to be healthy, you need to know how to determine the ripeness of an avocado.


Depending on the variety, the set of valuable properties may differ. But in general, avocado has the following benefits:

  1. The fruit is rich in vitamins and minerals, especially B and E.
  2. The pulp does not contain harmful fats and sugars, so the fruit is useful for people with diabetes. Avocado contains a lot of potassium, more than banana.
  3. The fruit is excellent for cleansing the blood of cholesterol due to the presence of oleic acid.
  4. The fruit is rich in vitamin E, which is not found in such quantities compared to other fruits. This component rejuvenates the cells of the body, protects against viruses and premature aging of the skin.
  5. The fetus restores the activity of the brain and memory, reduces the risk of heart and vascular diseases due to the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  6. Normalization of the heart. The presence of potassium restores the water-salt balance, strengthens stress resistance.
  7. Decrease in pressure. This property is necessary for hypertensive patients. With regular use, the pressure returns to normal.
  8. The total blood flow of the body is normalized. Avocado contains vitamin B2, copper, iron, which serves as protection against anemia, especially for children.
  9. Improved performance. Due to the presence of mannoheptulose, the nervous system is restored, drowsiness and fatigue are relieved.
  10. Elimination of unbound radicals.
  11. Boosting immunity, which is especially important during the flu.
  12. Doctors advise people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract to consume these fruits.
  13. The fruit contains phytonutrienes and phytochemicals that destroy some types of tumors.
  14. Improving the absorption of carotenoids.
  15. Strengthening teeth and bones due to the presence of calcium and phosphorus.

The fruits are beneficial for athletes and all people who wish to increase muscle mass. This is achieved due to the high protein content.

How to determine the ripeness of an avocado in a store? A visual inspection must be performed first. Check the fruit for stains, indentations, rot, and other damage. It is necessary to examine the skin, dark fruits are considered more ripe.

It should be borne in mind that there are many types of fruits that differ in skin color - from dark green to brown. If you do not know what type of fruit is being sold, then you should not choose the largest avocado. Some dark green fruits have large stones. Therefore, when choosing a large fruit, there will be little pulp.

How to determine the ripeness of an avocado by other criteria? You need to click on the fruit. If the pulp has squeezed a little, and the structure is quickly restored, then the fruit is ripe, and if it is firm, then it is unripe. It can also be bought, but then at home it should be ready for 3-4 days. If the dent does not heal, it means the avocado is overripe.

How to determine the ripeness of an avocado? This can be done on a bone. You don't have to cut the fruit in the store, you just need to shake it over your ear. If the bone taps, then the fruit is ripe. In the absence of sounds, you should not buy such a fruit, because it is not ripe.

How to find out the ripeness of an avocado in a simple way? If, after the purchase, there is no confidence in the ripeness of the fruit, then you should cut off its stalk, determine the color of the cut location:

  1. If brown, then the fruit is overripe.
  2. If yellow-green, then not ripe.
  3. If bright green, then ripe.

The fruit may not be consumed immediately after cutting the cuttings. But so that it does not darken, lemon juice must be dripped into this place. These are the main ways to determine the ripeness of an avocado fruit.


To keep the avocado ripe, it needs to be refrigerated for 2-5 days. It is important that the fruit is further away from bananas and apples. It is advisable to place it on the last shelf of the refrigerator. But it should not be near the back wall, as it can be overcooled.

Unripe fruit

This fruit should not be consumed, it should be left until ripening. Place the fruit in a paper bag and wrap it in a towel. As such, it should be stored in a dark place, such as a closet.

Ripening lasts 2-10 days. Putting a banana or apple in the bag will speed up this process. These fruits release ethylene, which helps to speed up ripening.

Cleaning and use

You should know not only how to check the ripeness of an avocado, but also how it is peeled and consumed. You need to clean the fruit like this: cut it lengthwise into halves and remove the bone. It is easy to take out, you need to pry it from all sides with a knife. To remove the pulp, you should take a spoon or peel half with a knife.

Then the pulp is kneaded into a creamy mass and cut into cubes, it all depends on what is needed according to the recipe. The pulp of the fruit darkens on contact with air. To prevent this, you need to sprinkle it with lemon juice.

Avocados are eaten raw, spread on bread, salted and eaten as a sandwich. It is used for making salads, snacks, cocktails. The fruit goes well with fish, caviar, chicken, shrimps, cucumbers and tomatoes.

When dieting

Avocados can vary in calories depending on the variety. Those wishing to be slimmer should choose the Florida look. It is grown in humid tropical climates and is high in water and low in fat.

The calorie content of the Hall variety avocado is 275 kcal / 100 g, and that of the Hass variety is 385 kcal / 100 g. Lovers of the oily California variety, if they monitor their weight, need to limit the use of this product.

Thus, avocados need to be selected and stored correctly. Only then will this useful product be able to fill the human body with valuable vitamins.

Avocado- the fruit is very tasty, but only if choose it correctly.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the degree of maturity of the fetus. An unripe avocado has an unpleasant bitter aftertaste, its flesh is firm. Ripe, ripe avocado has a pleasant sweetish taste and a soft, buttery, almost creamy texture. The pulp of a particularly ripe fruit can even be spread on sandwiches, like butter. How to determine the ripeness of an avocado and what other signs will help you choose the right delicious fruit?

Determining if an avocado is ripe is very simple. You need to lightly press your fingers on the peel. If the fruit bends slightly under the fingers and then the dent is quickly smoothed out, that is, the fruit is quite elastic, then this is the avocado you should choose. Another sign of a ripe avocado is the sound of the stone when shaking the fruit. Bring the avocado to your ear and shake it - if the pit is knocking, then the avocado is ripe.

An unripe avocado will feel firm to the touch and will not dent when pressed. His bone does not knock. However, such an avocado can also be bought, but you will have to keep it at home for several days at room temperature for it to mature.

Too soft avocado, on which the dents are not smoothed, should not be taken. Such an avocado is overripe and is likely to be rotten on the inside.

Also pay attention to the appearance of the avocado, which can tell you a lot about the properties of the fruit.

Avocados can be green or brownish in color. The brownish-skinned avocado (pictured left) is a California variety. When ripe, it is very soft and is well suited for cooking, cocktails or simply spreading on sandwiches. And if you cut such an avocado in half and take out the pit, you can scoop it out of the peel with a spoon and eat it just like that.

Green-skinned avocados, when ripe, have a firmer flesh and are suitable for and.

In the photo below, there are two different varieties of avocados - Florida (1) and Pinkerton (2). Click on the photo to enlarge.

Note that one of them (avocado 1) has a skin that looks thin and almost smooth, with barely noticeable pimples. The second avocado (pictured under number 2) has a darker skin, all in large pimples. Better to choose an avocado like number 2.

The skin of the number 2 avocado is dense and thick, it is easy to pick it up with your fingernail and completely peel the fruit without affecting the flesh.
On the other hand, avocados such as number 1 can only be peeled with a knife, while inevitably removing the layer of pulp along with the skin.