Fried eggs with sausage in buns "Excellent mood". Step by step cooking process

11.05.2019 Snacks

Recipes for March 8 with photos

What to cook for our women on March 8. The Vedas are a spring holiday, which means that snacks and salads should be spring, tasty and beautifully decorated.

Delicious recipes for March 8



✓ 6 firm tomatoes of the same size,

✓ 1½ tbsp. butter spoons,

✓ 2 welded in hard boiled eggs,

✓ 250-300 g of champignons or other fresh mushrooms,

✓ 1-2 onions,

✓ 2 tbsp. spoons of thick sour cream,


1. Cut off the tops of the tomatoes, remove the pulp, add a little salt and pepper inside.

2. Fry chopped onions in oil, add finely chopped mushrooms, simmer for 30-40 minutes over low heat, adding water if necessary.

3. Cool the mushrooms, chop the eggs and add to the mushrooms, mix, pepper to taste, salt.

4. Fill the tomatoes with the prepared stuffing, place them in a deep baking sheet or saucepan, add the remaining oil, sour cream, add a little water and bake in a preheated oven for 15-20 minutes.

Sprinkle with chopped parsley when serving.



✓ 300 g of green salad,

✓ 1 boiled carrots,

✓3 tomatoes,

✓ 3 - 4 boiled potatoes,

✓ 1 bunch of red radishes,

✓ 4 fresh cucumbers,

✓ 100 g green onions,

✓ 200 g sour cream,

✓1 st. a spoon table vinegar,

✓ 1/2 teaspoon powdered sugar,


1. Cut washed and dried green salad, put a slide in a salad bowl.

2. Place sliced ​​carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, radishes, cucumbers around the salad, as well as green onion.

3. In the center of the green salad slide, place the hard-boiled eggs cut into circles.

4. Prepare the sauce from sour cream, vinegar and powdered sugar.

5. When serving, lightly salt the salad, serve the sauce separately in a gravy boat.

❧ Useful tips. If you find it difficult to select dishes by color, then in order to create an attractive type of food, you can line the plate with lettuce leaves - green color This plant will certainly remind you of spring and freshness. Also use different baskets from shortcrust pastry, citrus fruits and tomatoes. Beautiful color combinations are often suggested by nature.

Radish salad with sour cream- wonderful vitamin dish With useful substances that improve digestion.



✓ 400 g of hard cheese,

✓ 2 bunches (about 150 g) celery greens,

✓ 4 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise.


1. Wash 3 celery greens in cool water, pat dry and finely chop.

2. Cut the cheese into small cubes.

3. Mix greens and cheese in a salad bowl.

4. Dress the salad with mayonnaise.

Hot dishes



✓ 250 g of rice,

✓ 2 tbsp. butter spoons,

✓ 1 onion,

✓ 1/2 l vegetable or meat broth,

✓ 150 g grated hard cheese,

✓100 - 150 g of champignons,

✓ 5 - 6 tomatoes, pepper, salt.


1. Brown the finely chopped onion, add the washed and dried rice to it, stirring, fry everything.

2. When the rice becomes translucent, add meat broth, season with pepper, salt and simmer the rice until it becomes crumbly.

3. Stew separately tomatoes, peeled and cut into pieces, and champignons.

4. Melt half of the cheese with the remaining butter, put the tomatoes and mushrooms, mix with rice.

5. Put everything on a warmed dish and sprinkle the remaining grated cheese on top.



For test:

✓ 7 g dry yeast,

✓ 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar,

✓ 250 ml hot water,

✓ 350 g flour,

✓ 1 tbsp. spoon of salt

✓ 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil.

For filling:

✓ 400 g can of canned chopped tomatoes,

✓ 2 crushed garlic cloves,

✓ 2 tbsp. tablespoons dry basil

✓ 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil

✓ 4 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste or ketchup,

✓ 100 g chopped mozzarella cheese,

✓ 2 tbsp. spoons grated cheese Parmesan,

✓ salt and pepper to taste.

pizza cooking

1. For the dough, add yeast, sugar, salt to the flour and pour 250 ml of hot water into the resulting thick mass.

2. Stir, cover with a cloth and put in a warm place.

3. Pour tomatoes for 1 min. boiling water, peel off the skin, cut crosswise, remove the seeds.

4. Cut the tomato pulp and mozzarella cheese into small cubes.

5. Heat the oven to 230°C. Take a round pizza pan, grease olive oil and sprinkle with flour. Knead the dough again, roll out thinly to approximately the size of the mold and transfer to the mold, making small sides around the edges so that the pizza resembles a plate.

6. Pierce the dough in several places with a fork. Spread dough evenly tomato paste and put tomatoes on it, then mozzarella, salt, pepper, pour olive oil and bake for 15-20 minutes.

7. ready pizza garnish with fresh basil leaves.



For test:

✓ 15 g butter,

✓ 225 g flour,

✓ 1/4 spoon of dry yeast,

✓ 150 ml of water.

For filling:

✓ 4 canned cores

✓ artichokes,

✓ 100 g tuna in oil,

✓ 1 teaspoon of capers,

✓ 3 tbsp. spoons of grated cheese

✓ 1 minced garlic clove,

✓ 2 chopped onions,

✓ 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil

✓ 75 g mushrooms, sliced,

vegetable oil,

✓ 2 tomatoes, cut into circles,

✓ W st. spoons tomato sauce,

✓ 3-5 olives, cut in halves,

✓ 1 teaspoon chopped basil greens,

✓ spices.

pizza cooking

1. For the dough, mix butter with flour, add yeast and pour in 150 ml warm water. Stir, cover with a cloth and put in a warm place.

2. When the dough has doubled in volume (40 minutes), preheat the oven to 220°C. Heat oil in a frying pan, fry onion, garlic and mushrooms, add spices.

3. Roll out the dough into a cake, put it in a pizza dish, greased with oil. 4. Lubricate the dough with sauce. Put chopped tomatoes and olives on one quarter of the surface, mushrooms and onions on the other, artichokes on the third, fish and capers on the fourth.

5. Sprinkle pizza with cheese, let the dough rise.

6. Bake in the oven for about 20 minutes.

Pizza and cheese are inseparable concepts. Famous gourmets (Italians) love both. Very often they prepare pizza, the filling of which consists only of cheese. A thin layer of dough is generously sprinkled with cheese, seasonings and baked. Wow, you will lick your fingers from such a snack!

Sandwiches with parmesan and eggs, sandwiches with carrots, hot spicy sandwiches, tomatoes stuffed with cheese, rolls with salmon and sushi with canned salmon.

Snacks and salads for March 8



✓ 6 pieces of bread,

✓ 2 garlic cloves,

✓ 100 g parmesan cheese,

✓ parsley.


1. Fry a piece of bread in a pan on both sides.

2. Grate each slice of bread with garlic and generously coat with mayonnaise.

3. Grate pre-cooked hard-boiled eggs on fine grater, do the same with cheese.

4. Sprinkle sandwiches with eggs and parmesan.

5. Decorate each sandwich with a small sprig of parsley.



✓ 200 g wheat bread,

✓ 40 g margarine,

✓ 5 carrots,

✓ 20 g butter,

✓ 2 teaspoons wheat flour,

✓ 1/2 tbsp. spoons of milk,

✓ 3 tbsp. spoons of grated cheese

✓ 2 large tomatoes,

✓ nutmeg,

Making sandwiches

1. Fry slices of bread on both sides in margarine.

2. Cut carrots into strips and simmer in oil in a small amount of water.

3. Then add flour, milk and simmer the resulting mass for 5-10 minutes.

4. At the final stage of cooking, the carrots will be seasoned with salt and grated nutmeg.

5. Stewed carrots put on top of the prepared slices of bread, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake lightly in the oven.

6. Decorate sandwiches with tomato slices.

simple decorations In the form of openwork rings and flowers, they are cut from sweet peppers, which, like tomatoes, are ideal for stuffing. In this case, it gives any filling a delicate, sweet, slightly bitter taste and aroma.



✓ 6 slices black bread,

✓ 2 cloves of garlic,

✓ half a fresh cucumber,

✓ 20 g of vegetable oil.


1. Fry slices of bread on both sides in butter until golden brown.

2. Grind the garlic and apply a thin layer on the fried bread.

3. Grease the bread with mayonnaise and decorate with slices of fresh cucumber.



✓ 1 kg of tomatoes.

✓ 150g spicy cheese,

✓ 100g sour cream.

✓ 2 tbsp. butter spoons,

✓ parsley and dill,

✓ 50 g of hard cheese,

lemon juice,


1. Cut off the tops from small round tomatoes, carefully remove the contents with a spoon, lightly salt and turn over so that the juice flows out.

2. Grind the butter, adding grated cheese, sour cream, lemon juice, pepper to it.

3. Beat the whole mass and fill it with cooked tomatoes.

4. Cover each tomato with a lid - a cut top.

5. Decorate vegetables with sprigs of parsley, dill or sprinkle with grated cheese.

❧ Cucumber decorations are suitable for many dishes due to their pleasant color and fresh smell. They are consumed fresh, salted and canned.



✓ 200g fresh cabbage,

✓ 1 cucumber,

✓ 1 celery root,

✓ 1 apple,

✓ 1 bunch of radishes,

✓ 1/2 bunch of green onions,

✓ 2 cloves of garlic,

✓ 100 g sour cream,


1. Shred the cabbage.

2. Cut the cucumber into strips.

3. Rub on coarse grater celery root, apple and radish.

4. Finely chop the green onion and garlic.

5. Mix everything, add sugar to taste, salt and season with sour cream.



✓ 200 g slightly salted salmon,

✓ 200 g fat sour cream,

✓ 1 sheet thin lavash,

✓ 2 processed cheese,

✓ 2 cloves of garlic,

✓ 2 tbsp. spoons lemon juice,

✓ parsley and dill.


1. Mash the curds with a fork.

2. Spread pita bread with a thin layer of processed cheese.

3. Cut the salmon and lay on pita bread.

4. Prepare the sauce: mix sour cream, lemon juice, chopped herbs, squeeze the garlic.

5. Lubricate pita bread with sauce, roll into a roll and cut with a knife.

❧ To decorate any salads from raw vegetables raw and boiled carrots are suitable. Raw carrots should be soft, but not overripe, with peeling centers. It can also be an independent snack.



✓ a can (200 g) of canned salmon or pink salmon,

✓ 5 sheets of nori (dry seaweed),

✓ 400 g sushi rice,

✓ 2 tbsp. spoons of rice wine vinegar,

✓ 1/2 teaspoon fine sugar,

✓ 1/2 hour spoons of salt,

✓ 1 each small red and yellow pepper, cut into thin strips,

✓ 1/2 cucumber, cut into thin strips,

canned ginger,

✓ wasabi and japanese pasta soy sauce.


1. Remove skin and bones from salmon, break into big chunks. Set aside.

2. Put the sushi rice in the pot and boil according to the recipe on the package. After it will cook for 10 minutes, turn off the heat and leave for 10-15 minutes, covered with a lid. Transfer to a bowl and add wine vinegar, salt and sugar.

3. Put rice on the nori sheet, spread it in a thin layer. Then lay out a few strips of pepper and cucumber.

4. Roll the nori into a tube and cut it into 4-5 even rolls. Place salmon pieces on top.

Serve with canned ginger, wasabi paste and Japanese soy sauce.

Wasabi- Japanese horseradish, which is considered the perfect complement to sushi. This pasta is quite spicy, but at the same time fragrant and very spicy. The taste of wasabi cannot be confused with anything else.



✓ 3 nori sheets (dry seaweed),

✓ 250 g sushi rice,

✓ 1 fresh cucumber, cut into thin small strips, the pulp of an avocado cut into thin strips,

✓ 160 g crab meat, a handful of roasted sesame seeds, caviar flying fish- tobiko.


1. Lay on a bamboo mat cling film. Put a nori sheet on top and spread a layer of sushi rice on it.

2. Wet your hands with lemon water and gently flatten the rice.

3. Turn over the nori.

4. When the sushi rice is on the mat, covered with a film, apply a thin layer of wasabi to the nori.

5. Place cucumber and avocado strips with crabmeat on top.

6. You need to roll the mat, carefully holding the filling. To complete the formation of a sushi roll, you should gently press on the mat.

Our list of recipes original snacks on March 8, very tasty and variety of dishes. You can look through each of them and choose what you like the most.

Appetizer with fish for March 8

I just want to say: “But the fish is not simple ...”, although in our case it is not golden, but smoked. We will cook it in the company with avocados. For this appetizer you will need:

  • Avocado
  • 100 g salmon or trout
  • Lemon juice

Despite its simplicity, this appetizer is often served in famous restaurants. It has a very pleasant taste, as smoked, oily salmon goes well with a fairly neutral avocado. There are two options for its preparation.

First option

If you like dill, chop it finely and sprinkle ready meal. You need to eat the dish with a small spoon, taking out the pulp of the avocado and the fish at the same time.

Second option

"Corals" from crab sticks

Highly popular snack especially among women. They all love Raffaello, and this appetizer just reminds them.

To prepare, take:

  • Sausage cheese 300 g
  • Olives or olives
  • Garlic
  • Mayonnaise
  • Crab sticks

The cooking process is very simple:

That's it tasty dish it turns out. But this is optional final recipe, you can experiment with it. For example, sausage cheese can be replaced with solid or melted.

Meat snack for March 8 "Stumps"

For women of traditional outlook on life, meat snacks are an essential part of any celebration. They will be no less relevant on the table by March 8. We offer you delicious and very hearty meal which will perfectly fit into the festive atmosphere.

To prepare it, take:

  • Chopped pork meat - 250 g.
  • 50 g champignons
  • Three chicken eggs
  • half bulb
  • Breadcrumbs for breading
  • Vegetable oil
  • Greens, salt, pepper

Let's start the cooking process:

Remove the appetizer from the oven, cut off the “caps” and cut into small stumps. Serve on a platter, garnished with herbs.

Enjoy your meal!


Definitely, the festive table is unlikely to do without snacks, and the greater their variety and the more refined they are, the better. But sometimes it is very difficult to remember in the pre-holiday bustle original recipes, so we offer you our selection of "Snacks for March 8". Among the recipes of our selection there are also the simplest ones, for example, "Amanita mushrooms" familiar to everyone since childhood, only here instead of regular egg a salad mix is ​​used, and light salads, laid out in portions on chips, pineapple slices, and real delicacy masterpieces from squid, caviar and other exotic products.

1. Snack "Amanita"


For 30 original fly agarics:

eggs - 3 pcs.;
ham - 120 gr.;
cheese - 100 gr.;
cherry tomatoes - 15 pcs.;
cucumber - 1-2 pcs.;
mayonnaise - 1-2 tbsp. l.;
greens - for decoration.

Cooking method:

Grated boiled eggs and cheese on a fine grater. We cut the ham into small cubes, about 5 by 5 millimeters in size.

In a deep bowl, mix eggs, cheese, ham and 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise. Cut cherry tomatoes in half. Cut the cucumber into rings half a centimeter thick. All the components of the snack are ready, it remains to assemble them into the original composition.

On the flat dish lay out the chopped greens, which will serve as a clearing for the fly agaric. Absolutely any greens that you have at hand will do: onions, dill, parsley, etc.

On top of the greens lay out the pieces of cucumbers, which will be the basis for the mushrooms. From a mixture of eggs, cheese and ham we form small balls. If such a ball is flattened from above and below, then you get a barrel that will serve as the leg of the mushroom. We seat the resulting legs on cucumbers. From above we dress red hats from halves of cherry tomatoes. To give already beautiful snack finished look, it remains only to draw white dots from mayonnaise on red hats. The easiest way to do this is with a regular toothpick.

It should only be borne in mind that it is advisable to cook this appetizer immediately before the arrival of guests (maximum one hour), as cucumbers and tomatoes can give juice.

Enjoy your meal!

2. Cake for a snack


Bake pancakes-5 pcs.
An egg + a tablespoon of milk + a pinch of salt is 1 pancake.

chicken fillet-2 pcs. (boil)
carrots (roasted)
onion (fried)
mayonnaise, pepper hammer.

Cooking method:

Grind everything with a blender (a mixture similar to thick sour cream).
Lubricate each pancake with pate, shift with a lettuce leaf, etc.
A little infusion and you can eat!

Enjoy your meal!

3. Snack "Bells"


100 gr. boiled sausage ("Doctor's"),
-50 gr. cheese (you can use salted cheese instead of cheese) fatty cottage cheese),
-1-2 carrots,
- a clove of garlic

Cooking method:

1. Cut the sausage into thin slices. Roll a bell bag from each plate and stab it with a skewer (I used toothpicks)
2. Now we are preparing a salad for the bell. Grate on a fine grater raw carrots, cheese and garlic.
3. Mix everything and season with mayonnaise.
4. Fill the bells with this salad and put on a dish, garnish with herbs. In the middle of the bell, if desired, you can put a piece of olive or a drop of ketchup, whichever you prefer.

Enjoy your meal!

4. Stuffed squids


4 squid carcasses, pre-peeled
6 medium eggs
300 g champignons
small bunch of dill
150 g semi-hard cheese
salt and ground black pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the mushrooms into slices, finely chop the dill, three cheese on a grater.
In a frying pan over medium heat, heat 2 tbsp. vegetable oil. Add mushrooms and cook, stirring, until softened, about 5 minutes.

2. Break the eggs into the pan with the mushrooms, add salt and pepper. Cook, stirring the eggs with a spatula, until the mixture sets, about 3 minutes. Add chopped herbs and cheese, mix.

3. Stuff the squid carcasses with the egg-mushroom mixture. We stab with toothpicks. Lubricate the squid with vegetable oil, put it in a mold and send it to an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Bake for about 20 minutes.

4. Serve hot or cool, cut into slices and serve as an appetizer.

Enjoy your meal!

5. Pancake rolls with cheese and red fish


60 gr. cream cheese type Philadelphia (room temperature)
3 tbsp cream 10-15% (you can milk)
1 tbsp dill (finely chopped)
1 tbsp green onion (chives if available) finely chopped
salt, pepper to taste
200 gr. salted (smoked) salmon (thin slices)

2 tbsp. flour
3 art. milk
2 eggs
3 tbsp R. oils
1 tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt.

Cooking method:

1. Beat the eggs with a whisk (lightly), add warm milk, salt, add sugar, vegetable oil and gradually add flour. Stir with a whisk until the flour is completely dissolved without lumps, so that the mass is homogeneous. Let stand 10 minutes. Preheat the pan, before the first pancake, grease it with a brush dipped in oil, fry the pancakes on both sides until golden brown.
2. Mix cream cheese with cream in a robot, until a homogeneous mass in the form of a cream, add spices if desired (salt, pepper - quite a bit). Then, with a silicone spatula, add greens to the cream, stirring well.

3. On the finished pancakes with a spatula, apply the cream over the entire surface. And lay the salmon cut fillet. Roll tightly into a tube. We cut the tubes to the desired size and put them in a dish.

* If it is an appetizer, you can refrigerate for 30 minutes before serving.
* If we want to serve as a warm breakfast, the cream can be diluted more liquid and served as a watering hot pancake cream, putting salmon inside.
The appetizer is very tender pleasant taste lightly salted fish and greens, with the connection creamy taste pancakes, I recommend!

Enjoy your meal!

6. Snack on pineapple rings


Canned pineapple - 1 jar
Hard cheese - 100 g
Boiled eggs - 2 pcs
Crab sticks or shrimp - 100 g

Cooking method:

Take out from the jar canned rings pineapples, put them on a dish or a large plate. Tear pieces off lettuce leaves round shape and put them on top of the pineapple. Boil the eggs and cut them into medium cubes, also cut hard cheese and crab sticks. Mix diced boiled eggs, hard cheese and crab sticks. You can fill it all with mayonnaise. Spread the filling over the pineapples.

Enjoy your meal!

7. "Kisses" salmon appetizer


salted salmon (sliced)
crab sticks
Philadelphia cream cheese with herbs
fresh dill
cling film

Cooking method:

Boil the eggs and cut into slices on the egg cutter.
Chop dill, add to Philadelphia, mix to get a homogeneous mass.
In order to make such "Kisses" you will need several molds, you can use glasses, cupcake molds, tea cups.
Line the cups tightly with cling film, leaving enough cling film on the edges so that you can then close the cups from above.
Lay out the salmon slices. Shape it into shape.
Fill the form halfway with the filling, put the pieces of crab sticks, and fill again with the filling.
Place an egg slice on top.
Close with a slice of salmon.
Wrap the edges of the film, press firmly and lightly tamp.
Put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
Cut the lemon into slices.
After a couple of hours, take the “Kisses” out of the refrigerator, open the film and turn the cup over onto a circle of lemon, onto a plate.
Decorate as desired, red caviar looks very nice on top.

Enjoy your meal!

8. quick snack"Ships"


jar of red caviar
a few eggs
100 g hard cheese
lettuce or parsley sprig for garnish

Cooking method:

Boil the eggs, peel them, rinse, cut in half into "boats" and let cool completely. In the meantime, using a thin cheese slicer, cut off slices of cheese equal to the number of boats.

When the eggs are completely cool, coat each half with mayonnaise. Put the caviar on the mayonnaise with a spoon and stick a “sail” made from a slice of cheese and a toothpick. Everything - the dish is almost ready!

You can decorate the boats with the greens that you have - parsley, lettuce, dill. You can also use green olives or grapes, arugula, mushrooms, etc. in the composition.

Enjoy your meal!

9. Cheese snack on chips


Red tomatoes - 300 g
Cheese - 100 g
Garlic - 30 g
Dill - 20 g
Mayonnaise - 200 ml.

Cooking method:

Step 1:
Finely chop the tomatoes.
If the tomatoes are very juicy, drain the juice.

Step 2:
Finely chop the greens.
Cheese grate on a fine grater.
Mix cheese, tomatoes, herbs.
Add crushed garlic through a garlic press.

Step 3:
Add mayonnaise, mix.

Step 4:
Put the resulting mass on the chips (just before serving).

Every day, women prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner for their family. But in one of spring days men come to the kitchen, put on aprons, pick up sharp - sharpened knives and start cooking Tasty food for your beloved women. And everyone is well aware of this day - it is, of course, March 8th.

Some of the men know how to cook well, and it is not difficult for them to set the table. And someone does not know how to do this, but still wants to bring joy to their loved ones and arrange a real holiday for them.

Therefore, today's article is for them. I have tried to put together here simple recipes for quick and tasty cooking holiday breakfast, lunch or dinner, and most importantly create a great mood. After all, when we cook something for our loved ones, it is always pleasant, especially if it is food. A lot is transmitted with food - this is mood, and care, and love ...

Therefore, before you start cooking, this is what you stock up in the first place! It is most important! And sometimes it doesn’t even matter how this or that dish turned out, because the person who prepared it tried, wasted time.

But I am sure that we will succeed. I will describe all the processes in great detail. The only thing that will be needed is not to be afraid to turn on the fantasy. Prepare all dishes with festive overtones. Decorate salads with flowers, hearts, or the number eight. Come up with any holiday names related to flowers, women and this spring day. And then everything will be at the highest level.

If you want to arrange a real holiday for your loved ones, you can cook breakfast for them in bed. Imagine how happy and surprised a woman will be, especially if this does not happen often.

Cooking something supernatural is not necessary. You can simply serve coffee with a croissant or a small cake. Well, if you find a suitable tray, where to put it all. Or maybe you have a small table for these purposes, do not forget to put a small vase with flowers on it.

And you can cook something more serious, for example, scrambled eggs. It can be an ordinary scrambled egg in the form of a heart. If you have special silicone molds for cooking such scrambled eggs, it will be just fine.

And you can cook it in the form of a figure eight. For this you need in the usual way fry the eggs, and then with a glass with sharp edges, cut out two rounds, you can have the same, or you can have different sizes. To do this, you will need to stock up on glasses of different diameters.

Often scrambled eggs are fried in sausage hearts. It is very easy to do this. You just need to cut the sausage across, but not completely, then ask her desired shape and secure with a toothpick. Put in a frying pan, drive in an egg and fry in the usual way.

And below I will share a few ideas for breakfast for the holiday, which will not be difficult for anyone to cook. Even if you have never cooked before, feel free to choose any option. He will certainly learn from you.

Yes, and do not forget that in order to create festive mood, along with the words of congratulations, tell your loved ones the warmest and most tender words, also say how much you love them. This is the most important attribute of breakfast, one might say - the most important ingredient.

Do not ignore this point, it is very important.

Fried eggs in bread with vegetables "Holiday"

We will need:

  • egg - 2 pcs
  • toast bread - 2 slices
  • butter - 10 - 15 gr
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • balsamic vinegar - 1 teaspoon
  • cucumbers, fresh tomatoes - for serving


1. Do toast bread cut out the core, leaving only the crusts. Hearts can be cut out of the crumb with a knife.

2. Put the butter in pieces into the pan. Then put a bread mold in which you also put a few pieces of butter.

3. Break the egg into two halves and carefully pour the protein into the mold. Leave the yolk in the shell. Do the same with the second egg.

4. Fry the scrambled eggs with a little salt and pepper. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 240 degrees.

5. When the protein sticks, remove the pan from the heat, and carefully place the yolk in the middle, trying not to damage its integrity.

6. Put the pan in the oven for 1.5 minutes so that the yolk sticks on top, but remains slightly watery inside.

7. Put the scrambled eggs in bread on a plate. Lay out the hearts cut out of the crumb next to it. On them, in turn, put sliced ​​\u200b\u200btomatoes and cucumbers.

8. Top with balsamic vinegar.

Gorgeous breakfast, beautiful, romantic, hearty and incredibly tasty.

And here's another one delicious option breakfast with eggs.

Fried eggs with sausage in buns "Excellent mood"

We will need:

  • buns - 4 pcs
  • egg - 4 pcs
  • sausage or ham - 250 - 300 gr
  • butter - 10 - 15 gr
  • salt and pepper - to taste


1. We will prepare breakfast from the usual lean buns small size. Cut off the top of them and remove the pulp with a teaspoon. The walls can be left 1 cm in size.

2. In each bun, put a little butter, cut into small pieces.

3. Sausage or ham, or any other meat, cut into small cubes and put inside, leaving room for the egg.

4. Gently place the eggs on top of the meat. Salt, pepper.

5. Bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 10-12 minutes until cooked.

6. Serve with fresh vegetables or lettuce.

Hot sandwiches Croque Madame and Croque Monsieur

Recipes for simple and delicious salads on March 8

For holiday table you can cook any salads, the main thing is to turn on your imagination in the right way and decorate the dish according to the day of March 8. Or make a salad in the usual way, but come up with a name appropriate for this day.

It's okay if there is no salad with that name in nature. Rather, it would be more correct to say that until this day it was not in nature, but now it has appeared, and you are its author!

After all, it's great - not only to surprise and please your beloved, but also new salad come up with! By the way, I also plan to come up with names for them myself in this collection, so don't be surprised if you look for their names on the Internet, but you won't find them.

And the first we will go is the most that neither is suitable salad for International Women's Day.

Salad March 8, or "Postcard for Mom"

This is the most complicated salad from today's collection. But its complexity is connected only with time and patience.

We will need:

  • can tuna - 1 pc.
  • boiled egg - 4 pcs
  • hard cheese - 150 gr
  • fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
  • boiled carrots - 1 pc.
  • mayonnaise - to taste
  • salt - to taste
  • greenery for decoration.


We will prepare such a salad in the form of the number 8, and to make it easier we need two glasses with different size diameter. We will also need a large flat dish or plate in which we will collect our salad.

1. And so, we put two glasses on a plate, at the top with a smaller diameter, at the bottom with a large one. And start laying out layers.

2. The first layer will be grated protein from boiled egg. We spread it in the form of two circles in the shape of a figure eight around the glasses, about three centimeters thick.

3. Drain the oil and juice from the tuna and shred it with a fork. Or you can use special tuna for salads. It is already crushed, and you only need to drain the liquid. Lay it on top egg whites. Lubricate with a thin layer of mayonnaise.

4. Put the grated cheese in the next layer.

5. Then a cucumber, grated on a coarse grater, followed by grated carrots. At the same time, you can lubricate each layer with mayonnaise, or, so as not to be too high in calories, do it through the layer.

6. With the last layer, lay out the yolk grated on a fine grater. And carefully remove the glasses.

7. We carefully remove the crumbs that have scattered around the edges with a napkin or a teaspoon.

8. And finishing touch, decorate the salad with greens, canned corn and carved flowers from protein. But you can just leave the number 8 without flowers. The salad will look beautiful as it is.

By the way, here is another version of the same design, but without any glasses. The salad may consist of any combination of layers. We spread them simply layer by layer, smearing with mayonnaise.

Then we cut out the number 8 from paper, put it on the salad and sprinkle with finely chopped green onions or other greens. We remove the paper. And from the edge we make a willow branch. neatly laid out egg yolks act as kidneys.

What, you're talking too long to mess with such a salad? I agree, although this salad is not at all complicated, you still have to tinker with it a little. But with the next no fuss at all. Prepare it in 10 minutes, just buy the products in advance so that you have something to cook it from.

Salad "Caprese"

This italian salad so tasty, so beautiful. Moreover, not only its design is beautiful, but also the name. Therefore, as soon as you pronounce its name, it will immediately cause a smile in any woman, as this word caresses the ear.

We will need:

  • large red tomatoes - 2 pcs
  • mozzarella cheese - 2 balls (200 - 250 gr)
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • dried basil - 0.5 tsp
  • dried oregano - pinch
  • fresh basil or parsley - sprig


1. Cut the tomatoes into slices 3-5 mm thick. In order to do this accurately, you need to have a well-sharpened knife.

2. Cut the mozzarella cheese in the same way as the tomatoes. And put on a plate, alternating layers. If the mozzarella balls are not very large, and the tomato, on the contrary, is quite large, then you can lay it out just mixed up, as in the video that we will have a little later.

3. Pour dry spices into olive oil, mix, and let stand for a while so that they have time to swell slightly and give their aroma. Then drizzle with cheese and tomatoes.

Everything, our salad is ready and you can serve it to the table. As you can see, it's quick and easy to prepare. And he looks quite decent! In addition, it is very tasty and healthy. And will not harm the female figure.

And here is another design of the same salad.

Salad "Women's Day"

The next salad is also very simple, and is prepared based on another famous salads when the ingredients are not mixed, but simply laid out in separate piles. Moreover, their composition can be completely different. The most important thing is that they all fit together.

Well, let's look at our today's version, and find out what will be in the salad this time.

We will need:

  • ham or smoked sausage - 150 gr
  • canned green pea— 150 gr
  • canned corn - 150 gr
  • bell pepper red - 1 pc
  • hard cheese - 150 gr
  • fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
  • crackers - 1 sachet
  • olives - 0.5 cans
  • mayonnaise - to taste


1. For a salad, you can use any meat, it can be boiled meat, and chicken, and, like we have smoked sausage today. You can even use crab sticks instead of meat, which will also go well with all other products.

2. Cut the sausage, cucumber, cheese and bell pepper into strips of approximately the same size and thickness. Cut olives into slices. They can also be substituted for olives.

3. To decorate the salad, we need a large flat dish. We have 8 ingredients in total, we divide the plane of the dish into 7 sectors and put each of the ingredients in one of them. Place olives in the center.

4. We use crackers purchased from a bag.

5. Squeeze out beautiful lace tracks from the mayonnaise bag, framing each of the sectors with them. It turns out very beautiful decoration. It is in this form that it should be served on the table.

6. Before you start eating salad, mix it with mayonnaise.

As you probably noticed, all the ingredients here are used in fresh. You don't need to cook anything for the salad. I bought it in a store, washed it, cut it - and a delicious salad is ready. It only takes 15 minutes to prepare.

Salad "Princess"

BUT next salad prepared from chicken breast. It can be pre-boiled, or you can buy ready-made, for example, smoked.

We will need:

  • chicken fillet - 200 gr
  • pitted prunes - 0.5 cups
  • boiled egg - 4 pcs
  • processed cheese - 100 gr
  • fresh or pickled cucumber - 1 pc.
  • walnuts - 0.5 cups
  • mayonnaise - - 5 tbsp. spoons
  • salt, pepper - to taste


1. Pour warm prunes boiled water and let it stand for a while so that it swells slightly. Then dry and finely chop.

2. Disassemble the chicken fillet into fibers, or you can simply cut it into small cubes.

3. Grind half of the nuts in a blender to a state of large crumbs, roll the second part with a rolling pin so that the particles are the size of a small pea.

4. Cut the eggs and cucumber in the same way as cut the chicken. If cubes, then cubes, and if disassembled into fibers, then you need to cut into small strips.

5. Put the cheese in the freezer for a while, then grate it so it does not stick together and the salad looks beautiful. Leave it and some of the large nuts for decoration. Also leave a little prunes for decoration.

6. Mix all other ingredients, salt and pepper to taste. Also mix with mayonnaise.

Sometimes salt is not required, because if the chicken is smoked, it is already quite salty, besides, mayonnaise is also salty. Therefore, do not be zealous with salt. But a little freshly ground pepper does not hurt.

7. Put the mixed ingredients in a flat plate, giving them the shape of a hill. Arrange the remaining chopped prunes, sprinkle with cheese and garnish with large nuts.

The salad is very tender and incredibly tasty. And anyone can make one! The only thing you need is to boil the eggs and cut all the ingredients. Fast, simple and easy!

Salad "Sudarushka"

You love smoked sausage co fresh cucumber? Then you will definitely like this salad. Moreover, it does not contain boiled ingredients, which means it cooks very quickly!

We will need:

  • smoked ham– 150 – 200 gr
  • fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
  • cheese - 150 - 200 gr
  • green salad - 1 fork
  • green peas - 3 - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • wine vinegar - 1 teaspoon
  • mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • salt, pepper - to taste


1. As a meat component, we will take a smoked ham, but in general any other meat can be used. We need to cut the meat long thin straw.

2. Cucumber and cheese cut into the same thin strips, but not so long.

3. Rinse and dry lettuce leaves. Then tear into fairly large fragments.

Lettuce leaves cannot be cut with a knife. In this case, they will start up the juice, and become soft, dark and ugly.

4. Mix in separate dishes olive oil, wine vinegar (it can be replaced with balsamic, or in extreme cases, apple) and mayonnaise. Add a pinch of salt and freshly ground pepper. Let stand a little. This will be our salad dressing.

5. Put in a large flat plate lettuce leaves. Put a little chopped ham on them, form a small hill. Drizzle with a small amount of filling.

6. Put cheese, cucumbers on top and pour over the filling again.

7. The last layer will again be ham, followed by green peas. On which we pour the rest of the dressing.

8. Put the salad in the refrigerator for 20 minutes so that all layers have time to soak in the dressing. Serve chilled.

If you managed to notice, this salad has some similarities with, of course, not in the composition of the main components, but in principle. I specifically do not offer Caesar recipes here, as many people know how to cook it. And if someone does not know how, then the link to it is higher.

Consider this salad, it is easy to prepare and always turns out delicious.

Salad "Pink mood"

Another incredibly simple recipe that is very tasty and looks quite festive.

We will need:

  • frozen shrimp - 200 - 300 gr
  • fresh tomatoes - 2 pcs
  • cucumbers - 1 - 2 pcs
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • parsley, dill, green onion
  • olive oil - 1 - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • soy sauce - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • salt, pepper - to taste


1. In a saucepan, bring water to a boil and salt it, lower the shrimp and after they boil, boil for 30-40 seconds, depending on their size. Drain in a colander, let cool slightly and peel.

2. Tomatoes, cucumber and pepper cut into small pieces. Chop greens and onion, add to vegetables. Also add half of the shrimp. Salt and pepper to taste, stir.

Peppers are best used freshly ground.

3. Mix soy sauce with olive oil. Pour half into salad and mix.

4. Put in a salad bowl. Garnish with the remaining herbs, shrimp and top with the remaining oil and soy sauce.

Soy sauce can be substituted for balsamic vinegar.

And you can fill the salad with mayonnaise, or mayonnaise mixed with a small amount of ketchup.

And then the mood will actually be “pink”.

Lavash appetizer roll "Vkusnyatina"

Lavash rolls are considered great snack. You can wrap anything in them - meat, fish, chicken, vegetables and all the most possible combinations of these products. And today we will consider this option.

We will need:

  • thin pita bread - 1 - 2 pcs
  • smoked sausage - 300 - 400 gr
  • hard cheese - 150 - 200 gr
  • Korean carrots - 250 - 300 gr
  • garlic - 1 - 2 cloves
  • mayonnaise - to taste


1. Cut the sausage into thin strips. Grate cheese and mix with chopped garlic.

2. Lavash divided into 3 parts. We need a thin pita bread that does not break, but will be well rolled up.

3. Put the first part on the table and coat with a thin layer of mayonnaise. Put chopped sausage on it.

4. Cover with the second part of the pita bread, which is also smeared with mayonnaise and put Korean carrots on it.

5. Then the next layer of pita bread. We also grease it with mayonnaise and spread the last layer of cheese with garlic.

6. Then roll into a roll and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Then cut into rolls and put on a plate.

It turns out a delicious snack roll. Light, tasty and beautiful.

Salad in oranges "For lovely ladies"

This is for real holiday salad which will please all women without exception.

We will need:

  • oranges - 2 pcs
  • ham - 300 gr
  • hard cheese - 100 gr
  • cucumber - 1 piece small
  • canned champignons - 100 gr
  • fresh herbs or lettuce
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • mayonnaise - to taste


1. Ham, cucumber and mushrooms cut into small cubes. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater, or you can also cut into cubes.

2. Wash oranges and cut into two halves. Carefully scoop out the pulp with a fork. Remove the partitions from the pulp and cut it.

3. Mix all the ingredients, adding sour cream and mayonnaise.

4. Fill an empty orange mold with salad.

5. Put the orange halves on a plate decorated with lettuce or greens. Sprinkle with a little chopped herbs, if desired.

In general, recipes are simple and delicious salads I have quite a few left in my piggy bank. But, unfortunately, within the framework of one article, they cannot be described all. But I hope that from the options offered today, you will also be able to choose.

Hot dishes for the festive table on the day of March 8

The menu of hot dishes can be the most diverse and includes almost everything that a man can cook. Prepare what you can. There is no need to rediscover America and come up with complex dishes that are unusual for yourself. For example, my husband cooks for March 8 from year to year.

He does it very well, the result is always predictable, that is, pilaf invariably turns out to be delicious. And it’s not difficult to cook it, besides, cooking pilaf is a clean business in the East male hands. Therefore, men are happy to take on this.

Our mothers, daughter and husband always gather for the holiday, sometimes my brother and his family drop by. And everyone is always happy to eat wonderful Uzbek pilaf. And no one in all these years has ever asked: “What, pilaf again?”

Another dish that men are happy to cook is this. They uncover their braziers cleaned for the winter, and with pleasure roast meat on fresh air, even in the yards of apartment buildings. All neighbors treat this with great understanding, and even envy a little. And they will certainly put a tick somewhere in their mind so that next year do exactly the same and thereby please your beloved women.

Shish kebab, by the way, can be cooked in the oven, or in an electric barbecue (if any), for example, from chicken. It is prepared without much hassle, most importantly, see how to do it in a separate article by clicking on the link.

You can also easily bake in the oven - carp, mountain trout, or some other, by the way, you can bake it with vegetables, or stuff it and bake it too.

Or you can marinate and bake a whole chicken in the oven. It's easy to do, and everyone probably knows how to do it. You can bake it simply in the oven, or on the grill in the same oven (if there is such a mode), or in a sleeve, or in a bag, which will make the task even easier, since after that you don’t have to wash the oven.

I was surprised to find that I don’t have a whole baked chicken recipe on my blog. There is, but no chicken. Therefore, I hasten to correct this oversight.

Whole oven baked chicken

We will need:

  • whole chicken - 1 pc
  • spices for chicken - any
  • salt, pepper - to taste


1. Wash the chicken and let the water drain. Dry with paper towels.

2. To make the chicken tasty, it must be marinated. For the marinade, we need spices. You can use a ready-made set of spices for chicken, they are sold in all stores.

I usually prepare my spice sets, and for chicken it includes ground coriander, cumin, thyme, oregano, thyme, garlic, turmeric, paprika. This set provides not only great taste, but also an appetizing ruddy and beautiful crust.

3. Pour spices into a separate bowl, add salt and freshly ground pepper there. You can add regular pepper, but freshly ground pepper gives just an incredible flavor.

4. Now, with the resulting mixture, coat the whole chicken outside and inside and leave it to marinate for 30 - 40 minutes.

By the way, it can also be cut along the chest line, then the chicken will turn out not to be voluminous, but flat and bake faster.

5. 15 minutes before the end of this time, light the oven and put it on preheat. We will need a temperature of 180 degrees.

6. Now you need to decide how you will bake the chicken, in a bag, or on a baking sheet. By and large, it will be delicious anyway! Therefore, choose any way.

7. By placing the chicken in hot oven, leave it there to bake for 50 minutes. The time, of course, depends on the size of the chicken, it may take a little more time.

The criterion for readiness will be that our chicken will become ruddy, smelling delicious, and it also looks very appetizing. When piercing the meat in its thickest part, pink juice should not appear on the surface.

8. When the chicken is completely ready, it must be taken out and cut into portions. You can serve it with any side dish and fresh vegetables. Well, or with any of the above salads that you prepare for this holiday.

Baking chicken in the oven is easy. And if you take into account all the points of the recipe, and follow them, the result will be simply amazing.

By the way, if you have dinner for two, and whole chicken there will be a lot, then you can bake only legs or thighs in the oven. And here is the recipe.

Chicken legs "Hawaiian mood" with sour cream sauce

Ask why Hawaiian, but everything is very simple - because our chicken will be cooked with pineapples. Well, why not a festive dish?

We will need:

  • chicken legs - 4 pcs
  • canned pineapple slices - half a can
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • spices - 1 - 2 teaspoons
  • salt, freshly ground pepper - to taste

For sour cream sauce:

  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. heaped spoons
  • pineapple juice - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • greens - optional


1. Mix 2 tbsp. tablespoons of pineapple juice from a jar, olive or any other vegetable oil, but odorless, spices, salt and pepper. Let stand for a while so that the spices disperse and the taste of the marinade becomes homogeneous.

2. Chicken legs wash and dry paper towels, then rub with the resulting marinade and leave to marinate for 1 - 2 hours, periodically turning the legs over. In this case, you can still rub the mass into the skin well.

3. Preheat the oven to 210 degrees. Put the legs in a baking dish, put a circle of pineapple on each of them. Bake for 25 - 30 minutes.

4. In the meantime, prepare the sour cream sauce. To do this, mix sour cream, Pineapple juice from a jar and chopped garlic. For piquancy, you can add a sprig of chopped parsley or basil.

5. Ready legs can be served with any side dish by watering them sour cream sauce. Everything turned out quickly, tasty and festive.

Instead of chicken, you can also quickly cook meat, such as pork.

Pork Chops "Festive Fireworks"

We will need:

  • pork chops - by number of servings
  • tomatoes - 1 pc.
  • hard cheese - 100 - 150 gr
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • mkuka - 2 - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • spices, salt, pepper - to taste


1. In the store you can buy ready-made meat for chops, or you can buy a tenderloin and cut off pieces of 1.2 - 1.4 cm thick. Then place the meat in cling film or a bag and beat it off.

2. Grate with spices mixed with salt and pepper. Let lie down for 5 minutes.

3. Crack an egg into a bowl and mix with a fork. Pour the flour into a separate bowl.

4. Roll the chops in flour, then dip in the egg. You can limit yourself to this, or you can repeat the whole procedure one or two more times. In this case, you get a thicker "fur coat".

5. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the chops on both sides for 2 - 2.5 minutes on each side.

6. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Lay the fried chops on a baking sheet. Put a circle or two chopped tomatoes on each of the pieces. Then sprinkle with grated cheese.

7. Bake for 7 - 10 minutes. The dish is ready. By the way, it is very reminiscent. You can cook it, it will also be incredibly tasty!

In the same way, you can cook chops from chicken fillet. Women just love this dish!

Festive dinner for your beloved in Italian style video recipe

Preparing such a dinner will not take a large number time, but the presentation will be at the highest level! And of course, from such attention and effort, any woman will simply melt with pleasure!

This is such a wonderful idea in every sense of the word. You can use it and cook the same wonderful dinner for your beloved.

Well, if we have more or less decided on the main course, it would be logical to move on to cooking sweet dishes.

Desserts and cakes for March 8 are simple and delicious

As a sweet dish, you can, of course, buy a cake in the store, but you must admit that if you cook even something very simple with your own hands, it will be very much appreciated and eaten with much more pleasure.

Therefore, I tried to find very simple and accessible recipes for everyone. I think that you can choose something from this offer.

So that dinner does not turn out to be too satisfying, try to prepare desserts from berries or fruits. You can also use cottage cheese, nuts, dried fruits. Desserts with such components are very fond of women, they consider them more dietary. In addition, desserts using flour must be baked, it is unlikely that men will want to do this after preparing a salad and a main course.

So we are considering desserts without baking.

Banana "Flambe" with liqueur

We will need:

  • banana - 1 pc.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • bitter dark chocolate - 20 gr
  • butter - 100 gr
  • liqueur or cognac - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • ice cream for serving


1. Cut the peeled banana lengthwise into two equal halves. Dip each of them in a beaten egg, then roll in flour and fry for butter until golden brown.

2. Put on a flat plate, sprinkle with chocolate, pour over with warm liquor and set fire in front of your beloved. After the alcohol evaporates and the fire goes out, put on a scoop of ice cream and offer to your lady.

And if you don’t want to experiment with fire, then just sprinkle bananas with chocolate and serve with ice cream. In this case, you can do without liquor.

Sherbet "Pineapple coolness"

We will need:

  • pineapples - 2 pcs (small)
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • coconut flakes - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • fresh or canned strawberries - 100 gr


1. Cut the pineapples into two halves with a sharp knife. Carefully remove all the pulp from them.

2. Transfer the pulp to the bowl of a blender and grind with sugar until a homogeneous puree-like mass.

3. Arrange in molds and put in the freezer for 1 hour.

4. After an hour, take out the frozen sherbet and carefully place the mass either in bowls or in “boats” of pineapples with a special spoon for ice cream or a regular table mass.

5. Garnish with strawberries and sprinkle with coconut flakes on top.

If not found coconut flakes and berries, you can just sprinkle with chocolate chips.

Delicious and healthy dessert ready. Serve and eat with pleasure.

Curd dessert with pears and almonds "Paradise Delight"

Another no-bake dessert recipe.

We will need:

  • pears - 3 - 4 pcs
  • cottage cheese - 100 - 150 gr
  • almonds - 50 gr
  • grapes - branch
  • honey - 3 tbsp. spoons


1. Wash the pears, cut lengthwise and carefully remove the core with a knife. Smear the cut with honey so that the pear does not darken.

2. Grind cottage cheese through a sieve, mix with honey.

3. Fry the almonds in a pan and chop.

4. Fill the halves of the pears with the curd mixture, sprinkle with almonds on top.

5. Put on a dessert plate and decorate with fresh grapes.

Three no-bake cake recipes for your beloved mother

If you really want, then for mom you can cook a wonderful and delicious cake. And not just one, but three. Let's see how to do it.

These are the original and delicious cakes turned out. This will be a real surprise for mom, and it will definitely not leave her indifferent!

This is all we got recipes without baking. But still, if you want to bake something, then bake muffins, they are prepared very simply, and you can cook them for every taste, and.

That's it beautiful menu we made it. It has everything - both a sense of celebration and a sunny spring mood, and tenderness, and exquisite sophistication. And if you decide to cook something from this, then add that very missing fifth element, that is, your love. And then it will be like a festive fireworks!

The most important thing that should not be forgotten on the holiday of March 8 is just about your love! Give the women dearest to you more warm and tender words, your love, your smile and gentle radiant look, kisses and hugs. And then all the women themselves will blossom like the first spring flowers and a hundredfold, in turn, will bestow upon you their attention and their feminine warmth!

I hope that today's recipes will help create a festive mood where they will be cooked! And also I congratulate all women on the upcoming spring holiday!

And I want to wish men the courage to endure this holiday, with all its troubles, worries and congratulations.

And if you like the recipes, put Classes, share them with your friends. Let every man prepare the most delicious dish for his beloved!

All the best!