Carrot cocktail in a blender. Carrot cocktail with herbs

Perepal me quite unexpectedly kilogram of cornmeal. My family is not very positive about baking, in which classic wheat flour is replaced by other types, but the hominy that immediately comes to mind is also not very well received by them, so I took a chance again and treated the people to honey cornmeal biscuit. What to say? Ate everything. With appetite and immediately. But they asked me not to experiment anymore. However, I liked the biscuit. Firstly, the bright corn flavor completely removes the unpleasant egg flavor (which I always feel in biscuits). Secondly, I love such ... how to say, rustic, or what? .. dishes - simple ingredients, unpretentious taste of cornmeal, bright taste of honey ... A fairy tale!

The only remark to myself - cornmeal biscuit it turns out very dry, next time I will either take the flour in half with wheat, or prepare a syrup with which I will soak the baked dough.

Cornmeal cleanses the body, normalizes metabolism, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, and regulates digestive processes.

It is prepared according to the same principle as a regular biscuit is made, so if you are already on the "you" with the last one, you will succeed with the first one without much difficulty.


0.3 cups of warm honey (I heat it in a water bath - I understand with my head that most of the nutrients will still die in the oven during further heat treatment, but I show off and try to warm the honey softer);

3/4 cup cornmeal;

a little butter for greasing the mold.

I separate the proteins from the yolks, beat well. When they begin to hold their shape well, pour honey in a thin stream, continuing to beat. Then - one yolk. We remove the mixer to the side, carefully introduce the flour, mixing the dough with a spatula or spoon (or even better - with your hand) from the bottom up.

We spread it in a greased form, put it in the oven - the temperature is about 180 degrees, 20-25 minutes. We check readiness with a match or a toothpick.

Enjoy your meal!

For those who cannot refuse baking, but do not want to gain extra pounds, we offer a diet recipe for a wonderful corn biscuit. Although it is sweet, it is much less high-calorie than treats baked from wheat flour. So you can eat a little more.

Happy tea!


  • 180 gr. cornmeal
  • 100 gr. Sahara
  • 80 ml. milk (can be replaced with water)
  • 5 eggs
  • 10 gr. vanilla sugar
  • 1 chip. salt


  • Step 1

    Separate the yolks and whites. We will beat the yolks together with sugar. We don't stop interfering. And slowly, in a thin stream, pour in the corn flour. If the mixture is too thick, dilute it with milk or water. And mix again.

  • Step 2

    Whisk egg whites with salt. When we get a soft foam, we send it to the mixture with cornmeal. We do this carefully, mixing literally in two or three movements, so as not to burst air bubbles in the dough. Thanks to them, the cake should turn out magnificent.

  • Step 3

    You can bake both in the oven and in the slow cooker. In the first case, we heat the oven to 160-180 0 C. The biscuit will be ready when the wooden toothpick that has pierced it comes out without traces of sticky dough. In the second case, we select the mode corresponding to our goal - "Baking" and set the period to 55 minutes.
