How many grams of milk are in a teaspoon. How many grams of sugar, salt in a spoon (tablespoon, teaspoon)

17.10.2019 Healthy eating

If it becomes necessary to accurately measure the amount of ingredients added during the preparation of a dish or drink, as well as taking potions during treatment, the question arises. How many grams of this or that product fit in a tablespoon or teaspoon?

Tablespoon is a cutlery with a volume of 18 ml. With the help of a tablespoon, cereals, soups, jams and other liquid dishes are eaten. In addition, a tablespoon is often used as a unit of measurement to determine the required amount of a substance for preparing a particular dish. Often in recipes, the constituent ingredients are indicated in tablespoons. Also, the unit of measurement "tablespoon" is used in medicine in addition to cooking.

The number of grams that a tablespoon can hold, depends on what kind of substance you want to measure, that is, on its density and the fullness of the spoon - with or without the top. Often in recipes, if not specified exactly, they mean a tablespoon filled with top. But for a more accurate adherence to the recipe, you still need to know how many grams in a tablespoon of this or that ingredient fit.

Cookbooks and many thematic Internet resources offer special tables that allow you to determine how many grams of a substance a tablespoon holds. Thanks to such tables, any housewife can quickly and easily convert grams into tablespoons and vice versa. Such tables usually mean a tablespoon with a scoop width of 4 cm and a length of 7 cm.

The following are the most popular products that in culinary recipes indicate in tablespoons... So, an ordinary tablespoon holds 18 g of water, 17 g of vegetable oil, 20 g of milk. A heaped tablespoon holds 25 g of sugar, 30 g of salt, 15 g of flour, cocoa or coffee. Also, rice is often measured in tablespoons (20 g, if with a slide, 15 - without a slide), ground nuts (with a slide 15 g, without a slide - 10 g), dry grass (with a slide 10 g, without a slide - 5 g) ...

Dosing in teaspoons or tablespoons and liquid medicinal substances is common. Medical practice takes into account that one teaspoon contains 5 ml of liquid, and one tablespoon contains 15 ml of liquid. If water acts as a medicinal solvent, but milliliters can be easily converted into grams: in 1 teaspoon, 5 ml of liquid or 5 g is obtained, in one tablespoon - 15 g. However, the accuracy of such measurements of the volume and weight of medicinal substances may be in doubt.

A special study was carried out, during which the volumes of "standard" teaspoons and tablespoons were studied. Participants in the study took a standard 5 ml teaspoon of the medication, after which their volume was measured. In addition to the fact that the teaspoons and tablespoons used in the experiment differed in their capacity (the volume of teaspoons ranged from 2.5 to 7.3 ml, the volume of tablespoons - from 6.7 to 13.4 ml), the volumes collected with the same 5 ml spoon, but with different participants - from 3.9 to 4.9 ml.

Below you can get acquainted in more detail with dosages of certain products in grams, which are placed in a tablespoon... These characteristics will help you more accurately calculate the dosage of ingredients that are found in recipes.

Now you know for sure how many grams in a tablespoon can be grabbed with or without a slide depending on what ingredients you use to prepare a particular dish.

We measured the weight of the “kitchen rock salt"GOST R 51574-2000 first grade. It is produced from ancient sea salt deposits "created by nature itself over millions of years."

Simply put, we took regular cheap coarse salt, which is implied by default in various culinary and other recipes.

Cheap salt often cakes, forming tough lumps that greatly affect weight. Experimentally, we found out that when dosing salt with a glass or spoon, it is imperative to chop up lumps with a diameter of more than 5 mm, otherwise the real weight will be greater than that indicated on the website.

How much does a spoon or glass of salt weigh?

Tea room with a slide

Tea spoon salt " with a hill»Weighs 12 gram.

To get so much salt in a teaspoon, you need to greedily scoop up, and then shake off the excess that is about to fall.

Usually salt after scooping has the form of a very steep and crumbling rock, which greatly changes its height and hence the mass from scooping to scooping. It is this “changing” rockiness that should be shaken off or cut off, leaving a gentle and neat hill, as in the photo.

Tablespoon salt with a mound»Weighs 21-22 grams.

To get so much salt in a tablespoon, you need to scoop up and then shake off the excess to such an extent that this spoon can be comfortably carried from room to room without spilling a crumb.

Each housewife, trying to use the recipe, is faced with the fact that the dose of products is indicated in grams. You need to know the amount of salt, soda, granulated sugar, cinnamon or other substances in one glass, teaspoon or tablespoon, with or without a slide. Weight varies by product type and varies considerably.

How many mg are in a teaspoon

Incorrect proportions can change the taste of a dish for the worse, so the question of the quantity of products is always relevant. Excessive amounts of substances such as salt, seasonings, baking soda, or baking powder can make food unusable. Special scales that can determine the volume of a teaspoon in grams or measuring cups are not in every kitchen. In addition, many recipes contain instructions with a list of ingredients in grams, which is a standard measure.

You can find out the amount of different substances from the table:

Substance name

How many grams are in one teaspoon

Sago groats

Condensed milk

Oat groats

Liquid honey

Powdered gelatin


Extra salt

Split peas


Barley groats

Corn groats

Wheat groats



Pearl barley

Powdered sugar

Rye / wheat flour

Tomato paste

Coarse salt

Jam / jam


Peeled peanuts

Citric acid

Ground coffee

Raw yeast


Dried mushrooms

Egg powder

Potato starch

Ground pepper

Ground cinnamon

Powdered milk


Vegetable oil

Protein dry

Mustard powder

Olive oil

How much salt is in a teaspoon

This product is most often used in cooking. It is very important not to overdo it with salt: an excess of it makes the dish unusable. The table above indicates that there are 7 grams of salt in a teaspoon. If you weigh the volume with a slide, you get 10 grams. Fine salt "Extra" is lighter than large table salt, so one spoon will fit up to 8 g (with a slide). It is very important to take this into account when you are going to cook something, because without the simplest preservative you can only cook jam or preserves.


Granulated sugar is another popular ingredient in a variety of dishes. It should be noted that it is used not only for drinks and desserts, but also for unusual side dishes, fish, meat, sauces, milk cereals. Sugar in a teaspoon in grams is only 5 g, if you take it without a slide, and 7 g, if you weigh the volume with a slide. It is important that this substance is used in moderation so that the dish is not cloying or, conversely, bland.


This amazing beekeeping product is famous not only for its excellent taste, but also for its beneficial properties. In order not to spoil the dessert, sauce, drink, or marinade with honey, it is important to know about the proportions of this substance. 9 g of honey is placed in a teaspoon, provided that it is fresh and liquid. The specific gravity of the crystallized product will be different: it is necessary to correct the recipe. You can find out exactly how many grams are in a teaspoon of a specific type of product from special tables, but it is better to weigh the candied sweetness.

Dry yeast

It is rare to find a hostess who would not indulge her family with pastries. The secret to delicious pies is a properly prepared dough that contains yeast. Most modern women use a quick version of this product - dry powder. A teaspoon of yeast contains 3-5 g, if weighed them on a special scale. The specific amount depends on whether the substance is measured with a slide or not.

Citric acid

Many are unaware of how widely this substance is used. Citric acid is added to desserts, drinks, mousses, marinades for meat, sauces, soups. A small amount gives a fresh original taste to the dish, but if you add too much of this substance, then you can irrevocably ruin everything. It is worth remembering the proportion and strictly observe it: citric acid in a teaspoon fits 5 g. The required amount of this substance is the secret of successful conservation and preparation of delicious dishes.


To make your favorite drink aromatic and tasty, you need to know the exact amount of coffee. Calculate it for instant and natural ground. The weight of a teaspoon of the substance depends on the type of product. Natural ground coffee in a teaspoon in grams - 8. According to professional recipes, it is difficult to prepare a drink without exact proportions, so you need to remember them. If you weigh instant coffee of the same volume, you get no more than 6 g, because it is much lighter than ground grain.


This substance is widely used for making pancakes, pancakes, pies and more. Baking soda with a drop of vinegar replaces industrial baking powder, helping the dough rise, fluffy, and fluffy. If you take too much baking soda, the finished dish will have an unpleasant taste of this substance, which will make it tasteless. In addition to cooking, this product is used to prepare homemade medicines, so it is important to know exactly how many grams of baking soda are in a teaspoon. If you measure it without a slide, 7 g will come out, and with a hill - about 12.


Modern hypermarkets offer customers olive, sunflower, corn and many other types of oil. Each individual species has its own characteristics and chemical composition. They use oil for cooking first courses, desserts, meat, baked goods. You should not add this substance more than the norm, it is important to observe the proportions to get not too fatty, healthy food. How much oil is in a teaspoon depends on the specific type. The average is 6 g.

Sour cream

The most popular fermented milk product is sour cream. It is widely used when serving pancakes, borscht, added to pastry creams, sauces. Sour cream in a teaspoon is placed 9 g, if the composition includes 30% fat. The proportion does not apply to numerous sour cream and other substitutes for a natural product. You should carefully choose natural tasty sour cream before buying.

How many grams of flour are in a teaspoon

Some people mistakenly think that flour is needed only for baking. However, most sauces, creams for cakes, pastries, and many meat dishes cannot do without it. It is also important to know its proportions, for example, so that the dough does not turn out too thick. How much flour is in a teaspoon? If you scoop it up with a slide, you get 5 g, 4 g - without a slice. It should be noted that buckwheat, corn, and wheat flour have the same specific gravity.


In recipes, ingredients are often listed in grams. For example, you need to take 200 g of flour or 7 g of soda. Accuracy, of course, is a good thing, it is not for nothing that it is called "the courtesy of kings." But how can you measure the right amount of food if you don't have an electronic scale at hand?

It is even more difficult if the components are indicated "by eye". How much is "an incomplete glass of milk", "a pinch of ground pepper" or "soda on the tip of a knife"? The dishes and the eye are different for everyone, and measuring devices for determining the exact weight are not found in every kitchen.

One of the most sought-after ingredients in cooking is common table salt. It is this component that needs accurate dosage.

If you put a little, it won't taste good; if you oversalt it, it's even worse, the dish is irreparably spoiled.

The easiest way is to measure with a teaspoon. And if the weight is indicated with an accuracy of a gram, how to get out of the situation? It's very simple, you need to know how many grams of salt are in a teaspoon (standard)?

It would seem elementary, but few people know the answer to this question. Moreover, salt can be of different grinding - coarse and fine. And you can put it in different ways - flush with the edges or with an addition - "with a slide."

How much to "hang in grams"

It is easy to remember that a typical teaspoon contains 7 grams of free-flowing salt crystals. This is if it is medium or small.

The same device "with the top" will "pull" 10 grams. Coarse crystals are heavier and more voluminous. In a teaspoon they fit less, only 5 grams.

It should be borne in mind that recipes usually use a “heaped” dosage by default.

In another version, usually indicate "spoon without top", "incomplete spoon" or simply "1 tsp." How much this is by weight - you already know.

In almost all types of dough, salt is added to improve its taste and structure.

Often, the baking recipe indicates not the measure of the volume of bulk products, but the weight. Knowing how much product is in a teaspoon, you will never ruin a cake, cookies or delicious kulebyaka.

There are 38 parrots in a boa constrictor, but how many teaspoons are in the dining room?

What to do if the amount of salt in the food is indicated in tablespoons, and you only have a teaspoon at hand? Agree, the most unforeseen situations are possible in life.

Memorize or write down: in an ordinary tablespoon measuring 7 cm by 4 cm - 25 g of salt.

The same cutlery "top" holds 30 g of spice, without which life seems bland. The weight of large crystals, respectively, is 20 g.

For clarity, we present a table. It can be saved and used as needed.

Fine to medium-sized salt:

Coarse salt:

Knowing the general proportions, it is not difficult to determine any amount of the most common spice. For example, you need to measure 2 g.

Our salt is fine, which means that in a teaspoon - 10 g.

Therefore, we take 1/5 part.

Such a simple everyday trick will help you not to be too clever with spices. Moreover, as folk wisdom claims, "salted is on the back, and not salted is on the table." The shortage is easy to fix, but the surplus is almost impossible.

All tricks with the addition of water or rice in a linen bag, which should draw out excess salt, are not very effective. It is better to follow the measure right away.

In addition - a short video on the topic of the article.

Surely many housewives are interested in how many grams are in a teaspoon of this or that product, since often in recipes you can find a recommendation to put 7, 12, 23 grams of ingredients. Such weight is difficult to estimate by eye, and not everyone has accurate electronic scales. And even if they are, 2-3 grams may not show. What to do in this case? It is most convenient to keep in the kitchen a comparative plate of the mass and volume of some types of products that you most often use. Of course, those housewives who are used to doing everything by eye and can easily pour it into the pie instead of the recommended 17 grams. ground cinnamon a tablespoon of powder, they will easily get the result that is not at all the result that they originally expected.

You should not do by eye a dish that you are preparing for the first time, so as not to inadvertently ruin it. It is also very important to observe the correct dosage when preserving. If you don't add salt to a regular soup, you can get an unsalted dish. And if you do not add the same salt to the brine with which cucumbers or tomatoes will be poured, rolled up jars can swell in a couple of days.

In addition to taste, the calorie content of the dish will depend on the exact weight of certain products. What is important for people on diets and carefully calculating their diet. For example, knowing, a person can calculate the calorie content of tea or coffee with one, two, three or more tablespoons of sugar. And, based on the data obtained, balance your diet.

How many grams are in a teaspoon of cereals?

A teaspoon of oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina, pearl barley, millet will weigh 8 grams. Oatmeal and lentils weigh 4 grams. Corn - even lighter, only 2 grams.

How many grams are in a teaspoon of flour?

Corn, potato and wheat flour that fits in a teaspoon will weigh 10 grams.

Often when baking pastries, such as a variety of cakes, rolls or pies, it is important to know the weight of the spices and various additives.

So, how many grams are in a teaspoon:

  1. Gelatin - 5 gr.
  2. Cocoa powder - 9 gr.
  3. Raisins - 7 gr.
  4. Citric acid - 8 gr.
  5. Ground cinnamon - 8 gr.
  6. Ground coffee - 7 gr.
  7. Maca - 5 gr.
  8. Liqueur - 7 gr.
  9. Powdered milk - 5 gr.
  10. Condensed milk - 12 gr.
  11. Granulated sugar and powdered sugar - 10 gr.
  12. Egg powder - 10 gr.
  13. Baking soda - 12 g
  14. Cream - 5 gr.
  15. Sour cream - 10 gr.
  16. Berry and fruit puree - 17 gr.
  17. Melted margarine - 4 gr.
  18. Vegetable oil - 5 gr.
  19. Melted butter - 5 gr.
  20. Jam - 17 gr.
  21. Water - 5 gr.
  22. Liquid honey - 9 gr.
  23. Kefir, fermented baked milk or milk - 5 gr.
  24. Hazelnuts (kernels) - 10 gr.

However, how many grams are in a teaspoon of spices is important to know not only for baking. This information can be useful when preparing main courses and soups.

1 teaspoon - how many grams:

  1. Vinegar - 5 gr.
  2. Tomato paste - 10 gr.
  3. Salt - 10 gr.
  4. Breadcrumbs - 5 gr.
  5. Ground pepper - 5 gr.
  6. Beans or peas - 10 gr.

Of course, this is not the entire list of products used in cooking. However, the ingredients mentioned here are those that are most commonly found.

In addition to preparing food, the exact weight of the measured food can be useful in treatment. For example, the weight of a dry herb or a collection that fits in a teaspoon will be 2-3 grams.

This table will help the housewives navigate the recipes where the weight is from 2 to 50 grams. If you are asked to put 60, 80, or more grams of a product, it is easier to use another measuring instrument (a tablespoon or glass), instead of measuring 10-15 small teaspoons. And vice versa, it can be roughly remembered that one contains as many products as three teas.

It should also be remembered that we are talking about a spoon with a small slide. True if it concerns cereals and bulk products. The same flour can be taken in such a way that the volume of the slide will exceed the volume of the dishes three times. Naturally, it will be impossible to take vinegar, milk or water with a slide.