How to cook for mom. Breakfast recipes: what can a child cook for mom's breakfast? Festive breakfast recipes

26.11.2019 Seafood dishes

I always want to do something nice for mom. It doesn't have to be an expensive gift, you can just cook a delicious meal for mommy's breakfast. Most children think that it is very difficult, but it is not, just think about what to cook for mommy for breakfast, and many simple recipes come to mind. You just need to boldly take up their implementation. Undoubtedly, the beloved mom will be satisfied.

Thinking about what to cook for mom for breakfast, you can stop at the omelet. This dish will require the following products:

- 50 ml of milk;

- 100 gr of sausages or 2 sausages;

- a pinch of salt;

- 20 ml of vegetable oil.

Eggs should be broken, poured into a bowl and shaken, then milk and finely chopped sausage or sausages are added to them. The ingredients mix well and are slightly salted. Then you need to put the pan on the stove, light the fire, pour oil into it. After 2 minutes, you can pour out the mass and cover it with a lid. You also need to turn down the heat. After 3-5 minutes, you need to look at the readiness of the dish. If there is no liquid in it, then you can turn off the heat and put the omelet on plates. If there is greenery, then it is better to decorate the dish with it, and you can go to wake your mother.

Thinking about what to cook for mom for breakfast in the minimum amount of time, you can simply make sandwiches with cheese and sausage. To do this, you need to cut the bread into thin slices. Then butter is spread on it and sausage with cheese is placed. Then the sandwiches are placed on a plate. Also, do not forget about coffee, this drink will invigorate and give a good mood.

What else can you cook for mom's breakfast? If you have fruit, yogurt or cottage cheese in the fridge, you will be able to create a great dish. You will need a blender to prepare it. You will need to put various fruits and cottage cheese or yogurt in it. Then all this is whipped for a few minutes and laid out in small plates. You can garnish the mousse with a mint leaf or grated chocolate. Mom will be delighted with such a masterpiece.

What can mom cook for breakfast in 5 minutes? And is it possible? Of course yes. You can make her a cheese pancake. He will need the following products:

- 10 grams of flour;

- 20 ml of vegetable oil;

- 20 ml sour cream;

20 grams of hard cheese.

The egg must be mixed with flour, salt. Then flour and sour cream are added to the mass. After that, the frying pan is warmed up, you will need to pour a little oil into it, pour out the egg mass and close the lid. After 2 minutes, turn the pancake over and sprinkle with grated cheese on top. After 1 minute, you can turn off the heat, cut the pancake into 4 pieces and put on a plate.

You can ask your mom's friends what they cook for breakfast. Perhaps we can get hold of some useful recipes. In the meantime, you can cook scrambled eggs with sausages for a loved one. To do this, you need the following ingredients:

- 20 ml of vegetable oil;

- 20 grams of cheese;

- 2 sausages;

- 10 ml ketchup;

- a pinch of salt and pepper.

First, the pan is placed on the stove and the vegetable oil is poured into it. Then eggs are driven in, sausages are placed and covered with a lid. It is recommended to reduce the fire so that the dish does not burn out. While the eggs are fried, grate the cheese on a fine grater. After 2 minutes, you need to turn the sausages, salt and pepper the eggs. After another 2 minutes, turn off the fire. The dish will need to be carefully laid out on a plate and garnished with ketchup and cheese. With this culinary masterpiece, you can safely go to your mother so that she can take a sample.

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site collected 7 delicious and simple recipes that children can cope with playfully. Well, at what age to let the baby into the kitchen, it's up to you.


Will need:
Vegetable oil.
Egg - 1 pc.
Milk or cream - 2 tbsp l.
Diced filling - ham, basil, tomato, bacon, etc.

  1. Take two tablespoons of vegetable oil and brush over a mold.
  2. Toss eggs and milk, selected filling ingredients and salt.
  3. Pour the mixture into a baking dish.
  4. Place in the microwave for about 2 minutes. Let cool slightly, then remove from the microwave using an oven mitt.

Baked bananas

Will need:
Bananas - 4 pcs.
Cottage cheese - 100 g.
Yogurt - 100 g.
Egg - 1 pc.
Honey - 2 tbsp. l.

  1. Cut the peeled bananas in half and place in a microwave-safe dish.
  2. Mix cottage cheese with egg and honey to make a creamy mass. Spoon the mixture over the bananas.
  3. Place the dish in the microwave and bake on medium power with the grill on for 8-10 minutes.

Mini pizza

Will need:
Bread - 1-2 slices.
Tomato - 1 pc.
Sausage, olives, pickles, boiled chicken, bell peppers - optional.
Hard cheese.

  1. Spread some butter on a slice of bread.
  2. Place the diced ingredients of your choice on the bread, such as sausage, tomato and bell pepper.
  3. Sprinkle with grated cheese on top.
  4. Place in the microwave for 1-2 minutes.

Caprese salad

Will need:
Mozzarella - 1-2 balls.
Tomato - 1 pc.
Olive oil.

  1. Cut the tomatoes and mozzarella into slices.
  2. Place the cheese, tomatoes and basil in turn.
  3. Sprinkle with olive oil on top.

Egg boats

Will need:
Eggs - 3-4 pcs.
Bulgarian pepper.
Sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.

  1. Peel the pre-cooked eggs and cut them in half.
  2. Remove the yolk and stir it in a bowl of sour cream.
  3. Fill the egg halves with the resulting mixture.
  4. From the bell peppers, cut out small squares with a side of about 2-3 cm and cut them diagonally.
  5. Stick into the yolk to make a sail.

Hot sandwich

Will need:
Sausage - 2 slices.
Butter - 30 g.
Hard cheese - 50 g.
Bread - 2 slices

  1. Spread butter on the slices of bread.
  2. Place sausage on one of the slices and sprinkle with grated cheese. You can add herbs and finely chopped vegetables.
  3. Cover the cheese with a second slice of bread, greased side down. Bake in the microwave for 1-2 minutes. Eat while hot.


Will need:
Semolina - 2 tbsp. l.
Sugar - 2 tsp
Salt - 1 pinch
Milk - 1 glass.
Butter - 20 g.

  1. Combine semolina, sugar and salt in a deep bowl.
  2. Dilute the mixture with milk and microwave for one and a half minutes.
  3. Stir and add the butter, then microwave the porridge for another minute and a half.

When serving, you can sprinkle with jam or add fruits and nuts.

An edible surprise on this day should be special. Why not make some fabulous gingerbread cookies or a chocolate popsicle with raspberries? Or maybe an original breakfast in bed? In general, the choice is yours: please moms with cool recipes.

Recipe 1: fabulously beautiful gingerbread cookies in colored glaze

Difficulty: medium

For the test, you will need:

  • one hundred thirty grams of butter;
  • two chicken eggs;
  • 160-200 grams of powdered sugar;
  • half a teaspoon of baking soda;
  • a little cocoa (by eye);
  • gingerbread spices (one tablespoon). Ideal if you find a spice that contains cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, coriander, nutmeg, cloves, and a dash of vanilla. An alternative to this set can be a bag of mulled wine spices.
  • five tablespoons of honey;
  • five hundred grams of flour.

For glaze:

  • icing sugar (two hundred and fifty grams);
  • two whites of small chicken eggs.

Recipe 2: banana pancakes

Difficulty level: low (even children can handle it)

You will need:

  • one chicken egg;
  • one hundred and fifty grams of sugar;
  • one hundred thirty grams of flour;
  • fifty grams of butter;
  • one teaspoon of baking powder;
  • one hundred grams of bananas.

For glaze:

We start cooking:

Recipe 3: making a chocolate popsicle for mom

Difficulty: medium

Desserts for Mother's Day may be different, but such a fresh idea will definitely be appreciated! Moreover, Mother's Day in Ukraine is celebrated on May 14 this year, and the weather promises to be warm.

You will need:

  • heavy cream (fifty grams);
  • milk (one hundred grams);
  • unsweetened cocoa (three tablespoons);
  • one teaspoon of vanilla extract;
  • two hundred grams of dark chocolate (53 to 66 percent);
  • raspberries (one hundred grams).

We start cooking:

Recipe 4: homemade marshmallows with black currants

Difficulty: medium

You will need:

  • applesauce (one hundred grams);
  • black currant (one hundred grams);
  • sugar (six hundred grams);
  • one egg white
  • water (one hundred thirty milliliters);
  • agar agar (five grams).

On a note! To make the marshmallow "mature", we recommend to cook it before Mother's Day in the evening.

We start cooking:

  1. Using a mixer or blender, mix the apple and black currant puree with two hundred grams of sugar until the latter dissolves. Add one egg white to the resulting mass, beat.
  2. We take another saucepan in which you need to mix water, four hundred grams of sugar and agar-agar. We put on medium heat and bring to one hundred and ten degrees. The contents are whipped well, pour the syrup into it in a thin stream. At increased speed, the mass needs to be whipped for about seven more minutes.
  3. Then it's up to the pastry bag (we use the "closed star" nozzle six to eight millimeters). We fill the bag with the mass, which has thickened, and carefully squeeze the future marshmallow onto a baking sheet. Remember to line the baking sheet with parchment. To stabilize the marshmallow, leave it at room temperature for twelve hours. Almost done, it remains only to remove the sweets from the paper and glue the bottoms in pairs. Sprinkle with a small amount of powdered sugar and delight moms!

Recipe 5: healthy breakfast (porridge recipe you didn't know about!)

Difficulty level: low

There is no need to try to surprise with some unrealistic dishes that take hours and nights to cook. We are simple, clear and delicious recipes. And if they are also useful, then generally perfect! Instead of a three-tiered cake with a cherry, we suggest making mom's morning more pleasant with porridge.

Option one: with cocoa and banana

You will need:

  • oatmeal (2/3 cup);
  • yogurt (2/3 cup);
  • cocoa (one tablespoon);
  • cherry and banana (your choice).

We start cooking:

Option two: porridge with berries

You will need:

  • oatmeal (2/3 cup);
  • yogurt (2/3 cup);
  • blueberries or raspberries (your choice);
  • cornflakes (your choice).

We start cooking:

This recipe is very similar to the previous one. In the evening, oatmeal is poured into a jar of fruit yogurt. Mix thoroughly, beat in a jar with a lid and put in the refrigerator, and in the morning we add berries to the porridge. Mom will close her eyes with pleasure when she tries! By the way, such oatmeal is stored in the refrigerator for a couple of days.

Even the most banal scrambled eggs can become exquisite if you use original molds: for Mother's Day, a heart (as in the photo above) or a flower is best suited. Note that such a gastronomic solution is also relevant for sandwiches.

Taste is tasteful, but no one canceled the joy for the eyes, which means that a festive breakfast for mom must be supplemented with textiles. Saying no to dull paper napkins! A cloth napkin, by the way, can be tied with a gold ribbon, it will turn out very elegantly.

You can't do without flowers on your mother's day! A huge, lush bouquet is not entirely relevant for breakfast. Use freshly cut fragrant roses or delicate hydrangea. You need to put flowers in a small vase and decorate with it the morning table or tray on which you plan to serve breakfast.

Choose your dishes carefully. It should be from one set, and if not, then use items in a matching color scheme.

In addition to the main dishes, serve snacks for breakfast in small bowls: it is beautiful and healthy.

And the final touch of breakfast for your beloved mother will be small notes in which you will once again say how much you love her and wish you a good day. Believe me, you need so little happiness for a smile! And then we have the following recipe for you: this time we will prepare a cake for Mother's Day.

Recipe 6: mother's day cake with cottage cheese and cocoa

Difficulty level: high

You will need:

  • four hundred grams of flour;
  • butter (two hundred and fifty grams);
  • sugar (one hundred and fifty grams);
  • cocoa powder (three tablespoons).

For filling:

  • cottage cheese (five hundred grams),
  • chicken eggs (four pieces);
  • sugar (two hundred grams);
  • vanilla sugar (one sachet);
  • sour cream (one hundred milliliters);
  • flour (two tablespoons).

We start cooking:

  1. First, you need to preheat the oven to one hundred and eighty degrees and prepare the form - grease it with a small amount of butter and sprinkle it with a little flour (you can use fine bread crumbs).
  2. Next, we prepare the cottage cheese for the filling: it must be thoroughly rubbed through a sieve, and then mixed with sugar and eggs. Add one packet of vanilla sugar and mix everything with flour and sour cream and send the mixture to the refrigerator.
  3. Next, rub butter, flour, sugar and cocoa with your hands into crumbs. We put about ⅔ of the resulting crumb in a mold, level it and pour out the filling from the cottage cheese. Pour the remaining crumbs onto the curd layer, level them and put them in the oven for fifty minutes. We bake until the future cake hardens.

Ready! The sweetness in the photo above is covered in frosting, which makes the baked goods look more festive.

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Photo: at the request of Yandex and Google

What can you cook for mom

Imagine your mother’s most ordinary day. Get up before everyone else, cook breakfast, lunch and dinner, clean up, wash the dishes and also pay attention to each family member, and you need to find some time for yourself. As you know, mothers work 24 hours a day without lunch breaks, weekends and holidays. But really even on March 8, International Women's Day, mothers will again have to take care of all the worries? Surprise your mom with a delicious meal! Even if you have stood at the stove only a couple of times and consider the omelet to be the pinnacle of your culinary skill, the recipes below will not cause you any difficulties.

So, what can you cook for your mom for the holiday? The dish should be tasty, affordable and easy to prepare, and it is also desirable that it cook quickly, so first you need to decide on the products. Use simple, well-known products that you can buy at the nearest supermarket, in case something suddenly isn't enough and you urgently need to buy more. Before choosing a recipe, try to imagine what flavor combination you might end up with and whether your mom will like it. Do not waste time and energy on complex recipes, let the chosen dish be simple, but tasty, and most importantly, your mom will like it and bring a happy smile on her face.

If you decide to arrange a morning surprise, then you will have to forget about heavy meat dishes, suitable, rather, for lunch or dinner. From what you can cook for your mom for breakfast, you should pay attention to the original sandwiches, fruit and curd dishes and unusual omelets. The recipes for such dishes are given below.

6 slices of toast bread
2 eggs,
3 cups of cooked sausage,
1 fresh tomato
2 mushrooms (can be frozen),
1 tbsp grated cheese
lettuce leaf,
ground black pepper,

Don't be intimidated by such a long list of ingredients. Surely, you will find almost everything in the refrigerator or in the nearest supermarket. You will need an oven to cook this dish, so immediately put it to heat up to a temperature of 180 degrees. Do not forget to first remove the baking sheet, put 3 slices of toast bread on it. From the remaining 3 pieces, use a knife to cut out the middle, leaving the edges 1-1.5 cm thick, the middle can be removed, it is not needed. Place sausage slices on whole pieces of bread and cover with cut pieces. For 2 sandwiches, in the middle of the sausage, put a circle of tomato, break the egg on top, salt and pepper. Put the chopped mushrooms in the remaining sandwich, salt, pepper and sprinkle with cheese. Place the baking sheet in a preheated oven for 15-20 minutes. Since you are preparing a holiday breakfast, you need to serve the prepared dish beautifully, so rinse the lettuce leaf with water, pat dry with paper napkins, place it on a flat plate, and place the sandwiches on top.

4 large apples,
100 g cottage cheese,
1 tbsp sour cream,
cinnamon on the tip of a knife
1 tbsp raisins,
powdered sugar.

The question of what can be prepared for mom on March 8 can be complicated by an unexpected diet that any woman can begin to adhere to in honor of the approaching swimming season. If your mother also decided to seriously take up her figure, then prepare a light and healthy breakfast of apples and cottage cheese. The first thing to do is to boil the kettle, rinse the raisins and pour hot water over them. Then put the oven to preheat to 180-200 degrees. Wash and dry the apples thoroughly. Cut off the top and core the remaining apple with a teaspoon, leaving firm edges, about 1 cm wide. Combine cottage cheese, sugar, sour cream and steamed raisins. Fill the apples with curd. Cover the baking sheet with foil or baking paper, place the apples and place in the oven for 20-25 minutes. Sprinkle the finished apples with icing sugar.

4 strong tomatoes,
4 eggs,
4 thin slices of cheese
vegetable oil,
ground black pepper,

If there are tomatoes, eggs and a small piece of cheese in the fridge, then the question of what can be prepared for mom for the holiday can not be asked. The answer is obvious - a delicious, aromatic, juicy, original omelet. Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Wash the tomatoes thoroughly and pat dry. Cut off their lids and use a teaspoon to remove the pulp. Put the tomatoes on a baking sheet, grease them inside with vegetable oil, salt, pepper and break an egg into each tomato. Put a piece of cheese on top and place in a preheated oven for 15-20 minutes. Sprinkle the prepared tomatoes with finely chopped herbs.

It would seem that breakfast has just ended, you have not even had time to really take a break, as lunch time is approaching, which means that you need to think again about what you can cook for your mom. You shouldn't expect to have the energy for a three-course meal, so you should focus on one thing that is satisfying. For this reason, it is better to give up cooking soup and go straight to the second course.

chicken fillet,
3 mushrooms (frozen slices can be used),
1 small onion
1/2 tbsp. rice,
ground black pepper,

Since you are unlikely to want to stand at the stove all day, you should pay attention to the dishes that are cooked in the oven. Just prepare the ingredients in advance, put in a baking dish, put in the oven and timed, it is better to set an alarm or timer. While lunch is being prepared, you will not need to constantly stir it or turn it over, which means that it is quite possible to go about your business or come up with what you can cook for mom for dinner. Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Rinse the rice, pour 1.5 tbsp. water and put on fire. As soon as the water boils, add salt and reduce heat to low, close the lid tightly and let simmer for 15 minutes. Cut the fillet into two parts, put in a plastic bag and beat slightly, you can do without this, but then the meat will cook a little longer. Season with salt and pepper and place on a baking sheet. Peel the onion, cut into rings and put on the fillet, cut the mushrooms into slices or, if using freezing, they will already be chopped and put on the onion. Gently brush with mayonnaise on top, sprinkle with grated cheese and place in the oven for 20 minutes. Remove the rice from heat, add a lump of butter and leave under the lid for another 5 minutes. Serve the fillets with the rice.

700 gr. (6-7 pcs.) Potatoes,
500 gr. mushrooms (can be frozen),
2 onions
150 g cheese
1 egg,
400 gr. sour cream,
vegetable oil,
black pepper hammers,

This recipe is a little more complicated than the previous one, but only due to the fact that you have to stand at the stove, frying mushrooms and onions. If this does not scare you, then the question of what can be prepared for mom, consider it resolved. Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Cut the mushrooms into pieces or, if using freezing, they will already be cut into slices, cut the onion into half rings. Heat 2-3 tablespoons in a skillet. vegetable oil, add mushrooms and onions to it, salt and pepper. Fry until all the liquid has evaporated. Peel and cut the potatoes into thin slices. Grease a baking dish with vegetable oil and lay out a layer of potatoes. Season with salt, pepper, generously grease with sour cream and lay out the mushrooms and onions, grease well again with sour cream and lay out another layer of potatoes. Mix the remaining sour cream thoroughly with the egg and pour the resulting mixture over the potatoes. Cover the baking dish with foil and place in the oven for 40 minutes. Then take out the casserole dish, carefully remove the foil, check the readiness of the potatoes with a fork, it should be soft. Sprinkle with grated cheese and put in the oven for another 15 minutes, no longer need to cover the form with foil.

The time from lunch to dinner will fly by almost as imperceptibly as from breakfast to lunch, so you should immediately think about what you can cook for your mom in the evening. It seems that it will not be possible to surprise and delight your mother even more, but try to cook pink salmon or chum salmon with cheese, or a quick light dinner of tomatoes and tworg, and this holiday on March 8 will be remembered for a long time by your mother.

500 gr. fillet of pink salmon or chum salmon,
100 g cheese
70-80 gr. mayonnaise,
juice of 1 lemon,
ground black pepper,

This is a very tender dish that melts in your mouth, in addition, the recipe is so simple that you will not have any difficulties in preparing this fish. This dish is prepared very quickly, which is especially important for those who spend their day in the kitchen for the first time. Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Rinse the fillet, pat dry with paper towels and cut into large pieces. Rub the pieces on both sides with salt and pepper, be careful, it is important not to oversalt here, pour lemon juice. Line a baking dish with foil and line the fish. Apply a thin layer of mayonnaise to each bite. Grate cheese and put on mayonnaise. Place the dish in the oven and bake for 30-40 minutes.

5 medium tomatoes,
120-130 gr. cottage cheese,
2 green onion feathers,
1 clove of garlic
1 tbsp sour cream,

Of what can be prepared for mom for dinner, this recipe can be called the most dietary and simple. Cottage cheese, tomatoes and greens are useful in themselves, and in this recipe you don't even have to fry or bake anything, which means you will save all the vitamins and mom will be happy. Wash the tomatoes thoroughly, cut off the top with a sharp knife. Remove the pulp with a teaspoon. Flip the tomatoes over onto a paper towel to soak up any remaining tomato juice. Mash the cottage cheese with a fork, add finely chopped herbs, garlic, salt and sour cream passed through a press. Mix everything thoroughly and fill the tomatoes with the resulting mixture.

Choosing a recipe and deciding what can be cooked for mom on March 8 is a simple and interesting task, and the cooking process itself will surely suit your taste. Give your mom a real holiday, freeing her from household chores for at least one day, as a reward you will receive her happy smile and a charge of excellent mood!