Making Parmesan cheese at home. Parmesan cheese

17.09.2019 Restaurant notes

The cheese made famous by Giovanni Boccaccio in the immortal “Decameron”, which was the hallmark of the town of Zhivi Lakomo: “... there is a mountain of grated parmesan where people live and do nothing else, just cook pasta and dumplings”.

It is believed that for the first time, Parmigiano Reggiano (Italian: Parmigiano Reggiano) was brewed by Benedictine monks in the 12th century, who were preoccupied with creating cheese with a long shelf life.
It is difficult to say when the transformation took place: Parmigiano is Parmesan, but it was under its “French” name that it conquered the whole world.
There are several varieties of the famous cheese, which differ in terms of ripening:
Parmigiano nuovo - young, from 12 to 18 months
Parmigiano vecchio - old, from 18 to 24 months
Parmigiano stravecchio - very old, from 24 to 36 months

Has been certified DOC (Italian Denominazione di Origine Controllata) since 1955, and PDO (Protected Design of Origin) since 1992.

Ivory cheese with a brittle texture and a pungent aftertaste. Three-year-old parmesan (parmigiano stravecchio) is an independent dish, the taste of which can be emphasized by red fruit and calm white wines. Two and one year olds are a popular addition to pasta, dumplings, soups and salads.




  1. Yesterday's "evening" separated, mix with fresh whole milk, and cool the pasteurized 3 mixture until 35 ° C... Collect 50 ml of warm water in 2 containers: in one you add a solution of calcium chloride (not granules!), In the second - a coagulant (rennet / vegetarian chymosin), after which, divide the mixture in half, add the first portion to the pan, and again stir.
  2. Now, the clot should ripen... To do this, close the pan with a lid and leave for 20-30 minutes, maintaining t = 32-33 ° C: after this time, you will see a cheese curd - a gel, under a layer of translucent whey. It needs to be checked for a "clean break": for this you need to take a knife, and make a shallow incision "at an angle", and raise this part of the clot; if its edges are even, the incision sites are filled with serum - this means that it is time to move on to the next stage; if this does not happen, wait another 10-15 minutes.
  3. Cut the clot into cubes with a side ~ 1 cm, and stir mass whisk ~ 10 minutes so you get small, 2-3 mm corn.
    Once you have reached the size you want, start knead more actively, smoothly raising the temperature to 58 ° C- this process should take 20 minutes.
  4. And now, cool down mass up to 55 ° C, and supporting her, continue mix during 10 minutes.
  5. Do not drain the whey - you will still need it.
    Transfer the cheesy corn v drainage bag and form a ball. Heat serum before t = 57 ° C, place it v hot liquid, and soak 60 minutes, turning over every 15 minutes.
    Make sure the ball is completely submerged.
  6. Without removing the cheese mass from the drainage bag, place it in the shape of and put under the press:
    20 minutes - 4 Kg
    20 minutes - 6 Kg
    20 minutes - 6 Kg
    10 hours - 8 Kg keeping the temperature regime: 18-22 ° C.
    Remember to turn the cheese according to the given times.
  7. Pressing is complete! But that's not all: shift head in food container and leave at room temperature on 35 hours- at this time, the cheese will gain acidity.
  8. Salting - 20% brine will help with this 4. Omit parmesan in the salt pool and also distribute on the top of the head 1 tsp. dry salt and put away in a ripening chamber that will support t = 10-13 ° C, immediate 12 hours... Remember to turn the cheese over, and add dry salt as well, after the first 6 hours.
  9. That's it - the cheese can be removed to the exposure chamber to maintain t = 10-14 ° C and humidity 50% (or 85%?), during subsequent 12 months.

3 It is important to remember that you cannot cook cheese from store-bought packaged milk - in dairies pasteurization is carried out at high temperatures, as a result of which protein denaturation occurs, and the curd simply does not form. You can purchase raw farm milk, and pasteurize it yourself, heating it to 72-75 ° C, you need to stand for 20 seconds, and then cool it as soon as possible. Also, you can carry out this manipulation at t = 65-68 ° C, but it will take a little longer - 20 minutes, the process cannot be accelerated, because not all pathogenic bacteria will die. 4 To prepare 4 liters of 20% brine, you need to dissolve 1 kilogram of salt, 4 grams of dry calcium chloride in boiled water, and add 2.5 ml of 9% vinegar. The brine is ready. Ripening care:
If you decide to leave the natural rind, mold can form on it - this is facilitated by the high humidity of the ripening chamber. A small brush and running water will help get rid of it. When the Parmesan is dry after the procedure, it can be put back into the aging chamber.
If you decide to use a latex coating, it is best to apply 2-3 coats after salting.
Storage: up to 18 months, at t = 6-8 ° C.

A huge number of people cannot imagine their daily life without cheese. It is the most popular food product in many countries. You can find many different cheeses on sale, but the quality of many of them leaves much to be desired. Therefore, many housewives are interested in whether it is possible to cook such products on their own. Specifically how to cook at home. Although it is not easy, it is quite possible, you just need to stock up on food and adhere to the chosen recipe. Since Parmesan is one of the most popular and delicious cheeses, we will talk about it. Let's look at how Parmesan cheese is prepared, we will describe the recipe for cooking at home.

Parmesan cheese is a tricky homemade dish. It must be kept for a long time - several years. Only in this case it is possible to prepare a really high-quality product.

Parmesan cheese at home - recipe for 2-5 years of aging


To prepare such a product, you need to prepare ten liters, a teaspoon of rennet, a couple of tablespoons, one gram of saffron and a glass of cold boiled water.

Making Parmesan cheese at home:

To prepare this version of Parmesan, it is better to stock up on milk from which it was removed. Heat it to thirty degrees and pour in the rennet, diluted in a separate container with a glass of cold water. Leave the resulting mixture in a warm place for half an hour to ferment.

After souring, stir the resulting curd in the whey. Add a little saffron to it for color. Heat such a mass on a fire of minimum power to forty-five to fifty degrees, remembering to stir from time to time.

Line a colander and pour the contents of the pot into it. This will separate the resulting curd from the whey.

After about an hour (after most of the whey has drained), place the cheese directly in the cheesecloth in a mold. Place a small weight on top. After about half an hour, double the weight of the load. Soak the cheese under this pressure for a day. Remember to turn the cheese from time to time.

Then proceed to salting it. Season the cheese with salt on all sides and leave in the mold. The salting process should last for twenty days. All this time, the cooking cheese must be turned over periodically.

Then scrape the resulting product and douse it with hot serum. Then rub the cheese with vegetable oil and leave to ripen. The duration of maturation can range from two to five years, and is determined solely by the tolerance of the hosts. Preparing cheese should be periodically greased with oil.

Homemade parmesan cheese - recipe for 8-12 months

To prepare such a dish, you need to prepare ten liters of milk: five liters of evening milk (you need to skim it off) and five liters of whole morning milk are best. Also use a quarter teaspoon of yogurt culture - 50/50 Streptococcus Thermophilus and Lactococcus bulgaricus are excellent options, as well as two and a half milliliters of liquid rennet diluted in fifty milliliters of regular room temperature water.

To prepare cheese, you need to stock up on a pan of eleven to twelve liters, a long knife, a spatula or a long large spoon for stirring, as well as gauze or synthetic drainage cloth.

Mix the milk and heat it to thirty-three degrees. Sprinkle the sourdough over the surface and leave for half a minute. Stir well afterwards. Leave for an hour on a warm surface so that the temperature does not drop below thirty-three to thirty-two degrees.

Stir the milk, add rennet to it and mix well again. Fifteen to seventeen minutes later, a dense clot should form. Cut the bunch horizontally as well as vertically with a long knife. Chop and mix the resulting mass for about ten minutes. You should have a small grain, two to three millimeters in size.

Then quickly heat the mass from thirty-three to fifty-eight degrees, actively stirring it. This should take you about twenty minutes. Cool the mass to fifty-five degrees by placing the pan in cold water. Stir for another five to ten minutes, maintaining the temperature at fifty-five degrees.

Fold several layers of cheesecloth in a colander, pour all the cheese mass into it. Gather the ends of the gauze and knot. Preheat a frying pan to fifty-seven degrees and dip the ball of cheese into it. You need to withstand it for an hour. About once every quarter of an hour, open the cheesecloth and turn the cheese over, so you will form an even ball. In this case, the cheese should be under a layer of whey.

After that, transfer the clot together with gauze into the mold, squeeze it a little with your hands and put the mold lid on it. First press the 4.5kg cheese for ten minutes, then turn it over and continue pressing for another ten minutes. Then increase the weight of the oppression to ten kilograms, press for twenty minutes, then rewind and press again for twenty minutes.

Next, remove the cheese from the cheesecloth, transfer it to the mold and cover with a lid. Press ten kilograms for ten hours at a temperature of 18-24C. Then remove the cheese in a separate saucepan and let sit for another thirty-five hours.

Next, dissolve a kilogram of salt in four liters of water, cool the brine to ten to thirteen degrees. Dip the cheese in it and salt for six hours on each side. Since the head of cheese will float, sprinkle it with a teaspoon of dry salt on top.

Then remove the cheese from the brine and send it to the wire rack to dry. Dry it for one to two days at a temperature of ten to thirteen degrees. Remember to turn it from time to time to dry it evenly.

Then send the cheese to the aging room: with a temperature of ten to fourteen degrees and with a humidity of 85%. Incubate for twelve months.

Making Parmesan at home is not easy, but the result may be beyond your expectations.

Additional Information

Parmesan is a surprisingly healthy product that can be difficult to prepare at home. It is based on cow's milk. Such a product has many medicinal qualities and can be used to treat and prevent many health problems.

So, traditional medicine experts often advise taking milk to treat cough. You can drink it by itself - warm, in small sips. Such a drink can be sweetened with honey, fats (at least regular) and soda can be added to it. All of these ingredients enhance the effectiveness of milk as a cough medicine.

Healers are often advised to use. To prepare such a medicine, you need to open a bottle of Borjomi and wait a few hours so that the excess gas evaporates from it. Then heat up one hundred milliliters of water in a water bath so that it reaches body temperature. Also boil the cow's milk and cool it to body temperature. You will also need one hundred milliliters of it. Drain both liquids into one container, sweeten with a teaspoon of honey and drink in small sips.

Milk is also used by healers to treat thyroid diseases. Experts advise drinking it in a glass, adding a couple of drops to such a drink immediately before use. Repeat this medication once or twice a week.

To achieve a therapeutic effect, you can also take milk with iodine according to a different scheme. On the first day of treatment, drink a glass of milk with one drop of iodine, on the second day, increase the amount of iodine by a drop. Thus, increase the dosage daily and reach ten drops of iodine per day. Then, according to the same principle, reduce the volume of the medicine until the number of iodine droplets in the milk drops to one.

Milk will help to cope with memory impairments and cleanse the body (from cholesterol, toxins, etc.). In this case, it should be combined with. Grind fresh parsley through a meat grinder to get two and a half kilograms of raw materials. Brew it with three and a half liters of hot milk. Boil such a remedy for an hour and divide the resulting volume of the medicine into three parts, take them in small portions in three days. At the same time, drink as much regular clean water as possible.

It is advisable to discuss the feasibility of using traditional medicine with a qualified doctor. Self-medication can be harmful to health.


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Everyone knows this great Italian hard cheese. Parmesan is truly versatile: it goes well with wine, it can be melted, added to salads, pasta, pizza, risotto, and also eaten as snacks, cut into cubes. The original name of Parmesan cheese is Parmigiano Reggiano. This cheese is traditionally made from unpasteurized cow's milk and matures over a long period of time: from 6 months. The original Parmesan has a very deep taste with hints of fruit and nutty flavor and a strong, rich cheesy aroma that cannot be confused with anything.
Let's try making Parmesan cheese yourself!


8 l.

cow's or goat's milk (or both) 2.5% fat

not ultra-pasteurized

1/8 tsp

dry thermophilic starter culture

with the addition of L. helveticus

1/2 tsp

liquid rennet (veal)

dissolve in 50ml water temperature 30-35ºС
or rennet in another form, in dosage, according to the directions on the package
use animal rennet for this recipe

1 ½ tsp (8 ml.)

calcium chloride, solution 10%

dissolve in 50ml of water at room temperature

or be guided by the dosage indicated by the manufacturer of the drug on the package

maximum dose of addition - 2 g of dry calcium per 10 l of milk

1/4 tsp

[optional] lipase

dissolve in 50 ml of water at room temperature, let it brew for 20 minutes

Salt bath

1 kg.

medium ground sea salt

not iodized

3 l.

boiled water

1 tbsp

calcium chloride, solution 33%

1 tsp

vinegar white

After preparation, you will receive: 1 cheese weighing 800 g


10 l.


enameled or stainless steel

15 l.


for a water bath

with max. load from 9 kg

cheese press
food thermometer
long knife

for cutting a bunch


wooden or plastic

for 1 kg. ∅11 cm.

cheese press

perforated, cylindrical , with follower cap

drainage tissue

Sterilize all equipment before making cheese. You can rinse it and pour over it with boiling water

Parmesan Cheese Cooking Schedule (from start to finish)

First day:

  • 3 hours 20 minutes to cook the curd
  • 15 hours forming and pressing (evening and night)

Subsequent days:

  • 1 day for salting in a salt bath
  • 2-5 days to dry the crust
  • at least 5 months for cheese ripening

Parmesan cheese step-by-step recipe

  1. Heat milk in a water bath to 31 ° C. Turn off the fire.
  2. Add thermophilic culture, lipase and calcium chloride and mix well but slowly. Cover with a lid, wrap with a towel (so that the temperature does not drop) and leave for 45 minutes.
  3. Check the temperature, make sure it is not higher than 32 ° C. Stir in milk and slowly pour in dissolved enzyme. Mix well with up and down movements to dissolve the enzyme as much as possible throughout the milk.
  4. Cover the saucepan with a lid and leave to curd milk for 30 minutes.
    [optional] To accurately determine the required clotting time and obtain a clot of the desired consistency and calculate the clotting time using the formula K = F * M (multiplier = 2, F - flocculation time in minutes). After calculating, cover the pan with a lid and leave the curd alone for the remaining number of minutes.
  5. Swipe. If the clot is not firm enough, leave it on for another 10-15 minutes.
  6. Using a long knife or a metal whisk, cut the curd into small cubes with a side of 0.5 cm.
  7. Over the next 25 minutes, slowly increase the curd temperature to 38 ° C, stirring frequently with a slotted spoon. If you come across too large pieces, cut them with a knife to the desired size. Do not allow curd grains to stick together.
  8. Slowly heat the curd to 52 ° C, stirring backwards. The pieces should become small and firm.
  9. Turn off the heat and let the curd sit on the bottom of the pan (5-10 minutes)
  10. Drain half of the whey. Gently, with sterile gloves, collect the curd into a single layer under a layer of serum and wrap with gauze. Gather the edges of the gauze to form a bag. Move the cheesecloth bag into the mold. Try not to wrinkle the cheesecloth, otherwise unevenness will appear on the surface of the cheese head.
  11. Place under a press weighing 2-2.5 kg for 15 minutes.
  12. Remove the cheese from the mold, turn it over, wrap it with a fresh piece of cheesecloth and put it back in the mold.
  13. Place under a 4.5 kg press for 30 minutes.
  14. Turn the cheese over again and change the cheesecloth (you can simply rinse it in cold water and dry it)
  15. Place 7.5 kg under a press for 2 hours.
  16. Turn the cheese over and press 9 kg under a press for 12 hours (or overnight).
  17. Prepare a salt bath. Heat water to 80 ° C and dissolve salt in it, add calcium chloride and vinegar. Cool to 15 ° C.
  18. Place the cheese in the tray for 24 hours (12 hours for every 400 g of cheese). Flip 4 times.
  19. Remove the cheese from the salt bath and leave to dry for 2-5 days, until the crust dries. Turn the cheese 3 times a day.
  20. Place the cheese in the ripening room ( 12 ° C - 15 ° C, humidity 75-85%) for at least 5 months.
  21. For the first 2 weeks, turn the cheese over and rub with olive oil every 2 days, then once a week, otherwise the cheese will not dry out evenly. The oil prevents mold growth and excessive drying of the cheese crust. If mold does form, remove it by wiping it down with a paper towel dipped in vinegar or saline solution.
  22. After 3, 6 and 9 months of cheese ripening, brush it with olive oil.

Cheese making is now flourishing, and all because it is difficult for us to imagine our life without delicious cheeses, they are part of half of the culinary dishes. But given the low quality and high price of the product, it is better to cook it yourself, and why not try making Italian parmesan cheese at home. It is difficult to prepare it, but that is why it is the "cheese king", however, when you taste the taste and understand the technology of cheese making, you will always cook it only yourself.

When you start making hard Italian cheese from milk, be prepared for your creation to mature for a long time - about 10-12 months. Of course, this is a rather long period, however, long-term aging of the cheese mass leads to an improvement in its taste, which, moreover, becomes many times richer.

In the process of making Parmesan, it is very important to adhere to 3 basic rules:

  1. the correct sequence of culinary steps,
  2. required temperature
  3. and compliance with all proportions.

All together will provide Italian cheese with the perfect texture, great taste and the right consistency, which will ultimately allow you to fully enjoy your culinary creation.

DIY Parmesan: a recipe for making cheese

Ingredients for cheese

  • Milk (use 5 liters of evening milk without cream and 5 liters of whole morning milk) - only 10 liters;
  • Rennet (liquid) - 2.5 ml (if you use dry - see the exact dosage on the package);
  • Culture for yogurt (50/50 Streptococcus Thermophilus and Lactococcus bulgaricus, for example, Yo-Mix 883 from Danisco, 1/32 tsp Uglich-STB, YF-L812 from Chr. Hansen) - ¼ tsp. (check the quantity on the packaging of each of the starter cultures).

Making Parmesan with your own hands

If you have a production / activated starter culture, then you must first carefully study the instructions for action set forth directly on its packaging. The instructions may differ slightly from the one we described above.

How to compress homemade parmesan cheese

An hour later, put the parmesan cheese, wrapped in cheesecloth, immediately into the mold.

Check again to make sure the homemade Italian cheese has as few creases as possible. Press directly into the parmesan pan with your hands until it flatter, and then cover the pan with a lid.

  • First, press the cheese with a weight of 4.5 kg for 20 minutes. The serum should drain from it little by little, that is, it should not actively flow out of the holes in the mold. After a 20-minute press, turn the parmesan from the milk, re-straighten the folds.
  • Then we put the cheese product back in the mold and continue pressing, this time with a 10 kg press for 40 minutes. At 20 minutes of pressing, turn the Italian Parmesan over, then again continue to squeeze the whey from the cheese.
  • After 40 minutes of pressing - we take the cheese out of the gauze, transfer it to the mold, cover with a lid. Now, with a 10-kg press, we press your favorite cheese product for 10 hours at a temperature of 18-24 ° C. It is very important to adhere to exactly this temperature regime, it is ideal for making cheese of the desired acidity and consistency.

If the temperature drops, then Parmesan will have insufficient acidity due to the low activity of lactobacilli, if, on the contrary, it rises, then hard cheese according to Italian technology will be too "distributed" and will acquire excessive sourness.

After 10 hours, we take the Parmesan cheese out of the mold, transfer it to a food container / saucepan. In the new container, the product is kept for another 35 hours at a temperature of 18-24 ° C, so that lactobacilli can continue to actively do their work.

The output of the cheese should be 1-1.2 kg.

Salt the resulting cheese mass in the prepared saturated brine.

Brine preparation:

  • heat 4 liters of water,
  • dissolve 1 kg of salt in it,
  • then cool the brine.

Salt Parmesan in cold concentrated brine for 6 hours on both sides.

  1. For salting, place the cheese head in the brine liquid so that its upper part (½ of the cheese wheel) is above the brine layer, while the lower part should be completely immersed in the cold liquid.
  2. After 6 hours, we turn the circle to the other side.
  3. While the bottom of the cheese circle is salted in brine (the temperature of the brine should not exceed 10-13 ° C), the top of the cheese should not be left without salt either. To do this, sprinkle the cheese surface with 1 tsp. salt. When we turn the Parmesan after 6 hours, the salted bottom will also need to be salted with 1 tsp. salt.
  4. After swimming in the brine, we take the parmesan cheese made at home from the brine liquid and transfer it to the wire rack to dry.

You need to dry your favorite home-made cheese within 1-2 days at a temperature of 10-13 ° C. All this time, do not forget to turn the cheese from one side to the other so that it dries evenly.

When the cheese crust becomes dry, we stop drying, and remove the delicious homemade product to ripen, in a place suitable for this process.

The room in which the cheese will ripen for 12 months should have the following indicators:

  • air humidity - no more than 85%
  • temperature 10-14 ° C.

Parmesan cheese molds: what to do

It is possible that mold forms on the surface of hard cheese during long-term storage. Do not be afraid that the product has deteriorated, it is very easy to get rid of mold. To do this, wipe the "damaged" surface with a hard cloth (or a soft brush) dipped in a special solution.

Ingredients for the solution

  • Vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp l .;
  • Water - 4 l;
  • 8% calcium chloride solution - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • Salt - 1 kg.

After wiping the moldy area, wipe the Parmesan dry. After 2 weeks, the cheese crust will become harder and drier and less likely to mold. During this period, you can grease the cheese with olive oil so that it does not dry out too much and is as protected as possible from the appearance of the same mold.

This completes the difficult stage of preparation. Now you know how to make Parmesan cheese at home. And, despite the fact that it is very difficult to cook and generally prepare an Italian cheese delicacy for ripening, there will be no limit to your joy.

Especially when you cut a piece of a ready-made tasty product, you can always proudly treat it not only to yourself, but also to all your relatives and friends. In addition, a home-made cheese wheel will be a great gift that will definitely not go unappreciated.

May your cooking be successful and the result exceptionally tasty!

It is known to many housewives and is successfully used by them in the preparation of various dishes. Such a product will add an exquisite taste to any kind of dish: soup, meat, fish, pasta, baked goods. What is Parmesan? How to cook it at home? What is the calorie content of this product? Answers to these questions will be given in this article.

What is Parmesan?

This Italian version of the cheese is a hard, brittle type and has a flaky-granular structure. Not only due to its useful properties, but also the price, this variety is rightfully called elite. This cheese is very brittle and quite difficult to cut.

As a rule, it is made only from natural cow's milk without additives. The special taste and useful composition make Parmesan popular and in demand for a long time among residents of different countries.

The history of the healthiest cheese

The product takes its roots in the Middle Ages. Italy is considered to be the historical homeland of cheese, but today the production of parmesan is organized in many countries. It is believed that parmesan began to be made in the 12th century according to a recipe that was prepared in Lodi. That is why some experts even consider Lodi, and not Parma, to be the birthplace of Parmesan.

Still, according to generally accepted opinion, the first who cooked this elite cheese according to the original recipe were Benedictine monks. They needed a cheese that would have long term storage. It was in the 12th century that small houses for processing and milk were built near monasteries and castles (between Parma and Reggio).

Feature of parmesan production technology

The real original cheese of this type has a deep, unusually bright taste with a very delicate aroma. To prepare Parmesan, both in factories and at home, cream is used from milk that has settled overnight. As a result of a special process at the factory, cheese lobes weighing at least 39 kg are obtained.

What is Parmesan? This is an elite variety of cheese, and therefore it is made only from high-quality raw materials in the Italian provinces: Parma, Reggio nel Emilia, Modena, Mantua, Bologna. The taste of the product is umami (high protein substances), since it contains a large amount of some amino acids. Traditionally, Parmesan is produced from April 1 to November 11. After boiling, the cheese ripens in special forms for 1-3 years. The older the product, the finer its taste.

After a year, the product is tested. Instances with a violation of uniformity (sometimes air remains inside the form) are branded. Such a product will hit store shelves, but under a different name. Real Parmesan, approved by skilled cheese makers, is aged for at least another year and only then is it awarded the DOP quality mark (it confirms the original origin of the product).

Useful properties of parmesan cheese. Calorie content of the product

This cheese is rich in minerals and vitamins. What is the energy value of Parmesan cheese? The calorie content of this product is high, but despite this, such a product is easily absorbed by the body due to the presence of such an element as sodium in the composition. He is responsible for the restoration and stimulation of the stomach. Phosphorus, protein, potassium, choline, butyryl acid and many others are also found in sufficient quantities in parmesan.

One hundred grams of this product contains:

  • 33 g protein;
  • 28 g fat;
  • 0 grams of carbohydrates.

It is worth noting that the calorie content of 100 grams of the product will be 292 kcal.

Is it possible to cook such cheese at home?

In order to make Parmesan (homemade), you will need:

  • 16 liters of milk (milk is taken from both evening and morning milking).
  • Special veal
  • Salt solution (saturated enough).

Cooking instructions:

  1. Milk that is milked in the evening is processed in a special way. It is skimmed by half and then mixed with morning milk.
  2. The milk is heated to 34 degrees (it is very important not to be higher), and then rennet is added. You will get a mass in the form of a cheese curd.
  3. The resulting curd must be crushed and put back on fire. During the heating process, whey will be released, which is removed as it forms. The temperature during heating should not exceed 55 degrees. After the whey has separated, the cheese is left to condition for 7-8 hours. At this time, it is not recommended to touch it, even move it from place to place. You just need to cover the container with a towel.
  4. At the next stage, the cheese is placed under oppression in a wooden container and left to remove the liquid for several days.
  5. Now you should place the head of cheese in a salt solution and leave until it is well salted.
  6. The finished cheese is placed on the shelf. The taste will depend on the duration of exposure, but the minimum period should be 1 year. Periodically, it is allowed to turn the cheese and grease it with oil.

Is Parmesan cooked in Russia?

As mentioned above, real cheese is prepared only in Italy. But not so long ago, the production of this product was established in our country, and now Russian Parmesan is a reality. Oleg Sirota, a farmer outside Moscow, became a cheese maker. As he himself says, this is a response to Western sanctions.

Today Russian Parmesan is brewed and matured in the Istrinskaya Cheese Factory. The production was established thanks to the state program "Family Farm". What is parmesan in Russian? Istra cheese, which is just at the very beginning of its journey, is no worse than Italian cheese. The farmer believes that he will soon be able to start mass production of Parmesan.


In conclusion, I would like to say that Parmesan cheese is very fragile, and it will not work to cut it into plates. It is customary to chip it off with a sharp knife, as a result of which pieces with uneven contours are formed. Recently, already grated Parmesan, which is delivered in vacuum packaging, has become popular among consumers. It retains its useful properties throughout the entire shelf life and is convenient to use for preparing various dishes.