What to cook for the festive table year of the rooster. Profiteroles with cream cheese and salmon

New 2017 year according to the eastern calendar will be held under the sign Fire Rooster. At first glance, this bird seems to be simple, but it has a cocky and snobby character, and therefore it will not be easy to please the owner of the coming year.

Preparing for New Year's Eve, it is important to think through everything to the smallest detail so as not to get into a mess and inadvertently anger the Fanfaron Rooster. What to cook for New Year's table 2017 to satisfy the demanding bird, surprise guests with extraordinary dishes, and what recipes to use to turn the holiday into a culinary extravaganza?

This task is not easy, but nothing is impossible if you take up the matter with confidence in your abilities and a sincere desire to please loved ones. When preparing the menu, it is important to take into account some rules, the knowledge of which will save you from many mistakes. So,

  • The first rule is that it is impossible to cook from chicken meat on this holiday. You will have to give up not only this, so familiar and, undoubtedly, delicious product, but even from eggs, though served too explicitly - for example, stuffed. But you can cook using eggs as ingredients in the same salads or pastries.
  • Rule two - more greens, vegetables and fruits. It is understandable, because the rooster is a bird that eats plant foods. Recipes from cereals and legumes are also welcome on the festive table. What is not a worthy alternative to bored potatoes? rice, bulgur, corn grits, beans at the right cooking and serving can become a real highlight of the culinary program! You can cook salads, main dishes, desserts, cuts from vegetables and fruits. In a word, the more there are, the better.
  • The third rule is simple, but tasteful. Recipes that fully satisfy the strict guidelines of the owner of the year are easy to prepare, do not require exotic ingredients, strong frying, and are moderately seasoned with spices.

By adopting these useful advice, let's proceed, in fact, to the most important thing - the choice of dishes on festive table. And what delicious to cook for the new year 2017 will be prompted by the recipes with photos below. All of them are quite simple to prepare, do not require special material costs and special skills of the chef. Just check out the listed dishes, and you will definitely understand for yourself what is better to cook.

New Year's dishes - simple, but ... exquisite

Since we do not want the coming 12 months to pass under the sign of resentment against us by the picky Rooster, we will cook the first hot dishes from pork, lamb and seafood. Such a choice will allow you to remember it as a celebration, where traditional culinary preferences sparkled with new tastes.

Pork with prunes - unusual and beautiful

So, when deciding what to cook for the new 2017 Year of the Rooster, we note that it will be a win-win to bake the most tender pork with prunes and dry red wine (sounds magical, doesn't it?).

On well-washed and towel-dried meat (it is better to take a rump), cuts are made at regular intervals of 1.5 cm. for 30 minutes in warm red wine. The meat is then wrapped in foil and placed in an oven preheated to 200°.

The dish is baked for 40 minutes, then turned over and fried for the same amount. 10 minutes before cooking, the foil opens, which allows the pork to brown and become covered with a golden crust.

Juicy lamb on the bone - incomparable softness and flavor

Just as appetizing as it looks in the photo New Year's dish- lamb on the bone. Pieces of lamb meat on the bone are beaten off, flavored with spices (salt, pepper, thyme, basil), onion, cut into rings, and marinated for some time in the cold. Then they are sent to a grill pan, where they are fried on both sides until half cooked. Lamb gets its final softness by baking then in the oven.

Pork and smoked lamb rolls - an interesting combination

Appreciate creativity? Then try to surprise the guests and the Rooster himself unusual combination smoked lamb and tender pork, making original rolls from them. On the cut into squares and salted and peppered pork (850 gr) is placed hard cheese(250 gr), cut into slices.

Topped with a layer of smoked lamb (250 gr). Then all this is rolled up in the form of a roll, and, tied with a thread, goes to the oven for 1-1.5 hours. When serving to guests, the thread is removed. These rolls are good independent dish and as an appetizer.

Fish feast - salmon under a crust of nuts

A real find for housewives who love simple recipes, - salmon under nuts.

First, we make the sauce with which the fish will be poured. To do this, melt the butter, mix with honey and mustard. Mix chopped parsley with breadcrumbs and chopped nuts. Cut the fish into portioned pieces, removing, if necessary, the vertebral bones, pour over the sauce and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. We put it on a greased form and send it to the oven, heated to 190 ° for 30 minutes. Serving salmon to guests, serve it with lemon slices.

Tribute to traditions - fish with sauce

Cooking fish with sauce according to a traditional Russian recipe will be a wonderful surprise for guests and Rooster. We take a fish fillet (salmon, trout, sea ​​bass) salt, sprinkle lemon juice. Spread a baking dish, greased with vegetable oil, with chopped onion, on which we lay portioned pieces of fish with the skin down. Bake until the fillet is White color(30 minutes).

Mix sour cream, onion, salt and spices and pour over the fish, bringing it to readiness for the next 15 minutes. Serve on the New Year's table, sprinkled with herbs.

Chinese exotic - shrimp with sauce

Cooking for the New Year's table 2017 and not using seafood is nonsense. We correct this misunderstanding by preparing the next delicious and original dish- shrimp with sauce, having our recipes with photos at hand. The cooking time takes about half an hour, and the dish itself pleases not only exquisite taste but also reduced in calories.

So, butter, garlic and cream are laid out in a heated pan and brought to a boil. Peeled shrimps with finely chopped parsley are stewed in sauce for 10 minutes, then laid out on a separate dish while the sauce continues to simmer. When it thickens, add the shrimp to it again and simmer for a few more minutes. The dish is served warm with rice or pasta.

Vegetable Fair - salad for everyone

We offer to cook vegetable salad, from which the discerning Rooster will definitely be delighted, and the New Year's table will only benefit! The main thing is that you can regulate the composition of this interesting dish. The highlight of this unusually bright and easy-to-prepare appetizer is that any (!) fresh vegetables not too thin slices and laid out in a bowl, where a cup of boiled pork or ham is placed in the center.

Cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers are suitable for salad, green salad, Chinese cabbage, onion, garlic, herbs. Served separately with vegetables various sauces: sour cream, creamy, homemade mayonnaise, refilling from natural yogurt with various spices or garlic. So, each of the guests will be able to "assemble" their own vegetable salad from their favorite ingredients, and season again to their liking. And the rooster is pleased and the guests are delicious.

Serving wonders - crab stick salad in orange baskets

If you want originality and bright colors- you definitely need to cook a salad of crab sticks in orange baskets for the New Year's table. And how to do it, our recipes will tell you. Mixed in separate dishes boiled eggs, pulp of oranges, crab sticks, canned corn, salted and seasoned with mayonnaise, we are engaged in the most interesting thing - serving. In halves of oranges, previously peeled from the pulp, with edges cut around the entire circumference in the form of denticles, we place our salad, - voila, amazing dish on the New Year 2017 is ready!

Warm salad in buns - appetizing and satisfying

Having spent quite a bit of time, you can create another culinary masterpiece based on our recipes with photos - warm salad in savory buns. It's not that difficult to cook: mix diced smoked meat or sausage, boiled potatoes, pickled cucumbers, grated cheese, Bell pepper and mayonnaise. For sesame buns, carefully cut off the top and remove the pulp. Place the resulting salad inside and bake in the oven until the cheese begins to melt. Before serving, cover the bun with the previously cut top.

Triumph of tenderness - salmon rolls

A wonderful snack for the new year 2017 can be prepared from lightly salted pieces of salmon, cut into thin slices. Inside each fish strip we place any curd cheese mixed with herbs (parsley, green onion) and carefully roll the slices like rolls. We place in the cold for 1-2 hours, and then put it on a dish, previously covered with green salad leaves.

Tasty and fast - pita rolls with ham or fish

As an option for the previous snack, you can cook pita rolls with ham or any smoked lightly salted fish. To do this, take pita bread, coat it with a thin layer curd cheese, put ham or fish sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin thin plates on top, roll into a roll and put in the freezer for 10-15 minutes. Then take it out of the fridge and cut into slices and serve.

Our recipes with photos will help you set a stunning table for the new year 2017, which will be held under the leadership of the Rooster. Take a closer look at the dishes described here, and maybe by adding something of your own, create new ones. culinary masterpieces. Good luck!

Soon, very soon, it will be the New Year! And, as it is said in a cheerful well-known song: “... we will invite our friends to the holiday! ...” What is most important, for every housewife, in new year holidays- rich table And not just rich, but “correct” - to appease the Fire Rooster, which will be a symbol of the coming year. The Eastern calendar has become so firmly established in our lives that the design of the New Year's table in accordance with the requirements of the owner of the year is the most important and responsible task on New Year's Eve. Therefore, this article is about which hot one to choose for 2017?

Hot appetizers on the New Year's table in the year of the Fire Rooster are a special topic. The most important thing in preparing these dishes is that in no case, no matter how much we love chicken meat, you can’t cook anything from it for the New Year. Otherwise, the Rooster will be offended in earnest! testicles, chicken liver, jellied chicken - also excluded. But in terms of others meat products- expanse. The rooster is an arrogant and jealous bird, and he will only gloat and rejoice if you cook something hot from lamb, pork or beef.

If your choice is for lamb, then it is perfect for.

Fiery hot, generously flavored with black pepper and saffron, lamb pilaf is a wonderful treat and lovely snack. If we are already talking about pilaf, then it is simply necessary on the eve of the year of the Rooster to make two types of pilaf: for meat, add hot to the table sweet pilaf. The rooster loves any cereal, including rice, and pilaf with raisins, dried apricots and prunes - he will simply be delighted! In addition, which is very important, in a sweet pilaf, if we take bright dried apricots and reddish raisins, there will be a red tint, and the fiery Rooster comes to us!

The cockerel is indifferent to fish, although sometimes some housewives feed the hens with fishmeal. So, calmly, we are preparing a hot fish dish, for example, a delicious juicy one.

Or baked in the oven and marinated in lemon honey sauce.

Juicy, slightly fried, with blood (do not forget that red is desirable in most dishes in 2017 New Year), and with a side dish of sweet corn, canned beans or green peas, the “fiery master” will really like it. He will gladly treat himself to both meat and a side dish that he loves so much.

Tired of chops, then maybe you will like the hot one, baked in the oven with potatoes.

Or very tasty and unusual with mushrooms and cheese.

Since the rooster loves grains and legumes, even an ordinary ( Georgian dish from beans) this New Year, from an ordinary meal will turn into a New Year's treat.

More fried onion, black pepper, finely chopped cilantro - and guests simply cannot be dragged away from the dish with this hot dish!

When compiling and selecting hot dishes for 2017, you need to take into account one more important detail - the Fire Rooster likes to “be hotter”, therefore, having purchased food in advance, we will try to cook hot on the New Year’s table back to back so that not a single dish has to be warmed up. Yes, it will be difficult, but the symbol of the coming year will be pleased with your efforts and reward you with good luck and success in 2017!

Drafting holiday menu- a priority for every hostess on the eve of the New Year. This is far from being as simple as it might seem at first glance. In addition to the fact that the dishes on the New Year's table should be delicious, it is important to think over a balanced and varied menu. When planning, it is also worth paying attention to recipes that will appeal to the symbol of the coming year. For example, the Fire Rooster, the patron saint of 2017, simply loves legumes, nuts, greens and vegetables. Therefore, these products should form the basis of the festive menu if you strive to properly meet main holiday year and appease his symbol. From our today's article, you will learn what to cook for the New Year 2017, what dishes and products you can and cannot put on the festive table. You will also find step-by-step recipes for simple and delicious meals, including salads, ideal for the New Year's menu.

What can be prepared for the New 2017 Year of the Fire Rooster

First of all, it is worth designating a list of products that can be prepared for the New Year 2017 of the Fire Rooster. When choosing a holiday menu, you need to focus on natural and simple ingredients predominantly plant origin. Among the favorites should be legumes, seeds, nuts, grains, herbs, vegetables and fruits. If possible, replace animal products, such as cream cheese, with soy cheese tofu. If a complete rejection of meat and dairy products in new year's eve is not included in your plans, then try to use for cooking fat-free varieties. Alternatively, you can cook veal or fish instead of fatty pork. Seafood and mushrooms should also be on the festive table that night. They are not only perfectly absorbed by the body, but also great for culinary experiments. As for chicken, this time it is better not to cook it for the festive table. Instead, you can cook turkey, rabbit, duck, goose for the New Year of the Fire Rooster 2017.

What dishes are better to cook for the New Year of the Rooster 2017

As for the choice of dishes and menu planning, it is desirable to make the festive table diverse. At the same time, it is important to focus on taste preferences guests and relatives. For example, if among those present at the celebration there are vegetarians and supporters proper nutrition, then it is worth adding several dishes to the menu that will suit their needs. Then you need to balance the menu: what dishes are better to cook for the New Year 2017 of the Rooster from vegetables, how many dishes to make hot, what snacks to serve. It is desirable that on New Year's Eve on the table there must be hot dishes with meat or fish, a vegetable side dish, several types of salads, cold and hot snacks, and light desserts. The exact number of dishes directly depends on the number of guests. Next, you will find an approximate list of what dishes are best prepared for the New Year 2017 of the Rooster:

  • baked fish/rabbit/veal
  • vegetable garnish
  • assorted fruits and vegetables
  • light snacks with nuts, seeds, berries, dried fruits
  • pickled appetizers and pickles
  • salads with olive oil
  • desserts based on marshmallows, jelly, ice cream

Based on this sample list, you can very easily compose your New Year's menu. Don't forget to prepare children's meals and add natural non-alcoholic drinks.

The recipe for vegetable ratatouille for the New Year 2017, step by step with a photo

Ratutuy - great option vegetable side dish for the New 2017 Year of the Rooster. Judge for yourself: the recipe uses simple and available ingredients It's easy to prepare and the taste is simply amazing. At the same time, in the recipe for vegetable ratatouille for the New Year 2017 there is no harmful products food and ingredients of animal origin. If you want to bring a little sunny summer to New Year's Eve, then by all means prepare our next step-by-step recipe with a photo.

Necessary ingredients for vegetable ratatouille for the New Year of the Rooster

  • tomatoes - 1 kg
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • zucchini - 2 pcs.
  • eggplant - 2 pcs.
  • basil - a few leaves
  • olive oil- 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves
  • black pepper

Instructions on how to cook ratatouille with vegetables for the New Year 2017

  1. Wash vegetables and dry on a towel. Approximately 700 gr. tomatoes, all eggplant and zucchini cut into thin rings 2 cm wide. Salt the eggplant and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse under running water and dry. So in a simple way you can save them from excess bitterness.
  2. Put the peppers in a baking bag and cook in the oven for 15-20 minutes. Finely chop the onion and fry in olive oil until golden. Add the remaining peeled tomatoes, grated. Then add finely chopped without skin pepper, which was cooked in the oven. Salt and add dry spices to taste. Cook for 7-10 minutes over low heat.
  3. Pour the prepared tomato mixture into a deep baking sheet or baking dish. Fill the form with chopped vegetables, laying them tightly to each other.

What is cooked for the New Year 2017 from fish - a step-by-step recipe with salmon

Fish - perfect solution for the New Year's table. What is prepared from fish for the New Year? Most often it is baked in the oven or fried with vegetables. Soups, salads, snacks are also prepared from fish. Our next step-by-step recipe with salmon will tell you how to prepare a delicious hot fish dish for the New Year 2017. This option lends itself to vegetable pillow and under appetizing sauce, so it will definitely please connoisseurs of restaurant cuisine.

Essential Ingredients for New Year's Eve Salmon Recipe

  • salmon steaks - 2 pcs.
  • soy sauce- 50 ml.
  • grated ginger - 1 tbsp. l.
  • grated garlic - 1 tbsp. l.
  • olive oil - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • carrots - 3 pcs.
  • celery - 2 pcs.
  • wine vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • cornstarch - 1 tsp
  • brolcolli
  • spinach
  • pepper

Instructions on how to cook a step-by-step fish recipe for the New Year 2017

  1. Let's prepare the sauce first. To do this, mix soy sauce, ginger, garlic, vinegar in one container. Mix thoroughly and bring to a boil over low heat. Then add starch and, stirring, bring the mixture to a thickening. Sauce is ready.
  2. Wash the salmon steaks and dry them on a paper towel. Salt and pepper to taste. Fry in a pan with olive oil until tender.

    On a note! Salmon can be replaced with salmon or trout. By the same principle, but baking in the oven, you can cook and white fish, for example, gilthead.

  3. Wash vegetables and peel carrots. We cut the carrots into thick rings and, together with spinach and broccoli, cook over medium heat. At the end, salt and pepper to taste.
  4. We spread the vegetables on a plate, forming a “pillow” for the fish from them. Drizzle some sauce over the top.
  5. Spread on vegetables salmon steak and water the fish again ready sauce. Serve the dish hot and seasoned with fresh herbs to taste.

New Year's recipe for an original salad with beans, step by step

Legumes must be present on the New Year's table to please the feathered symbol of the coming year. New Year's recipe original salad with the beans that await you next, there is also corn. In addition, it has a lot of vegetables and herbs. How to cook a New Year's salad with beans original recipe read on.

Necessary ingredients for the original New Year's salad with beans

  • beans - 100 gr.
  • corn - 100 gr.
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • greens - 1 bunch
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • pepper

Instructions on how to cook an original New Year's salad with beans

  1. To prepare the salad, you need to boil the beans until tender. It is better to soak it in water for several hours or overnight. Then the cooking process will be significantly accelerated, and the beans themselves will turn out to be softer and more tender.
  2. Cool the cooked beans and mix with canned corn. You can also use and regular corn, which must first be boiled in salted water.
  3. Wash carrots and potatoes and boil them "in uniform". Cool completely and cut into small cubes.
  4. Peel cucumbers and cut into cubes. bell pepper wash, clean from the insides and also finely chop.
  5. Mix all vegetables and legumes in one bowl. Add finely chopped herbs and olive oil. Add salt and pepper to taste.

The recipe for a new New Year's snack-2017 from pita bread

Of course, you won’t be full on New Year’s Eve with just snacks. But these simple meals Can be used as holiday table decor. For example, the recipe for a new New Year's pita snack, which you will find below, looks like a Christmas tree. Thanks to this original submission, this appetizer will definitely attract the attention of everyone present. In addition, the recipe for a New Year's pita snack is relatively new and easy to prepare. Therefore, it will definitely add originality to your menu.

Necessary ingredients for a new New Year's snack from pita bread

  • thin pita bread - 3-4 sheets
  • cream cheese - 100 gr.
  • low-fat sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • hard cheese -50 gr.
  • cucumber - 1 pc.
  • corn - 50 gr.
  • greenery
  • pepper

Instructions on how to cook a New Year's snack with pita bread

  1. Mix cream cheese with sour cream. Add minced garlic, salt and pepper to taste.
  2. Wash the cucumber and pepper, clean the latter from the insides. Cut vegetables into small cubes.
  3. Unfold each sheet of pita bread and brush with sauce from cream cheese and sour cream.
  4. Put cucumbers, peppers, corn on top. Sprinkle with chopped herbs.
  5. Then add grated cheese on a medium grater.
  6. Wrap pita bread according to the scheme: first the sides, then the bottom. After roll the pita roll, moving from top to bottom.
  7. Cut the roll into small portions and put on a dish in the shape of a Christmas tree.

A variant of the New Year's dessert-2017 from jelly, video

Thinking about what to cook for the New Year 2017 of the Fire Rooster, do not forget about dessert. Considering how varied and high-calorie the menu can be, give preference easy options desserts such as jelly. Very simple and delicious option New Year's dessert of jelly is waiting for you in the video with step by step recipe below. Prepare this delicacy, and it will perfectly fit into any festive menu with salads and hot dishes that our hostesses love to cook so much.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the year of the Fire Rooster will be next. In anticipation of the holiday, the housewives are thinking about what to cook for the new 2017 year of the rooster. In this article, women will learn the main signs and the best options for dishes for the New Year.

The Fire Rooster character is quite pedantic. But still, when choosing a menu, you should be guided by the following criteria:

  • Brightness. The bird, personifying the holiday, is brightly colored. Therefore, in order to appease the symbol of the New Year, there should be at least 12 dishes on the table, decorated in bright colors.
  • Simplicity, elegance. The cooking process should not take much time. Because such a holiday should be spent with the family.

Forbidden dishes to cook in 2017

Each New Year, symbolizing an animal, is accompanied by its own signs associated with the preparation of festive foods. The Fire Rooster is quick-tempered enough, and in order for the year to be successful, it is necessary to appease the symbol of the year from the first day. It is believed that in 2017 there should not be an abundance of fried or salty dishes on the festive table.

It is undesirable that on the festive table there were dishes from such products:

  1. Hen. This requirement is quite justified, because the Rooster will not like that they want to eat him.
  2. Eggs. Fans of Olivier or other salads using this ingredient will be upset in vain. Because you can't put it on the table stuffed eggs. But you are allowed to use quail eggs or finely grated in salads chicken eggs so that the symbol of the year does not notice them in the dish.
  3. Strong alcohol. The Strict Rooster does not like such drinks on the table.

Festive menu options for the New Year 2017

Each family has its own level of income, so advice on dishes is advisory in nature. In addition, it is difficult to take into account the taste preferences of each family member, known only to the mistress of the house.

Particular attention should be paid to table setting. The tablecloth should be plain and dim. Dishes should be made of wood, clay or glass. Napkins should be chosen the same shade with a tablecloth. It is not necessary to try to make all salads or dishes in the form of a symbol of the year, because not every woman has the time and imagination to create such masterpieces. But putting children's lollipops with a cockerel in a vase will be an unusual solution. In order to please the Rooster, you can pour millet into a separate container and put it on the table for beauty.

As drinks, the symbol of the year prefers cocktails, wines, champagne. Families with children should consider juices and compotes for toddlers.

To appease the symbol of 2017, fresh vegetables and fruits should prevail on the table. The more of them on the table, the more successful the year will be. The Fire Rooster loves sweets, so serve fruity or sweet salads, pastries, or cake. Since there are 12 months in a year, there must be at least twelve dishes on the table for 12 symbols in order for the year to be materially successful. What to cook for the new 2017 year of the rooster? Hostesses, taking into account signs and wishes, can put the following dishes on the table:

Asian cuisine

It will be original if the hostess cooks completely 12 dishes from such a kitchen. Sushi, fruit rolls, frenchose salads. A special place will be occupied by "Japanese salad".

To prepare it you will need:

  • Boiled rice - from 200-230 gr
  • Bank of sprats;
  • Carrots - 1 pc;
  • Garlic - 1 clove;
  • Mayonnaise - 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, black peppercorns or spices add to taste.

Grate carrots with garlic fine grater. Then add rice, sprats, mayonnaise. Mix thoroughly, salt and pepper.

Conservation. Perhaps, in the bins of the pantry, the hostess has pickled tomatoes, cucumbers, pepper salads. New Year is the right time to get the fruits of summer labor.

slicing . Balyk, ham, cheese will perfectly decorate any table. Ideally, if there is a red fish on the table, which the Fire Rooster loves.

sandwiches . Classic option such a dish is considered a sandwich with sprats. Butter bread with sprats, fresh cucumber or a tomato. The hostess can show imagination and change the traditional sandwich in this way:

  • Put sprats in the shape of a Christmas tree on buttered bread.
  • Top with a mixture of grated cheese, two tablespoons of mayonnaise and a clove of garlic.

Sandwiches with red fish or liver pate are ideal. To make such a pate, it is enough to put out beef liver with sour cream and onions, twist in a meat grinder or with a blender, add to boiled milk co butter. Beat the resulting product with a blender.

Snacks . You can decorate tartlets instead of ordinary sandwiches various fillings. An interesting and easy-to-prepare appetizer will be pita bread roll with cheese.

To prepare it you will need:

  • Pita;
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • Mayonnaise 100-150 gr or by eye.
  • Cheese - 100-200 gr;
  • A bunch of dill;

Grate cheese with garlic. Add finely chopped dill. Add mayonnaise to the resulting mixture. Expand the pita bread, add the filling, roll into a tube and put in the refrigerator for an hour. Cut the resulting appetizer and serve it to the table.

Garnish . Most women prefer potatoes as a side dish. Boiled, baked potatoes or mashed potatoes - at the discretion of the hostess.

Meat . There are many variations in the preparation of this ingredient. Chopped cutlets- delicious and economical option. , baked in foil and cheese, will also appeal to all the inhabitants. Perhaps the jelly will be the most desired dish at the holiday. Chops should not be made, because the Rooster does not like fried.

Mushrooms . Mushrooms stewed in sour cream are quite simple to prepare and delicious. If desired fine dining with your favorite ingredient the best option will french dish julienne.

Beef liver . Stew the liver with sour cream and onions and serve if the hostess does not want to make pate. creative and unusual option there will be a liver cake.

Fish . Lots of cooking options with this ingredient. Baked or fried in batter - all at the discretion of the hostess.

Bakery . Since the Rooster loves millet, baking should be from wheat flour. Can be served on the table meat pies, sweet biscuit cakes, custard cakes, holiday cookies. Baking with multicookers biscuit cakes won't take much time.

desserts . A simple option will purchase ice cream in advance. Add fruits to the creamer to the ingredient. fruit salads also suitable for the holiday table. To save time, you can simply serve jelly in bowls.

Salads . The advantage of this dish is its ease of preparation. It's time to abandon the usual Olivier and bring creativity to the New Year's menu. Standard, simple will be called "Fur coat or herring under a fur coat." This dish has been tested by time and experience of grandmothers.

Fancy salads

To unusual salads can be attributed:

  • Salad with cheese combination canned pineapple and garlic. To prepare it, you need to grate 200 g of cheese, 2 cloves of garlic. Add canned pineapple and mayonnaise to taste.

  • Salad "Lover or kiss of the mistress". This dish combines the taste of garlic and sweet raisins. To prepare it, you need to cook two medium beets or one very large one and steam 100 gr. raisins. Then rub two or three carrots. Put steamed raisins on a layer of carrots, grease with mayonnaise. The second layer consists of grated cheese (200 gr.) And two or three garlic cloves. Then we complete the layer of grated beets. Decorate with walnuts.

  • Salad consisting of beef tongue and carrots. To prepare it, you need to boil 300 gr. beef or tongue. Then cut two onions into half rings and sauté for vegetable oil. On the other side, saute, grated three medium carrots. Cut two or three pickled cucumbers into strips. The ingredient can be replaced with gherkins, which can be used to cook no more than 7 pieces. Then squeeze out the garlic. Mix everything, salt, pepper and add mayonnaise.

It seems that there is still a lot of time before the New Year's Eve. But already now you can collect ideas in advance, think over the menu and choose the best New Year's recipes 2017 for cooking interesting festive dishes. The coming year is the year of the Fire Rooster.

To adequately meet the New Year 2017, you need to do everything so as not to anger the owner next year. Therefore, on the New Year's table, chicken should not be present in any form. It is advisable to do without a bird at all. Otherwise, an angry Rooster will peck at you annoyingly. whole year. eggs in New Year's menu, also, should be limited, but their use in cooking is allowed. You can also get by with quail or duck eggs.

The Fire Rooster is distinguished by pedantry and strict elegance, which should be taken into account when choosing New Year's treats. Therefore, when decorating a festive table, it is necessary to think over its overall color and product range to the smallest detail.

Like all birds, the Rooster prefers vegetable food. So, variety of salads on the New Year's table take the most honorable place.

Recipes New Year's salads for 2017, try to select in such a way as to please its owner. Keep track of their design so that each ready meal complemented each other in color, shimmering on the New Year's table with all the colors of the rainbow. Move away from stereotypes and use original new recipes, having previously tested them with your household. Cook in small portions, but pick up as many as there are months of the year. Let each of them be a symbol of one of the twelve months.

Rooster loves green pea, corn, bread, greens, vegetables and fruits. Try to use these salad products as the main ingredients. It can also be traditional.

And you can cook very simple and delicious.

The Fire Rooster will like the beautifully designed one, for the preparation of which you will need: squid carcasses, crab sticks, a spoonful of red caviar, finely chopped boiled eggs, fresh herbs and mayonnaise.

New Year's snack recipes, meeting 2017, it is better to choose those that include cereal products and greens. The decoration of the table will be originally decorated sandwiches, tartlets and canapes, the basis of which should be slices of bread, buns, baguettes or lettuce.

It is advisable to use fresh herbs, vegetables, hard cheese, seafood and fish of different varieties for making sandwiches.

Recipes for hot dishes on the New Year's table 2017 must be chosen without chicken meat. Seafood, fish, beef, pork, lamb are the best for cooking main dishes. Here the choice of recipes is quite wide and varied. You can cook jellied or baked meat and fish dishes without forgetting the various vegetable side dishes. Dishes can be baked in the oven in the sleeve, foil, and also on the grill.

Try oven baked.

If you like to tinker in the kitchen, then delicious, cheese and vegetables baked in the oven will suit you.

To finally appease the Fire Rooster, one cannot do without holiday baking gentle dessert dishes. It should be remembered that New Year's baking 2017 should not contain bulky cakes and pastries rich in cream. It is worth giving preference to dishes for the preparation of which nuts, fresh or frozen berries, raisins, prunes are used.

From puff pastry and apples under the snow from powdered sugar guaranteed to please the owner of the year and decorate the New Year's table.

Airy homemade ones just melt in your mouth and the Sweet Tooth Cockerel will be delighted with them.