How to make salt dough for modeling. Sculpt with the kids! Salt dough - dough recipe and how to work with it

06.05.2022 healthy eating

Greetings, dear parents, readers of our blog! Recently, the old technique for the development of fine motor skills of a child has been revived - modeling from dough. And today I want to tell you more about salt dough for modeling. Recipes with photos can be found at the end of the article.

Modeling is a great opportunity for adults to express themselves or relax, as well as develop fine motor skills and imagination for children. Crafting with kids is fun and exciting. The big advantage of salt dough modeling is that it will cost you much less than other materials for children's creativity.

For modeling, you can use potter's clay, plasticine, and ordinary dough during the joint preparation of cookies or dumplings. Children are very fond of sculpting and rolling balls from such materials. Salt dough is used exclusively for creativity, because it is inedible.

It has long been sculpted from salt dough:

  • Protect;
  • Kids toys.

Now this type of creativity is becoming popular again, you can make from dough:

  • decor items;
  • Figurines, toys;
  • Paintings;
  • Baby's hand or foot prints.

It is no secret that adults are very fond of doing this type of modeling, preferring salt dough to clay or gypsum, they fashion whole pictures that decorate the house or are given as a present:

2. Why Salt Dough

It is surprising to many to hear that the dough must be salty so that something can be molded from it. The fact is that you can sculpt something from any dough, because it is always plastic, but not from any dough you can make crafts that will be stored for a very long time without losing their appearance.

The secret material - salt - cements the dough, so the products keep after drying. The main ingredients of this test are:

  1. Flour;
  2. Salt;
  3. Water.

In addition, you can add other components, depending on what you want to get. It can be glue, oil or paint, which can be added to any recipe. But the main thing here is salt, which should be finely ground and without impurities (iodine).

3. Salt Dough Recipes

There can be many recipes, consider a few of them. You need to choose the simplest flour, without additives, and the water is very cold.

3.1. Salt dough regular


  • Wheat flour - 1 tbsp.;
  • Salt - 1 tbsp.;
  • Water - 0.5 tbsp.

How to make modeling material from these ingredients?

  1. You need to mix flour and salt, then gradually pour in water, quickly mixing everything with your hands.
  2. Knead the dough for a short time, if it turns out to be tight, add a little more water.
  3. If the dough is sticky, add some flour. It all depends on the flour, so sometimes you need more water, sometimes less.

3.2. Salt dough with rye flour


  • Rye flour - 1 tbsp.;
  • Wheat flour - 1 tbsp.;
  • Water - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • Salt - 1 tbsp.;
  • Oil - 1 tbsp.

Rye flour will give the product a soft brown color, especially if it is dried in the oven. Rye flour alone is not used, as the dough will turn out to be very tight and difficult to fashion something out of it. The oil will give the dough elasticity, it will not stick to your hands.

3.3. Salt dough with glue


  • Flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • Salt - 1 tbsp.;
  • Dry wallpaper glue - 2 tablespoons;
  • Oil or glycerin - 4 tablespoons;
  • Water - 125 ml.
  1. First you need to combine flour and salt, then add glue diluted in water.
  2. Mix everything and add oil.
  3. If the mixture is sticky, add some flour. In addition to wallpaper glue, PVA glue is used, this is done for the strength of the material.

How to cook colored dough?

To color the dough, you can add food coloring or natural juice, adding drop by drop and mixing with the finished mass. In addition, you can paint the finished craft after it dries using art paints.

4. Crafts from salt dough

As soon as the baby is 1-1.5 years old, he can be introduced to the test as a way of playing and developing.

The advantage of the test is that the child will not get poisoned if he tries it, and it also does not smell like plasticine. Such a natural material is an excellent tool for making crafts. The dough can be stored in a bag in the refrigerator for several days.

A child of any age can use the salt dough modeling technique, gradually complicating the task. For beginners, sculpting small simple figures is best suited.

The child can do the following:

  • Roll out the dough with a rolling pin;
  • Cut out figures from it with molds (from the designer, cubes or cookie cutters);
  • Sculpt sausages, balls;
  • Combine several elements into one figure (attach buttons, sticks, beads to the figure);
  • Make hand or foot prints on rolled out dough;
  • Paint dried figures or crafts with paints (watercolors, a mixture of gouache with PVA glue, acrylic paint) - under the supervision of adults.

The child can stick different elements on a thin layer of dough, creating pictures. Also, ready-made flat figures can then be glued to the canvas and inserted into the frame, getting a work of art.

5. Drying salt dough products

There are such types of drying:

  1. on air;
  2. in the oven;
  3. on the battery;
  4. in the sun.

One way or another, the products must be dried well. If the dough layer is thin, it will take less time. Volumetric pictures from dough or figurines need a long drying time.

The surest and easiest way is to air dry, preferably warm, but not in direct sunlight. For a product up to 1 cm thick, it will take 4-7 days. Then check by tapping the surface with your finger. If the sound is sonorous - the product has dried up, if it is deaf - you still need to dry it.

It will take about one day to dry on a battery, in the summer you can put the product on the windowsill.

When drying in the oven, you need to set a low temperature (50-150 degrees) with the door open. It will take about 3 hours for a thin product.

After drying, the craft can be painted or varnished to protect the surface from damage and brittleness.

You can watch a video on how to easily and simply prepare salt dough here:

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Masters make various figures and compositions from salt dough. Passion does not require special natural data and large material costs. And for children, this is a useful and exciting activity that, due to fine motor skills, develops speech, attention, imagination and memory.

In ancient times, people gave each other figurines made of dough. This was a wish for well-being and prosperity in the coming year. Recipes for crafts were carefully stored and passed on to the next generation. Let's reveal some secrets.

How to make salt dough for modeling

In terms of its qualities and method of preparation, it significantly surpasses some of the materials used for modeling:

  • It can be made as soon as you need it.
  • Its safety allows you to involve even very young children in the work.
  • If prepared correctly, it will not stick to your hands.
  • After working with it, all the tools involved in the process can be easily washed.
  • Products from it are easy to dry and convenient to paint.
  • Such crafts do not break for a long time

Before you start, you need to consider a few nuances:

  • To avoid swelling of crafts when drying, do not use pancake flour
  • To prevent the dough from crumbling, stop using iodized salt.
  • In the process, use only cold water, pouring it in portions

Basic Recipes

Universal option

You will need:

  • Salt - one glass
  • Flour - one glass
  • Vegetable oil - one tablespoon
  • Water - half a glass


  1. First you need to mix salt and flour
  2. Then add water and oil to them. Mix well and continue kneading until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  3. If you want to get a more elastic material, then you need to take jelly instead of water. To do this, a tablespoon of starch is diluted with half a glass of cold water.
  4. Boil another glass of water separately. Carefully pour the diluted starch into it. Ready jelly should be thick and transparent
  5. Before adding starch to the dough, it must be completely cooled.

If the dough turned out to be a soft consistency, this can be corrected by adding salt and flour to it in equal proportions and mixing.

Dough that can be used to make simple models

For cooking you will need:

  • Flour - 1 cup
  • Salt - 1 cup
  • Water - half a glass
  • Wallpaper glue - 2 tablespoons

Dough that can be used to make large models

  • Flour - 2 cups
  • Salt - 1 cup
  • Water - 2/3 cup

Very strong dough from which tiles are made

  • Flour - 1 cup
  • Salt - 2 cups
  • Water - half a glass

Dough for thin parts

  • Flour - one and a half cups
  • Salt - 1 cup
  • Wallpaper glue - 2 tablespoons
  • Glycerin - 4 tablespoons
  • For best quality, it is better to use fine salt. If you don’t have it, you can take coarse salt and grind it with a coffee grinder. You can dissolve it in hot water in the proportions indicated in the recipe. Then cool and knead the dough

  • Flour for the preparation of material for modeling should not contain additives
  • After the dough is prepared, it must be wrapped with cling film and put in the refrigerator for several hours.
  • If you are sculpting with young children, use a dough that does not contain glue.

Salt dough is more convenient to color at the manufacturing stage. To do this, you can use natural dyes:

  • wheat and rye flour
  • chocolate or cocoa
  • fruit or vegetable juices (eg, beets, carrots, parsley, spinach)
  • food colorings

You can paint with watercolors or gouache. By mixing blue and white paint, blue is obtained, and yellow and red are orange. Experiment.

After the dough dries, it will become slightly lighter than the original color. To prevent this from happening, the finished product must be varnished. The color will become brighter and will not fade.

Working with salt dough

After finishing work, the product must be allowed to dry well. This is done in several ways:

  • Keep dried products in a preheated oven for an hour (temperature up to 800 degrees)
  • Place in the oven and gradually heat it up to 1500 degrees and, without pulling it out, cool
  • Put on battery or sun

When using the oven, turn the crafts periodically. If, after drying, your products are swollen or cracked, this can be corrected by drying in natural conditions. Then clean with sandpaper and tint.

Evgenia Smirnova

To send light into the depths of the human heart - this is the purpose of the artist

Mar 30 2016


Have you heard of flour salt or bioceramics? These are words-synonyms for a type of needlework that is gaining momentum - testoplasty. Beautiful crafts are a great option for spending time with a child, an opportunity to relax from the hustle and bustle by dissolving in creativity. How to make salt dough? There are several simple options for creating a pliable material. Choose the method that is appropriate for you according to the cooking time and available ingredients.

Features of making salt dough with your own hands

The dough for modeling with your own hands is prepared simply. This is a safe material, even kids are allowed to work with it. Before learning how to make salt dough at home, learn about its main positive features:

  1. Thrift. It doesn't take a lot of money to make salt dough. All components are already in your house.
  2. Neatness. It is very easy to wash off such material, and the clothes or the table should only be shaken off, wiped with a damp cloth.
  3. Consistency. Excellent elasticity, density does not allow the dough to stick to your hands, so it is easy to work with it.
  4. Keeps shape. Finished crafts dry not only in the oven, but also in the air.
  5. Natural design. To work with the material, natural dyes that are not harmful to health are suitable.
  6. Long-term storage of finished products. Varnishing is a chance to keep a beautiful craft for a long period of time.

How and how to make salt dough at home? List of tools you will need for this lesson:

  • wide bowl (for kneading dough);
  • oven for drying (an alternative is a battery, drying in the sun);
  • board, baking sheet or special form;
  • a plastic bag (for storing the dough so that a dry crust does not form on it);
  • measuring containers: spoons, glasses or cups;
  • blades and molds for modeling;
  • brushes and paints (for decoration of finished products);
  • objects, materials for processing products: buttons, coffee beans, cereals, comb, mesh, screws, nails, tubes.

The best salt dough recipes for sculpting crafts

If you are wondering how to make modeling dough, remember what ingredients you need:

  1. Flour is only wheat, ordinary. Pancake, almond, with additional additives will not work.
  2. Salt "Extra" fine. Large grains of salt and inclusions will give the product an untidy look.
  3. Use cold water: it is better if it is completely icy.
  4. The plasticity of the dough will provide potato starch.
  5. The strength of the finished material is higher if it is prepared using PVA glue diluted in water.

The quality of the material will be better if it is kneaded intensively by hand. The uniformity of the structure does not allow the dough to crumble, crumble. If dyes were added, the color should be evenly distributed throughout the piece of dough, without inclusions or spots. The paint is introduced when the material is kneaded into water or a ready-made salted craft is painted. When the dough is ready, it is wrapped in a plastic bag and stored for a couple of hours in the refrigerator. You can use the finished product within a month, provided it is stored in the cold.

From coarse salt

The classic way to make salt dough. It will turn out a lot of such material, enough for large and small crafts, and there will still be. If you do not need a lot of dough, reduce the proportions of the components. You will need:

  • coarse salt - 300 g;
  • wheat flour - 300 g;
  • water - 1 faceted glass (200 ml).

How salt dough is kneaded:

  1. Salt spills out. Most of the water is poured, but not all at once, into a large container.
  2. After the salt is completely dissolved, the sifted flour is poured into the liquid in portions, a lump of dough is kneaded. You need to continue working with the finished lump on the work surface.
  3. If the material is not too pliable, water is added, if it is too soft, salt and flour are added in the proportions according to the recipe.

How to knead flour, water and salt

This recipe is suitable for creating voluminous figures. The material is very strong, keeps the shape of finished products, making them durable, despite the large size. To make dough for modeling flour and salt, you need:

  • plain flour (without additives) - 200 g;
  • salt - 400 g;
  • water - 1.5 faceted glass.

Recipe step by step:

  1. Dissolve salt in ice water. Grains should not remain.
  2. Gradually add the flour previously sifted through a strainer.
  3. Knead elastic dough. The work intensity is very high, the material is rough, kneading is needed for a long time.
  4. Cover the bowl with a towel and refrigerate for several hours. After a while, take out and sculpt the figures.

How to make from PVA glue

There is an option with the introduction of PVA glue. To prepare the dough, use:

  • flour - 2 cups;
  • fine salt "Extra" - 1 cup;
  • warm water - 125 ml;
  • PVA glue - 50 ml.


  1. Mix flour and salt, pour in warm water.
  2. Using a blender or mixer, mix the ingredients.
  3. Add glue to the finished composition and knead well with your hands.
  4. Roll into a smooth ball, place in a bag and refrigerate.

How to make from starch

To prepare salt dough, you need the following ingredients:

  • potato starch - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • flour - 1 cup;
  • salt - 1 cup.

Step by step process:

  1. Prepare starch jelly: a tablespoon of starch is dissolved in half a glass of cold liquid. Avoid the formation of lumps.
  2. Bring another half a glass of water to a boil in a saucepan, pour starch jelly into boiling water in a thin stream.
  3. Stir constantly until thick.
  4. In a deep bowl, mix salt and plain flour.
  5. Pour the jelly in portions into the dry mixture, knead, avoiding excessive softness of the dough.

How to dry salt dough at home

Have you prepared the dough and molded the figures? Time to dry them out! There are a couple of ways:

  1. Open air. Drying outdoors or indoors with regular fresh air is the most economical option. It will be better to dry under the rays of the sun. The duration of the procedure depends on the thickness of the product. The color of the craft will not change after it hardens.
  2. Oven. Immediately, the crafts are dried in the fresh air for a couple of days, then the oven is heated to 50 degrees. Put the figures on a baking sheet covered with paper and dry, increasing the temperature (maximum 140 degrees). Drying lasts about 3 hours at 50 degrees, and half an hour at 140. Do not try to set the temperature to the maximum immediately, otherwise the products will crack.

If there are cracks on the figures, then you can paint them with a mixture of PVA glue and ordinary flour using a thin brush, filling the space. It is easy to find out how dry the product is by tapping on it. A dull sound comes from a damp figurine after a knock, but a sonorous one indicates the readiness of the work. If the craft is damp, extend the drying in the oven.

Salt dough video recipes for crafts and figurines from it

Learn how to make beautiful crafts with salt dough at home. The task is simple and fun for kids and adults. Original figurines, decorations for the Christmas tree, in a vase, for educational games will not leave anyone indifferent. Watch the videos below for a simple yet fun activity. Prepare white or colored dough for fun modeling in minutes!

Recipe for modeling dough with children

Master class on making colored dough

What can be done with salt dough

When the salty material is ready, we proceed to sculpt a variety of figures:

  1. Flowers. To fashion a rose, a sunflower, a forget-me-not is very simple. Choose the colors you want and use a toothpick, long needle, knife or mold to cut out the necessary details to create the desired flower.
  2. Toys. Dolls are in great demand, so if you want to surprise your loved ones, give them as a souvenir little men in beautifully decorated shirts, with rosy cheeks and cute eyes.
  3. Paintings. On a rolled layer, using various tools, it will be possible to depict a whole story or just a landscape. It all depends on your imagination: a cozy house or an interesting ornament, a bouquet of flowers or a silhouette of a person and many other variations.
  4. Animal figurines. Make a cute and kind hedgehog or a funny pig with the kids, learn where they live and what sounds they make. The guys will be delighted!
  5. I'm going. Ruddy apples, generous still lifes, Christmas cookies - simple and bright.
  6. Other products. Do you want to make artful earrings, a vase decoration, an interesting pendant, but don't know how? Try to make all kinds of crafts with salty material, give them a colorful mood with gouache.

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Salt dough - a recipe for making material for sculpting crafts. How to make salt dough - photo, video

The fairy tale about Kolobok and the cartoon "Plasticine Crow" in our country is known even to children. Older people remember stories about how the leader of the world proletariat sculpted inkwells from bread. A spineless person was compared to the softness of dough, and stale bread to the hardness of a stone.

In the Scandinavian countries, amulets (wreaths, horseshoes) were molded from dough, which protected the courtyard from demonic forces. In China, puppets were made from dough. With the advent of plasticine in everyday life, modeling from salt dough was undeservedly forgotten, but now it is experiencing a rebirth.

The possibility of self-expression through creation and creation and fine motor skills exercises are necessary for a person of any age, and most of all for children. The safety for kids of the material at work, the availability and ease of making salt dough for modeling, the “survivability” of crafts are undeniable.

“Mukosolka, mukosolka, testoplasty, Arkhangelsk ceramics or bioceramics” are all modern names for ancient needlework, making handicrafts from salt flour. In order to captivate your child and try to “become like God” (who fashioned a person) yourself without leaving home, you need to know how to make salt dough for modeling.

Preparation and ingredients

There are many recipes that differ in composition and proportions, some are for sculpting small particles, others for making large crafts, no flour, no starch, but they all must contain salt.

The absence of salt makes the dough more porous and less strong. Obviously, our ancestors knew about this property of salt and added it to the dough not only for taste. With the rest of the variations (proportions and methods of preparation, the addition of dyes and various components), you can experiment in the future, when the first experience is gained.

Classic recipe

The classic recipe for salt dough for modeling consists of three ingredients:

  • 300g. salt;
  • 300g. flour;
  • 200g. water.

Flour and salt must be taken in the same proportions (1k1, by weight, not by volume!). A glass of salt weighs approximately 200g, a glass of flour 100g. Flour for the "classics" is taken white wheat, the highest grinding. Salt is desirable to take the finest grinding, not iodized!

When using iodized salt, the dough will not come out completely homogeneous, inclusions of foreign bodies will be visible. The water should be clean and as cold as possible (icy). You can knead the dough in 2 ways:

  • dissolving salt in water and then adding flour (in this case, flour of different moisture requires different amounts of water);
  • after mixing salt and flour, gradually add water (subject to the written norms, the dough will turn out to be very plastic).

The initial kneading process is carried out in a bowl. You can use a blender or mixer. After the formation of a homogeneous plastic lump, the dough continues to be kneaded by hand on the table. The finished mass should be plastic, but should not stick to the hands.

If the dough breaks, add water, if it sticks to your hands - flour. It should be borne in mind that the amount of the resulting dough will be considerable, therefore, for the first experiment, it is possible to simply reduce the proportions of all parts.

The dough made in this way can be used for modeling without cooling, or placed in a plastic bag and kept in the refrigerator for 2 hours. It would be more correct to place it there overnight, then after drying the material will break off less at the edges.

In the process of sculpting, pieces should be pinched off from the total mass and used immediately, since in the air the dough quickly winds (spoils) and becomes covered with a crust. The shelf life of the material in the refrigerator is from a week to a month, depending on the method of preparation, the tightness of the package and the temperature regime.

Other recipes

To make volumetric figures, the dough is prepared in the same way as in the classic recipe, only the amount of salt and flour will be 2k1. You will need:

  • Salt 400gr;
  • Flour 200gr;
  • Water 125 ml.

Such a dough will be especially strong, it can be used to cover the frame of aluminum foil in the manufacture of three-dimensional figures.

There is also a recipe for cooking with the reverse ratio, 2 parts flour to 1 part salt. You will need:

  • Salt 200g;
  • Flour 400g;
  • Water 125 ml.

This recipe already uses boiling water. All the salt is poured into it, stirred. After the salt solution has cooled to room temperature, the flour is added and the dough is prepared. To achieve a better result, you can add 1 tbsp to the dough. glue (wallpaper or PVA) and 1 tbsp vegetable oil.

Recipe with oil and dye

Colored salt dough for modeling is made according to a different recipe with the addition of dyes, either during preparation (large volume) or in separate pieces of the future composition (small details). As you get carried away with the art of modeling, you will move on to other salt dough recipes.

Recipe with oil and dye. Ingredients needed for cooking:

  • Salts 250g;
  • Flour 150g;
  • 5 tbsp sunflower oil, which will improve the elasticity of the dough;
  • Water (the amount will depend on the amount of dye);
  • dye (you can use carrot, beet or cherry juice).

The technology of preparation is the same as in the classic recipe.

Oil is added to the mixed salt and flour and water is gradually added. It should be remembered that it is necessary to add a little juice to give the mass a color. As dyes, juices of cherries, currants (red or black), beets, carrots, corn, spinach are used. The dough can be colored with tea or cocoa. Food coloring can be added if necessary.

Recipe without starch with glycerin

Among the examples of crafts there are panels and products that will amaze with an abundance of small, mosaic details. In such things, a composition prepared according to the recipe “without starch, with glycerin” is used. The preparation of dough for such a "jewelry" molding is made from:

  • 200g salt;
  • 300g flour;
  • 4 tbsp glycerin;
  • wallpaper glue or PVA 4 tbsp;
  • water 125-150ml.

The main ingredients are flour and salt, but there is a recipe that allows you to make dough for modeling without flour. You will need:

  • 1 st. starch;
  • 2st. baking soda;
  • 0.5st. water.

Mix starch with soda, pour a small stream of water at room temperature and put to languish over a small fire. When a dense “ball” is formed in the bowl, it is necessary to turn off the stove, wait until the mass has cooled down and put it on a table sprinkled with flour. It remains only to knead with your hands. Without flour in its composition, this mass is excellent for modeling.

There is also a recipe in which there is no salt: mix 150 g of flour with a glass of water and 2 glasses of chopped oatmeal. Add 2 tbsp to the resulting mixture. vegetable oil. Such "plasticine" from the dough is stored in a cool place for about a week. If it has absorbed moisture and droplets have appeared on the surface, you just need to roll in flour and mash.

Other test options

There is another option for making dough with glycerin and starch. Flour 300g, salt 150g, 1-2 tbsp. starch, 100-125 ml of water.

There are recipes with the addition of natural creams:

  • salt 200g;
  • flour 200g;
  • water 125-150ml;
  • hand cream 1st.l.

Cream and oil are added so that the finished product does not crack during the drying process.

It should be noted that the preparation of salt dough is impossible only from flour with impurities (pancake). Rye flour is used together with wheat for handicrafts. It will give a warm, rustic touch to the product. It is impossible to make salty dough from rye flour alone, as it will be very difficult to mold (tight).

Rye flour recipe:

  • wheat flour 300g;
  • rye flour 100g;
  • salt 400g;
  • water 250ml.

It should be borne in mind that the density of rye dough is greater, so it should be taken a little more when cooking in order to get the required volume. You can add another 1 tbsp to this composition. oil, which will enhance plasticity and prevent the mass from sticking to your hands.

Drying crafts

Rye flour modeling dough has one more nuance - drying handicrafts. First you need to air dry (0.5 cm thick per week), then in the oven over low heat.

Drying crafts from salt dough is carried out in 2 ways: in air, this is the longest (about 2 weeks) and “gentle” drying, since there is less likelihood of cracks. Every day, the craft must be turned over to dry evenly on all sides.

Suitable for small and medium items. Baking in the oven at temperatures up to 80°C. The finished craft is placed on baking foil and placed on the stove. The drying process lasts 1-2 hours (depending on the dimensions of the product).

Almost everyone involved in salt dough crafts improvises in the process of creativity and adds their own components to the dough. A variety of components are added to the composition, glycerin for shine, wallpaper or PVA glue for strength, hand creams for plasticity.

The dough, which contains less salt, allows you to sculpt openwork details, but becomes less durable. With a high salt content, it will become rougher and tougher. There is no one size fits all recipe. Create, invent, try!