How to make salt dough for modeling. How to make salt dough for modeling: recipe

06.05.2022 Seafood dishes

A new hobby is gaining popularity: bioceramics. Another name: testoplasty. Here, for modeling all kinds of products, not clay, but salt dough is used as a material.

Salt dough features

As a new, unusual, innovative modeling material, salt dough has undeniable advantages. These include qualities such as:

  • absolute harmlessness;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • availability;
  • plastic;
  • stability;
  • neatness (does not leave dirt, easily washed off with water);

They can be used by everyone without exception. This is the most democratic material. Products are durable, it is convenient to work with it, it can be made at home.

Whole families were addicted to the new art. Passion brings a lot of pleasant emotions. Creations of own hands please small children, schoolchildren, adults, old people.

What are the benefits for children

Modeling classes bring indisputable benefits to children. The material is odorless, does not stick to hands, does not cause any allergic reactions.

Fine motor skills develop in children such qualities as:

  • Concentration.
  • perseverance.
  • Creativity.
  • Logics.
  • Attentiveness.
  • Responsibility.
  • The ability to finish what you started.
  • Imagination.
  • Deep perception.
  • Developed speech centers.
  • Sociability.
  • Fundamentals of “polyphonic” thinking (many components are realized).

How to make salt dough

Modeling material can be prepared in several ways. Of course, there is a classic recipe for salt dough. But there are other cooking techniques, variations. In some cases, hand creams, PVA glue are added to food products.

The preparation process must be taken seriously. The result of creative efforts depends on this. First collect the necessary tools.


The sculptor will need the following toolbox:

  • deep dishes (bowl, basin);
  • oven;
  • polyethylene, food film;
  • fridge;
  • containers for measuring proportions: glasses, bowls, spoons;
  • spatulas, sticks;
  • tassels (for decoration);
  • finishing materials: cereals, coffee beans, mesh, tubes, comb, etc.

Classic method

To prepare salty dough, take: wheat flour and fine salt, 300 g each, cold water 20 ml. Prepare it like this:

  • Salt is poured into a container. Add some water, but not all. Dissolve the salt
  • Add sifted flour.
  • Make a batch in a bowl (dishes).
  • Then the lump is transferred to a table covered with oilcloth.
  • Continue kneading while adding water.
  • The finished dough is covered with cling film or polyethylene.
  • Place in the cold (in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours).

Store the material for a month. Proportions are given for creating crafts in large quantities. If necessary, the number of products is simply reduced.

How to make quick salt dough

Many are interested in how to make salt dough for sculpting figures in quick mode. Testoplasty, as a kind of art, captivates both adults and children. Many figurines, paintings, whole compositions are sculpted by the whole family.

The material does not require expensive ingredients. All products can be found in shops, markets, pavilions, kiosks near the house.

Of course, all flour makers are interested in the step-by-step preparation of a quick dough:

  • The components of the final product are prepared (flour, water 1 cup each, soda 2 teaspoons, salt 1/3 cup, vegetable oil 1 teaspoon, food coloring);
  • Salt, flour, soda are poured into the container, water and oil are added. Everything is cooked on low heat for a few minutes. The mixture is stirred regularly, then the dye is added, continue to stir;
  • The finished dough is allowed to cool;
  • The consistency is kneaded with hands;
  • The cooled dough is wrapped (with cling film, polyethylene);
  • If the material is dry, add a little water, knead;
  • Store in polyethylene, food container.

How to achieve shine

Some cover finished products with varnish. But if glycerin, which is sold in all pharmacies, is added to the dough, figurines or objects can become varnished even without the use of paints and varnishes.

Here's how you can achieve this, and make a good dough for crafts yourself:

  • Combine flour (almost half a kilo), salt (100 g), vegetable oil (2 tablespoons), cream of tartar (2 tablespoons) in a container.
  • Bring water to a boil in another container. Add the prepared mass, dye and glycerin there. Bring to uniformity.
  • Cool down.
  • Mix well.
  • The figurines will become shiny.

Cooking without flour

Take a glass of starch, 2 glasses of baking soda, half a glass of water. Everything is boiled over low heat until a ball forms. Spread, cool, knead. Divide into parts, add dye, knead to distribute the color evenly. After all manipulations, cool in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours. Plasticine is ready to go!

Salt dough with PVA

2 cups flour, 1 cup fine salt, 125 ml warm water, 50 ml glue. Flour, salt, warm water are kneaded with a blender. Add glue, mix well with your hands. The dough is ready. You should keep the dough in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, then you can start sculpting.

What crafts are made from salt dough

Here you can give free rein to your imagination. But beginners are advised to learn how to make a few simple figures. For example:

  • mushroom;
  • Christmas tree;
  • beads;
  • fish;
  • bunny;
  • fox;
  • twig;
  • tree;
  • roses.

colored dough

The finished salt dough is cut into as many pieces as there are flowers to be made. Gouache of the desired color is placed on each piece. The amount of dye depends on the expected saturation. Close up the gouache with the ends of the dough, like a filling in a dumpling.

Stir the colored lump, distributing the paint evenly. The colored dough is placed in plastic bags, stored in the refrigerator.

This kind of plasticine has excellent qualities. It stretches easily and is elastic. Everyone sculpts compositions, figures, objects, forms from it with great pleasure.

Food coloring

To make colored dough with food coloring, you need to do this:

  • Mix fine salt (1 cup), flour (1 cup) and water (3/4 cup).
  • Add vegetable oil (5 tablespoons).
  • Knead elastic dough.
  • Divide into parts.
  • Add food coloring, mix well.
  • Keep cold.
  • Colored salt dough is an excellent tool for relaxation, creativity and self-expression.

Drying products

The finished figurines are dried in the air, and then in the oven. When the product dries, it is additionally varnished, glazed, elements for decoration can be added. Homemade figurines smell delicious and look beautiful.

Photo of salt dough

Modeling is a very fun educational activity loved by many kids. A step-by-step recipe for salt dough for modeling for children will help parents make a natural, absolutely safe, inexpensive plastic material with their own hands, which will be a great alternative to plasticine and the popular play-doh type of modeling mass.

Salt dough for modeling for children recipe:

What is salt dough? What is useful modeling for children?

Dough made from flour and table salt is an incredibly plastic material, and modeling from it is an art known to our distant ancestors. Folk craftswomen mastered testoplasty, or bioceramics (today needlework has such beautiful names) to decorate their homes and bring home comfort to them. They made crafts from salt dough without baking, painted them. These figurines had a symbolic meaning, they were given to loved ones. The children played with them as if they were toys. Initially, the plastic mass recipe included only three components: flour, boiled salt and cold water.

Today, salt dough is popular again. Many parents and preschool teachers prefer this material to plasticine and play-doh plastic mass, because:

  • Salt dough for modeling for children, the recipe is very simple, everyone can master it.
  • Components for the preparation of plastic mass are inexpensive and readily available. Flour, salt, water, food coloring and other ingredients will cost less than plasticine.
  • For young children, you can use a mass recipe that contains only natural edible ingredients. There will be no reason to worry if the baby decides to try which dough tastes or swallows a piece of it.
  • Salt dough does not stick to fingers, does not stain them. This is a very malleable and soft material, to form figures from which under. strength even for toddlers.
  • Properly prepared and kneaded salt dough dries, hardens, and does not crack. Crafts made from it can be used as souvenirs, Christmas tree decorations. They can be played like toys.
  • Using natural dyes (beetroot juice, for example), food coloring, absolutely any color can be given to puff pastry.

Salt dough recipes for modeling

Recipes for salt dough for modeling for children are constantly being improved. Some people prefer to add not only water, flour and salt to the material, but also some other components, for example, starch, gelatin, vegetable oil, PVA glue or dry wallpaper paste. But the main thing here is not to overdo it! Dough with oil, for example, can leave greasy marks on hands and clothes, and synthetic glue makes the material only suitable for children 5 years and older, who definitely won't eat it.

Parents are offered two recipes for salt dough for creativity with a preschooler and a younger student step by step with a photo.

Recipe 1: Easy Salt Dough Recipe


wheat flour - 1 cup;
fine table salt (Extra) - 1 cup;
cold water - ½ cup;

How to knead the mass for modeling:

Recipe 2: Starch Salt Dough Recipe

For the manufacture of miniature crafts, a mass with starch is more suitable, it will give it additional elasticity.


wheat flour - 1/2 cup;
table salt - 1 cup;
cold water - ½ cup;
starch - ½ cup.

How to knead starched salt dough for modeling:

Dough craft ideas for kids

As a rule, ideas for crafts from salt dough arise already directly in the process of modeling. But if they run out, you can study this or that interesting master class from the books of V. A. Khomenko “Salty dough step by step” or A. Firsova “Miracles from salt dough”. Schemes and step-by-step instructions with photos and videos for crafts are available on the Internet.

Footprints and palm prints on the test, stuck on cardboard and inserted into a frame, look very original.

For the New Year, it is interesting to make cute Christmas toys with a child, color them, decorate them with beads, sequins, sprinkle with sparkles. A snowflake, a gnome, a hut, a bell, a symbol of the year, for example, a monkey, can hang on a Christmas tree. As an example - a photo of a craft made from salt dough for modeling, made together with a 4-year-old preschooler.

Salt dough - a recipe for crafts. Video.

Modeling dough from salt and flour is a type of creative activity that a baby can begin to master literally from a year old. Manipulating with pleasant to the touch pieces of colored dough, he does not just have fun. Modeling contributes to the development of fine motor skills, imagination and memory in preschoolers and primary school children, helps to form an idea of ​​the properties of objects.

Tactile contact with salt dough, the process of making crafts have a calming effect on the baby's psyche, and the end result causes a storm of positive emotions.

The fairy tale about Kolobok and the cartoon "Plasticine Crow" in our country is known even to children. Older people remember stories about how the leader of the world proletariat sculpted inkwells from bread. A spineless person was compared to the softness of dough, and stale bread to the hardness of a stone.

In the Scandinavian countries, amulets (wreaths, horseshoes) were molded from dough, which protected the courtyard from demonic forces. In China, puppets were made from dough. With the advent of plasticine in everyday life, modeling from salt dough was undeservedly forgotten, but now it is experiencing a rebirth.

The possibility of self-expression through creation and creation and fine motor skills exercises are necessary for a person of any age, and most of all for children. The safety for kids of the material at work, the availability and ease of making salt dough for modeling, the “survivability” of crafts are undeniable.

“Mukosolka, mukosolka, testoplasty, Arkhangelsk ceramics or bioceramics” are all modern names for ancient needlework, making handicrafts from salted flour. In order to captivate your child and try to “become like God” (who fashioned a person) yourself without leaving your home, you need to know how to make salt dough for modeling.

Preparation and ingredients

There are many recipes that differ in composition and proportions, some are for sculpting small particles, others for making large crafts, no flour, no starch, but they all must contain salt.

The absence of salt makes the dough more porous and less strong. Obviously, our ancestors knew about this property of salt and added it to the dough not only for taste. With the rest of the variations (proportions and methods of preparation, the addition of dyes and various components), you can experiment in the future, when the first experience is gained.

Classic recipe

The classic recipe for salt dough for modeling consists of three ingredients:

  • 300g. salt;
  • 300g. flour;
  • 200g. water.

Flour and salt must be taken in the same proportions (1k1, by weight, not by volume!). A glass of salt weighs approximately 200g, a glass of flour 100g. Flour for the "classics" is taken white wheat, the highest grinding. Salt is desirable to take the finest grinding, not iodized!

When using iodized salt, the dough will not come out completely homogeneous, inclusions of foreign bodies will be visible. The water should be clean and as cold as possible (icy). You can knead the dough in 2 ways:

  • dissolving salt in water and then adding flour (in this case, flour of different moisture requires different amounts of water);
  • after mixing salt and flour, gradually add water (subject to the written norms, the dough will turn out to be very plastic).

The initial kneading process is carried out in a bowl. You can use a blender or mixer. After the formation of a homogeneous plastic lump, the dough continues to be kneaded by hand on the table. The finished mass should be plastic, but should not stick to the hands.

If the dough breaks, add water, if it sticks to your hands - flour. It should be borne in mind that the amount of the resulting dough will be considerable, therefore, for the first experiment, it is possible to simply reduce the proportions of all parts.

The dough made in this way can be used for modeling without cooling, or placed in a plastic bag and kept in the refrigerator for 2 hours. It would be more correct to place it there overnight, then after drying the material will break off less at the edges.

In the process of sculpting, pieces should be pinched off from the total mass and used immediately, since in the air the dough quickly winds (spoils) and becomes covered with a crust. The shelf life of the material in the refrigerator is from a week to a month, depending on the method of preparation, the tightness of the package and the temperature regime.

Other recipes

To make volumetric figures, the dough is prepared in the same way as in the classic recipe, only the amount of salt and flour will be 2k1. You will need:

  • Salt 400gr;
  • Flour 200gr;
  • Water 125 ml.

Such a dough will be especially strong, it can be used to cover the frame of aluminum foil in the manufacture of three-dimensional figures.

There is also a recipe for cooking with the reverse ratio, 2 parts flour to 1 part salt. You will need:

  • Salt 200g;
  • Flour 400g;
  • Water 125 ml.

This recipe already uses boiling water. All the salt is poured into it, stirred. After the salt solution has cooled to room temperature, the flour is added and the dough is prepared. To achieve a better result, you can add 1 tbsp to the dough. glue (wallpaper or PVA) and 1 tbsp vegetable oil.

Recipe with oil and dye

Colored salt dough for modeling is made according to a different recipe with the addition of dyes, either during preparation (large volume) or in separate pieces of the future composition (small details). As you get carried away with the art of modeling, you will move on to other salt dough recipes.

Recipe with oil and dye. Ingredients needed for cooking:

  • Salts 250g;
  • Flour 150g;
  • 5 tbsp sunflower oil, which will improve the elasticity of the dough;
  • Water (the amount will depend on the amount of dye);
  • dye (you can use carrot, beet or cherry juice).

The technology of preparation is the same as in the classic recipe.

Oil is added to the mixed salt and flour and water is gradually added. It should be remembered that it is necessary to add a little juice to give the mass a color. As dyes, juices of cherries, currants (red or black), beets, carrots, corn, spinach are used. The dough can be colored with tea or cocoa. Food coloring can be added if necessary.

Recipe without starch with glycerin

Among the examples of crafts there are panels and products that will amaze with an abundance of small, mosaic details. In such things, a composition prepared according to the recipe “without starch, with glycerin” is used. The preparation of dough for such a "jewelry" molding is made from:

  • 200g salt;
  • 300g flour;
  • 4 tbsp glycerin;
  • wallpaper glue or PVA 4 tbsp;
  • water 125-150ml.

The main ingredients are flour and salt, but there is a recipe that allows you to make dough for modeling without flour. You will need:

  • 1 st. starch;
  • 2st. baking soda;
  • 0.5st. water.

Mix starch with soda, pour a small stream of water at room temperature and put to languish over a small fire. When a dense “ball” is formed in the bowl, it is necessary to turn off the stove, wait until the mass has cooled down and put it on a table sprinkled with flour. It remains only to knead with your hands. Without flour in its composition, this mass is excellent for modeling.

There is also a recipe in which there is no salt: mix 150 g of flour with a glass of water and 2 glasses of chopped oatmeal. Add 2 tbsp to the resulting mixture. vegetable oil. Such "plasticine" from the dough is stored in a cool place for about a week. If it has absorbed moisture and droplets have appeared on the surface, you just need to roll in flour and mash.

Other test options

There is another option for making dough with glycerin and starch. Flour 300g, salt 150g, 1-2 tbsp. starch, 100-125 ml of water.

There are recipes with the addition of natural creams:

  • salt 200g;
  • flour 200g;
  • water 125-150ml;
  • hand cream 1st.l.

Cream and oil are added so that the finished product does not crack during the drying process.

It should be noted that the preparation of salt dough is impossible only from flour with impurities (pancake). Rye flour is used together with wheat for handicrafts. It will give a warm, rustic touch to the product. It is impossible to make salty dough from rye flour alone, as it will be very difficult to mold (tight).

Rye flour recipe:

  • wheat flour 300g;
  • rye flour 100g;
  • salt 400g;
  • water 250ml.

It should be borne in mind that the density of rye dough is greater, so it should be taken a little more when cooking in order to get the required volume. You can add another 1 tbsp to this composition. oil, which will enhance plasticity and prevent the mass from sticking to your hands.

Drying crafts

Rye flour modeling dough has one more nuance - drying handicrafts. First you need to air dry (0.5 cm thick per week), then in the oven over low heat.

Drying crafts from salt dough is carried out in 2 ways: in air, this is the longest (about 2 weeks) and “gentle” drying, since there is less likelihood of cracks. Every day, the craft must be turned over to dry evenly on all sides.

Suitable for small and medium items. Baking in the oven at temperatures up to 80°C. The finished craft is placed on baking foil and placed on the stove. The drying process lasts 1-2 hours (depending on the dimensions of the product).

Almost everyone involved in salt dough crafts improvises in the process of creativity and adds their own components to the dough. A variety of components are added to the composition, glycerin for shine, wallpaper or PVA glue for strength, hand creams for plasticity.

The dough, which contains less salt, allows you to sculpt openwork details, but becomes less durable. With a high salt content, it will become rougher and tougher. There is no one size fits all recipe. Create, invent, try!