The most expensive caviar in the world. Sockeye caviar: photo, properties

06.05.2022 Desserts and cakes

As for the cheapest caviar in the modern food industry, everything is clear. The surrogate product is beautiful balls of gelatinous algae, the taste of which is vaguely reminiscent of fish. There is also natural cheap caviar - pollock, herring. Forgers sometimes fake They paint it black and try to pass it off as stellate sturgeon. But in this article, we are not interested in surrogates or products of the lower price segment, but in what kind of caviar is the most expensive in the world. Or at least in Russia. And in general, what types of fish produce the most expensive caviar? And how much does such a product cost?

Myths and facts about caviar

There was an opinion that the most expensive caviar is black. Red, although larger, is a cheaper delicacy. In fact, everything is more difficult. After all, there are a number of fish species that spawn. These are beluga, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, sterlet. It is in this order that the delicacy is valued. But that's not all. The age of the fish is important. The older she is, the tastier her caviar is. And, as a paradox, lighter. In the world of manufacturers, a product classifier by color has been developed. Light gray caviar is the best variety of black.

Further, the degree of maturity affects the taste of the product. Sometimes the eggs do not have time to transform into solid beads. This mass is called a yastyk. Together with the connecting film, it is salted. Yastik caviar is the cheapest of the noble varieties. Above is the pressed one, salted in brine (strong saline solution). And granular pasteurized caviar is even more highly valued. It is mature, with whole beads, dry-salted. For gourmets, it is important that the eggs of different fish species do not mix. Therefore, not just black or red caviar is valued, but beluga, sturgeon, salmon, chum salmon, etc. Glass jars are preferable to iron ones. So you do not buy a "pig in a poke", but you see the quality of the product (integrity, size, color of grains).

We have already mentioned that the older the fish of the sturgeon family, the tastier and lighter the product. Therefore, the most valuable and, accordingly, the most expensive caviar is not black, but white caviar. She is tossed by special fish - albino beluga. This alone makes caviar rare. Now take into account the fact that such a fish must be at least a hundred years old! Albino Belugas are found in the southern (Iranian) part of the Caspian Sea. Despite the fact that individuals of these fish are groomed and cherished, there are quite a few of them left. No more than ten kilograms of such caviar per year enters the international market.

In Iran, the product is called "almas", which means "diamond". And in the West and in North America, it is called "golden kavyar" - "golden caviar". And not so much the radiant yellow color determines the name. This caviar is worth its weight in gold. For one hundred grams you need to pay two and a half thousand dollars. But it should be noted that a significant share in the pricing of goods is played by its packaging. Iranians believe that the only worthy setting for such a diamond as Almas caviar can only be a jar of 995-carat gold.

Demand for the delicacy

It seems strange and almost impossible that anyone would want to buy caviar for the price of a small car. After all, one meal costs more than the food of one African village throughout the year. But nevertheless, the most expensive caviar in the world is in great demand. Moneybags from all over the world have been waiting for their turn for five years in order to be able to pay two and a half thousand American dollars for a jar of delicacy. For what do they give their "acquired overwork" money? Well, certainly not for a jar of 995 samples! It is said that golden (or diamond) caviar has a unique taste, incomparable to anything else in the world. She doesn't smell like fish. Its taste is reminiscent of almond. And in terms of calories, caviar is ahead of meat. But, unlike pork and beef, it is much healthier.

To the taste and wallet of Russians

What is the most expensive caviar in Russia? Naturally, it must be Beluga. Moreover, the price of the product is directly affected by the age and size of the fish. Thus, the paradox is that the most expensive black caviar is not charcoal, but light gray. This product, of course, is grainy. Fully ripened eggs are light gray solid and well-shaped balls of a certain diameter. To do this, they are delicately sifted through a special sieve - screens. Only the largest eggs go to the jar. They are completely cleared of films and veins of the ovary.

The caviar is barely perceptibly salted. This is called the dry method. The eggs are sprinkled with very fine table salt (no more than five percent of the product) and so aged for a couple of minutes. Then the delicacy is packaged in jars with a top and sealed with a high lid. When opening the container, the caviar should keep its shape well. But the official catch of beluga in the Russian Federation is prohibited. On the black Russian market, the price of the product is six hundred and twenty euros per kilogram.

The best sturgeon caviar

Since the beluga remains a “forbidden fruit” for the domestic user, let's see what a law-abiding Russian can indulge in during the holidays. This is a sturgeon - a fish that breathes into the back of the head to the leader of all black caviar throwers. The volume of legal production is one hundred and eighty tons per year. Significantly more than ten kilograms of "diamond". The most expensive sturgeon caviar in supermarkets costs four hundred and fifty euros per kilogram. Without cheating the store - two hundred and thirty. Near fisheries you can buy a liter jar of excellent black sturgeon caviar for a thousand rubles. But such an acquisition is not entirely legal.

This incredibly useful and valuable product is obtained from fish. Like sturgeon, this friendly company includes several species. In addition to the salmon itself, the family includes chum salmon, pink salmon, trout, sockeye salmon, chinook salmon, sim and coho salmon. In terms of usefulness, fat content and the content of valuable, easily digestible proteins, the caviar of all these fish is the same. But the sizes of the eggs are different. Yes, the flavors are slightly different. Keta lays the largest caviar. Grains five or even nine millimeters in diameter will not be lost in a salad. Such eggs also have an elegant bright orange color with red splashes. They have a hard shell. That is why they burst on the teeth, shooting up to the palate with an amazingly tasty center. This caviar is not bitter, and therefore is considered the best.

outlandish product

Salmon does not have such a gradation in value as sturgeon. Therefore, there is no unequivocal answer to the question of which is the most expensive red caviar, which fish is the product. In pricing, the population size of a given species often matters. Coho salmon caviar costs three and a half thousand rubles per kilogram. But it cannot be said that it is the most delicious and valuable. Coho salmon eggs have a diameter of three to five millimeters. Color - closer to red, not as elegant as chum salmon. The sockeye salmon lays very small caviar. The taste of the fish itself is much better. But the price per kilo of caviar is three thousand rubles. So it's up to you - what to put at the forefront: a rare type of product or its taste.

Pink salmon is a sales leader

We have already found out which red caviar is the most expensive. But people vote with their wallets. Pink salmon caviar still remains the favorite of the public. She has the same elegant as the ketova. But the eggs themselves are slightly smaller - from three to six millimeters. They do not have a very dense shell. But the market is so flooded with fakes that this quality only confirms once again that the caviar is real. The taste is slightly bitter. The annual catch of pink salmon in Russia is the largest in terms of volume of all salmon. And this inevitably affects the price. Thus, despite all the economic crises, the average Russian can afford to buy a jar of pink salmon caviar for the holiday.

And other salmon

With the growing popularity of sushi, there was a demand for very small caviar - for running rolls. Sockeye salmon eggs are too bitter and have a specific taste. Therefore, trout caviar is more popular. It is very small (two or three millimeters in diameter), sticks well to the land. Its color, based on the types of trout, can be either yellow or orange. No less tasty delicacy is coho salmon caviar. It is also medium-sized - the grains barely reach four millimeters in diameter. The most expensive caviar is from chinook salmon. Its large grains, six to seven millimeters in diameter, have a rich red color. However, this delicacy is distinguished by a somewhat bitter aftertaste. The high price is due to the fact that the species of the salmon family is listed in the Red Book.

How to choose caviar

With an abundance of protein surrogate on the market, it is important not to make a mistake in choosing a quality product. Too beautiful grains of a uniform color with a distinct fishy smell indicate just that the caviar is not real. Gelatin does not crack, but sticks to the teeth - another marker of falsification.

Now we will learn how to choose a real product from sturgeons. It is better to buy a glass jar - so you can see its contents. But high-quality Iranian caviar - black, not brilliant - is sold in metal containers. But even in this case, you can determine whether the product is good. The lid should have a label embossed on the inside. The jar should not gurgle when shaken. The label must contain information: what type of fish this caviar is from and what is the method of its processing. It is even easier to identify a quality red delicacy. In natural eggs, a “eye” is traced - the embryo of a fish.

The best recipes using caviar

This delicacy can transform even a very simple, everyday dish. We have already found out which caviar of which fish is the most expensive. Consequently, a sandwich with it will be oh, how expensive. But for such a delicacy, you need to come up with something more sophisticated than a sandwich. With red caviar, they prepare a national Russian dish - pancakes. And how to use black in cooking?

Here is the recipe for the Neptune's Gifts holiday salad. Black caviar goes well with seafood. Take half a kilo of squid and two hundred grams of shrimp for salad. Let's cook seafood. Grate two eggs and 150 g of cheese. Let the squid pass through a meat grinder, mix with two cloves of garlic and 100 g of mayonnaise. Put a layer of boiled rice in a dish. Then half of the squid. Next - two chopped tomato cubes. We put eggs on them. Top - the second half of the squid and cheese. Lubricate with mayonnaise. We decorate the top of the salad with boiled peeled shrimps and black caviar.

Not only tasty, but also healthy!

Red caviar, due to the presence of many useful substances in it, allows you to fight against premature aging, helping to rejuvenate the whole body, and also fight against sexual weakness. The protein of this product is absorbed much better, improving the vitality of a person, that is, the use of red caviar helps to improve metabolic processes in the body and a person feels a significant surge of energy. In addition to protein, such caviar contains iodine, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. The product also contains vitamins A, E, D, which help maintain human health and improve its immune system.

Delicious product from salmon!

This incredibly valuable and useful product is obtained from fish belonging to the salmon family, which are represented by pink salmon, chum salmon, sockeye salmon, trout, coho, chinook salmon. In terms of protein content, usefulness and fat content, the caviar of these fish is the same, but its taste characteristics differ.

Therefore, each person decides for himself which red caviar is the best and most delicious, because some people like small caviar, and someone is a lover of large grains. But which of the salmon caviar - you should carefully understand this in order to be able to choose a product according to your taste preferences.

Chum caviar has large sizes (usually 5-9 mm). It is distinguished by its regular shape in the form of a ball and amber-orange color. Thanks to such a bright color, caviar is a wonderful decoration for any kind of dishes. Despite its high taste characteristics, not everyone likes it, but all because it has a very dense shell.

Pink salmon caviar in our country can be called the most popular. Its universal taste is liked by almost all people. The eggs of this fish have a not very dense shell and an orange color. In terms of the amount of caviar received, pink salmon is in first place, so in our supermarkets you can often find this particular type of caviar.

Sockeye caviar is not often found on sale today, since the number of this salmon fish is rapidly decreasing, and the taste of the meat of this fish is much better than the taste of caviar. The eggs of this fish are small in size, bright red in color and have a hint of bitterness.

Trout caviar is now massively entering the Russian market and gaining popularity among buyers. This caviar is the smallest, and its color can be from yellow to orange. Those who decide for themselves which red caviar is the best should definitely try this delicacy, because many people consider the taste of such caviar to be excellent.

Coho salmon caviar does not exceed 4 mm in size. Often it is confused with sockeye salmon caviar, but the main difference of this product is the absence of spicy bitterness, usually inherent in sockeye salmon caviar.

Chinook caviar is quite large (6-7 mm), has a bitter taste and a rich red color. However, it is not so easy to find caviar of this fish in supermarkets, since this salmon species is presented on the pages of the Red Book.

What is the best red caviar?

The best caviar will be only natural. Before making a purchase of red caviar, you should carefully read the label on the jar. The composition should contain caviar, salt and a minimum of preservatives. It is better to take a glass jar of caviar in order to better examine the contents. The eggs should be the same color and whole, and they should also be easily separated from each other.

It is also very important to look at the date of manufacture of the product - remember that caviar is mined in the summer (July-August). Therefore, if caviar is made in December, then you should think carefully before purchasing such a delicacy.

We will help you figure out what types of this delicacy are, what caviar is useful for and what to look for when choosing in order to get really fresh and healthy caviar.

  • Composition of caviar
  • Comparison of red caviar

What is red caviar, and how does it differ?

Any red caviar is extracted from salmon fish. It depends on the type of red fish whether the caviar will be red or orange, large or small, how pronounced bitterness will be, and, of course, the cost. As a rule, on sale you can find caviar of six representatives of red fish: chinook salmon, sockeye salmon, chum salmon, pink salmon, trout and coho salmon. Most often, pink salmon caviar is offered in Russian stores, and chinook salmon (one of the most expensive species) is most likely to be found only in Primorye.

What salmon caviar is the best

There is no definite answer which caviar is the best, because it depends on the person's culinary preferences. The delicacy of each type of fish is distinguished by certain shades of taste. And the benefits of salmon caviar are approximately the same. It improves immunity, skin condition and vision, strengthens the nervous system, and serves as a good prevention of rickets.

How to choose high-quality caviar

First of all, evaluate the appearance of the product. If the color is too dark, it is a sign of staleness. If it's too light, it's overripe. The eggs themselves should be like a selection: the same size, without damage, foreign smell, films, blood clots, elastic. If the product is of high quality, it does not stick to the teeth, but bursts easily.
It is preferable to take the product in a sealed package, and not by weight.

The inscriptions on the packaging will also help you with the choice. You should choose first-class caviar, the second grade may contain caviar of several species of fish. It is important that the product is manufactured in accordance with GOST. This is a guarantee that it was mothballed for a month. If the product is manufactured according to TU (technical specifications), most likely the fish was caught far from production and it was frozen before packaging, which means that it is in many ways inferior to the GOST product in terms of taste and useful properties.
The composition of the product, in addition to itself, should include vegetable oil, salt, glycerin, an antiseptic and no more than two preservatives.

The production date must be clear. It is best if the delicacy is produced in the summer. It is believed that it is during this period that the best caviar is preserved.

Now we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the rules for choosing this product in various types of packaging:

in a tin can

The appearance of the can itself is important - the absence of swelling, damage, dents and rust. Do not forget to look at the production date, production schedule and composition. Shaking the jar, you should not hear a gurgle.

In a glass jar

The advantage of this type of packaging is the ability to visually examine its contents. If the caviar is fresh, when turned over, it does not immediately begin to slide along the walls. Check that there are no foreign objects and broken eggs in the jar. The color of the grains should not be too pale or yellow.

By weight

It is preferable to buy loose caviar in the first months of autumn. Then it is the freshest. It happens that expired caviar is tinted to give it a fresh look. The product must not have a strong odor. The eggs should be orange or red (depending on the type of fish), be sure to be even and elastic, have a small inclusion inside. If you see at least one black or white caviar, then all those adjacent to them are already affected. There should also not be a lot of liquid in the container with caviar - this proves that it has been repeatedly frozen.

Composition of caviar

The benefits of a product are determined by its chemical composition. Each grain consists of a third of easily digestible protein. And the fat in the eggs is no more than 15%. This determines the low calorie content - about 250 kcal per hundred grams of product. In addition, caviar consists of a large number of substances necessary for the body of any person. Such as iron, potassium, phosphorus, iodine, folic acid, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A, E, D.

Do you prefer large or small caviar?

It also depends on your culinary preferences. However, there is an opinion that the most delicious caviar is large. We are talking about caviar. Its cost cannot be called democratic, but it is good in the absence of bitterness and a pleasant smell. Its size is approximately 5 mm. The trout throws the smallest caviar, but it is not for everyone, because it is often bitter.

Which salmon fish have the smallest and largest caviar?

The record holder in terms of size and cost is Chinook caviar. Her eggs are 7 mm in size. The grains are large and covered with a dense film.

The smallest, as we have already said, is trout caviar. It is most popular with Russian buyers due to its low cost.

Comparison of red caviar

Let's compare in more detail the caviar of different types of salmon:

Keta. Chum salmon have large grains, reaching a diameter of 5-6 mm. Their shell is strong enough - it is difficult to break it, so the eggs do not burst or deform. As a rule, it serves as a decoration for ready-made dishes. The chum salmon eggs have a bright orange hue, in the light you can see a speck-embryo in them.

Pink salmon. The size of the eggs of this species of fish is 5 mm. The color can vary from orange to red. It has a pleasant taste, in which there is no pronounced bitterness.

Red salmon. In our country, its caviar is quite difficult to find. The habitat of this red fish is off the American coast. The diameter of the grains is 4-5 mm, the color is saturated red. It has a slight bitter taste.

Kizhuch. Such caviar is also not easy to find in stores. It has a specific taste, with a noticeable bitterness, so it is not for everybody. However, it contains the highest amount of nutrients. The size of the eggs is 3-4 mm, the color is from crimson to red.


How to choose a really high-quality product? Which caviar is healthier and better? Which one is tastier than pink salmon, sockeye salmon, chum salmon, chinook salmon or coho salmon? What should you pay attention to when buying red caviar?

Not infrequently, these questions arise from buyers standing at the window and getting lost in the variety of delicacies.
To make the right decision, it is worth evaluating salmon caviar according to a number of parameters.


The most common red caviar is:

Pink salmon- the cheapest and most common red caviar. It differs from the chum salmon and chinook in size, approximately 3-5 mm. It differs from other types of delicacy in color (lighter only in chum salmon), incl. Seeing medium-sized light orange eggs, do not hesitate - this is pink salmon caviar. The taste is not bitter, most often lightly salted.

Red salmon- fairly small red caviar, 2-3mm. It is easily recognizable both by its size and its dark orange color. It has a pronounced fishy smell and a bitter taste. During production, color heterogeneity is allowed, incl. do not be alarmed if the color scheme of the eggs varies in orange-red tones (black and white, indicates a spoiled product). In my opinion, the most delicious of the types of delicacy available in the store. Its price is usually equal to pink salmon, sometimes higher by 100-200 rubles.

Keta- average in price, the largest and lightest caviar. And the chum salmon itself is much larger than coho salmon and sockeye salmon. Easily recognizable by its light orange, uniform color (color heterogeneity is not allowed). Eggs with a diameter of 5-7 mm. The fattest, with a delicate taste (when properly produced). It is often passed off as chinook because of the similarity in size, which is easy to determine by color.

coho salmon
– average price (more often equated to the ket price). Color dark red, burgundy. The eggs are approximately 3-4mm. During production, color variation is allowed. The taste is quite bitter. In taste and appearance, it is very similar to sockeye salmon caviar, with the exception of a rich dark red hue.

Chinook salmon- the most expensive red caviar, the price is 500-700 rubles higher than for pink salmon. Intense red color. The taste is bitter, slightly spicy. The size of the eggs is slightly larger than that of pink salmon. Previously, chinook caviar was the largest, but in the last 10 years, chinook salmon has become smaller, more and more individuals weighing less than 10-15 kg come across. Accordingly, the caviar in such a fish is small.

There is an opinion that the chinook is listed in the Red Book, but this is not so. In my memory, only in 2005 there was a ban on its catch, it lasted about a year. Now we continue to catch it on the shelves of Kamchatka, it will not be difficult to find chinook caviar.

In Russia, chinook is mined only in Kamchatka, so pay attention to the region when buying. There are a lot of fakes in the central strip, most often it is chum caviar with the addition of dyes. You can protect yourself by buying a delicacy from trusted suppliers, as well as by checking the product for the presence of a sharp aftertaste.


The most important criterion when choosing red caviar is the manufacturer. Moreover, there is no unequivocal answer, which salmon caviar is better. In my practice, there were both fairly large enterprises that, to put it mildly, violated state standards, and small manufacturers that produce products of really high quality.

Let's weigh the "FOR" and "AGAINST"

Quality assurance

Only a certified manufacturer can provide you with a guarantee. The production of caviar requires constant quality control, which is reflected in the accompanying documents. But the reality is not so rosy. Not all manufacturers with “white” documents are conscientious about their business and often in banks there is low-quality, and sometimes spoiled fish caviar. This is especially true for factories that work with confiscated goods, the rating is not important to them.

Small producers selling caviar by weight may also turn out to be “not honest” sellers. You will not receive guarantees, unlike factory products. Therefore, buying a delicacy without documents from dubious personalities, you are playing the lottery with your health. For example, I met “comrades” who use Domestos in their production. There is also a whole business of acquiring rotten salmon caviar, processing and selling. I think not a single plant will dare to do this, incl. if the seller of handicraft products is unfamiliar to you, I would not advise you to trust him.


It seems that everything is simple here. The composition of salted salmon caviar according to GOST includes: raw, salt, water, oil, food additive Varex-2 (sorbic acid). But again, “BUT” comes out.

The fact is that factories during production cannot deviate from state standards. And according to GOSTs, caviar must contain 0.2% Varex-2. I'm not the only one who doubts its usefulness. Now few people argue on this topic, everyone has long come to terms with this need, but in 2005, discussions of this additive in the “caviar sphere” were serious. Starting with the fear of getting cancer , ending with the genocide of the Russian population . I do not want to scare anyone, but I consider it necessary to warn.

At this time, "shrubs" are free to choose preservatives. I know many manufacturers who add only salt to caviar, others buy Japanese preservatives. In both cases, the taste of the delicacy is not inferior to the factory one, the shelf life, subject to the technology, also corresponds to the norm. Of course, you should not trust everyone in a row, as the saying goes “trust, but verify”.

Storage and transportation

Here the undisputed leader are large enterprises. Any manufacturer is interested in making a profit, no one wants to lose both raw materials and finished products, therefore, at all large plants (I was personally at 4), they comply with the standards.

Things are much worse for small businesses, the Internet is full of videos where red fish caviar is stored in dirty cellars and unwashed containers. Yes, this is not uncommon in real life. It all depends on the consciousness of the manufacturer and the quality of the control bodies.


There is an opinion that caviar in glass containers is the best, and in plastic dishes it has the lowest performance. In fact, in the factory, storage is allowed in glass and metal cans, wooden barrels and polymer buckets. It is very important that no matter what the packaging is broken, dents, rust, chips are unacceptable.

How to choose caviar in a metal can

Everything is simple here:

  • We check the jar for defects (dents, rust, etc.), they should not be
  • We read the date of manufacture on the cover (no more than 12 months)
  • We choose a variety: there are only 2 of them, the salinity of caviar does not depend on the variety
  • We shake the jar, the contents should not gurgle
  • Storage temperature of granular caviar at retail trade enterprises +2 - +4 C. (International standard)
  • It is worth remembering that the delicacy in a tin should be consumed within 5 days from the date of opening.
  • Tin oxidizes strongly, so it makes sense to transfer the product to glassware

How to choose caviar in glass containers

We carry out the same points as with a metal can, as well as:

  • We determine the homogeneity of the mass by turning the jar over, caviar should not flow (according to GOST, the presence of brine (sludge), for a first grade product is unacceptable)
  • The eggs in appearance should be whole, we also check the absence of blood, pieces of film and shells of spatula eggs
  • The color of the delicacy must be uniform, with the exception of coho salmon and sockeye salmon

How to choose caviar by weight

  • The best part is that when buying by weight, you can try the goods, and you should start with this.
  • The taste should be pleasant, with a slight bitterness, moderately salty. Sweet and sour taste indicates the presence of a large amount of preservatives or spoiled products.
  • The delicacy from the refrigerator practically does not smell, a slight smell of fish is allowed in case of buying sockeye and coho caviar.
  • In appearance, the eggs should be even, not wrinkled. Orange or red (depending on the type of caviar), with one small patch inside (which distinguishes real caviar from artificial caviar). There should not be black and white eggs, the presence of one of these will infect the entire jar within a day
  • When chewed, the eggs should burst easily, a thick shell is a sign of “not fattening grain”. Also, if the product flows and there is a lot of liquid in it, you should not buy it, this means that it has been defrosted many times

Since the article was written, the comments have been replenished with useful information. If you haven't found the answer to your question, I'll be happy to answer it.

Red caviar is a wonderful, tasty and healthy delicacy, the main thing is to be able to choose it correctly. I hope the article did not scare you, but taught you the right approach to choosing a product. Eat caviar, be healthy, write reviews and ask questions (including on the topic of purchasing a product).

Comparative characteristics of red caviar.

Red caviar is a delicacy valued for its chemical and energy value. Now there is a huge amount of such a product in stores, and caviar differs not only in price, but also in taste. The chemical composition is also different. In this article we will tell you which caviar is the most delicious and healthy.

Now on the shelves in stores, red caviar is considered the most delicious and healthy. It has a pleasant delicate taste and slight bitterness. The cost of the product depends on the type of fish and taste. Also, the price of the product is affected by the amount of fish caught. The rarer the variety, the more expensive the caviar.

Red caviar is obtained from fish of the salmon family. Now there are about 6 species that are used to extract the product:

  • Chinook salmon. This is one of the most expensive varieties of red caviar. This is due to the fact that the fish is listed in the Red Book. The size of the eggs is the largest, about 7 mm. At the same time, the product has a slight bitterness. Finding a product on store shelves is almost impossible due to the limited number. You can find this type of caviar in Primorye.
  • Pink salmon. The most common type in Russia. Found in any supermarket at a fairly affordable price. The taste is neutral. The eggs themselves are oily and burst when stirred. The color of the product is bright orange.
  • Keta. In our country, the caviar of this fish is considered to be festive. It belongs to the Lux class, as the balls keep their shape and do not burst when mixed. At the same time, the taste may be slightly bitter.
  • Red salmon. There are not so many caviar of this fish in Russia. This is due to the small volume of transportation. The taste of caviar is quite spicy. It has a bitter and slightly pungent taste.
  • Kichuzh. Caviar is inexpensive, as the size of the eggs is small, and the taste is slightly bitter.
  • Trout. The caviar of this fish has a pleasant bitter taste and small size. It is often found on sale at a reasonable price.

All red caviar is obtained from salmon fish, that is, from red fish. As for taste, there is a moot point, because everyone likes something of their own. The most interesting thing is that all salmon caviar differs in size. Chinook caviar is considered the most expensive, because the fish is very rare and its industrial scale fishing is prohibited. At the same time, the size of the eggs is the largest and reaches 7 mm. The taste of this caviar is neutral.

The benefits of red caviar:

  • Increases immunity. This product contains unsaturated fatty acids. They help improve immunity, increase hemoglobin and the body's resistance to various infections.
  • Improves skin condition. This product is ideal for the fair sex. The fact is that caviar improves the condition of the skin, making it more elastic and youthful. Helps restore normal oily skin.
  • Prevents the appearance of rickets. Caviar contains a lot of vitamin D. It helps to better absorb calcium, preventing bone fragility. The product is useful for women after 50 years.
  • Vision improvement. Caviar contains vitamin A, which helps people who have poor eyesight.
  • Improves the nervous system. Due to the high content of fatty acids, caviar helps to cope with stress and nervous disorders.

It all depends on the preferences of the buyer. It is believed that the most delicious and expensive caviar with a large size of eggs. The caviar of chum salmon can be considered the most popular. It is not the cheapest, but it has a neutral taste and pleasant aroma. Doesn't flake and keeps its shape well. The size of the eggs of such fish is 5 mm. The smallest is trout, but not everyone likes its taste, as bitterness is often observed.

Of course, the cost of sockeye salmon is higher than pink salmon caviar. This is due to the fact that not so much product is imported to Russia. In this case, the costs of transportation are reflected in the cost. But the taste of pink salmon is more neutral, and does not have a bitter aftertaste. But sockeye caviar is spicy, slightly pungent and bitter. Regarding the benefits, the energy value and composition of the products are similar. Sockeye caviar is smaller and more useful. Due to the small size of the grains, the fish is forced to saturate each caviar with a mass of useful substances.

The taste and cost of these types of caviar is different. For the inhabitants of our country, chum caviar is more familiar. Its taste is neutral, without pronounced bitterness. At the same time, the size of the eggs is large, but the shell is hard. Despite the small grain size (2-3 mm), coho salmon caviar is more useful. It has more vitamins and minerals than caviar caviar. This is due to the small size. The taste is quite spicy and bitter. If you are looking for a product for a feast, then chum caviar will be an ideal option.

Chinook and chum salmon caviar is considered the largest. The size of the eggs reaches 7 mm. The smallest is considered to be caviar of kitchuzh and trout. The grain size is 2-3 mm.

As you can see, not all red caviar is the same. It differs in taste and nutritional value. It is recommended to eat no more than 3 sandwiches with the product for the entire feast.

VIDEO: Red caviar