How to cook noodles (step by step recipe with photos). How to cook rice noodles? How to cook noodles so that they do not stick together - secrets

06.05.2022 Meat dishes

Quite often, housewives avoid making boiled vermicelli as a side dish. This is often associated with fears of getting a lump of sticky mass as a result, which cannot be served on the table and it remains only to throw out such a brew. In fact, it’s not at all difficult to cook delicious crumbly vermicelli. The main thing is to know a few tricks of its preparation. Today's detailed recipe with step-by-step photos will simply and clearly tell you how to cook vermicelli for a side dish so that it does not stick together.

First, let's deal with vermicelli. It can be “Classic”, 1.5-2 mm in diameter, or “Spider Web”, which is much thinner. In the photo you can see the difference between these pasta.

Many housewives confuse these two types and cook the "cobweb" for the time required for the regular vermicelli to be ready. The result is porridge sticking together in one lump.

Tip #1: You need to choose pasta from durum wheat. They hold their shape better and are less susceptible to overcooking.

So, to prepare our side dish, we take 250 grams of ordinary thick vermicelli.

Boil 1.5 liters of water in a saucepan. Add salt to the water to taste. Don't be afraid to go a little overboard with this ingredient, as the pasta will be washed after cooking and excess salt will be removed.

Tip #2: It is necessary to lay pasta in boiling water.

We lower the product into boiling water and immediately mix.

As soon as the water with pasta boils, we begin the countdown. It takes 7-10 minutes to cook classic vermicelli, depending on its thickness. The specific cooking time is usually indicated on the package. Vermicelli "Spider Web" should be cooked for no more than 2-3 minutes.

When cooking, the fire must be reduced to medium, and the lid of the pan can be left open. You need to stir the contents of the pan every minute, and after 5 minutes you can start trying the vermicelli so as not to miss the moment of its readiness.

Tip #3: Despite manufacturers' claims that durum wheat pasta does not require rinsing, vermicelli should be rinsed with cold water after cooking.

Drain the vermicelli into a colander and rinse well in cold water. This procedure will stop the cooking process and contribute to a crumbly garnish.

Tip #4: After washing, the vermicelli must be thoroughly dried.

Vermicelli will not stick together during frying if it is put in a pan with a minimum amount of moisture. To do this, it must be left in a colander for at least 20-30 minutes.

Pour 3-4 tablespoons of vegetable oil into the pan and lay out the boiled product.

Fry the vermicelli for 2-3 minutes.

Ready crumbly side dish can be served with any meat product or sauce.

So, quite simply, you can cook delicious vermicelli so that it does not stick together. Try to cook such a side dish using the basic cooking rules revealed in this recipe with a photo.

Noodles are a kind of younger sister of pasta, so they have the same cooking principle. This also needs to be remembered so as not to create unnecessary problems for yourself.

How to cook noodles? This question will be relevant as long as people eat it. How to cook noodles and not just, but correctly, will certainly tell the experience of those who invented it.

According to Italian chefs, cooking noodles is not difficult, much more important is its proper preparation. The Italians have been looking for the ideal option for cooking noodles for many years, we just have to follow some rules that will allow us to end up with a very tasty dish. To do this, we need to learn a few simple truths.

How to cook noodles

  1. To get the desired result, it is necessary to use noodles of exceptionally good quality. This means that the noodles should be smooth, yellow or cream in color, glassy when broken, a small amount of dark color is acceptable.
    In practice, it has been proven that one hundred grams of noodles will be a sufficient portion for one person (with a normal appetite).
  2. The rule of the ratio of noodles and water is very important. For one hundred grams of noodles, you must use at least one liter of water. If you use less water, you run the risk of getting a sticky mass, which, moreover, will cook for a very long time.
  3. When choosing dishes for cooking, you need to focus on a thick-walled pan, into which three-quarters of water should be poured.
  4. It is better, of course, to use pure spring or filtered water. If this is a problem for you, you can use tap water, but it should be defended and boiled in advance.
  5. During the boiling of water, salt should be added, based on one liter of water, 10 grams of salt. It is strongly not recommended to salt the water when you have already poured the noodles into the water.
  6. You need to pour the noodles into the pan when the water boils, as they say, with a key. It is advisable to pour the noodles in the center of the pan.
  7. If the noodles are longer than you would like, you should not break them before cooking. Having placed them in a saucepan, you need to press down a little (just be careful not to break them) - they will bend and enter the entire container. But this tends to apply more to pasta than to noodles.
  8. After the water with the noodles boils, you need to reduce the fire supply or reduce the temperature of your electric stove. But it is necessary to take into account the fact that until the end of the boiling procedure, the noodles should boil slowly, and not languish in hot water.
  9. While boiling the noodles, do not cover the pan with a lid.
  10. During cooking, the noodles must be stirred from time to time, preferably with a spoon made of wood.
    How long to cook noodles? This is a very important question, since the taste of the dish largely depends on the cooking time. On each package of noodles purchased in a store, the manufacturer indicates the recommended time for boiling it. Ready noodles should be soft, but in moderation.
  11. When biting noodles on the teeth, there should be no taste of flour. Although some, on the contrary, prefer noodles with a taste of flour, so to speak, with cheese (this degree of readiness is called al dente, which means “to the tooth”). This is individual for everyone. After the noodles are cooked, you need to turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid for 2-3 minutes, and then drain the water.
  12. Contrary to popular belief, you should not wash the finished noodles with water. As soon as the water is drained, you need to throw the noodles into a colander prepared in advance, which, for convenience and cleanliness, is placed in the kitchen sink (however, you can put it in another place - as you wish). As soon as the glass noodles, you need to shake it a couple of times, and then transfer it either to the same pan or to a preheated warm dish.
  13. Now you can add any sauce to the noodles (to taste), after which you should wait a couple of minutes until the sauce and noodles become approximately the same temperature.

And now you can treat your family and friends. Bon appetit!

How to cook homemade noodles

In general, it has a lot in common with the preparation of the dough. How to cook and how to cook homemade noodles, we will learn in the description below:

  1. It is necessary to break one egg into a glass or a wide bowl, fill it to the very top with water and pour it into a bowl where we will prepare the dough for our noodles.
  2. Then you need to salt it all and add the sifted flour to our bowl.
    For soft homemade noodles, you can add sour cream, but not more than one tablespoon. Add flour little by little, slowly, while mixing it into the egg with water. This is how the dough will form. The amount of flour should be such that a sufficiently thick, tight dough is obtained.
  3. After the dough has been kneaded to the desired consistency, it must be divided into four parts. Then we take a rolling pin and roll it out until we get a thin cake alternately every four pieces.
    When rolling out cakes, it is necessary to sprinkle them with flour from time to time so that they do not stick to either the rolling pin or the surface on which you roll them out. The noodles will turn out exactly as thick as the cake will be.
  4. Then the resulting cakes (pancakes) must be hung out for 15 minutes, like clothes after washing on a rope. This is done so that the pancakes become drier.
  5. After that, it is necessary to cut our cakes into long strips. This must be done by rolling them individually into rolls.
  6. Having received the required number of rolls, using a sharp knife, they must be cut into rings of the thickness that you want to get at the exit.
  7. Then all the rings need to be untwisted, as a result, homemade noodles should turn out.

We know how to cook noodles from the method described above, but in addition, when boiling homemade noodles (as well as factory-made noodles) in boiling salted water, professionals advise throwing 1-2 bay leaves.

To cook noodles, you will need a large amount of boiling water or broth. Pour the entire amount of noodles into the boiled liquid at once and mix immediately so as not to stick together. Boil - depending on the size and thickness of the noodles. Boil egg noodles faster than usual, 3-4 minutes.

How easy it is to cook noodles

How to cook shrimp noodles

Noodles - 50 grams
Shrimps peeled - 200 grams
Parsley - 1 small bunch
Sweet bell pepper - 1 piece
Lemon - half
Canned green peas - 3 tablespoons
Salt and pepper - to taste

How to cook shrimp noodles
1. Boil 1 liter of water.
2. Pour noodles into boiled water, cook for 5-7 minutes, transfer to a colander and rinse under running water.
3. Boil 1 cup of water in a saucepan, put in the shrimp and cook for 3 minutes after boiling.
4. Cool the shrimp a little and peel them from the shell.
5. Wash the bell pepper, cut the stalk, remove the seeds and cut into thin half rings.
6. Heat a frying pan over medium heat, pour in the oil, put the noodles and fry for 2 minutes, stirring occasionally.
7. Put the shrimps, peppers, green peas and mix, fry for another 2 minutes.
8. Wash parsley and chop finely.

Serve noodles with shrimp, sprinkled with chopped herbs on top.


Historically, in Russia, noodles are what they "hang on their ears." Long, round or flat pasta, sometimes quite thick. Therefore, it is quite difficult to confuse noodles with vermicelli - small and thin pasta, which is why it is also called "cobweb". In fact, manufacturers and sellers everywhere call noodles vermicelli, and even "instant noodles" (Doshirak or Rollton), and pasta in general, but a specific product is originally meant by classic noodles. This is important, because real noodles must be cooked, and not for 1-2 minutes, like vermicelli, but for at least 5. If mixed up, the dish will be spoiled.

One type of noodle - fettuccine flat pasta

Noodles are thin and thick. Thin is usually sold in stores in dry form, thick for lagman - chilled or frozen. The general rule is that the thicker the noodles, the longer they cook, but the length and width of these pasta does not affect the cooking time: if the thickest place is cooked to softness, then the noodles are completely ready. To make sure that it is ready, catch 1 noodles in the pan with a fork, blow on it and try it. If there is no hint of stiffness, then the noodles are cooked.

The most delicious side dish noodles are made from durum wheat without the addition of eggs. Such noodles will serve as a crumbly side dish, will not stick together during cooking and will complement any dishes, especially with sauce. But sometimes noodles are taken to be slightly boiled and absorb the tastes of other products of the dish - then you can buy cheaper noodles, with eggs, it will be softer than first-class, but it will be combined organically with other products.

noodle soup recipe

Noodles - 50 grams
Bean curd Tofu - 100 grams
Ginger - 2 pieces
Fresh cilantro - 2 stalks
Chili pepper - 1 piece
Garlic - 1 prong
Vegetable broth - 1 liter
Soy sauce - 2 tablespoons
Champignon mushrooms - 100 grams
Carrots - 2 medium
Lemon juice - from a quarter of a lemon

How to cook Thai noodle soup
1. Pour vegetable broth into a saucepan and put on fire.
2. Add cilantro, pepper, garlic and ginger.
3. Bring the broth to a boil and cook for 25 minutes over low heat, covered with a lid.
4. Cut the tofu cheese, put it in a bowl, pour over soy sauce and leave for half an hour.
5. Pour water into the pan, bring to a boil, put the noodles.
6. Boil the noodles for 5-7 minutes, then put in a colander, drain the water and arrange on plates.
7. Strain the vegetable broth, return to the fire.
8. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, wash the mushrooms and cut into slices.
9. Add Tofu with soy sauce, carrots and mushrooms to the vegetable broth, cook for 5 minutes.
10. Pour the noodles with the resulting mixture, sprinkle with lemon juice.
Serve Thai soup with wheat noodles and garnish with cilantro leaves.
Author/editor - Lydia Ivanova

Reading time - 5 min.

Vermicelli is an excellent dressing for soups and a side dish for meat dishes. It can be cooked as a casserole or served with special sauces. Nutritious and tasty vermicelli dishes are very fond of children. But in order to preserve the attractive appearance of vermicelli and so that it does not boil soft, you need to cook it according to the rules.

Vermicelli: how to cook

Photo Shutterstock

General rules for cooking pasta

Since vermicelli is one of the varieties of pasta, you need to cook pasta in the same way as all the others - in a large amount of salted water. Water, before you throw vermicelli into it, should boil. Immediately after dipping, the vermicelli should be stirred and the heat reduced to medium. It is better not to close the pan with a lid - the foam formed during cooking will flow onto the stove.

The cooking time of vermicelli depends very much on what kind it is and what kind of flour was used to make it. Therefore, every self-respecting manufacturer indicates this parameter on the package. If it is vermicelli of the highest grades, durum wheat is used for it - the so-called "durum". This is a guarantee that, if the cooking time is observed, the vermicelli will not boil soft, you can even not wash it in cold water - just drain the water through a colander, put the vermicelli in a saucepan and put a piece of butter in it.

If you are afraid that the vermicelli will stick together during cooking, add a tablespoon of olive oil to boiling water.

How to cook vermicelli

If there are no recommendations on the package, the cooking time for vermicelli depends on the dish and on the type of this pasta. If this is a “cobweb”, it can be poured into boiling salted water, to which a piece of butter has already been added, and immediately turn off the heat by closing the pan with a lid. After 15 minutes, the "web" will be ready - it only needs to be thrown into a colander in time.

Vermicelli in the form of rice grains or small stars should be cooked for 5-7 minutes, stirring constantly and tasting. When it stops crunching on the teeth, but remains still dense, you can drain the water, put the vermicelli in a saucepan, put the oil and let stand under the closed lid for another 10 minutes.

Noodles are popular among gourmets and those who prefer to cook quickly and simply. It is used as a full-fledged dish or added to soups, stewed with vegetables, meat, seafood. With proper preparation, noodle dishes are distinguished by excellent taste and high nutritional value.

How long does it take to cook noodles

Depending on the thickness of the noodles, the cooking time is determined. Usually it is from 5 to 12 minutes. The instructions on the package will help you set the correct time. If you are making homemade pasta, boil it until tender.

How to check the readiness of noodles:

  • remove one noodle with a fork and taste it - it should be soft, but not too soft;
  • run the noodles along the wall of the container in which it is cooked. Does it stick? So, ready;
  • if the ends of the noodles are white compared to the rest, they need more time;
  • if the noodles, lifted up on the fork, sway back and forth, they are ready.

How to cook noodles: step by step instructions

Many people think that cooking pasta is easy, but there are nuances. In order for the noodles to acquire an excellent taste and attractive appearance, you need to prepare the product as follows:

  1. Fill the pot with water. Put it on the included stove.
  2. Add salt and a spoonful of vegetable oil to the water.
  3. After boiling water, pour the required amount of noodles.
  4. Cook for a few minutes, taking into account the thickness of the product.
  5. Throw the finished product in a colander.

The noodles cook quickly and are great for a quick meal. You can also make a suitable version of the sauce for it.

Noodle secrets

  • Despite the ease of cooking pasta, it is important to remember some nuances. During cooking, it is recommended to observe a strict proportion of water and noodles - at least 1 liter of liquid should fall on 100 grams of the product. Otherwise, the pasta will become sticky.
  • To prepare noodles, you need to carefully choose the dishes, abandoning small containers. The pan for this product should be tall and voluminous. It must be filled with water by about 70% or taking into account the proportions indicated above. After boiling water and adding salt, do not forget to reduce the fire.
  • During cooking, pasta should be periodically stirred to prevent sticking. When they are ready, the product is thrown into a colander. Many immediately proceed to washing the noodles with water, which is an erroneous action. This will not only make the dish cold and tasteless, but also reduce the vitamin content.

Easy noodle recipes

Noodles are an excellent and tasty side dish and a complete main dish. It can be prepared in 10 minutes and taste great after adding sauce or butter and grated hard cheese to the pasta. Noodles are great as a base for soups or casseroles. What else to cook with noodles?

Soup with noodles in broth

A hearty first course is cooked in rich broth. Traditionally, chicken and carrots are added to it, but you can also find options with potatoes, mushrooms, eggs, lemon juice and other products.

According to the recipe, you need to have one chicken back, one carrot, one onion, homemade or store-bought noodles, basil, salt and pepper in the house.

Cooking process:

  1. Boil the broth using fresh chicken back.
  2. Chop the onion.
  3. Grate the carrot.
  4. Add basil, salt, pepper and prepared vegetables to the broth.
  5. At the end of cooking, add the noodles to the soup. Boil for 10 more minutes. The dish is ready!

A rich soup is prepared quickly enough if you use purchased noodles. Before serving, the dish can be garnished with dill or parsley, you can also add a boiled egg cut into halves.

Shrimp noodles

For this simple dish, you will need peeled shrimp (200 g), the same weight of noodles, a small bunch of parsley, one bell pepper, half a lemon, 3 tbsp. spoons of canned green peas, pepper and salt.

Cooking process:

  1. Bring a liter of water to a boil.
  2. Pour noodles into it and boil for 5-7 minutes.
  3. Drain the cooked noodles into a colander.
  4. - 3 minutes after boiling.
  5. Peel and cut the bell pepper into thin half rings.
  6. Heat up the pan and put the noodles on it. Fry for 2 minutes, stirring.
  7. Put the shrimp, green peas, pepper there. Stir and fry for a couple more minutes.
  8. Wash the parsley and chop finely.
  9. Before serving, sprinkle the dish with chopped herbs.

Noodles with vegetables and chicken fillet

This dish will appeal to those who like to combine vegetables with meat. It is prepared quickly, a good option for dinner after work. According to the recipe, you need to have 250 g of chicken fillet in the house, 200 g of noodles, one piece of carrots, sweet peppers and onions, a couple of tomatoes, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of oil and 1 clove of garlic. From seasonings, it is recommended to take salt, pepper and suneli hops.

Noodles with vegetables and chicken will turn out juicy and tender if cooked in a tall saucepan. In extreme cases, a frying pan will do.

Cooking process:

  1. Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces. Fry it in hot oil until a delicious crust appears. Lightly salt.
  2. Cut the carrots into strips and chop the onion. Add to meat. Fry for 4-5 minutes, stirring.
  3. Cut the tomatoes and sweet pepper into small cubes. Add to saucepan. Salt, add chopped garlic and spices.
  4. Fry all 5 minutes, not forgetting to stir.
  5. Pour in 100 ml of water, bring to a boil. Simmer with the lid ajar until the liquid has completely evaporated.
  6. Boil the noodles al dente and drain the water.
  7. Combine the finished pasta with chicken and vegetables. Keep on fire for two more minutes, stirring. Ready!