How much and how to cook vermicelli in soup and milk porridge? How to boil vermicelli for a side dish so that it does not stick together. What to do with overcooked noodles.

To cook noodles, you will need a large amount of boiling water or broth. Pour the entire amount of noodles into the boiled liquid at once and mix immediately so as not to stick together. Boil - depending on the size and thickness of the noodles. Boil egg noodles faster than usual, 3-4 minutes.

How easy it is to cook noodles

How to cook shrimp noodles

Noodles - 50 grams
Shrimps peeled - 200 grams
Parsley - 1 small bunch
Sweet bell pepper - 1 piece
Lemon - half
Canned green peas - 3 tablespoons
Salt and pepper - to taste

How to cook shrimp noodles
1. Boil 1 liter of water.
2. Pour noodles into boiled water, cook for 5-7 minutes, transfer to a colander and rinse under running water.
3. Boil 1 cup of water in a saucepan, put in the shrimp and cook for 3 minutes after boiling.
4. Cool the shrimp a little and peel them from the shell.
5. Wash the bell pepper, cut the stalk, remove the seeds and cut into thin half rings.
6. Heat a frying pan over medium heat, pour in the oil, put the noodles and fry for 2 minutes, stirring occasionally.
7. Put the shrimps, peppers, green peas and mix, fry for another 2 minutes.
8. Wash parsley and chop finely.

Serve noodles with shrimp, sprinkled with chopped herbs on top.


Historically, in Russia, noodles are what they "hang on their ears." Long, round or flat pasta, sometimes quite thick. Therefore, it is quite difficult to confuse noodles with vermicelli - small and thin pasta, which is why it is also called "cobweb". In fact, manufacturers and sellers everywhere call noodles vermicelli, and even "instant noodles" (Doshirak or Rollton), and pasta in general, but a specific product is originally meant by classic noodles. This is important, because real noodles must be cooked, and not for 1-2 minutes, like vermicelli, but for at least 5. If mixed up, the dish will be spoiled.

One type of noodle - fettuccine flat pasta

Noodles are thin and thick. Thin is usually sold in stores in dry form, thick for lagman - chilled or frozen. The general rule is that the thicker the noodles, the longer they cook, but the length and width of these pasta does not affect the cooking time: if the thickest place is cooked to softness, then the noodles are completely ready. To make sure that it is ready, catch 1 noodles in the pan with a fork, blow on it and try it. If there is no hint of stiffness, then the noodles are cooked.

The most delicious side dish noodles are made from durum wheat without the addition of eggs. Such noodles will serve as a crumbly side dish, will not stick together during cooking and will complement any dishes, especially with sauce. But sometimes noodles are taken to be slightly boiled and absorb the tastes of other products of the dish - then you can buy cheaper noodles, with eggs, it will be softer than first-class, but it will be combined organically with other products.

noodle soup recipe

Noodles - 50 grams
Bean curd Tofu - 100 grams
Ginger - 2 pieces
Fresh cilantro - 2 stalks
Chili pepper - 1 piece
Garlic - 1 prong
Vegetable broth - 1 liter
Soy sauce - 2 tablespoons
Champignon mushrooms - 100 grams
Carrots - 2 medium
Lemon juice - from a quarter of a lemon

How to cook Thai noodle soup
1. Pour vegetable broth into a saucepan and put on fire.
2. Add cilantro, pepper, garlic and ginger.
3. Bring the broth to a boil and cook for 25 minutes over low heat, covered with a lid.
4. Cut the tofu cheese, put it in a bowl, pour over soy sauce and leave for half an hour.
5. Pour water into the pan, bring to a boil, put the noodles.
6. Boil the noodles for 5-7 minutes, then put in a colander, drain the water and arrange on plates.
7. Strain the vegetable broth, return to the fire.
8. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, wash the mushrooms and cut into slices.
9. Add Tofu with soy sauce, carrots and mushrooms to the vegetable broth, cook for 5 minutes.
10. Pour the noodles with the resulting mixture, sprinkle with lemon juice.
Serve Thai soup with wheat noodles and garnish with cilantro leaves.
Author/editor - Lydia Ivanova

Reading time - 5 min.

There is nothing complicated in making noodles. Usually noodles are boiled when you want something to eat as soon as possible.

A quick snack between study and work, a hearty breakfast before a working day, or a warm family dinner surrounded by family.

All these meals can be accompanied by noodles. Cooking noodles largely depends on its variety, so consider the types of noodles.

rice noodles

Rice noodles are considered a type of Chinese noodles and are also the national dish of the Chinese.

In view of the popularization of Chinese cuisine, rice noodles have become recognizable in all countries of the world. This type of noodle has a rich history behind it, but in Asian cuisine, rice noodles are the main ingredient in cooking.

There are the following types of rice noodles, which have some features in manufacturing technology, as well as differ in thickness, texture, have a different taste and purpose:

  • rice vermicelli;
  • laifeng;
  • misian;
  • gotiao;
  • shahefen;
  • mifeng;
  • fettuccine;
  • funchez.

The technology for making rice noodles is based on rice, which is subsequently ground into flour under the necessary conditions. There is not a lot of salt in these noodles, this should be taken into account when cooking.

Everyone has their own preferences for salt, so if you like moderately salty food, you should add more salt than usual. This type of noodle perfectly absorbs the aroma of seasonings and spices.

It is usually served as a side dish or used in soups. For one hundred grams of noodles in an unprepared form, its calorie content is 364 kcal, while cooking this figure decreases. Accordingly, with moderate use, rice noodles will not damage the figure.

Usually cooking rice noodles is limited to boiling. How soon rice noodles cook depends on their thickness.

For example, the thicker the noodles, the more time it needs to be cooked. Let's say funcheza is usually just soaked in hot water for 5 minutes and washed after that.

Rice noodles are usually served as a side dish with fish, poultry, and other meats. Its unobtrusive taste allows it to be combined with many fruits, sauces, mushrooms and vegetables. In addition, rice noodles are often used as the main ingredient in salads.

In addition, rice noodles can be deep-fried or fried after boiling. Rice noodles are also used in soups, while adding vegetables, eggs, meat or mushrooms. Soups are usually boiled with chicken broth.

In Russia, rice noodles are usually sold in special packages. Detailed instructions for preparing purchased noodles can be found on the packages. On average, all noodles are cooked for 7 minutes.

wheat noodles

Like rice noodles, wheat noodles also have their roots in Asia. However, despite this it is very common in European countries. Unlike rice noodles, wheat noodles are made from water and wheat flour.

The peculiarity of wheat noodles is that you can easily make them at home with your own hands, without resorting to modern technologies, as noodles are made in Italy, or the ancient techniques of dough rotation, after which thin threads of rice noodles are obtained.

To prepare, simply mix flour with egg and salt, add a small amount of vegetable oil for elasticity and knead the dough. Roll it out on the table and make thin strips with a knife, sprinkle with flour and let the strips dry. Such noodles are cooked very quickly, about 2 minutes.

egg noodles

Egg noodles require only flour and egg yolks to cook. Egg noodles are considered the healthiest among other types of noodles.

Egg noodles are quite satisfying and have the feature of being quickly absorbed by the body. Often it is used in dietary nutrition.

So, what are the basic principles in making noodles?

  • Noodles should be boiled in plenty of water. For 150g of noodles, you need at least a liter of water;
  • You need to immerse the noodles in pre-salted boiled water;
  • The average cooking time for noodles is 7 minutes, be careful not to overcook the noodles;
  • Follow the noodle cooking instructions on the package.

In conclusion, we give an example of cooking noodles.

Step by step recipe

Step 1

Pour water into a saucepan, salt as you wish. Bring the water to a boil and submerge the noodles in the water.

Step 2

Add 50 g of olive or vegetable oil to the water.

Step 3

Cook, stirring for 7 minutes.

Step 4

While the noodles are cooking, boil the kettle.

Step 5

After seven minutes, throw the noodles into a colander, while pouring boiling water over the noodles from the kettle. This way your noodles won't stick together.

This is a versatile noodle recipe. Be careful with the type of noodles, as the cooking time of the noodles depends on the thickness and technology of the noodles. Usually, the instructions on the package indicate the optimal cooking time for a particular noodle.

Good luck with your cooking!

Every good housewife has several recipes for preparing delicious noodle dishes. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows how to cook noodles properly. Very often it turns into sticky dough. Of course, such noodles are edible, but have a rather unpresentable appearance. And even if your family does not make comments to you, but serving such a dish on the table to guests is simply disrespectful. Many housewives simply do not take it seriously, it seems to be a trifling matter, put the water on, threw it in, cooked it for 10 minutes ... But in reality it turns out to be a bummer. To avoid this trouble, you should learn how to cook noodles. First you need to find out the classic way to cook it. After all, with its help you can cook not only ordinary noodles, but also homemade ones.

The classic way to cook noodles

The process of cooking vermicelli always begins with boiling water, since pasta cannot be placed in cold water. It should be noted an important point - it is necessary to pour such an amount of water into the pan so that the noodles can float freely in it during the cooking process. Otherwise, she may slip. So, let's consider step by step how to cook noodles. See the homemade recipe below:

  • Salt should be added to boiling water at the rate of 2 tsp. for 2 liters of water.
  • After the noodles are poured into the pan, they should be thoroughly stirred with a spoon.
  • When the water boils again, reduce the heat and loosely cover the pan with a lid.
  • Now you need to find out how much to cook noodles. On average, vermicelli is cooked for 10 minutes, but the exact information about the cooking time must be found on the packaging of pasta. Also, the readiness of the noodles should be checked for taste, they should be slightly undercooked and elastic.

It should be noted that the cooking time depends on the recipe of the finished dish. For example, if you decide to cook a casserole, then the cooking time should be halved. If you feel that the noodles are ready:

  • It is necessary to take a colander, pour boiling water over it and drain the contents of the pan.
  • After that, you need to add butter to a preheated pan, melt it, put the noodles and fry for 5 minutes.

In order to reduce the likelihood of pasta sticking together, a little sunflower oil can be added to boiling water. The decoction obtained after boiling the noodles should not be poured out. It contains most of the nutrients in this product. You can use it to make a sauce or soup. Add chicken fillet, carrots there - and the quick soup is ready.

How to cook milk noodles

In order to cook milk noodles you will need: sugar, milk, noodles, salt, butter.

  • First, you need to boil the milk, then add salt and sugar to it to taste.
  • After that, it will be possible to fill in the pasta and mix them thoroughly. It should be noted that large varieties of noodles should be boiled for about 10 minutes, and gossamer vermicelli for only 5-6 minutes.
  • When the noodles are ready, you need to add a little butter to it and mix thoroughly again.

How to cook rice noodles

Rice noodles, unlike the usual wheat flour noodles, are not usually served without any sauces. The thing is that rice noodles are tasteless and very bland, although satisfying. As a rule, it is served with additional products that have a specific strong aroma, such as fish or smoked meats. So, how to cook noodles made from rice? Very simple!

  • You need to pour water into the pan, wait until it boils and pour the noodles.
  • Then you should stir it with a spoon and cook for 3 minutes. If you forget about the noodles or decide to cook them longer, they will turn into porridge.
  • After cooking, rice noodles should be thrown into a colander and poured over with boiling water. The cooked noodles are greyish in color and become translucent.

You can cook spicy tomato sauce for rice noodles. It is prepared as follows:

  • First, fry the finely chopped onion.
  • Then add mashed tomatoes to it, 1 tsp. adjiki, finely chopped garlic and herbs.
  • The resulting sauce must be stewed for 5-6 minutes, and then add ready-made rice noodles to it.

Try it, you will surely succeed! Bon appetit!

All housewives have repeatedly asked such a simple question how to cook noodles deliciously. In principle, there is nothing complicated in its preparation. The main thing is to follow some recommendations and in 20 minutes you will get a tasty and satisfying dish.

How to cook noodles so that they do not stick together - secrets

  1. To get a good result, you need to use good quality noodles: they should be creamy in color, smooth and glassy when broken.
  2. Another important condition is the correct ratio of noodles and water. Remember, for 100 grams of noodles you need to take at least one liter of water. If its amount is reduced, then you will get a sticky sticky mass.
  3. When choosing dishes, stop at a saucepan with a thick bottom, which we fill with clean filtered water.
  4. It is not recommended to salt the water when you have already thrown the noodles into the water.

How to cook noodles?


  • noodles - 205 g;
  • water - 1 l;
  • vegetable oil - 10 ml;
  • spices.


Put the noodles in a container with salted hot water, add a little sunflower oil and put the dishes on medium heat. Boil the contents for 10 minutes, stirring, and then recline in a colander and rinse.

How to cook rice noodles?


  • rice noodles - 105 g;
  • water - 505 ml;
  • sesame oil or - for dressing.


Soak the noodles for a few minutes in warm water. Without wasting time, boil filtered water in a deep saucepan and carefully lay out the funchose. Boil it for literally 3 minutes, and then recline it in a colander and pour over with ice water. We use it as a side dish, seasoning with sesame oil or soy sauce if desired.

How to cook noodles in a slow cooker?


  • noodles - 220 g;
  • water - 655 ml;
  • butter.


If you urgently need to cook noodles, then we offer you a proven method. We put it in the multicooker bowl, fill it with cold water and select the "Soup" program. We pinpoint 15 minutes, and then discard it in a colander, rinse and heat with a melted piece of butter.

How to cook noodles in the microwave?



So, take a deep glass pan, pour water into it and add some salt. Heat for about 10 minutes to a boil and spread the pasta. We mix the contents, close the appliance door and cook for 10 minutes at maximum power. After that, we insist the products for 5 minutes, put them in a colander and add butter.

It is located quite far from us. And at the same time, its cuisine has become so related to our traditions that no one will even think of giving up another impressive portion of pizza or, of course, risotto. Needless to say, love and respect for pasta - this passion lives in any of us. Someone loves spaghetti or horns very much, and someone likes thin vermicelli, despite this, the composition of all of the above products is the same.

But still, sometimes you really want a tender chicken broth with elegant noodles and herbs. Or try, say, an unusual side dish of small vermicelli and rice for breakfast, or maybe just cook vermicelli and generously flavor it with cheese. So then the question arises: is it right? Indeed, what needs to be done so that it turns out perfect, does not stick together and does not boil soft? So, we will figure out how to cook vermicelli correctly.

About a hundred grams should be enough for only one serving, be sure to take into account that they increase during cooking. Young people who play sports can eat one hundred and fifty grams, and even more. But if you have cooked vermicelli more than necessary, then you do not need to be upset.

All these dishes are even tastier and healthier when reheated or fried, because the starch inside, under the influence of additional heat, is partially caramelized. And for ready-made vermicelli, which is warmed up for dinner, you can come up with a completely different dressing - that's a completely different dish.

So, the first rule: how to cook vermicelli in a large amount of liquid. Remember: for 100-150 grams of pasta, vermicelli or noodles, we take at least one liter of water.

Rule two: how to cook vermicelli in salted boiling water. When the water boils, reduce the fire, then we are on duty near the pan for fifteen minutes so that the water does not boil away!

Rule three. After fifteen minutes, we try to see if our vermicelli is ready. If it is ready, we filter the vermicelli through a colander, rinse the vermicelli with cold water (at the same time, as we know, the starch comes off), then place the vermicelli in a pan where butter or margarine has melted (one tablespoon). Reheat the vermicelli for five minutes, stirring gently with a spatula.

Here is the finished vermicelli. Now it's up to refueling. A variety of recipes will tell you about its preparation.

So, how to cook vermicelli correctly?

It is possible to understand the process of preparing these wonderful ones if we consider the most basic recipes with this delicious product.

For example, we take with thin vermicelli.

If you are planning to prepare a broth with thin vermicelli, then you need to take a cup of vermicelli, a small slice of chicken, a little fresh or dried dill, of course, salt, fragrant bay leaf, black pepper to taste. A piece of chicken is washed, poured with water, be sure to remove the foam and cook until almost cooked. After that, the meat is taken out, cut into pieces. Vermicelli is added to the pre-strained broth, salted, chopped chicken is added, and, of course, spices and boiled for about 5 minutes. After that, the most delicate soup is insisted for ten minutes and served at the table.

And finally, a little trick about vermicelli. A unique piquancy can be given to vermicelli if it is fried a little. To do this, pour the vermicelli directly into a hot frying pan and, stirring, fry until brown. After this procedure, it is possible to add this product instead of rice directly to pilaf or use it in other dishes: in casseroles, pancakes, pies, pancakes.

If you follow the tips outlined in the article, you will always find out how to cook vermicelli in such a way that it does not stick together, does not boil soft and is tasty.