The technology of cooking cutlets de walleye. Cutlets "De-Valai"

Tender, juicy, in a golden-ruddy crispy breading, with a surprise from the melting "green" butter in the middle - that's what they are, the famous Kiev cutlets! This is a very tasty dish, rightfully worthy of a restaurant menu. At the same time, you can easily cook chic De-Volay cutlets at home.

Why "De-volyay"?...

The history of the dish is mysterious and fascinating. According to one version, Kiev cutlets come from France in the 18th century. Young chefs who came to France to study the art of cooking in the direction of Elizabeth I brought with them a foreign recipe. In French, the dish was called exquisitely and mysteriously: cotelette de volaille. In translation, this sounds more prosaic - “cutlet de volay” means “chicken cutlet”. The original dish was soon tasted and loved, but after the events of 1812, the French cutlets were renamed into neutral “Mikhailovskie”, and in the 20th century they were completely forgotten.

But closer to the 1950s, a delicious dish was revived thanks to the chef of one of the restaurants in Kyiv, who found an undeservedly forgotten recipe and prepared delicious cutlets. Everyone who tried it liked the dish very much, and the recipe became famous and popular again - now under the name "Kiev cutlet".

Many variations on this theme have been invented: "Kyiv" cutlets are made from chicken and minced meat, stuffed with butter, mushrooms or cheese; sometimes - on the bone, sometimes - without.

Today I have cutlets "De-Volay" from minced chicken:


  • 1 chicken fillet
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 egg
  • butter,
  • breadcrumbs,
  • sunflower oil,
  • flour,
  • greens,
  • salt,
  • spices.

The progenitor of the cutlet in Kiev is the cutlet de-volyay. There is no need for double breading and twisting of butter, as in the preparation of chicken Kiev. The main difference between the two dishes is the filling. In cutlet de volley, sauce is used as its quality.


  • Whole chicken - 1 pc.;
  • butter - 150 g;
  • chicken egg - 3-4 pcs.;
  • wheat flour - 150 g;
  • green apples - 2 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 150 g;
  • white bread - 1 loaf;
  • vegetable oil - 1 l;
  • fresh-frozen lingonberries - 300 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • pepper - to taste.


1. For a cutlet de volay, you need a whole chicken. We separate the fillet from the legs, remove the skin, and then remove the fillet of the legs along with the wing bone, in the same way we remove the second fillet.

2. We clean the chicken bone from the pulp, cut it so that the length of the bone is two centimeters. On the inside, we chop off the head and leave the bone on only one tendon.

3. We separate the large fillet from the small one with a knife, unfold the large fillet in the shape of a book, carefully beat off both fillets.

4. There is no need to beat a large fillet very thinly - the filling will not leak out of this cutlet.

5. Now the filling: for minced apples, peel and peel the apples and cut them into small pieces.

6. Put apples, a handful of lingonberries in a saucepan, add sugar and simmer over low heat with a little water. You can add some softened butter.

7. We spread the resulting filling in the middle of a large fillet, close it with a small piece of fillet and press it with a bone so that the cutlet does not “fall apart”.

8. From a beaten egg with flour and salt, make a lezon, prepare a breading of white bread.

9. Roll the cutlet in flour, dip in the ice cream - and in white breading.

10. Pour butter into a saucepan with a thick bottom, fry the cutlet until the breading becomes golden, bring the cutlet to readiness in the oven.

11. Serve with lingonberry sauce.

During the reign of Louis XIV, at the very beginning of the 18th century, the French chef Nicolas Appert came up with a very simple and elegant recipe for chicken cutlets. He wrapped a small piece of butter in a well-beaten chicken fillet, breaded the resulting cutlet in breadcrumbs and fried it in boiling oil. It turned out surprisingly tasty, and the dish quickly gained popularity.

Cutlet de Volyay, which translated into Russian means “bird cutlet”, came to Russia during the time of Elizabeth Petrovna, along with the fashion for everything French. Russians, who love to eat hearty and tasty, appreciated this culinary masterpiece, and over the next century and a half it was often served both at court and in expensive metropolitan restaurants. And after the revolution, in 1918, one enterprising Kyiv restaurateur decided to give this French delicacy a new, simpler name, and since then all generations of Soviet citizens have known this dish as “Kiev cutlet”.

Today, there are many different recipes for making cutlets de volley, but they are all based on a simple and ingenious invention of a French chef.

Recipe for cutlets de volay "Original"

In addition to traditional ingredients, mushrooms are required to prepare this dish.

  1. 500 g of mushrooms and 2 onions must be finely chopped and fried in melted butter. After all the liquid has evaporated from the mushrooms, you need to add 0.25 ml of cream to them, with a fat content of at least 20%, mix everything and leave to simmer over low heat until thickened. The resulting mixture must be removed from the heat, cool and put in the refrigerator.
  2. Chicken fillet should be beaten well, but very carefully. It is important that the meat does not tear, as with further cooking, all the filling may leak out.
  3. 3 eggs need to be washed, broken into a bowl, add salt, pepper, and mix well.
  4. Put the chilled mushroom filling on each beaten fillet and carefully wrap it, forming small cutlets, carefully watching to prevent even the slightest holes through which the sauce could spill.
  5. Next, dip each cutlet in an egg and then roll in breadcrumbs. This procedure must be repeated twice in order for the breading to become denser.
  6. First, the cutlets are fried in a pan in a large amount of well-heated vegetable oil until golden brown. After you should transfer them to a baking sheet and put in an oven preheated to 160 degrees for about 30 minutes.
  7. Cutlets are ready. As a side dish, mashed potatoes, rice or fresh vegetables are perfect for this dish.

Cutlets Des Volailles belong to the gourmet French cuisine. By the type of preparation and even appearance, they are incredibly similar to classic Kiev cutlets. But these two dishes are distinguished by the most important thing - the filling. Butter is used to fill the Kyiv cutlet, while the French prefer to add De-Volay sauce, mainly creamy mushroom, to the cutlet.

The creator of the popular culinary masterpiece was chef Nicolas Appert in the early 1900s. And only after many years the dish gained its popularity in Kyiv. At the same time, local chefs modified the contents of the cutlet, but retained the basic requirements for cooking.

Advice! To make it easier to cut the chicken fillet into plates, they begin to cut it without waiting for complete defrosting.


Servings: - +

  • chicken fillet 800 gr
  • fresh champignons300 gr
  • onion 1 PC
  • egg 2 pcs
  • cream 150 ml
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • salt, spices to taste
  • breadcrumbs200 gr

Calories: 234.16 kcal

Proteins: 32 g

Fats: 21 g

Carbohydrates: 37.5 g

50 min. Video recipe Print

    The sauce for Devolay cutlets is prepared first, since during the collection of cutlets, it must be cooled down. The onion is cut into small cubes and fried in hot vegetable oil.

    While the onion is fried, the mushrooms are washed and chopped. Sliced ​​mushrooms are added to the pan and cooked until golden brown.

    Salt the filling and add cream to it. It is simmered over low heat for about 5-10 minutes, until the excess liquid evaporates and the mass becomes thicker. The finished filling is removed from the fire and left to cool.

    Chicken fillet cut into strips. The width of each is 5-7 mm. After this, the blanks should be beaten off. In order not to stain the kitchen, the meat is covered with cling film and worked on with a hammer. They beat off the strips on both sides, while not being zealous so that the meat does not become too soft. Broken blanks are salted and peppered to taste.

    Now they are preparing De-Volay themselves. To do this, a strip of meat is laid out on a cutting board. Closer to one edge have a stuffing. For each cutlet - 2-3 tsp. chilled creamy mushroom sauce. Twist the rolls so that the filling is tightly wrapped inside.

    After 5-10 minutes, the blanks are laid out on a baking sheet. The oven is heated to 180 degrees and Devolai cutlets are placed in it. Until the dish is fully cooked, you need to withstand another 20 minutes.

Ready cutlets De-Volay are served hot. They can be eaten as an independent dish or with various side dishes. Most often, mashed potatoes become a companion of Devolay chicken rolls. But in order to give the dish some sophistication, to fill it with original notes, it is served with baked vegetables. Lettuce leaves will help to give a festive look.

Advice! Cutlets Devolay during use are cut at an acute angle so as not to splatter the filling.

Cutlets de volay - a gourmet trick!

Cutlet de volay - a gourmet trick. Butter sauce is inside the meat fillet, not outside. Of course, to act as a magician, you need to try, but you don’t have to be a magician.

Cutlets de volaille (Côtelettes de volaille) - a dish of French cuisine, which is very similar to cutlets in Kiev.

Cutlets de volay are also broken pieces of chicken breast with stuffing wrapped in them, in crispy breading.

However, although these two dishes are very similar, there are certain differences between cutlets de volley and cutlets in Kiev, which will be discussed below.

To prepare cutlet de volay you will need:

  • Chicken fillet
  • Champignons
  • Cream
  • Onion
  • Egg
  • Butter
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Salt
  • Ground black pepper
  • So, about the differences between and cutlet de-voly.

    If you do not take into account that the Kiev cutlet is cooked with a bone, which is not so common now, then there is still a difference.

    The main difference between cutlets de volley and cutlets in Kiev is that the filling for cutlets in Kiev is butter with finely chopped greens. But for cutlets de volay, sauce is used as a filling.

    Sauces can be different, in this case I decided to make de-volay cutlets with creamy mushroom sauce. That is why champignons are on the list of ingredients.

    Cooking cutlets de-volay.

    First you need to cook, because it will have to cool.

    Cut the onion into small cubes.

    Heat the butter in a small skillet over medium heat and fry the onion.

    While the onion is sautéed over medium heat until translucent, finely chop the mushrooms. The smaller the pieces of mushrooms, the more homogeneous the sauce will be.

    I cut the mushrooms into pieces of about 5x5x5 mm.

    Sliced ​​mushrooms are sent to the onion to fry.

    Add a little salt to the mushrooms to emphasize the taste and smell of the mushrooms.

    In general, almost any roast is salted twice. The first time salt is added after the ingredient whose taste and smell should be emphasized.

    And the second time salt is added at the end to get the required salinity of the whole dish.

    Mix mushrooms with onions.

    Saute onion-mushroom mixture over medium heat until moisture evaporates. Mushrooms with onions even begin to fry a little and become covered with a light golden crust.

    Add about a glass of cream to the mushrooms and mix.

    On a very low heat, bring the sauce to a good thickening. We try, if necessary, rule for salt.

    Pour the finished sauce into a gravy boat, cover with a film so that the film touches the sauce, and put it in the refrigerator so that it freezes faster and thickens properly.

    We proceed to the direct preparation of cutlets de volay.

    Chicken breasts are divided into large and small fillets. Large fillets can also be cut flat in half.

    We spread the fillet pieces one at a time on a cutting board, cover with cling film and beat the fillet with a flat hammer, trying not to damage the integrity of the piece. The meat must not be allowed to have tears, otherwise, during cooking, all the sauce will leak out.

    We cut the veins with a sharp knife so that, during cooking, they do not shrink and do not violate the shape of the cutlet.

    Break the egg into a deep and wide plate, add a little salt and freshly ground black pepper. Stir the whites and yolks with a fork until smooth. We stir, but do not whip into foam.

    We take a piece of a large fillet and spread on it about 2 teaspoons of cooled thick mushroom sauce, depending on the size of the piece.

    Cover the sauce with a small piece of chopped small fillet on top, so that the sauce is covered with chicken meat on all sides.

    We wrap the chicken fillet in a roll, hermetically sealing the sauce inside. We focus on the ends of the roll so that there are no holes.

    Dip the roll in the egg.

    Then we roll the roll in breadcrumbs, again paying maximum attention to the ends of the roll and making the most dense breading on them.

    Again, dip the roll with breading in the egg. And again roll in breadcrumbs, thereby forming a dense shell of breadcrumbs.

    You can deep-fry the cutlets, but I usually do it differently.

    I heat vegetable oil in a small frying pan. The thickness of the oil layer is about a centimeter and a half. The temperature of the oil should be such that the cutlet is fried, but the breading does not burn.

    We spread de-voly cutlets in hot oil. We try to ensure that the part of the cutlet where the seam passes first gets into the hot oil.

    Fry the patties on all sides until golden brown.

    While the meatballs are roasting, preheat the oven to 180°C.

    We spread the fried cutlets on paper towels so that excess oil is absorbed, after which we transfer the almost ready cutlets to a baking sheet covered with baking paper and send the cutlets to the oven for 20 minutes.

    Hot cutlets with heat from the heat immediately served on the table. Most often, a complex side dish of baked, poached or stewed vegetables is served with cutlets de volay.

Cut carefully when eating.cutlet de volayobliquely so that hot sauce does not splatter on clothes or on a tablecloth.