Apples baked on dough world chef. Apples in puff pastry baked in the oven

17.11.2022 Soups

Apples fried in dough is a simple but effective dish that is perfect for breakfast or a snack during the day. At its core, this dish resembles apple pancakes, only cooked topsy-turvy. If in pancakes we have a lot of dough interspersed with small, sometimes barely perceptible pieces of apple, then the opposite is true here - apples cut into rings dominate and give the whole taste to the dish, and the thin layer of dough surrounding them only sets off and emphasizes their delicate taste. With minimal effort, familiar ingredients make an unusual, tasty dish that will delight the whole family. Try it!

To prepare fried apples in the dough, you will need the ingredients listed.

Combine kefir, vanillin, sugar, eggs, salt and vegetable oil.

Mix the ingredients with a whisk or fork until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Purposefully whip the mixture is not necessary.

In small portions, add flour mixed with baking powder to the mixture until a dough is obtained that resembles thick sour cream in consistency.

Peel the apples, cut into rings about 0.5 cm thick, remove the seeds.

Lightly drizzle the apples with lemon juice (1 slice) so that they do not darken and acquire a spicy flavor, and then sprinkle with ground cinnamon (if you like cinnamon, you can sprinkle on both sides). The cinnamon will add flavor to the dish and also help the batter adhere even better to the surface of the apple slices.

Alternately dip the apple slices in the dough and place in a preheated pan, greased with a thin layer of vegetable oil. If you are using a non-stick pan, you can toast the apple rings in a dry pan.

Fry the apples over medium heat for 3-4 minutes on each side, until golden brown. In this case, the apple slices will become tender in taste, let the juice go, but retain their texture and integrity.

If you prefer the apples to be more fried, turn the apple rings over, cover the pan with a lid and cook the apples for another 4-5 minutes over low heat, until the desired degree of readiness.

Fried apples in dough are ready for tasting.

Apples in the dough - delicious and amazingly beautiful.

An original dish can be prepared with a variety of fillings or simply bake the whole fruit, wrapped in dough before that.

In any case, it will turn out delicious, fragrant and juicy!

Apples baked in dough - general principles of preparation

For baking apples in the dough, it is advisable to use the Golden variety or another similar variety. Choose dense, strong fruits that will not lose their shape during heat treatment. Summer, ripe and soft fruits are not suitable. Before being placed in the dough, the apples are peeled, the middle is taken out, stuffed with various fillings.

What can you put in an apple:

Dried fruits, nuts;

Honey, sugar;

Various candies.

For flavor, cinnamon, vanilla, ground ginger are added to the filling. An amazing aroma of baking will be given by citrus zest, which. It is necessary to grind, add to sweet minced meat or to the dough itself.

The easiest way to cook apples with puff pastry. It is sold in almost all stores. But you can always knead shortbread or yeast dough. Such baking turns out to be special, home-style fragrant and warm. Apples in the dough are packed in different ways. You can simply wrap it in a bag or wrap it with ribbons, you can see the methods in the recipes below.

Before baking, the dough is smeared with yolk or a whole egg. Apples are cooked in the oven at 180-200 degrees. After baking, sprinkle with powder, cinnamon. Let it cool before serving as the inside will be very hot.

Plain apples baked in puff pastry

A variant of the simplest apples baked in puff pastry. A purchased product is used, so cooking does not take much time.


Big apple;

1 sheet of dough;

2 tablespoons brown sugar.


1. Rinse the apple, remove the skin carefully, try not to change the shape of the fruit. The center can be removed or left.

2. Roll the apple in brown sugar.

3. Beat the egg.

4. Unfold a sheet of puff pastry, cut into strips up to two centimeters wide.

5. Now you need to wrap the apple. To do this, the dough is wound from the bottom up (or vice versa) in a spiral, preferably with an overlap. The junctions of the strips with each other must be hidden.

6. Transfer the packaged apple to a small dish. Cut out a few leaves from the puff pastry.

7. Lubricate the apple with an egg, stick the leaves and brush them too to give the crust a beautiful color.

8. Put in the oven, preheated at 190, cook for 35 minutes until a beautiful crust on the dough.

Apples baked in dough (shortbread with cornmeal)

The recipe for very beautiful apples baked in a dough made from a mixture of corn and wheat flour. Raisins and nuts are used to fill the fruit. Crushed glass candies are also used, you can take chopped marmalade.


Three apples;

200 g wheat flour;

50 g corn flour;

100 ml of chilled milk;

100 g butter;

1 whole egg plus yolk

10 ml of lemon juice;

10 g cinnamon;

30 g of powdered sugar;

80 g brown sugar;

3 sweets;

3 walnuts;

50 g raisins;


1. Mix both types of flour on a cutting board, add chilled butter, chop with a knife. Take a large board so that nothing spills out on the table.

2. Transfer the crumbled butter to a bowl, add the whole egg, a pinch of salt and lemon juice. You can dilute the acid. Pour in chilled milk.

3. Knead the dough, put it in a regular bag, put it in the freezer for 20 minutes. You can leave it in the refrigerator for an hour.

4. During this time, you need to peel the apples, remove the core from them.

5. Roll apples in brown sugar.

6. Prepare candy filling with washed raisins and walnuts. The kernels must be chopped together.

7. Take out the dough, pinch off nine small pieces. Make leaves out of them.

8. Divide the remaining piece into three parts, roll out the cakes.

9. Place an apple in the center of the cake, fill the hole from the core with the filling.

10. Raise the edges of the cake, pack the apple in a bag, stick 3 leaves on top, masking the junction of the edges.

11. Lubricate with yolk, bake for half an hour, the temperature for apples is 180. Cool, sprinkle with plenty of powder.

Apples baked in puff pastry in foil

A wonderful way to cook baked apples in a ready-made dough. An ordinary kitchen foil is used, which allows the fruit to bake well. Sweets can be taken marmalade or caramel.


3 apples;

3 caramels;

A pack of dough;

5-6 tablespoons of sugar;


1. Peel the apples, take out the middle with a core, you can immediately put the candy into it. There is one caramel for each apple. But if they are small, you can use a few things.

2. Roll out the dough in a thin layer, cut into strips, wrap apples around.

3. Blind leaves from the remnants. You can use a cookie or mastic cutter.

4. Lubricate the apple, glue the leaves.

5. Wrap each apple in foil. Transfer to a baking sheet or mold.

6. Put in the oven. At 200 degrees, cook in foil for 15 minutes. Then you need to remove it, bake the apples until golden brown.

Apples baked in sour cream dough (halves)

Recipe for homemade baked apples. But the fruit is not packed as a whole, but in halves. There are some kind of cakes.


100 g of oil;

100 g sour cream;

130 g flour;

3-4 apples;

0.5 tsp ripper.


1. Mix softened butter with sour cream and one teaspoon of granulated sugar. Add flour with baking powder, season the loose mixture with vanilla. Knead soft dough.

2. Remove for 20 minutes in the cold, you can in the freezer.

3. During this time, peel the apples, cut in half, the middle must be removed, you will get a small hole. If the apples are large, then use 3 things.

4. Add some sugar to each well. You can add cinnamon to it or add some nuts.

5. Remove the dough, divide into 6 or 8 pieces, depending on the size of the apples.

6. Roll out the cakes, cover the apple with sugar, pinch the edges on the other side. Transfer to a baking sheet. The seam should be from below, the upper side, under which the hole with sugar will be smooth.

7. Lubricate the apples with a raw egg, sprinkle with sugar, bake at 190 until the dough is ruddy, on average about 15-20 minutes.

Apples baked in puff pastry with cottage cheese

Recipe for apples stuffed with cottage cheese, baked in puff pastry. You can add cinnamon, ginger to cottage cheese to your taste.


2 apples;

100 g of cottage cheese;

30 g raisins;

3-4 tablespoons of sugar;

1 layer of dough;


1. Rub the cottage cheese with a spoonful of sugar, pour the rest of the sand into a plate, it will go for sprinkling apples.

2. Add raisins to the curd, cinnamon, ginger or vanillin to taste. Stir.

3. Peel the apples, cut out the middle, you can make a larger hole on the top side to fit the filling.

4. Roll apples in granulated sugar.

5. Fill fruit with prepared stuffing.

6. Wrap with puff pastry strips. Or cut the rolled layer in half, cut out a cake with a saucer, put an apple and pack it.

7. If desired, decorate with dough leaves.

8. Before baking, apples in the dough should be well smeared with yolk.

9. Cook in the oven. Set at a temperature of 190, 25-30 minutes are enough for medium-sized apples.

Apples baked in dough (yeast) with honey and nuts

This recipe for apples in dough differs from the previous options in that the fruits are not completely packed. From above, the apple remains open, and the collar from the dough does not allow fragrant juice to flow out. The dough is prepared with dry yeast.


8-9 small apples;

2 spoons of honey;

4 tablespoons of nuts;


500 g flour;

3 spoons of sugar;

0.5 tsp salt;

1 tsp lemon (orange) zest;

200 ml of water;

1 sachet of yeast;

3 tablespoons of oil.


1. The dough must be prepared in advance, two hours before baking apples. Dissolve salt and sugar in warm water, add yeast, butter, flour with zest to them. It must be crushed.

2. Leave the dough to rise.

3. Chop the nuts, mix with liquid honey. Add a little cinnamon powder to taste, you can add a pinch of vanilla.

4. For washed apples, remove the middle from the side of the inflorescence; you do not need to cut it to the opposite side so that the juice is preserved.

5. Fill the holes with honey stuffing with nuts.

6. Remove the dough, divide into pieces according to the number of apples. Roll out such flat cakes so that when the edges are raised up around the apple, collar-shaped sides are obtained.

7. Put the fruit in the center of the cake, lift the edges, but do not pinch, just press the dough against the sides of the apple. Transfer to the form. Do the same with the rest of the apples. Lay in shape so that they touch and support each other.

8. Bake in the oven until the dough is ready. Temperature 200, time 25-40 minutes.

Apples Baked in Dough - Tips and Tricks

Puff pastry itself is dry, products from it often fall apart, pieces do not stick together well. To avoid this, you can coat the ribbons with an egg before winding. You can use plain water, milk, but they do not give a beautiful shine and color after baking.

Leaves for apples can be cut with a knife, but it is difficult and painstaking. If there are molds for mastic, it is better to use them.

If the fruits are juicy, then when removing the core, do not cut the hole to the end, let the bottom of the barrel remain. It will not allow juices to flow out, the dough will not become sour, will not fall apart.

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Fried or baked apples in dough- This is a dessert, unusually beautiful and original, fragrant delicacy. It is prepared both for the daily table and for festive treats. Especially the recipes for such savory dishes will come to the rescue when your head literally breaks from thoughts: ?! And after all, I want to surprise everyone by putting such an intricate decoration among the traditional dishes. For "wrapping" fruits, they use exhaust dough (phyllo), puff, shortbread, popular yeast. At the same time, the apples are closed both completely “in a fur coat”, and in neat slices (peeled or with a peel), large halves without a core ... In this case, the presentation does not matter so much. But what a delightful and amazing result! It's hard to find a better dish than this one!

Envelopes, bags, bombs and other items are made from dough and apples. Some, in their refinement, perform roses. And in order to achieve such a striking effect as on "Apples in dough" photo, you need to use the following small secrets of culinary art, which are used by world luminary confectioners for their own masterpieces.

So, you can reach the peak of gastronomic pleasure by treating yourself to a harvest by observing the following rules:

The cut fruits are necessarily sprinkled with freshly squeezed lemon juice. This gives both a slight citrus flavor and also keeps the slices from browning.

An interesting shade brings ground cinnamon, mixed with sand-sugar. It combines with the apple juice released during the heat treatment, and, dissolving, spreads an amazing amber. This spice is also used for baking. But apples and cinnamon are an unchanging union!

Usually "naked" fruits are baked at a temperature of about 160-180C. But "Apples in the dough" recipe in the oven, since it is protected by a flour shell, it shrinks when heated to more than 200C.

Apples in the dough: baking with dried fruits

juicy apples baked in dough"in handkerchiefs" represent a special, unique dish. This is one of many options. To complete it, you will need: 2.5 cups of wheat flour, 8 tbsp. cane (brown) sugar, 1 chicken egg, 1 cup chopped margarine, 2 tbsp. butter, 1 tsp incomplete salt, 1-1.5 tsp ground cinnamon, 6 buds of spicy cloves, 2 tbsp. finely chopped steamed dried fruits, 6 medium-sized fleshy apples.

For a floury base, 2 tbsp are mixed together in a large enameled deep bowl. cane sugar, flour and salt. High-quality margarine is poured into the resulting mixture, transferred to a blender and chopped, adding about 5-6 tbsp. ice cold water. The mass is kneaded to maximum uniformity, and is left alone for a while.

Pre-steamed dried fruits (they are selected at their discretion, both assorted and one or two types) are finely chopped with a knife and poured into a separate container. Cinnamon, softened butter and 4 tbsp are sent to them. brown sand. Cores are carefully cut out of apples, wielding a knife in the upper part and not cutting through the fruit. Thus, a hole for stuffing is obtained; and it is filled with the previously prepared mass.

Oven on " Apples in the dough "recipe warmed up and brought to a temperature of 200C. The non-stick form is coated with vegetable fat. The “rested” dough is taken, and the third part of it is set aside. The working surface of the kitchen table is sprinkled with flour, and a layer of approximately 50 * 35 cm in size is rolled out on it. Then this blank is cut into 6 squares. Each fragrant fruit is rolled or rolled out in a sugar mixture made from 2 tbsp. brown sand and tsp ground cinnamon sprinkled on baking paper. After the fruit is located in the center of the square, and the edges of the flour base are smeared with a pre-beaten chicken egg.

Having prepared all the seals in this way, the edges of the elastic mass are pinched, wrapping the apples. The resulting products are placed on a baking sheet covered with parchment. For the decoration that accompanies, leaves are rolled out and cut out from the same “material”, and attached to the tails of apples. And already on the baking sheet, the future delicacy is once again smeared with a beaten egg from top to bottom, and a bud of spicy cloves is stuck on the crown. Oven baked apples are removed from the cabinet after 35-40 minutes from the moment of landing in a space heated to 200-210C. The result should be a reddened and juiced, divinely flavored treat.

Apples in dough: stuffed in puff pastry

Puff mass (unless, of course, the finished product is used, and home-made manipulations are not performed) is very convenient and practical to use for various confectionery purposes. For example, the already mentioned fruits. In this type of test, it is presented in different ways. In a specific case apples in puff pastry they undergo a special treatment in advance: the outer skin (even if tender) is necessarily peeled off from them and hard cores are cut out. The resulting void in the center is stuffed with a nut-honey mixture, and additionally seasoned with your favorite jam, cinnamon and cane sugar.

Roll out the defrosted puff mass into a thinner layer and cover with a beaten egg. Then it is cut into long strips 2-2.5 cm wide. These strips are wound around the apples in a spiral, making each turn overlap and placing the egg-buttered side inward. The workpiece is decorated as desired and coated with egg mash to form a golden crust.

Baked " Apple in puff pastry "recipe at 200C for about half an hour. Before eating, it is advisable to cool the dessert, but it is so appetizing that it is difficult to resist the temptation to at least try it.

Apples in the dough: fruits in shortbread "handkerchiefs"

During the autumn apple boom, when charlottes and other apple products are being cooked to the fullest, it is worth remembering in such an original dessert as fruits in handkerchiefs. You can make a lot of delicious things out of apples! But this recipe is really amazing. The ingredients for it will be: 100 g of sugar sand, 300 g of wheat flour, 200 g of butter, 1 chicken egg, a pinch of rock salt,? tsp vanilla extract (vanillin).

On the apples in the oven The shortcrust pastry is prepared first. For him, the oil is brought to a moderate degree of softening and rubbed with egg, granulated sugar, salt and vanilla until a lush, if possible homogeneous mass is obtained. Ideally, it is better to stir the components with a mixer at low speed; but you can also manually with a fork. Sifted wheat flour is poured into the resulting substance, and a soft, elastic mass is kneaded. Upon completion, it is wrapped in food-grade polyethylene and put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

In the meantime, the base of the treat is cooling, the filling is being prepared. Apples are left whole. But they need to be cleaned of cores; the peel can be cut off or left in place. When cutting out the central hard part, you should not cut through the fruits through, as the minced meat will be laid in the recess. Anything can serve as minced meat, at the individual discretion of the culinary specialist. For example, toffee candy, thick jam or jam, a mixture of nuts and honey, cinnamon and sand-sugar ... The latter combination is also used on Pie "Apples in dough".

The chilled dough is rolled out into a finger-thick layer and then cut into squares so that it is convenient to wrap stuffed fruits in them. The fruits wrapped in "handkerchiefs" are smeared with whipped from 1 tbsp. boiled water with an egg, and put in an oven heated to 190 for 25 minutes. The finished dish should cool, and then sprinkled with powdered sugar. Such a delicacy is perfect for, it is so unusual and amazing.

Apples in the dough: apple twirl

Next "Apple in dough" recipe with photo offers to make an amazingly tasty roll of filo dough - vertuta. This national Moldavian dish was enjoyed by residents of other countries and fit into the cuisines of many families. Vertuta is prepared with various fillings, including apples. The fruit version is the easiest to perform, and the draft dough for it is prepared from the following products: cups (about 170 ml) of refined oil, 1 cup of hot water, a pinch of soda and rock salt, 3 cups of wheat flour. The filling also involves 10 large juicy and ripe apples, 250 g of crumbly cookies, 100 g of sugar sand, a little ground cinnamon.

Filo is not as difficult as pastry on. The only thing that should be strictly observed is the sequence of actions in the recipe. Otherwise, nothing will work out, and all efforts will come to naught. So, odorless refined oil is poured into a food processor, and sifted wheat flour, salt, soda are added there, and boiled rather hot water is poured in. The components are mixed at a moderate speed of a kitchen appliance until the maximum uniformity. Then the finished dough is laid out in a bowl, covered with a linen towel or a film, and while the filling is being prepared, it is left to rest and breathe.

Apples are peeled in the usual way and sliced ​​thinly. They can also be grated coarsely. Cookies (if possible shortbread) turns into crumbs. The rested dough is divided into 5 parts - twirl. The working kitchen table is sprinkled with flour, and on it the first skewer is rolled out into a very thin layer of a rectangular shape. This is done simply, since the mass is obedient, rolls well and practically does not break.

Along the long edge of the first twirl is a fifth of the crumpled cookies and apple slices are placed on it. The filling is filled with generously ground cinnamon and sugar sand. And the workpiece is rolled up into a roll, while pinching the edges. Next, the other four skewers filled with apples and biscuits are rolled up, and they are all laid out on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and greased with grease. From above, a raw dish is smeared with melted butter and a beaten chicken egg, combined with 1 tbsp. boiled water.

Baking lasts about an hour at a temperature of 180C. Evidence of readiness will be a golden appetizing crust on the surface. After cooling the treat, the vertuts are cut diagonally into portioned pieces. In cross-section they resemble apples baked in puff pastry; but phyllo is completely different both in texture and in taste. Before serving, the vertuta are sprinkled with powdered sugar, as well as other sweet products.

Recipe 5 - roses

Incredibly beautiful delicacy - puff roses. Make like apple in puff pastry in the oven you can from: 250 g of yeast-free puff pastry, 2 apples, 3 tbsp. sand sugar and a small amount of powder.

A variety of ingredients are wrapped in a puff for baking. Including being done. But continuing the apple theme, graceful roses will be rolled up from this type of dough. So, the flour mass is preliminarily thawed. The fruits themselves are washed and cut into quarters, while cleaning out the hard core. Then the fruits are cut into very thin transverse slices no thicker than 2 mm.

Next, 1 glass of water is poured into the enameled dishes and boiled. Sand-sugar is poured there and, having dissolved the grains, apple slices fall. Slices are boiled for about 2 minutes, gently stirring. And then the liquid is drained from them. You should get flexible, moderately elastic pieces, which in the future will be convenient to fold, deform.

A layer of thawed flour mass is rolled out with a sheet 1-2 mm high, and cut into strips 30 cm long and about 3 cm wide. For each of them along one side, 5-6 fruit slices are laid; while the upper parts of the slices must certainly protrude beyond the edge of the dough. Each such blank is carefully and slowly rolled up into a roll, tucking the flour edges at the end. The dish sits in the oven at 200 C for 30 minutes. Baked roses are cooled and sprinkled with powder. By the way, they prepare in the same way apples in yeast dough or filo.

Fragrant, appetizing apples baked in dough: with nuts, dried fruits, sugar. 8 recipes - for you!

The apples in the dough prepared according to this recipe are able to please all fans of Russian cuisine with their taste.

  • Apples - 2 pcs
  • Yeast-free puff pastry - 200 g
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp
  • Butter - 1 tbsp
  • Condensed milk - 2 tbsp
  • Yolk - 1 pc.
  • Powdered sugar - to taste

We take the apples, wash them, peel them off, remove the core, leaving the bottom intact, then lightly sprinkle with lemon juice. Put butter and condensed milk inside each apple.

We roll out the pre-thawed dough into a thin layer, cut it into strips no more than two centimeters wide. Gently wrap apples with strips of dough.

Lubricate each apple with yolk, insert a “tail” into the middle of each fruit.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, bake the apples until a light golden hue appears.

Sprinkle the finished apples with powdered sugar. As a result, we get a delicious and fragrant sweetness for tea or coffee. Apples in the dough should be served hot.

Recipe 2: apples baked in a rosette-shaped dough

Do you want to cook delicious apples in puff pastry in the form of roses? There is nothing easier, especially if you have ready-made dough in the refrigerator. Such a dessert turns out not only tasty, but also very beautiful, so you can safely decorate any holiday table with it.

  • 5-6 pcs. sweet apples;
  • 0.5 kg of finished yeast-free puff pastry;
  • 500 ml filtered water;
  • 1.5 st. granulated sugar;
  • 3-4 pcs. cloves;
  • cinnamon to taste.

We wash the apples, dry them and cut them into 4 pieces. We take out the core and cut them into thin slices.

Now boil apples in syrup. To do this, boil filtered water in a saucepan, dissolve sugar in it, and then add cinnamon and cloves. Put apple slices in a saucepan and cook over low heat for about five minutes. They must become transparent.

We take out the slices of apples from the syrup with a slotted spoon and put them in a colander. We are waiting for all the excess liquid to drain.

In the meantime, prepare the dough. It must be removed from the refrigerator in advance and defrosted in a natural way. Roll out the dough thinly and cut into strips.

Lay apple slices on each strip of dough, as shown in the photo.

We roll the strips of dough with apple slices into a roll, giving it the shape of a rose with your fingers.

We cover the baking sheet with parchment paper and lay out apple roses.

We bake dessert at a temperature mark of 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes. Don't forget to preheat your oven.

Sprinkle the finished pastry with powdered sugar and serve. Apple roses are delicious both hot and cold.

Recipe 3, step by step: apples in dough baked in the oven

Juicy baked apples in a thin layer of crispy dough.

  • 100g butter
  • 100g sour cream (I have 15%)
  • 130g flour
  • 4 apples
  • 200g granulated sugar (you may need a little less or more)
  • 1 egg
  • ½ tsp baking powder

From this amount of ingredients, I got 7 apples in the dough. If you wish, you can add cinnamon, raisins or nuts to the apple halves in addition to granulated sugar. Apples for this recipe are best taken with sourness. It is especially tasty with a semerinka or ripe antonovka.

Mix softened butter with sour cream.

Mix until smooth.

Add flour mixed with baking powder and knead a soft tender dough. You may need a little more flour. Cover dough with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 1 hour (or overnight).

Peel the apples and cut out the cores. Drizzle with lemon juice, if desired, to keep apples from browning.

Divide the chilled dough into balls. The size of the koloboks directly depends on the size of your apple halves. If they are large, then make the koloboks larger. My apples are not large, so I divided the dough into 7 small koloboks.

Roll out the dough thinly into a circle.

We put half an apple in the center and pour 1 tsp. sand (if the apples are very sour, you can pour 2 tsp).

We collect the edges of the dough to the center, thus wrapping the apple.

If somewhere the dough is torn, patch up the holes, the dough stretches well and sticks together.

Turn the half over and dip the round convex side into the beaten egg.

Then roll in sugar.

The preparation is ready.

Thus we do with all the apple halves. We spread the apples on a baking sheet covered with baking paper (I have a silicone mat), and put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30-35 minutes. Focus on your oven, the dough of the finished product should become a pleasant golden color.

We put the finished apples on a plate and treat ourselves to delicious and healthy pastries for tea!

Recipe 4: apples in dough baked with dried fruits

  • Wheat flour - 375 g
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Brown sugar - 8 tbsp. l.
  • Margarine (cold, diced) - 225 g
  • Dried fruits (Any mix) - 75 g
  • Butter - 30 g
  • Cinnamon - 1.5 tsp
  • Apple (small, small, Varieties "Golden" weighing 175 gr each) - 6 pcs
  • Chicken egg (Whipped) - 1 pc.
  • Water (Cold) - 5-6 tbsp. l.

In a bowl, mix flour, salt and 2 tbsp. spoons of brown sugar, add margarine, chop the mixture into large crumbs.

Add 5-6 tbsp. tablespoons of water, mix, knead the dough, set aside for now.

Separately, in a bowl, mix dried fruits, butter, 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon.

Turn on the oven to 200 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, grease it with butter.

Peel the apples, remove the middle through.

Fill apples with dried fruit mixture.

Separately, mix the remaining 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar and half a teaspoon of cinnamon, roll apples in this mixture.

Set aside a piece weighing 40 grams from the dough. Roll out the rest of the dough into an even layer, measuring 54 by 36 cm, cut the dough into 6 squares with a side of 18 cm.

Place the apple in the center of the dough square, brush the edges of the dough with the beaten egg.

Raise the edges of the dough to the top, wrap it around an apple, lightly pinch the edges, press down with your hands, especially carefully pinch the top so that the dough sticks together well. Do this with the rest of the apples, transfer them to a baking sheet, grease with a beaten egg.

Roll out the left dough into a layer, cut out leaves from it, draw veins with the tip of a knife.

Attach the leaves to the apples, grease them with an egg too, you can insert a branch from an apple or a clove into the middle.

Put in the oven.

Bake for 30-35 minutes until pastry is well browned. Serve warm.

Recipe 5: rose apples in ready-made puff pastry

  • Ready puff pastry 300 g
  • Natural vinegar (or lemon juice) 2 tbsp. l.
  • Fresh apples 2 pcs
  • Sugar 30-40 g
  • Chocolate sauce (or jam)

Cut the washed and dry apples and remove the core.

Cut the prepared apples into thin slices and dip for 5 minutes in a container of water diluted with vinegar or lemon juice so that they do not darken.

Defrost puff pastry and cut into strips, 4 centimeters wide.

On each strip in the center, apply chocolate sauce or jam.

Place apple slices along the entire length of the dough strips.

We fold the dough, covering the filling and part of the apples.

We wrap the dough with apples in a circle, sprinkle with sugar on top and place in baking molds.

We bake the blanks in the oven at a temperature of 180 ° C for about 20 minutes.

Recipe 6, simple: apples baked in curd dough

  • butter 200 g
  • cottage cheese 200 g
  • flour 200 g
  • apple 6 pcs.
  • sugar 6 tbsp
  • lemon juice 1 tbsp
  • powdered sugar
  • cinnamon

Sift the flour, collect it in a hill, make a depression in the middle, put the cottage cheese in it, which must be rubbed through a sieve, cut into small pieces of butter and salt. Knead a thick dough, place it in a plastic bag and place in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Remove the peel from the apples, cut out the middle, simmer in a small saucepan for 5 minutes, add lemon juice, remove the apples, dry. Sprinkle the table with flour, roll out a rectangular layer on it, cut it into squares the size of apples.

Place one apple on each square of dough, mix the cinnamon and sugar and pour into the apple. Connect the opposite ends of the dough, grease with a beaten egg and bake for half an hour. Before serving, apples baked in curd dough must be cooled and sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Recipe 7: Apples with nuts baked in puff pastry

  • puff yeast dough (pre-thaw) - 500 grams
  • apples (preferably red) - 5-8 pieces
  • brown sugar - 3 tablespoons
  • powdered sugar for sprinkling
  • cottage cheese - 400 grams
  • walnuts - 150 grams

To cook apples with cottage cheese in the oven, puff yeast dough is perfect, thanks to it the puffs will turn out tender and layered, you just lick your fingers. If we use ordinary puff pastry, then the puffs will turn out dry, this type of dough is suitable for wet fillings such as cottage cheese, jam or jam.

So let's get started. We take a container, put cottage cheese, sugar and walnuts there; they must be finely chopped before that.

Apples, for the preparation of puffs, it is best to buy red, medium-sized. Now we remove the peel from them with a thin layer, using a sharp knife.

Then we cut the upper part of the apple, so to speak, the lid and cut out the apple pulp from the core of the fruit, so that we get a mini-bowl.

Now fill the inside of the apples with the curd mixture.

We take the dough and roll it out on the table, after sprinkling it with flour. Then cut the dough into strips of about 1.5-2 centimeters.

We wrap them around our apples.

From the remaining strips, cut out the petals and attach them to the puffs.

We take out a baking dish, place our puffs with apples on it, fix the petals with toothpicks or matches. We cover the form with ordinary foil, preheat the oven to about 200-220 degrees and bake the puffs for 15 minutes.

We take out our apples baked in puff pastry and sprinkle them with sugar, then once again put them in the oven to bake for about 10 minutes.

Then sprinkle them on top with powdered sugar. These are the delicious and beautiful apples with cottage cheese in the oven.

Recipe 8: apples in kefir dough (step by step with photo)

Apples baked in dough is a delicious and unusual dessert made from simple and inexpensive ingredients. Cooking such a dish takes a little time and even novice cooks can do it.

  • apples (medium size) - 4 pcs.;
  • kefir - 4 table. spoons;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • wheat flour - 4 table. spoons;
  • butter - 60 g;
  • sugar - 2 table. spoons;
  • soda - 1 tsp;
  • salt.

Cut apples (it is better to take sour varieties) in half, cut out the core in each half and cut into round pieces no more than 5 mm thick. Arrange apple circles on a dish, sprinkle with sugar a little and leave for 20 minutes.

While the apples are saturated with sugar and let the juice out, you need to make the dough. After separating the yolks from the proteins, pour the yolks into a deep bowl, pour sugar and mix everything well. Beat lightly salted proteins in a separate plate until foamy (you can beat with a regular whisk, you do not need to use a mixer).

Then add flour, kefir, soda to the bowl with yolks and sugar and grind everything thoroughly. Pour in the protein foam last and gently stir the whole mass.

After the apples and dough are cooked, you need to take each piece of an apple, dip it in the dough and put it on a frying pan heated with oil. "Apple pancakes" should be fried over low heat until they are browned on both sides (about 3 minutes).

Apples in the dough can also be cooked in the oven. To do this, apples, with the dough applied to them, are laid out on a heated baking sheet (or pan), which is pre-lubricated with butter, and baked in a preheated oven at a temperature of 1800C. Bake apples for about 5-6 minutes on each side. In this case, less butter is consumed, and the finished apples are slightly drier.

Toasted apples should be put on a flat plate or dish, and when they have cooled down a bit, sprinkle with powdered sugar (or sugar), cinnamon and serve. This apple dessert goes very well with raisins, berry syrup, sour cream, fruit juices or kefir.

The thinnest dough with a soft, juicy apple, inside of which there is often a surprise in the form of dried fruits, nuts, sweets... The most fragrant combination of apples and cinnamon is a classic of apple desserts... Openwork dough molding that repeats the shape of an apple and leaves... Does the recipe need to be announced?

An obvious miracle, the preparation of which I recommend to master to all lovers of cooking, will delight not only the result, but also the process of creation. Apples in the dough - a recipe for mandatory repetition, agreed?

A little about the composition of the recipe. I opted for Golden apples, they are quite strong and do not lose their shape during intensive cooking. And we will use raisins, walnuts and sweets in this recipe. The dough is kneaded from a mixture of wheat and corn flour and is somewhat similar to a draft.

Cooking time 35 minutes / 3 servings


  • apples of the "Golden" variety, large 3 pcs.,
  • raisins 50 g,
  • walnuts 3 pcs.,
  • glass candy 2 pcs.,
  • brown sugar 80 g,
  • cinnamon 10 g,
  • butter 100 g,
  • cold milk 100 ml,
  • wheat flour 200 g,
  • corn flour 50 g,
  • egg 1 pc.,
  • yolk 1 pc.,
  • pinch of salt,
  • lemon juice 1 tbsp. l.,
  • powdered sugar 70 g.


    Mix wheat and corn flour and pour on the countertop. We put 100 grams of chilled butter.

    We chop the butter with flour with a sharp knife into small crumbs, drive in a chicken egg, add salt and lemon juice.

    We mix all the products with our hands and, pouring cold milk in small portions, knead the dough with our hands.

    We form a ball from the dough, wrap it in cling film and put it in the freezer to cool for 15-20 minutes. If you have time, the dough can be kept simply in the refrigerator, but not less than one hour.

    While the dough is chilling, prepare the apples. Wash the fruit well with water, dry and peel. Then we cut out the core in each apple. We discard the core and peel, and leave the tails, they will be required for decoration.

    Pour brown sugar into a deep bowl, mix with cinnamon and roll each apple on all sides in this mixture.

    Take the chilled dough out of the fridge and divide it into three even portions. With a rolling pin, roll each part of the dough into a thin round layer, form leaves from the rest of the dough.

    We wrap the glass candies in thick paper and break them into crumbs with a hammer. We spread the apple in the center of the dough, put the washed raisins and chopped walnuts in the middle, pour 1 tsp on top. broken candy.

    We begin to wrap the apple in the dough in a circle.

    Decorate with dough leaves on top and place the tail in the center. Thus we form all the apples. Grease the apples in the dough on all sides with yolk. We grease the baking dish with a piece of butter and set the apples. We place the products in the oven to bake at 180 degrees for 35 minutes.

    We take out the finished apples in the dough from the oven and cool.

    We put the ruddy products on plates, sprinkle with powdered sugar on top and serve. In addition to the delicacy, you can serve creamy ice cream.