Culinary recipes and photo recipes. Azu in a Pot How to cook Azu in a Pot

17.11.2022 healthy eating

Potatoes (medium size) - 8 pieces
Meat (pork tenderloin) - 400 grams
Cucumber (pickled 3 pieces, salted 3 pieces) - 6 pieces
Onion - 3 pieces
Carrot - 1 piece
Bay leaf - 2 sheets
Black peppercorns - 6 peas
Chili pepper - 1 piece
Sauce (ketchup + mayonnaise) - 6 tablespoons
Tomato paste - 2 teaspoons
Dried dill - 2 pinches
Cheese - 200 grams

Step 1: Prepare and place the meat in pots

Cut pickled cucumbers not into small cubes, but grate pickled cucumbers on a medium grater. Then put them on the bottom of the prepared clean pots. Rinse the meat well under cold running water, then cut into small strips or cubes, as you like. Place a frying pan over medium heat, heat it up and add vegetable oil, then pour in the chopped meat. Fry over medium heat for 5-10 minutes, on all sides, stirring the meat occasionally with a wooden spatula. At the end of frying, lightly salt and pepper the meat. Then remove the pan from the heat and cool the meat a little, then arrange it in pots, along with the meat juice that stood out during frying. Put 3 tablespoons of sauce on top of the meat, in each pot, add a bay leaf and a few black peppercorns. Sprinkle some dried dill on top.

Step 2: Prepare and lay out the vegetable fry

Peel the onion, rinse well under cold running water, then cut into half rings. Rinse the carrots well under water, remove the peel and grate it on a medium grater.
Put the pan on medium heat, heat it up, then add vegetable oil, pour chopped onion into it first, fry until a transparent color, and then add carrots. Mix well and fry for a few minutes until golden brown. After that, cool the frying a little and arrange it in pots. Sprinkle all-purpose seasoning on top.

Step 3: Add Potatoes to Pots

Now rinse the potatoes well under running water, peel them and cut into small cubes. Put the frying pan in which the frying was fried over medium heat, heat it again, add a little vegetable oil. Fry the chopped potatoes on it on all sides, about 5 minutes. When the frying is completed, sprinkle the potatoes with ground chili pepper. Then cool slightly and also distribute among the pots.

Step 4: Add the tomato mixture to the pots
sprinkle with crushed chili pepper

Dilute 2 tablespoons of tomato paste in 150 ml of clean water, mix well and pour the tomato mixture over the potatoes in the pots. Cover pots with lids. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, then send the pots to bake for about 30-40 minutes.
While the azu is cooking, finely chop the chili and add it to the pots, about 5 minutes before the dish is done. Sprinkle the top with shredded cheese.

Step 5: Serve the azu in a pot

You can serve this dish to the table directly in pots, or you can arrange it on portioned plates. One pot is enough for 2 servings, so choose whichever is more convenient for you.

Enjoy your meal!

- If the tomato paste that you are using is not too thick, then you need to increase its amount to 3-4 tablespoons.

As a decoration of the dish, you can use finely chopped greens, just sprinkle it on the azu right before serving the dish to the table

To prepare this dish, ideally, lamb or horse meat is used. You can also experiment and cook it not only with pork tenderloin, but also with beef or turkey.

Recipe azu in pots in the oven:

We qualitatively wash the inner surface of the clay pots, wipe off excess moisture and proceed to filling. First we send pickles to the pots, which we cut into medium-sized cubes.

Then we cut the pork pulp into medium pieces and fry until lightly browned in a separate pan. We distribute the fried meat in pots, and only then salt it and season it with pepper.

Cut the peeled potatoes into large pieces and also lightly fry. Do not fry until cooked, but just brown. Salt and pepper the potatoes just before turning off the fire. We shift the potato wedges into pots. At this stage, the pots should be almost full.

Now frying. Finely chop the onion and fry the onion cubes until they begin to brown. Then pour in the tomato juice with pulp, add a little salt, pepper and add chopped garlic. Stir and let the fry simmer over low heat for about five minutes.

We distribute the finished tomato frying in pots with basics. Then pour a small amount of water into each pot (about 180-200 ml) and put in the oven. After about half an hour, when the contents of the pots boil, we check the liquid level. It must be visible through the potatoes, otherwise the dish will turn out dry. Azu is cooked in pots in the oven for about an hour or a little more at 180 degrees.

The finished azu is either transferred to deep plates, or served directly in pots, but be sure to sprinkle with chopped herbs. In the winter season, azu in Tatar in pots will be just the perfect option for a delicious and warming dinner.

What is azu and how to prepare it? If you still do not know anything about this meat dish, welcome to us! In our little culinary world, we talk about dishes, give advice on their preparation and choice of products. And also we advise a little about what is better to add, and what should be avoided. Are you with us?

Azu is a dish of Tatar cuisine. The classic version of the dish is fried pieces of meat, with tomatoes, potatoes and onions in a spicy sauce. Delicious, right?

Azu is prepared from different types of meat, but most preferably from beef or lamb. Today we will tell you about the cooking options for this Tatar dish with beef. We will cook classics with pickles, azu in pots, in Tatar style and even with mushrooms in tomato sauce. You will get lost in such a variety, wishing only one thing - to quickly cook the basics at home and try it while still hot.

Something azu may remind you of a roast, but it's a little different. Here are other products, other spices, other cooking secrets and a little more fragrant gravy. We are sure you are ready to try our dish. If so, let's start with the secrets of food selection and prepare the most delicious hot meals of your life!

What you need to know to prepare

If you do not want fatty meat, we always recommend choosing tenderloin. This is the part of the cow in which there is practically no fat. This is a clean, pink meat in which you are unlikely to see fatty fibers. In any case, when choosing meat, you need to know how to choose the best piece both in terms of freshness and quality.

  1. First of all, pay attention to the color of the meat. Everyone knows that beef is red. It cannot be green, gray, it does not have spots, streaks, and even other shades of red. It is pure and monotonous;
  2. If you take meat with bone or pieces of fat, pay attention to their color. Both fat and bones should be white. If they are pinkish, then a solution of potassium permanganate was used to give the meat freshness;
  3. If the meat has yellow fat, be prepared for the fact that the meat will take a long time to cook, as yellow fat is a sign of an old animal;
  4. If you buy meat at the market not early in the morning, it may be slightly windy. To avoid this, it is better to buy meat in the morning, when it is just butchered;
  5. The meat should be elastic and should not be sticky, it smells good.

Other products do not require such a careful choice, because these are vegetables and root crops. To select good products, they need to be examined. They should be fresh, smell good, and be free of stains, cracks, and impact marks. Choose quality and cook delicious.

Classic beef azu with pickles

Time for preparing

calories per 100 grams

It is unlikely that you have ever eaten dishes a la roast with pickles. No, not a bite, but right in the dish. It's unusual and very tasty. You should try.

How to cook:

Tip: instead of parsley, azu can be served with any other greens. We added parsley because it is used in the classic Tatar version.

Let's cook azu in pots

This recipe is distinguished by its satiety. That's right, it will be a little more satisfying and will be cooked in the oven. In addition, the sauce here will be spicy, as required by tradition.

It will take 2 hours to cook.

How many calories - 163 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Pickled cucumbers get rid of the ends, cut into large slices of arbitrary shape;
  2. Pickled ones are also cleaned from the ends, but chopped with a grater;
  3. Put the cucumbers on the bottom of the pots;
  4. Heat up a frying pan with vegetable oil;
  5. While the oil is heating, wash the meat, dry and peel;
  6. Cut it into strips;
  7. Put the meat in the heated oil and fry for five minutes on all sides, bringing it to a golden brown;
  8. When the meat is fried, add spices to it and mix;
  9. Put the meat on top of the cucumber inside the pots;
  10. Combine ketchup and mayonnaise and add a couple of tablespoons of the resulting sauce to the meat;
  11. On top of the sauce in each pot, put a bay leaf and three peas of black pepper;
  12. Rinse the dill, chop finely and distribute it among the pots;
  13. Peel the onion, cut off the roots and wash all three heads;
  14. Next, cut the onion into half rings;
  15. Peel, wash and chop the carrots with a grater;
  16. Fry onions and carrots in a frying pan heated with oil until golden brown and soft;
  17. Put onions and carrots in pots;
  18. Sprinkle everything with salt and pepper, you can add your favorite spices from yourself;
  19. Wash the chili and finely chop;
  20. Peel the potatoes, cut into small (!) Cubes and fry over high heat in a pan until golden brown for five minutes;
  21. When the potatoes are ready, add chili to it and mix well;
  22. Put potatoes in pots on onions and carrots;
  23. Dilute tomato paste with water (150 ml) and pour into pots;
  24. Cover the pots with lids and put away for 35 minutes at 200 Celsius.

Tip: to make it even more satisfying and tastier, five minutes before the azu is ready, you can crawl under the lids and pour a slide of grated cheese into each pot.

Hearty azu in Tatar beef

An incredibly hearty dish that no one can pass by. Juicy beef, spicy tomato sauce, hearty potatoes and pickles come together to create the perfect dinner or delicious lunch.

It will take 40 minutes to cook.

How many calories - 525 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the meat, dry it with napkins and cut it into strips;
  2. Heat a frying pan with oil and fry the meat strips on all sides until golden brown;
  3. Peel and cut the onion into half rings, add to the meat;
  4. Simmer the onion with meat until the onion is soft;
  5. Add tomato paste, broth and chopped cucumbers;
  6. Stew the mass until the beef is fully cooked;
  7. Peel potatoes and cut into strips;
  8. Pour a little oil into the second pan and fry the potatoes;
  9. When the potato straws are almost ready, pour it into the meat;
  10. Peel and chop the garlic;
  11. Add garlic, a little salt and pepper to potatoes and meat;
  12. Mix the mass and simmer for another seven minutes.

Tip: To make the potatoes cook faster, you can cut them into small cubes.

Adding Mushrooms to the Recipe

Mushrooms with meat - a classic for all classics. If you agree, then you simply must try this particular juicy beef with tomato sauce.

It will take 40 minutes to cook.

How many calories - 250 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the onion, cut into half rings;
  2. Peel the caps and legs of the mushrooms, cut each mushroom into four parts;
  3. Wash the meat, clean it from fat and films, cut it into small pieces;
  4. Heat up a frying pan with oil, put the pieces of beef there and fry them, not forgetting to stir, for at least ten minutes;
  5. Grind the meat with flour, mix;
  6. Add the onion and simmer together until the root is soft;
  7. Pour sauce over, add mushrooms, mix, cover and simmer for another twenty minutes;
  8. As a result, you should get a dish with sauce. If all the liquid has evaporated, you need to add a little water or broth, simmer a little and you're done.

Tip: if the mushrooms are small in size, we advise you to leave them whole, but be sure to clean them first.

Even behind the back of such a dish as azu, there are quite a few secrets that are really worth following in order to prepare a delicious hot dish.

  1. Garlic is best added fresh, we do not recommend using dry / dried options. The taste will not be what you need;
  2. Fresh garlic is recommended to be added at the end of cooking. That is, when the stove is already turned off and everything is ready to serve. Add the chopped root vegetable, mix all the ingredients and serve;
  3. Add Italian or Provence herbs to the dish. This will significantly change the taste for the better. But take quality spices;
  4. In order for the meat to cook well, after frying, simmer it for several minutes under the lid.

Making beef azu is not as difficult as you might think. Vegetables, meat and tomato sauce - all that is needed in cooking. A little time, a pinch of love and effort - and you have an excellent dish of Tatar cuisine on your table.


Azu in pots we will cook in Tatar style, but not on the stove, but in the oven. Even if traditionally such a dish is stewed in a saucepan, in the oven it will turn out no worse, even tastier. Unlike stews, roasted vegetables have their own unique flavor and texture. Using our step-by-step recipe for cooking basics with a photo, you can easily see this.

To make the dish healthier, we will not pre-fry the potatoes. It will be stewed with meat in its own juice. Using spices and aromatic herbs, we diversify and enrich the taste of the broth that is formed during the baking process.

It is very easy to prepare such an unusual and tasty dish at home. Even if you have never cooked the basics before, we will tell you in detail and clearly how to make very tasty baked meat with vegetables in pots. If desired, you can add sweet paprika, celery or zucchini to your azu: these vegetables are often used to prepare Tatar azu.

Let's start cooking.


  • (2 pcs.)

  • (400 g)

  • (1 kg)

  • (5 tablespoons)

  • (1 PC.)

  • (a little for frying)

  • (taste)

  • (taste)

  • (taste)

  • (2 pcs.)

Cooking steps

    We wash a piece of meat and cut it into medium-sized cubes.

    We heat the pan with vegetable oil and fry the pieces of beef on it from all sides almost until cooked, but do not dry.

    Onions (it is best to take small ones) are peeled and cut into thin half rings. You can also finely chop the onion.

    We wash the pickled cucumbers and cut into small cubes.

    At the bottom of the clay pots lay out the first layer of chopped cucumbers.

    On top of the cucumbers lay out pieces of fried still hot beef.

    Peel the carrots and cut into convenient pieces: it can be thin rings, cubes or straws. We also add spices to taste and crushed garlic.

    Cut the peeled and washed potatoes to match the meat and spread on top of the carrots. Top with a spoonful of tomato sauce or the pulp of fresh tomatoes. Onions, fried in a pan in vegetable oil, spread on top of the tomatoes. Pour a few tablespoons of cold water into each pot. We heat the oven and send closed pots of azu into it. We cook meat with vegetables for about an hour and a half on low heat.

    Remove the casseroles from the oven, let them cool slightly and serve. Tatar beef azu in a pot is ready.

    Enjoy your meal!

Potatoes (medium size) - 8 pieces
Meat (pork tenderloin) - 400 grams
Cucumber (pickled 3 pieces, salted 3 pieces) - 6 pieces
Onion - 3 pieces
Carrot - 1 piece
Bay leaf - 2 sheets
Black peppercorns - 6 peas
Chili pepper - 1 piece
Sauce (ketchup + mayonnaise) - 6 tablespoons
Tomato paste - 2 teaspoons
Dried dill - 2 pinches
Cheese - 200 grams

Step 1: Prepare and place the meat in pots

Cut pickled cucumbers not into small cubes, but grate pickled cucumbers on a medium grater. Then put them on the bottom of the prepared clean pots. Rinse the meat well under cold running water, then cut into small strips or cubes, as you like. Place a frying pan over medium heat, heat it up and add vegetable oil, then pour in the chopped meat. Fry over medium heat for 5-10 minutes, on all sides, stirring the meat occasionally with a wooden spatula. At the end of frying, lightly salt and pepper the meat. Then remove the pan from the heat and cool the meat a little, then arrange it in pots, along with the meat juice that stood out during frying. Put 3 tablespoons of sauce on top of the meat, in each pot, add a bay leaf and a few black peppercorns. Sprinkle some dried dill on top.

Step 2: Prepare and lay out the vegetable fry

Peel the onion, rinse well under cold running water, then cut into half rings. Rinse the carrots well under water, remove the peel and grate it on a medium grater.
Put the pan on medium heat, heat it up, then add vegetable oil, pour chopped onion into it first, fry until a transparent color, and then add carrots. Mix well and fry for a few minutes until golden brown. After that, cool the frying a little and arrange it in pots. Sprinkle all-purpose seasoning on top.

Step 3: Add Potatoes to Pots

Now rinse the potatoes well under running water, peel them and cut into small cubes. Put the frying pan in which the frying was fried over medium heat, heat it again, add a little vegetable oil. Fry the chopped potatoes on it on all sides, about 5 minutes. When the frying is completed, sprinkle the potatoes with ground chili pepper. Then cool slightly and also distribute among the pots.

Step 4: Add the tomato mixture to the pots
sprinkle with crushed chili pepper

Dilute 2 tablespoons of tomato paste in 150 ml of clean water, mix well and pour the tomato mixture over the potatoes in the pots. Cover pots with lids. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, then send the pots to bake for about 30-40 minutes.
While the azu is cooking, finely chop the chili and add it to the pots, about 5 minutes before the dish is done. Sprinkle the top with shredded cheese.

Step 5: Serve the azu in a pot

You can serve this dish to the table directly in pots, or you can arrange it on portioned plates. One pot is enough for 2 servings, so choose whichever is more convenient for you.

Enjoy your meal!

- If the tomato paste that you are using is not too thick, then you need to increase its amount to 3-4 tablespoons.

As a decoration of the dish, you can use finely chopped greens, just sprinkle it on the azu right before serving the dish to the table

To prepare this dish, ideally, lamb or horse meat is used. You can also experiment and cook it not only with pork tenderloin, but also with beef or turkey.

Azu in a pot - photos