Recipe for ginger tea with lemon and honey for colds. Ginger tea with lemon Ginger tea with lemon health recipe

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="(!LANG :Ginger tea with lemon and honey recipes" width="300" height="219" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i2.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C219&ssl=1 300w, https://i2.wp..jpg?w=455&ssl=1 455w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" data-recalc-dims="1">!} me this year not sick with flu and colds. Ginger tea with lemon and honey is to blame for this, the recipes of which I will now reveal to you.

Why "recipes" and not one recipe? because I was looking for the most efficient from various combinations of the components of tea listed above and various additives of spices, medicinal herbs. I made different teas and experimentally found the most effective for my body. I share!

Those who read my blog may remember the article “Health Recipe Ginger with Lemon and Honey” - there I described how I prepared the mixture and consumed it - one teaspoonful with warm water. When the prepared mixture was over, I again bought the ingredients (ginger, lemon and honey) and was going to cook it again - I got a very good effect using it (everything is described in the article), I don’t give a link - the article is in the TOP in the first place, but then links to it are undesirable (forgive me!)

As soon as I was about to make a wellness mixture, a joyful event happened - I found my favorite thermos, was delighted and decided to make ginger tea with lemon and honey in it. I clarify: not a mixture, as I used to do, but a health tea.

I drank the prepared infusion with a volume of 1 liter throughout the day, at the very time when I used to drink tea or coffee. The first dose was on an empty stomach before breakfast.

Ginger tea with lemon and honey recipes for flu and colds

Let's prepare ginger tea with lemon and honey together, the recipes of which are effective against flu and colds.

All suggested health drink recipes are based on ginger tea and tested on me. Additives in different recipes will be wild rose, St. John's wort, garlic and spices: cinnamon, cloves and allspice.

First, we will make a simple tea with ginger, lemon and honey without any additives. It makes no sense to list its benefits - everything is described in the previous article on the preparation of a wellness mixture.

What is needed for tea:

  • water - 1 liter
  • ginger - a root the size and thickness of a little finger
  • half a lemon
  • 1 tablespoon honey

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How to cook:

  1. Pour 1 liter of hot water into a thermos. Close it and wait until it warms up. Drain the water so that it cools down to 50 degrees.
  2. We cut the ginger into thin strips and fall asleep in an empty thermos. The ginger root was only washed, but the skin was not peeled, that is, we cut it together with the skin.
  3. We rinse the lemon with the peel with hot water, take half the lemon, cut it into small pieces and also send it to the thermos.
  4. We collect 2 tablespoons of honey (without a top, if with a top, then one spoon of honey is enough) and dissolve it in the water from the thermos that has been drained and has already cooled down. Stir honey in a liter of water until completely dissolved (the water may become a little cloudy). Pour honey water into a thermos.
  5. We tightly close the thermos with a lid, shake it a little and leave it to infuse overnight. If you are especially impatient - you can try in half an hour - you can already drink. But it will be much more aromatic and healthier if the tea is infused overnight, more useful substances will go into solution.

In the morning, pour a glass of vodka infusion from a thermos and drink warm ginger tea with honey and lemon on an empty stomach. If you have tried tea and it is highly concentrated for you (this happens if the ginger root is fresh), dilute it with warm, almost hot, water.

We drink tea during the period of cold weather, as well as in autumn and spring, when immunity decreases. It will give you energy for the whole day, honey will nourish the cells, cleanse the blood vessels, ginger will improve the process of digestion of food and gently increase the metabolism (I lost a little weight). Lemon, thanks to vitamin C, will increase the body's resistance and give you strength. This tea can be drunk without interruption for a month.

We do everything in the same way as the recipe described above, but we also add 15 rose hips, crushed to pits, into the thermos - vitamin C is hidden in the pits. I just cut the fruit in half with scissors and the pits spilled out on their own.

You can pass through a meat grinder, but I am against the contact of medicinal drugs with metal.

In the rosehip itself, vitamin C is 10 times more than in lemon - 800 mg per 100 grams, in lemon - 80 mg. I suggest additionally reading the article - a lot is said about this useful plant.

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I remind you: vitamin C does not tolerate heat well. Therefore, the poured solution of water and honey should not exceed a temperature of 50 degrees. We insist 10-12 hours, then the infusion is the most useful - all active substances are completely extracted.

Described tea recipe not always suitable for hypotensive patients, since the water infusion of wild rose can slightly reduce the pressure. But I (I am hypotensive) did not observe this. He is contraindicated in thrombophlebitis because it increases blood clotting. Still, I think that by adhering to the recommended doses, nothing will happen - I checked all the recipes on myself - I took them for a week and I recommend that you not use the same tea for more than a week, change them - I provided the recipes.

This tea is useful for general loss of strength, reduced immunity, in the postoperative period, for depression, disturbed sleep, during influenza epidemics - as a prophylaxis with folk remedies and herbal medicine.

Tea with rose hips should be drunk for no more than a week, since long-term use of rose hips can adversely affect the liver and pancreas.

Healing infusion is much more useful described above, due to the presence of St. John's wort. Why St. John's wort? This medicinal plant universal anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent..png" alt="(!LANG: Tea recipe with ginger, St. John's wort, rose hips and honey" width="250" height="150" data-recalc-dims="1">!}

In a thermos for one liter add:

  • 1 teaspoon Hypericum
  • 15 rose hips, chopped
  • 1 heaping tablespoon finely chopped ginger (I did not peel)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey - it can be diluted in water, as I described above, or you can not add it to a thermos, using it directly as a bite or in a glass of tea - as you like
  • a pinch of cinnamon
  • three sticks of cloves

Of all the recipes I have described, this one is the most delicious and fragrant. The night also insisted.
In the morning on an empty stomach, I took one glass of fragrant infusion. Two days later, she began to cough up sputum in the morning - an infection was sitting somewhere. The inflammation in the throat that had begun was also gone - it was a little ticklish.

Several conditions for the use of St. John's wort :
1. must be taken pharmacy St. John's wort, since there are many species of it, and only one has medicinal properties - St. John's wort perforated.
2. St. John's wort - slightly toxic plant and it is advisable not to exceed its dosage: per 1 liter - 1 teaspoon without top of crushed St. John's wort.
3. the duration of the use of infusions with St. John's wort - not longer than one week.
4. do not use in case of hypertension!

In this recipe missing lemon, as there is a wild rose. But, if you like the aroma of tea with lemon, you can add it to a cup of infusion.

Healing tea course We use it for a week and take a break for a week. At this time, you can drink simple ginger tea with lemon and honey, which does not contain rose hips and St. John's wort (first recipe).

This tea Suitable for all colds and flu. The swelling of the mucous membranes is significantly reduced, the healing process is faster. This is especially true for diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

To whom this tea is contraindicated:

  1. hypertensive patients (presence of St. John's wort)
  2. AIDS patients - St. John's wort neutralizes the effect of medicines against this disease
  3. those who take anticoagulants and heart drugs - St. John's wort weakens their effect
  4. when contraceptive, some constituents of the plant reduce the effect of contraceptives
  5. if you spend all day in the sun, we refuse to use St. John's wort (pigmentation spots may appear temporarily)
  6. do not use simultaneously with antidepressants and antibiotics
  7. do not use before surgery - may reduce the effect of anesthetic drugs during surgery

There is no honey in the thermos. And in a thermos, unlike the recipes listed above, pour boiling water. I think this tea the most effective way to prevent flu and colds. It has an interesting taste and piquancy. Garlic is almost inaudible - I treated my friend to it and she did not notice it - everything is interrupted by the aroma and taste of ginger and lemon. We add honey directly to the cup with thermonuclear infusion.

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Pour into a thermos for 1 liter:

  • 1 teaspoon St. John's wort
  • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh ginger
  • 3 large garlic cloves
  • half a lemon with peel
  • 2-3 sticks of cloves
  • 3 allspice peas
  • pour 1 liter of boiling water

After 20 minutes, the tea is ready, but I insisted on it throughout the night and drank a cup in the morning 15 minutes before eating. During the flu epidemic, I used half a glass of infusion before leaving the house - and all people microbes shied away in different directions!

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Cooked in a thermos drink medicinal tea throughout the day and in the evening we prepare a new portion.

To whom this tea is contraindicated(or it is necessary to reduce its concentration):

  • those with increased stomach acidity
  • who has gastritis during an exacerbation
  • in the presence of a stomach ulcer
  • with kidney disease

I listed this just in case, because, if you take any medicinal herbs - you need to listen to the sensations. The reaction of each person can be individual.

Do the first thermos of infusion, halving the number of components- look at your health. If everything is fine, add the ingredients a second time, as I described in the recipe.
For the first time in my life, I did not have the flu during the epidemic - thanks to the listed tea recipes. Soon I will switch to spring wellness teas and share recipes with you again.

Today you learned how ginger tea with lemon and honey, the recipes of which I have given in the article, can help you not get sick during the flu and cold epidemic.

I wish you health and excellent mood!

P.S. Clarification for those who only look at pictures and read only headlines:
no tea is used in the recipes! Not black, not green, not purple!

Once again, stay healthy! Do not be lazy and make yourself this drink - your body will thank you!

Ginger with lemon and honey is recognized as a medicine due to its homeopathic properties. This elixir is able to relieve the symptoms of many diseases such as influenza, colds, inflammation or viral infections. Ginger is a light brown root with a characteristic taste. The root has beneficial properties and contains high levels of vitamin C, magnesium and other beneficial substances. A miraculous drink is made from it, in which mint, honey or lemon are added, as they can slightly mask the bitter taste Ginger with lemon and honey is an excellent remedy for various diseases, however, to prepare this drink, it is important to know how to do it, because components of medicinal tea may have some contraindications.

Ginger tea for adults

Regular use improves blood microcirculation throughout the body, which reduces the likelihood of cardiovascular problems. Ginger with lemon and honey prevents the accumulation of fat in blood vessels and arteries, is the prevention of heart attacks and strokes.

For the female body, drinking ginger will help relieve cramps that occur during the menstrual cycle. By the way, for these purposes, you can make compresses on the abdomen from a decoction of ginger root. For a compress, take the skin of the root, brew with boiling water and leave for 30 minutes under the lid.

Some people consider ginger tea to be an aphrodisiac that enhances attraction and has a beneficial effect on men's health. Scientific research proves the effectiveness of ginger in increasing sperm count and enhancing erectile function.

Ginger tea for children

For children, drinking ginger with lemon and honey is not only possible, but necessary. It is an excellent source of vitamins, an effective and natural remedy for coughs, colds, infections, helping to strengthen the child's immunity. The only drawback of this drink is that it should not be given to children under three years old. In all other respects, the remedy has no equal among all known medicines for colds. If the child is sick, the drink should be given to him for 3 weeks, 100 ml daily.

There is another important property that a healing drink has. Ginger and lemon well reduce nausea in a child, soothe the gastrointestinal tract. If your child is vomiting, give him a teaspoonful of ginger tea every 5 minutes to prevent dehydration. As soon as vomiting stops, tea should be drunk 100 ml every hour and a half. If you are planning a trip with a child, you can make tea in a thermos or take it with you. It will be great in transport.

Useful properties of the components of the drink

Ginger root is known for motion sickness, colds, and for indigestion, gastrointestinal problems, and other ailments. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, helps with headache and toothache, cough, bronchitis. Ginger with lemon is used for immunity, normalization of blood pressure and lowering cholesterol levels in the blood. The root is also effective against human respiratory syncytial virus.

Lemon in the composition of the drink is a powerful antiseptic, helps digestion well, is an excellent source of calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, bioflavonoids. The addition of honey to tea gives it antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral properties. In addition, it is a wonderful antioxidant, antitumor agent.

Thus, lemon with ginger for colds is both a delicious treat and a medicine.

Other properties of ginger tea

Ginger has other uses as well. Very often it is used as a seasoning for meat, fish dishes in cooking, it is used to make sauces, cocktails, called "smoothies". Kefir-ginger cocktails and ginger teas are used for weight loss, since the root has a powerful fat-burning effect and enhances metabolic processes in the body. In addition, this drink is the best to help fight stress. Ginger with lemon is used in cosmetology. If you mix the pulp of a lemon and a piece of peeled root in a blender, and then add a little olive oil to the resulting gruel, you get an excellent tonic face mask.

The miraculous root is also used to strengthen and grow hair, as well as against hair loss. The root should be grated or use an electric blender to facilitate the work, then squeeze the juice and rub it into the scalp. Such simple procedures relieve the increased greasiness of the scalp, activate the “sleeping” hair follicles, give the hair shine and a well-groomed appearance.

How to make a drink

Ginger with lemon for immunity can be prepared in two ways. The first method is suitable for those who want to prepare fresh tea every time. First, peel a small piece of ginger root from the skin. Then it is cut into thin slices or small cubes. A teaspoon of the crushed mass is poured with hot water, lemon slices and honey are added to taste.

The second cooking method is more practical. The preparation can be made in advance, and then simply pour the required amount of the mixture with boiling water. Ginger root is peeled and chopped: you can cut into slices, or you can grate or chop in a blender. Wash the lemon and also cut into thin slices. Lay in a jar in layers, constantly alternating layers of ginger with layers of lemon. After that, pour everything with liquid honey, cover with a nylon lid and store in the refrigerator. To get tea from the prepared mixture, it is enough to set aside the required amount in a cup and pour boiling water over it.

How to make jam

With lemon is not just a medicinal delicacy, it can be added to rich pastries. By the way, this medicine can also be given to young children, only in very small quantities, so as not to cause allergies in the child.


To make jam you will need:

Ginger root - 200 grams;

Lemon - 1 piece;

Sugar - 400 grams.

The proportions for cooking are based on 1 half-liter jar of goodies.


Ginger is peeled and cut into thin slices. The lemon is thoroughly washed and also cut into thin slices. Everything is put in a bowl and sprinkled with sugar. When the fruits give juice, the contents of the dishes are mixed and boiled over low heat, constantly stirring the jam. The ginger softens during the cooking process. As soon as the jam begins to boil strongly, it is put aside from the fire and poured into jars.


It is known that ginger is a specific product, therefore it is extremely important to consult a dietitian before using it in the form of jam, tea or seasoning. Ginger is contraindicated in people with digestive problems, low blood sugar, high acidity. Caution should be taken in any form of ginger for people suffering from insomnia, hypotension, as well as pregnant and lactating women.

Even in the Middle Ages, ginger tea was drunk to prevent various diseases. Nowadays, many nutritional properties of the white root are known. To make the drink even healthier and more aromatic, you can use various additives. The recipe for ginger tea with lemon and honey is famous for its rich taste and easy preparation.

The benefits of ginger tea are undeniable:

  • helps to cope with constipation;
  • the drink has a diaphoretic, expectorant, analgesic and choleretic effect;
  • using when coughing, you can remove sputum from the bronchi;
  • the drink helps to thin the blood and properly work the heart system;
  • normalizes the work of the digestive tract;
  • eliminates diarrhea;
  • helps relieve muscle and joint pain;
  • with regular use, the risk of developing prostatitis is significantly reduced;
  • relieves bloating;
  • helps increase appetite;
  • with regular use, the metabolism improves, due to which weight loss occurs;
  • potency improves;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • lowers cholesterol;
  • immunity increases;
  • when stretched, it helps to relieve swelling;
  • useful for diabetics;
  • due to the saturation of the blood with oxygen, there is an improvement in memory;
  • relieves depression;
  • helps to eliminate toxicosis;
  • reduces menstrual pain;
  • helps to normalize hormonal levels and dissolve pelvic adhesions, therefore it is recommended for use in infertility;
  • relieves migraine pain;
  • It is recommended to take with seasickness, as the drink helps eliminate nausea.

The classic way to make a drink

Making ginger tea doesn't take long. But the result will not keep you waiting. The drink, proven over the years, copes with many diseases.


  • melissa - 3 branches;
  • grated ginger - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • allspice;
  • water - 1550 ml;
  • cardamom;
  • honey - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • cinnamon;
  • lemon juice - 6 tbsp. spoons.


  1. To boil water. Sprinkle ginger. Boil 7 minutes.
  2. Pour in the juice. Sprinkle with spices. Add honey. Use only natural. Mix.
  3. Wrap the decoction for 17 minutes. Add mint and lemon balm. Insist 27 minutes. Strain and drink hot.

Healthy raspberry tea to boost immunity

We offer a wonderful prevention against seasonal colds. An effective remedy is ginger tea with raspberries, honey and lemon.


  • honey - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • boiling water - 240 ml;
  • raspberry jam - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • ginger - 1 tbsp. a spoonful of grated;
  • lemon - 2 tbsp. spoons of juice.


  1. Mix all the indicated products. Shelter. Let stand 5 minutes.
  2. Strain. Drink warm.

How to brew and drink for weight loss

With the help of a drink, you can get rid of excess weight. Tea helps food to digest better and much faster. Metabolic processes are accelerated and fat deposition does not occur.


  • ginger - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • honey - 1 teaspoon;
  • water - 240 ml;
  • lemon - 2 slices;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. spoons.


  1. It is recommended to rub the root on a coarse grater. Measure the required amount and place in water. Put on fire. Boil. Cool completely. Strain. Can be poured through a fine sieve.
  2. Pour in the juice. Chop lemon wedges and add to drink. Warm up a little. Add honey. Mix.
  3. Tea is recommended to drink in the morning. You can have breakfast only after half an hour.

Without causing harm to health, you can drink no more than 2 liters of the drink per day.

With cinnamon

A fragrant, spicy drink will help improve well-being and lose extra pounds. First of all, you need to brew tea, and then add aromatic spices.


  • lemon juice - 1 teaspoon;
  • water - 240 ml;
  • ginger - 0.5 tsp;
  • cinnamon - a stick;
  • honey - 1 teaspoon.


  1. Grate the root and add the required amount to the water. Boil 4 minutes. Add cinnamon stick. Cover with a towel for 17 minutes.
  2. Strain the mixture. Add honey. Pour in the juice. Mix.

Ginger tea with lemon and honey in a thermos

Delicious ginger tea is brewed in a thermos. A miraculous drink will help get rid of a cough, restore strength, make immunity stronger, cure headaches and reduce weight.


  • lemon juice - 4 teaspoons;
  • water (80 degrees) - 950 ml;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • ginger - 3 teaspoons.


  1. Place the crushed root in a thermos. Pour in water. Close the lid. Set aside for 50 minutes.
  2. To prevent the drink from acquiring a tart taste, it is recommended to immediately strain it. Add juice and honey. Mix.

To whom the drink is contraindicated

The benefits of drinking are undeniable.

However, tea not only heals, but also harms the body:

  1. The most dangerous is individual intolerance. If at least once you have experienced allergic reactions, discomfort when using at least one component, you can not take a drink.
  2. The tea has good diaphoretic properties. Therefore, it is impossible to use a drink as a treatment if the body temperature exceeds 39 degrees.
  3. Ginger should not be taken in any form for any bleeding.
  4. It is not recommended to drink a drink with diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, enterocolitis, ulcers).
  5. When applied, the activity of the liver is activated. Therefore, it is contraindicated to drink tea during exacerbation and remission of hepatitis, as well as cirrhosis.
  6. If there are stones in the gallbladder, then tea can provoke their movement. This will require emergency surgery.
  7. Tea is contraindicated in any skin diseases.

It is worth refraining from tea for women in the second trimester of pregnancy. A drink can provoke a sharp increase in pressure, which can negatively affect the health of not only the woman, but also the fetus.

It doesn’t matter if you are interested in ginger tea with lemon and honey as a remedy with a lot of useful properties or you see a successful flavor combination in it, making it is so simple that there is simply nothing to stop you from preparing it right now. But what kind of tea recipe to choose? Perhaps we have options for all occasions!

ward off a cold

If you are prone to colds and ODS during the cold season, we advise you to replace regular tea with ginger-lemon tea: this way you can strengthen your immune system and at the same time warm up with a delicious unusual drink when you come home from the cold.

What do you need for 1 cup?

  • Ginger root 5-10 g.
  • Fresh lemon 1 slice.
  • Carnation 1pc.
  • A pinch of cardamom.
  • Allspice 1pc.
  • Honey to taste.

Ginger tea is often made without the use of regular tea, technically an infusion.

What to do?

  • Wash the ginger and cut off a couple of thin slices from the root. For this method of cutting is optional.
  • Place all ingredients in a bowl and pour boiling water over.
  • Let the drink brew for 5-7 minutes and only then add honey. If you add honey not to boiling water, but to hot water, the benefits from it will be maximum.

Important: If you expect to never get sick during the fall and winter with the help of ginger, then you need to understand that the effect of it is more cumulative and preventive than one-time therapeutic. If you are already sick and want to be treated exclusively with ginger tea, then you should not count on a special effect, although the root can alleviate the symptoms a little. It is better to prepare for the cold season in advance and include a lemon-honey drink with ginger in your diet on an ongoing basis.

Lose extra pounds

Often on the Internet you can stumble upon information that ginger can speed up the metabolism, allowing you to burn calories faster and get rid of the hated kilograms. Well, this lemon honey tea recipe can help you in losing weight if used properly.

What do you need for 1 cup?

  • Ginger 5-10 g.
  • Lemon to taste.
  • Green tea pinch.
  • Honey 1 tsp

Any of the recipes can be made in a teapot for several people at once, if you increase the number of ingredients

What to do?

  • Cut the ginger into thin slices. Again, the root needs to be washed, but you can peel it if you wish.
  • Add a lemon and a pinch of leafy green tea there. Why green? It is believed that it is also indispensable for weight loss, but if you do not believe in its strength, you can add black or even hibiscus.
  • Pour boiling water over the mixture and leave for 3-4 minutes to brew. Add honey to slightly cooled water and drink! And yes, honey is still sweet, which means you need to be careful with it on a diet. Limit its intake to 1 tsp. per day, and it will not threaten your figure!

Tip: Creating a small calorie deficit over the long term is essential to losing weight, and with this strategy, this recipe can speed things up a bit. If you think that by drinking a liter of tea a day, you will get an ideal body in a couple of weeks, then this option is not for you. You will not only be very disappointed, but you are also likely to encounter problems with the gastrointestinal tract, which ginger tends to irritate.

Cool down in the heat

Ginger tea is usually associated with a warming effect, but this does not mean that ginger tea should not be drunk on a hot day. Of course, you can cool any of the other options and add ice to it, or you can use an express recipe that does not require brewing.

What do you need for 1 glass?

  • Ginger 10-15 g.
  • Lemon 1 slice.
  • Mint 3-4 leaves.
  • Honey to taste.
  • Ice 2-3 cubes.

Peppermint and ice make ginger tea the perfect way to beat the heat.

What to do?

  • This recipe involves the use of ginger juice, so we will rub the root. Clean it or not ─ you can decide for yourself.
  • Grate a small amount of ginger. Squeeze the juice into a glass through gauze or simply by squeezing the grated root in your fist. Do not throw the grated ginger itself into a glass: due to the hard fibers that enter the mouth, tea drinking will be hopelessly spoiled.
  • Add lemon juice or a whole lemon slice, torn or crushed mint leaves and honey there.
  • Stir honey well, add ice cubes and enjoy one of the healthiest iced tea options.

Tip: Most people find peeling ginger with a vegetable peeler or knife a real pain, so we advise you to immediately use the proven method - peeling with a teaspoon. It turns out that it is much easier to scrape off the thin skin of ginger than to cut it!

surprise guests

Do you like to drink tea with guests, but for several years now you can only surprise them with delicious desserts? Try shifting the focus to tea: not only will it be easier than making a cake, but it will also really surprise your friends!

What do you need for 1 cup?

  • Ginger 3-5 g.
  • Lemon 1 slice.
  • Honey to taste.
  • Mint 2-3 leaves.
  • Black leaf tea pinch.
  • Seasonal or frozen berries 2-3 pcs.

Peeling the root is easiest with a spoon, not a knife or vegetable peeler.

What to do?

  • This recipe has a hidden show element: if you can perform all other variations not in a cup, but in a teapot, by increasing the number of ingredients, here we advise you to pour tea in individual cups right in front of guests.
  • Wash and cut the ginger into thin slices. Not all guests may approve of unpeeled ginger in their mug, so it's best to peel it. Also, put no more than 1-2 thin slices in a cup, because we feel sharpness in different ways.
  • Add black tea, lemon wedge, mint and berries to a mug. Pour the mixture with boiling water right in front of guests. While the tea is brewing, you can tell them how healthy the drink they are about to try is.
  • Serve honey separately so that everyone can put as much as they need.

Important: Do not try to replace fresh ginger in our recipes with dried ground ginger. At a minimum, you will clearly feel this powder on your teeth, which is not very pleasant, but the most annoying thing is that there are much fewer useful properties in the powder than in a fresh root.

Cheer up in the morning

Many reviews of ginger tea confirm that ginger also has a tonic property: this is also why it is not recommended to use it late in the evening. And we will try to take advantage of this fact and prepare a healthy invigorating drink, which, perhaps, can replace dangerous coffee! In the morning, every second is precious, so we will act quickly.

What do you need for 1 cup?

  • Ginger 5-10 g.
  • Lemon to taste.
  • Honey to taste.
  • Cinnamon 1 stick.

If you use ginger for tea, then in 99% of cases it does not need to be peeled.

What to do?

  • We cut off the slices of ginger from the washed unpeeled root, put it in a cup along with a cinnamon stick and pour boiling water over it.
  • Add lemon juice and honey to the drink to taste.
  • If you drink tea in one gulp due to lack of time, it is better to pull out the ginger slices and cinnamon stick in advance so as not to interfere.

Tip: Only you determine the amount of ginger in your cup, so you can safely deviate from the recipe in this regard. We recommend starting with small portions, because ginger is very spicy. Well, if you're the kind of person who doesn't squint at chili peppers, then you might want to double or even triple the amount of ginger!

You are only a couple of minutes away from these wonderful drinks, so do not be lazy and experience all the beneficial properties of this explosive combination right now, using one of our recipes!