Pears baked in puff pastry in the oven. Layer cake with caramelized pears

20.10.2022 healthy eating

Desserts from pears have a delicate taste and delicate aroma, pears are baked, stewed in wine, used as a filling. I really respect pear pastries, here are links to great recipes and. Today I propose to try a pear in. The dough is ready-made, which means the recipes are simple, but what a result! Incredible taste, fabulous aroma and spectacular look! Pear desserts are similar, but still differ in taste, I honestly cannot choose between them, they are both, without exaggeration, incomparable.


  • Pears - 3 pieces
  • Ready-made puff yeast dough - 500 grams
  • Eggs - 1 yolk
  • For the sauce: for 400 ml of water 100 grams of sugar, a cinnamon stick, half a nutmeg, 1 gram of vanillin and a few pieces of dried barberry
  • For the filling: - 2-3 dates, 2-3 walnuts
  • Powdered sugar for decoration
  • Odorless vegetable oil for greasing baking paper

How to cook dessert pear in puff pastry. Two recipes

Defrost the dough at room temperature. For one dessert, a pear is boiled in syrup, in another, a filling of dates and nuts is used. The first time I cooked them at the same time in order to choose which one is better, but now I always cook both.

Two pear desserts in puff pastry

For this dessert Pear in puff pastry, pears are needed dense and large. Peel two pears. Cut the third pear in half, remove the core, and cut shallow grooves on the surface.

prepared pears

Peeled pears need to be boiled. I boil them in flavored syrup, but you can also boil them in red or white wine. What spices and spices to add is a matter of taste and imagination, not everyone loves cinnamon, you can flavor the syrup with zest, ginger, coffee beans, star anise. Bring water with sugar to a boil, add spices and spices and cook the pears over low heat until soft, check the readiness with a toothpick. Cooking time varies depending on the variety, size and ripeness of the pears, it took me 15 minutes.

Then remove the pears and set aside. And leave the syrup on a minimum heat, it will make a fragrant pear sauce. Turn on the oven 180 degrees. Finely chop the dates and nuts and place in the middle of the pears cut in half. Roll out half of the dough, a little, not thinly and cut out a pillow for a pear.

Stuff the pear, prepare the dough

Dates can be replaced with raisins, dried apricots, it turns out tasty and beautiful if you put a whole prunes stuffed with nuts in a pear, i.e. There is also scope for culinary creativity. Lay the pear halves on the puff pastry.

Stuffed pear halves ready for baking

Roll out the other half of the dough thinner and cut into strips. Cut off the bottom of the cooled pears so that you can set them upright, and wrap them with strips of dough, starting from the bottom.

Wrap boiled pears with puff pastry

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, grease with vegetable oil and place the pears in the puff pastry. Beat the yolk with a fork with a tablespoon of water and grease the surface of the dough.

Arrange pears in puff pastry on parchment paper

The syrup has become dark in color, thickened enough, remove it from the heat.

Pear sauce is ready

Bake pear dessert in puff pastry for about half an hour until golden brown.

The most pleasant thing remains - sprinkle the pear dessert with powdered sugar, lay it out beautifully. This is how great a dessert in puff pastry made of pear stuffed with nuts and dried fruits looks like in a cut.

A wonderful dessert for a holiday or a romantic dinner - pears in puff pastry. We take a purchased base and in half an hour we build an amazingly beautiful dish that looks super impressive. Ripe or even green pears are wrapped in strips of dough and baked in the oven. The recipe is very simple. Even a child can handle it. And the result is very tasty: delicate fruits and a crispy, almost weightless base.


  • puff pastry - 150 g;
  • pears - 3 pcs.;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • raspberry jam - 2 tbsp. l;
  • vegetable oil - 40 ml.


We defrost puff yeast or yeast-free dough, guided by the instructions written on the pack. You will not need the whole pack, so it is convenient to take such dough, which is sold in sheets.

Be sure to remove the packaging before this so that the thawed semi-finished product does not stick to it.

Cut the base into strips a centimeter thick.

My pears and wipe dry. We choose fruits with tails so that they look beautiful when served. It is clear that pears should be without worms, beautiful. After all, they are not cleaned.

We set one pear on the board and wrap it with a ribbon of dough, starting from the bottom. Then we stick another strip to the tip of the base and wind the package up to the top.

Lubricate the baking sheet with vegetable oil and put the prepared "mummies" on it.

Break the egg into a bowl, beat it with a fork. Lubricate the dough with a silicone brush or cotton pad.

Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon.

We bake the dessert in an oven preheated to 240 degrees for 15-20 minutes. The time depends on the characteristics of the oven and the size of the fruit.

Ready pears are removed from the oven.

This original pear puff recipe successfully combines ease of preparation and a very beautiful result that will not leave anyone indifferent. Puffs are made quickly: you don’t even need to roll out the dough for them, and you won’t need any complicated preparation of the filling - after all, there will be no filling as such. We will simply bake pear halves on puff pastry, which will fully preserve their delicate aroma.

The dough is used ready-made, so there will be no difficulties with it. We recommend giving preference to yeast-free puff pastry, with it the puffs will turn out especially crispy. But if you only have yeast puff pastry in your freezer, you can use that too.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of pears: choose juicy, ripe fruits, without dents or damage, so that the puffs turn out to be both tasty and beautiful. Hard pears will not have time to become soft enough by the time the dough is ready, and the impression of this simple dessert will no longer be the same.

Ingredients for 6 puffs

  • pears - 3 pcs.
  • puff pastry - 1 layer
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • sugar - for sprinkling (optional)
  • chicken egg (only yolk) - 1-2 pcs.

How to make pear puffs

Wash the pears, then cut each in half and carefully remove the core with seeds with a spoon. The tails do not need to be cut off.

Note In the resulting recess, you can "hide" the filling - for example, raisins or nuts.

Place the pears in a bowl and pour over the lemon juice. After that, they will not lose much of their color.

Lightly defrost the puff pastry, unfold the layer on the work surface. You don't need to roll out the dough.

To make the puffs even more beautiful, make four notches deep into each half of the pear from the side of the peel, cutting out small thin slices. At the same time, be careful not to cut through the pear.

Place the pears on the puff pastry, cut side down.

Cut the dough around the pear, following its contour and retreating slightly from it (about one centimeter). To decorate from the remnants of puff pastry, cut out the leaves, make notches-veins on them and attach the leaves to your blanks.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or foil and lay the puffs on it. Beat the chicken yolk with a pinch of sugar, grease both the puff pastry and the pears themselves. Additionally, you can sprinkle the pears with sugar mixed with cinnamon.

Pears in puff pastry with chocolate and nuts I make very unsweetened, because we usually eat them with ice cream. However, if you want, you can, of course, eat them without ice cream. Then the chocolate should be taken not black, but milk, and add sugar to the filling, and sprinkle with powdered sugar both the pear itself and the whole bag after baking.

In addition to chocolate and nuts, I also use dried cranberries in the filling. With the same success, you can take dried cherries or some candied citrus fruits. If there is nothing like that - God bless him, increase the number of nuts. But raisins, in my opinion, are not needed - they do not fit here, they are too sweet.

Pears in puff pastry in German are called very funny: "pears in a dressing gown", that is, in a dressing gown. The shape of this fruit makes it very nice to wrap the dough in a spiral on the pointed top of the pear.

Chop nuts, cranberries and chocolate.

Mix stuffing.

Peel the pears, remove the twigs and cut the bottom with the seed part with a sharp narrow knife.

Stuff the pears with the stuffing.

Put the oven on preheat to 200°C.

Wrap the pears in puff pastry squares. To do this, we close the corners of the square on the top of the pear, pinch the edges, and then wrap the freely protruding corners around the pear in a spiral.

Bake the pears in puff pastry in an oven preheated to 200 ° C on the middle level with the air circulation turned on for 20-25 minutes.

Well, this is what our pears look like in a cut. Sorry, there is no more time for all sorts of nonsense like photography, I ran to eat them with ice cream until they cooled down.