Oven lamb shoulder recipe. How to cook lamb shoulder baked in the oven

17.11.2022 Salads

Baked lamb shoulder prepared from the front leg of lamb. In some places in Spain, such as in Catalonia, this recipe is called lamb saddle. For this recipe, it is best to use young animals, especially young lamb.

Typical Spanish cuisine dish, with slight variations, it can be found throughout Spain. This recipe is the closest thing to the way lamb shoulder is cooked and served. signature recipe in the provinces of Valladolid and Castile. Perhaps such a mutton shoulder was served by Dulcinea from Tobos, her hidalgo.

Ingredients for 6 people

How to cook a spatula in the oven

2 lamb shoulder blades (young lamb)
1 glass of olive oil
1/2 cup wine vinegar
3 garlic cloves
2 bay leaves
Light the oven and wait until the temperature reaches 200ºC. Deeply cut the lamb shoulder blades into two or three pieces so that the bones break, but the pieces do not completely separate.
In a deep oven tray or other suitable dish, place the shoulder blades and add water to almost cover the meat and salt. Keep in the oven until the meat is tender, not allowing it to dry out, and occasionally, with a spoon, pour over the meat, broth and fat that forms in the pan.
In a mixer, grind the garlic and chopped bay leaf, mix everything with oil and vinegar. Put this seasoning on the lamb shoulder blades and keep in the oven for another 15 or 20 minutes.
Serve on a plate or on a baking sheet. To baked lamb shoulder can be filed b fried potatoes, cut into large pieces.

Video recipe Lamb shoulder baked in the oven.

Classic baked lamb shoulder recipe

Ingredients: 2 shoulder blades of milk lamb, 2 garlic cloves, fresh parsley, 1 cup water, apple cider vinegar, olive oil, salt.

How to cook lamb shoulder:

  1. Let's start with cooking seasoning for lamb.
  2. Grind in a mortar or mixer: 2 cloves of garlic, a little salt, a few parsley leaves,
  3. Add a dash of olive oil, mix well
  4. Lamb shoulder blades put on a baking sheet of the oven, salt and spread with the prepared mixture. Turn over and work on the other side.
  5. It is important that first the shoulder blades are laid with the outer side down, skin on a baking sheet.
  6. Pour a glass of water into the pan. Place the tray in the oven.
  7. Bake the lamb for 2 hours at 180ºC, after 1 hour, remove the shoulder blades, about 15 minutes before the side is ready, sprinkle with vinegar (to form a crispy crust), turn over, and continue to bake. Can be baked in the oven

Dedicated to lamb lovers! We bring to your attention a recipe for oven-baked lamb shoulder in a marinade with spices and dry mustard.

The front and back legs of a ram are the main parts on which the meat pulp is concentrated. If you have a choice of what kind of meat to bake, give preference to shoulder blades. This meat is more tender and juicy, just the perfect dish for a Sunday dinner or a festive feast. Especially if dear guests need something tasty and satisfying to treat.

Lamb shoulder baked in the oven in the sleeve

The recipe for a lamb shoulder is actually incredibly easy to prepare, it’s a matter of smearing a leg in spices and sauce, letting it stand for a while or immediately send it to the oven.

This dish is a real lifesaver for those who know how easy it is to prepare. Putting the spatula in the oven, you can easily forget about it for an hour. Moreover, the lamb shoulder is cooked faster than the back leg of lamb.

To distract from the specific smell of lamb, this meat is combined in recipes with spices such as rosemary, any ground pepper, marjoram, thyme, ginger and oregano.

Include lamb in your diet, this meat is healthy and tasty! And if you managed to get it on the market, feel free to start cooking!


  • lamb shoulder (or front leg of lamb),
  • mustard powder,
  • mayonnaise (or a mixture of kefir and sour cream),
  • garlic,
  • a mixture of seasonings, which include iodized salt, red pepper, black pepper, rosemary, fenugreek, marjoram, ginger and oregano,
  • salt,
  • greens,
  • sleeve for baking.

Cooking process:

To begin with, rub the lamb shoulder or front leg of lamb with mustard powder, salt and a mixture of seasonings, then coat with sauce.

For the sauce, mix mayonnaise (it can be replaced with sour cream and kefir in equal proportions) and chopped garlic. Take as much garlic as you see fit.

We pierce the lamb shoulder blade on all sides with a knife. This must be done in order for the meat to marinate better. To form a more golden crust, the spatula can be sprinkled with a little mustard powder on top.

Next, place the spatula in the baking sleeve and leave to marinate for at least half an hour. If there is no time, we send it to the oven after 30 minutes. If you have time, put the marinated leg of lamb in the refrigerator overnight. So the meat will become even tastier.

We heat the oven to a temperature of 180 ° C, and put the lamb to bake (put the meat in a well-heated oven!).

The question is ripening: how long to bake a lamb shoulder or front leg? A piece of lamb weighing 1.5-2 kg should be baked for at least one and a half hours. But then again, the degree of readiness of meat for everyone is different. It is believed that if, with a deep puncture of a fried piece of meat, barely pink juice flows out, then lamb and beef are ready (not to be confused with pork!). If meat with pink juice is not to your taste, keep it in the oven for another 15-20 minutes.

So, at 180 degrees, we hold the leg of lamb for 1 hour. After the time has elapsed, the temperature is reduced to 150 ° C. After another 30 minutes, the fragrant baked lamb shoulder in the sleeve is ready.

Serve the lamb dish hot. Serving as a whole piece on a large platter with greens will be spectacular. The shoulder bone will need to be removed from the meat, in the sleeve the meat turns out to be well steamed, stewed, so the bone comes out easily.

It goes well with fresh vegetables and herbs, for example, with a vitamin salad of fresh cabbage.

We thank Sofia Berezina for the recipe and step-by-step photos of cooking lamb shoulder.

Bon appetit and good recipes!

Try to cook an incomparable tasting lamb shoulder, and in the following recipes we will tell you in detail how to bake it in the oven correctly.

How to cook lamb shoulder baked in the oven in foil - recipe


  • fresh lamb shoulder - 1.3-1.5 kg;
  • rosemary greens - 3 branches;
  • pepper (black) - 2/3 tsp;
  • salted soy sauce - 40 ml;
  • lemon juice - 4 teaspoons;
  • sunflower oil - 2 teaspoons.


We wash the spatula from all sides under running water and put it on the table for 10 minutes so that unnecessary liquid is drained from it. If there are large areas of fat on a piece of meat, then it is better to remove them with a sharp knife. Next, we make 6-8 indentations throughout the piece of fresh lamb.

Pour freshly squeezed lemon juice into a bowl with salted soy sauce. Stir everything and pour this wonderful mixture over the entire surface of the shoulder blade and rub. Next, evenly season the meat with fragrant pepper, and after it we put finely chopped rosemary greens on the lamb and rub it well. We spread food foil on the surface of the baking sheet, which we oil abundantly, and then place the spatula and carefully close it with the loose edges of the foil. We put the meat in the oven and bake at 200 degrees for 1 hour and 45 minutes, only 15 minutes before it is ready, remove the top layer of foil so that the shoulder blade acquires a crust.

How to deliciously cook lamb shoulder baked in the oven with vegetables?


  • lamb (shoulder) - 1.6 kg;
  • - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • orange juice - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • classic - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • fresh rosemary - 4 branches;
  • medium potatoes - 6-8 pieces;
  • small carrots - 6-8 pcs.;
  • kitchen salt - to taste;
  • a mixture of peppers - to taste.


Properly prepare the spatula for further cooking. Very carefully in all the bends we rub the meat with kitchen salt, and then crush it with a mixture of peppers.

In a small bowl, combine juice squeezed from a fresh orange, classic soy sauce and liquid May honey. Stir and pour this mixture onto a piece of lamb (shoulder), and then sprinkle it with chopped rosemary.

Potatoes, peeled and cut into 2-3 slices. After cleaning the small carrots, leave it whole. Sprinkle vegetables with salt and place them in a sleeve specially designed for baking. Next, put a spatula here and tie everything tightly, send it to a baking sheet and into the oven. We bake at 195 degrees for at least 2 hours, only 20 minutes before turning off, we rip the upper part of the sleeve with scissors.

You can see a photo of a lamb shoulder blade on the Internet. The finished dish looks very beautiful, especially if it is decorated with bright vegetables. Enjoy your meal!

Lamb is a fairly low-calorie product. The meat of young animals is very tasty and nutritious. Adults have tougher meat with an unpleasant odor.

Lamb has 30 percent less fat than pork. It is richer than other types of meat in terms of iron content. Lamb contains vitamins B, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, iodine, phosphorus and much more. The proteins that make up lamb make the meat nutritious. There is no harmful cholesterol in this meat, which is another advantage of lamb. The meat of a young lamb contains 135 calories per 100 grams.

If you have a low level of hemoglobin, then you definitely need to eat lamb. It has a beneficial effect on the composition of the blood. Also, lamb will normalize the condition of the teeth, help prevent the appearance of caries, since the meat contains fluorine. It is good for dental tissue.

Lamb meat helps regulate the production of gastric juice and prevents diabetes. Lamb broths are very useful for those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases. The broth will be useful for gastritis and low acidity.

If you have bad blood vessels or atherosclerosis, then you should not give up lamb. The use of this meat is allowed in small quantities. Least of all cholesterol in the meat of a young lamb. The content of sodium, potassium and magnesium has a very good effect on the cardiovascular system, so lamb is useful for people suffering from heart disease.

Not many people know that when bitten by a rabid dog, lamb with wine can prevent harmful effects on humans.

Lamb meat also affects the appearance of a person. The skin becomes more toned, the hair looks healthier and silkier, and the nails become stronger.

There are a lot of useful properties of lamb. However, it must be remembered that sheep meat is quite fatty, which is why, in order to avoid heaviness in the stomach, it must be combined with fresh vegetables. Then the meat will be absorbed faster and help to avoid the unpleasant sensations of heaviness in the stomach.

Cooking lamb is very easy, as you can already understand from our recipe. There are a lot of lamb dishes, as well as options for cooking meat. In general, we can conclude that lamb has many useful properties and is rich in vitamins and trace elements. However, you need to remember that it is quite heavy and you should not use it too often. A couple of times a month or even less often will be more than enough to get all the benefits and beneficial properties of this meat.

Lamb shoulder, baked in the oven in a single piece, without first removing the bones, is perhaps the most difficult cut to cut. On the other hand, it is he who allows you to apply a very interesting technique: it is much more convenient to lay a shell of fresh herbs on a shoulder blade than on a leg - it has a flat surface, and this layer does not slip off.

Is it possible, in general, to bake lamb in the oven with fresh rather than dried herbs? Yes, you can, only this is not done in an open way, but always in a closed way: in foil, in a baking bag, under a closed lid of a heat-resistant container - which is at your disposal. Lamb at the first stage of heat treatment requires a very high temperature, if its surface is left open, then fresh herbs (it can be parsley, basil, mint, spinach, sorrel, chervil, cilantro - in any ratio) will dry out or burn.

Thus, the lamb shoulder baked in the oven in foil undergoes a long, gentle heat treatment. The meat is tender and soft. By color, consistency and the absence of a dark outer layer in it, it is even difficult to recognize lamb.

How to cook a lamb shoulder in the oven in foil? To begin with, let's agree that the meat for this recipe must be at room temperature.

We clean the onion and garlic, cut the onion so that it is convenient for the chopper or blender to chop it further.

We tear off the rough stems from the leaves of the herbs. Throw away the stems.

Grind herbs with a blender with onion, garlic, salt, mayonnaise and pepper until a slurry is obtained.

We coat the lamb shoulder with this mixture on all sides and place it on a large piece of foil, which will really close around the shoulder.

We heat the oven to a temperature of 250 degrees with air circulation. We form from foil such a FULLY CLOSED envelope with the opening lid up and bake the spatula at an average level at a temperature of 250 degrees for 15 minutes. Then we remove the temperature by 180 degrees and continue baking for another 1 hour.

After that, open the top valves of the envelope and continue to bake the lamb shoulder in the oven at a temperature of 160 degrees until the meat reaches the desired degree of readiness for you. Watch by sticking the tip of the knife into the side surface. I deliberately do not indicate the exact time of this stage, so as not to confuse anyone. Firstly, the weight of the cut can be different, and secondly, everyone has different ideas about the readiness of meat. I will say one thing: the shoulder blade is a fat cut, and they do not eat it with blood. So wait for whitening of meat and clear meat juice.

This is what my desired degree of readiness looks like. The meat is completely baked, but not yet browned, it is golden. The juice is absolutely transparent, without a pink tint, but continues to stand out.

And this is what it looks like cut up. As you can see, the meat is very, very light. By the way, this cut should be consumed only hot - immediately or in dishes where the remains of meat are subjected to repeated heat treatment. A cold shoulder blade is tasteless due to the large amount of fat.