Sand pie with berries. shortcrust pastry

17.11.2022 Snacks

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not specified

A delicious pie can be made with shortcrust pastry berries. Such a test has a simple recipe that even a child can handle, not to mention an experienced hostess. It requires quite affordable ingredients that you will probably find in your kitchen. Well, berries for such pies can be taken not only fresh, but also frozen. It can be raspberries, blackcurrants... See the detailed shortcrust pastry recipe for a pie with berries and delight your loved ones with delicious pastries.

For a mold with a diameter of 24-26 cm:

- 150 gr of creamy margarine;
- 350 gr flour;
- 60 grams of sugar;
- 1 pinch of salt;
- 1 egg or 3 tbsp. water at room temperature.

Recipe with photo step by step:

We need creamy margarine, preferably good quality. If the budget allows you, then you can use butter - it will be even better. We need butter or margarine at room temperature, so before preparing the dough, you need to remember to get it out of the refrigerator. If you forgot to do this, it's okay - just heat it in the microwave. We cut the margarine into arbitrary pieces.

We sift the flour.

Combine sugar, sifted flour, salt and margarine.

Mix with a mixer. You won't have dough yet - just greasy crumbs.

Add an egg or water at room temperature to them. With an egg, the dough will be a little tastier. But my child is allergic to eggs, so I usually add water to the dough. Mix, first with a mixer, then with your hands - to make a dough. It will not be soft, like yeast, but we do not need this.

The dough should lie down in the cold. You can immediately send it to the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes, or you can put it in a mold and put it in the refrigerator along with the mold.

Preparing the berries for the filling. A delicious pie is obtained with blackcurrants, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries ...

You can cook a completely open pie with berries.

And you can set aside some of the crumbs before adding water or eggs to them (about 5 tablespoons). And after the filling is in the base for the pie, pour the crumbs that you set aside on top of it. And after that, bake the cake in the oven.

In any case, you will get a delicious shortcrust pastry pie with berries. Enjoy your meal!

Note to the owner:
For the filling, you will need 400-500 grams of berries, 50 grams of sugar and 1 tablespoon of starch.

Shortcake with berries is a real lifesaver when you need to quickly bake not only tasty, but also beautiful confectionery. Bright, airy, with a juicy filling - it will conquer any culinary critic.

Berry confectionery is a vitamin "bomb" that combines the juiciness of blackberries and raspberries with crumbly dough in one piece.

For preparation you will need:

  • half a pack of butter weighing 200 g;
  • 150 g flour;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 100 g of blackberries and raspberries;
  • 150 ml of fermented baked milk;
  • 50 g starch.


  1. Shortcrust pastry for a berry pie is made by creating crumbs from butter shavings and flour. The resulting composition is kneaded into an elastic dough with the addition of 1 yolk and a third of sugar.
  2. The dough is laid out in a refractory form, where it forms sides.
  3. From the fermented milk product, starch, 2 eggs, the remaining protein and sugar, the filling is kneaded. It is covered with a mixture of fragrant berries and laid out on the dough.
  4. Baking is done in a hot oven (180 °C) for about 40 minutes.

With sour cream filling

To create a simple, but very tasty and fragrant treat, you will need ordinary products that almost every housewife can find:

  • 150 g butter;
  • twice as much flour;
  • a bag of baking powder;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 450 ml sour cream;
  • 100 g blueberries and raspberries;
  • 50 g starch.

In the process of creating a confectionery creation, simple steps are performed:

  1. In one container, cubes of cold butter, flour, two thirds of the declared amount of sugar and baking powder are ground into crumbs.
  2. After adding eggs and 50 ml of sour cream to the flour mass, an elastic dough is kneaded, which is laid out in a baking dish.
  3. From sour cream, the remaining sugar, eggs and starch, a filling is prepared using a whisk. It fills the middle of the pie, formed with the help of dough sides.
  4. The finishing touch is berries. After they are distributed over the surface of the future dessert, the form is sent to the oven for 40 minutes.

Cooking with cottage cheese

A delicious pie with berries and cottage cheese made from shortcrust pastry is prepared from the following products:

  • 200 g flour;
  • half the amount of butter;
  • a sachet of baking powder;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • pinches of salt;
  • 200 g of cottage cheese;
  • 100 ml sour cream;
  • 250 g blackcurrant;
  • 100 g raspberries.

Cooking method:

  1. Dry ingredients (flour, baking powder, a third of sugar and a pinch of salt) are mixed in a deep bowl.
  2. Next, cubes of frozen butter are added.
  3. A crumb is created from the mass, into which an egg is driven.
  4. The dough is kneaded and laid out in a mold in such a way that the sides are obtained.
  5. The container is covered with a film and sent to the cold for 20 minutes.
  6. At this time, prepare the curd filling. Cottage cheese with a blender is mixed with the remaining sugar, egg and sour cream.
  7. Berries are laid out on the dough in one layer, which are poured with curd mass.
  8. The cake is baked for 35 minutes at 180°C.

Sand cake with berries and jelly

We offer a recipe for a beautiful dessert, to create which you need:

  • 250 g butter;
  • 400 g flour;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 100 g of cherries and raspberries;
  • 40 ml sour cream;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 1 sachet of jelly.


  1. The yolks are separated from the proteins and ground with sugar.
  2. Crumbs are made from flour and butter.
  3. The contents of the two containers are combined, and the dough is kneaded with a pinch of salt and sour cream.
  4. A circle is cut out of a slightly rolled base and placed in a refractory mold.
  5. Trimmings are rolled into "sausages", from which the sides are created.
  6. The crust is baked until done.
  7. Powdered jelly is diluted in 200 g of hot water until completely dissolved.
  8. Berries are laid out in the sand "basket", which are poured with jelly.
  9. The product is in the cold until the jelly layer has completely solidified.

Baking with frozen berries

Both fresh and frozen berries are suitable for fragrant baking.

To bring the recipe to life, you need:

  • 400 g flour;
  • the same amount of sugar;
  • 300 g margarine;
  • a sachet of baking powder
  • 150 g of starch;
  • egg;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 500 g of berries.

Step by step cooking instructions:

  1. The berries are thawed, and the released liquid is drained.
  2. A cold piece of margarine is cut into cubes, which are ground with flour, half the declared amount of sugar, baking powder and salt.
  3. The dough is divided into 2 unequal parts.
  4. A larger layer is rolled out and laid out in a baking dish.
  5. Berries are distributed on top and covered with strips made from a smaller piece of dough.
  6. The cake is baked for 30 minutes at 180°C.

Recipe for multicooker

Shortbread dough dessert with juicy filling in a slow cooker turns out quickly and never burns.

To create a confectionery miracle you will need:

  • 280 g flour;
  • 150 g butter;
  • the same amount of sugar;
  • a sachet of baking powder;
  • 3 eggs;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 200 ml sour cream;
  • 300 g of berries.

The sequence of cooking steps:

  1. Proteins are separated from the yolks and put in the refrigerator.
  2. From yolks, butter, a third of sugar, 200 g of flour, salt and baking powder, shortbread dough is kneaded.
  3. An elastic flour mass is laid out on paper tapes in the bowl of the multicooker, in which high sides are formed.
  4. Berries are laid out in the middle of the pie.
  5. The fragrant filling is poured with a filling prepared from whipped proteins mixed with sour cream, the remaining sugar and flour.
  6. A dessert is prepared in the Baking program for 60 minutes.

To create a dessert, you need:

  • 200 g flour;
  • 150 g butter;
  • 50 g of sugar;
  • egg;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a little water, starch and powdered sugar;
  • 300 g of berries.

To prepare an open pie, follow a simple algorithm:

  1. To begin with, the dough is kneaded from oil shavings mixed with flour. Then the kneading continues with the addition of yolk, sugar, salt and a small amount of water.
  2. A ball of elastic dough is sent for 20 minutes in the cold.
  3. Then a cake with sides is formed from it, which is laid out in a form sprinkled with starch.
  4. A little plastic mass is left to create a decor.
  5. Berries are laid out on the dough, which are sprinkled with starch and half the declared amount of sugar.
  6. The cake is decorated with a mesh of dough braids and baked at 180 °C for about 40 minutes.
  7. When ready, the dessert is sprinkled with powder.

Let's make a shortbread pie with berries and sour cream filling. Loose shortcrust pastry, delicate sour cream filling and fresh berries - all this will bring real pleasure to lovers of homemade cakes. In the summer season, you can cook a wide variety of shortbread pies with berries and sour cream filling. At the beginning of summer with honeysuckle, cherries, strawberries. Then currants, gooseberries, raspberries, cherries will ripen. For the filling, you can use both one type of berries and assorted berries. Even if the berry time has passed, but you really want to cook an open berry shortbread pie, frozen fruits and berries will help out.

Step-by-step recipe for berry shortcrust pie

For an open shortbread berry pie with sour cream, you need:

  • 125 g margarine or butter;
  • 160 g of sugar, of which 60 for the dough and 100 g for the filling;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a bag of vanilla sugar, 1/2 each in the dough and in the filling;
  • 4 eggs, one in the dough, three yolks in the filling;
  • baking powder;
  • 240 g flour;
  • 40 ml of ice water;
  • 200 g sour cream, preferably 40% fat;
  • 20 g of starch or flour;
  • 300 g of berries, in this case strawberries and cherries.

Shortcrust pastry for a pie with berries

1. Grind margarine or butter with flour.

2. Add sugar, vanilla sugar, baking powder according to the instructions on the bag, an egg and start kneading shortcrust pastry. To facilitate the process, you can pour in ice water.

3. Form a ball. Put the shortbread dough in a bag and send it to the freezer for half an hour.

4. Take out the dough and spread it in shape. The size of the form should be 22 - 24 cm in diameter, and the form itself should be detachable. If there is none, then any will do. Put the mold with shortcrust pastry in the refrigerator for another 20-25 minutes.

Sour cream filling for an open shortbread pie

5. Beat the filling from sour cream, starch, yolks, sugar, vanilla sugar.

Fans of dense filling can increase the amount of starch by 2-3 times. Put the resulting cream in the refrigerator.

6. Sort the berries, wash them. Separate the sepals from the strawberries, but the cherries can be left with ponytails and pits, so it will retain its juiciness and not release too much juice into the filling.

How to cook a shortbread pie with berries and sour cream filling in the oven

7. Heat the oven to + 180 degrees. Take out the mold with shortcrust pastry and put it in the oven. Bake 20 minutes. The dough should brown a little.

8. Put the berries on the pie and pour everything with sour cream filling.

9. Send an open shortcake with berries and sour cream filling for 20 - 25 minutes in the oven. When the filling changes color, the cake is ready.

10. Turn off the oven and leave the shortcake in it for a quarter of an hour. After that, take it out and let it cool for two hours. During that time, the sour cream should “grab” and become dense, not fluid.

However, if your loved ones do not have the patience to wait for complete cooling, then an open shortcake with berries can be served almost immediately on the table right in the form. Liquid filling not only does not spoil its taste, but also makes the dessert more juicy.

Cut the cold butter into small cubes, mix in the flour, salt and sugar, and chop the butter and flour into coarse crumbs until the mixture is crumbly. You can chop with a dough cutter, 2 simple knives, or in extreme cases with a fork. Even easier - grate cold butter on a grater and grind everything with a fork. In a glass, beat the yolk with water. Add gradually to the flour mixture, being careful not to stir too much. The less you interfere, the better. The dough should be soft and elastic. As soon as the dough begins to become homogeneous, and not crumble, form it into a ball, divide into two parts (2/3 and 1/3), wrap with cling film and put in the refrigerator until use. (minimum 30 min.).

I usually put parchment paper in the form for the convenience of removing the pie. Instead, you can just lightly dust the edges with flour (our dough is already greasy). Remove most of the shortcrust pastry from the refrigerator, during which time it will cool and roll out better. Sprinkle the board with flour and roll out the dough into an even layer so that its edges are 5 cm in diameter larger than the form in which you will bake the cake.

Now carefully roll the dough onto the rolling pin and unfold it on the form. Trim off any excess dough, leaving 2-3cm hanging from the sides of the pan. Trimmings can be left for decoration. We prick the bottom and sides of the mold with a fork and put it in the refrigerator for another 15-20 minutes.

We do berries. We sort, we clean from garbage. If you use raspberries, it is advisable not to wash them, otherwise there will be a lot of water in the cake. We try to put the berries in the cake as dry as possible.

While the berries are drying, we take out the second ball from the refrigerator. We roll out the dough, cut strips from it to decorate our pie. For example, roll out thin strips and weave a pigtail out of them, then frame the edge of the pie with it. But let's leave it in the middle.

Almost every housewife has a reminder of a hot berry summer in the form of frozen berries hidden in the depths of the freezer. But even if there is no such preparation in the refrigerator, in almost every supermarket you can buy a variety of frozen fruits and berries relatively inexpensively, in which useful substances are stored in sufficient quantities.

From such fruits, you can cook delicious, juicy and fragrant pies, the recipes of which there are quite a lot - for every taste (yeast, puff, shortbread or biscuit dough).

A yeast pie with frozen berries in the oven is a more satisfying pastry compared to products made from other types of dough. Plus, it keeps longer. It is convenient to give a piece of such a pie to a child for a snack with you to school, and not just to drink tea with him during family gatherings.

For yeast dough and frozen berry filling you will need:

  • 60 ml of drinking water;
  • 10 g dry instant yeast;
  • 250 g of granulated sugar;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 60 ml sour cream;
  • 60 ml sunflower oil;
  • 290 g flour;
  • 300 g frozen berries;
  • 50 g starch.

Cooking time will be approximately 2 hours.

Calorie content - 253.6 kcal / 100 g.

Baking algorithm:

Sand cake with frozen berries

Crumbly shortbread dough goes well with a juicy berry filling. In addition, such pastries are an easy and quick way to please your loved ones in the household. For the proposed version of the open shortbread pie, you can use absolutely any berries that are in the freezer from a warm pore.

For shortcrust pastry and berry filling, you need to prepare:

  • 5 chicken eggs;
  • 270 g of sugar (of which 120 for dough);
  • 160 g butter or margarine for baking;
  • 350 g flour;
  • 450 g frozen berries;
  • vanillin to taste (if only cherries are used for the filling, you can take cinnamon).

The cake will take approximately 50 minutes to bake, not including the time needed for the berries to thaw.

The nutritional and energy value of this type of berry dessert is at the level of 249.7 kcal / 100 g.


Frozen berry puff pastry recipe

Puff pastry is airy, crispy and at the same time incredibly tender. Another argument in favor of puff pastry pies is the speed of their preparation, since the dough can always be prepared ahead of time or purchased in a convenience store. After that, it remains only to fantasize about the filling and the shape of the future product.

For a layer cake with frozen berries, you need to take:

  • 500 g of ready-made (preferably yeast) puff pastry;
  • 500 g frozen berries;
  • 200 g of granulated sugar;
  • 40 g flour;
  • 20 g starch.

If the berries are thawed before cooking, then in just 40 minutes it will be possible to create a fragrant berry dessert.

In a piece of cake weighing 100 grams, depending on the type of berries taken for the filling, there will be 235.3 kilocalories.

How to bake:

  1. The first step is to defrost the berries. It is better to do this by pouring them into a colander so that excess moisture immediately drains. If there is any doubt about the purity of fruits, it is better to rinse them under running cold water;
  2. Puff pastry should be allowed to lie down for 10 minutes at room temperature so that it becomes more elastic, but you should not overdo it either;
  3. Dust the pie mold with flour. Roll out half of the dough into a layer (not thinner than 5 mm) and line the bottom and walls of the mold with it;
  4. Mix thawed berries with sugar and starch, put in the base of the dough;
  5. Roll out the remaining dough and cut into strips, from which to form a lattice over the berries. The finished baking will have a beautiful look if the strips are cut with a figured knife, and the lattice is formed by interweaving the strips;
  6. In order for the cake to rise, it needs to be baked at 200 degrees for the first 5-7 minutes, and then reduced to 180. At this temperature, baking should take another 20 minutes.

Pie with frozen berries and cottage cheese

Even such a fermented milk product as cottage cheese has many requirements. It should be moderately sour, tender and soft, without grains. Only such a product is ideal for baking.

And what to do with imperfect cottage cheese, which turned out to be dryish and with grains? Of course, use it, but for other baking. From it you can make a delicious cake with frozen berries, the juiciness of which will soften it and give it tenderness.

For the dough and curd-berry filling, you need to have on hand:

  • 2 chicken eggs (1 - in the dough, 1 - for the filling);
  • 200 g of sugar (100 grams per dough and filling);
  • 400 g of cottage cheese;
  • 150 ml of milk;
  • 90 ml of vegetable (refined, odorless) oil;
  • 250 g flour;
  • 80 g of starch;
  • 5 g baking powder for dough;
  • 350 g frozen berries.

The duration of all culinary processes will be 1 hour 25 minutes.

The nutritional value of this healthy vitamin dessert is 239.7 kcal per 100 g.

Work order:

Quick pie with frozen berries in a slow cooker

Using the capabilities of a universal assistant - a multicooker, you can very quickly bake a delicious pie from frozen berries. The number of processes that require the active participation of the hostess will be minimal here, and the berries for baking will not need to be thawed, which further saves cooking time.

For a quick berry pie, you need to take the ingredients in the following proportions:

  • 3 large chicken eggs;
  • 200 g white crystalline sugar;
  • 5-7 g of baking powder (aka baking powder);
  • 160 g flour;
  • 200 g assorted frozen berries;
  • 10 g butter for greasing the multicooker bowl.

The preparatory processes for cooking will take no more than a quarter of an hour, and the pie will spend another hour in the multicooker bowl.

Calorie content of 100 g of berry pastries from an electric saucepan is on average 224.6 kcal.

The sequence of baking berry dessert:

  1. The base of the pie is biscuit dough. For him, beat the whole eggs with the prescription amount of granulated sugar until soft foam;
  2. Mix the baking powder with flour and, sifting the mixture through a fine sieve, add to the egg mixture. It is better to mix the dough at this stage with a spatula;
  3. Lubricate the bowl of the multicooker with a piece of butter at room temperature. It is not necessary to lubricate the walls of the form completely, 2/3 of the height is enough;
  4. Carefully transfer the dough into a multi-pan, smooth it with a spatula and lay frozen berries on top in an even layer;
  5. Bake using the appropriate options from the program menu (Baking/Cupcake/Steamer). The duration of the program should be 60 minutes;
  6. After the miracle assistant notifies you with an appropriate signal that she has finished her work, you should not run to open the lid and take out the cake. He needs to be allowed to stand for 5-10 minutes, and only then, helping himself with a silicone spatula, get the pastries out of the mold;
  7. The finished dessert already has a very appetizing look, so it can be served on the table without embellishment or with a minimum amount of them - lightly powdered with powdered sugar and carelessly scattered with green mint leaves.

Having decided to bake a pie stuffed with frozen berries, every housewife asks herself: is it necessary to defrost the berries? Especially if this point is not specified in the recipe.

The filling from unfrozen berries is more juicy, but there is a risk that it will have so much moisture in it that it will start to flow out of the cake.

In this case, baking time will also be much longer, so if the recipe does not indicate that the berries should be put frozen, it is better to defrost them.

You can also mix frozen berries by mixing different types of berries or by adding fresh fruits such as apples, pears, bananas, oranges, kiwis, etc. to them.

The amount of sugar in any recipe can be adjusted depending on your preferences: reduce for lovers of sweet and sour pies, increase for lovers of sweets.

You can decorate the finished cake with powdered sugar, cinnamon, cocoa powder or chocolate chips. And if you sift the powder through a stencil for baking, you can create whole pictures on the surface of the cake.

Another delicious pie recipe is in the next video.