Biscuit roll in 5 minutes. Biscuit roll very tasty and easy recipe

17.11.2022 Grill menu

It is quite possible to cook a roll in 5 minutes. The main thing is to act quickly and strictly according to the recipe. Only in this case you will get delicious and incredibly tender pastries, which you will not be ashamed to serve even at the festive table.

We make a quick biscuit roll in 5 minutes

Every housewife must be able to cook delicious and sweet pastries. Unfortunately, not every woman has such culinary skills. Therefore, you should start learning how to bake homemade delicacies with something extremely simple.

Today we will tell you how to make a quick biscuit roll in 5 minutes. It should immediately be noted that this is an incredibly tasty and amazing dessert. You can choose the filling for it at your discretion. Most housewives use boiled condensed milk. Also, the roll can be smeared with cranberry jam, plum jam and other sweets in 5 minutes. The main thing is that they are not too liquid. Otherwise, all the filling will leak out.

What ingredients do we need to make a roll in 5 minutes? Experienced chefs say that such a delicacy is very tasty from:

Making for a roll

In 5 minutes, you should cook very quickly. First you need to knead the base. To do this, chicken eggs are intensively beaten with a fork (yolks and proteins together). Then granulated sugar, ordinary salt, light flour and milk powder are added to them in turn. After mixing all the components, table soda is added to them, which is quenched with any acidic product (for example, lemon juice, vinegar, kefir, sour cream, etc.).

Baking dessert in the oven

The roll for 5 minutes should be cooked only in a very hot oven (up to 250 degrees). To do this, use a baking sheet, which is covered with parchment paper or greased with oil.

Evenly distributing the dough throughout the form, it is sent to the oven. This delicacy takes exactly 5 minutes to prepare. At the same time, it should become lush, soft and ruddy.

How to form a dessert with condensed milk?

The dessert in question should be formed very quickly. The cooked biscuit is taken out of the oven, and then immediately greased its surface with boiled condensed milk (right on the baking sheet). Next, the product is carefully rolled into a tight roll. If this process is slowed down, then the biscuit will cool down and crack all over.

Proper serving of homemade treats for tea

As soon as the roll with the condensed filling is formed, it is laid out on a cutting board and the uneven edges are carefully cut off. Next, it is placed on a flat plate and immediately sprinkled with a mixture made of cocoa and powder.

Before serving such a dessert with tea, it must be cooled down (within an hour). During this period of time, the roll will have time to grab, become softer and more tasty.

Roll in 5 minutes: cooking recipe (with jam)

As mentioned above, the dessert in question can be prepared in many ways. You learned above how to stuff a roll with a boiled roll. Now we will tell you about how such a delicacy should be made using thick apple jam.

So, a quick roll in 5 minutes requires the use of:

The process of preparing the base

To make homemade sweet roll really tasty and tender, you should use only certain products that make the biscuit soft and supple. If you use other components, then after baking, you will not be able to wrap the base sheet, as it will crack.

Having prepared all the required ingredients for a quick dessert, you should immediately turn on the oven, setting the temperature to 220 degrees. It is also necessary to send a baking sheet (for heating) to it, which you want to cover or grease with oil.

While the oven is heating up, you should start preparing the dough. To do this, unboiled is poured into a deep bowl, and then chicken eggs are broken into it. After mixing the components, pre-melted and cooled cooking oil is added to them. In this form, the ingredients are whipped with a mixer or with a whisk until fluffy (within 3 minutes).

Having received a homogeneous mass, flour and baking powder are alternately poured into it. Next, the products are mixed until homogeneous. As a result, you should get a dough like pancakes.

Roll base baking process

Bake the base for homemade roll should be exactly the same as described in the first recipe. To do this, pour the entire cooked base into an already heated baking sheet. Having leveled the dough, it is sent to the oven for 5-8 minutes. The biscuit should be well baked, but it should also not be overexposed. Otherwise, when folding, it will break.

How to form a roll?

The main thing in the preparation of the dessert in question is speed. Quickly cooked biscuit is immediately removed from the oven and smeared with thick apple jam on its surface. In this case, the edges of the base should be avoided.

Having carried out the described actions, a sheet of baked dough is rolled up with a tight roll, and then laid on a dish with the seam down. As soon as the dessert has cooled, its side parts are carefully cut off. This is done in order to make the roll more beautiful and even.

How to present a homemade delicacy to the family table?

There are many ways to decorate the dessert in question. Some housewives simply crush it with powdered sugar, after which they cut it into pieces up to 1.5 cm thick and serve it to the table. We recommend that you separately prepare chocolate icing and cover the roll with it in a thin stream. You can also use various confectionery powders.

Roll Pyatiminutka


2 eggs
1 st. Sahara
1 st. yogurt
1 tsp soda
1.5 st. flour
jam for brushing.


Turn on the oven, both heats, 300 degrees, let it heat up, but for now ..
Beat eggs with sugar and vanillin, add yogurt, stirring soda in it first, then add flour, the dough is liquid, pouring ..
Cover the baking sheet with paper or greased tracing paper and pour the dough, tilting the baking sheet, spread it over the entire baking sheet.
Put the baking sheet in the oven, in the middle and bake for 7-8 minutes, until pink.
Take it out and turn it over with the pink side on a damp cloth ... Quickly spread with jam and roll up, using a cloth ... let cool a little ..
Remove the fabric ... sprinkle the roll with powder ..
The main thing is that it always turns out quickly :) While the guests are washing their hands, it is already in the oven ... True, I have not tried other fillings, except for jam, maybe you can try boiled condensed milk.

Roll in 5 minutes!

1 can of condensed milk
1 egg
1 cup flour
0.5 teaspoon of soda

1. Mix all ingredients.
2. Pour the dough onto a rectangular baking sheet lined with baking paper.
3. Bake for 5-7 minutes in a preheated oven.
Filling - any cream, jam, chocolate-nut paste.


For the test
4 eggs
4 table spoons of flour
4 table spoons of sugar
0.5 tsp baking powder
For filling
4 apples
2 table spoons of sugar
100 grams of nuts, any. I have walnuts, I crumbled them with a rolling pin.

Grate apples, add sugar, vanillin, nuts. Put on a baking sheet covered with baking paper, smooth.
Beat the whites with a pinch of salt until peaks (1 minute for me). Beat the yolks for 1-2 minutes, add sugar and beat for another 1-2 minutes. Gradually stir in the flour with the baking powder, then gently beaten whites. Put the dough on a baking sheet over the apple-nut mass, smooth it out.
Bake for 15 minutes at 180 degrees.
Then we gently turn the baking sheet with the finished biscuit onto a clean towel on the table, stuffing up. We quickly remove the baking paper and roll it with a towel into a roll. I rolled it up without a towel. Cool down. And on a cold winter evening, enjoy with hot fragrant than!

Roll in 5 minutes!

5 tbsp Sahara
5 tbsp flour
5 tbsp powdered milk
3 eggs
1/3 tsp soda (quench with vinegar)
a pinch of salt


Turn on the oven, the temperature is 220 degrees. Immediately place a baking sheet greased with oil in it - it should be hot. Knead the biscuit dough. Beat the eggs with sugar, gradually add the sifted flour, milk powder, salt and quenched soda. Pour batter onto baking sheet and bake for exactly 5 minutes. Remove from the oven, immediately spread with any marmalade, jam or jam and roll the roll while it is hot. Let cool completely and sprinkle with powdered sugar.


Immediately after baking, the finished roll can be thrown onto a clean towel and rolled up with it.

Roll for tea in 6 minutes!


55 g flour
55 g sugar
a pinch of salt
2 tsp baking powder
2 eggs
5 st. l. jam
powdered sugar


1. First you need to mix the first four ingredients, then add two eggs and beat everything thoroughly into a homogeneous mass.

2. Prepare a baking sheet, put baking paper on it and grease it with sunflower or butter. Unroll the dough evenly on it and put it in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees.

3. Bake for only 6 minutes, until the top of the cake is golden brown.

4. In parallel with baking the cake, put a metal saucepan on the fire, pour the jam into it and heat it up slightly. By the way, jam can be anything, but strawberry is especially suitable. But this is a matter of taste for everyone.

5. So, remove the jam from the fire and take the cake out of the oven. Remove the paper and grease one side with warm jam, wrap it in a roll and sprinkle generously with powdered sugar.

6. Let cool and you can make tea!


Roll in 5 minutes!


3 packs of regular Jubilee-type cookies (30 cookies),
1 pack of cottage cheese (if you don’t want it to be too sweet, take the usual one, without fillers),
2 glasses of milk
1 chocolate bar or homemade icing (with a chocolate bar is faster).

Place the first layer of cookies on a clean plastic bag. Before this, we dip the cookies in hot milk.
One layer is 15 cookies.
Top half of the curd mass, then another layer of cookies and again cottage cheese. We take the package from both sides and turn the whole thing into a roll. The cookies will soften and should not break. But even if it breaks, it's okay, pour melted chocolate on top of the roll with the addition of a small amount of milk.
Alternatively, you can decorate the roll with chocolate pieces. We put the roll in the refrigerator and after 3-4 hours it will be ready. I usually make it in the evening, and in the morning I spoil my family with “baking”!

Alternatively, you can dip the cookies in coffee or cocoa and add cocoa to the curd mass. Get a chocolate roll))

Do you want to quickly prepare a yummy for tea, some simple and tasty sweetness, but you don’t have time to bake something complicated at all? You can make a simple and quick roll in just 5 minutes. The recipe for making such a roll is very simple, the ingredients are the most common. But to prepare such a roll, you need a ready-made filling: it can be jam, jam, chocolate or chocolate-nut paste, any cream of your choice. The cream can be made by simply whipping sour cream with sugar with a mixer or by mixing boiled condensed milk with butter. You can beat butter with sugar. There are also enough examples and recipes for quick creams.

Quick roll for tea in 5 minutes


  • 1 can of condensed milk (condensed milk, 400 grams),
  • 1 egg
  • 0.5 teaspoon of soda,
  • 1 glass of flour.

Detailed and step by step cooking method:

  1. All the above ingredients should be mixed in a deep bowl and then mixed well.
  2. The baking sheet must be covered in advance with special baking paper.
  3. Pour the batter onto the prepared baking sheet lined with baking paper.
  4. Bake the dough for 5-7 minutes in a well-heated oven (about 180 ° C).
  5. We spread any ready-made filling on the finished dough: jam, jam, chocolate-nut paste, cream and roll it into a roll.

All is ready! You can put the kettle on and make tea or coffee.

Happy tea!

Banana-raspberry roll is a quick treat with your own hands. It is done in just 5 minutes and it's real. This is just the case when you want a sweet here and now, but there is nothing at home and there is no desire to go to the store. Also perfect for treating unexpected guests or those who want to pamper the kids. It is prepared very simply, even novice housewives can make it from those products that are always at home. We do not take raspberry jam and banana into account, since the filling can be any, for example, condensed milk, sugar with sour cream or any jam, jam. The main secret of preparing this roll is speed, it is very important to twist our biscuit immediately on a baking sheet while it is still hot, because if it cools down, it will crack when twisted. This is not difficult to do, just do not be distracted at the time of the formation of the roll.

Moscow, July 10, 2015

Meal budget:
Flour - 55 gr - 1.87 rubles (2 kg 68 rubles)
Sugar - 55 gr - 1.76 rubles (5 kg 160 rubles)
Eggs - 3pcs - 18 rubles (1 des 60 rubles)

Optional ingredients, so they will not be considered in the budget of the dish, since everyone will get their own

Raspberry jam - 3 tbsp
Cocoa - 1 tbsp (1 pack 64 rubles)
Banana - 1 pc (1 kg 54 rubles) TOTAL: 21.63 rubles the cost of our biscuit and about the same amount will be spent on the filling. Which is generally not that expensive for a quick, tasty roll.

Place of purchase:
Hypermarket "Nash" and Dixy

Time for preparing:
5 minutes dough preparation and 5 minutes cooking TOTAL: 10 minutes

8 servings

Flour - 55 g
Sugar - 55 g
Eggs - 4 pcs.
Cocoa - 1 tbsp
Raspberry jam - 3 tbsp. l.
Banana - 1 pc.


1. Beat four eggs with 55 grams of sugar
2. Add 1 tablespoon of cocoa (this component is not required, it just gives the biscuit a chocolate flavor and color)
3. Enter 55 grams of sifted flour
5. Roll out the biscuit and put it on greased parchment paper. Then we send our biscuit to a well-heated oven to 180 degrees for 5 minutes. Readiness will be noticeable by a change in color, it will acquire a golden color.
6. For the filling, mix 3 tablespoons of raspberry jam and one chopped banana
7. Lubricate our biscuit right on the baking sheet and immediately roll it into a roll
8. Sprinkle with powder or cocoa or grease with the rest of the filling and let cool.

Perhaps, it is simply impossible to cook a biscuit roll in 5 minutes from scratch. But during this time, you can easily have time to mix the dough for the biscuit. True, then it will take more time for baking, cooling and greasing with cream. However, I want to assure you: this roll is, if not the fastest in the world, then certainly one of the fastest.

So let's not waste any time...

We need these products.

First, beat the eggs in a bowl with a pinch of salt. This will take exactly 2 minutes.

Add a jar of condensed milk to the beaten eggs and stir by hand with a whisk.

Sift cocoa into the resulting mixture and stir again by hand.

It really only takes five minutes.

Pour the dough onto a baking sheet lined with quality parchment. High-quality parchment does not need to be lubricated.

Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 12 minutes.

While the biscuit is baking, prepare the products for the cream and impregnation.

You can grease the roll with ordinary jam, marmalade, sour cream with sugar or chocolate paste - whatever you like.

For cream, I use vegetable cream, they contain few calories and are very easy to whip. In addition, unlike ordinary ones, they have a dazzling white color.

For impregnation, you can take any ready-made syrup, compote or cook the syrup yourself.

Whip the cream with a mixer until stiff peaks. They already contain some sugar, and I didn't add more sugar. I'm happy with this amount.

The baked biscuit should spring back when pressed.

Remove it from the baking sheet to the table directly with the paper. Go around the edges with a spatula, separating the biscuit from the paper, and immediately roll the roll hot using the same parchment.

In this form, the roll should cool for about 20 minutes. You should not overdo it, otherwise it may break.

Then carefully unroll the roll (it is a little sticky), soak in syrup and brush with cream.

Trim and trim the edges for beauty. Roll up again with parchment and put in the refrigerator for half an hour to soak.

I still have cream and I decided to grease the surface of the roll as well.

And then drizzled with melted dark chocolate. It turned out "birch"))).

Serve with tea or coffee and mark the time: we will definitely have time to eat a biscuit roll in 5 minutes ...

Have a delicious tasting!