"pineapples" from zucchini. An unusual combination - delicious pineapples from zucchini

24.08.2019 Snacks

How to cook zucchini in pineapple juice for the winter

Zucchini in pineapple juice for the winter is a surprisingly tasty and fragrant delicacy. Few people know that such a familiar and nondescript vegetable successfully harmonizes with an exotic fruit. The only thing that is required in cooking is the available ingredients, patience and time.

Recipe for zucchini in pineapple juice

The recipe will serve as a worthy alternative to real pineapple in its own juice. Since zucchini absorbs the taste and aroma of different fruits well, it is difficult to distinguish it from the original. It is important to choose high-quality components so that preservation is stored for a long time. How to cook zucchini in pineapple juice, we will consider further.

Source: Depositphotos

Zucchini in pineapple juice for the winter - imitation of real pineapples


  • zucchini - 2–2.5 kg;
  • pineapple juice - 0.5–0.6 l;
  • granulated sugar - 250–400 g;
  • citric acid - 2 g;
  • vanillin - 2–3 g.

Citric acid can be replaced with fresh lemon juice. Cooking time - 40 minutes.

Preservation method:

  1. Cut the washed, peeled and seeded vegetables into pieces.
  2. Place in an enamel pan, sprinkle with sugar, pour in pineapple and lemon juice (citric acid). Let it brew for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Turn on medium intensity heating, bring to a boil. Boil 15–20 min. under a closed lid. It is important not to overdo it, otherwise you will get a squash mass. The slices should retain their original shape, but be soft and juicy.
  4. The finished jam acquires a thick golden texture. Put lemon slices in jars in advance, add a pinch of vanillin. Lay out the treat and roll up.

After cooling, store in a cool place.

More often, squash-pineapple dessert is served as an independent dish in a duet with tea. Suitable as a filling for pancakes and pancakes, rich pastries. Due to the low calorie content, daily consumption in its pure form will not spoil the figure.

Compote of zucchini and pineapple juice


  • 1–1.5 kg of vegetables;
  • 1 liter of pineapple juice;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 3 g citric acid;
  • one orange.

Optionally, you can add vanillin, at the tip of a teaspoon.

Step by step:

  1. Cut the zucchini pulp into rings or cubes (as convenient).
  2. Cook a sweet syrup from sugar and pineapple juice and pour the blanks into it. Continue to boil for 10 minutes. At the end, add lemon powder.
  3. Distribute dense slices of zucchini in a glass container, fill with exotic liquid.

Close the lids and turn upside down. Leave to cool on the table. Place in the refrigerator or cellar the next morning.

Zucchini in an unusual syrup is used as a dessert, added to salads. Due to the delicate sweet and sour taste, they are ideally combined with fish and meat. Put to give taste and aroma when baking in foil.

Autumn is the time to prepare for the winter. In the cold season, you really want to taste delicious, cucumbers, tomatoes, and eggplants are used. But it always draws also on sweet and exotic, for example, pineapple. Unfortunately, tropical fruit blanks are sold only in the store, and the price for them is not encouraging. The recipe for zucchini like pineapples has already been appreciated by many women, so why don't you try to cook an exotic snack from zucchini for your family for the winter. By the way, if your children are indifferent to vegetables, perhaps thanks to this recipe they will love zucchini. Although zucchini ripen en masse in summer, talking about cooking various dishes from them is always relevant, because you can buy several zucchini at any time of the year.

Zucchini like pineapples for the winter - recipes:

Zucchini Recipe Using Pineapple Essence

This recipe is notable for the fact that the so-called pineapple "brine" is not even boiled, the zucchini is put in jars only after they have been soaked. Cooking such pineapples is a pleasure, as you will hardly spend time and money.

Ingredients: young zucchini - 3 kg, granulated sugar - 1 kg, Pineapple essence - 2 eight-gram bottles, citric acid - 20 g, water - 2 l.

Let's start cooking. Put a pot of water on the stove, when it boils, turn it off and let it cool down. In the meantime, take care of the zucchini. Wash the fruits thoroughly and remove the skin from them. Cut them into large cubes, such as cut pineapples, which are sold in cans. Dissolve citric acid in cold water. Now dip the cut into acidified water. In this environment, they must spend at least 4 hours. You can leave them like this all night if you started cooking in the evening. After the zucchini is saturated with sourness, infused, you can continue the process of turning them into pineapples.

Prepare half-liter jars - they need to be washed with soda. Now, using a slotted spoon, remove the zucchini from the acidic water and distribute evenly among the jars. Add essence and sugar to the “brine”, mix until it is completely dissolved. You don't need to boil the syrup. Now carefully pour the prepared syrup into jars of zucchini. We send them for sterilization.

How to sterilize future pineapples? If you have a wide metal basin, take it. Well, if half of the jars of zucchini fits on its bottom, then you will sterilize everything in two stages. Lay a cloth on the bottom of the basin - a towel or something unnecessary, place jars covered with tin lids on it. Add cold water to the basin, turn on the stove. When the water boils, reduce the heat a little and note the time - the sterilization process takes 35 minutes.

Now cork the zucchini like pineapples for the winter. After seaming, warm them with blankets and leave to cool.

Attention! When you expose the second batch of jars of zucchini for sterilization, do not lower them into boiling water, otherwise they may burst. Be sure to dilute the water in the basin with tap water, and only then put the jars in the basin. After boiling, note the time again.

Zucchini with pineapple flavor for the winter using pineapple juice from the store

The recipe using store-bought pineapple juice is slightly different from the previous one, although the end result will please no less. It does not use essence, but pineapple juice, which can be easily obtained at any store. You should not buy juice of expensive brands, you can take the most inexpensive one, the effect will still be good. Another difference in this recipe for zucchini like pineapples is that here these fruits are not cut into cubes, but will be clogged in the form of rings.

Ingredients: zucchini (necessarily young) - 1 kg, pineapple juice - 400 g, half a glass of sugar, a third of a teaspoon of citric acid, the same amount of vanilla sugar.

Cut the washed and peeled zucchini into circles, the thickness of which is about 1 cm. Take a narrow stack, with its help squeeze out the zucchini pulp in the middle of each circle. The result is rings. The case is a little troublesome, but in this form the product will definitely look like a real canned pineapple.

Take a saucepan, pour in the juice, dissolve all the dry ingredients in it. When the sugar grains dissolve, dip the zucchini rings into the syrup. After boiling, the product must be boiled for about 15 minutes, stirring gently so as not to spoil the appearance of the zucchini.

Sterilize the pre-washed jars over steam and boil the lids. You can start blocking. Arrange the zucchini rings along with the syrup in jars and roll up. Do not forget to insulate them for a day until they cool completely.

Important! If you can't get young zucchini, you can use mature squash, but then make sure to completely remove the seeds from them. It is unacceptable that "pineapples" betray their true origin thanks to the seeds. And one more thing - more mature vegetables require more syrup, just add 100-150 grams of juice more.

Now it is easier for you to decide which recipe you will use. Which one seems more interesting to you, take note of it. Considering that zucchini is perhaps one of the most inexpensive vegetables in the summer, why not make an original tropical meal out of them? And if you grow them yourself, then exotic pleasure will become even more accessible for your family. This delicacy can truly win the love of both children and adults. To diversify your diet, I also advise you to study the recipes for cauliflower dishes.

Did you know that canned zucchini can be not only a snack option, but also a dessert? An excellent option for harvesting for the winter: zucchini like pineapples. To taste, they really turn out - just like real canned pineapples! And you can also slightly modify the usual “pineapple” taste and aroma by diluting it with the addition of other fruits (with orange, with sea buckthorn, with cherry plum, with lemon). And if it seems to you that cooking zucchini for pineapples is a laborious process - you are mistaken. They are prepared quite quickly, moreover, without sterilization, which completely simplifies the canning process.

Note to the hostess: zucchini that you plan to harvest like pineapples or for making compotes must certainly be young. Since more mature and “older” fruits, firstly, are tougher and less tasty, and secondly, they absorb more of the syrup used.

Zucchini like pineapples for the winter with pineapple juice without sterilization

Composition of ingredients:

  • Zucchini (peeled) - 2 kg;
  • Sugar - 250 g;
  • Pineapple juice - 1 l;
  • Crystalline citric acid - 1 tsp;
  • Vanilla (natural) - a pinch.
  1. Wash and peel the zucchini fruits using a special vegetable peeler. It is very convenient to use, and besides, it removes a very thin layer of peel. Cut the peeled zucchini into rings, 0.4 - 0.5 cm thick.
  2. Next, from each circle you need to make a ring. To do this, take a glass, a small glass or a round shape and cut out the middle with them. You will get neat rings.
  3. Pour pineapple juice into a large enamel saucepan, add granulated sugar, citric acid and vanilla to it. Bring to a boil, and then place the prepared zucchini rings and the remaining centers in it.
  4. Boil zucchini in pineapple syrup for half an hour. During this time, they will be properly saturated with fragrant pineapple juice and soften to the desired state.
  5. In the meantime, prepare sterile 0.5 liter jars. Fill the prepared container with boiled zucchini rings, pour boiling syrup over and seal immediately.
  6. After rolling, be sure to wrap the jars with a terry towel or a warm blanket and leave them in this state for a day (this is necessary for more reliable and long-term conservation).

Zucchini like pineapples with pineapple juice for the winter without sterilization is an excellent way to prepare a delicious and not expensive “dummy dessert” that will appeal to both adults and children.

Zucchini compote for the winter, tastes like pineapple with orange

  • Zucchini - 650 g;
  • Oranges (large) - 3 pcs.;
  • White crystalline sugar - 550 g;
  • Lemon - 1 pc.;
  • Filtered drinking water - 5 liters.

Preparation description:

  1. Using a vegetable peeler, peel the zucchini, cut off the tail. Directly cut the pulp itself into medium-sized cubes (if there are seeds inside the fruit, they should be removed).
  2. Peel citrus fruits. Divide the oranges into slices, and squeeze the juice from the lemon. Cut the zest into random pieces.
  3. Sterile 1 liter jars fill 1/3 with zucchini with the addition of a few orange slices and chopped zest.
  4. Boil water, then pour it into jars and leave for 20-25 minutes. During this time, it will acquire a light amber hue. Carefully drain the water into an enamel saucepan, add sugar and boil for at least 5-6 minutes.
  5. Add 2 tsp to each jar. freshly squeezed lemon juice, then pour boiling syrup over and seal.
  6. Turn jars of compote upside down, wrap with a blanket and leave to cool completely.

After a day, the container can be transferred to storage in the basement or pantry.

Zucchini like pineapples with pineapple essence without sterilization

By the way, you can preserve zucchini like pineapples for the winter without using pineapple juice and other citrus fruits at all. In this case, all you need is a nutritional supplement such as pineapple essence concentrate. A small amount of this additive can give zucchini a light flavor and aroma of real pineapples. So let's get started.


  • Young zucchini - 3 kg;
  • Pineapple essence - 17 ml;
  • Purified water - 2 l;
  • Citric acid crystals - 2 dessert spoons;
  • White crystalline sugar - 1 kg.


  1. Thoroughly washed zucchini, remove the peel and seeds (if any). Cut the pulp into cubes.
  2. Boil water with the addition of citric acid. After the container of water is removed from the heat, dip the chopped zucchini into it and leave it in this state overnight (this is necessary in order for the zucchini to be juicy).
  3. In the morning, add granulated sugar with essence to the zucchini, mix gently and put on fire. After boiling, boil the mass for the next 30 minutes.
  4. Next, place the hot fragrant preparation in sterile 0.5 l jars and quickly seal.

Fake "pineapple zucchini" are prepared very quickly and simply, and most importantly - from the available ingredients! For a more visual acquaintance with the technological aspects of this canning, I will share a video with you.

Sea buckthorn recipe

Cooking Ingredients:

  • Sea buckthorn fresh - 3 kg;
  • Zucchini - 3 kg;
  • Crystalline sugar - 4 tbsp. l. for every 1 liter jar.


  1. Sort the sea buckthorn carefully, and then wash it. Wash the zucchini, peel and then cut into small cubes.
  2. Fill clean, dry jars in layers with sea buckthorn and zucchini.
  3. Each layer should be sprinkled with 1 tbsp. sugar (with a slide). Try to fill the jars as tightly as possible, as the layers will settle as the juice is released.
  4. Cover the filled jars with lids and send for 15 minutes to be sterilized. After sterilization, the jars should be immediately rolled up.

Zucchini like pineapple with cherry plum and cloves

Cooking Ingredients:

  • Cherry plum - 0.5 kg;
  • Ripe (but not overripe!) zucchini - 3 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • Carnation - 4 pcs.

Step-by-step description of preparation:

  1. In order to close the pineapple zucchini with cloves and cherry plums for the winter, you will need a sterile 3-liter jar.
  2. Put a clove at the bottom, then fill it with cherry plum and slices of zucchini, peeled and seeds. Filling - on the "shoulders".
  3. Pour the contents of the jar with boiling water. After 20 minutes, drain the water into a saucepan and add sugar. Bring the syrup to a boil, then pour it into the jar and roll up immediately.
  4. For better preservation of the workpiece in the winter, wrap the container with a terry towel until completely cooled.

So, as you already understood, zucchini like pineapples for the winter is an excellent alternative to an expensive store-bought treat, available for cooking at home. Enjoy your meal!

Everyone knows that vegetables are good for the body. But not every person agrees to eat them daily, and sometimes you can’t force children to eat a healthy, but not very tasty vegetable dish. However, there are recipes that allow you to disguise vegetables in the finished dish and make them very tasty. After all, based on vegetables, you can even make jam and other desserts. I will give you a recipe for pineapple from zucchini with pineapple juice.

Zucchini pineapple is a wonderful culinary discovery. Ordinary zucchini can be cooked in such a way that their taste will be very similar to the taste of canned pineapples. It can be eaten on its own or used to prepare other dishes. So it is quite possible to replace pineapples in a salad or in pastries (for example, in meat with pineapples). So the recipes are definitely useful!

In addition, in the recipes, all components are good for health: pineapple juice, the benefits of zucchini, citric acid, vanillin are also beyond doubt, sugar, orange ...

Zucchini Pineapple with Pineapple Juice

To prepare such a culinary miracle, you need to stock up on two and a half kilograms of zucchini, seven hundred and fifty milliliters of pineapple juice (you can use the cheapest juice, but not nectar), one and a half glasses of granulated sugar and one and a half tablespoons of citric acid.

It is best to cook young zucchini, well, if they are not, then they must not be overripe. They need to be washed, peeled, cut into medium cubes and poured with pineapple juice. Leave this mixture overnight so that the zucchini is saturated with the taste and aroma of pineapple, and also secretes the juice itself.

In the morning, add sugar to the zucchini, as well as citric acid. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat, then reduce heat and simmer for twenty minutes.

Put the hot mixture into sterilized jars, seal with scalded lids. Turn the jars over, wrap and leave to cool.

Pineapple zucchini rings with pineapple juice

To prepare such an interesting and very tasty dessert, you need to stock up on two kilograms of zucchini, a glass of sugar, seven hundred milliliters of pineapple juice, a teaspoon of citric acid and a small amount of vanillin (literally on the tip of a knife).

Rinse the zucchini and peel them using a vegetable peeler. Weigh the fruits peeled so as not to disturb the proportion. Next, cut them into circles - about half a centimeter thick, no more. Next, cut out circles from the middle from such a blank. To do this, it is convenient to use the sides or any other round shape. So you get rings that look like pineapple.

Prepare a pot of the right size. Pour pineapple juice into it and add sugar, mix, add citric acid and vanillin and mix again. Bring this syrup to a boil, then dip the zucchini rings into it. Bring this mixture to a boil over medium heat, then reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for half an hour. During this time, the zucchini will boil well and soak in the taste and aroma of pineapple juice.

Arrange the rings in sterilized jars, pour in boiling syrup and immediately cork with scalded lids. Wrap the jars with a warm blanket and leave to cool. Such pineapples from zucchini with pineapple juice rings should mislead your guests.

Zucchini Pineapple with Pineapple Juice and Orange

To prepare this version of the dessert, you need to stock up on one and a half kilograms of zucchini, one liter of pineapple juice, one medium orange, half a glass of sugar and half a tablespoon of citric acid.

First of all, clean the zucchini from seeds and peel. Cut it into slices similar to pineapple slices (pieces or circles). Squeeze juice from orange. Mix pineapple juice with orange juice, pour over zucchini with this mixture and leave for one hour.

After that, place the container with your workpiece on medium heat, pour sugar and citric acid into it. Bring the future dessert to a boil and boil for literally three minutes. Then roll up in sterilized jars, cork with scalded lids. Wrap the jars well and leave to cool.

Zucchini pineapple is an amazing delicacy that will appeal to all family members. And no one will know what became the basis for him until you tell yourself.

Additional Information

Zucchini can also be used to prepare other interesting preparations. So excellent taste is characterized by jam from these vegetables with lemon. To prepare such a delicacy, you will need a minimum of ingredients: one kilogram of zucchini, four hundred grams of sugar and one medium lemon.

First of all, clean the zucchini from the skins and bones. Cut the vegetables into medium-sized cubes (you should get one kilogram of already processed raw materials). Take a lemon, wash it, wipe it dry and grate the zest on a grater. Chop the lemon itself into small cubes. Cover the zucchini with sugar and leave for ten minutes. After that, send the container with zucchini to the stove, bring to a boil and boil on a fire of minimum power for forty-five minutes. Add lemon with zest to the zucchini and boil for another quarter of an hour. Leave the jam overnight, and in the morning boil and boil over low heat for ten minutes, remembering to stir. Turn off the heat and leave the mixture until the evening. Then bring the jam to a thick mass, pour into sterilized jars and seal with scalded lids. Wrap the finished workpiece with a blanket and leave to cool completely.

My friends all snapped up this recipe and are very pleased. Zucchini are obtained with the taste of pineapples, crispy, chilled - tastier than canned pineapples! And you must admit, there are a lot of zucchini, cheap and cheerful - you can close a lot for the winter!

Peel zucchini (even young ones) with a potato peeler or knife. If zucchini with large seeds are already a little overripe, then we will ruthlessly throw away the loose core with seeds. Using only the outer part of the zucchini. Otherwise, we will not get crispy "pineapples", but we will get porridge from zucchini ...

Video recipe "Zucchini like pineapples for the winter"

So. We need 1 liter of pineapple juice (brand doesn't matter!). We pour the juice into the container where we will cook the zucchini, I take a large saucepan with thick walls, and in the country there is a convenient enamel basin. Each housewife has her own favorite container for jam.

We put the juice on the fire, add citric acid and sugar, stir and let it dissolve. Next, we fall asleep sliced ​​\u200b\u200b2x3 cm, 3x4 cm or cubes (as you like, at least with asterisks!) Zucchini. Cook over low heat for 20 minutes, stir, remove the foam. And without turning off the gas under the jam, put it in jars.

We prepare the jars, as always, wash them with soda, rinse and scald with boiling water. Boil the lids for 5 minutes. Wipe the rim of the jar dry with gauze or a towel. Close the lid.

We twist our "Pineapples", put them upside down on the covers and wrap them in a blanket for the night.

Canned food is fine without refrigeration. But before serving, refrigerate them. So much tastier!