Recipe for cottage cheese Easter without baking with condensed milk. Raw cottage cheese Easter with condensed milk

02.07.2020 Fish dishes

Incredible, delicate, festive, with the taste of ice cream ... all this can be said about cottage cheese Easter with condensed milk. If you are preparing Easter cottage cheese for the first time, and are worried that you will not succeed, pay attention to this recipe. The recipe for this Easter cottage cheese is very simple, no dancing at the stove, and you can even involve children in the preparation.

Delicious curd paste

Easter recipe without raw eggs

In addition, there are no raw eggs in this Easter cottage cheese recipe, in case you don't like them in desserts, or if you are going to give Easter to little kids. I note that I am absolutely calm about raw eggs in desserts, I often cook classic tiramisu, and homemade ice cream, where raw eggs are present.

Required Ingredients

  • 400 gr. Curd
  • 100 g Sour cream
  • 200 gr. Condensed milk
  • 100 g Butter
  • 10 gr. (1 bag) vanilla sugar
  • Candied fruits 50 gr.


  • Form for Easter cottage cheese (pasochna)
  • Gauze
  • Ready Easter Decorations

Preparation: step by step

First of all, melt the butter. This can be done on the stove top, or in the microwave.

Put cottage cheese, sour cream in a deep and comfortable bowl, pour out the butter, and add vanilla sugar.

First stir the curd mass with a spoon.

Modern technology to help you

Then puree with an immersion blender into a homogeneous and smooth curd mass. If you do not have a submersible blender, then rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, or pass it through a meat grinder twice. The lesson, I can tell you, is not the most exciting, so I always use a blender

For this recipe for cottage cheese Easter, I chopped candied fruits a little so that they were soft in finished Easter. But, this is not necessary at all.

At this stage, you need to add condensed milk and candied fruits to the curd mass.

We stir our future cottage cheese Easter with a spoon, until a homogeneous mass is obtained. It turned out a little watery, but it should be so.

Subtleties of assembling the pasochny

Now we collect the pasochny, and place its bowl, where the liquid will drain.

Cover the mold with slightly damp gauze, folded in 2-3 layers. The ends of the gauze should hang down.

We shift the curd mass into the pasochny. For this recipe, I used a 1000 gram mold. All the curd mass fit without a trace.

Then we close it with the hanging ends of the gauze, approximately as I showed in the photo.

How and how much to keep in the refrigerator

Now we send Easter in the form in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours, putting it under the press. As a load, I used an inverted liter can of water. From Easter, glass is about 150 ml. liquids.

Important! Cook Easter the day before the holiday, as it needs to be infused for at least 12 hours.

Melted butter in the microwave, cooled it down and poured it over the curd.

After that, using a hand blender, I whipped the curd mass until a soft, elastic consistency.

I poured candied fruits into this mass (if desired, you can add raisins and nuts).

Poured in the right amount of condensed milk.

And he mixed everything again.

I collected the pasochny, put it in a plate (excess liquid will drain there) and covered it with gauze folded in 2 layers. I filled the mold with curd mass.

I used 400 gr in this recipe. cottage cheese, and as you can see in the photo, this amount was not enough for my form. For you, I have already corrected the recipe and wrote above that you need to take 500 grams of cottage cheese, no less.

The edges of the gauze were neatly folded inside the mold, and pressed down from above with an impromptu oppression (a board and a can of water). I put the whole thing in the refrigerator overnight. During this time, the excess liquid glass in the plate and Easter became denser.

The next day I took off the oppression, put the plate on top and turned the Easter over. Very carefully I took off the pasta box and gauze. And he decorated Easter with the remaining candied fruits and confectionery sprinkles.

Here you can give free rein to imagination and decorate as you want. In my opinion, it turned out very elegant and festive.

Easter cottage cheese with condensed milk is ready. Bon Appetit!

Also, for Easter, I can advise you to prepare a salad called, which I prepared last year. Such a salad will certainly decorate the festive table and diversify the Easter menu.

That's all for today, dear friends. I congratulate everyone in advance on Easter!

See you in the next article. Bye everyone!

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Preparing delicious cottage cheese Easter for the holiday is not a tricky business. How many different recipes there are on the vastness of the mighty Internet ... In my piggy bank of delicious homemade recipes, there is only one. This recipe has been living in our family for many, many years and invariably decorates the Easter table with its presence. This year I wanted to make a simple but rather tasty cottage cheese Easter with the addition of condensed milk. This product (condensed milk) must be of good quality in order to give its aroma and unique taste to the cottage cheese and make the festive Easter worthy of this Great holiday. Cook with love and pleasure and you will succeed! Happy Easter to you - Peace, Good and Health, I wish everyone!

Would need:

  • Cottage cheese - 400 gr.
  • Condensed milk - 5-6 tablespoons (half a can)
  • Butter - 100 gr.
  • Raisins (or any other dried fruit) - a handful
  • Nuts - any, optional
  • Candied fruits - optional
  • Sugar confectionery sprinkles - 2 tablespoons
  • Gauze

How to cook cottage cheese Easter with condensed milk:

Cooking Easter cottage cheese with condensed milk is quite simple. You don't have to brew anything here, on the contrary, we just combine all the components and put them in a prepared form for Easter. You can use just a regular plastic cup (made from sour cream) or a special jar (wooden or plastic). But do not forget to pre-line the form with 2-3 layers of gauze. Otherwise, you will scrape the curd mass out of the mold with a spoon ... This can happen if you use soft, not rustic curd.

And so, let's get started. We wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve and combine with softened butter, condensed milk (it should preferably be very thick or you can use boiled condensed milk, it will turn out even tastier). Rub with a fork.
Add steamed and dried dried fruits and, if you wish, crushed nuts. You can add candied fruit pieces to Easter.

Mix everything well
We spread the curd mass in a pasochny, lined with gauze for 2-3 layers. It is important that the ready-made Easter cottage cheese is well removed from the mold.

Carefully cover the curd mass on top with layers of gauze.

We put oppression on top of the form with cottage cheese and put the cottage cheese Easter in the refrigerator for at least 1 day. I confess honestly, I could not resist, so I wanted to try delicious, sweet cottage cheese Easter - and pulled it out of the mold after 4.5 hours. The result pleased me. My family ate Easter cottage cheese with condensed milk in 15 minutes. It turned out very tasty Easter and it is very quick and easy to cook it.

After the allotted exposure time has passed, carefully remove the curd Easter from the mold. On top, you can decorate the cottage cheese Easter with condensed milk at your discretion with nuts, candied fruits and dried fruits. It is advisable to take the finished cottage cheese Easter to the Temple and consecrate!

This simple and fairly affordable recipe for making cottage cheese Easter will appeal to many housewives, especially those who do not have a lot of time for cooking and household chores.

Bon appetit and Happy Easter - wishes Svetlana and my home site!

I want to bring to your attention another simple recipe for making cottage cheese Easter with condensed milk without adding eggs. Such a wonderful dessert can be prepared not only for Easter, but also for the weekend as a dessert. However, the shape can be any, you can even cook using a regular sieve. The dessert is delicious, I advise you to try it!


To prepare cottage cheese Easter with condensed milk without eggs, we need:

soft cottage cheese - 500 g;

butter - 50 g;

condensed milk - 120 g;

raisins (or other dried fruits) - 100 g.

Cooking steps

Rub the soft cottage cheese through a sieve. Put the butter in a saucepan and melt about a third. Remove from heat, add condensed milk and stir until the mixture becomes homogeneous.

Add this mass to the grated cottage cheese and mix well.

Rinse and dry the raisins, add to the curd mass. You can use other dried fruits at your discretion.

Line a saucer or sieve with damp gauze, put the curd mass there. Cover Easter with the free ends of the gauze, put a saucer on top, and on it, as a load, - a jar of water with a volume of 500 ml. Put Easter together with the load in the refrigerator for a day, periodically drain the whey.

After a while, remove the jar, turn the Easter onto a plate and remove the gauze.

Delicious cottage cheese Easter cooked with condensed milk without adding eggs can be decorated and served.

Bon Appetit!

The bright holiday of Easter implies the presence of some obligatory dishes on the table. One of them is cottage cheese Easter. Each hostess strives to surprise guests with a new unusual version of this delicious dish. Easter with condensed milk is very popular and loved by many. It is easy to cook, and it tastes like a delicate and sweet dessert.

Easter cottage cheese with condensed milk. The easiest recipe

Sweet tooth will definitely like it. Looks like slightly melted ice cream with delicate caramel syrup. Better to cook in families with small children. They will be delighted with such a dessert.


  • raisins - 2 tsp;
  • plain or boiled condensed milk - 1 can;
  • sour cream 20% fat - 500 ml;
  • boiled chicken yolks - 2 pcs.;
  • butter - 150 g;
  • a bag of vanillin;
  • cottage cheese - 800 g.


Important advice! It is better to take homemade cottage cheese. It should not be sour and lumpy. Homemade sour cream is also ideal, then you can not use butter at all.

Before the holiday, every woman has a lot of trouble: it is necessary to prepare the necessary dishes, remove everything and decorate for the reception of guests. If time is running out, a simple but very tasty recipe with condensed milk and candied fruits will help out. Many housewives adore it: Easter pleases with a pleasant taste and never lingers on the table.


  • cottage cheese - 800 g;
  • butter - 150 g;
  • 2 cans of condensed milk;
  • ready-made candied fruits (sold in stores), you can make them yourself.


Advice. If there is no way to get good quality cottage cheese, you can get by with ready-made curd mass. It is more fatty and high-calorie, but Easter will not take much time to cook. This option is made without adding sugar and butter; condensed milk should not be overused either: the curd mass is already very sweet.

Easter cottage cheese with condensed milk and dried fruits. No Raw Egg Recipe

If Easter is done for the first time, you can pay attention to this recipe. It will work great even for those who do not like to stand at the stove. The option is designed for those who do not like raw eggs in their dessert.


  • sour cream - 500 g;
  • cottage cheese - 800;
  • condensed milk - 1 can;
  • oil - 150 g;
  • vanilla sugar;
  • candied fruits or dried fruits;
  • ready-made edible decorations.


This option turns out to be very sweet, so it is better to use sugar to a minimum. The dish satisfies hunger well.

For decoration, it is better to take apples, pears or bananas.



  1. The first steps are similar to the steps from the previous recipes: wipe with a sieve or beat the cottage cheese with a blender.
  2. Grind sugar into powder, add it along with sour cream to the resulting curd mixture.
  3. Add vanillin and condensed milk. Mix everything until a homogeneous thick consistency is obtained. Put in a pasochny, put oppression on top and put in the refrigerator.
  4. After a few hours, remove and transfer to a plate.
  5. Cut apples and bananas into small pieces. Place the dish with them on top or around the edges.

Pasochnitsa is a special container, thanks to which the Easter cottage cheese takes its shape. If such a product is not at hand, you can use deep plates or cut plastic bottles.

From the inside, the pasochnitsa is laid out with gauze, and oppression (load) is installed on top. To prevent the whey from spreading, it is recommended to place the mold in a deep dish.

An alternative to using a pasochny is the use of gelatin. Thanks to him, the mass thickens and takes on a clear shape.

Before the holiday, many women go shopping, checking their home supplies for all the necessary products and ingredients. The next option is great for the busiest. You can use both homemade cottage cheese made by yourself, and ready-made curd mass. It is not necessary to purchase a special pasochny; plates and containers of a suitable shape will do.