Traditional New Year's dishes in Russia. Traditional New Year dishes from around the world

11.08.2019 Restaurant notes

With the most delicious and delicious dishes. In many ways, the menu of the evening depends on the national traditions of the country where you are waiting for the 2019th year. If you happen to be in France, chances are high that on the New Year's table you will find foie gras, snails, frog legs, a large selection of cheeses, rooster in wine, ratatouille, French baguette and other famous dishes of this country. If in Germany, most likely you will be served pork, perhaps it will be delicious German sausages. As a side dish, you can get sauerkraut, which is considered a German national dish, and many other goodies like that. And what will a foreigner who happens to attend a traditional Belarusian feast on the occasion of the New Year get? And what, according to custom, will we see on our tables?


You don't have to go far for an example, because the first association that flashed through everyone's mind is Olivier salad. By an uncertain coincidence, it was he who became the central object of numerous jokes, jokes and anecdotes. Usually it is cooked so much that even a farce has appeared among the people: "The unit of measurement for Olivier salad is one basin." Today, few people remember that the Olivier, famous throughout the USSR, became popular thanks to the chef L. Olivier, who in the 60s of the 19th century ran the Hermitage restaurant of French cuisine in Moscow. By the way, you can also show off your knowledge of culinary history at the table by telling the guests that the salad abroad has other names: "Russian salad", and it is also called potato and meat.

Perhaps there is no point in dwelling in detail on the Olivier recipe, because everyone who knows how to cook knows how to make it. Indeed, Olivier has become something more for the Slavic people than just a nutritious and satisfying dish. In support of this statement, in February 2009 the newspaper Trud began to calculate the so-called "Olivier index". We did this for a special calculation of the level of consumer price inflation for food. Thus, according to some experts, the Olivier index demonstrates the inflation rate much more objectively than the Rosstat data. In addition, according to a study published by the Russian BBC news service, 40% of respondents consider salad Olivier a symbol of the New Table, 10% - tangerines, 7% - herring under a fur coat.


New Year's Eve for several generations who grew up in a deficit Soviet era smells like tangerines. Naturally, this was no coincidence. The fact is that tangerines were sometimes the only fruit on the New Year's table. They appeared on sale around this time. Every Soviet family tried to acquire Abkhazian fragrant citruses for the holiday. By the way, have you ever wondered why this southern fruit has such a beautiful name and what does it mean? A bit ironic, but Mandarin is translated from Chinese as "rich man". Orange fruits were once available only to wealthy segments of the population, apparently, this is the fate of the mandarin.

A long time ago in China there was a wonderful tradition of bringing tangerines to the house along with the main gifts for the New Year. The bright, life-affirming color of the fruit is associated with positiveness and, according to Chinese tradition, is a symbol of financial success. When guests left the house, the hosts gave them two of their tangerines in return. It was believed that the desire for financial security should be mutual. It is also surprising that in the Chinese language the word "gold" and the word "money" are consonant with the words "pair of mandarin".

Herring under a Fur Coat

This salad is also considered a traditional festive New Year's dish, which consists of herring and vegetables. In short, limited Soviet conditions forced the use of ingredients available on the farm. This Soviet salad has an amazing history. There is still a legend that says that we owe the appearance of "Herring under a fur coat" to a merchant who lived at the beginning of the 20th century and kept several taverns. The salad was intended to solve the alcohol problem, but at the same time it had to be ideologically correct. This is how the proletarians greeted the New Year, drinking a well-known alcoholic drink accompanied by Sh.U.B.A. salad, which stands for chauvinism and decline - boycott and anathema. The people nicknamed the salad simply "herring under a fur coat," where, according to the idea, the red color of beets symbolized the red banner of the revolution, and herring and potatoes were by definition a classic snack of the working class. The most important thing is that the goal was achieved, because the visitors ate a hearty salad and got drunk less, therefore, the number of fights and conflicts decreased.

True, it is difficult to say whether this legend can be believed, because at the height of the civil war, the people most likely did not celebrate the New Year at all, but, as they say, there is no smoke without fire. Other sources claim that this salad began to appear only in the second half of the 60s of the XX century and only later became widespread.

Soviet champagne

Only since 2004 has "Soviet Champagne" been registered as a separate trade mark, but this did not prevent it from becoming a popular drink of a large country earlier. Moreover, this is not just sparkling wine - it is the embodiment of the New Year. How can you drink whiskey, vodka or, say, red wine to the chime? Of course, there are no prohibitions, but traditions take their toll. It is surprising that in times of the widest choice, many of us on the store shelves still choose the well-known "Soviet Champagne" for the New Year's table.

By the way, there was a funny story about sparkling wine in Soviet times. Once the minister of the food industry came to Stalin with a list of shock enterprises that needed to be awarded for the next holiday, among which was a sparkling wine factory. This surprised the leader of the people, to which the minister said: "During the years of Soviet power, and especially in the post-war period, champagne has become a truly national drink." Stalin was surprised, because he believed that the drink was a little sour, and the people liked it sweeter. Of course, this shortcoming had to be quickly corrected, which the minister did. As a result, the plant was awarded and began to produce sweet and semi-sweet. Meanwhile, in the homeland of champagne in France, only dry sparkling wine is still produced - brut.


Today this canned fish is not perceived as something supernatural, but there were other times. Probably, there was no cult in relation to sprats, but the fact that in 2008 a monument was erected to them in Mamonovo speaks volumes. A two-meter huge tin can, from which sprats jump out, will remind the former residents of the USSR about the place of these fish on the New Year's table. Indeed, whatever the Soviet mistresses did with them. And they baked and laid them on bread and butter, and cooked eggs stuffed with sprats.

In a word, in some form, but they were still present at the New Year's table as an invariable attribute from year to year. An interesting fact, it turns out that there are different laying of this fish in a jar and it depends on the time of year. Summer styling involves placing the fish belly up so that the back does not crack, since this season it moves less and accumulates fat. In winter, it is laid the other way around.


For a long time, red caviar has been present on the festive tables of the Slavic peoples. This delicious and wholesome delicacy will make an excellent company with a glass of sparkling champagne. By the way, it became a valuable delicacy not so long ago, once our ancestors ate it with spoons, including black caviar. By the way, there is an opinion that red caviar is the "younger sister" of black caviar. This is not at all the case. In fact, red caviar came to Russia only in the 17th century, in connection with the appearance of transport links with the distant corners of the vast homeland. The first reaction of the population did not bring anything good, red caviar was not appreciated at its true worth. There was no increased demand for caviar, and even during the Soviet era, it could be bought in a store without much difficulty. Caviar disappeared from the sale during the reign of Khrushchev, it was then that people learned to carefully lay the eggs to the eggs on holiday sandwiches, because now it was possible to get this gastronomic value only through connections. Today caviar is on the free market, but it still belongs to gourmet products, which is confirmed by the consistently high price of the product.

By tradition, on New Year's Eve, the hostesses put on the table the best and most delicious that is available. Therefore, unlike many countries, Slavic tables are naturally bursting with delicious dishes. There are so many of them that it is not possible to evaluate each in one article, but it would be wrong not to mention baked chicken on a can, duck, goose or turkey; as well as sauerkraut with onions and butter; homemade pickled porcini mushrooms; stuffed pike and jellied fish! Have a delicious New Year and a sweet life!

As you know, we live in a time when even the most exotic products are becoming familiar and very affordable, so you can cook a wide variety of dishes. But not a single kitchen in the world can replace the Russian people on New Year's Eve with snacks and salads, which have been prepared for many years in a row according to unchanged family traditions.

There are some snacks and hot dishes that you can't exist without. It is worth considering in more detail the traditional festive dishes, they should be offered to guests on this gala evening, and the family themselves will not refuse to enjoy such salads and snacks.

Olivier salad

It is worth starting with this particular cold salad appetizer, since Olivier has been prepared for many years in a row, even in Soviet times, this appetizer was always present on tables on New Year's Eve, and if there are a lot of salads now, therefore, Olivier is prepared in small portions, then earlier the appetizer was kneaded into very large quantities.

It is worth saying that today it is not at all difficult to purchase boiled sausage and green peas to create an appetizer, but this option is more traditional, the housewives came up with the idea of ​​filling the resulting dish with homemade mayonnaise or sour cream, replacing pickles with fresh ones, and also using boiled chicken breast instead of sausages.

Herring under a fur coat

Traditional dishes for the New Year in Russia have always been distinguished by their simplicity and excellent taste, so the hostess certainly needs to cook herring under a fur coat. You can use the classic recipe, which includes salted herring, boiled potatoes, some eggs, boiled beets and carrots, all layers are coated with mayonnaise.

Some people decide to use ordinary sour cream instead of mayonnaise instead of the main dressing, it is also possible to replace herring with boiled red fish, it turns out an equally tasty and interesting snack. It is worth considering a photo with the design of a salad in order to know how to serve each of the fish options in an original way under a fur coat.

Sandwiches with cream cheese and red caviar

We can say that such a cold appetizer is considered traditionally Russian for the New Year's table, although in Soviet times it was more difficult to get cream cheese than caviar, then they were also prepared, but the cheese was replaced with sandwich butter. Today, housewives can easily purchase simple cream cheese that ideally matches the taste of red caviar, so you can get a great snack, photos with design and serving are provided on the Internet in abundance, so the hostess does not have to think about how best to serve sandwiches with red caviar on the table. Well, if the family does not like fish caviar, it is worth preparing sandwiches with cheese for them separately, but instead of caviar, a red fish will be used, it is recommended to pick up slightly salted fillet pieces.

Jellied fish

Of course, a photo of this dish can always be found on culinary sites, because the hostesses make fish in jellied form no less often than ordinary jellied meat, and the taste of this dish is simply amazing. A New Year's table in Russia must necessarily include this cold fish dish.

In addition, it is incredibly simple to cook it, you just need to boil the fish in water, and then add gelatin to the broth, divide the fish fillet into pieces, pour the fish meat with the resulting broth, and wait until the dish hardens in the refrigerator. Of course, for taste it is worth using various spices, a little salt and herbs, and for decoration it is recommended to take a little greens, fresh onions and boiled carrots.

Eggs with minced red caviar

The food should be tasty and look beautiful, especially if it is served on the table on the day of the holiday, guests will be able to appreciate the eggs that the hostess stuffed with red caviar. Of course, you can make minced meat for eggs from garlic, mayonnaise and yolk, but everyone already knows this, and if you add a little new taste to the dish, this will help preserve traditions, but at the same time make the New Year's table more original and bright.

Oven baked chicken

As you know, you can find many photos with options for preparing such a meat dish, but the simplest is to simply bake the chicken until golden brown, while the hostess can use various options for sauces to make the crust more tasty and even. Today, some deviate from the main traditional recipe, so they prefer to stuff the chicken with boiled rice and fried mushrooms, it turns out very tasty, but that's not all, because there is an opportunity to do it, I bake it in foil, it is advisable to add various vegetables and spices to it, then you don't have to worry about the side dish.

Jellied meat - as a tribute to traditions

If you look at photos from various New Year's family holidays, then on almost each of them you can see a plate with delicious and cold jellied meat, and it is not at all difficult to prepare such a dish, but it turns out to be an excellent snack for the New Year's celebration. Most often, jellied meat is prepared from pork legs, it takes at least eight hours to cook it, but the end result is worth it to start preparing a delicious dish before the celebration. Serving meat appetizers is best with horseradish or mustard, as jellied meat goes well with such sauces.

Duck baked with apples, mustard and honey sauce

Although some will prefer to cook a simple and tasty chicken, there will still be those housewives who will use duck meat and cook it unforgettably delicious. Although the name of the dish is rather complicated, it is very simple to cook the duck, for this the carcass is washed, stuffed with apples, greased with the prepared sauce, and then sent to the oven and baked until fully cooked and an even golden crust appears.

About not only the taste of the finished hot meat dish is important, but also its amazing appetizing appearance, if you put the duck on a large portioned dish, put various options for fresh or baked vegetables around, and then place the dish in the middle of the festive table, then the duck with apples will become real decoration of the place for celebration.

Beetroot salads on New Year's Eve

If the hostess prepares dishes for guests or just for home, then she should not give up the usual snacks from boiled beets, because you can make many salads based on such a delicious vegetable. For example, it is possible to create a Vinaigrette for a holiday, although today not many people prefer to make such a salad, since most housewives prefer meat snacks.

But even if you want to make something meaty, it will not hurt to take on beets with the addition of nuts, as well as cook a boiled vegetable with garlic. These salads are prepared very simply, it is enough just to boil the beets, peel them and grate them, for one option they mix garlic and beets, then add mayonnaise, for the other, grated beets and walnuts are used, if you wish, you can add only one clove of garlic to the mixture for the smell, and then season with mayonnaise.

Napoleon cake - a classic of the genre

It is worth saying that

New Year is always an occasion for wonderful communication, love and kindness, and, of course, for a wonderful treat. Many housewives try to come up with some novelties, show imagination, but traditional New Year's dishes always remain unchanged for several decades or even centuries.

And this is not only the Olivier salad and herring under a fur coat. Each family has its own New Year's tradition to cook this or that festive dish in its own way. How can you surprise guests who are fans of traditional cuisine, or how to create new snacks and dishes based on them? Here are some traditional and non-traditional dishes for the New Year and Russia can be prepared for the festive table.

Three simple dishes

Olivier salad

It was difficult to create a New Year in Soviet Russia without the Olivier salad. This ancient dish has an accidental origin when, at his restaurant, French chef Lucien Olivier decided to mix the leftover food on the table and season it with sour cream. It happened in the Hermitage restaurant in the mid-60s of the 19th century. There were various recipes for this dish (see photos), which were sometimes very expensive. In one old recipe, hazel grouse, caviar, crayfish tails, capers, fresh cucumbers and veal tongue were added to the Olivier salad. Pickles (a vegetable mixture of pickled vegetables) were also added to it. However, in Soviet times, when it was allowed to celebrate the New Year, it was difficult to imagine a New Year's festive table in Russia without this salad. True, cooked according to a simpler recipe. The traditional Olivier salad has become cheaper and more nutritious, without black caviar, pickles, capers and crayfish necks, and almost all Russian long-standing traditions include this salad in the New Year's menu. By the way, we recommend you.

For a long time, it was prepared on the basis of canned peas, pickles, mayonnaise, eggs, boiled chicken or sausage, potatoes and other components. Abroad, Olivier salad is called a Russian salad, although it was invented by a Frenchman.

Everyone knows the traditional recipe with a photo of this salad. And here's how you can cook it deliciously to serve. You need to take:

- medium-sized savory tartlets;

- mayonnaise,

- sour cream;

- a jar of gherkins,

- 4 boiled potatoes;

- canned peas;

- a can of canned pineapples;

- a bunch of dill;

- 300 grams of fried chicken fillet;

- cancerous necks by the number of tartlets;

You need to cut the potatoes into cubes. Add peas and chopped gherkins. Then add the diced eggs and then add the peas, diced pineapples and small chicken fillet pieces. Stir everything with sour cream and mayonnaise, then spread over the tartlets.

Cook crayfish, boil in water with dill and salt. Peel, pull out the number of necks according to the number of tartlets for cooking, removing the intestine in the middle.

Put about 2-3 tablespoons of Olivier into the tartlets. Put a crayfish neck on top of each tartlet and squeeze out a little sour cream with a pastry syringe. Then serve.

Such an appetizer will not only look festive on your table, but will also pleasantly delight and surprise guests. You can also make Olivier with crayfish tails in champagne jelly. Even children can eat this dish.

To do this, you need to prepare a salad according to the classic recipe, add crayfish tails (they can be replaced with king prawns). But first you need to make a sauce with gelatin, sugar and champagne. If desired, you can add some white seedless grapes to it by cutting the berries into halves.

Champagne must be heated so that the alcohol is completely or partially evaporated. Then dissolve the gelatin in a separate container, heat it up a little, dissolve the sugar in it, pour into the champagne and add the grapes. Pour into molds, let it cool slightly in the refrigerator, then put 1 crayfish neck (or shrimp) in the middle, 2-4 tablespoons of Olivier. After that, put the molds in the cold, for 2-3 hours, so that the jelly hardens. Then turn over and serve as a cold snack. For beauty, ready-made molds can be lightly sprinkled with powdered sugar, imitating snow.

This version of the salad will surprise many and will appeal to lovers of unusual dishes. And here is another pleasant dish that has become traditional on the Russian New Year's table.

Herring under a Fur Coat

There are many recipes for cooking this dish with a photo, take a look at one of them. However, not a single feast, not a single meal can do without it on the Russian New Year's table. Here is one of the popular cooking options for this delicious meal that everyone will love.

To do it, you need to take:

- slightly salted herring;

- boiled beets 2 pieces;

- 2 boiled carrots;

- 2 boiled potatoes;

- 2 chicken eggs;

- 2 hard pickles;

- onion;

- mayonnaise;

- cream cheese;

- a bunch of dill;

First you need to process the herring, as in the photo, so that there are no bones.

Cut into small pieces, put on the bottom of the cut loaf, from which you need to pull out the pulp.

Then peel and chop the carrots. Pour boiling water over the onion, cut and sprinkle lightly with vinegar. Then boil the eggs hard-boiled and grate. The yolk should be firm. Cut the potatoes, grate the beets. Put all products, except herring, in separate containers.

Then put a layer of onions, carrots, egg and cream cheese on top of the herring. Then lay out the cucumbers. Mix the beets with mayonnaise and lay out in the last layer. Cover the dish with the second part of the loaf and refrigerate for an hour.

Before serving, cut as shown in the photo. This cooking option will appeal to fans of unusual New Year's snacks.

What other dishes are traditionally New Year's in Russian cuisine? Here are some of the most popular foods that make up a part of a modern New Year's table.

Meat and non-meat products

In Soviet times, sausage was considered a real New Year's chic on the festive table. As usual doctor's or boiled, and cervelat, not to mention uncooked smoked, which is considered a real delicacy. Today you won't surprise anyone with sausage, but you can please guests as much as you like with various options for cooking baked meat.

Usually, cooked meat was always on the Russian festive table of the Soviet era. It was baked in the oven, in foil, in a frying pan, and there is no universal recipe for preparing a meat New Year's dish in Russian cuisine in the New Year. Since everyone is trying to surprise the guests with cooking meat.

After the 90s, when many Christians observe fasting on New Year's Eve, they began to choose vegetarian salads or baked fish with various additions. However, there are few of them, and even those who observe the fast, on New Year's Eve, allow themselves a little champagne and a slice of delicious turkey or.

A popular non-meat dish has become a salad with crab sticks and sweet corn. It is made from sour cream, green onions, fresh cucumber, crab sticks and corn. This dish can also be found on the modern New Year's table.

Well, in modern cuisine, sushi has become popular with the addition of Russian spices, for example, boiled pork, pickled cucumbers, red caviar and fish. A universal New Year's Russian dish in the Japanese manner has not yet been created, but sushi has become a frequent guest at New Year's Eve in every home.


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Olivier salad

During the years of the USSR, the New Year's table in Russia could not be imagined without a plate with this salad. And if he suddenly was not there, the guests and family were greatly surprised and asked the hostess if she had enough time, as with her health, why not?

How much time the housewives spent in those years of total scarcity to get the coveted ingredients for it! They kept all the jars in hiding places or provided them with labels, trying to protect them from home. And all for one magical evening. The hostess learned Olivier's recipe through friends or their own parents, it was passed on as the experience of ancestors and was a real hello from childhood.

Who does not have a New Year's photo in the album with relatives at the table, where Olivier is not standing? Moreover, the hostesses tried to introduce new ingredients, somehow experimented with the recipe so that it was their Olivier that stood out, and the guests could appreciate it.

What is needed:

Boiled sausage (sometimes it was replaced with boiled meat, only lean, no fat) - 350 gr;
2 boiled eggs;
2-3 boiled potatoes;
1-2 small pickled cucumbers (the housewives of the USSR used only their own preparation).
a jar with green peas (waiting hours, grocery baskets, friends).
salt with mayonnaise, pepper (who like it sharper) and herbs.

Cooking method:

Reducing the cooking time, many housewives boiled all the vegetables for the salad in advance. Nothing will happen to them in the refrigerator overnight, but all that remains is to chop them. It is better to cut the ingredients into small cubes, large ones are made only in stores, sometimes there salads look beautiful only in the photo.

They cook a lot of homemade salad, sometimes the expression: "a bucket of Olivier" has a real basis, because they cook it for themselves, for everyone at home. To keep the salad longer, do not add mayonnaise to all of the chopped mass. Here we chopped the ingredients, mixed them.

Then pour the peas and in a separate bowl set aside a small part, which you precisely place on the table. Add mayonnaise, salt there. And let the rest be kept. It will be required for a feast - mix another batch. But the next day Olivier will be fresh, not stagnant. And instead of purchased mayonnaise, you can make your own, homemade. Traditional Olivier is prepared with sausage, but some housewives replace it with meat or even poultry. There is already someone who likes it.

Salad "Under a fur coat"

Yes, the herring hidden under a vegetable coat is a welcome treat from childhood. In any home, there is certainly a flat plate with. It differs only in taste, the number of ingredients and their varieties remain the same, the recipe has long been known to every housewife who has ever thought about the New Year's menu.

What you need:

Beets (1-2 pieces per salad plate);
potatoes (boiled, 2-3 medium);
carrots (also boiled, 1);
herring (salted or slightly salted 1 pc);
egg (already boiled 1-2 pcs);
onions (to taste);
greens (also to taste);
vinegar with mayonnaise (however, not all add vinegar).

Cooking procedure:

Here, too, a number of ingredients require cooking, so if you are going to be in charge, it is better to put the vegetables to boil immediately, collecting them in one large saucepan. While you are cleaning the house, you wash your hair before evening gatherings and watch the meat for the main course, the vegetables will cook. Moreover, beets need to be cooked for a long time, for a delicious "Under the fur coat" they should be soft and tender.

Vinegar is used to briefly marinate onions to soften. First, cut it into rings, then leave it in vinegar for half an hour and rinse it in jets of cold water to rinse it off.

The herring is bought separately, in the fish department, where it is sold whole. For a bowl of salad, you need 1 whole fish. Brush by removing bones with a ridge. You won't be able to delete everything, but try to be careful, especially when there are small children at home. Then cut the fillet into small pieces and first put it neatly on a flat dish for subsequent serving.

"Under a fur coat" is always served in flat plates, sometimes elongated to take up less space. If there are two plates, immediately divide all the ingredients in half. Any photo of the salad will show how important serving is.
Put the pickled onions in a thin layer on the fish, then cover with mayonnaise. Next comes potatoes, cut into small cubes or chopped with a grater.

How convenient it is. Cover the potatoes with mayonnaise too. If you look at traditional dishes and on New Year's in Russia, then "Under a fur coat" can be considered the most high-calorie of all salads.
The potatoes are followed by carrots, which in any of the options are rubbed with a coarse grater. With cubes, it is inappropriate here. Top it is covered with mayonnaise. Beets will be the final layer, on top of which there will be only mayonnaise and a little grated egg.

Add spices between layers, though do not overdo it with salt, there is enough of it in the fish. The finished salad must be kept in the refrigerator until the evening, let it soak, take shape. And that's it, ready to serve, even if you take a photo.

Duck and apples

However, the Russians also cooked geese, especially in the villages, there are a lot of birds. Therefore, the tradition was close to every home. After all, chicken was considered a daily, common dish. The duck is another matter.

It is usually baked surrounded by apples or vegetables, or it can be cooked. Fruits serve as a snack, they give the duck a spicy taste. The dish is considered healthy, tasty and fast enough to prepare, or rather, quick to prepare before baking.

What is needed:

The duck itself - 1 carcass per family;
apples (or other vegetables) - 2 pcs;
mayonnaise with ketchup;

Cooking method:

Housewives usually start with sauce while the duck is defrosting. Ketchup is mixed with mayonnaise, spices are added there (only ordinary salt, but others). Apples (or other vegetables) are cut into small crescents.

The duck is carefully stuffed with apples, and coated with marinade on top, and so that everything is absorbed, it is placed to cool in the refrigerator. It is better not to rush here, then the duck will turn out to be tender and juicy.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius and place a deep baking sheet with duck. It takes up to 50 minutes to prepare, you need to look. In order for the bird to acquire a great rosy color, and the skin crunched pleasantly, you need to pull out the baking sheet about 10 minutes before the end is cooked and quickly coat it with honey, dipping a culinary brush into the jar. Then the bird is returned to "walk" for 10 minutes.

Stuffed eggs

Many people probably remember the small plates of snacks. It was either regular cuts, vegetable or meat, or cute sandwiches that could add variety to the main course. The housewives used ordinary bread or eggs for the base, studying different recipes for a new version of the filling.

Usually, the egg yolk was necessarily present in the filling if the white part of the sandwich was the basis of the sandwich. But as you can see from the photo, except for the yolk, sandwiches can be made with anything.

The options are:

Finely chop any kind of cheese, for example, feta cheese, mix with boiled yolk;
use the remains of herring that did not fit “under the fur coat”;
red caviar (for gourmets) or black caviar, respectively;
boil rice, mix with a drop of mayonnaise and finely chopped yolk. Most of the rice will be used for a side dish or other salad, and a small part will be used here for sandwiches.

Jellied fish

Real, classic and even folk New Year's food and the best indicator of the hostess's skill. After all, the fish must be cooked so that it retains its shape and is soft, and the broth is transparent and tasty. Aspic can easily serve as the first instead of soup on the festive table just before the hot one.

Useful, you can serve either chilled as jellied meat, or hot, like a real fish broth to each guest. You can see how transparent and clean the broth turned out, in which pieces of fish with vegetables float.


Of course, such a dish is prepared in advance, because it needs time to infuse. Another way to test true culinary excellence! It turns out to be the most delicious.

Although it seemed that difficult in pieces of meat and broth? Few people are able to imagine the New Year's table of their childhood without jellied meat, which adults dabbled with such appetite. Obviously yummy!

Celebrating the New Year is a wonderful tradition, like everything that accompanies this magical holiday. And, perhaps, the most pleasant tradition on New Year's Eve is a festive feast in the circle of loved ones. At least - a week before the holiday, the hostesses prepare New Year's menus with an abundance of various, and sometimes exotic dishes. But every country has its own list of traditional dishes that make the New Year's table in one state different from the festive table in another country. The traditional ones of our Motherland, with their wonderful taste, have earned nationwide popularity, and in this article we want to remind our dear readers of the subtleties of their preparation.

Salad "Herring under a fur coat"

This salad is perhaps the first that comes to my mind when I mention the New Year and the holiday menu. "Herring under a fur coat" consists of fairly simple components, it is prepared quickly and easily, but in terms of taste it is absolutely not inferior to other salads.


  1. beets - 1 pc.,
  2. potatoes - 2-3 pcs.,
  3. carrot,
  4. salted herring - 1 pc.,
  5. egg - 1 pc.,
  6. greens,
  7. vinegar,
  8. mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

  1. Beets, potatoes and carrots must be boiled and cooled. Hard boil the egg and cool. Peel the onion, cut into rings and marinate in vinegar for 30 minutes, then rinse the onion with cold water.
  2. Peel the herring, remove the ridge and bones. Cut the resulting fillet into small pieces and place in a serving dish. Put pickled onions on the fish and cover with mayonnaise.
  3. The next layer of salad will be potatoes, which should be cut into small cubes. Cover the layer with mayonnaise as well.
  4. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, put on a layer of potatoes and also cover with mayonnaise. The final layer will be grated onto the beets. From above, the salad is again greased with mayonnaise, garnished with herbs and an egg grated on a fine grater.
  5. After cooking, the salad should be refrigerated to soak.

Oven baked duck with apples

Many identify the New Year with Merry Christmas. As you know, at Christmas bake duck with apples, so quite often you can find this particular dish on the New Year's table.


  1. duck,
  2. apples - 2 pcs.,
  3. mayonnaise,
  4. ketchup,
  5. salt,
  6. pepper,

Cooking method:

  1. First you need make sauce... Mix mayonnaise and ketchup, add salt, pepper or some spices (to taste). Cut the apples into small pieces.
  2. Stuff the duck with apples, coat with marinade and place in the refrigerator for several hours. The more it is marinated, the more tender and softer the meat will be.
  3. Now we put the duck in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees. The dish is being prepared for about 40-50 minutes.
  4. 10 minutes until fully cooked, cover the duck with a little honey using a brush. This will help make the crust of the duck brown and crispy.

Master class on cooking duck with apples

Olivier salad

Olivier, perhaps, can be called a symbol of the New Year... It can certainly be found on the festive table in any home.


  1. boiled sausage - 350 gr.,
  2. egg - 2 pcs.,
  3. potatoes - 2-3 pcs.,
  4. pickled cucumber - 1 pc.,
  5. green pea,
  6. salt,
  7. mayonnaise,
  8. greens.

Cooking method:

Boil eggs and potatoes, cool and cut into small cubes. Cut the boiled sausage and pickled cucumber into cubes. Season all ingredients with mayonnaise and mix thoroughly. Add a few tablespoons of green peas and salt, then stir the salad well again. Decorate the dish with herbs or green onions.

Video instruction on how to cook "Olivier"


These are the traditional Russian dishes that can be prepared for the New Year 2019. After reading this article, you will surely agree that the recipes described here are in fact classics. They are quite simple to prepare and do not require a lot of ingredients. It remains to wish all the best in the New Year 2019. Bon Appetit!