Pancakes with smoked chicken. How to cook various pancake toppings

23.04.2019 Restaurant notes

Pancakes are traditionally a Russian dish that is loved by both adults and children. This dish is especially in demand on Maslenitsa - on this day, every self-respecting housewife is simply obliged to cook pancakes.

The most familiar to us fillings for pancakes are cottage cheese, jam, condensed milk, honey and sour cream. But pancakes are such a versatile dish that there can be absolutely any toppings! Depending on the filling, pancakes can be served on the table as an independent (and main) dish, or as a dessert.

There are two ways to serve pancakes with pancakes. The first method is the most traditional and familiar to the Russian table - this is twisting the filling inside the pancake or folding the pancake with an envelope.

Twisting pancakes is suitable for simple fillings: jam, condensed milk, cottage cheese. For complex fillings of several ingredients, folding the pancake into an envelope will be optimal.

The second method, most likely, was borrowed from the buffet: a plate with pancakes is served separately, and various fillings are placed next to it. This method is very good at receiving guests - everyone can choose the filling to taste.

I offer some delicious pancake fillings that you should definitely try.


Stuffed with cottage cheese and dried apricots / raisins / prunes.

Pour dried apricots, raisins or prunes with boiling water and let it brew for 20 minutes. This is necessary so that dried fruits are steamed and softened. In the cottage cheese, add the egg yolk, finely chopped dried apricots (raisins / prunes) and sugar to taste.

Cottage cheese filling with sour cream

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, add a little fat sour cream, salt and sugar to taste and mix everything thoroughly. Sour cream should not be too much, otherwise the curd will soon flow.

Curd Banana Filling

Knead two bananas with a fork until mashed. Add cottage cheese and a little condensed milk.

Pancakes with curd filling go well with jam, which can be placed next to it as a sweet sauce.


Chicken Filling

Boil the chicken breast, cool and cut into small pieces. Fry onions and carrots in vegetable oil until cooked and mix with chicken. Salt, pepper to taste. If desired, along with onions and carrots can be fried champignons. Allow the filling to cool.

With liverwurst

Fry onion and carrots in vegetable oil. Add chopped liverwurst a few minutes before cooking. When frying, liverwurst sausage begins to melt and becomes like a mashed potato. Cooling, the mass hardens a little and becomes convenient for filling pancakes.

With chicken liver and eggs

Rinse the chicken liver and cut into small pieces. Roll in flour and fry in vegetable oil with onions until tender. Boil chicken eggs and cut into cubes. Skip the chicken liver through a meat grinder and mix with boiled eggs.

Smoked Chicken Filling

Finely chopped lettuce, bell pepper, cucumber, parsley and smoked chicken, add a little mayonnaise, salt and pepper.


Mushroom and Cheese Filling

Fry onion and chopped mushrooms in vegetable oil, salt, pepper and let cool slightly. On a coarse grater, grate hard cheese and mix with the fried mixture.

Hot Suluguni Cheese Filling

Grate suluguni cheese, add finely chopped parsley and dill to it. The filling is laid out on pancakes in the process of their preparation. Turn the pancake brown on one side and put the filling in the middle. While the pancake is baked, the cheese begins to melt. Add a little (at the tip of the knife) butter and wrap the pancake with an envelope right in the pan. Turn over again and bake a little. A delicious and unusual pancake is ready!

Let's say you need a good recipe for delicious pancakes, but where can I find it? For example, on the website 9 step-by-step recipes are described on the preparation of this wonderful dish.

Mistresses often think about what to cook for breakfast, lunch or dinner, as well as for the festive table, so that it would be optimal in value and very tasty. There are not many such universal dishes. One of them is a salad with pancakes and smoked chicken, only its smell causes a stormy appetite. With the help of this dish you can make the holiday table more satisfying, feed the household tightly before going to work or arrange a bachelorette party by adding more white wine to the dish.

If it seems to you that a pancake salad must have Russian roots, this time you are mistaken. This is a fragrant dish that has a special taste when served “hot in the heat”, originally from Italy. Pancakes are also a little unusual and cooked on starch, somewhat reminiscent of Italian noodles - it is called scrambled eggs. Garlic and greens are added to the salad, mixing it all with mayonnaise.

Given that Mediterranean cuisine is rich in ingredients, there are many variations of the classic recipe based on the culinary fantasies of the sauce, additives in the form of olives, lettuce, canned corn and several types of chicken meat. This dish can also be prepared in the Russian manner, wrapping the chicken stuffing in traditional thin pancakes, pouring them with sauce or sour cream. Each of these recipes deserves special attention and to visit your table.

How to make a salad with pancakes and smoked chicken - 7 varieties

The classic salad recipe is pretty simple. The main task is to cook egg pancakes, they must be sufficiently elastic. Cutting pancakes is best done by stacking the pancakes in a stack, in which case the noodles will be quite long and comfortable to mix.

As a dressing, you can use mayonnaise with various additives, experiment with aioli sauce, tartar, flavor a salad with lemon or lime.


  • 5 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l starch;
  • 300 g smoked chicken;
  • 2-5 cloves of garlic;
  • 400 g mayonnaise;
  • greenery.


Cooking pancakes does not take much time, they can be done in advance or before cooking the salad. If you cook 1-2 servings for cutting a pancake ribbon, you can roll the pancake into a tube. Starch is mixed with eggs into a homogeneous mass, pancakes are baked in pans without frying. In this case, they give the salad a sunny shade. Decorating with parsley or dill will allow you to make color diversity in the design of the dish.

You can prepare egg pancakes for salad using this video:

Salad Video Recipe:

Interesting flavor combinations guarantee you a pancake salad with smoked chicken and cucumbers. If you are not ready to immediately cook a large portion, try adding tartar sauce to the prepared salad according to the classic recipe.

The combination of pickled cucumbers gives originality; it is important to choose crispy gherkins, in which case the taste will be truly delicious. This salad can also be used as an appetizer “under vodka”, you will receive the most flattering assessment from your husband if you correctly leave the kitchen during his conversation with friends, having previously prepared such a salad.


  • 5 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l starch;
  • 300 g smoked chicken;
  • 3-4 medium pickled cucumbers;
  • 400 g mayonnaise;
  • lemon slices for decoration.


Make a pancake straw, cut into long thin slices of cucumbers and smoked brisket. Mix with mayonnaise or sour cream. The salad will be tastier a few hours after preparation. Also, to improve the taste, you can slightly warm the chicken breast and mix with hot pancakes. Lemon add flavoring, especially if serving the dish as an appetizer.

Pancake salad with smoked chicken and corn is a variation on the theme of the same salad without pancake straws. Egg pancakes will add calories and nutrition to the dish. This is a great option for light and quick breakfasts. Pancakes in a salad can be served rolled up and cut into pieces. They will complement the dish with carbohydrates and will be a good substitute for toast or bread.


  • 5 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l starch;
  • 300 g smoked chicken;
  • 100 g canned corn;
  • 1 PC. Peking cabbage;
  • 1 PC. red onion;
  • 300 g mayonnaise;
  • eggs 2 pcs.;
  • lime juice;
  • greenery.


Make pancake sticks or pancakes made from eggs and starch. Mix the remaining ingredients from the recipe, add mayonnaise, sprinkle with red onions, decorate with greens, lemon or lime on top. Capers and olives will be a good addition to this salad. Place the cut pancake rolls on top of the salad.

The sweet wine of their sherry or aperitif is perfect for this dish. This combination will make the taste varied and impressive.

One of the options is a salad with smoked breast and Korean carrots, pancake straws in this case is more like an omelet. The dish is very interesting in taste, nutritionally and well satisfies hunger. It is recommended as a daily snack or as a separate dish for a bite to eat.


  • 300 g of Korean carrots;
  • 300 g smoked chicken;
  • 1 can of green peas;
  • 2 tbsp. l soy sauce;
  • 2 tsp rice vinegar;
  • 200 g mayonnaise;
  • 3 eggs.


Make an omelet from eggs, rice vinegar and soy sauce with a pinch of sugar. The pancake is fried on both sides. Peas without liquid are mixed in a separate container, Korean carrots, scrambled eggs and smoked chicken are cut into strips, mayonnaise is added. The salad should be infused 15-30 minutes before serving.

Watch the video recipe:

This dish will be a great choice if you decide to surprise guests with something special. At the same time, it will only take you 10 minutes to prepare this recipe. The richness of taste is guaranteed to you at the expense of lemon thyme, Dijon mustard and garlic. This is a good option for dinner or a light lunch. Perfect with dry white wine from European grape varieties.

The appetizer is baked with raw cheddar, so it can be served in the form of baked pancake rolls.


For pancakes:

  • 110 g of wheat flour;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 300 ml of milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • olive oil.

For filling:

  • 40 g butter;
  • 110 g of fresh champignons;
  • 1 minced clove of garlic;
  • 1 tbsp. l lemon thyme;
  • 50 g of flour;
  • 300 ml of milk;
  • 225 g smoked chicken;
  • 1 tsp Dijon mustard;
  • salt and ground black pepper;
  • for sprinkling cheddar cheese.


Mix the components of the dough for pancakes, cook the dough in a pan. You should have 4 thin pancakes. Then the mushrooms are fried until soft, garlic, thyme and flour are added. Next, you need to pour milk and boil until the juice thickens. Ready sauce is mixed with smoked chicken, Dijon mustard with the addition of ground pepper.

To make the mass better formed, you can add boiled rice. This can be done if you want to cook a dish in the form of rolls.
  Pancakes are stacked, sprinkled with cheese and baked until browned. Your hot appetizer or warm pancake salad is ready.

Pancake salad - with eggs, pickled champignons and smoked chicken

This salad is a culinary variation of pasta with a classic combination of smoked chicken and pickled champignons, very often served in European cafes. It is very simple to prepare a dish, it will be a great addition to lunch or a separate dish for a light dinner. It will take 20 minutes to cook.


  • 5 eggs
  • 2 tbsp. l starch;
  • olive oil for frying pancakes;
  • pickled champignons 100 g;
  • blue cheese 100-200 g;
  • smoked chicken 200 g;
  • 1 tsp lemon or grape juice.


Cook egg pancakes, cut into strips. Cut smoked chicken, mix with cheese and mushrooms. In conclusion, you can sprinkle with lemon or grape juice.

Pay special attention to serving salads. Using egg pancakes allows you to fantasize and make the table truly festive. Pancake bags, in which you can put various fillings in addition to smoked chicken, are an excellent serving option. This dish is best served with hot sauces with capers and mushrooms.

Smoked chicken pancake salad can be prepared with the addition of lettuce, nuts, prunes, tomato, fresh and baked sweet peppers. Variations on the topic can be many, as a harmonious taste and an affordable nutritious dish are always obtained.

The combination of a beautiful yellowish shade of pancakes with red tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini and avocados is always advantageous. It’s worth a little imagination before setting the table.

When cooking, you can immediately make several dishes, including sweet snacks with pancakes for coffee or tea. Thus, at a minimal cost, you can always set a very good table that will pleasantly surprise friends and family. Such feasts are especially welcome in Shrovetide when pancakes are the main course.

Today we look at recipes for making toppings for chicken. With this filling, the products are incredibly saturated, and thanks to the additional components, they are also surprisingly piquant and aromatic. Each of the proposed options is worthy of attention, as it is good in its own way.

Chicken pancake stuffing with mushrooms and cream


  • fresh champignons - 525 g;
  • chicken fillet - 525 g;
  • onion - 75 g;
  • cream of medium fat content - 70 ml;
  • fresh greens of your choice - to taste;
  • coarse salt - 1 pinch;


In this case, to prepare the filling, we need to boil the chicken fillet. We rinse it, fill it with cold water, salted to taste, and boil it after full boiling for twenty five to thirty minutes. After that, let the meat cool completely in the broth, and then disassemble it into fibers or cut into medium-sized cubes.

At the next stage, we clean the onion, shred in half rings and pass in a vegetable oil, odorless, warmed up in a frying pan for four minutes. Next, wash the mushrooms, chop finely and lay to the fried onion. We stand on fire, stirring until moisture is completely evaporated and the mushroom slices are slightly browned. Now put the prepared chicken meat in a pan for mushrooms and onions, pour in the cream, throw finely chopped fresh herbs, ground mixture of five peppers, salt, mix, heat a little, but not to a boil and remove from the stove. Chicken pancake stuffing is ready. We can fill it with products and serve. Pancakes with such filling are especially impressive, decorated in the form tied with the help of feathers of green onions.

Chicken and Cheese Pancake Filling


  • hard spicy cheese - 125 g;
  • chicken breast (fillet) - 525 g;
  • onion - 115 g;
  • odorless vegetable oil - 70 ml;
  • sour cream - 65 g;
  • garlic teeth - 2 teeth;
  • coarse salt - 1 pinch;
  • freshly ground mixture of five peppers - to taste.


As in the previous recipe, boil the chicken breast fillet until ready, placing it in boiling salted water for twenty-five minutes, and then leaving it in the same broth until completely cooled. After that, we pass the meat through a meat grinder and mix it with onions pre-massaged on vegetable oil, cutting it into small cubes before that. Add sour cream to the mixture, lay the garlic cloves peeled and squeezed out through the press, a freshly ground mixture of five peppers, salt, grated hard cheese, mix and fill the pancakes with the mixture. It turns out very tasty if you fry products after decoration in butter until golden brown.

How to cook smoked chicken pancake stuffing - recipe



Smoked chicken based pancake filling is very piquant. To prepare it, peel and chop the onion, fry it in vegetable oil until a pleasant golden color, and then add the finely chopped smoked chicken meat, season it with salt and, if desired, ground with a mixture of five peppers and mix. Grind hard cheese on a grater, add to the toasted mass and mix. You can refresh the taste of the filling by adding fresh chopped greens to it.

Pancakes are a dish of Russian origin. The word "pancake" comes from the word "mlyn" (grind). According to one legend, pancakes occurred after a jelly of oatmeal was forgotten in the oven, which became rosy and roasted. It turned out that it was very tasty and people began to cook pancakes, improving the recipe.

Pancakes are easy to cook, but to make them tastier, they wrap the fillings. One of the popular fillings is chicken meat. You can cook pancakes with chicken in various ways, adding other ingredients to the meat. Simple and delicious recipes for pancakes with chicken are described in detail below.

Pancakes with chicken and cheese are not only tasty, but also hearty. Prepare quickly and easily. Delicate and thin pancakes are combined with juicy cheese and chicken meat fillings.


  • egg;
  • milk - a glass;
  • 0.5 cups flour;
  • two tablespoons oil rust .;
  • 200 g of chicken meat;
  • half of the onion;
  • 100 g of cheese;
  • fresh greens;
  • salt.


  1. Beat cold milk, eggs and a pinch of salt until frothy.
  2. Pour flour in one spoon, stirring the dough with a whisk.
  3. Pour in oil and mix.
  4. Fry the pancakes, grease them with butter to make them soft.
  5. Now you can cook the filling. Dice the chicken, pass the cheese through a fine grater, cut the onion in half rings.
  6. Sauté chicken and onion in oil, add salt and spices. First, fry the meat for a couple of minutes, then add the onions and simmer for several minutes.
  7. Spread the filling on the pancake, sprinkle with cheese and chopped herbs.
  8. Roll pancakes in a tube or bag, and wrap with a feather onion.

Before serving, heat pancakes in the microwave to melt the cheese.

Egg pancakes with mushrooms and chicken

You can cook pancakes not only from dough, but also from eggs stuffed with chicken meat, for example. Cooking egg pancakes with chicken does not take much time. For a variety of flavors, you can add mushrooms to the chicken. Pancakes with chicken and mushrooms are suitable for breakfast.

Essential Ingredients:

  • 4 eggs;
  • spoon of art. flour;
  • a glass of milk;
  • in half tsp salt and sugar;
  • 300 g chicken;
  • 150 g of cheese;
  • 200 g of champignons;
  • bulb;
  • 100 g sour cream;
  • spice.

Cooking in stages:

  1. Whisk salt, flour, sugar and eggs, pour milk, whisk.
  2. Fry the egg pancakes.
  3. Finely chop the onion, chop the greens, and grate the cheese.
  4. Fry the onion, add the mushrooms, fry until golden brown.
  5. Finely chop the chicken into a cube and mix with frying, add the herbs and half the cheese, ground pepper and salt. Stuff the filling.
  6. Put the filling on the edge of the pancake and turn it into a tube, wrapping the side edges so that the filling is completely inside.
  7. Place the pancakes in a greased dish.
  8. Top the pancakes with sour cream and sprinkle with cheese. Bake half an hour in the oven for 180 gr.

Thanks to the yolks, the pancakes with chicken and champignons turn out to be delicious golden. Sour cream in the recipe for pancakes with chicken and mushrooms can be replaced with mayonnaise.

Smoked chicken pancakes are not only delicious, but also very fragrant.


  • 3 smoked chicken legs;
  • bulb;
  • flour - two glasses;
  • 200 g of cheese;
  • 3 eggs;
  • salt, sugar;
  • milk - three glasses.

Stages of cooking:

  1. Prepare the filling first. Clean the hams from the skin, cut the meat into thin slices.
  2. Dice the onion, grate the cheese. Stir in the chicken.
  3. Whisk sugar, eggs and salt in a bowl. Pour the flour into the milk and mix so that there are no lumps. Add to egg mass and mix.
  4. Cook pancakes, frying on one side.
  5. On each pancake, lay out a portion of the filling, roll up with a roll.

Pancakes can be poured with mayonnaise, sprinkled with cheese and heated before serving to melt the cheese.

Pancakes are our family traditional dish. Recipes passed from generation to generation. My grandmother taught me how to make pancakes. Thin, delicate, weightless ... But! In a pan ... Of the entire process of preparation and use, this particular stage was the most painful for me. Years passed ... Now I have my ingenious assistant - a crepe maker. And I can bake pancakes for the whole family without any problems. Of course, not so thin and delicate, but rather large and plump (but not fat - the crepe maker fries without oil). But they can be stuffed and very tasty and satisfying dishes are obtained.
First of all, I want to talk about the recipe, beloved by all members of our family: "Pancakes stuffed with smoked chicken and fresh cucumbers with spicy sauce."
The first thing I do is prepare the filling. It includes smoked chicken legs and fresh cucumbers.

I clean the legs and cut them into fibers (pieces) with my hands.
I cut cucumbers in half circles and immediately add a little salt.

I mix all the ingredients.

"Inside" for future pancakes is ready. Proceed directly to the pancakes. Knead the dough.
He needs: milk, water, eggs, flour, sugar, salt.

I pour milk + water into the pan. I take 1 liter of milk + 1 liter of water from the filter. I add eggs there. Sugar and salt "by eye". It depends on what kind of dough is needed - sweeter or more salty.

Beat with a mixer. Gradually adding flour. As a result, for the crepe maker, the consistency I get is pretty thick.

When the dough is ready, proceed to baking.

Pancakes are fried instantly. I put a little butter on each pancake for extra richness.

When all the pancakes are ready, I let them stand for about 10 minutes and start stuffing.

For each pancake I put a little chicken, cucumbers and pour sauce on top.

I wrap it up.

Here is such a portion for a beloved husband.

Personally, 1-2 pancakes are enough for me to forget about what I want to eat for long hours. Pancakes are very, very satisfying. And of course juicy, with an interesting taste, thanks to a combination of seemingly simple products.
Well, and of course, those who are not stuffed with pleasure eat with condensed milk, jam or sour cream.

Time for preparing: PT02H00M 2 h.

Estimated Serving Cost: 50 rub