Emma's salads salad recipes from grandma emma youtube

Recipe - the story of Olivier salad

Salads from Jamie Oliver. Quick salad recipes from Jamie Oliver.

What kind of salad can be put in tartlets? Salad recipes for tartlets

Recipe - fresh salad with duck, baked champignons and tangerine dressing "New Year traditions"

Salad (salad mix - arugula, corn and chard) - 50 grams
Green peas (sprouts) - 20 grams
Duck breast (baked) -
Mushrooms (fresh champignons) - 200 grams
Tomato (cherry) - 100 grams
Mandarin (salad and dressing) - two pieces
Olive oil (marinade and dressing) - three tablespoons
Honey (liquid in marinade and dressing) - 1.5 teaspoons
Vinegar (balsamic dark - marinade and dressing) - two teaspoons
Rosemary (marinade, a little)
Thyme (marinade, a little)
Salt (to taste)
Bell pepper (different colors, for decoration)

How to cook patissons. Recipes for cooking dishes from patissons.

Delicious salad with tongue. Recipe for puff salad with tongue.

Recipe - Twix Salad "Loving Hearts"

Carrots (raw) - one piece
Chicken fillet - one piece
Champignons - 200 grams
Onion (large) - one piece
Garlic - 1 dollar.
Hard cheese - 150 grams
Beijing cabbage (leaves) - four pieces
Chicken liver - 300 grams
Gherkins (Marinated) - six pieces
Prunes - 1 handful.
Mayonnaise - 250 grams
Walnuts (chopped (for decoration)) - three tablespoons
Olives (for decoration) - 12 pieces
Bulgarian pepper (red, for decoration) - one piece
Pomegranate (seeds, for decoration)
Egg (boiled, for decoration) - 2 pcs

Recipe - Fruit Heart Salad

Chinese cabbage salad recipes. Several options for preparing light and very tasty salads using Chinese cabbage.

Chinese cabbage salad recipes.

Recipe - Chinese zucchini

Recipe - beetroot salad "Improvisation"

Cheese apetina. Recipes for salads and appetizers with feta.

1 pack of Apetina cheese cubes in brine
2 cucumbers (medium size)
6-7 cherry tomatoes

Salads from Grandma Emma

Watch video recipes for making simple and delicious salads step by step online on the channel “Grandma Emma's Video Cooking | All recipes»

Salad can be either a side dish for fish or meat, or an independent dish. The taste and look of your creation greatly depends on how you prepare the ingredients. The most important thing in cooking is to preserve vitamins, for which you must follow the following rules: you need to cook only in enameled or glassware; all vegetables should be cut; raw vegetables are prepared immediately before serving; it is better to cook beets and carrots in the skin to preserve vitamin C; peel and cut vegetables before cooking; products for salads should be cooled; frozen vegetables are cooked without defrosting.

In addition to mayonnaise and sour cream, vegetable oil is used for dressing. Mustard, a variety of sauces and seasonings give salads new flavors. It is important to know that the fat they contain envelops vegetables with a thin film and ensures the safety of vitamins. The main thing is that all products are fresh and cleanly washed.

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