What to cook in the year of the fiery rooster. Motley Rooster appetizer

09.08.2019 Seafood dishes

One of the main questions of the New Year's Eve of the Rooster is about what to cook for the New Year's table and what the New Year's dish'2017 can be.

The Fire Rooster is the main symbol of 2017. According to the assurances of astrologers, he brings us stability and prosperity. At the same time, a very energetic and wayward Rooster can be unpredictable. And the compilers of the New Year's menus will be the first to understand this, because chicken dishes, liver pate and aspic with breast will have to be excluded. And not everyone dares to cook a duck with a goose for the New Year's table in the year of the Rooster. Meat, seafood, vegetables and fruits come to the fore.

New Year's salads "2017

Salads - the very first New Year's dishes '2017, the beginning of the feast. They should accumulate the main New Year's "cock" signs - tasty, varied and bright, not difficult, "with a twinkle" and not very satisfying, because the main thing is ahead. In the Year of the Rooster, traditional Olivier, mimosa and fur coat can be prepared for the New Year's table, but it is worth hitting this curious bird with something unusual.

New Year's dish'2017 "Meat salad in pineapple" will immediately create a festive mood and will be suitable for seeing off the old year. From half a large pineapple, carefully, without damaging the walls of the fruit, remove the pulp, chop and mix with half a can of corn, chopped red onion and 200 g of baked meat cut into small cubes. Season with mayonnaise, put in a slide in the empty pineapple half, sprinkle with spicy cheese on top.

Can be cooked "Colorful salad with beef" ... This dish will decorate the New Year's table in the Year of the Rooster. Cut 300 g of meat into strips, season with salt and pepper and quickly fry over high heat until tender. Then cut the yellow and green peppers into strips, cut the cucumber into slices, leave a few cherry tomatoes whole or cut in half. Chop the onion, fry, add 2-3 finely chopped boiled potatoes to it, mix, fry for 1 min. In a salad bowl, mix all the ingredients, salt, pepper and season with mayonnaise. At a youth party, you can serve the salad warm without cooling the potatoes and meat, but replace the mayonnaise with olive oil.

"Salad of meat with mushrooms and mustard sauce" - a spicy New Year's dish'2017, an appetizer for strong alcohol. To do this, drain a jar of canned champignons, fry with an onion until tender. Dice 300 g of baked pork, 4-5 pickles and whites of 2 hard-boiled eggs, mix with mushrooms. Add bell peppers or tomatoes if desired. 1.5 tsp grind mustard with yolks, pour 1 tbsp. l. wine vinegar, sprinkle with spices: salt and pepper, be sure to a little sugar. Pour into the mixture, stirring, trickle 2-3 tbsp. l. salad oil, beat and season the salad. Decorate with parsley and cilantro leaves.

Not difficult to prepare "Shrimp and avocado salad" ... Just fry separately in vegetable oil for 150-200 g of large peeled shrimps and pre-boiled porcini mushrooms or raw small mushrooms. Refrigerate. Pick up 100–150 g of green salad in a deep salad bowl, put sliced ​​avocado, sprinkled with lemon juice, add shrimp and mushrooms, gently mix with 2 spoons, season with salt and pepper. For dressing, beat 2-3 tablespoons of salad oil with chopped garlic clove and medium lemon juice. The dish is ready! It can be safely served in the year of the Rooster on the New Year's table.

Gourmet New Year's dish'2017 "Salad with red fish" will decorate any New Year's table with an unusual taste. It is done as follows. Beat 4-5 eggs with a fork together with 1 tbsp. l. fresh dill and 3 tbsp. l. cream. Fry a few thin omelettes, chill, cut into strips. 200 g of lightly salted red fish and a couple of fresh cucumbers cut into cubes, mix with chopped omelets. Beat salad olive oil with lemon juice, season salad. Cover a flat plate with the leaves of various salads, lay the salad on them in a slide, decorate with red caviar and olives.

To give the body a break in an abundant feast on the New Year's table in the Year of the Rooster, you can cook "Grapefruit salad" ... Pick or chop coarsely 200 g of head lettuce. Pour into a salad bowl, add a little salt and sprinkle with lemon juice. Peel 2 grapefruits and 2 oranges from skin, films and seeds. Cut the slices into small pieces with a sharp knife. Grind 150 g of walnuts in a mortar, mix with citrus fruits. Season the mixture with olive oil and transfer to a salad bowl. Decorate with whole nut halves.

Hot New Year's dishes "2017

The traditional culmination of the New Year's banquet is a hot dish. Focusing on the character of the Fire Rooster, we are preparing the main New Year's dish'2017. It shouldn't be very complicated, but it should be tasty and effective, with red and orange elements in the recipe. We recommend preparing a meat dish on the New Year's table in the Year of the Rooster according to one of the recipes below.

Pork with dried apricots - a simple New Year's dish'2017 with an unusual taste, filled with magic and positive. 1 tbsp. l. soy sauce, honey, vegetable oil and 3 tbsp. l. pour dry wine into a bowl, mix. Cut 800-900 g of lean pork into strips, beat gently, dip in the marinade for half an hour. Steam 250 g of large dried apricots and divide the berries into halves. Chop 3 onions finely, 3 carrots into strips. In a mold, fold in layers half the onion, pork with marinade, dried apricots, the remaining onions and carrots. Salt and pepper the carrots on top, sprinkle well with oil. Cover the form with foil, cook in the oven for 1–1.2 hours, remove the foil 7–10 minutes before turning off the heat.

Young beef in pineapple sauce ... Cut 500 g of meat into small chunks, beat off lightly in a bag, season with salt, pepper, sprinkle with 1 tsp. dry thyme, fry until golden brown. Drain the juice from a can of pineapple, pour 2 tbsp. l. Mix the rest of the juice with 100 ml of sweet mustard, 60–70 ml of honey and 2 finely chopped cloves of garlic, pour into a pan with beef, cover, cook for 30–40 minutes over low heat. 1 tbsp. l. dilute starch with 2 tablespoons of juice. Remove the meat from the pan, pour the starch into it, stir, cook the sauce for 2 minutes. Put the meat in a dish on the pineapple rings, pour over the sauce and sprinkle with herbs.

What to cook for the New Year's table in the year of the Rooster from fish? Red fish with hot sauces is almost a win-win option. It not only matches the color, but also harmonizes with the energy and activity of this bird.

Salmon with sauce. 1st option. Fry 800-850 g of salmon fillets in a hot pan for 10 seconds on each side and put in the oven for 8-10 minutes until cooked. Pour a couple of tablespoons of olive oil into a saucepan, ¾ cup of orange juice, you can store it, ½ cup of apple cider vinegar, add 2 tbsp. l. a mixture of finely chopped parsley, basil and mint, 1.5 tbsp. l. orange peel and 3-4 chopped garlic cloves, season with ground and allspice and sea salt, mix and heat. For a thick sauce, thicken it with starch. Put the fish on a dish on arugula leaves, pour over the sauce.

Salmon with sauce. 2nd option. Quickly fry and bake fish fillets or steaks in the oven. For the sauce, melt 50–70 g of butter in a ladle, put the chopped onion and 1 tsp each. fresh parsley and dill, after 5-7 minutes pour 50 ml of water and white wine, boil. Reduce heat and add 70 ml of cream, pepper and salt, cook until thickened. Beat or rub the hot sauce so that there are no lumps. Arrange the fish on a platter, pour over the sauce, garnish with lemon and red caviar.

The hot New Year's dish'2017 in the Year of the Rooster should be supplemented with corn, peas and a handful of beans. But the priority side dish is potatoes, cooked according to a special recipe. It will also warm the soul of vegetarians and people adhering to Orthodox traditions.

Potatoes with lemon. Peel 700-800 g of small potatoes and cut in half, pour into a deep greased baking sheet. Mix 30-40 ml of lemon juice with 2 cloves of garlic, a pinch of sugar, salt, 80-100 g butter (ghee or vegetable) and pour over the potatoes. Cover with foil, cook in the oven for 20-25 minutes. Remove the foil and sprinkle the potatoes with grated cheese or a mixture of chopped dill and large bread crumbs, bake in the oven until crisp.

Potatoes with olives. Cut 1 kg of potatoes into plump wedges. In a saucepan, darken the chopped onion and a couple of tablespoons of dill, add 2 tbsp. l. flour, mix, sauté for a few minutes. Add 3-4 peeled tomatoes, season with pepper, stir. Put potatoes in a saucepan, add water if necessary, simmer until softening. Drain a jar of olives, rinse the olives with water, chop, pour into the potatoes, simmer until the potatoes are tender. At the end, taste and salt to taste.

Desserts for the New Year's table in the Year of the Rooster

Dessert is the final chord, its task is to consolidate and prolong the New Year's mood. The best sweet New Year's dish'2017 is homemade cakes, which should surprise, and perhaps amaze with unexpected taste and performance. It is also worth preparing a fruit dish, traditional jelly or mousse for the New Year's table in the Year of the Rooster.

Spicy chocolate muffin ... In a deep bowl, pour 2 cups of flour, a bag of baking powder, ½ cup of cocoa powder, ¾ tsp. salt, 1.5 tsp. hot chili and 1.5 cups of sugar, add vanilla sugar if desired. Pour 1.5 cups of water, 1.5 tsp. vinegar and ¾ cup cooking oil. Stir with a mixer and transfer to a dish covered with baking paper and oiled. Furnace for 20-25 min, 180 ° C.

Peach mousse ... Peel 3-4 fresh peaches or take 8 halves from the jar and pat dry. Mix peaches with 2 tbsp. l. honey and a handful of ground almonds, beat with a blender. Soak 6 g of gelatin in 2 tbsp. l. water and dissolve at low heat, avoiding boiling. Mix gelatin with peach mass, refrigerate for an hour. Beat the cooled mass, pour a glass of heavy cream into it and beat again. Pour the mousse into bowls or low glasses, chill and garnish with peach slices or berries.

When laying the New Year's table'2017 for the Rooster - a domestic, family and caring bird, but strong-willed and persistent in achieving its goals - you need to put a saucer with peas and corn. And also vases with blanks, especially with berries and small vegetables. The Fiery Rooster will appreciate this and will help in the fulfillment of cherished desires throughout the year.

What to cook for meeting the Year of the Rooster, what should be on the New Year's table

1. Flour products, rice, cereals, corn grains
The perky and proud Rooster will most of all like dishes and desserts containing wheat flour, rice, cereals, corn grains. Therefore, feel free to cook dumplings with meat filling (any meat will do, except for poultry, especially chicken), cook canapes on skewers with different types of bread, cheese, sausage, red fish, shrimps. Order or cook your own pizza. The symbol of the year can't help but like the idea: sprinkle homemade croutons on top of the salads.

2. Fish dishes
Fish recipes are not prohibited either. A dish with jellied fish, colored with all the colors of the rainbow, will look beautiful. The New Year's table in the year of the Red Fire Rooster should be especially colorful and bright!

3. New Year's drinks in the Year of the Rooster
The above applies equally to New Year's drinks! Delicious liquids of cheerful colors can enhance the festive mood and at the same time flatter the colorful Rooster. In addition to champagne, this never aging trend of the New Year's feast, put on the table in beautiful glasses various juices, crocheons, fruit drinks, cocktails, and in a vase serve colorful ice cubes that can be prepared without the help of special food colors, just fill in ahead of time and freeze the molds with various juices of bright colors.

4. Mushrooms, red caviar, fruits, vegetables
Add mushrooms, red caviar, fruits, vegetables to the New Year's diet to meet the Year of the Rooster. Don't forget that the current Rooster is flaming, fiery red, therefore, on the festive table on New Year's Eve, it is desirable to have as many red, red, orange products as possible. These can be red peppers with filling, stuffed tomatoes, as well as flowers and figurines of carrots and beets, abundantly decorating various plates with salads and hot dishes. Scarlet and deep yellow berries, red apples, lilac grapes and orange citrus will be an excellent choice for decorating the table to celebrate the year of the fiery Rooster.

5. Decor with the symbol of the year
The Lord of the Ode will certainly appreciate any creative in the decor containing his image: it can be a tablecloth embroidered with roosters, various figurines of dough and vegetables decorating a festive feast, dishes and other decoration of the New Year's table with the symbols of the year according to the Eastern calendar.

6. What the owner of the year might not like Try not to offend the vociferous ruler of the year by openly using chicken and other eggs in the New Year's menu, not to mention chicken meat. Salads will have to be prepared according to recipes that do not contain boiled proteins and yolks, as well as any poultry meat. The "hidden" use of eggs is quite acceptable, this applies to New Year's baked goods: pizza, cakes, loaves, New Year's cookies and pies. It is also undesirable to put figures of cockerels and chickens using boiled eggs on the New Year's table.

It is better to add as many baked goods and sandwiches with different types of bread as possible - this is how you will most easily achieve the favor of a cocky Rooster, greeting the new year in accordance with his tastes.


23.12.2016 20.01.2018 by Scull

The New Year's table should be full of a variety of delicious dishes. A correctly composed menu for the New Year 2017 is the key to a successful holiday. New Year for Russians is the most beloved and long-awaited holiday. This holiday for many is a kind of hope for a happy life in the future.

We are trying to find out better what to expect from next year. We read horoscopes, trying to find out how the Symbol of the next Year can affect our lives. And of course, first of all, we are preparing for the New Year, considering what the Master of the Year loves! Based on this, we will help you compose the "correct" menu for the New Year 2017 in order to appease and bribe the Fiery Rooster, and will tell you what you can and cannot cook for the New Year's table, so as not to anger the sacred creature with a quick-tempered character.

When drawing up a menu for the Year of the Fire Rooster, the following features should be taken into account:

1) The rooster is against the use of chicken meat on the festive table. Yes, this is understandable, we will not argue. In addition, we cooked a lot of chicken throughout the year. Let's give her a break.

2) It is not advisable to put stuffed eggs on the table or cook snacks from whole eggs, this is also not welcome. But it is not forbidden to use eggs in dishes.

3) The image of the Host of the Year in the design of dishes will be very useful.

4) The bright, colorful design of dishes will delight Petushka. The colors that the Symbol of the Year loves are red, yellow, green, and all their shades. Therefore, decorate dishes as brightly as possible. Beets, tomatoes, bell peppers, pomegranate grains, cranberries, red caviar, corn, greens and lettuce are all welcome when decorating dishes.

5) Use the products that our Rooster loves. And this is seafood, fish, meat, fresh vegetables, fruits, grain, nuts.

6) Dishes should be beautiful and sophisticated, but relatively simple. The rooster does not like pretentiousness. In addition, he does not like too fatty foods.

Here are the basic wishes for the menu. If you manage to comply with them, then it will be just great! The Fire Rooster will not disregard this. He will understand that we show this respect and respect to him.

Well, that's good for us too. We also want our New Year's festive table to be beautifully, brightly and deliciously set. Therefore, in this, our desires coincide with him!

Let me offer you options for dishes, from which you can compose a New Year's menu for your table without much hassle and long searches.

The menu, as it should be, includes appetizers and salads. We also pay great attention to desserts and drinks. After all, we are preparing for a real big holiday. Therefore, you need to think about everything!

Profiteroles with cream cheese and salmon

We need:

  • creamy curd cheese - 300 gr
  • cream 35% -50ml
  • lightly salted salmon - 300 gr
  • red caviar - for decoration
  • dill - bunch
  • salt, pepper - to taste


1. Profiteroles can be baked in advance, or you can buy ready-made ones.

2. Creamy curd cheese can be used with Hohland or Almette brands. Beat cheese with cottage cheese. Add chopped dill, leave a little for garnish, salt and pepper to taste. Beat until smooth.

3. Cut off the tops of the profiteroles. Using a pastry bag, fill them with the resulting mixture.

4. Thinly chop the salmon (you can also use the salmon), and roll up in the form of a rose.

5. Decorate the profiteroles with red fish, red caviar and herbs.

It turns out a beautiful, tasty and quick snack that will certainly please your guests.

The same appetizer can be prepared using tartlets. And instead of red fish, you can decorate them with boiled shrimps.

Seashells with red and black caviar

We need:

  • black caviar - 0.5 cans
  • red caviar - 0.5 cans
  • large shells - 100-150 gr
  • cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs - for decoration

As it turned out, Cockerel is a big lover of caviar. And therefore it is desirable to have it on the festive table. But instead of the usual spreading it on a piece of loaf, you can improvise a little and serve the caviar like this.

Since everything is clear here and without words, we will not describe the whole process. Well, everyone understands that the shells must first be boiled and then cooled.

Cottage cheese and cheese paste "Snowman"

What about the New Year without winter characters. Therefore, we are preparing a delicious snack "Snowman". such a snack will not leave indifferent either adults or children!

We need:

  • cottage cheese - 150 gr
  • processed cheese - 1 piece
  • boiled eggs - 3 pcs.
  • butter - 50 gr (2.5 tablespoons)
  • mayonnaise - 2 tsp
  • walnuts - 1 tbsp spoon
  • French fries, black bread, dry biscuits and bell peppers - for decoration
  • garlic - 1 pc
  • dill - for decoration
  • salt to taste


1. Boil and cool the eggs. Separate the whites from the yolks.

2. Grate the yolks and one third of the processed cheese chilled in the freezer on a fine grater. Chop the nuts with a mixer. Add mayonnaise and stir.

3. Wet hands in water and form into balls from the yolk mass.

4. Grind the cottage cheese and the remaining cheese through a sieve, add chopped garlic, butter. Season with salt and stir.

5. Stick the yolks with the curd mass and form a snowman.

6. Rub the proteins on a fine grater. They can additionally stick around a snowman, or you can put them on a plate, making improvised snow out of it.

7. Cut the caps out of black bread. From vegetables - eyes and mouth. Fry French fries and make handles. Decorate. Put on the cookie circle.

You can also decorate a snowman with boiled carrots. A bucket hat can be cut out of it, as well as a nose. You can make twig handles from dill.

How to beautifully arrange meat, fish and vegetable plates

The next topic is the design of meat, fish and vegetable plates. Of course, every housewife has experience in decorating such plates. But you can peep some ideas from others.

For example, here's how you can arrange a fish plate.

How do you like the meat plates ?!

The vegetable plate is a special topic. Vegetables are especially welcomed by the Host of the Year. Therefore, it is imperative to prepare such a plate for him.

Salads for the New Year 2017 - the best New Year's salad recipes

No festive table is complete without such an important dish as salad! And even more so a festive table like New Year's! And if sometimes it is quite easy to decide on the choice of the main dish, then there is always a special attitude and attention to the preparation of the salad. You always want to cook it in such a way that it meets a number of requirements.

It is desirable that it be new. But since you don't always want to experiment with new salads for such a big holiday, you need to find a new look for the old one, already tested.

  • It should be relatively simple.
  • It should look bright and colorful.
  • It is necessary that it must be tasty.
  • It must correspond to the Symbol of the coming Year!

Olivier salad - recipe for the New Year

It's hard to imagine a New Year's holiday without the traditional Olivier salad. Every year we want to find a replacement for him, but surely someone from the family will certainly ask: "Will there be Olivier?" And no matter how much you want to replace it with something else, it doesn't work. And all because it is impossible to replace it with anything!

This salad is as simple as it is delicious. Everything is balanced in it, nothing can be subtracted or added.

Everyone knows the classic set of ingredients, these are:

  • boiled meat - 300 gr
  • egg - 4 pieces
  • potatoes - 3 pieces
  • carrots - 1 pc
  • cucumber (fresh or canned) -2-3 pcs (depending on size)
  • green onions - bunch
  • green peas (canned) - 0.5 cans
  • mayonnaise to taste
  • salt, pepper - to taste


1. Boil carrots, potatoes and eggs, cool, peel and cut into small cubes. Try not to overcook vegetables so that when cutting the cubes have a shape and do not fall apart.

2. Boil the meat in salted water, cool and cut also into small cubes.

3. Cucumbers for salad can be used both fresh and canned. We also cut cucumbers into cubes.

We try to cut all the ingredients for the salad to about the same size and shape. This will make it look more attractive.

4. Put all the chopped ingredients in a large bowl. You don't need to stir anything.

5. Add chopped green onions to the salad.

6. Add green peas, from which we carefully drain all the water.

7. Add salt and pepper to taste, mix.

8. Before serving, add mayonnaise and mix gently, trying to keep the "cubes" intact.

If you make mayonnaise with your own hands, then the taste of the salad will turn out to be simply impeccable!

9. Nicely put in a salad bowl, or on a flat plate. There are many ways to decorate New Year's Olivier. Exactly as far as the flight of our imagination extends.

I like the option when the salad is laid out in the form of a Christmas wreath, so we will decorate the salad « » (it will be discussed below). It is quite easy to arrange it this way.

Place a glass in the center of the dish. Put the salad mixed with mayonnaise around the glass. Press down lightly with a spoon and shape. Remove the glass and decorate the salad as you like. You can put a thick layer of dill on top of it, on which you can put melted cheese carved in the shape of stars. Garnish with pomegranate seeds, canned corn and grated hard cheese.

Or cut bells from cheese, ribbons from pickled cucumber. Form the salad in the form of a cake, and decorate it the way you want.

And here is a beautifully decorated salad, which reminds us that summer will certainly come after a long winter. And ladybugs running out onto the meadow will delight everyone with their bright appearance.

This is about the design of the salad. But the content can also change! We do not use chicken this year, but adding some smoked meats will not be superfluous. Along with boiled meat, you can use smoked sausage and brisket. And if you want, you can use boiled tongue instead of meat.

There are Olivier recipes where shrimp, squid, or salmon or trout fillets are used instead of meat. The Fire Rooster will only be happy with such changes. And the salad will turn out with an original taste. And no one will even understand that you cooked it on the basis of Olivier.

Salad "Herring under a fur coat" - with a new fur coat in the New Year

The next salad is as popular for preparing it for the festive New Year's table as the first one! If you try to compare them, which one is more popular, it will not work! Neither one nor the other will concede the palm.

The classic version of the salad provides for such a composition of products.

  • herring - 2 pieces
  • potatoes - 5 pcs. (medium)
  • carrots - 2 pcs. (large)
  • beets - 2 pcs. (large)
  • egg - 4 pcs.
  • mayonnaise - 250 ml. (about)
  • salt to taste


Preparing "Herring under a fur coat" is also quite simple.

1. Grate vegetables and eggs on a coarse grater.

2. Peel the herring from bones and skin, and cut into cubes.

3. Lay out in layers - beets, carrots, eggs, potatoes - herring - potatoes, eggs, carrots, beets.

4. Salt each layer to taste and sandwich with mayonnaise.

We decorate as fantasy tells.

"Herring under a fur coat" in gelatin

We need:

  • herring - 1 piece
  • salmon - 150 gr
  • egg - 5 pieces
  • beets -2 pcs
  • carrots - 2 pieces
  • gelatin - 20 gr
  • water -0.5 cups
  • sour cream - 1 glass


1. Dissolve gelatin in water. Let stand to swell the gelatin, about 30 minutes.

2. Boil beets, carrots and eggs. Cool down. And rub on a coarse grater.

3. Peel the herring from bones and skin. Cut into small cubes. Cut lightly salted salmon a little larger so that the pieces are more palpable. You can, of course, take two herrings instead of salmon. But we have a New Year, so we are not stingy and we are preparing a truly festive salad.

4. Put the gelatin in a water bath and heat it well. You should get a homogeneous mixture without lumps. In no case bring the mixture to a boil, you just need to warm it up.

5. Mix gelatin with sour cream. They say that you can use mayonnaise instead of sour cream. But to be honest, I haven't tried it. The sour cream recipe also turns out to be tasty, and not so high in calories.

And the Rooster of the Year is just not a fan of fatty foods, so sour cream will be just right.

6. Let's prepare a suitable form, it is better to take a silicone one. It will be easy to get a chilled salad from it. If you do not have such a form, then cover the salad bowl with cling film. We begin to shape our salad. Put a layer of salmon on the bottom, then herring. Layering with sour cream and gelatin.

7. Then the next layers - eggs, carrots and beets. Salt each layer and layer it well with a mixture of sour cream and gelatin.

8. Cover the top layer with cling film and send it to the refrigerator until it cools completely.

9. Cover the prepared salad with a large flat plate and turn over. If there was a film at the bottom, remove it and serve "Herring under a fur coat" in all its glory.

10. Decorate with dill sprigs, pomegranate and corn.

Isn't it true that such a salad will be a real decoration of the festive table.

"Herring under a fur coat" in a roll

This is a very festive and beautiful dish that will not leave anyone indifferent.

We need:

  • herring - 1-2 pieces
  • boiled beets - 3-4 pieces
  • boiled carrots - 3-4 pieces
  • boiled potatoes - 3-4 pieces
  • boiled eggs - 4 pcs
  • onion - 1 pc (optional)
  • mayonnaise -100-120 gr
  • salt to taste


1. Peel the herring of bones and skin, cut into small cubes.

2. Grate chilled vegetables and eggs on a fine grater, all in a separate bowl.

3. Add onions at will, someone loves it in this salad, but for someone it is superfluous. If you use it, then cut it into cubes as small as possible.

4. Place the correct size cling film on the table.

5. Lightly squeeze the beets and drain off the excess juice. Lay it out in the first layer. Cover with another piece of cling film and press down with your palms. Salt a little.

6. Put the carrots in the next layer. Step back two centimeters from the edge with the beets, and lay out in a separate square. Salt this layer again and coat it with mayonnaise. Do not grab the edges with beets.

7. Next comes a layer of potatoes. It should also be smaller than the carrot layer. Each time the square decreases. Seal this layer through a film, salt and coat with mayonnaise.

8. The next layer is egg, it should also be less than potato. Press it lightly again, then salt and coat with mayonnaise.

9. In the very center, place a wide and tall strip of chopped herring. In terms of volume, it should take up about 1/3 of the size of all laid out layers.

10. Roll everything into a roll with plastic foil.

11. Refrigerate overnight.

12. Remove the foil, put the roll on a large dish, decorate. as your fantasy tells you!

This salad is very beautiful and tasty. And we are always loved by our guests!

Grenadier salad

This salad looks very similar to the "Herring under a fur coat". And guests are often deceived about him. It seems like they put a familiar salad on their plate, but it tasted completely different. But in the end, Grenadier does not disappoint any of them. The salad turns out to be delicious, and it is also worthy to show off on the festive table!

In addition, its color is fully consistent with the requirements that the Fire Rooster dictates to us for the next year.

This salad is as simple as the previous ones. Unfortunately, he doesn't prepare so often, but in vain. The salad is worthy. It's just that not everyone knows about this. And when they get to know him better, they are already preparing him for the holidays more and more often.

We need:

  • meat-boiled beef 150 gr.
  • potatoes 250 gr.
  • carrots - 150 gr.
  • pitted prunes - 100 gr.
  • walnuts - 100 gr.
  • raisins - 50 gr.
  • mayonnaise - 150 gr.
  • greens for decoration
  • salt to taste


Boil the meat, salt the broth for half an hour until tender. Cool down. Cut into strips.
Boil vegetables.
Vegetables can be grated on a coarse grater, or cut into small cubes (optional)
Arrange in layers either in a transparent salad bowl or on a large platter lined with green lettuce.
Lay out the layers in the following sequence. Put potatoes down, then carrots, then meat. Lightly salt the potato layer and brush with mayonnaise.
You can lubricate each layer with mayonnaise, or through a layer. Whoever loves.
Cut the prunes into strips, leaving a few pieces intact, for decoration. We spread it on the meat.
Chop the nuts, also leave a few pieces for decoration. Sprinkle on top of the prunes. Then sprinkle some raisins, leave some for decoration.
Put the beets on top. Salt a little.
As mentioned above, you can coat as many layers as you like with mayonnaise. You can apply a beautiful mesh to the top layer and decorate with the remaining prunes or nuts.
Also, the top of the salad can be greased with mayonnaise, sprinkling the top and sides with raisins and chopped nuts.
Remove the salad for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator so that it is better saturated and infused.
Place on plates in layers.

This salad will definitely not let you down. Moreover, in its composition. everything that our Symbol of the Year loves so much - the Cockerel!

Mimosa salad with saury - a classic of the genre

The “Mimosa” salad, which appeared in the distant 70s, still breaks all records in popularity. This salad is so simple and tasty that it is prepared, as they say, both at the feast and in the world.

And "Mimosa" never stagnates on the table. Even when it has an abundance of other salads on it, this one is eaten first!

Such a salad will also be good on the New Year's holiday. And don't be confused by its spring name. Giving it a New Year's look, and decorating it with improvised Christmas tree decorations, it will not go unnoticed on the festive table.

We need:

  • canned saury - 1 can
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • eggs - 4 pcs.
  • mayonnaise to taste
  • salt to taste

As you can see, the composition of the ingredients couldn't be simpler. Everyone has everything they need in the kitchen. We boiled vegetables and eggs, and the rest of the preparation will take no more than 10 minutes.


Boil potatoes, carrots, eggs. Prepare a jar of canned food, drain the liquid from it and lightly heat it with a fork. Today we use saury.
When the food is cool, grate the potatoes, carrots and egg whites on a coarse grater.
Rub the egg yolk on a fine grater.
Put half of the potatoes in a prepared salad bowl. Followed by a layer of fish, then pour the fish juice evenly over the entire area.
Cover the fish with the remaining half of the potatoes.
Grease a layer of potatoes with mayonnaise.
Now it's the turn of the carrots. Made a layer, lightly salt.
Then the protein, and lightly salt again.
Again a layer of mayonnaise.
Now it's the turn of the decoration. In the simplest version, a layer of yolk is placed on top.
But if you want to decorate the salad in an original way, turn on your imagination. For example, you can decorate it with Christmas decorations made from vegetables of different colors, pomegranate seeds and fresh herbs.

Canned Tuna Salad with French Fries

Unfortunately, this salad does not have its own brand name, but it should definitely be prepared. Because it meets all the high requirements of cooking for the New Year!

It is beautiful in design, it is tasty, and the Fire Rooster will definitely like it! I assure you of this.

We need:

  • canned tuna - 2 cans
  • eggs - 2 pcs
  • potatoes - 4-5 pieces
  • carrots - 1 pc (large)
  • onion - 1 piece (small)
  • canned peas - 0.5 cans
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs
  • lettuce or herbs - for decoration
  • salt, black pepper - to taste
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • vinegar - 1-1.5 tsp each

As you can see, this composition of products is as simple as two or two. You don't even need to buy anything on purpose. All products are quite affordable, and almost everyone has in the refrigerator. Unless everyone has tuna, but it doesn't matter. You can buy it without any problems in any store.

Preparing such a salad is also easy, simple and fast enough. Even someone who has never cooked anything can handle it.


1. Grate carrots for Korean carrots. And salt it a little. Give it a try. Carrots should be salted, but not salted. Stir and squeeze a little. Top with pepper. Leave for 1 hour so that the carrots are well salted.

2. Cut the onion into half rings.

In 0.5 cups of cold boiled water, add a little vinegar to taste. You can add 1 teaspoon, or 1.5.

If acidic foods are contraindicated for you, then just cut the onion into small cubes and fill it with water to release the bitterness.

Leave the onions to marinate also for 1 hour.

3. During this time, let's start cooking potatoes. It must be peeled, then cut into two halves. Cut each half into elongated triangles - slices, preferably of the same size and thickness. Cut it in such a way that it looks nice. When everything is beautifully prepared, then the salad as a whole will look beautiful and appetizing.

4. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan, and preferably into a cauldron. Warm it up to a gray haze. And fry the potatoes in small portions. Each portion will be fried for 10-15 minutes, depending on how thick you cut the potatoes.

During the frying process, the potatoes must be stirred periodically with a slotted spoon. This is necessary so that it is fried evenly and covered with a beautiful fried crust on all sides.

If desired, the peeled potatoes can be boiled first, and then chopped and fried.

But I prefer the first option. I find these potatoes more delicious!

5. In either case, remove the fried potatoes with a slotted spoon, allow the oil to drain slightly and then put on paper towels. To prevent excess oil from getting into the salad.

6. Allow the potatoes to cool.

7. Boil the eggs, let cool and cut into cubes.

8. Taste carrots. It should be moderately salty. If you suddenly oversalt, then rinse it under cold water, and then discard it in a colander so that the water is glass. In this case, you will need to add a little pepper.

9. Throw the onion in a colander, let the water drain. Cut it into small cubes.

10. Now we begin to collect the salad in a dish or a large flat plate. And it is in such a dish that we will shape our beauty! So that everything is in plain sight!

11. Put the lettuce leaves on a plate. If you will decorate the salad with dill and parsley, then you can first shape it, and then decorate it.

12. From jars of tuna it is necessary to drain the liquid component into a separate bowl. It will be useful to us later. Put the tuna in a separate plate and crush lightly with a fork.

13. From the jar with canned peas, you also need to drain all the liquid.

14. Start putting all the ingredients on a plate in layers, but in a kind of chaotic mess.

15. Our task is to lay out all the products in such a way as to form a crust, and so that all the ingredients are clearly visible.

16. Squeeze the juice from half of the lemon into the juice from the fish. Mix. Pour the resulting sauce over the salad.

You can also add mayonnaise to the sauce, if you are a fan of it. The quantity can be varied. But I'm not a big fan of mayonnaise. Salad without mayonnaise turns out to be less high-calorie and very tender, with a pleasant slightly sour taste.

17. Decorate, as your fantasy tells you.

18. Put in the refrigerator. Let stand for 30-40 minutes, so that all the ingredients are soaked in the sauce and slightly cooled.

19. Eat with pleasure.

Capercaillie's Nest salad

A very beautiful and delicious holiday option! Will not leave anyone indifferent! I think that no one would refuse such a warm and cozy nest. Here you will immediately find a nest and a composition of products corresponding to the coming Year.

We need:

  • boiled beef or veal - 350-400 gr
  • raw potatoes - 2-3 pieces
  • eggs - 7 pcs
  • pickled cucumbers - 2 pieces
  • mushrooms, champignons, or any other, pickled - 200 gr
  • green peas - 100 gr
  • cheese - 70 gr
  • mayonnaise -6-7 tbsp. spoons
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • salt to taste
  • sunflower oil - for frying potatoes
  • lettuce, dill, parsley - for decoration
  • ground black pepper - optional and to taste
  • cherry tomatoes -3-4 pieces for decoration

The recipe also uses pancakes. They will need to bake 2-3 pieces.

For pancakes:

  • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • milk - 100 ml
  • egg - 1 pc
  • sugar - 0.5 tbsp. spoons
  • vegetable oil - 1 tsp
  • soda - on the tip of a knife
  • salt - a pinch

As you can see, no chicken. But there are pickled mushrooms, lightly salted cucumbers. And even especially for the Coming Year of the Rooster, we baked pancakes!


1. Make pancake dough. Let it stand for 30 minutes so that all the ingredients are combined.

2. Fry 2-3 thin pancakes.

3. Cool hot pancakes a little, fold in half and roll into a tube. Then cool completely. As it cools, cut it, how we cut it into a roll, into thin circles. Then the pancake will roll out and you will get long narrow strips.

4. Cut the cucumbers into thin strips.

5. You will also need to boil the meat in advance. Simmer it over low heat. There is no need to salt throughout the entire cooking process so that the salt does not draw out all the tasty juice from the meat. Salt 10 minutes before the end of cooking. Cool the finished meat and cut into thin strips.

We try to cut all ingredients to approximately the same thickness and length. Since we will build a nest from them, it is better to cut them in the form of twigs, that is, straws.

6. Eggs should be boiled and also cooled. Then separate the whites from the yolks. Cut the proteins into thin strips.

7. We also need mushrooms. We use pickled mushrooms. Usually everyone uses champignons, and they are no worse in the salad than the others. So, we also cut the mushrooms into strips, to match other products.

8. Another important stage in preparation is to prepare a blank for the nest itself. And we will build the nest from fried potatoes.

To do this, cut the raw potatoes into very thin strips. Sometimes it is recommended to grate potatoes for Korean carrots.

9. When the potatoes are cut, they must be fried. To do this, heat the oil in a cauldron or frying pan, and place the potatoes there in small portions, fry, stirring constantly.

10. Combine cucumbers, meat, mushrooms, egg whites and pancakes in a large bowl. Add canned green peas there, from which the brine has been carefully drained.

11. Add mayonnaise. If you don't really like mayonnaise, then add sour cream, or sour cream and mayonnaise 50-50%.

12. Gently mix everything. Is there enough salt to try. We have pickles, mushrooms, meat, green peas and mayonnaise. Therefore, I no longer salt anything. You can add one or two pinches of ground black pepper for piquancy.

13. Now we need to make an egg for the nest. Let's make them beautiful and appetizing.

14. On a fine grater, rub hard cheese, I use Russian. Chop the garlic and mix with mayonnaise. Put some mayonnaise in a small cup. Dip the yolk in mayonnaise and roll in the cheese and garlic mixture.

Put on a separate plate and put in the refrigerator for the time being. Now that we have prepared everything, we can begin to create our culinary masterpiece.

Capercaillie's Nest salad - how to decorate and decorate

To make the salad look the most impressive, it is best to lay it out on a large flat dish. Then it will look exactly like a nest. Only more beautiful and brighter. If the real nest is discreet, disguised as tree branches. That is our "nest" - bright, screaming, just to match any holiday!

1. Put lettuce leaves on a large flat dish or plate.

2. Put the ingredients mixed with mayonnaise on the leaves in the form of a small pea. We make a small depression in the center, where we will put the eggs.

3. Cover the entire surface of the laid out ingredients with French fries. Do not forget the edges, laying out on them, slightly press down the potatoes so that they do not fall.

This is what a beautiful and cozy "nest" we have.

4. In the center, where we formed the bowl, carefully put the eggs. Spread dill or parsley sprigs around them. Or both together. We also decorate the gaps between lettuce leaves with twigs.

5. Now let the salad brew so that all the ingredients are saturated with each other's juice and aroma and mayonnaise. To do this, put the salad in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

6. Remove the prepared salad from the refrigerator, decorate with halves of cherry tomatoes and put on the festive table. A must-see for our wonderful culinary masterpiece. And eat to your health!

Salad "Roses for a loved one"

Do not look that the name of the salad is not at all New Year's. It is always pleasant to receive roses from a loved one, even in winter, even in summer! And even more so, so beautiful!

This salad is similar to the previous one in that we make those very roses from freshly baked pancakes. To make the roses red, the chopped pancakes will need to be dyed red with beet juice.

There is one peculiarity in this salad that cannot be forgotten if you decide to cook it. In the original, it is made from chicken fillet. Therefore, we will cook it unconventionally, replace chicken with meat, or smoked sausage, or brisket. You can use boiled tongue, or even take a little of everything.

We need:

  • boiled breast 300-400 gr. (unconditionally replaceable with boiled or smoked meat)
  • boiled potatoes 3-4 pieces
  • boiled carrots 2 pieces (medium)
  • 2 pickled cucumbers
  • half a can of green peas
  • bunch of green onions
  • a bunch of greens
  • mayonnaise to taste

For pancakes:

We need:

  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • salt on the tip of a knife
  • 1/3 teaspoon baking soda
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • 100 ml milk
  • 1 clove of garlic

As you can see, the composition of the products is also quite simple. And what a beauty it turns out! So take note of this salad, especially if you have never cooked it!


Pancakes for Roses:

1. Mix eggs with sugar.

2. Add salt and soda to flour, mix.

3. Combine flour with a mixture of eggs and sugar.

4. Stir in the milk.

5. Let stand for a while so that the lumps disperse.

6. Bake 4 thin pancakes.

7. While the pancakes are warm, grease them on one side with mayonnaise, adding finely chopped garlic to it in advance.

8. Roll the pancakes tightly into a roll with the greased side inward.

9. Let cool, then cut into 1 cm pieces. Small, rolled rolls are obtained.

Cooking salad "Roses for a loved one"

Now we start laying out the salad. We take a salad bowl with high sides and line it all with cling film.

1. We spread the cut rolls - "roses" on the bottom and on the sides.

2. Finely dice the potatoes and mix with mayonnaise.

3. Take 2/3 of the potatoes and put them on top of the "roses". Crush a little with your hand and coat with mayonnaise.

4. Cut carrots, pickled cucumbers, chicken into small cubes. We cut the green onions as usual for the salad.

5. We spread everything in layers in this order - chicken breast, cucumbers, green peas, carrots, green onions and the remaining potatoes.

6. Salt each layer as needed and to taste, coat with mayonnaise, as much as you like, but it is better not to overdo it, otherwise sometimes so much mayonnaise is put in the salad that the taste of other products is not even felt.

7. Cover the top with cling film and refrigerate for 12 hours. Now let it insist and gain strength.

When serving salad, use a large flat plate or platter. Peel off the top of the film. Place a flat plate on a salad bowl and simply turn over. Remove the film from the "roses" and garnish along the edge of the plate with finely chopped herbs and the remaining onions. That's it, your "Roses for your beloved" salad is ready! Nice and tasty! Let your loved one be happy.

The next few salads are based on chicken fillet. But don't be tempted, change it decisively for meat.

Pomegranate bracelet salad with walnuts

This is another favorite salad of many for the holiday. And of course, it is very often prepared for the New Year's table! And this year they will cook it even more, because it contains pomegranates. Which, both in color and in taste, strongly recommends the coming Year of the Rooster!

What do we need for this:

  • chicken fillet - 350 gr. (change to boiled meat)
  • carrots - 3 pieces
  • potatoes - 3 pieces
  • beets - 3 pieces
  • onion - 1 piece
  • egg - 2-3 pieces
  • pomegranate - 1 piece
  • walnuts - 100 gr.
  • mayonnaise to taste
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon


1. Pour the eggs with cold water, if they are from the refrigerator, let stand for 20-30 minutes. Then add half a tablespoon of salt and boil for 8 minutes. Drain the hot water, put it under the tap under cold water, let the water run a little. Then pour cold water, and leave the eggs in the water for a while, so that they are better cleaned

2. Boil potatoes and carrots. Potatoes will cook for 30 minutes, carrots a little faster.

3. Beets can also be boiled, but to make it faster, I boiled the beets in the microwave. To do this, pour a glass of water into a special glass container for the microwave. Wash the beets thoroughly, prick in several places with a fork, put in a container with water, cover with a lid. Put on the "Vegetables" mode for 8-10 minutes. Then turn the beets on the other side and repeat the procedure.

4. Wash the chicken fillet, put in water and boil in salted water for 25-30 minutes. Then take it out, put it on a plate so that the liquid is glass, and the chicken dries. It will be necessary to remove the skin from the fillet and cut it into thin strips, or even cubes. Whoever likes it more.

5. Finely chop the onion, pour a spoonful of oil into a frying pan and fry it until golden brown. Then pour half a glass of boiled water, and without reducing the heat, let the water boil, stirring occasionally onions. Once all the water has boiled off and you see the onions start to fry again, turn off the gas, cover the onions and leave them as they are. Water and then a closed lid will help our onions not crunch on our teeth when we eat salad.

6. Pour the nuts into a deep bowl and crush with a crush. You can grind it in a blender, but then you will wash and clean it longer. The crumb can be used quickly, and the size of the resulting crumb can be better controlled. The crumb should not be very small, so that it would be pleasant to nibble on the nut when it hits your teeth in the salad.

7. When the vegetables have cooled down, they must be grated on a coarse grater. All in separate plates. Peel and disassemble the pomegranate into grains.

8. We do all the above actions in parallel, and after 50-60 minutes, we have all the ingredients ready. Now we are preparing mayonnaise, salt and pepper. As well as a large flat plate and glass. That's it, now we are ready for creativity, we will create our salad and put the most basic component in it - our Soul!

9. Place an inverted glass in the center of a flat plate. We spread the first layer around it in a circle - chicken (meat). On top of this layer we make a thin mayonnaise mesh. In order for the mesh to be thin, you must first get the mayonnaise out of the refrigerator, it will warm up a little, and will be squeezed out in a thin stream. It is necessary that all layers are saturated with mayonnaise.

10. On top of the meat (chicken) is the next layer - carrots. When laid out, season with salt and pepper to taste.

11. Now is the time for nuts. Only half of them need to be laid out, the rest will still be useful to us. Now a layer of mayonnaise again. Yes, a mesh would just be appropriate here.

12. We did it with mayonnaise. Now we spread the potatoes. Salt and pepper it to taste. and of course also grease with mayonnaise.

13. Next, lay out a little less than half of the beets, lightly salt.

14. Put the fried onions on top of the beets, gradually moving them evenly downward. And the remaining nuts. Again, you will have to suffer and smear mayonnaise on the naughty nuts. But you be more careful, get the mayonnaise in advance, then you will just draw the net and all the things.

15. So what we still have - eggs! We spread them, do not forget to salt. It's good that you don't need mayonnaise.

16. Lay out the remaining beets, distribute them well over the entire circle. Now we lay out the last layer of mayonnaise. It shouldn't be too much and too little. If there is too much of it, then the most important decoration in the form of pomegranate seeds will drown in it, and if there is not enough, then they will not hold on and will fall off. Therefore, grease a little at first, put a few grains, if it holds well, then there is enough mayonnaise.

17. Well, as you already understood, the last layer is pomegranate seeds. If you have time, then they can be laid out in even rows, grain by grain. And if not, then just take a little of the grains in your palm and distribute over the entire surface of the salad.

18. When finished, carefully remove the glass. You can leave the inner circle in such a way that the layers are visible. But in the correct version, this part should also be greased with mayonnaise and covered with pomegranate seeds. A bracelet is a bracelet.

19. Now that our salad is assembled and stands in all its splendor, it is tempting to eat it right away. But there is no need to rush. The salad should still be infused for at least 8 hours. He needs to be thoroughly impregnated. Therefore, we will put it in the refrigerator for this time. We spent two hours preparing it, we will wait another 8 for it to reach its readiness!

"Pomegranate bracelet" is quite worthy of our attention, and we put a big thick tick in front of this recipe!

"Mushroom meadow" salad

This salad is like in a fairy tale about 12 months. As if it was winter outside, but the month of August hit the ground with his staff, and a family of mushrooms grew on the lawn covered with green grass.

This is such a little hello from the summer. For its preparation we use whole pickled mushrooms. For this we take either champignons or honey mushrooms.

We need:

  • chicken breast - 1 pc (replace with meat)
  • potatoes - 3 pieces
  • carrots - 1 pc
  • hard cheese - 150 gr
  • eggs - 2 pcs
  • pickled cucumbers - 3 pieces
  • fresh cucumber - 1 piece
  • pickled champignons - 1 can
  • pickled mushrooms - 150 gr
  • mayonnaise to taste
  • dill - bunch
  • salt to taste
  • vegetable oil - for greasing the salad bowl

Food preparation:

1. Boil the meat. Then take it out and put it on a plate so that all the juice is drained from it.

2. Boil potatoes, carrots and eggs.

3. When the vegetables are cool, grate the potatoes and carrots on a coarse grater.

4. Eggs either also grate, or cut into small cubes in an egg cutter.

5. Grate pickled cucumbers for Korean carrots, or cut into very small strips.

6. Cheese also grate.

7. Cut the meat into small strips.

8. Finely chop the dill.

9. Put the champignons from the jar into a colander so that all the water is drained from them.

10. Prepare a deep salad bowl, grease it with vegetable oil and line the inside with cling film so that long edges remain. We use them to cover our salad.


Now that everything is ready, and we have not forgotten anything, we begin to create our masterpiece.

1. Select the champignons and form the mushrooms directly in the meadow. We spread them with their caps down directly on the film, you can place larger mushrooms in the center, and smaller ones to the edges. In general, as your fantasy tells you.

2. The next layer we have is green, this is the same mushroom meadow.

3. Then cheese, eggs. Lightly add some salt to the eggs and grease this layer with mayonnaise. Someone who loves mayonnaise more, someone less, so we add it to our liking.

4. Now we will have carrots and then meat. We also grease this layer with mayonnaise.

5. Then add pickled cucumbers and potatoes, which are also salted and greased with mayonnaise.

As you may have noticed, we grease the ingredients with mayonnaise through a layer. I do this so that the salad is not too greasy. But if you want, then you can lubricate each layer with it!

Let's say this is a classic version. But I also add one layer between the carrots and the meat. I make this layer from canned mushrooms, which I collected in the summer in the forest and pickled.

6. If you also have such a treasured jar, then do not regret adding finely chopped mushrooms to the salad. The taste of the salad will be simply amazing. Any mushrooms will do - both porcini, aspen mushrooms, honey mushrooms, and mushrooms. Today I add mushrooms to the salad.

Well, if there is no such jar, it doesn't matter ... add the remaining mushrooms, or just skip this layer. In principle, it will be so delicious!

One more nuance. If you are not a fan of mayonnaise, then the layers can be greased with sour cream. And I like to mix sour cream with mayonnaise in a proportion of 50% to 50%, and grease the layers with this mixture.

7. Cover the last layer with foil. And put it in the refrigerator. The salad should be infused for at least 10 hours.

Instead of champignons, honey mushrooms can be used and the salad will then acquire a new beautiful look and a completely different taste. But I must tell you that this taste is not worse than the previous one.


Before serving, prepare a large flat dish. Put green lettuce leaves on it.
Holding them with your hand, cover the salad bowl and turn over.
Cut the fresh cucumber into slices and decorate the salad with it on the sides. You can add a little more dill or other herbs.
If you made a salad with honey agarics, then you can decorate the salad and so on. Or as fantasy tells.

Well, how do you like such a wonderful mushroom meadow ?! Nice, try it soon ... very tasty!

Sunflower salad with chips and mushrooms

Another hello from summer! And this summer guest is also welcome and frequent at the New Year's table! He is loved for the original performance, the most delicate and refined taste. Just everything that the Red Rooster loves!

Also, as you know, the Rooster values ​​simplicity very much and does not waste money. In the composition of the products, everything is the simplest. But the salad does not suffer from this. The ingredients are carefully selected and balanced. Everything is perfectly combined, and "Sunflower" turns out like no other!

We need:

  • chicken breast - 300 gr (replace with boiled meat)
  • mushrooms - 300 gr
  • onion - 1 piece
  • eggs - 5 pcs.
  • cheese - 150 gr
  • olives - 0.5 cans
  • chips - 0.5 cans
  • mayonnaise to taste
  • sour cream - to taste
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. spoons
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste


1. Boil chicken breast (meat) in slightly salted water. Cool, remove the skin if you are using uncooked fillets, and cut into small cubes or small strips. Whoever wants to.

2. The second main component is mushrooms. Today I have fresh forest mushrooms. From these, the salad is the most delicious. In addition, such mushrooms also have a wonderful forest aroma, which is also important.

3. Mushrooms must be cleaned from forest debris. And also clean the leg by scraping it and removing the dark layer. Cut into large pieces. Then fill them with water and cook.

As the water starts to boil, we time it out and boil with a little salt for 10 minutes. During all this time, we remove the foam.

4. Then put the mushrooms in a colander and let the water drain.

5. Onions - a small head, also cut into smaller cubes and fry in oil. Pour a couple of tablespoons of oil into the pan first, if not enough, add another spoonful.

6. Fry onions until slightly golden brown, do not overcook. And add the mushrooms immediately. Reduce heat and fry the onion and mushrooms for another 10 minutes. Place in a flat plate to cool down quickly. Then cut into small cubes.

7. Boil eggs until tender. Separate the whites from the yolks. Grate the whites on a coarse grater, and the yolks on the finest. Try to choose eggs with a bright yolk for your salad. Then the salad will look like a real sunflower - bright and colorful!

8. Grate the cheese on a coarse or medium grater.

9. Cut the olives into two halves. We will have the "seeds" of our sunflower.

10. Prepare mayonnaise and sour cream. You can only make a salad with mayonnaise. I will do 50/50 mixing sour cream and mayonnaise. So, the salad will turn out to be less high-calorie and more tasty, because two dressings are always better than one.

11. Finally, chips! The product is not very useful - but art requires sacrifice! To create such a culinary masterpiece, chips are essential. In the end, if completely against them, then when you eat, just put them aside. It's easy to do, the chips are not mixed with the salad in any way. We will have such a decor, namely, sunflower petals.

Well, everything has been prepared, it remains to prepare only a large flat plate or dish. The salad cannot fit on a small plate, I warn you right away, pay attention to this!


1. The first bottom layer we have is chicken fillet or meat. But before we put it on a dish, mix it with mayonnaise and sour cream in the dish in which we have it.

This will allow each bite to soak in the sauce when the salad is infused. If you stir immediately on a platter, it will be ugly, greased and smeared.

Therefore, we mix the meat with sauces on a separate plate, and then carefully put it in the dish on which we will serve. Pepper this layer a little to give the salad some extra flavor and some spice.

2. The next layer is to spread the cooled mushrooms and onions. We will not lubricate this layer with anything, it is already lubricated with oil. If there is oil left in the plate on which the mushrooms were lying, then it is not necessary to pour it out. The mushrooms and onions have already taken as much oil as they needed.

No need to press down on the layers. We spread the ingredients freely, as they lay down. The layers themselves will be compacted while they are soaked, as they will need!

3. Then lay out the grated egg whites. We also grease this layer with sour cream and mayonnaise in equal proportions. Or just mayonnaise, if you are a fan.

By the way, you can prepare a mixture of mayonnaise and sour cream in advance by mixing everything in a separate bowl. Stir not too much so that there is not left. It is always best to mix in some extra.

It is also very important not to overdo it. We have salad with mayonnaise, not mayonnaise with salad. Sometimes they put so much mayonnaise in a salad that nothing else is tasted. And the salad almost floats in it. Everything is good when everything is in moderation.

4. Spread a layer of grated cheese on the squirrels. It will also need to be slightly flavored with dressing.

5. Now carefully, so as not to crease, spread the top layer of egg yolk. Sometimes pickled corn is laid out with this last layer. But in this case, another layer of mayonnaise is applied to the corn.

I prefer egg yolk because it doesn’t require additional lubrication.

We try to distribute the egg yolk in such a way that it covers not only the upper part, but also the side walls.

6. Spread the olives cut into halves in a circle. These are our "seeds" of a sunflower, so we place them in the appropriate order. We lightly press each half so that it holds well.

And this is our last layer. We will include the chips in the salad just before serving. Otherwise, they will soften ahead of time and will not be crispy.

I do not salt any of the layers of salad. Chicken breast and mushrooms were boiled in salted water. There is salt in mayonnaise and chips. And there is even more of it in chips than it should be. I only slightly pepper the chicken layer and that's it.

But I advise you to try the mushroom layer and the chicken layer. If boiled, and there is not enough salt, then the layers should be salted to taste.

7. Put the salad in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours, but better for 4 hours. During this time, the layers are well saturated with the dressing, infused and slightly cooled.

Since we did not press the layers, the salad will turn out to be tender and airy. Since we did not use a lot of mayonnaise, it will not be fatty and high in calories with us.

It would seem that all these are trifles, but the taste of the dish just depends on these trifles. That is exactly what we are trying so hard for! After all, we are preparing a salad for our most beloved and closest people. Therefore, do not neglect the details, they are very important!

8. Before serving salad on the table, make petals from chips. The salad immediately changed, became so beautiful and inviting! That's it ... We serve it on the table, put the chips on the portioned plates, and on them the salad. It is best to cut the salad into triangles, like cutting a cake. And also serve like a cake. To keep all layers intact.

New Year's salad "Santa Claus"

Everyone, both adults and children, is waiting for miracles from the New Year. And who can perform these miracles. Of course, Santa Claus! Therefore, let's prepare a salad in the form of its image! He will delight everyone, without exception.

We need:

  • crab sticks - 200 gr
  • red fish (salted or smoked) - 200 gr
  • rice - 1 glass
  • hard cheese - 100 gr
  • tomatoes - 1 pc
  • bell pepper (red) - 1 piece
  • carrots, peppercorns, dill - for decoration
  • mayonnaise to taste


1. Boil rice in salted water and cool it down.

2. Finely chop the crab sticks. Leave some for decoration.

3. Cut the tomatoes and red bell peppers into cubes.

4. Forming a figure of Santa Claus on a large flat plate, lay out the first layer of rice. Press it lightly with your hands. Leave some rice to decorate the coat.

Spread mayonnaise on the layer.

5. The second layer will be crab meat. Put it on top of the first layer and also press lightly with your hands.

This layer should also be coated with mayonnaise.

6. The next layer is to spread the tomatoes and bell peppers. Leave free space where Santa Claus will have a face.

Coat this layer with mayonnaise too.

7. Cut a small square out of the cheese. It will be a makeshift bag of gifts. Grate the rest of the cheese on a fine grater.

8. Put some of the cheese where we left the place for the face.

9. Cut red salted or smoked fish (trout, salmon, pink salmon) into long thin plates. Put on top of all layers, forming a fur coat and a Santa Claus hat.

10. Decorate a figurine of Santa Claus and a salad. Put the edge of the fur coat and hat with rice. Make a beard out of cheese. Make eyes from black peppercorns. Cut the nose and mouth from a piece of carrot. Cheeks can be made by smearing them with beetroot juice.

11. Decorate a bag with gifts with ribbons from crab sticks. Make a staff using them.

12. In the background, arrange a forest of dill twigs.

By the way, the same salad can be decorated in another beautiful way, in the form of a starfish. It also looks very nice. And it is quite appropriate to put one on the festive table!

Here he is how beautiful it turned out!

Seafood salad "Sea caprice"

We need:

  • shrimps (tiger) - 10 pcs
  • squid - 200 gr
  • mussels without shells - 200 gr
  • scallops - 200 gr
  • olive oil - 100 gr
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • rosemary - 1 -2 sprigs
  • thyme - 1 sprig
  • dill - 3 branches
  • lettuce -150-200 gr

For the sauce:

  • balsamic vinegar -120 ml.
  • sugar - 2.5 tbsp. spoons
  • olive oil - 60 ml.


1. Let's start by making the sauce. Evaporate the balsamic vinegar in a frying pan until it is reduced in volume by 4 times. Add sugar. Allow to cool. Add olive oil.

3. In a separate skillet, fry the seafood with garlic, rosemary, thyme and dill in oil. Fry for 3-4 minutes, stirring constantly.

4. Allow to cool.

5. Place lettuce leaves on a large flat dish. Put seafood on them and pour over the sauce.

That's all! The salad is prepared quickly, but it turns out delicious and low-calorie. In addition, it is also quite consistent with the wishes of the menu.

Well, it's time to move on to the main courses.

Duck with apples and prunes "New Year's Tale"

We need:

  • duck - 1.5 kg
  • sweet and sour apples - 3-4 pcs
  • prunes - 250 gr
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • thyme - 1 sprig
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste

For gravy:

  • chicken broth - 2 cups
  • flour - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • vodka - 15 ml.
  • red currant jelly - 1 tbsp. spoon


1. Rinse the duck, drain the water and pat dry with a paper towel. Rub it with salt and pepper. Let stand for 1 hour.

2. Rinse prunes with water and scald with boiling water, then drain the water. Cut the apples into small pieces. Combine with prunes. Add sugar and thyme.

3. Fill the duck with the filling. Fasten with toothpicks. Pierce the skin in several places.

4. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees. Place the duck, breast side down on a baking sheet. Bake for 1-1.5 hours, depending on the size of the duck and the characteristics of the oven.

5. Get the duck. Pour off the evaporated fat from the baking sheet. Pour it into a frying pan, put on fire. Add flour, stir, fry until lightly thickened. Add vodka, stir. Then add broth and jelly.

6. Boil the gravy over low heat until thickened.

7. Divide the duck into portions. Place on a platter and pour over the gravy.

8. Decorate with fresh herbs, tomatoes and apples.

The same recipe can be used to cook duck without gravy. In this case, when ready, just take it out, put it on a dish and decorate, as your imagination tells you.

But I'll tell you right away, with the gravy, the duck turns out to be much tastier. And what is important, she does not have her specific smell at all. The dish itself turns out to be chic and truly festive.

By the way, you can cook duck for Christmas too!

Wellington beef is a classic English dish

This gorgeous recipe caught my eye quite recently. This is a recipe by the famous British world-class chef Gordon Ramsay.And for the New Year this dish will be just a real culinary masterpiece!

This dish does not cook quickly. It will take 2 hours to cook it.

We need (for 8 servings):

  • fresh beef tenderloin - 700 gr
  • champignons - 400 gr
  • dry porcini mushrooms -50 gr
  • bow - 1 head (small)
  • puff pastry - 250 gr
  • thyme - 1 sprig
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • egg yolk - for lubrication


1. Rinse and dry the meat thoroughly. Cut off films.

2. Fry in a hot skillet until crusty.

3. Pour boiling water over dry porcini mushrooms and stand for 15 minutes. Cut the champignons into small pieces. Drain the water from the porcini mushrooms and cut them as well.

4. Cut the onion into small cubes. Fry mushrooms and onions in a pan, adding a sprig of thyme. Fry until tender.

5. Then we transfer to a blender and grind, but so that the mushrooms are not mashed.

6. Roll out the dough 3-4 mm thick. Put some of the mushrooms on it. Salt and pepper the meat and put it on top of the mushrooms. Put mushrooms and onions in an even layer around all the meat.

7. Close the edges of the dough very carefully so that the juice does not flow out. It must saturate the meat during the cooking process. Place on a baking sheet, seam side down. Brush with egg yolk.

8. Bake until the dough is golden brown. Approximately 35-45 minutes. To determine the readiness of meat, professionals use a thermometer to measure the temperature of meat, it should be 50 degrees (degree of readiness - "medium rare" - with blood).

9. Take the Wellington meat out of the oven, let it cool and rest for 10 minutes.

10. Serve in portions.

You can also serve the sauce separately. Usually Bechamel sauce is prepared for beef with the addition of fried bacon.

  • vegetable oil - 50 ml
  • greens - a bunch
  • spices - thyme, rosemary, paprika
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • Preparation:

    1. Cut the meat so that a rectangular flat layer is obtained. Beat it off, salt, season with spices. Rub everything over the surface. Pour butter into your hands and distribute it over the meat.

    2. Cut the bacon as thin as possible. Place it on top of the meat and brush with mustard. Leave on for 30 minutes.

    3. Boil the sausages until tender, cool.

    4. Cut the cucumbers and peppers into long strips.

    5. Put sausages and chopped cucumbers with pepper on the meat.

    6. Roll up the meat. Tie with culinary thread.

    7. Grease a deep baking dish with oil. Put the roll into it. Top with meat broth and dry white wine.

    8. Cover the tin with foil. Bake at 180 degrees for 1 hour 10 minutes. Water the roll with juice every 15 minutes.

    9. Remove the foil and bake for another 20 minutes. The roll should be covered with a beautiful golden brown crust.

    The roll turns out to be very tasty and looks festive. Therefore, it will be very good on the New Year's table!

    Pork - accordion "New Year's accordion"

    They love to cook this dish for the holidays, because it is not difficult to prepare it. And it turns out to be very tasty, and no less beautiful. Therefore, it will decorate any table.

    We need:

    • pork (loin or shoulder) -500 gr
    • hard cheese - 200 gr
    • tomatoes - 2 pieces
    • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. spoons
    • mustard - 1 tbsp. spoon
    • salt, pepper - to taste


    1. Wash the meat, drain with water and pat dry with a paper towel.

    2. Mix mayonnaise and mustard, season with salt and pepper.

    3. Spread the pork, put in a container, close the lid and refrigerate for 5-6 hours.

    4. Cut the cheese into slices. Sliced ​​tomatoes.

    5. In the pork, make cross cuts every centimeter. We do not cut it to the end, we leave the meat in such a form that it resembles an accordion.

    6. Insert a slice of cheese and a slice of tomato into each cut. Wrap the meat in foil.

    7. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Place the meat in foil on a baking sheet. Bake for 1 hour.

    8. Remove the foil and bake for another 15-20 minutes until the meat is browned.

    We make potato mushrooms for decoration.

    Rinse small potatoes thoroughly with a brush. Allow to dry. Make a deep cut in the middle of the potato.

    The upper part will be a hat, and from the lower part we will cut out a leg. Lubricate the "mushrooms" with oil and roll the lower part of the leg with some dry herbs.

    Bake in the oven until tender.

    Sturgeon baked in the oven "New Year"

    If you managed to buy a sturgeon, then your New Year's table will be truly royal. After all, sturgeon used to be served only for royal feasts. Baking sturgeon is not difficult at all, at least not more difficult than any other fish.

    We need:

    • sturgeon - 3-4 kg
    • cherry tomatoes - 10 pieces
    • cucumbers -2-3 pcs
    • olives - 10-15 pieces
    • cranberries - 0.5 cups
    • lemon - 2 pieces
    • salad leaves - 400 gr
    • dry white wine - 150 ml
    • vegetable oil - for lubrication
    • salt, pepper to taste


    1. Peel the sturgeon from the entrails and rinse thoroughly. Pat dry with paper towels.

    2. Rub with salt and pepper on the outside and inside. Then sprinkle with lemon juice outside and inside. Grease with vegetable oil and let sit for 20-30 minutes.

    3. Line a baking sheet with foil, so that there are hanging edges. We will wrap the fish with them. It is best to make 2-3 layers of foil, so it will not break for sure and all the juice will remain inside.

    Lubricate the sturgeon with oil.

    4. Put the fish on foil, pour wine on top and seal carefully. We send it to an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

    5. We bake for 20 minutes. Then open the foil and bake for another 15 - 20 minutes until a beautiful golden brown crust is formed.

    6. Gently spread the finished sturgeon on a large flat dish and decorate with tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, olives, cranberries and lemon. We also decorate the head and tail with mayonnaise or sour cream.

    Such baked fish, served at the festive table, will amaze the imagination of all those present, and certainly will not leave anyone indifferent.

    But if you didn't manage to buy a sturgeon, then it doesn't matter. There are tons of other delicious fish that you can also bake in the oven.

    Fish in batter "Delightful"

    This fish can be served both hot and cold. And believe me, despite the abundance of dishes and snacks, such a fish will simply fly apart once or twice.

    We need:

    • fish (any) - 1 kg
    • lemon - 1 piece
    • salt, pepper - to taste
    • vegetable oil - for frying

    For the test:

    • light beer - 1 glass
    • egg - 1 pc
    • sour cream - 1 tbsp. spoon
    • flour


    1. Separate the fish from the bones or use ready-made fish fillets. Sprinkle it with lemon juice, salt and pepper. Leave to marinate for 30 minutes.

    2. Prepare the dough. Mix beer, egg, sour cream. Slowly add flour, stirring the contents. The dough should be fairly thick and should not drip when you dip the fish in it.

    3. Heat oil in a frying pan and fry the fish in batter.

    The dish has its name for a reason. The fish is really delicious. And getting ready is not difficult at all!

  • salt - a pinch
  • food coloring green
  • For cupcakes (22-24 pieces):

    • flour - 3 cups
    • water - 2 glasses
    • sugar - 1.5-2 cups
    • cocoa - 6 tbsp. spoons
    • vegetable oil -3-4 tbsp. spoons
    • vinegar - 1.5-2 tbsp. spoons
    • soda -2 tsp
    • salt - 1 tsp
    • vanilla sugar - 2 tsp

    Filling, decoration:

    • Strawberry
    • packing of pills M & Mdens


    1. Take the oil out of the refrigerator beforehand so that it becomes soft. Beat it with a mixer into a thick white mass. Add powdered sugar, vanilla, salt, food coloring and beat until smooth.

    2. Add milk, at first 5 tablespoons, beat, and gradually add more to achieve the desired cream consistency. Beat the finished mass for 5 - 7 minutes.

    3. For muffins, combine flour, sugar, cocoa, baking soda, salt and vanilla sugar. Sift through a sieve, preferably twice.

    4. Pour in vinegar, mix with a fork. Then oil, and stir again with a fork. No need to whip!

    5. Pour in water and continue to beat with a fork until smooth. Do not whisk!

    6. Put the dough into molds and bake for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

    7. Now let's start decorating. Grease the cake with cream and place the berry in the center so that it stands firmly.

    8. Put the cream in a pastry bag with the smallest star-shaped attachment.

    9. Starting from the bottom, form spruce branches from the cream. To do this, you need to attach the end of the nozzle to the berry and squeeze out the cream about 1 cm.After we stopped pressing, we take our hand away. And we make the next branch in the same way.

    We arrange the branches in a checkerboard pattern in relation to the bottom row.

    10. Decorate Christmas trees with dragees and asterisks-cookies.

    Both adults and children enjoy this dessert. It's delicious and no doubt New Year's! Prepare it and please yourself and your loved ones.

    Well, the last topic is drinks! What a New Year without drinks. But we remember from the article about the characteristics of the Fire sign of the Coming Year that one must be very careful with alcohol! The rooster is still a bully and a bully, if he goes overboard, then he can start bullying to everyone! Therefore, it is advisable to have Champagne and wine on the table, but you need to be careful with stronger drinks.

    But cocktails are even welcome. Moreover, the word "cocktail" in translation from French means "cock's tail". So the cocktail will be just right!

    Cocktail "Home Baileys"

    We need:

    • egg yolks - 5 pieces
    • sugar - 1 glass
    • condensed milk without sugar - 1 can
    • vodka - 200 ml
    • instant coffee - 1 tbsp. spoon


    1. Only fresh eggs are needed to make a cocktail. Wash them with soap and dry them with a paper towel. Separate the yolks from the whites.

    2. Grind the yolks with sugar. Mix with condensed milk.

    3. Dilute instant coffee in vodka.

    4. Combine the two mixtures into one using a mixer. Pour into a bottle. Homemade Baileys is ready! Can't tell from the real one! And it is made only from some natural ingredients!

    Cocktail "Royal Delight"

    We need:

    • black currant liqueur - 10 ml
    • dry champagne - 100 ml
    • ice

    In the absence of blackcurrant liqueur, it can be replaced with any other berry liqueur.


    Pour liquor into a champagne glass. Then pour the champagne. Decorate the rim of the glass with strawberries or a slice of orange. Ice cubes can be added.

    We all had adult cocktails. But you also need to prepare a delicious children's cocktail. And I have one in mind.

    Children's cocktail "Morozko"

    We need:

    • ice cream of three different types
    • cream
    • mineral water
    • sugar
    • lemon juice


    1. Dip the edge of the glass in lemon juice. Dip in sugar to make the edge of the glass slightly "snowy".

    2. In a glass, carefully put 1 full tablespoon of different ice cream. You can use vanilla, strawberry, pineapple, pistachio. The main thing is that each of them has its own taste.

    3. Pour cream up to half a glass. Mix gently with a spoon.

    4. Top up with mineral water, but so that the glass is only 3/4 full. Foam should form.

    Children love this cocktail very much. So be prepared for them to ask for more, too!

    As you can see, there are quite a few ideas for the New Year's menu! But a lot is not a little! It's always good to have a choice. And in today's material, you can choose a recipe for every taste. Here you can find appetizers, salads, main dishes, desserts, and even cocktails.

    All recipes have been tested and should not let you down! All I have to do is wish you a good mood!

    Happy New Year! And let your festive table be the best!

    A good housewife who loves to surprise her loved ones with original and tasty dishes for any meal should think now about what to cook for the most important holiday of the year - the New Year 2017. You can start a selection of the best recipes right now. There is still a lot of time before the new year 2017, so some culinary masterpieces need to be tried out now in order to get used to them. And on December 31, in order to avoid unnecessary confusion, the prudent hostess will have all the culinary delights to glory.

    In this article, we will answer the question - What to cook for the New Year of the Rooster 2017?

    What to cook for the holiday 2017: delicious recipes

    According to a long-established tradition, many people choose recipes for the New Year's feast, depending on the symbol of the coming year. The patron saint of the new year 2017 is the Fire Rooster. The first association that arises about this poultry, as a pedantic, bright and domineering figure, is that the symbol of the new year 2017 is unlikely to like it if chicken and chicken eggs are present on the table. And then any hostess, of course, asks the question, what to cook to please the capricious feathered?

    But it doesn't matter, because a great many recipes for various salads, hot dishes and snacks have been invented in our time. Oven-baked chicken can always be replaced with duck, goose or turkey, especially since it has long been proven that turkey meat is much healthier and more nutritious than chicken. For lovers of primordial Russian cuisine, poultry meat on the wires of the old year and the meeting of the new year 2017 can be represented, for example, by baked quails, which is unlikely to anger the domineering Fire Rooster.

    Another nuance that may not be to the liking of His Majesty the Rooster is the presence of chicken eggs on the New Year's table. Of course, if you adhere to the tradition of choosing recipes for the new year 2017 to please its symbol, then you should not prepare snacks with the explicit use of these very eggs, for example, snacks in the form of chicken eggs stuffed with a mixture of yolks and mayonnaise with garlic. However, the Fire Rooster is unlikely to be against adding them to ordinary salads, for example, in everyone's favorite and adored Olivier salads. Because, well, what is the New Year without Olivier? And the new year 2017 under the banner of the rooster should be no exception. Particularly strict adherents of drawing up the New Year's menu for the sake of the symbol of the coming year will always be able to replace chicken eggs with quail eggs.

    As you know, the rooster itself is a beautiful bird, with bright plumage, and even more so its fiery form suggests that the symbol of 2017 loves everything colorful and variegated. Therefore, it is also necessary to pay sufficient attention to the setting and decoration of the New Year's table. A lot of greenery, a lot of juicy, bright vegetables and fruits of different colors will certainly please the fastidious handsome man and surprise the guests with a riot of colors.

    With the fact that to prepare for the New Year's table for the meeting of the Year of the Fiery Rooster, it is already becoming a little clear, then what about suitable alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks? What drinks will the feathered handsome man like? Most likely, a pedantic cock will appreciate something classic, strong and masculine. Expensive cognac, whiskey, rum - this is what should be prepared from drinks for the new year 2017. And for women who prefer something less strong, traditional semi-sweet red wine is quite suitable, but the same traditional splashes of champagne to the chimes have not been canceled either. ...

    What salads to cook for the New Year 2017? Recipes.

    Of all the types of salads, vegetable or country types of salads will be the most suitable for the symbol of 2017, since the rooster is a poultry and immediately evokes associations of the countryside and the household. For example, the Mazurka salad turns out to be as bright and colorful as the patron saint of the coming year, moreover, it contains corn grains and red beans.


    • one can of canned corn and one red bean each
    • medium-sized grinder - 1 piece
    • fresh cucumbers (can be replaced with canned ones) - 2 pieces
    • 100 g walnuts
    • 2 cloves of garlic
    • salt, pepper to taste
    • oil for dressing (it is better to choose olive)


    1. Mix the canned corn and beans in a deep wide cup, first drain the unnecessary water from the jars.
    2. Add diced cucumbers to the cup, and the grinder is best chopped into thin strips.
    3. To quickly crush nuts, it is very convenient to place them in a tight bag and roll the dough trolley over them. Chopped walnuts are also added to the salad bowl with the rest of the ingredients.
    4. Crush the cloves of garlic in a garlic bowl, season with salt and pepper to taste and add oil.
    5. What can you cook for exotic lovers for the New Year's table? For them, a tomato and avocado salad with beetroot leaves is quite suitable.
    Salad preparation video.

    Tomato and avocado salad with beet leaves.


    • Half a large or whole medium avocado
    • medium sized tomatoes - 3 pieces
    • half large or one small bell pepper
    • onion - 1 piece
    • beet tops - 3-4 leaves
    • lemon juice - 3 tablespoons
    • cilantro, parsley or dill
    • olive oil for dressing
    • salt and freshly ground pepper


    1. Cut the pitted avocado pulp into cubes or strips, while pouring the cooked slices with lemon juice so that they do not darken.
    2. Cut the tomatoes into thin slices, cut the grinder and onions into quarters of rings, while, if there is a lot of onion and it is too bitter, its amount should be reduced so as not to drown out the delicate aftertaste of the avocado.
    3. Cut the beet leaves into thin curly strips and sprinkle with lemon juice. Finely chop the greens of cilantro, pertushka or dill (for an amateur).
    4. Mix all these ingredients in a salad bowl, season with salt and sprinkle with freshly ground pepper to taste, season with olive oil and stir. Salad ready!
    5. Salads from green beans and soft Feta cheese turn out not only amazingly tasty, but also healthy.

    Bean pod and Feta cheese salad with croutons.


    • green beans - 250 g
    • Feta cheese - 90 g
    • black olives - 10 pieces
    • almonds - 20 g
    • white baguette - 200 g
    • lemon juice - 3-4 tablespoons
    • 3-4 cloves of garlic
    • Dill
    • salt, red pepper
    • olive oil


    1. Cut the white bread into cubes and fry in a skillet with the addition of olive oil to make the croutons crisper, you can dry them a little more in the oven. Grate the finished croutons with garlic cloves.
    2. Defrost the beans and boil in boiling water for 7 minutes with the addition of a tablespoon of lemon juice, drain the excess water and put in a salad bowl.
    3. Cut the feta into small cubes, divide the almond nuts into quarters. Chop the greens.
    4. In a salad bowl, combine cooked toast cubes, boiled young beans, cheese cubes, black olives and chopped almonds.
    5. Prepare the salad dressing in a separate container by mixing 2 or 3 tablespoons of lemon juice with a little olive oil, salt and red pepper can also be added there. Season the salad and mix well. Bon appetit to you and your guests!
    6. A New Year's feast in almost every family is unlikely to do without traditional Olivier salads and herring under a fur coat. But, fortunately, the New Year holidays are quite long, there will be many holidays. And what is better to cook from the proposed options for each holiday, you choose.

    What snacks to cook for the New Year 2017? Recipes.

    What would you like to cook from snacks to match the year of the Rooster, be tasty and memorable for a long time? Homemade rolls, this is what is very important now, many people love them very much, moreover, they are quite simple to prepare.

    Classic rolls with salmon, cucumber and cheese. Recipe.


    • 200 g salmon
    • 150 g hard cheese
    • fresh cucumbers - 2 pieces
    • long grain rice - 200 g
    • pressed kelp sheets for rolls
    • wasabi sauce
    • special mat for rolling rolls

    For the sauce with which it is customary to serve rolls to the table:

    • juice of half a lemon
    • a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
    • soy sauce
    • pinch of sugar


    1. Rinse the rice several times and boil over low heat in a volume of water, which is exactly twice the volume of rice. When cooking, do not salt or stir the rice, and then cool it at room temperature.
    2. Cut the cucumbers, cheese and salmon into thin long strips.
    3. Put a kelp sheet in the center on the roll mat, previously wrapped in foil. Put a thin layer of rice on the sheet, while leaving free space on top of the sheet and moisten it with water. This is done so that the empty part of the wet sheet holds the roll together so that it does not fall apart.
    4. Next, draw a thin strip of wasabi sauce over the rice, the strip should not pass in the middle of the laid out rice, but closer to the lower end of the algae leaf. Arrange slices of cucumber, cheese and fish evenly along the strip of wasabi.
    5. Roll up the roll with a rug. Cut the resulting roll with a very sharp knife into rolls of the thickness that seems most familiar.
    6. For the sauce, which is often served with such snacks in Japanese restaurants, mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, the juice of half a lemon, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, and add a pinch of sugar.

    Nowadays, a huge variety of these popular snacks are prepared. I don't like salmon, you can replace it with eel or herring. Rolls or sushi, cold or baked, the choice is really very large, and it is up to you what to cook from these trendy snacks. Perhaps you want to make several types of rolls that your family members love so much.

    On the New Year's table for the meeting of 2017, salads-snacks from sprouted wheat will look very appropriate, unusual and original. The sprouts of sprouted grains of wheat are simply extremely useful, they contain a storehouse of vitamins and microelements, and they are also very tasty. At first glance, it may seem that it is impossible to cook something for the festive table from such a common ingredient as wheat germ. However, it is not. For example, here is a recipe for an appetizer salad that will definitely impress your guests and emphasize your exquisite taste.

    "Original" wheat germ salad appetizer.


    • kiwi and banana one by one
    • 150 g hard cheese
    • sprouted wheat - 3 tablespoons
    • 2 tablespoons of pomegranate seeds
    • 1.5 tablespoons of liquid honey
    • juice of ½ part lemon


    1. Cut the banana and kiwi into large cubes, mix with chopped wheat germ. Season the mixture with lemon juice and honey, stir. Sprinkle with finely grated cheese on top and garnish with pomegranate seeds.
    2. Such an appetizer is not only healthy and tasty, but also completely in the spirit of the symbol of 2017.
    3. In order to somehow diversify the vegetable component of New Year's dishes, you can offer another appetizer, which is becoming more and more popular from year to year, because many have already appreciated its juiciness and unique taste. These are baked stuffed mushrooms.

    Baked stuffed mushrooms for New Year 2017.


    • champignons - the number of pieces is approximately 15 (for the number of guests), it is better to choose the medium size, while they should all be approximately the same size
    • white part of leeks or green onions
    • hard cheese - 300 g
    • breadcrumbs - 2 tablespoons
    • clove of garlic
    • salt pepper


    1. Prepare mushrooms - cut off their legs at the very base, only the caps should remain, which need to be slightly salted and set aside while the filling is being prepared. Do not throw out the legs!
    2. Filling: cut the onion into rings and fry until golden brown, then add finely chopped mushroom legs, chop a clove of garlic, add salt and pepper, fry it all for about 7 minutes. At the end of frying, add bread crumbs. When the filling has cooled down, add some of the cheese grated on a fine grater, but not all of it, for juiciness.
    3. Put the finished filling in the mushroom caps and cover each with a layer of grated cheese on top. Place on a greased baking sheet and bake in the oven at 190 degrees for 10 minutes.

    What hot dishes to cook for the New Year 2017? Recipes.

    As mentioned earlier, of all the recipes for hot dishes for the New Year's holiday 2017, hot chicken dishes should be avoided. Therefore, this New Year's feast will have to do without grilled chicken.

    But there are other varieties of poultry meat, hot dishes from which will become real decorations on the New Year's table, for example, dishes from turkey meat.

    Baked turkey with bacon.


    • turkey (it is better to take a medium-sized bird weighing about 4 kg)
    • bacon slices
    • 2 citrus (separate lemon and plus tangerine or orange)
    • olive oil - 20 ml
    • fragrant herbs (sprigs of sage, cilantro, rosemary, thyme)
    • salt, freshly ground black pepper

    To prepare aromatic oil you will need:

    • 250 g thawed butter
    • 3-4 garlic cloves
    • one small lemon
    • salt, black pepper
    • one tablespoon each of fresh, finely chopped herbs (parsley, rosemary or sage)


    1. First, the turkey should be salted, pepper inside and out, anointed with olive oil and refrigerated until the next day.
    2. The next day, start preparing butter with fragrant herbs: mix melted at room temperature (not liquid!) Butter with various chopped fresh herbs with the addition of lemon juice from whole citrus and zest.
    3. Make a small incision on the brisket of the soaked bird, free the area under the skin and place the cooked butter with aromatic herbs in this space. In this case, you need to try to gently smooth out the oil under the skin of the turkey with your fingers, and rub the outside of the carcass well with the rest. Next, place the turkey in the refrigerator to solidify the oil.
    4. After that, inside the turkey, you need to insert a whole lemon, an onion and half an orange, some fragrant herbs in the form of twigs. At the same time, there must be empty spaces inside the turkey. The poultry should be baked in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for the first half hour in the open, and then take out and, covered with foil on top of the turkey, bake for another half hour.
    5. After these 30 minutes, you need to put the bacon slices in a row on the turkey brisket and bake again without foil for 15 minutes.
    6. Remove the finished hot dish from the oven and stand for another 25 minutes under foil.

    French meat

    French meat for the New Year of the Rooster 2017

    Recently, French meat recipes have appeared in all cookbooks, and for good reason, because this hot dish is very popular and is suitable not only for a festive table, but also for an ordinary day. In fact, this popular and delicious hot dish is easy enough to prepare, and the guests invited to the festive table will remember it for a long time and ask for recipes.

    Required Ingredients:

    • meat - 400-500 g (best pork without bones, fillet)
    • onions - 3 small onions
    • mayonnaise - 200 g
    • hard cheese (Dutch, Gouda or Russian) - 250 g
    • salt and pepper
    • butter for greasing a baking sheet


    1. Cut the meat into small flat pieces, 1 cm thick. Cut across the fibers with a very sharp knife. Beat off the slices on both sides and brush with salt and pepper to taste each.
    2. Grease a heated baking sheet with butter and put the chops of meat close to each other on it. Put a layer of thin onion half rings on top of the meat layer so that the onion tightly covers the meat. Top both layers with mayonnaise.
    3. We load the baking sheet into the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for 30 minutes. While the meat is baking, grate the cheese on a fine grater. Sprinkle this cheese over the meat and place the baking sheet in the oven for another 20 minutes.
    4. A very tasty hot dish for the New Year's holiday is ready, it remains when serving, sprinkle the meat with finely chopped herbs.
    5. Of course, each housewife will decide what to cook for the New Year's feast, depending on the taste preferences of her family members, and these will not necessarily be the dishes offered, because each family has its own favorite salads, snacks and other dishes.

    Baking, fish, cereal dishes, variegated cocktails are the main culinary directions that the Fiery Rooster offers us for the New Year 2017. Decorating dishes can be done in pastel, bright red, green colors. You can decorate the festive table in blue, no frills. But the key point that worries housewives, of course, is what to cook for the Year of the Rooster 2017.

    It's amazing how cultures mix! On our good old New Year, we manage to hang a Chinese label, cook Prague cake, serve Bulgarian pepper according to the Hungarian recipe, enter into warm international relations with Mexican tequila, Scottish scotch, French bourbon, Italian martini, wash it all down with Ceylon tea with Brazilian coffee.

    Why not? In unfamiliar food, we most likely realize the expectation of a holiday and happy changes. In this article, you will find recipes for the New Year's table from all over the world.


    Let regular stuffed eggs turn into Chinese teas.


    • 8 eggs;
    • 3 tablespoons of black tea;
    • salty soy sauce;
    • 1/2 teaspoon salt
    • 5 star anise stars.

    Cooking method

    Pour eggs with cold water, cook for 20 minutes, cool with cold water. Wrinkle the whole shell, but do not remove it. Add dry tea, soy sauce, salt and star anise, simmer for 2 hours. Leave to cool in the broth overnight. Peel the eggs the next morning. Serve with soy or chili sauce, vinegar.


    Not chicken! For fans of meat dishes, German cuisine offers rabbit fillet (this is true, after all, they ate jellied rooster on New Year's Day of the Rabbit!).


    • 1 rabbit
    • butter;
    • salt;
    • 2 apples;
    • Salo;
    • 4 onions.

    Prepare the meat, cut it into 3 cm thick pieces, beat off, coat with oil. Fry on both sides until golden brown, season with salt. Put pieces of bacon and apples with finely chopped onions in a frying pan, simmer, stirring constantly. Put fillets, apples and bacon on a dish, garnish with fried onion rings. Serve boiled potatoes as a side dish.


    A bright red Mexican meat sauce can be prepared at home, pleasing the Rooster with a temperamental color, exceptional taste - for fans of spicy cuisine.


    • 2 tomatoes;
    • 1 clove of garlic;
    • salt;
    • 1 onion;
    • 1 paprika;
    • 2-3 pepperoni peppers;
    • 30 g of vegetable oil;
    • sugar;
    • vinegar (preferably fruit);
    • black pepper;
    • Cayenne pepper;
    • ground paprika;
    • a pinch of dried sage, thyme, chervil;
    • chopped parsley.

    Remove the peel from the tomatoes, remove the seeds. Crush a clove of garlic with salt. Peel the onion, cut into thin rings. Wash paprika and pepperoni, halve, remove seeds. With the help of a mixer, turn all the ingredients into mashed potatoes. In the meantime, heat the oil, add puree, salt, sugar, vinegar, a lot of dry paprika, and the rest of the spices. Simmer for 10 minutes. Cool, add parsley.

    Cereal desserts

    This is not a cookie or cake. This is a gourmet cherry rice pudding!


    • ½ liter of milk;
    • 1 pinch of salt;
    • 50 g sugar;
    • 100 g of rice;
    • 10 g gelatin;
    • 400 g sour cherries (frozen);
    • ¼ l cream;
    • 1 bag of vanilla sugar.

    Cooking method

    Put milk, salt, sugar, washed rice on low heat until it swells. According to the recipe, make gelatin on a bag, add to rice, put everything in the refrigerator. Let the washed (or thawed) cherries drain slightly. Whisk the cream with vanilla sugar until firm. Put rice and cherries in layers in a transparent container, pour cream. Decorate with grated chocolate.


    So, what dishes should be prepared for the Year of the Rooster, we figured it out. Now a few words about drinks. The visiting card of the holiday is unusual mixtures. For example, an interesting-looking Blue Devil cocktail.


    • 3 parts gin;
    • 1 part "Curacao";
    • 1 part lemon juice
    • crushed ice;
    • cherry for a cocktail.

    The White Lady cocktail will be appreciated by the drinking weak half of humanity.


    • One part each of gin, Cointreau liqueur, freshly squeezed lemon juice.
    • Add half the egg white and ice.
    • Pour, drain into a suitable container, shake to mix completely (imagine yourself as a bartender). Don't forget to serve nicely.
    Note! Practice preparing complex meals a few months, days before the holiday date. This will allow you to get the necessary skills, understand the sequence, and avoid failure. Bon Appetit!