Belyashi with meat is a delicious homemade recipe. Secrets of making juicy whites

Real belyashi have nothing to do with what Russian public catering offers at train stations and stations. Real whites are a miracle! Lush with a golden brown crust, tender dough that melts in your mouth and amazing filling. Bashkir and Tatar housewives were the first to learn how to cook such pies many centuries ago. Gradually, the whites began their journey around the world and, one might say, conquered the planet.

Tatars and Bashkirs argue which of them was the first to invent the word "balish", which in Russian was transformed into the usual belyash. But it doesn't matter at all. The main thing is that the pie (or pie) is made from unleavened dough, chopped small pieces meat, sometimes mixed with potatoes.

The calorie content, on the one hand, seems to be low, in 100 grams - 360 kcal, on the other hand, a person can break away from tasty whites and stop in time only with a very developed willpower.

Belyashi with meat classic in a pan - a step by step photo recipe

Belyashi is a kind of fast food, which is usually cooked in various institutions. Catering... Belyashi are fried in school and student canteens, in small cafes, at points fast food... To cook whitewash as in the dining room, you need:

Cooking time: 2 hours 0 minutes

Quantity: 6 servings


  • Water: 300 ml
  • Yeast: 9 g
  • Sugar: 20 g
  • Salt: 15 g
  • Flour: 500-550 g
  • Beef: 400 g
  • Onions: 2 heads.
  • Green onions (optional): 1 bundle
  • Ground pepper: taste
  • Vegetable oil for frying: 150-200 g

Cooking instructions

Lush regular Tatar belyashi at home

Generally, Tatar belyash- very large, and more like a pie. It depends only on the hostess whether she will make one huge or many small whites that melt in her mouth. According to the classic Tatar recipe to prepare the dough you need:

  • 0.5 l. medium fat sour cream (fresh);
  • 1 egg;
  • salt (to taste, about 0.5 tsp);
  • 500 gr. flour.

For minced meat would need:

  • 300 gr. veal;
  • 300 gr. lamb;
  • 0.7 kg of potatoes;
  • seasonings and salt (to taste).


  1. In principle, the Tatars do not use yeast, and the given recipe is one of the simplest and most delicious. Sift flour, mix with salt, make a depression into which to drive an egg and pour sour cream.
  2. Knead the dough, which should turn out to be quite tender and elastic, lagging behind the walls of the bowl and from the hands of the hostess. The dough should rest for about half an hour.
  3. To prepare classic Tatar whitewash, meat and potatoes need to be cut into cubes, the process is long and tedious, but the result will be delicious. At the end of cooking season, add salt and pepper to the filling, mix well.
  4. Then there are two cooking options, the first is the classic whites with pinching the edges, the second is the preparation of one huge whites using the same technology with a hole in the center.
  5. According to this recipe, the whites are not fried, but cooked in the oven. If the pie is large, then after an hour a little water or broth should be added inside to preserve the juiciness of the filling. Homemade tasty and fragrant Tatar belyasha will be remembered for a long time!

Belyashi on kefir - a simple and tasty recipe

Usually for the preparation of whitewash is used unleavened dough, it is clear that yeast takes a lot of time, effort and at least some experience. Novice housewives can try to make pies using kefir dough. Required for the test:

  • 1 glass of kefir with a high percentage of fat;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable (any) oil;
  • 2-3 eggs;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 0.5-1 tsp soda;
  • 0.5 tsp salt;
  • ≈ 3 cups flour.

For filling:

  • 300 gr. minced meat, consisting of several types of meat, or raw meat, cut into pieces;
  • 3-4 onions;
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. cream to add juiciness to the filling.


  1. At the first stage, prepare the dough: extinguish the soda with kefir, add the eggs, beat, add sugar and salt, pour in the butter, mix.
  2. Now slowly add flour, kneading the dough, until it starts to come off your hands. It needs to be covered with cellophane, and you can start preparing the filling.
  3. At the second stage, twist the meat into minced meat, finely chop the onion, additionally crush it with a wooden crush so that it lets in more juice. Season with salt, seasonings and pepper, cream, stir.
  4. Stage three, in fact, cooking. Tear off small pieces of dough, roll out into a cake, put the minced meat in a heap in the center. Do not pinch completely, like a dumpling, but only the edges so that the center remains open.
  5. Finale - frying, it is necessary to fry in vegetable oil, in a frying pan, warming it up well, and then reducing the heat.
  6. First, put the whites with the filling down, a ruddy crust will appear on the minced meat, which will retain the juice inside. Then turn over and cook until tender.

How to cook whites with yeast dough

The recipe for whitewash on yeast dough is suitable for experienced housewives, since such a dough is very capricious, depends on many factors and even the well-being of the cook. The lighter version is when the dough is bought at a familiar, trustworthy supermarket. But the most daring can try to make yeast dough on their own using the following recipe. Required for the test:

  • 40 gr. yeast (meaning real, fresh);
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 0.5-1 tsp salt;
  • 1-2 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter (any butter, which must first be melted, or vegetable);
  • 2.5 cups of milk (sometimes water is added instead of milk);
  • 7 tbsp. flour (or a little more).

For cooking fillings:

  • 300-350 gr. beef or ground beef;
  • 1 medium-sized onion;
  • salt, seasonings and spices (to taste).


  1. At the first stage, the dough is prepared, first the dough, for which you grind the yeast with sugar, add ½ part of the milk, 2 tbsp. flour, stir well and leave in a warm place.
  2. After half an hour or an hour, add the rest of the ingredients, knead the dough thoroughly, leave it in a warm place again, this time for 1.5-2 hours, crushing it from time to time.
  3. Stage two, fast - the minced meat is mixed with salt, spices and seasonings.
  4. Stage three - cooking whites: roll the dough into a sausage, cut into pieces. Then roll each piece into a circle, in the middle of the filling. The main thing is to learn how to pinch the edges, then ready-made whitewash will be a real work of cookery.
  5. Fry in sunflower oil over low heat, covering with a lid. Yeast dough will take time and effort, but the results will pay off a hundredfold, and the request to cook the whites will come from the household on a weekly basis.

Water whitening recipe

In the piggy bank real mistress there should be such a recipe, in case you want whitewash, and all products, with the exception of milk, are available, and you are too lazy to go to the store. Using water instead of milk slightly reduces the calorie content of the dish. For cooking lean dough will be required:

  • 6 gr. instant yeast;
  • 1 tbsp. water;
  • 500 gr. top grade flour;
  • salt.

For minced meat have to take:

  • 250 g beef (or minced meat);
  • 250 g pork;
  • 300 gr. onions;
  • salt, seasonings, aromatic herbs and pepper.


  1. The process of making whitewash in water is quite simple. Dissolve yeast in heated (but not boiling) water, add dry ingredients (salt and flour).
  2. Knead the dough well, leave it in a warm place so that it comes up - it increases in volume several times.
  3. To prepare minced meat, twist pork and beef in a meat grinder, salt and add seasonings, mix well.
  4. The whites themselves are prepared traditionally - put the filling on a circle of thinly rolled dough, raise the edges, pinch them with a beautiful wave.
  5. Fry in vegetable oil (refined, odorless), first fry the side with the open part, then turn over and bring to readiness.

The good thing about whites is that in the absence of milk in the house, the dough can be made in water, the taste will not deteriorate from this!

How to cook whites in milk

The dough for whitening in milk, according to many housewives, is more tasty and tender. For the test you need:

  • 20 gr. real baker's yeast;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 tbsp. milk;
  • 1 egg;
  • 3-4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 4-4.5 st. flour;
  • 0.5 tsp salt.

For minced meat would need:

  • 500 gr. meat (pork, beef, ideally lamb);
  • 1-3 onions (for an amateur);
  • aromatic herbs;
  • salt (naturally to taste).


  1. Warm up the milk a little, dissolve the yeast, stir.
  2. Grind eggs with salt, sugar, pour into milk in a thin stream.
  3. Add a little flour, kneading the dough.
  4. Add vegetable oil towards the end of the process. It is important that the dough is not steep, it should lag behind the hands and the bowl in which the kneading process is taking place.
  5. Dust the dough with flour, cover the bowl with cellophane, you can use a towel, leave it in a warm place to approach. Crush it several times within two hours.
  6. Next is the process of making yummy according to traditional technologies, since this is whitish, do not pinch the edges completely, but leave a small hole. Then it will be rosy on the outside, but very juicy and tender inside.
  7. Fried in a pan, the readiness is checked with a toothpick, with which you need to pierce the whites. The reddish juice that stands out says that the belyash is not ready, the clear juice is a sign that it is time to put the belyash on a plate and invite relatives to a feast.

Lazy whites - the recipe "couldn't be easier"

Yeast dough loves the attention of the hostess, capricious, does not tolerate drafts, negligence and bad mood. Therefore, not all home cooks are ready for such gastronomic feats, and modern youth, in general, love quick and easy recipes. One of them is offered below, it will take a little time and the simplest products.

Ingredients for the test:

  • 0.5 kg of flour (highest grade);
  • 1 tbsp. medium fat sour cream;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l. margarine (even better than butter);
  • 1 tbsp. l. (with a slide) sugar;
  • a little salt.


  1. The dough is prepared as follows: sift flour into a large bowl. Make a depression in the resulting mound of flour. Drive eggs into it, add the rest of the ingredients. Knead the dough quickly, roll it into a ball (it should come off your hands). Cover the ball, put it out in the cold for half an hour.
  2. For the filling, you will need minced meat or meat (300 gr.), Cut into tiny pieces. Real Tatar cooks naturally cut meat, their modern counterparts from other regions can use it as a filling for whitewash chopped meat twisted on a grate with large holes.
  3. In the minced meat, in addition to meat, add salt, seasonings, a couple of spoons heavy cream... Taking advantage of the most simple recipe cooking whitewash, you can get a very decent result.

How to cook homemade juicy whites in the oven

Some housewives do not like fried food, consider it not very healthy for the stomach and are looking for other ways of cooking traditional dishes... You can offer the following version of whitewash, in which the dough and filling are prepared according to the traditional recipe, only the final stage changes. The test requires:

  • 1.5-2 tbsp. flour;
  • 2 yolks;
  • 1.5 tbsp. milk;
  • 1/3 pack of margarine (can be replaced with butter);
  • 1-1.5 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 50 gr. conventional yeast.

Dough preparation:

  1. Heat the milk, pour it into the yeast, rubbing slowly, then add sugar, salt and margarine (or butter), which must first be melted.
  2. At the end, flour is also gradually poured in and the dough is kneaded. He needs to "rest" for 40-50 minutes, during which time the filling can be prepared.
  3. For the filling, minced meat (300 gr.) Is used from any kind of meat, ideally - lamb, you can mix pork and beef. It is important to add more onions (4-5 heads), finely chopped or grated on a beetroot grater. Cream (1-2 tablespoons) mixed with minced meat will add juiciness.
  4. In shape, the whites should resemble traditional products, are prepared from a dough mug, the edges of which are raised and pinched. The filling is inside, in a kind of dough bag. Since the oven is used, the hole must be very small to keep the filling juicy.
  5. Bake for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C, check the readiness with a wooden toothpick; when punctured, the finished whitewash should release clear juice. Cooking Tatar whites in the oven is more the right approach to the diet.

Belyashi with potatoes - lean recipe

Many of the women would like to please their relatives with whites during the fast, but do not know if this can be done. Of course, traditionally this dish is prepared with meat filling, and only such a pie has the right to be called whitewash. On the other hand, why not try cooking lean dish... For the test you need:

  • 1 kg of wheat, premium flour;
  • 2.5 tbsp. water (milk does not belong to lean foods);
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable (not animal) oil;
  • 30 gr. yeast;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 0.5 tsp salt;
  • For minced meat, you need 0.5 kg of potatoes.


  1. Cooking process yeast dough- classic. Dissolve yeast in heated water, then add in order - butter, sugar and salt, mix well.
  2. Pour in flour, knead the dough that is not cool, but sticking off from your hands. Leave it to approach in a warm place, sprinkle with flour and cover with a towel.
  3. Peel potatoes, boil in salted water until full readiness... Pour some water into a separate container, drain the rest.
  4. Mash the potatoes into a homogeneous mass with a crush, add the water in which it was cooked so that the filling is softer and juicier.
  5. Stage three - making lean pies, here, too, use a proven technology to roll a piece of dough into a circle (you can cut it with a glass), in the middle of a slide of mashed potatoes.
  6. According to this recipe, it is better not to fry the whites, but to bake them in the oven.

  1. Belyashi - very popular dish, in connection with which there are many recipes for their preparation. But there is also general recommendations, for example, mandatory sifting of flour. So it is saturated with air, the dough will be more fluffy.
  2. Another secret - the dough should be well kneaded, dishes where the dough on water, kefir, sour cream are easier to prepare. Yeast dough requires special attention, compliance temperature regime, lack of drafts.
  3. There are secrets of making the filling, in traditional recipes Tartary and Bashkiria, it is mentioned that the meat should be cut into pieces, so it retains its structure.

Greetings, my precious friends. Do you like whites? It's hard not to love them. At the mere thought of them, salivation flows. But, unfortunately, it is rarely possible to enjoy high-quality whites from the store. Manufacturers manage to undercut the meat, or make the dough too thick. An unpleasant residue remains from purchased product... Therefore, I suggest making these pies at home. Moreover, today I will tell you how to cook whitewash with meat in a pan.

Modern sweets owe their name to balish, a large pie made from unleavened dough. This is a national Bashkir dish. Prepare it with various fillings, but meat with potatoes is considered the most delicious.

However, the belyashi are slightly different from the belyashi. First of all, they are much smaller in size than their progenitors. In addition, the whites are fried in huge amount butter, and the balisha is baked.

The closest relative of the Bashkir balish is the Tatar peremyach. Usually, the peremeshes do round shape with a hole in the middle. But the whites were originally prepared triangular... Only few people know about these features today. Well that's it, a little presentation of the dish before showing it 🙂

Features of whitewash

Fried food is hardly dietary. During the cooking process, pies absorb a lot of fat, so they are a high-calorie product.

The calorie content of whitewash is 260.6 kcal. At the same time, fats are 14.7 g, and carbohydrates - 18.7 g and proteins - 14.6 g.

Therefore, no nutritionist would recommend this yummy to you. Therefore, you should not eat whitish eyes for those who are on a diet. Otherwise, you will not resist and you will have to start losing weight anew. Also, with this delicacy, you need to be more careful for people suffering from diseases. of cardio-vascular system and the pancreas.

But whites, cooked on their own at home, are less harmful than purchased ones. After all, here you yourself regulate the fat content of the meat and the amount of oil for frying. And you can cook at home both open and closed pies... They differ among themselves not only in appearance, but also in cooking characteristics.

Cooking open yeast whites

Here comes step by step recipe delicious pies. For the test, you will need:

  • a kilo of flour;
  • egg;
  • 0.5 l of milk;
  • 3 tbsp Sahara;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 10 g of dry yeast (you can replace 30 g of live yeast).

You will need a kilo of minced meat as a filling. Better to take from pork with beef. You will also need 4 onions, salt + pepper to taste. You need to fry the whites in a huge amount of oil.

First, make the dough. To do this, mix yeast with sugar and dilute them with warm milk. Leave the mixture on for 5-7 minutes until foam forms. Be sure to sift the flour and make a hole in the center of the slide. Pour the yeast mixture and beaten eggs into this hole. Add salt and knead the dough well. This procedure usually takes about a quarter of an hour.

After kneading, the dough should not stick to your hands. Then we cover it and leave it for an hour in a warm place. During this time, the yeast dough will double.

Mix finely chopped onion with minced meat. Salt and pepper the filling. Next, mix the components well again. To increase the viscosity of minced meat, I advise you to add a couple of tablespoons to its composition. ice water... We leave the minced meat in the refrigerator for an hour. So the water will be absorbed into the proteins of the meat and the filling will then be a little with broth.

Sprinkle the working surface with flour. Roll out the same balls from the dough, from which we roll out flat cakes with a diameter of 15-17 cm. Put the minced meat in the middle of the dough (about 1 tablespoon each). We pinch the whites so that there is a hole in the middle, where the filling would be visible. And lightly press down each whitewash with your hand.

Fill the pan with oil (about 2 cm from the bottom). We heat it up and put the pies with the holes down. Fry one side over medium heat until browning. Then we turn it over and cook further.

How to make yeast closed whites with meat

It is not difficult to cook such a delicacy at home. For the test, take:

  • a kilo of flour;
  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 gr margarine;
  • 30 grams of sugar;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 10 grams of dry yeast (or 30 grams of live).

The filling is prepared from minced pork, 2 onions and 100 ml of water. You will also need ground pepper + salt to taste.

We dilute the yeast with warm milk and add sugar here. Beat the eggs lightly and send them into the yeast mixture. Add the sifted flour and mix the ingredients. Then pour in the slightly cooled melted margarine here, add salt and knead the dough well. We leave it for a couple of hours, covering it from above kitchen towel... After a little crush the dough. If it is sticky, stir in flour. And again let it stand for a couple of hours.

Let's move on to the filling. Add chopped onion to the minced meat. Add water, salt + pepper here. Knead the minced meat well.

Divide the yeast dough into equal balls. Roll out each of them in turn and spread 1.5-2 tbsp in the middle. fillings. Raise the edges of the round up and pinch, and then gently flatten it with your palm.

Put the whites in a frying pan with hot oil so that they sit down with the seam. There should be a lot of oil in the vessel (a layer of at least 2 cm). Fry the pies until browned on both sides.

How to cook delicious whites in a pan in kefir

And these are preparing fragrant pies yeast-free. You can call it fast track cooking.

You will need to prepare such a set of products for the test:

  • 250 ml of kefir 3.5% fat;
  • about 300 grams of flour;
  • 2, or even 3 tbsp. refined oil;
  • 1/2 tsp salt;
  • 1/3 tsp soda.

We will prepare the filling from 250 g of minced meat, onions, salt + ground black pepper. Mix finely chopped onions with minced meat. Salt and pepper. Then we beat off the minced meat well or mix for a long time. This will allow the water to be absorbed into the meat and the filling will be juicier. Then cover the container with the prepared minced meat and send it to the refrigerator.

And the dough is prepared even faster 🙂 We mix kefir (you do not need to heat it up, as you got it from the refrigerator, use this one) with flour. Do not add all the flour at once. Add half the amount indicated in the recipe. Then add salt and soda. And gently mix all the ingredients, gradually adding the rest of the flour. Your dough should be soft. Then we drive vegetable oil into the kneaded dough and leave it for 20-30 minutes.

We grease the working surface on which we will form our pies with vegetable oil. If you want, you can use flour instead of butter.

I noticed that when I use flour for dusting, it charred when frying. As a result, an unpleasant black residue remains in the pan. Therefore, I use vegetable oil

We form rounds from the dough and roll them out. Put the filling in the middle of each and mold the open-type whites. I advise you to sculpt immediately as much as will fit in a frying pan at a time. Fry on both sides in boiling oil until golden brown.

I found a video recipe for you that will tell you more about this cooking method.

Lazy whites recipe

If guests suddenly appear, you will be rescued by this original recipe lazy pies. To do this, you will need the following products:

  • 2 glasses of kefir;
  • egg;
  • ½ tsp each sugar + salt + soda;
  • 0.5 kilograms of flour;
  • 0.5 kg of minced meat;
  • larger onion;
  • freshly ground black pepper;
  • parsley or dill.

Kefir heated to about 30 degrees is mixed with soda, sugar and salt. Leave this mixture to stand for 10 minutes at room temperature... In the meantime, we are preparing the filling. Mix the minced meat with chopped onion, egg, pepper and salt.

After that, gradually mix the flour into the kefir mixture. There should be no lumps. And your dough should be like sour cream in consistency. Put the dough in a pan with hot oil with a spoon, minced meat on top. And pour a little dough onto the minced meat so that the filling is visible in the middle.

Fry on a medium-power fire. First, fry one side. Then we turn it over and bring the second side of the whitewash to a rosy color. Before serving the pies, decorate them with herbs. Nice, fast and very tasty. Try it.

  • To make the whites look round and beautiful, do not spread them too tightly in the pan. Let there be a distance of 1 cm between them. So it will be easier to turn them over. And during the flipping, your pies will not lose their shape.
  • After frying the whites, do not rush to serve them right there. Put the pies on the kitchen counter paper towel to remove excess fat. And then serve it on the table.
  • If suddenly after frying you find that the whites are still damp inside, do not panic. You can bring them to readiness in the microwave or oven. Just do not set the maximum microwave power.

How do you cook whites with meat in a pan? If you have your own branded secret recipe, be sure to share it in the comments. And a photo, if possible, attach. Well, I wish you the most pleasant whitewash and say goodbye. Bye Bye!

In general, belyash is a common dish in Russia, and the roots of origin are Tatar. Belyash is a fried pie made from yeast or puff pastry with meat filling.

I usually make these mince pies without holes, although true Tatar belyash is still made with minced meat and always with a hole. Therefore, today we will analyze with you the most popular recipes pies, some for you may be new or famous and beloved by your family.

We will start as usual with classic recipe... I really love how my mother prepares this dish, she turns out they are very juicy and so unusually tasty.

We need:


0.5 tbsp. l. Sahara

1/3 Art. milk

warm water

0.5 tbsp. l. salt

1 packet of dry yeast

vegetable oil

Ground meat


pepper mix


1. First you need to sift the flour well.

2. It is necessary to sift in good quality so that the flour is enriched with oxygen.

3. Now take a deep saucepan or plate. We drive in eggs.

4. Add sugar.

5. Take a fork, or preferably a whisk, and beat the mixture.

6. Beat the egg-sugar mixture well.

7. Now pour in a third of a glass of milk.

This must be done four times. That is, you should have 4 glasses.

9. Pour all four glasses into a saucepan.

10. Beat well again.

11. Add salt and mix.

12. Pour a bag of yeast into the resulting mixture.

13. And beat everything thoroughly.

14. Add flour in small portions.

15. Beat with a whisk.

16. Then we take sunflower oil, stain one of the hands and knead the dough with this hand.

Advice: it is necessary to knead the dough in one direction !!

17. Knead the dough until soft bread is thick.

18. Now you need to add 1.5 tbsp. l. sunflower oil.

19. And we continue to knead the dough for half a minute.

20. Now lightly dust the dough with flour.

Check that there are no drafts. The dough should come up 2-3 times. In the meantime, let's start cooking minced meat.

22. Take the beef and cut it into pieces.

23. Then we also chop the pork. Minced meat ratio: 2/3 - pork; 1/3 - beef.

24. Now we chop the onion.

25. And also chop the fifth part of the cabbage fork. Notice !! Add cabbage as desired. It's just that the whites are much juicier with her.

26. And twist all these prepared ingredients in a meat grinder.

27. Mix everything well.

28. Add spices, salt, a mixture of peppers, garlic to the minced meat if desired. And again mix everything well.

29. Also add 2-3 cups to the minced meat cold water... We mix.

30. When the dough has come, we start sculpting the whitewash. To start work surface must be lubricated with sunflower oil.

31. Now we pinch off a piece of dough and make something like a ball.

32. Prepare more balls at once.

Remember to cover the remaining dough.

33. Now we make cakes, the dough should be thinner along the edges.

34. Put a portion of minced meat in the middle of the cake.

35. We collect our future whites neatly in a bag, slightly lifting the edge.

36. Slightly flatten the pie, leaving a small hole on top.

37. Preheat the skillet well with big amount sunflower oil.

38. Carefully place the whites with the side without a hole up.

39. Fry until golden brown on both sides.

40. We spread the ready-made whites on a napkin, which escaped unnecessary oil.

41. Here are our appetizing whites ready.

The classic recipe for whitewash turned out to be long, but anyone can cook this yummy !! 🙂

Belyashi with meat Tatar. Step by step recipe

We need:

Water - 1 glass

Flour - 2.5 cups

Sugar - 1 teaspoon

Salt - 1 teaspoon

Yeast - 1 teaspoon

Vegetable oil - 1/2 cup (+ for frying)

Beef - 500 grams

Onion - 2 pieces

Greens to taste

Pepper to taste


1. Dissolve yeast and sugar in warm water.

2. After 5 minutes add salt.

4. Knead to a homogeneous dough and leave to rise for 1.2-2 hours. Do not forget to beat the dough.

5. For the filling, grind the beef with onions, add salt, pepper, spices to taste. Mix everything well. But, if you want to cook real Tatar belyashi, then it is better to cut the meat into medium pieces and also mix with spices.

6. When the dough has come up, transfer it to a floured work surface.

7. Divide the dough into 12 equal pieces.

8. Mash into a cake by hand. Spread the filling generously, being careful not to get the minced meat on the edges.

9. Now carefully seal the edges so that there is a hole in the center.

10. Heat in a frying pan a large number of oils.

11. Put in butter and fry the whites on both sides until golden brown. Then transfer to a paper towel to remove any excess grease.

Take a note: always fry the cakes in a lot of oil so that they are evenly browned.

Lazy belyashi on kefir with minced meat

There is such a juicy lazy recipe whitewash with minced meat dough on kefir. Let's try these fried pies ?! If you liked these pies, please write your reviews in the comments. 😎

We need:

For the test:

kefir - 500 ml

egg - 1 pc.

baking soda - ½ tsp

sugar - ½ teaspoon

salt - pinch

flour - about 300 gr. (look by consistency)

For filling:

minced meat - 300-400 gr.

salt, pepper - to taste

onion - 1 pc.

For frying:

vegetable oil (refined) - 80-100 ml


1. Beat the egg with sugar and salt.

2. Warm the kefir slightly - it should be warm, but not hot. Dissolve in fermented milk product baking soda and leave for a couple of minutes, then pour in to egg mixture... We mix.

3. After sifting through a fine sieve, gradually add flour, working vigorously with a whisk. We bring the composition to a homogeneous state without lumps. The consistency of the mass should become similar to thick sour cream... If necessary, add an additional portion of flour.

4. Salt and pepper the minced meat, mix with finely chopped onion. Make small "meatballs" from the meat mass and press them with your palm, forming flat cakes with a diameter of about 2.5 cm.

5. Now I will tell you how to properly fry such a dish. Cover the bottom of a spacious frying pan with a thin layer of refined oil and heat it up. With a tablespoon, spread the dough on a hot surface in the form of small cakes. We place the prepared filling on each blank. In some recipes lazy whites minced meat is immediately put into the dough during kneading and mixed - if you want, you can try this option for comparison.

6. Pour a little dough on top of the meat mass, leaving a free hole so that the filling fries faster. Cooking lazy whites over medium heat. As soon as the base is browned, turn the products over and fry the other side.

7. Put freshly prepared lazy whites with minced meat on a paper towel or napkins to remove excess oil. Having cooled slightly, serve!

Everything is fast and simple. I wish you bon appetit !!

It is interesting!! The Tatars and Bashkirs call the belyash "balish".

Delicious whites in a pan

The following whitewash recipe is delicious and homemade. Fried pies according to this recipe, they always work out wonderfully well.

The dough for whitewash turns out to be soft and airy, and the filling is very juicy. Of course, the whitewash dish is very high in calories, but sometimes pamper yourself delicious pies can.

We need:


Flour - 0.8 - 1 kg

Milk - 400 ml

Egg - 2 pcs.

Dry yeast - 11 gr.

Sugar - 2 tablespoons

Salt - 1 tsp

Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons

For filling:

Veal - 400 gr.

Pork - 100 gr.

Medium onion - 3 pcs.

Ground black pepper

Butter - 50 gr.


  1. First you need to prepare the dough. Beat eggs with sugar and salt, slightly heat the milk (a little warmer than room temperature) and dissolve the yeast in it.
  2. Combine milk with yeast with beaten eggs, add 2 tablespoons to them. vegetable oil and 2 \ 3 parts of flour, mix well.
  3. Then add the remaining flour, replace the dough.
  4. Place in a mold, lightly sprinkle with flour, cover with a towel and send to a warm place for 1 - 1.5 hours to rise, while kneading it once.
  5. Next, we will prepare the filling for our pies: twist the veal and pork in a meat grinder. Grate onion and butter on coarse grater and combine with meat, salt and pepper to taste, add a little boiled water(2-3 tablespoons) and soft butter, so the minced meat will be juicier, you can add spices if desired.
  6. Roll out the suitable dough on a floured table into a tourniquet, cut into pieces.
  7. Mash each piece into a flat cake, put the filling in a full teaspoon in the center, protect the edges, leaving a hole in the center.
  8. Leave the whites to rise for 20 minutes. Preheat the pan, add vegetable oil and lay out the blanks with the hole down, fry over medium heat for 7-8 minutes. Then turn over to the other side and brown.

It is better to eat fragrant whites hot, then the filling will definitely be juicy! Very tasty! Eat to your health.

Puff pastry whites

Have you ever tried puff pastry whites ?! Probably many will find this strange. But such pies are really delicious and contain only 26 kilocalories, and unlike classic whites quick to prepare.

We need:

Puff pastry - 500 Grams

Minced meat - 500 grams

Onions - 1 Piece

Carrots - 1 Piece

Egg - 1-2 Pieces

Hard cheese - 150 Grams

Salt - To taste

Black ground pepper- Taste


  1. Buy the minced meat that you like, in this case it does not matter. But it is best to take pork with beef. Fry chopped onions with grated carrots and mix with minced meat, adding an egg for better consistency. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  2. Buy ready-made puff pastry... Leave the dough to defrost beforehand. Cut circles out of it. Make holes in half of the cakes (it is very convenient to do this with a glass).
  3. Put the filling in the mugs without holes, and then close with the "full of holes". Secure the dough with a fork around the edges.
  4. Cut the cheese into small pieces. Sprinkle it on the middle of the future whites. Grease all products with an egg.
  5. It remains only to bake our pastries on a baking sheet. Cook at 180 degrees for 30 minutes. Now you can taste delicious whites too!

The recipe for whitewash, cooked in the oven. Video recipe

Well, since I raised the question of the calorie content of whitewash, then next recipe for those who love these pies, but are on a diet. Whites in the oven !! Watch the video recipe juicy whites, I think you will not have any difficulties when preparing them.

Zucchini belyashi

We need:

Zucchini - 500 gr.

Minced chicken (any is possible) - 300 gr.

Chicken egg - 2 pcs.

Wheat flour (with a slide) - 6 tbsp. l.

Green onions - 1 bunch.

Dill - 1 bunch.

Garlic - 4 teeth.

Soda - 0.5 tsp

Black pepper


1. First, prepare meat filling: add an egg to the minced meat, pass the garlic through a press, salt and pepper to taste.

2. Grate the zucchini, add the egg, finely chopped onion and dill, flour, baking soda, salt and pepper to taste. Mix everything.

3. In a frying pan with heated oil, lay the zucchini mass in layers, then the meat filling and again the zucchini.

4. Fry on both sides, it is possible under the lid for better baked inside.

5. Serve with sour cream or with your favorite sauce.
Bon Appetit!

As you can see, the recipe for whitewash is very simple, and if you have not tried whitewash from zucchini yet, then after reading this article, you will definitely want to try this dish, right ?! 😎

Lush whites with chicken

In this recipe, we will cook whites in a pan from minced chicken. By the way, the secret lush whites consists in making yeast dough. It is the yeast that gives the splendor effect to our pies. And one more secret of the splendor of the whites .. rather read further in the recipe !!

We need:

For the test:

water - 300 ml

flour - 18 tbsp. spoons (3.5 cups)

dry yeast - 15 gr.

mayonnaise - 0.5 cups

egg - 1 pc.

sugar - 20 gr.

salt - 10 gr.

For filling:

onions - 2 pcs.

minced chicken - 300 gr.

ghee - 1 tbsp. spoon (optional)

seasoning - to taste

sunflower oil for frying whites


1. First, as usual, you need to put the dough. Pour water warmed to body temperature into a large bowl. Add yeast, let it bloom and stir.

2. Put a glass of flour, salt and sugar.

3. Stir the mixture with a whisk so that no flour lumps remain in the mixture. Put the dough in a warm place to rise for thirty minutes. During this time, she will rise well.

4. In a separate bowl, combine egg and mayonnaise. Mayonnaise - here it is secret ingredient pomp. Pour the egg-mayonnaise mixture into the dough and stir.

5. Add the remaining flour. Knead the dough. It may stick to your hands at first, but don't add any more flour at this stage.

6. When the dough rises, place it on the table. Knead the dough well, lightly dusting it with flour. Put the dough back in the bowl, cover plastic bag and leave to rise for one hour.

7. Prepare the filling for the whites. To do this, chop the onion in a blender, put it in a bowl. Add to it minced chicken, spices and melted butter... Knead the minced meat well.

8. When the dough has come up, start sculpting. I will not repeat myself, read the recipes above and choose the method that is most convenient for you.

9. Fry the whites in a pan on both sides in hot sunflower oil until golden brown... First fry the side that you pinched. To prevent the filling from remaining damp, pour in the butter so that the pies are half dipped in it.

Do you have your own secret of lush whites? Please share in the comments. 😉

Homemade whites in a hurry

Take the following products: Flour - 500 grams, Milk - 1 glass, Yeast - 30 grams (fresh), Sugar - 1 teaspoon, Egg - 1 piece, Salt - 1.5-2 teaspoons (0.5 teaspoon - for the dough, the rest - for minced meat), Minced meat - 500 grams, Onions - 2-3 pieces, Vegetable oil - 500 ml (2-3 tablespoons for the dough, the rest for frying), Ground black pepper - 0.5 teaspoons.

How to whip up whites:

  1. V warm milk add sugar and yeast. Stir until completely dissolved.
  2. Sift the flour into the bowl in which we will make the dough. Add the yeast solution and eggs mixed with salt to it. Add vegetable oil and knead the dough.
  3. We cut the dough into small balls and start filling.
  4. Peel and finely dice the onion. I recommend crushing the chopped onion a little, let it juice. Add chopped onion, salt and ground pepper to the minced meat. You can add any other spices for the meat. Mix well.
  5. Lubricate the table and rolling pin vegetable oil.
  6. Roll out cakes from balls of dough, about half a centimeter thick, and put the prepared minced meat in the middle of each.
  7. We make pies. You can make both triangular and round - according to your mood. Most importantly, there should be a hole in the center.
  8. Fry in well-heated vegetable oil. First, fry the side of the whitewash, on which there is a hole and seams.
  9. Put the fried whites on paper towels so that excess fat is absorbed.

That's all our whites are ready to eat !!

And run everything to cook and eat juicy whites. 😛 Until next time!

Best regards, Tatiana Kashitsina.

Belyash is a dish Tatar cuisine, which has become very popular in our area due to the fact that meat pies fried in oil came to our taste. Many people associate whites with street kitchen, with tents selling hot pies, pasties and belyashi. A kind of lunch on the go. But street whites are also a big surprise, what they are made of, whether the expiration date of the products has expired, whether the dough is stale. There are no guarantees. What to do if you so badly want to eat belyashi with meat, but do not risk it. It's simple, you need to learn delicious homemade recipes and cook the whites yourself.

In fact, real Tatar belyash is big pie that is baked, not fried. And what we are used to eating is closer to the pies called peremyachi. But we have become so accustomed to calling them whites for so long and so much that we most likely will not be able to change the habit. I do not think that the whites will suffer from this, they will still remain the same tasty.

Belyashi with meat is difficult to name dietary meal, as it is essentially pan-fried in a lot of vegetable oil. Almost deep-fried. Therefore, before you cook them, mentally be prepared that the pleasure of whites will cost you many, many calories eaten.

If this does not bother you too much, and you want tasty whites as before, let's figure out how to cook delicious homemade whites with meat, and what is required for this.

There are several recipes that are slightly different from each other. It's all about how the dough is kneaded and how the whites themselves are prepared.

First, we will consider how to cook whites with yeast dough.

Belyashi with meat on yeast dough, cooking in a pan - a detailed step-by-step recipe with a photo

The most common recipe for making homemade whites with meat is on yeast dough, followed by frying them in boiling oil in a pan. Such whites with meat turn out to be lush, ruddy and juicy inside. Most of us are just such whites and love. Cooking them is not that difficult, but it will take some time. It's all about the dough, which must be kneaded correctly and allowed to rise.

You can make a filling for whitewash with almost any meat, even a mixture such as pork and beef. A one-to-one ratio is fine. But you can make pork or beef whites with meat if you like it better. The main secret in order to make the meat filling juicy, a large amount of onion is used for this, water or broth is added to the minced meat.

But let's take everything in order to learn how to make delicious homemade whites with meat.

We need:

  • flour - 800-900 grams (no more than 1kg),
  • pressed yeast (not dry) - 15 grams,
  • water - 1 glass (250 ml),
  • milk - 1 glass,
  • salt - 1 teaspoon
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon
  • egg - 1 pc,
  • vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons,
  • minced meat - 1 kg,
  • onions - 3 pcs,
  • fresh cilantro (optional) - 50 grams,
  • ground black pepper and salt to taste.


1. The first thing we start to do when baking any pastry is, of course, the dough. Since we have yeast dough for whitewash with meat, we first prepare the dough.

The dough is made from yeast with the addition of a small amount of ingredients that will turn on the fermentation process. First, we need warm water and sugar.

Break the yeast into pieces in a bowl or ladle, then add a tablespoon of sugar and half the water, about 100 ml. Stir the yeast in water to dissolve the sugar and the yeast itself. This is called "dissolving" the yeast.

2. Now add 2-3 tablespoons of flour there and stir well until all the lumps are dissolved. You should end up with something like batter... Then cover the dough with a lid or tighten the bowl. cling film... Leave for 15-20 minutes for the dough to ferment and begin to rise into a lush, foamy mass.

3. When the dough comes up, it will increase in volume by one and a half times. After that, you can open it and pour it into a bowl or saucepan, in which we will continue to knead the dough.

4. Add the second half of the water, milk and an egg slightly beaten with a fork to the dough (so that the yolk and white are mixed). Add a teaspoon of salt there and mix everything well with a tablespoon or spatula.

5. Next, you need to gradually add flour. Literally 150-200 gr. stir the resulting dough at a time and between each addition until the dry flour in the dough disappears from view. This will mix better with the flour.

It is advisable to sift the flour in advance using a special sieve or do it directly into the bowl with the dough. For this, I usually take a special sieve-mug for flour and immediately sift it into a dough piece. Flour is saturated with oxygen and thanks to this the dough will be very fluffy, and the whites with meat will eventually come out really airy.

6. The most difficult thing is to guess how much flour you will need for the dough in advance. the fact is that flour is of different quality and moisture. Even the humidity in the air can affect the amount of flour. Therefore, we add flour in parts and continue to stir. Maximum amount this is 1 kg, you should definitely not put more than this. But until we come nearer to this line, we interfere further.

At some point, it will become impossible to stir with a spoon due to the thickness of the dough, then put it aside and continue with your hand. Alas, the dough will stick to your fingers, but this cannot be avoided.

If you have a special combiner for kneading dough or a bread maker, then it will be easier for you, since the difficult work can be entrusted to them. But I trust my hands more, because I can feel the dough, how thick and soft it is and whether there is enough flour. With experience, this feeling is deposited very deeply in the memory and even the amount of ingredients will not need to be measured, as happens with many housewives. We know the dough by touch.

7. Stop kneading enough when it becomes thick enough to begin to peel off the walls and hands, and at the same time all the flour from the day of the bowl will be mixed in. Then add 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil directly to the dough. It must be mixed well so that it completely dissolves in the dough. This can take about five minutes, it will make the dough plastic and homogeneous. The dough should stick well and be slightly softer than plasticine.

After that, cover the bowl with a lid or cling film and leave it to come up. The dough should increase in size. Do not put it in a cold place, it is better to leave it at room temperature or slightly warmer. Leave it on the rise for an hour and a half or two.

8. With a properly prepared dough, whites with meat are very tasty. After all, the dough is one of its main components.

The risen dough should approximately double in size. It means have been used good yeast and the kneading is done correctly.

9. Remove the dough from the bowl and knead it with your hands on a table or a special silicone mat. To prevent it from sticking to the table and hands, use vegetable oil to lubricate the surface and hands. Do not use flour, it may change the consistency of the dough.

Knead the dough well to squeeze out any air bubbles. When it deflates to its original size, becomes smoother and more pliable, return it to the bowl, cover and let rise one more time. You can skip this stage only if you are already in a hurry, for example, for the arrival of guests. But if you have time, then let the dough rise a second time, this will make it tastier and more fluffy.

While the dough comes up a second time, you can prepare the filling.

10. For the filling, take ready-made minced meat or scroll it yourself. One time is enough. Peel the onion and also roll it through a meat grinder so that the pieces are very small. A blender is also suitable for this, you can grind in it. If you are adding cilantro, chop it very finely with a knife. You need a teaspoon of salt with a bump, and half a teaspoon of pepper, if you do not like sharper.

11. Mix the meat with onions and spices in separate dishes to homogeneity. In order for the whites with the meat inside to turn out juicy, you need to make sure that the filling does not turn out to be dry. When stirring the minced meat, make sure that it is very soft and does not crumble into meat grains. The minced meat should be much softer than for ordinary cutlets... It can be thinned a little for the correct consistency. drinking water or meat broth if you have one. Here, too, you will have to look and feel the consistency, you may need 2-3 tablespoons of water, or maybe a little more. The main thing is to stir the water well in the filling so that it is completely absorbed into the minced meat and does not stand at the bottom of the bowl.

12. When the dough will do the second time, you can start sculpting the whites with meat. To do this, grease your hands and the surface of the table (rug or baking paper) with vegetable oil, lay out the dough and begin to divide it into balls no larger than your palm. Make balls the same size by eye, or divide the dough into halves. That is, the whole piece in half, because each half in half, then each quarter in half, and until you reach the desired size of the pieces. I got 12 balls.

13. Prepare the place where you will put the ready-made whitewash with meat. It can be a baking sheet, a sheet of baking paper, great dish... The whites should not touch so that they do not stick together.

Now we begin to sculpt the whites. Knead the dough ball with your fingers to make a flat cake. Not too thin, but try to keep the middle thicker. This will balance the thickness of the dough in the place where we will pinch it so that it sticks together, with the opposite side.

Place a heaped tablespoon in the middle of the flatbread.

14. Now you need to gather the edges of the dough together and make a kind of a bag out of it. Squeeze them tightly with your fingers so that the dough sticks together and there are no holes left, and the future whitewash becomes round. Then flatten the finished whitewash to a flatter state.

When frying, the whites inflate again and therefore should be flatter than the expected finished result when raw. Put the blinded whites on a baking sheet or sheet until they are fried.

15. In a deep skillet, heat the oil to a simmer and reduce the heat to lower than medium so that the whites do not burn on the outside and bake on the inside. Place the whites two or three in the butter (depending on the diameter of the pan and the size of the whites) and fry them on each side until they are well browned.

Fry them evenly on both sides. You can break the first whitewash and check whether the filling is ready inside, if everything worked out, then the frying temperature is normal. If the meat is damp, then reduce the heat and fry the whites a little longer.

Put the finished whites on a large dish or plate, lined with paper towels or napkins, so that excess oil is absorbed by the glass and absorbed into them. Belyashi with meat is enough fatty dish why add oil from frying to it.

Ready-made whites are a great hot dish and can replace a whole lunch or dinner. Set and eat while they are still hot. Bon Appetit!

Belyashi on kefir - a recipe for making quick belyashi with meat with kefir dough instead of yeast

Yeast dough is very tasty and the whites with meat are simply wonderful, but its biggest minutes is the cooking time, considering how long it needs to knead, wait when it comes up twice, and before that prepare the dough. You don't always have a whole day to cook whites in a pan. On TV, a recipe is suitable for such moments fast food- whitewash on kefir. Kefir will serve as the substance that will make the dough for the whiteness airy and fluffy. Instead of fermenting yeast in a warm environment, we will ferment kefir.

Very tasty home recipe cooking whites on kefir, see this video. You will not believe how quickly whites are cooked with meat with such a dough, but they taste no worse and are fried in the same way in a pan.

Cook whites with meat for your family and for the arrival of guests. Share your successes. Love to cook deliciously and eat deliciously, because we have all the possibilities for this!

Belyashi with meat, especially in fried variation- not a dish that can be recommended to be cooked often, but sometimes you can pamper yourself and your household with such a tempting and aromatic savory delicacy by preparing it yourself at home.

How to cook whitewash with meat?

Any recipe for whitewash with meat involves the simultaneous design of two components - the filling and the dough, the quality of which fully determines the final result and the impression of tasting your favorite food. In our case, chopped meat with onions will be used as a filling, and when creating it, you need to take into account certain subtleties of the recipe, without which the minced meat will not be juicy.

Juicy minced meat with meat

The classic one with meat should be made from lamb, but in our kitchen they often use fatty pork or a mixture of it with beef. The onion should be exactly half the size of the meat components and it is preferable to chop it with a sharp knife in medium-sized cubes - this is one of the secrets of the juiciness of the filling. Do not use a lot of spices and seasonings, but add salt and pepper to taste. It will also add juiciness to the products with a little ice water, finely crushed ice or chopped raw potatoes added to the filling.


  • fatty pork and beef - 720 g;
  • onions - 360 g;
  • water - 120 ml;
  • salt and pepper.


  1. The meat is ground through a meat grinder.
  2. Peel and chop the onion into cubes as small as possible.
  3. Mix the meat component and the onion mass, add some salt to the minced meat, pepper and pour in a little ice water or milk.
  4. Before the design of the products, the filling is kept on the refrigerator shelf for thirty minutes.

Belyashi dough with meat

Ideal homemade whites with meat, the recipe of which is verified and balanced, turns out to be soft, fluffy and just melt in your mouth. Correctly made dough is responsible for these properties. It should not be tight and oversaturated with flour or baking powder. The correct flour base is soft, but not sticky, kneads easily and molds easily. Next is a simple recipe for yeast dough, from which you can make delicious whites with meat.


  • flour - 620 g;
  • water - 340 ml;
  • fresh yeast- 20 g;
  • granulated sugar - 40 g;
  • salt - 10 g;
  • peasant butter - 35 g.


  1. Yeast, salt and sugar are dissolved in water heated to 40 degrees.
  2. The flour is sifted, poured into a bowl in portions and kneaded, adding melted butter to the end.
  3. Leave the container warm for an hour and a half for the contents to approach.
  4. After the mass has increased in volume at least twofold, you can proceed to the design of the products.

How to sculpt whites with meat?

Cooking whitewash with meat is not only about making dough and filling. Products must also be molded correctly. V modern cooking there are two options for the design of blanks - closed and open way... Consider further the subtleties of sculpting closed whites.

Tatar belyashi with meat are made out a little differently.

The edges of the filled tortilla are closed on top, gathering like a frill and leaving a small hole.

Belyashi with meat in a pan

Traditionally, products are fried in a deep-fried pan, in a saucepan or cauldron. Moreover, the recipe for whitewash with meat in a pan can be either classic, implemented in compliance with all the rules and regulations, and noticeably different from those. Next, we will consider variations of quick cooking of such fried products in a pan, the design of which will significantly save time.

Belyashi with meat - recipe for kefir

The properties of kefir to increase the splendor of baked goods and transform its characteristics for the better can be applied in this case as well. In the following instructions, you will learn how to cook beef with meat in a skillet from a fast pan. The products are soft, delicate and incredibly fragrant. The filling can be made taking into account the above recommendations, and the nuances of creating flour base you will find out further.


  • kefir - 245 ml;
  • flour - 480 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 25 g;
  • salt and soda - 10 g each;
  • refined oil for the test - 40 ml;
  • no aroma oil for frying - 360 ml;
  • filling - 500 g.


  1. Kefir is combined with soda and left for ten minutes.
  2. Eggs are driven in, sugar, salt are added, oil is poured in and the components are mixed with a whisk.
  3. Pour flour in portions and knead.
  4. The resulting lump is left for thirty minutes under the film.
  5. Cut it into pieces, make out a cake from each.
  6. Put the filling in the center, fold the edges up and pinch, leaving a small gap (hole).
  7. Spread the blanks in hot oil with the hole down and fry the products until golden brown on both sides.

Recipe for lazy whites with meat on kefir

Lazy whites with meat, a very tasty homemade recipe for which is set out below, are prepared much faster than classic yeast and even yeast-free on kefir. Nevertheless, they turn out to be divinely fragrant, mouth-watering and delicious. Perhaps the only drawback of the products will be the excessive fat content at the exit, which can be reduced by laying them on a paper towel for a few minutes.


  • kefir - 490 ml;
  • flour - 320 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • granulated sugar, salt and soda - 10 g each;
  • refined frying oil - 180 ml;
  • filling - 330 g.


  1. Kefir is mixed with soda, and after ten minutes salt, sugar, egg and flour are added.
  2. Knead the mass with a whisk so that it comes out textured as a base for pancakes.
  3. Warm up vegetable fat in a frying pan, spread the dough into it at some distance with a spoon, and place small flat cakes from minced meat on top.
  4. Pour the filling with a small amount of dough on top and brown the blanks over medium heat on both sides.

The recipe for whitewash with meat in the oven

One, perhaps the most significant drawback fried whites- this is an excessive fat content of products at the exit and is not entirely useful, although very appetizing fried crust... Next, you will learn how to bake whites with meat devoid of unwanted greasy shine in the oven. Such heat treatment products are much more useful than traditional ones. The main thing is to implement it correctly and then the products will be no worse than the classic ones, fried in oil.

Belyashi with meat - a recipe with yeast

The products in the oven are soft if the dough is prepared correctly. It can be made yeast-free with kefir, adhering to a recipe containing soda, or kneaded with yeast. Next, you will learn how to make whitewash with meat from yeast dough, which, when using high-quality ingredients, always turns out to be fluffy, fits perfectly and gives an excellent result.