Yeast pizza dough made from fresh yeast. How to choose the right ingredients

29.04.2019 Beverages

I bring to your attention a recipe for yeast pizza dough with live yeast. This recipe is suitable not only for making pizza, but also for pies and pies. The dough is soft and crispy at the same time.

I really like the classic yeast dough, it goes well with any filling. It is this dough that makes the pizza, and if desired, the pies are incredibly tasty and aromatic!

It is easy enough to prepare. I assure you that this recipe will turn out pizza for absolutely everyone who tries to cook it at home.

We need:

  • flour - 500 g.
  • pressed raw yeast (fresh) - 25 g.
  • vegetable or olive oil - 3 tablespoons
  • water - 300 ml. (~ 1.5 cups)
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • sugar (no slide) - 1 tbsp.


1). We heat the water a little and add sugar and yeast to about half of the warm water (not hot!) Until it is completely dissolved. Let it stand a little.

2). Meanwhile, pour the other half of the water into another container, add salt, olive or vegetable oil, mix.

3). Pour flour into the third container, make a depression in it and pour our diluted yeast there, and then, kneading the dough well, add the remaining water and salt with oil.

4). Kneading yeast dough spoon or hands, as you like until smooth.

The finished dough should be soft, smooth and practically non-sticky.

5). Next, we roll a ball out of it, put in a deep bowl, cover with a towel, leave in a warm place and let it rise for about 2 hours. The dough volume should approximately double.

If your apartment is cool, then put a bowl of dough to the heater or in a preheated oven to 50 degrees.

6). Then we divide the yeast pizza dough into two parts. From these two halves of the dough, two pizzas with a diameter of about 30 cm will turn out, then we cook and bake for about 15 minutes at 180C in the oven. This yeast pizza dough with live yeast is ideal.

If you don't have time to make the dough yourself, you can use the ready-made one.

Bon Appetit!


  • 1 tbsp. warm water with a temperature of about 40 degrees;
  • 1 tbsp Sahara;
  • 3 tsp dry fast-acting yeast;
  • 2 tbsp olive oil;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 3 tbsp. flour.

The simplest yeast dough will take 15-20 minutes to prepare.

Quick Yeast Pizza Dough Recipe

1. Into a bowl room temperature pour out warm water... The water should not be cold for the yeast to start “working”, and it should not be too hot to prevent the yeast from “boiling”. Optimum temperature water - 30-40 degrees, pleasant and not scalding. Pour yeast into a bowl. Sprinkle with sugar on top and mix with your hands, kneading the resulting lumps. Leave the dough mixture for 10 minutes in a very warm place.

The mixture should rise slightly and a beautiful yeast cap will form on the water.

2. Pour all the flour directly into the bowl with the dough and stir with a spoon. As soon as the flour absorbs all the liquid and the dough stops sticking strongly to the sides of the bowl (1-2 minutes), add salt and olive oil.

3. Mix well with a spoon. The dough should be soft, elastic and not sticking to the sides of the bowl. The whole process of kneading the dough takes 5-7 minutes. The dough sets quickly and gathers into a large lump.

4. The dough is very pleasant to the touch. Ready-made yeast dough is usually enough for 3 pizzas per thin crust with a diameter of 30 cm or 2 pizzas on a thick dough. The thickness of the dough depends on how you roll it out. Just keep in mind that the dough will rise.

5. Lightly grease the baking sheet with vegetable oil or sprinkle with flour. Stretch the dough with your fingers on the baking sheet and roll it out with a rolling pin directly on the baking sheet. main feature making quick dough - you need to touch it as little as possible. Everything is fast here - you knead it with a spoon, stretch it with your fingers, and slightly roll it out. That's it, the quick yeast dough is ready, it's time to make the pizza! The quick dough tastes the same as usual. It turns out the same tender, fluffy and crispy edges.

Regular yeast dough is not much different from quick dough. It is kneaded by hands and then the dough is set to rise in a warm place for 2-3 hours. During this time, the volume of the dough increases by about 3 times. From ready-made yeast dough, you can roll out a pizza base. Delicious pizza for you! 🙂

The dough is prepared quickly enough, the dough turns out to be thin, crispy (if you roll it out in a thin layer). But at the same time, the quick yeast pizza dough is also very tasty. The recipe, as always, with step by step photos.

I have been making pizza with this recipe for a long time. Once a friend of mine shared a pizza recipe with me.

Since then, all my recipes, which I used to cook earlier, moved to another plan. It is according to this recipe that I cook pizza. Not so long ago they cooked. Unlike other recipes that I have previously tried, this dough recipe was to the taste of our whole family, and I like the recipe for its speed and ease of preparation.

Fast yeast pizza dough. Recipe with photo

This dough is simple enough, does not include eggs and milk. The dough is prepared with dry yeast. The dough recipe and proportions are designed specifically for the use of dry yeast. The use of compressed yeast implies different proportions of the ingredients.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • 100 ml warm water
  • 1 teaspoon dry yeast
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • 1.5 cups flour (250 grams)

I will write you the dough preparation process itself, so that you do not doubt its simplicity and speed of preparation.

And then, in more detail, with step-by-step photos, I will show you the whole process of making yeast pizza dough on water.

Pizza dough. Cooking process

The dough preparation process includes several stages. In total, it takes me 20-25 minutes to prepare the dough.

  1. Pour warm water into a bowl and add sugar and dry yeast
  2. After 7-10 minutes add salt and vegetable oil
  3. Add flour in small portions immediately
  4. Knead the dough and leave for 15 minutes
  5. After the specified time, the dough increases in volume several times
  6. The dough is ready, you need to roll it out and lay out the filling
  7. Then we immediately place the pizza in the oven.

For the dough, we need boiled warm water, salt, sugar, dry yeast, vegetable oil (can be replaced with olive oil), flour. These are all components.

I pour warm water into a bowl, please note, it is warm water, not hot. I pour in sugar and dry yeast. I mix everything and leave for 7-10 minutes.

If desired, vegetable oil can be replaced olive oil... I have not tried it, I am preparing a quick yeast dough for pizza in vegetable sunflower oil. It's just that olive gives a little bitterness, in other dishes, so we don't do it with it.

Now add the sifted flour in small portions. You do not need to add all the flour at once, add a few tablespoons.

You may need a little more or a little less than the amount of flour indicated in the ingredients.

Stir the dough with a tablespoon or silicone spatula. Gradually add flour and mix the dough.

When it is no longer possible to stir the dough with a spoon, continue kneading the dough with your hand, right in the bowl, without putting the dough on the table.

Knead the dough for about 2 minutes. The dough is quite plastic, does not stick to hands, and it is very pleasant to work with it. All thanks to the vegetable oil included in its composition.

Now cover the dough with a clean towel. Leave the dough to "come up" for 15 minutes. For this process to occur faster, the dough must be placed in a warm place.

We came up with a very original way... We heat water in a saucepan. We put a bowl of dough on a saucepan, and do not forget to cover the dough on top with a towel.

After 12-15 minutes, the dough looks like this. You can already start making pizza.

Agree, the dough preparation process is very quick and simple. The ingredients are very affordable. You don't need to mess around with the dough for a long time. This has great advantages.

The dough turns out to be soft, elastic, not sticky, perfectly rolled out with a rolling pin, and there is no need to additionally "dust" the dough or the surface with flour.

From the specified number of pizza ingredients, one pizza is made. The pizza is 25 cm in diameter. I will also cook with herbs. I don't cook pizza every day, so I always want to please my family with delicious pizza.

After the dough has stood for 15 minutes and "came up", you immediately start working with it. Roll out the dough into a circle, if desired, if you have a square baking sheet, the shape can be square.

The pizza dough turns out to be thin, crispy, very tasty, and the variety delicious fillings will give pizza unforgettable scent and taste.

After rolling out the dough, immediately spread the filling and send the pizza to the oven. A quick yeast pizza dough, done, recipe with pictures will provide you with a visual process and step-by-step instructions.

This pizza is enough for a family of 4 people. Our kids love pizza, especially. Decorate ready-made pizza it is possible at will. I use any fresh herbs in the refrigerator (dill, parsley, basil).

Fast pizza and bon appetit!

Pizza is mine signature dish! I bake pizza every weekend for my beloved family, and how my children love it! For the sake of their satisfied smiles, you can try. Pizza mixed with milk and yeast is particularly tender, delicious dough... The base of the pizza is soft, with a slightly crispy crust. A slice of this pizza with juicy filling just melts in your mouth. Let's not procrastinate and bake a flavorful, delicious pizza today. A win-win option, the whole family will be delighted!


To make pizza with milk and yeast, you will need:

For the test:
2.5 cups flour;

1.5 tsp dry yeast;

1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
1 tsp salt;
1 glass of milk;
1 egg;
50 g butter;
3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.
For filling:
2-3 st. l. ketchup;
2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;
200 g fresh champignons;
200 g ham;
4-5 cherry tomatoes;
200 g of Russian cheese;
1 pinch of Italian herbs.
Glass with a volume of 250 ml.

Cooking steps

Pour yeast, salt, sugar into flour and mix.

We heat the milk until hot.

Dissolve in milk butter, the resulting mass should not be very hot (no more than 40 degrees), since otherwise our yeast will not work.
Pour milk and butter into flour and beat in an egg.

We knead soft elastic dough... When kneading, add vegetable oil a little.

During this time, the yeast dough will increase well, approximately 2 times.

Divide the dough into 2 parts (from this amount I get 2 large pizzas with a diameter of 34 cm). From one part I made pizza, and from the second part "calzone" ( closed pizza). We distribute the dough in the form, which must first be greased with vegetable oil.

Cover the dough with a mixture of ketchup and mayonnaise.

Peel the mushrooms from the film and cut into flat slices.

On top of the mayonnaise with ketchup, lay out the mushrooms cut into plates.

Cut the ham into cubes and spread between the mushrooms, sprinkle with Italian herbs.

Cover the pizza filling with grated cheese.

Put cherry tomatoes, cut into circles, on top of the cheese.

We put the pizza, mixed with milk and yeast, in a preheated oven and bake until browning (about 20-25 minutes) at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Bon appetit, friends!

The classic pizza dough recipe is yeast, flour, water and salt. Exactly this correct dough we will prepare today. Slightly diversify the composition with sunflower oil.

This will make our kolobok even softer and more elastic. Homemade yeast dough for pizza with dry yeast is kneaded in just 15 minutes.

It is enough to buy these very dry fast acting yeast... Still need to take wheat flour warm drinking water, salt and sunflower oil.

Pour flour into a bowl. Add dry yeast to flour. For pizza, yeast does not need to be dissolved in water.

Add water right after the yeast. It should only be used when warm. V hot water yeast dies, and with cold - the fermentation process slows down.

Next, add sunflower oil. Knead a soft ball.

The instant dry yeast pizza dough is ready!

Let's divide the bun into two parts. Roll out a round cake from the dough. Place it on the bottom split form... Dust the base with flour. We also use flour for rolling.

Now about pizza. There can be so many options for filling that there are not enough fingers on your hands. Let's dwell on economy-class ingredients.

We assume that schoolchildren and students will be able to bake our pizza. You will need: tomato sauce, smoked sausage, tomatoes, "Russian" cheese, black olives.

Lubricate the dough with tomato sauce.

Spread over the surface with a silicone brush.

Supplement with sausage and tomatoes.

Sausage and tomatoes are sprinkled with grated cheese.

Then black olives, halved.

School pizza is sent to the oven preheated to 240 ° C for 10 minutes. Hooray! I have everything ready!

Let's take a quick pizza dough with dry yeast into a piggy bank of simple homemade recipes. Huh?