Ghee: benefits and harms to human health. How to cook and use ghee without harm to the body

22.08.2019 Dishes for children

What does vegetable ghee mean (see photo and explanation)?

    This vegetable oil is very similar to palm oil. Everywhere we have everything is made in palm oil - ice cream, shortbread cookies, melted cheese, butter. Palm oil is used as food additives and in cosmetics,

  • Hmm ... vegetable oil?

    On the can from the picture, there is no information about what kind of oil this is: sunflower, olive, mustard, walnut, or whatever else.

    Meanwhile, vegetable oils at room temperature can be both liquid (sunflower, olive, mustard) and solid (coconut, palm, palm kernel). In order to transfer solid oil to the liquid phase, it must be melted or simply heated to the melting point.

    In the preparation of certain products, certain oils are used. Moreover, solid oils during the preparation of a particular product are usually heated to the melting point. As far as I know, these are elite soaps. In any case, the melted butter, after cooling to room temperature, returns to the solid phase. Why the oil from the picture was melted before being capped in a jar, except perhaps to God

    In any case, I would refuse to buy, and even more so to use, such a jar, even despite the bright label.

  • At one time I watched a lot Habitatquot ;, the program was like this on TV. And probably there was about vegetable butter. This is probably from the same series. Vegetable oil is taken, most likely cheap, such as palm oil and is broken down by hydrogen. I don’t know how and what is happening, but the taste is close to butter. And the price does not need to be said. The only difference is the fat content. Butter - minimum fat content 73%. And the one that is 72.5% or even lower is hydrogen. The benefits from it, of course, are very large (for the manufacturer's pocket), but for some reason I don't want it. And now for the second year I manage somehow.

    I have not found an official answer. So I'll write my own. As you know, unrefined vegetable oil smells very peculiar and not everyone likes it. Moreover, it is not only sunflower, but also cotton.

    For this reason, when pilaf, shurpa or any other fried food is cooked, the oil is strongly calcined in a cauldron until white smoke appears. And only after that meat and vegetables are thrown there. The lamb must also be fried in this oil. Then the not very pleasant specific smell disappears from her.

    The result is delicious food, devoid of unpleasant odors for many (I do not consider lovers of unrefined oil who like its smell, there are some).

    Refined oil does not need to be ignited. It doesn't smell like anything anyway. To prepare food, simply heat it up.

    So I think that vegetable ghee is just a low-grade oil that is calcined, cooled and poured into cans to save chefs from smoke in the kitchen when cooking.

    Whether such oil is useful - I doubt it. With strong heating, harmful substances appear in such oil. Although they do not greatly affect health! In Central Asia, oil is traditionally calcined before cooking, but it cannot be said that people there often get sick from this.

Ghee This is a dairy product obtained by processing butter. It has a rich yellow hue and a uniform texture. During processing, lactose, water and protein are removed from the oil. The result is a high concentration of animal fat, rid of harmful components.

On an industrial scale, oil is processed using a centrifuge and this method is significantly different from home cooking. In production, the product goes through several technological stages:

  1. Melting butter at medium temperatures (50 degrees)
  2. Elimination of milk protein, sugars and water
  3. Melting the resulting mass at a temperature of 100 degrees
  4. Whipping oil in a special apparatus with compressed air
  5. Cutting and packaging of the finished product

It is in this way that the "correct" ghee is obtained, which has a lot of useful properties. It has a long shelf life and can be used for culinary and medicinal purposes. Ghee smoke occurs at temperatures above 205 degrees Celsius.

Calorie content of ghee

Ghee is a high-fat product, as it contains 99% fat. The nutritional value of the product is high - about 900 kcal per 100 grams. In addition to fats, ghee contains the following components:

  • Vitamins A, E, PP, D
  • Calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, magnesium, potassium
  • Polyunsaturated and saturated acids
  • Cholesterol
  • Ash, water
  • Beta carotene

Despite the increased fat content, the "melon" is easier to digest in comparison with ordinary butter.

The product contains linoleic acid, which is essential for proper tissue formation and growth. This acid is one of the important substances for humans. It is not produced in the body, but must come exclusively from food.

Interesting Facts:

In India, ghee is called ghee. Ayurvedic experts claim that the oil has healing powers and can be stored for 10 years. Bowls with sacred "liquid gold" are used in traditional religious rituals in India. In the process of obtaining the product, the Indians add aromatic healing spices, placed in gauze, to the oil.

The ancient stories of Tibetan monks about the storage of oil are known for over 100 years! It is believed that such a healing product gives immortality and is able to give a person a second youth. A small jar of such oil can be worth several million dollars!


The harm of ghee

Despite the great taste of ghee and the obvious benefits, one cannot ignore the harm that can be done to the body if it is consumed excessively. The reasons for the negative effect of the oil are high fat content, a considerable content of cholesterol, which leads to an extreme load on the work of internal organs.

The harm of ghee will manifest itself in the case of its excessive use - oversaturation can lead to nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

It is contraindicated to use ghee for the following pathologies:

  • Obesity
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • Digestive ailments
  • Diseases of the liver and pancreas
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Malfunction in the metabolic process

Do not omit the harm of ghee produced by unscrupulous companies. Some of them, to reduce the cost of production, add old oil that is not usable during the processing process. Such a product can cause body poisoning, diarrhea, stomach pains. To protect yourself from low-quality oil, you need to choose trusted manufacturers, as well as pay attention to the composition and smell of the product.


Why ghee is useful

In Indian culture, this oil is so popular and in demand that it is considered not just a food product, but also a cure for many diseases. The oil is applied externally and internally, used for healing massages and hair masks. This healing product is used to treat digestive diseases, weakness, exhaustion, migraines. In Ayurvedic laws, there are practically no sections in which the healing oil "Ghee" would not be used.

Why is ghee useful? The product is 99% fat, which is quickly and easily absorbed by the body. Ayurveda fans are right in many ways - ghee can really be used as a medicine for various diseases and has a healing effect on the body:

  • Stimulates tissue regeneration
  • Increases the elasticity and firmness of the skin
  • Improves the functioning of the digestive organs
  • Normalizes the excretory system
  • Plays the role of a "guide", allowing you to better assimilate useful foods entering the body
  • It is a powerful antioxidant, protects against aging and the harmful effects of toxic compounds
  • Repairs damaged cells
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Produces a positive effect on the functioning of the brain and the nervous system in general
  • Relieves constipation
  • Used in cosmetic recipes
  • Improves vision

With a weakened immune system, it is useful to consume ghee in the morning in combination with honey, spices and nuts. Unlike butter, buttermilk does not raise cholesterol levels in the body. In combination with herbs, ghee is used to treat inflammatory skin diseases.

Ghee in cosmetology

Why is ghee useful if you use it in cosmetic recipes? Masks for body, face and hair are made on the basis of "liquid gold". It perfectly penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, nourishes, moisturizes, removes toxins and toxins from their tissues. A drop of fragrant essential oil can be added to the oil - in this case, the massage process will be accompanied by healthy aromatherapy.

If you use ghee in cosmetic face masks, you can get rid of wrinkles, remove irritation, flaking. The oil is used as a mask for the scalp. In this application, the hair follicles are strengthened, the blood circulation of the tissues is improved, which contributes to increased hair growth.

How to make ghee

Why is homemade ghee useful? Unlike a purchased product, you can get the highest quality, healthy, natural ghee and use it for any purpose without harming your body.

For cooking, you need fatty butter (fresh), preferably homemade, rustic. You also need to prepare 3 heavy-bottomed pots.

The heating process takes place in several stages:

  1. We cut the butter into pieces, send it to the pan No. 1 and heat it on low heat. Remove the white foam immediately. The oil should not be very hot or boil, but only slightly bubble.
  2. When the mass becomes transparent, a sediment forms at the bottom of the pan. Slowly and carefully pour the mixture into a pot number 2, so as not to affect the sediment we do not need.
  3. Next, we continue to melt the butter, skimming off the foam and watching the sediment. As soon as it becomes viscous and increases in volume, pour the oil into saucepan No. 3, separating the sediment.
  4. We heat the oil again until it becomes amazingly transparent and stops emitting residual substances.

Pour the finished ghee into a clean glass container and let it cool. The product can be used for frying, preparing first and second courses. Pure oil does not burn when frying food and does not emit carcinogenic substances.

How to store ghee

Ghee in glass containers is best preserved. The product does not deteriorate at room temperature, but it is best to store it in the refrigerator during hot periods. Frozen butter can retain its beneficial qualities for 1-2 years, although it gradually loses vitamins.

During storage at a temperature of 10-18 degrees, the oil does not become rancid, it has a pleasant smell and a dense consistency. The “melon” is stored in such conditions from 3 to 6 months. However, it should be remembered that the product "does not like" direct sunlight. It is better to save it away from electrical appliances, powerful sources of heat.

How to check the quality of ghee

To eliminate the harm of homemade ghee, you need to know the correct signs of the "right" product. So, a good "melon" has the following characteristics:

  • Within 24 hours after cooking, it takes on a solid form at room temperature
  • Has a transparent yellow tint in the liquid state, and in the solid it acquires a bright yellow (not pale) matte color
  • When reheated, it does not emit fumes, does not foam and has a pleasant smell
  • Completely homogeneous, does not separate into separate fractions
  • Perfectly spreads on bread, has graininess

Ghee purchased from the store should have a uniform color, not split into pieces and have a pleasant aroma. At the slightest smell of rancidity, you should throw it away - this indicates that the manufacturer has added old, expired raw materials during the production process.

Also, if the composition of the purchased ghee contains other fats - vegetable, animal (fish), then such a product can no longer be called ghee, it should be called "ghee". There is only one main component in real purchased ghee - milk fat.

Vegetable fats in a product such as ghee become very dangerous compounds in the process of solidification - trans isomers of fatty acids. They increase blood cholesterol levels.

Ghee during pregnancy and breastfeeding

There are no special contraindications to the use of ghee during pregnancy and lactation. You can use this product to cook your favorite dishes, use it for massage and cosmetic masks. The only thing ladies need to watch out for is weight gain. During pregnancy, it can increase rapidly, and keeping in mind the high calorie content of the product, it is better to limit its use to 20-30 grams per day.

During breastfeeding, it is also better for a woman to consume "melon" in small quantities - no more than 20 g per day. The product is a source of energy for a young mother and promotes the formation of hormones, the balance of which was disturbed during pregnancy and childbirth.

Ghee is considered a very healthy product: Hindus consider it almost liquid gold - in the sense that it has a surprisingly beneficial effect on human health. Of course, ghee was also used in Russian cuisine, but today it is almost forgotten, and there are not many recipes for its preparation.

But in many sources you can find a description of the properties of ghee from the point of view of Ayurveda - the ancient science of Hindus about a healthy lifestyle. This is not to say that we do not at all understand the attitude of the Indians to this product, but many of our compatriots think that they exaggerate its healing properties too much - if everything is so simple, why don't we know about it? Indeed, in Russia dairy products, including butter, have always been very popular among all segments of the population - why don't we use it in the treatment of diseases?

In fact, ghee really has medicinal properties, but due to the sharply different nutritional characteristics, these properties in our country could not manifest themselves as in India and other countries of the East. Russians are accustomed to traditionally consuming a lot of different protein foods - meat, fish, poultry, generously flavored with fats; Hindus, however, are more addicted to plant foods that go well with ghee - they call it ghee or ghee.

Ghee production

Few know exactly how to prepare ghee. Most people buy it in a store, believing that if the packaging says "ghee", then this is the very natural healthy product. In the best case, you can buy butter prepared in the correct industrial way: first it is melted at a temperature of 40-50 ° C, using a centrifuge, water, milk sugar and milk protein are separated. The remaining butter is quickly heated to 100 ° C in special vacuum boilers - all the remaining water evaporates, then whipped using compressed air and packaged in sealed packages.

Unfortunately, many manufacturers, wishing to reduce the cost of the process, add vegetable components to such oil, and also use non-standard or even spoiled butter as raw materials - in fact, what kind of oil should you reheat? They even manage to use a completely spoiled product as a raw material: when reheating, hot water is added to it - about 15%, a small amount of soda and other additives that eliminate unpleasant odor and taste.

How to make ghee at home

It is still better to cook ghee at home, on your own, but there is not always time and energy for this; then you should be more careful and choose the most famous and proven brands, both foreign and Russian.

High-quality ghee does not have any special tastes and smells - it should have the smell and taste of melted milk fat. The consistency of the oil is soft but grainy; if you melt it, then it will be transparent, uniform in color, yellow or light yellow - there should be no sediment either.

Ghee recipes are very different. There are many recipes where it is recommended to simply melt it in a saucepan, collecting foam with a slotted spoon and removing solid particles, until the water has completely evaporated from it, and then strain. You can do it this way - it will still be healthier than butter with milk proteins and liquid; the result is a clear, golden yellow oil, and food cooked with it will be much tastier than usual.

For example, if you fry fresh mushrooms in this oil, and then pour them on top and put them in the refrigerator, they can be stored for several months, and remain fresh, as if they were picked and cooked just now. Ghee is great for frying - it does not smoke or foam, and becomes even healthier over time.

However, this oil does not have the medicinal properties mentioned in Ayurveda - real ghee, used for the treatment and prevention of diseases, is prepared according to other recipes, which are quite simple and do not require special conditions.

Making ghee

It is better to cook ghee from homemade butter, but if it is not available, you can choose in the store by carefully reading the composition and checking for hardness - real butter always becomes very hard in the refrigerator. To prepare ghee, boil water in a large saucepan and place a smaller saucepan in it, so that the bottom is in the water, but does not touch the bottom of the large saucepan.

The oil is placed in the upper pan - it can cook for several hours; first it will melt, and then foam will appear on it - it must be removed; a sediment forms at the bottom - you do not need to touch it.

If you put 1 kg of high-quality butter in a saucepan, then in 4-5 hours you will get real ghee from it - transparent, golden or amber-yellow - it depends on the degree of its fat content. When the sediment at the bottom becomes clearly visible through the ghee, the pan can be removed from the water bath and the oil is carefully drained so that this sediment does not get into the finished product. You can also strain the ghee through cheesecloth - then there certainly won't be any impurities; The thickened ghee may be whitish-yellow in color.

With this overheating of oil, it is cleared of all unnecessary - milk proteins, water, etc., but it cannot burn, even if you are distracted and "overlooked" the cooking process. You can use an enamel or glass pan - you don't need to take an aluminum one.

Properly prepared ghee can actually last for years - this only increases its medicinal properties. Of course, we are unlikely to store it - we will quickly run out of it, but even if we replace it with ordinary butter in our diet, our health will definitely improve in many ways.

According to Ayurveda, ghee is much easier for the body to absorb than ordinary butter; it does not raise blood cholesterol levels, improves digestion and strengthens the immune system; improves the condition of tissues, has a beneficial effect on perception, mental activity and the human reproductive system.

The benefits and properties of ghee

When in autumn, in cold and windy weather, the nasal mucosa begins to dry out - this happens to many people - you need to lubricate it with ghee - this will protect you from colds and infections.

In cosmetic terms, ghee is also miraculous - it can quickly penetrate into the pores of the skin, and is perfectly absorbed into it. Once inside the skin layers, it begins to dissolve and remove salt and toxins accumulated in them, so that the skin after ghee procedures - for example, after a massage, becomes soft, smooth and tender.

Ghee treatment

As for the treatment with ghee, there are some nuances here. With weak immunity, for example, it is recommended to use it in the morning, along with spices - fennel, saffron, cardamom, etc.; nuts, dried fruits, honey; fermented baked milk, sour cream, cream, but apart from these products, nothing else is needed for breakfast.

Inflammatory processes, digestive disorders, metabolic disorders are treated with a mixture of ghee (2/3) and medicinal herbs (1/3), spreading this mixture on certain parts of the body or simply holding it in the mouth.

Similarly, you can also treat migraines, atherosclerosis and other diseases, but the effect of such treatment is promised only to vegetarians - the followers of the Vedic teachings say about this. They call meat, fish and eggs "products of violence" - hence it is clear why in Russia, as in European countries, the treatment of diseases with the help of ghee has never been used - our traditions in nutrition make such treatment inappropriate.

Nevertheless, no one bothers us to use ghee in cooking. Replace it with regular butter and other animal fats, and you will soon feel that it has become easier to move, and your mood always remains upbeat and cheerful.

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You can find ghee in stores. Some people prefer to take it, considering it more beneficial than regular butter. And how are things really?


Butter obtained by whipping from pasteurized cream. This is ideal. But in this article we will not talk about falsifications, we will talk about the real, high-quality butter, which is obtained from pasteurized cream. In this case, to get half a kilogram butter, you need to take 11 liters of milk - a little more than a standard bucket. The quality of butter depends on the quality of milk, equipment, packaging and storage methods.

Such oil can be stored at a temperature of 3 ° C for no more than a month, and at -18 ° C - 4 months.

Composition butter "Peasant":

Carbohydrates - 0.1%;
- fats - 72%;
- proteins - 0.9%;
- water - 27%.

Butter - this is animal fat

- saturated fat - 52 grams;
- unsaturated fats 24 grams;
- cholesterol - 215 mg;
- 700 kcal;
- vitamins A, E, D and K.

Let's summarize: butter - a perishable product containing both useful substances (vitamins A, E and K, unsaturated fatty acids) and harmful ( saturated fat, cholesterol). It is also high in calories.

Butter improves the taste of food well. Even the saying is appropriate: "You can't spoil porridge with butter." However, all of its beneficial properties are crossed out by harmful ones. A large number of saturated fat and cholesterol are high risk factors for the development of atherosclerosis, hypertension, strokes and heart attacks.Therefore, use butter you need to be careful and not every day.

Melted butter

Ghee is obtained by boiling butter with its subsequent filtering. This is a way to store a valuable product for a longer period. Ghee can be stored at room temperature for a year. Let's not talk about falsified ghee, only about a natural and high-quality product.

Ghee composition:

Carbohydrates - 0%;
- fats - 99.9%;
- proteins - 0%;
- water - 0.1%.

Ghee is, like butter, animal fat, 100 grams of which contains:

- saturated fat - 70 grams;
- unsaturated fats 29 grams;
- cholesterol - 270 mg;
- 998 kcal;
- vitamins A, E, D.

To summarize: ghee contains more than butter saturated fat, cholesterol and calories. It contains no more vitamins A, D and E: they are fat-soluble and with an increase in the fat content of the oil, their amount increases, but some is lost during heat treatment. But ghee can be stored for a long time even without a refrigerator.

So which is more useful?

Of these two oils, butter can be considered healthier if it is fresh and of high quality, and ghee is only a way of storing an expensive product for a longer period.

A large number of saturated fat, cholesterol and the calories in both oils require careful use at any age to minimize the risk of atherosclerosis.

The benefits of ghee have been known to people for thousands of years.

The first documentary evidence of the use of this product dates back to 2000 BC.

Humanity has used and uses ghee not only as a food product, but also for ritual practices, as well as in Ayurvedic medicine, whose specialists believe that this product cleanses both mentally and physically.

What is ghee oil?

Ghee is called butter, which has been cleared of impurities, excess water, sugars and protein by slow boiling. The elimination of impurities makes the product more resistant to subsequent exposure to high temperatures, without depriving it of any useful properties.

Which butter is healthier: butter or ghee?


And that's why.

  1. There are no dairy components. Some people suffer such that they cannot even eat butter. Ghee is completely devoid of both lactose and casein. Therefore, it is allowed to everyone.
  2. Lots of short fatty acids. Ghee contains much more short-chain fatty acids than butter, primarily. This compound has anti-inflammatory activity and helps prevent cancer, normalizes digestion and maintains the correct blood sugar level, helps to lose weight and improve the cardiovascular system.
  3. Higher smoke point. For butter, this figure is approximately 176 degrees Celsius, for ghee - 232. Why is this so important? Because the higher the smoke point of the oil, the more it is suitable for cooking, since it does not oxidize for a long time when heated. Namely, oxidized fats have the strongest negative effect on the body.
  4. Lots of fat-soluble vitamins. In ghee there is much more than butter, there are vitamins such as A, D, E. The assimilation of vitamin A is often impaired in people, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, and many pathologies of the pancreas. Vitamin D is produced in sunlight. But this light is a rare phenomenon in our country. And even in the summer it is not available to everyone, since it is quite difficult to sunbathe in a metropolis. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant, of which no one actually has a lot. In addition, this compound is essential for maintaining the correct hormonal levels and lowering "bad" cholesterol.
  5. Strong taste. The aroma and taste of ghee is stronger than that of butter. Therefore, much less is required for cooking this product.

Does ghee help you lose weight?

Yes. And in several ways at once.

  1. Medium and short chain fatty acids, which are very abundant in this product,. And at the same time, they prevent the formation of new fatty deposits.
  2. In Ayurvedic practice, ghee is one of the central elements of a diet for general health improvement and weight normalization. It is believed to improve the functioning of the gallbladder, which immediately has a positive effect on the entire digestive system. And the correct functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is one of the prerequisites for sustainable weight loss.
  3. The anti-inflammatory activity of short fatty acids helps them eliminate chronic sluggish inflammation in the body, which is a trigger for a large number of diseases, including weight gain.
  4. Butyric acid and other short-chain fatty acids maintain proper blood sugar levels. This is important not only for people with type 2 diabetes, but also for people who are overweight. Since it usually forms on the background of insulin resistance, it is impossible to get rid of it without lowering blood glucose levels.

Ghee and linoleic acid

Another positive property of ghee is the theoretical presence in it, which helps to lose weight, reduces inflammation, normalizes blood pressure and has other beneficial properties.

Why is the presence of this compound in ghee called "theoretical"? Yes, because linoleic acid is only found in the oil that is obtained from the milk of cows raised on free grazing on the grass, and not fed with soy and fish meal.

Should you use a store-bought ghee or a homemade ghee?

Only hand-made at home. Trans fats are often found on store shelves under the guise of melted pasta.

Is there any harm?

Not. If you consume the product in reasonable amounts.

The negative effect of ghee that has been attributed to it for many years - an increase in cholesterol levels - is not supported by any modern research.

Moreover, according to the latest scientific evidence, against the background of regular assimilation of ghee oil, the level of low density lipoproteins ("bad" cholesterol) and triglycerides decreases. Moreover, positive results are noticeable both in blood serum and in the liver.