Soup with champignons on beef broth. Mushroom soup on meat broth: autumn aroma in your kitchen

22.09.2019 Beverages

To prepare a meat soup with mushrooms and meat, the meat must be put in a pan, pour cold water and put on the middle fire. If the broth is ready, it will need to be brought to a boil, and the boiled meat cut into portion pieces.

If you decide to use fresh or frozen mushrooms, you can add them to the soup immediately and cook with meat. Dried mushrooms will need to soak in advance in warm water - approximately 2-3 hours before the start of cooking soup. Soup with mushrooms and meat will be more fragrant and welcoming, if you add a few vegetables to the broth - parsley root, a piece of carrots and a half of the bulbs.

For the preparation of this dish, you can take any kind of mushrooms - butter, hassle, champignons, chanterelles or white. The taste of soup will be more interesting if you take an assorted - a mixture of several types of mushrooms. If you use fresh forest mushrooms, you should boil them in advance in a separate saucepan with one purified bulb. If mushrooms boil and bow will not darken, then they can be safe and can be prepared further. If the bow changes the color, then it will be necessary to refuse from such a treat.

While cooks meat and mushrooms, it will be necessary to clean and chop vegetables not very large pieces. Carrots clean and peel into thin rings.

Potatoes can be cut into thin pars or medium-sized cubes.

Pour some vegetable oil on the pan, put onions and slightly fry. When the bow is short, add carrots and put out a few more minutes. Add to fried vegetables potatoes, fry for a few more minutes and shifting into a saucepan with soup with mushrooms and meat. Boiled vegetables from the broth can already be removed - they can be used to prepare a pate or vegetable puree.

Reduce fire and continue cooking soup for another 15 minutes so that the potatoes are fully welded. If you are cooking with a whole piece of meat, then it will be necessary to get it out of soup, slightly cool, cut into not very large portions and put back into the saucepan. If you boil soup with mushrooms and meat on the ready-made broth, you can add boiled meat at this stage.

When soup with mushrooms and meat will be almost ready, add a little thin vermicelli into it. Continue to cook soup on strong fire for another 5-6 minutes, after which it will be possible to add a little fresh or dried green to it and remove from the stove.

The finished soup with mushrooms and meat can be served to the table immediately, and it will be possible to add a piece of soft cheese to the plates. Bon Appetit!

Step-by-step recipes for the preparation of the welded meat mushroom soup with cheese, noodles and barrid

2018-01-12 Reed Khasanova





In 100 grams of finished dishes

8 gr.

5 gr.


9 gr.

115 kcal.

Option 1: Classic Mushroom Soup Recipe With Meat

Mushroom meat soup is good because his recipe can easily vary in taste and preferences. Each time this dish can be prepared by new, adding or excluding some products.

Mushrooms are called forest meat, as they contain a large amount of vegetable protein of vitamins, which are necessary for the human body.


  • polkilogram of potatoes;
  • 300-350 gr. beef;
  • 300-350 gr. forest mushrooms;
  • bulb;
  • carrot;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt and ground pepper;
  • three spoons sour cream;
  • fresh greens.

Step-by-step recipe for meat mushroom soup

Beef washed, clean from films, pour cold water and put on the stove. After boiling water, remove the foam and slow down the power of the fire. Cook until the full of meat is ready.

Raise beef to extract from the broth, cut into pieces and fold back into the saucepan.

Mushrooms rinse and cut into several parts. You can take frozen mushrooms, but before cooking they must fully utter. Shoot the chopped mushrooms into the broth to meat and cook at least 15 minutes.

With potatoes to remove the peel, cut the root of the root on slices or straw. Pour into the pan and continue to cook about half an hour.

Carrot and onions cleanse from the peel, finely chop and fry in a frying pan with vegetable oil until soft.

10 minutes before the end of the cooking soup, shrink in a saucepan, mix. Finely cut the greens and pour into the soup, as well as salt and add pepper to taste.

Meat mushroom soup is ready! Especially tasty it is combined with sour cream. In such a soup, you can add any taste to the croup.

Option 2: Quick Mushroom Soup Recipe With Meat

Soup with chicken and champignons is preparing very quickly due to the fact that chicken meat does not require long cooking. The soup has an appetizing aroma and a rich taste.


  • 300 gr. chicken thighs;
  • red Bulgarian pepper;
  • 200 gr. champignons;
  • 150 gr. sour cream;
  • spoon of tomato paste;
  • pair of bulbs;
  • a pair of tablespoons of flour;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper.

How to quickly prepare meat mushroom soup

Chicken thighs rinse, cut the skin and fat. Shoot in a saucepan, pour a liter of cold water and put on the stove. After boiling, remove the foam that appears. Clear one bulb from the husk and put it to the broth. Boil to the readiness of meat but so that the water does not boil, otherwise the broth will be muddy.

The rest of the bulb is cleaned, crushed into cubes. Shampignons cut into not too small pieces.

From Bulgarian pepper remove the box with seeds and cut into small squares.

Pour a bit of vegetable olive on a frying pan and fry the chopped onion slightly salt and add ground pepper and tomato paste.

Purple mushrooms and mix on the grill onion. Fry until all the moisture evaporates. Add chopped bell pepper and mix. Tightly cover with a lid and stew on slow heat until all vegetables become soft (approximately 8-10 minutes).

Chicken thighs extract from the pan. Meat separated from the dice, it is easy to cut and fold back into the saucepan. Add grip from mushrooms and vegetables, mix. Boil.

One spoon add to the soup sour cream and mix all the time. Try soup and need to be overwhelmed and seasoned with pepper.

The flour is diluted with a small amount of cooled boiled water and pour the flowing jet into the saucepan with a soup, constantly stirring it. Cooking about 5-7 minutes until the soup starts thick.

Soup with mushrooms and meat can immediately serve to the table. If it is necessary for the soup to prepare even faster, you can use chicken breast when cooking.

Option 3: Mushroom soup with meat and cheese

Mushrooms are perfectly combined with cheese and salads, and in soups, and in casserole. Soup with mushrooms, beef and cheese will become a favorite dish, as it turns out very satisfying and incredibly fragrant. With it, it is easy to make diversion into the daily diet.


  • 200-250 gr. melted cheese;
  • 300-350 gr. beef;
  • four potatoes;
  • 200-250 gr. champignons;
  • carrot;
  • bulb;
  • 50-60 gr. butter;
  • several green leaf feathers;
  • laurel leaf;
  • celery root and parsley;
  • salt and pen.

How to cook

Beef meat rinse. In the pan boil the water and shifting meat into it, bay leaf, parsley and celery roots. Cooking about 1-2 hours, constantly removing the foam appearing on the surface. Strain the broth through the sieve.

Clear potatoes and divide into small lumps. Broth again boil and shift the potatoes into it. Continue to cook on medium power fire.

Melted routine for fifteen minutes to keep in the freezer. Then remove and grate on a large grater.

Mushrooms cleaned, rinse well and cut into the plates. Clear carrots and cut into thin mugs, and bulb - on small cubes.

In the pan melt the creamy oil. Put mushrooms and vegetables into it, salt and pepper. Stew about twelve minutes, constantly stirring. Mushrooms must change their color.

To shod with mushrooms and vegetables from a frying pan in a saucepan and on medium fire to continue cooking another 7-8 minutes.

Purchate in broth grated cheese, stir until it is completely dissolved. Add finely chopped fresh greens. If necessary, add more salts and ground peppers.

Turn off the plate and before serving the soup to give it to stand under a closed lid about ten minutes. At the same time, you can add any canned mushrooms at the same time, thus the taste of the dish gets even more interesting.

Option 4: Meat Mushroom Soup with Noodle in Multicooker

A simple and tasty soup with mushrooms and meat for lunch or dinner is fashionable to prepare using a slow cooker. Soup is light, but nutritious.


  • two chicken legs;
  • 80-100 gr. noodles;
  • carrot;
  • half of the bulbs;
  • 1.2-1.3 liters. water;
  • fresh greens;
  • salt and favorite spices.

Step-by-step recipe

The bulb can be cleaned from husks and divided into small cubes. Put in a bowl of multicooker.

Carrot clean and cut as well as onions. Sleep into the bowl.

Wash chicken legs in water, cut the skin and films, put to vegetables into the bowl.

Pour water to the mark inside the bowl, salt and sprinkle with your favorite spices.

Put a bowl into a multicooker, close the cover tightly and turn on the "soup" mode on the display for one hour.

Fresh greenery thoroughly rinse, dry and finely chopped with a knife. When 20 minutes remain until the end of cooking, open a multicooker, fall asleep into the soup dry noodles and greens, mix and closed again.

After the signal readiness signal, you can pour out soup on plates and treat households. Well the soup is combined with sour cream or mayonnaise.

Option 5: Meat Mushroom Soup with Perl Broast

Such a soup is very thick due to the fact that in the recipe a large number of vegetables and pearl cereals. He is able to give energy and saturate for a long time.


  • 200-230 gr. fresh mushrooms;
  • 45-50 gr. butter;
  • onion;
  • 50 gr. dried tomatoes;
  • five glasses of water;
  • 220 gr. beef;
  • two carrots;
  • quarter cup of pearl cereals;
  • celery stem;
  • one large potato;
  • dried thyme;
  • bay leaf;
  • basil;
  • salt.

How to cook

Onions clean and finely cut, and the carrot is divided into thin mugs.

Celery rinse well, cut off the top layer and chop on a thin straw.

White potatoes are cleaning from the peel and cut into arbitrary pieces.

Any mushrooms, forest or champignons, rinse well and cut into thin plates or small cubes.

Beef for such a soup is best to take a young, such as calf meat. Rinse, cut off the films and divide the knife to pieces.

Perlovka rinse several times in running water.

In the saucepan melt the creamy oil, add onion and carrots to it, fry about 2 minutes. Then shield mushrooms and fry until the golden shade is obtained. The emerging liquid must be evaporated.

Put the chopped meat into the pan and fry a little, stirring. Then add celery, pass a few more minutes and pour water.

After boiling, put potatoes and pearls in the pan. Continue cooking until all ingredients are prepared, then add a bay leaf and salt.

Remove the saucepan from the plate and put in the soup on a twig of thyme and basilica. It is clear about 5-8 minutes and serve! Bon Appetit!

Calorie: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not indicated

Delicious and satisfying it turns out this soup from champignons with potatoes, the recipe is step-by-step and with the photo, and therefore everything will be understood as it will cook it. The most important thing is to cook delicious beef broth. It is not necessary to cook it for all high cooking rules with the addition of spices and white roots, it is enough to take a good meat on the bone. And follow the broth, not giving him a lot of boiled, while shooting the rising foam. That's all the wisdom. Broth with spices is good for the fuel or as an independent dish, as the basis for transparent vegetable soups.
We will cook soup with champignons, and thicken his homemade noodles (or purchased vermicelli). With minimal strength and time, a simple set of products will turn into a very tasty and nutritious soup. You can use boiled beef for cooking, salads, sandwiches, pate, in the soup it is not necessary.


- water - 2.5 liters;
- beef with a sugar bone - 600 grams;
- Fresh champignons - handful;
- Onions - 1 pc;
- carrots - 1 pc;
- dill - 1 beam;
- Lovel leaf - 1-2 pieces;
- Homemade noodles or vermicell - 3 tbsp. l;
- Potatoes - 3 pcs;
- Salt - to taste.

Recipe with photo step by step:

So that the broth was welded and tasty, it is necessary to cook it from meat with a sugar bone. To wash the meat, put it in cold water, slightly spilling it and put on a strong fire. Do not leave meat unattended if you do not reduce the fire on time and do not remove the foam, the broth will be whispered and the taste will deteriorate. When boiling will begin to rise foam, it is immediately collecting a noise, and the fire under the saucepan is very weak to muffle the boiling of water. Foam must be collected several times until the surface of the broth becomes clean. Cooking beef is recommended for at least one and a half hours with weak boiling. Meat should be soft, easy to move away from the bone. It is very convenient to use pressure cooker for cooking broth. As soon as they removed the entire foam, close hermetically lid, wait until the pressure cooker starts to drop steam, reduce the fire and cook meat one hour. It turns out such a broth as in the photo - the welded, yellow, almost transparent. After cooking, the broth must be strain, take away how much you need for soup and start cooking the first dish.

Vegetables for soup are not necessary, the broth is quite welded, excess fat to anything. The bulb into the broth we will put entirely, clearing from the husk. Carrots apply fine straws or slices.

Intrinate pieces of medium size purified potatoes (or straw, slices).

The lean broth boiled, it's time to send vegetables into it. First, we lower the bow into the broth, let let go of 10 minutes.

Then add chopped potatoes. We again bring to a boil, leave onions in the broth so that he gave his taste.

Cook potatoes until readiness. Louk get noise, throw away, it is no longer needed. We put into the broth chopped carrots, salt to taste, cook for several minutes with weak boil.

We add home noodles to the soup (thin) or vermicelli, some small macarows. We immediately stir so that the noodle sticks to the dunzhal.

In the following noodles, we throw in champignon soup, sliced \u200b\u200bby plates or quarters (small mushrooms in half cut or put it in half). Cooking another five minutes, not longer, otherwise pasta or noodles soften and the soup will be very thick. At the very end, before turning off the fire, refuel the mushroom soup finely chopped dill and throw one or two laurel leafs. Insist the soup under the lid for a few minutes.

We cut gray slices or, pull the sour cream, clean the garlic slide. Spill soup from champignon with potatoes on plates and serve on the table. Bon Appetit!

Author Elena Litvinenko (Sangina)

To prepare mushroom soup with meat, use both pork and beef. Even preparing the soup on the turkey or chicken broth, get a delicious dish. Brew to chow with rice, vermicelline. It is very important to add vegetables and greens: then the soup will be not only nutritious, but also useful.

Diversify the usual diet will help mushroom soup with beef, whose recipe we offer to take note of all hostesses. For this dish, the following components will be required:

  • 300 grams of beef;
  • 300 grams of chanterelles;
  • carrot;
  • celery;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • laurel leaf;
  • spice;
  • lean oil;
  • greens.

Initially, you need to prepare beef. Cut it with small cubes. Clear onions, carrots and finely chopped vegetables. Celery cut into plates. Chanterelle cleaned, wash, cut into small slices.

Heat the brazier, on a strong fire quickly fry beef to a golden color. Meat need to constantly stir so that it is not burnt. Then shifting it into a saucepan, pour boiling water, report spices to taste. Cook on slow fire.

With this time, fry chanterelles, and then send them to beef. Vegetables fry in a small amount of oil. At the next stage, shifting them to shovel and cook until the full readiness of chanterelles and beef.

When the broth will be ready, you need to remove the bay leaf from it and fill with chopped garlic. Before serving, sprinkle with greens.

Secret recipe soup for pork lovers

Some hostesses prefer to prepare pork, not beef. Mushroom pork soup in this case can become a crown dish. We offer a recipe for such a kushan. In the process of cooking, the soup will not need to fry vegetables. Pretty mushroom soup on meat broth.
Components for dishes are as follows:

  • 250 grams of pork pulp;
  • 130 grams of fresh champignons;
  • 3 pieces of potatoes;
  • half carrots;
  • bulb;
  • spice;
  • 2.5 liters of water.

Cut a pork to medium cubes, lay out in a pan. Pour it with water, put half of the bulbs, semiring carrots. Press the pan on gas. When water boils, remove the foam, salt and prepare meat on slow heat for about 25 minutes. Then bow to remove from the pan.

Potatoes clean, cut into small cubes. Champignons need to cut into plates. Next, send them to boiling meat broth. Cooking half an hour to cook, having linked fire. If necessary, you can add hot water.

Then put in the spice soup, mix everything and leave to prepare for another 10 minutes. At the end of the preparation, add finely chopped garlic.

Remove the saucepan from the fire, cover the soup with mushrooms and meat cap. It must be broken for 15 minutes.

When feeding the eats, sprinkle with a greenery.

Meat chowder recipe with mushrooms

The list of dishes is as follows:

  • 500 grams of pork;
  • 300 grams of champignons;
  • 2 pieces of bulbs;
  • carrot;
  • 3 pieces of potatoes;
  • 100 grams of vermicelli;
  • lean oil;
  • spice.

Pig pork lay out in a saucepan, pour cold water, cook on medium fire.

If the broth was prepared earlier, it must boil, and cut the boiled pork into pieces.

When using fresh or frozen mushrooms, it is necessary to immediately throw them into a chowder and boil together with meat.

The dried product should be pre-shined for 3 hours in warm water before making a dish. So that the broth turned out to be an edge, fragrant, you need to report onions, carrots.

You can add any kinds of mushrooms to the recipe. An interesting taste of pussy is obtained by using several types of product.

While the pork is preparing with champignons, it should be cleaned and cut onions, carrots. Preheat brazier, fry a little onions. When he is twisted, throw the carrots, stew 2 - 3 minutes. Then put potatoes to vegetables, fry a little and lay out all the ingredients in the pan to pork and champignons.

Make fire smaller, continue cooking splashing for another 15 minutes to the full potato readiness.

Then you should check with small vermicelli, cook another 5 minutes. Before serving, sprinkle with greens. To give a spicy taste, you can put a piece of soft cheese in a plate.

Recipe for vegetable soup

We offer to cook soup with mushrooms and cabbage. Step by step recipe will help it. To make a kushan, you need to follow the steps:

  1. Wash the breast, put in cold water. Add onions, carrots. Cook 2.5 hours. Remove the foam when water boils. At the end of the preparation put a bay leaf, pepper.
  2. Remove the pork from the broth, cut.
  3. Cut onions, pepper, carrots straw, tomatoes cubes.
  4. Chopping cabbage.
  5. Potatoes - cubes.
  6. Defrost chanterelles and cut into pieces.
  7. Preheat the frying pan, lay out carrots, fry, then add onions and fry together.
  8. When the vegetables reach the golden color, put pepper.
  9. In another pan, grieving tomatoes before the formation of Cashitz.
  10. Also on a separate frying pan fry chanterelles.
  11. Bring broth to boil, add all prepared components, except tomatoes.
  12. Put all spices.
  13. At the end of the preparation, pour stewed tomatoes, lay out pork.
  14. Prepare a couple more minutes to complete readiness.

Summary with mushrooms is a very tasty kushan, and if you add meat to it, it will be much brighter to taste. Cooking the broth is quite simple, even a beginner hostess can cope with the dish, the main thing is to follow the recipe.

Mushroom Soup with Beef

Soup with white mushrooms

Delicious, fragrant summer soup! We cooked it with white mushrooms, but you can use other tubular forest mushrooms or ordinary purchased mushrooms. There is a variant of cooking on meat broth, and the option of vegetarian (lean) soup. Tasty both. But with meat, of course, the soup is tastier.

What is needed for mushroom soup on meat broth

on a saucepan of 3-3.5 liters

Mushrooms (white, boomes, boosts) - 1 handhole (0.5 kg in pure form);
Potatoes - 4-5 pieces;
Carrot - 1 pc. small;
Onion - 1 head;
Beef - 500-600 g;
Pepper - 4-5 peas;
Bay leaf - 2-3 pcs.

In finished soup: greens, butter and sour cream - 1 tbsp. In a plate.

How to cook white mushroom soup

  1. clean the mushrooms (in stabber, we use only hats), cut into large pieces;
  2. preliminary cooking: boil the water under mushrooms, spill. Throw mushrooms, bring to a boil again. Peel for 5 minutes. Water to merge;
  3. rinse the mushrooms with cold water and wash the saucepan. Pour clean water, bring to a boil and peck with her mushrooms for 10-15 minutes.
  4. meat is thrown into boiling water in the main pan (we will cook soup in it). Cook over medium heat, periodically removing the foam (so that the broth turns out transparent). 40-50 minutes to try meat for readiness: to pierce the knife - if transparent juice flows, beef is ready, if Sukrovitsa is boiling further;
  5. ready meat from the broth, cool. Cut into pieces with a side of 2.5-3 cm;
  6. cut: Potatoes - by quarter and subtle slices; Carrot - thin mugs or semicircles. Bulb clean and leave the whole;
  7. in beef broth pour mushroom (with mushrooms), add meat, bulb, potatoes, carrots, pepper and bay leaf. Boil. If the soup seems to be liquid, add a handful of vermicelli. Cook for 5 minutes. Try - whether the salt is enough, you whistled. Cook for another 2-3 minutes.
  8. Bulbs take out and throw away;
  9. in each plate, parsley, dill or basil, pour the soup to each plate. Add sour cream and butter.

Features of cooking soup from white mushrooms

How to replace white mushrooms in soup

If you do not have wonderful tubular fungi: white, boosaine or booming, you can cook soup with champignons or oysteries. Only they are no longer needed to boil in advance (they are usually without worms, and champignons can generally eat raw). Add them fresh simultaneously with meat and vegetables in ready-made beef broth.

What meat to cook mushroom soup

If there are no beef, the broth from the bones, duck, chicken, pork broths are suitable.

How to cook mushroom soup without meat

And if there is a problem with meat, you can cook vegetarian mushroom soup. Then the onions take 2-3 heads, garlic - 0.5 heads, fry them in vegetable oil until a mitigation and appearance of a thick aroma, throw a carrot and half pepper chili to them, turn them into oil and spray.

Than to drink mushroom soup

Chile's pepper can be replaced with black sharp pepper, which to penetrate the onion carrot roaster. You can add other spices - mayoran, basil, oregano - all over a pinch.

Why in mushroom soup spices and roasted

Spices and roasted firms the mushroom broth with a great meaning and give brightness and saturation to taste.

How many mushrooms take on soup

It is enough of 1 bunch, how many mushrooms will be, so much and put in the soup. A little more or a little less, it is not important.

However, if you have a lot of mushrooms or you think, buy a big pile of mushrooms or modest, take more on the Soup more. When washing and disassembling mushrooms, part of them can be rejected, as heavily exposed by voracious worms, and during cooking mushrooms decrease in volume.

How to fix liquid mushroom soup

If the soup turned out to be liquid, and you have no vermicelli, and rice will boil for a long time, add a little mankey.

Cutting products for mushroom soup

Cutting mushrooms, meat and vegetables should be moderately large, so that the spoon can be improved by each component in a little bit, and feel the fullness of the taste.