The most delicious belyashi with meat recipe. Belyasha's recipe with fish

26.07.2019 Fish dishes

Delicious and fluffy dough in whitewash, of course, will not be superfluous. But without a juicy filling, this dish will lose all its peculiarity and, as a result, an impressive share of admirers. Therefore, each recipe contains recommendations on how to make minced meat for whites more juicy and tasty, as well as to keep this juiciness until the end of the cooking process, in order to get real pleasure from eating this seemingly simple, but so beloved by many snack as a result.

We offer a selection of the most effective tips for increasing the juiciness of minced meat for whites, which we will discuss in the next recipe.

How to cook juicy minced meat for beef with meat?

  • minced meat - 650 g;
  • onions - 320 g;
  • crushed ice or ice milk - 100 g;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • salt to taste.

For whites, it is better not to buy ready-made minced meat, but to cook it yourself, taking in equal amounts of fatty pork and beef. We dry the washed meat and grind it in a meat grinder with a fine grid. If desired, if there is a need to obtain a more delicate structure of the filling, we twist the meat twice. When adding onions, we keep in mind that there should be a lot of it in the minced meat, about half as much as meat. We clean it and chop it into cubes as small as possible, but do not twist the vegetable along with the meat in a meat grinder, this will not play in favor of juiciness, rather the opposite.

Here's another tip for juiciness. It is necessary to add a little chilled milk to the minced meat, preferably with an admixture of ice crystals or just frostbitten water. But in this case, after the products are turned over to the second barrel, we continue to cook them under a lid over moderate heat so that the filling has time to fry, because ice still slows down the process.

Season the minced meat with ground pepper and, if you wish, with your favorite spices and let it brew for some time. Salt the mass just before forming the products, which will also make the filling more juicy.

Many people advise not to leave a hole when sculpting whites in order to keep the juiciness to the maximum. But an authentic version of a classic dish suggests a different way out. When starting to fry products, immerse them in well-heated oil and always with the hole down. Thus, the filling is sealed and all juices remain inside. At the same time, we observe the only condition: the whites can be turned over only once and fried to the end with the hole upwards, therefore, the temperature of the oil should not be kept too high at this moment, so that the filling has time to fry and the dough does not burn. In this case, after turning, you can pour a spoonful of boiling oil into the hole to the filling, which will somewhat speed up the frying process and additionally add juiciness.

minced meat on belyashi recipe juicy and tasty

How tasty the whites will turn out depends not only on the dough, but also on the minced meat. Minced meat for whitewash, of course, must be watery in consistency. Thanks to this, the finished dish will be juicy.

- 300 grams of fatty pork,

- a small amount of milk,

- 70 grams of onions,

- ground black pepper.

1. Thoroughly and gently rinse the fatty pork under the tap with water.

2. Dry the washed meat with a cotton towel or clean napkins.

3. Cut the pork into medium-sized pieces with a sharp knife.

4. Peel the onions and cut them into wedges.

5. Scroll both pork and onions through a meat grinder.

6. Salt the resulting minced meat and add black ground pepper to it. Knead the minced meat thoroughly with a spoon.

7. Add a small amount of clean boiled water or milk to the prepared minced meat. Stir well again. Milk or water will make the minced meat thinner and juicier.

It is not recommended to store ready-made minced meat intended for cooking whites for a long time. It begins to darken within a few hours due to the presence of an onion in it. It is necessary to use minced meat in the very first hours after its preparation.

Secrets of making juicy whites

Belyashi is a hearty and at the same time simple dish of Tatar cuisine. Round (cheesecake-shaped) or triangular with a hole, tender dough pies with juicy aromatic meat filling, fried in butter until crispy. They are loved by adults and children. Buying whites in stores is not always safe for your health, so we suggest you cook them right at home. It is completely uncomplicated and delicious. You can be convinced of this by reading our article!

To simplify the process of making whites as much as possible, you can buy the dough. It can be a regular yeast dough.

In order for the whites to be juicy, they take minced meat of two types: beef and fatty pork or lamb. But even with a lean beef filling, you can get juicy whites. To do this, before sculpting the whites, add crushed ice to the minced meat. The main thing is to do everything very quickly so that the ice in the filling begins to melt only during the frying process. The secret lies in the fact that when melted, the ice will absorb all the minced meat seasonings and make the whitewash filling juicy and aromatic.

In the process of frying, the whites will not absorb a lot of oil if you pour 1 tablespoon of alcohol into the pan.


Roasting the whites should take about 5 minutes on each side. Frying oil must be added so that it covers half of the whites. It is very important to place the whites so that they do not come into contact with each other.

In the process of frying, lay out the whites first with the side where the hole is. Thus, it will cook well and retain all the juices inside.


After frying in boiling oil on both sides, fold the whites on a paper towel to remove all excess fat.

To make the whites soft after cooking, you can put them in a preheated oven for 15 minutes, and then put them in a saucepan and cover with a lid or towel.

Homemade whites

  • Milk, 250 ml
  • Egg, 1 pc.
  • Salt, to taste
  • Sugar, 1 tablespoon
  • Vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons
  • Yeast, 30 gr.
  • Mayonnaise, 1 tablespoon
  • Flour, 500 gr.
  • Minced meat, 500 gr.
  • Onion, 1 pc.
  • Salt, pepper, to taste
  • Vegetable oil for frying
  1. Dissolve yeast in warm milk, add sugar and salt, mix until completely dissolved.
  2. Beat egg with mayonnaise, add flour and knead the dough. At the end of the batch, pour in vegetable oil and knead well again.
  3. Cover the dough with a napkin and place in a warm place to increase its volume. When the dough comes up, it will need to be divided into small balls, and each rolled thinly into a cake.
  1. Peel the onion and cut into small cubes.
  2. Combine minced meat with onions, salt and pepper to taste and knead well.
  3. Put the filling in the middle of the cake, press it down with your palm. Gather the edge of the dough in a circle towards the middle, pinch gently, leaving a hole in the center.

Fry the whites in boiling oil on both sides for 5 minutes over low heat. Garnish with herbs and vegetables before serving.

A step-by-step recipe for making whitewash in a pan with a photo

Cooking whites at home is not difficult. You just need to make yeast dough and good minced meat. Then you will have juicy crusty whites. This dish will be appreciated by all men. The name of this pastry comes from the Tatar word "balish", which means a large baked pie.

Kitchenware: a frying pan in which the whites will be fried, a rolling pin for rolling out the dough and a knife.


  • Yeast (fresh) - 50 g.
  • Flour - 2.5 cups.
  • Milk - 200 ml.
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Salt to taste.
  • Onion - 1 piece.
  • Minced meat - 300 g.

How to choose the right stuffing

If you have such an opportunity, then buy good meat (preferably pork) and make the minced meat yourself. If you do buy minced meat, then pay attention to my tips for choosing it:

  1. Minced meat is frozen and chilled. It is best to choose chilled, it cannot be stored for too long. On the other hand, frozen minced meat can be stored indefinitely. And it is very difficult to check how much he was on the counter. Moreover, in supermarkets, it is often practiced to re-stick the expiration date to a later one.
  2. Also, the quality of minced meat can be determined by the juice that is released when it is defrosted. If there is no juice at all, then most likely there are moisture-retaining additives in the composition of this product. Fresh minced meat should contain pink juice. If the juice is dark, cloudy, and also with an unpleasant odor, then the product is stale.
  3. Always pay attention to the labeling of the minced meat. The detailed composition of the product should be indicated there. Its energy value, shelf life. If the minced meat is wrapped in a simple film, without any information about it, then such a product should not be bought.
  4. Minced meat should not have foreign odors. A quality product of uniform bright color without dark inclusions.

Step by step recipe

First step

  1. We heat the milk a little so that it is warm, but not hot.
  • Add yeast, salt, sugar and sifted flour there. Knead the dough.
  • As usual, the main requirements for the dough are that it does not stick to the hands, but it is not too tight either.
  • We leave the dough to come up.

  • Second step

    1. Cut the onion into small cubes and add to the minced meat. Don't be afraid to put a lot of onions. To make the minced meat for whitewash with meat juicy, you need to take almost as much onion as meat.

    Third step

    1. Divide the dough into 8 pieces.
  • Roll each piece into a tortilla shape.
  • Place the filling on each tortilla and pinch so that there is a hole on top.

  • Fourth step

    1. Pour vegetable oil into the pan so that more than half of the pies disappear. This is necessary so that they are well fried.
    2. First you need to fry with the hole down.
  • Then you need to turn the whites over and fry, adding hot vegetable oil from the pan to the inside of the pie. This way the filling won't be soggy.
  • Video recipe for whitening in a pan

    I invite you to watch this video. This pictorial recipe will help you prepare delicious whites correctly.

    Sometimes whitewash is cooked with meat and potatoes, and sometimes even with millet or rice. These are traditional recipes. If you change the filling and shape, you get a regular pie. It is the meat filling and the peculiar shape that makes the belyash. Belyashi is served as an independent dish. This is a very satisfying and rather fatty pastry.

    I also recommend baking the whites in the oven, they are no less tasty than in a frying pan. Or whitewash on kefir, they have a very tasty and tender dough. I also want to present to your attention two more recipes. This is a pie with meat and a pie with fish.

    Belyashi with Meat - Delicious, Homemade Recipe, Juicy and Tender. Thanks to this recipe, the whites are very tender. And the meat filling is generally beyond praise - juicy and aromatic.

    • cow's milk - 125 milliliters;
    • water - 125 milliliters;
    • dry yeast - 5 grams;
    • wheat flour - 400 grams;
    • salt - one teaspoon;
    • sugar - 1.5 tablespoons.
    • minced beef - 400 grams;
    • minced pork - 400 grams;
    • onions - 2 pieces;
    • salt, pepper to taste;
    • water in minced meat - 15 milliliters.

    Belyashi with meat. Step by step recipe

    1. Flour for making homemade whites with meat must be sifted through a sieve (ideally if you sift the flour twice in a row).
    2. Combine milk and water in a deep bowl (250 milliliters of liquid is obtained). Optionally, you can use either 250 milliliters of water or 250 milliliters of milk. But if you chose the last option, then carefully monitor the frying process: since the whites in milk tend to burn.
    3. Dissolve 5 grams of dry yeast in a slightly warmed milk mixture.
    4. Pour all the sugar and add 3-4 tablespoons of flour to activate the yeast fermentation process. Leave the dough in a warm place for 10-15 minutes.
    5. In the meantime, let's get down to preparing our filling.
    6. The most delicious, in my opinion, whites are obtained with minced meat, which consists of 50% beef and 50% pork. In this recipe, I suggest this proportion.
    7. Of course, you can also use one type of meat for cooking minced meat: for example, lamb or pork. If you use only beef, then such minced meat turns out to be less fatty and dryish. Therefore, try to cook belyashi with different types of minced meat: choose the one that will be the most delicious for you.
    8. Peel the medium-sized onion and cut very finely with a knife. You can grind it with a blender or in a meat grinder.
    9. Pour well chopped onion into a bowl with minced meat, salt, add black pepper to taste. I prefer to use freshly ground pepper: it has a much stronger aroma and a sharper taste.
    10. To keep our minced meat juicy during the cooking process, you should add a small amount of water to it and mix well.
    11. Now add salt to the dough, a little more than half of the flour and mix well with a spoon.
    12. Then pour the remaining flour onto the work surface and send the dough onto it.
    13. Stir the flour into the dough with your hands. The secret to a delicious whitewash dough is to be soft and slightly stick to your hands.
    14. We give the dough the shape of a ball, put it in a deep bowl (first sprinkle the bottom with flour), cover the bowl with a lid or a towel and give it time to proof. The dough should fit (increase in volume by 1.5 - 2 times).
    15. When the dough has increased, it needs to be settled. Dab your palms lightly in vegetable oil and gently sit on the dough. Those. it needs to be mixed again.
    16. Now the finished dough must be divided into portions. To make the whites look beautiful and uniform in size, I advise you to use a kitchen scale to brave the same pieces of dough. In this recipe for whitewash with meat in a pan, I measure out pieces of dough by 40 grams.
    17. Do not forget to periodically grease your hands with vegetable oil so that the dough does not stick and it is pleasant to work with it.
    18. Thus, we divide all the dough into pieces (I give them the shape of balls) and put, for convenience, on a plank or on a plate. To prevent the dough from chapping, you can cover it with cling film.
    19. A similar procedure should be done with minced meat. For each beef, there should be approximately 40-45 grams of minced meat. Using a kitchen scale, divide the minced meat into portioned balls and put them on a wide dish.
    20. We begin to sculpt belyashi with meat at home.
    21. We take a ball of dough, roll it out to a thickness of about 1 cm, in a small circle.
    22. Put a ball with minced meat in the middle of the circle and gently pinch the edges so that there is a small hole in the middle.
    23. Now let the whites rest for a few minutes, press down slightly on top and send them to fry.
    24. Pour a large amount of vegetable oil into a deep frying pan. During the frying process, the whites should float slightly in it, and not lie on the bottom.
    25. Dip the whites into a deep frying pan with well-heated sunflower oil, opening down.
    26. For convenience, I put no more than four whites in the pan. This way they cook well and don't stick to each other.
    27. Fry over medium heat until golden brown on both sides.
    28. We take out the finished homemade whites on a dish, previously covered with paper kitchen towels. These towels will absorb excess oil and moisture after frying.
    29. A few minutes after frying, the whites become very soft and juicy, as if inviting you to quickly taste their great taste.

    In many former republics of the USSR, such baked goods as whitewash are very common. Those who had a Soviet childhood probably remember the stalls in which a good-quality aunt would fry and immediately sell pies with jam and whitewash with meat. Hot, aromatic, tasty and satisfying pastries were sold out in an instant. Now, although newfangled hot dogs, shawarma and hamburgers have appeared, whites do not lose their popularity. And at the mere mention of this word, you just want to bite off a piece of hot baked goods with juicy meat filling.

    So what's the deal? Preparing them is not difficult at all. The main thing is to gather strength and thoughts, stock up on a good mood, flour and minced meat, and fry whites, teasing the aroma of households and neighbors.

    We offer you three recipes to choose from. But first, a little about what kind of dish it is and how to cook it correctly.

    Bilyasha comes from Bashkiria and Tatarstan. They are fried pies stuffed with minced or twisted meat (minced meat). Only in their homeland they are called peremyachi, and beyond its borders another name has more spread - belyashi. For their preparation, both unleavened and yeast dough is used. Fry the whites with meat in a pan. And one more small nuance, on top of the whites there should be a hole through which the meat filling peeps through, due to the hole during frying, the minced meat does not remain half-baked.

    When there is no time at all, you can use a pastry store dough for whitewash. If you like to tinker with flour yourself, then here you have a choice of options - yeast dough in water, whey or milk, or quick dough with kefir and soda. As for the filling, as a rule, pork and ground beef are mixed. Based on your preferences and capabilities, you can use chicken, turkey, lamb meat for whitening.

    Belyashi with meat on water (milk)

    We suggest making yeast whites according to a very simple recipe. The dough is kneaded with dry yeast and milk, after baking it turns out to be soft and airy, with a crispy crust (if there is no milk, ordinary water is fine). Minced pork and beef are used as meat filling.

    Taste Info Patties


    • water (or milk of fat content 1.5% -2.5%) - 200 ml;
    • sugar - 1 tsp;
    • dry fast-acting yeast - 1 tsp;
    • white wheat flour - 450-500 g;
    • chicken egg - 1 pc .;
    • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l. (+ for frying);
    • minced meat - 0.5 kg;
    • green onions - 1 small bunch;
    • ground black pepper and salt - to your taste.

    How to cook delicious whites with meat in a pan

    First, prepare the yeast dough. Pour boiled water (or milk) into a wide bowl, heat a little and add dry yeast. To make them dissolve faster and start playing, add a teaspoon of granulated sugar to the water. Literally after 10 minutes, you will notice that a foam "cap" has formed above the water surface.

    Sift the wheat flour into a suitable bowl.

    Add salt (about one teaspoon) to the flour, stir and form a funnel in the center. Break a chicken egg into a flour funnel, pour in vegetable oil (3 tablespoons will be enough), add yeast dissolved in water. Knead the dough, cover it with cooking film and let it rest for 40 minutes in a warm place.

    Prepare the filling. Wash, dry and chop fresh green onions. Transfer it to a bowl, add the minced meat here.

    Season the filling to your taste with ground pepper and salt, mix everything well.

    Grind the work surface with flour, transfer the dough and knead it.

    Divide the dough into balls the size of a baby's cam. Roll out a flat cake about 5-6 mm thick from each ball.

    Place the meat filling on the round blanks (about 1 tablespoon each).

    Gently and nicely pinch the edges of the cake to the center so that you get a whitish.

    Teaser network

    For frying, take a frying pan with a thick bottom or with a non-stick coating, pour in vegetable oil. When it warms up, place the whites with the split edges down.

    Toast on each side until a delicious crust appears.

    Put the finished baked goods on a dish covered with a paper napkin or towel, this will help get rid of excess fat.

    Tatar belyashi with meat are ready! Bon Appetit!

    Belyashi with meat on kefir

    Now we propose to make whitewash with kefir. Households will be delighted with the delicious crispy crust, airy dough soaked in meat juice, and the most delicate juicy filling inside. And the hostesses will definitely like the recipe in terms of preparation, because the dough on kefir is prepared easily and quickly.


    • kefir (fat content 1% -2.5%) - 400 ml;
    • baking soda - 2 tsp;
    • chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
    • sugar - 2 tbsp. l .;
    • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l. (for the test);
    • salt - 2 tsp;
    • white flour - 6 cups;
    • minced meat - 600 g;
    • onions - 3-4 pcs.;
    • ground black pepper and salt (for minced meat) - to your taste;
    • cream - 2 tbsp. l .;
    • vegetable oil - for frying.


    1. Pour kefir into a bowl, heat a little and add soda to it. Mix and let the mixture stand for 5 minutes.
    2. Now add sugar, eggs, salt and vegetable oil, mix everything well.
    3. Gradually sifting and adding flour, knead the dough. Let it rest for half an hour, and in the meantime, prepare the filling.
    4. Peel the onions, wash and chop finely. Combine the onion with the minced meat, grind with salt and pepper, pour in the cream and mix thoroughly until smooth.
    5. Divide the dough into pieces, roll each into a round cake.
    6. Place the filling in the center of the cake and form the whites, pinching the edges up and making a small hole in the middle.
    7. Take a frying pan and heat the oil in it (there should be enough of it so that the whites are half immersed in the oil). Turn on medium heat and place the whites with the hole facing down. Toast both sides until golden brown and transfer the baked goods to a paper towel to drain off excess fat.
    8. It turned out wonderful whites on kefir. Serve hot.
    Belyashi with minced chicken on whey

    And one more recipe - belyashi with minced chicken. We will prepare the dough with yeast, but not with milk or water, but with whey. By the way, this dairy product can sometimes replace milk, but it costs much less. For minced meat, it is advisable to take different parts of the chicken, because if you use only the breast, it will be dry.


    • serum - 450 ml;
    • dry fast-acting yeast - 10 g;
    • sugar - 3 tbsp. l .;
    • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
    • salt - 1.5 tsp;
    • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l. (for the test);
    • white flour - 650 g;
    • minced chicken - 600-700 g;
    • bulbs - 3-4 pcs.;
    • ground black pepper and salt (for minced meat) - to your taste;
    • vegetable oil - for frying.


    1. Pour whey into a bowl, heat slightly, add yeast with sugar, stir. To let the yeast start playing, let the mixture stand for 15-20 minutes.
    2. Now beat in an egg, add salt and vegetable oil, mix.
    3. Sift gradually and add flour. Knead the dough, then cover it and let it stand for 40-60 minutes.
    4. In the meantime, get busy with the stuffing. Chop the peeled and washed onions into small cubes and mix with the minced meat, grind with pepper and salt to your liking.
    5. Divide the dough into pieces, roll the cakes out of them.
    6. Put the minced meat in the middle of the cakes and pinch the edges, leaving a hole in the middle.
    7. In very hot oil in a skillet, fry the whites on each side until a delicious golden brown crust. First lay out on the side where the hole is, and then turn it over.
    8. Transfer the finished baked goods to paper napkins to remove grease, then serve delicious whites to the table.

    Cooking tips

    • The whitewash dough should be elastic and soft, not stick to your hands and lend itself well to sculpting. When it's ready, be sure to let it rest. Transfer to a bowl, covered with cooking wrap, or into a plastic bag lined with flour. In this state, it should lie down for 30 to 40 minutes.
    • Never ignore the process of sifting flour, due to this, it is saturated with oxygen and the finished dough is airy.
    • Traditionally, delicious belyashi with meat is served with sour cream or kefir. You can drop them instead of bread to thin soup or meat broth.
    • The method of sculpting the whites, of course, will not affect their taste, but you always want the finished baked goods to look neat. The traditional shape is a round pie, shaped like a pouch with a hole in the center. Due to such a hole, the minced meat is fried evenly and it is imperative to initially put the whites on this side of the pan. Someone immediately sculpts the whites, pinching the edges so that a hole remains in the middle, and some housewives prefer to make cakes first, and then cut a hole with a knife. Choose whichever is more convenient for you.
    • Triangular whites look no less cute, try making baked goods of this shape, just do not forget about the hole in the center.

    Secrets of delicious filling
    • Do not use ready-made minced meat, do it yourself. You will need fatty beef and pork in equal proportions. Rinse the meat, dry it and rotate it in a meat grinder with a fine grid. If you want an even softer consistency, roll the minced meat twice.
    • To make the minced meat more juicy, put more onions in it. Ideal proportion - 1 part of onion is taken for 2 parts of meat. Just do not twist the onion together with the meat in a meat grinder, cut it into very small cubes and grind it a little with a crush.
    • The filling will turn out to be more juicy if you add salt to it just before the formation of whites.
    • If you are going to fry whites, and there is only beef from meat, be sure to add a little fresh lard to the minced meat.
    • You can use any seasonings and spices suitable for minced meat in the filling.
    • For the juiciness of the filling, you can pour in quite a bit of cold water or milk.
    • The classic filling for whitewash is minced meat, but many chefs experiment and make these products with potatoes, cheese, mushrooms or fish. Try it too, it turns out no less tasty.

    This primordially Tatar dish has long become a favorite among the most diverse inhabitants of our country. And how can you refuse a tidbit of the most delicate, slightly crispy toasted dough with hearty meat filling?

    The juiciness of the meat is given by finely chopped or minced onion, which during cooking exchanges its bright taste and fragrant aroma with dense dough and minced meat.

    And whitewash is prepared quite quickly and simply, the main thing for their preparation is the presence of patience and hard work of the hostess, as well as a large frying pan with a deep bottom in the house.

    Traditional Tatar belyashi is made from beef tenderloin. You can use veal or pork to prepare their filling.

    The use of mixed minced meat for the filling is considered quite popular: in which the same amount of ground beef is added to the pork twisted in a meat grinder. With pork, as a rule, minced meat turns out to be more juicy and softer.

    But in general, the filling is a matter of taste, because it will not be possible to spoil it with a certain choice of meat, because a special aroma of the whites is given by minced or finely grated onions. Without this component, you will not be able to cook delicious fluffy whites in a pan.

    Step by step recipe

    Ingredients Quantity
    vegetable oil - 200 ml
    wheat flour - 550 g
    dry yeast - sachet
    granulated sugar - 50 g
    salt and pepper - taste
    the water is slightly warm - 360 ml
    Ground beef - 250 g
    minced pork - 250 g
    onion heads - 3 pcs.
    Cooking time: 120 minutes Calorie content per 100 grams: 180 Kcal

    Whitewash dough is kneaded from very simple ingredients available to everyone. Begin to knead the correct dough for whitewash should be with dough. To do this, dry yeast is diluted in a lukewarm will, 50 g of sugar and 75 g of flour are added.

    In a sufficiently deep container, the ingredients are kneaded into a thick mass. Then the container is covered with a cotton napkin and infused for 20 minutes.

    After that, the remaining flour is added to the finished dough, vegetable oil is poured in, the dough is salted and kneaded until homogeneous.

    Minced pork and beef are mixed in a deep glass bowl, twisted onions are added. The minced meat is salted and a little ground pepper is put in it. If the filling is dry in appearance, you can add 75 ml of warm milk.

    The finished dough is rolled out into a layer approximately 6 mm thick, then using a saucer with a diameter of 10 cm we cut even circles. Put a tablespoon of minced meat in the center of the dough piece, the edges of the dough mug are firmly pinched.

    Place the whites in a pan well heated on the hob. You need to fry these meat pies in a sufficient amount of vegetable oil, the yeast dough rises during frying, and the oil is necessary so that the whites are fried evenly.

    They are prepared at an average heating surface temperature, you should not choose strong heating: with it, one of the sides of the whitewash can burn.

    Lush whites with milk and yeast

    • slightly warm milk - 180 ml;
    • water - 80 ml;
    • butter - 80 g;
    • wheat flour - 320 g;
    • dry yeast bag;
    • granulated sugar - 25 g;
    • salt on the tip of a knife.

    Mixing time: 30 min.

    Calorie content of the dough in one piece: 60 kcal.

    Milk makes a very tasty dough, tender, very light, literally melting in your mouth. Warmed water is added to warm milk, sugar is dissolved in the resulting liquid, yeast is added.

    The mixture is infused for a quarter of an hour. Then an egg is driven into it and softened butter is added. The resulting mass is well kneaded, then flour is poured into it.

    Knead the dough and put in a warm place for an hour and a half.

    • ground beef - 250 g;
    • minced pork -250 g;
    • onion heads - 2 pcs;
    • cream - 150 ml;
    • a small pinch of salt;
    • pepper to taste.

    Frying time: 90 min.

    The components of the minced meat are mixed, 33% cream is poured in for juiciness and a special aroma.

    The dough is rolled out, cakes are cut, in the middle of which a tablespoon of the prepared minced meat is placed.

    The edges of the cake are bent in such a way that a small hole is formed in the top of the whitewash.

    Belyashi are laid out in a preheated pan. The first side to be fried is the side with a small hole.

    If the pan is hot enough, don't worry about the juice leaking out of the open pie. But, if you start frying from the closed side, then when it comes to the side with the window, the onion juice will be heavily sprayed in different directions. The whites are fried in a frying pan until fully cooked.

    Tatar belyashi on kefir in a pan

    Ingredients for the dough:

    • kefir - 150 ml;
    • wheat flour - 320 g;
    • egg;
    • a small pinch of salt.

    Mixing time: 40 min.

    Calorie content of the dough in one piece: 55 kcal.

    Kefir is poured into a large container, an egg is driven into it. With the help of wolves, the components are connected to each other. The mixture is salted, flour is poured into it, a soft, tender dough is kneaded.

    Ingredients for the filling:

    • beef tenderloin - 500 g;
    • 2 onion heads;
    • olive oil - 50 g;
    • 4 potatoes;
    • a small pinch of salt;
    • pepper to taste.

    Frying time: 90 min.

    Calorie content of meat filling in one piece: 110 kcal.

    Beef tenderloin and onion are passed through a meat grinder, and ground or finely grated potatoes are added to them. Salt, a little allspice is added to the minced meat, all the ingredients are well mixed.

    The dough rolls into a long sausage, small lumps are pinched off from it. Cakes are made from them. A tablespoon with a slide of minced meat is laid out in the middle of the cake.

    Tatar whites are cooked with a small hole in the top of the pie. Each side is fried until fully cooked.

    1. Tatar belyashi are served with a specially prepared sauce. The following ingredients are required for the sauce: ripe tomato - 1 pc, apple or grape vinegar - 0.3 g, mustard - on the tip of a knife, garlic - 2 cloves, canned cucumbers - 100 g, olive oil - 6 large spoons. Olive oil is heated in a deep frying pan, finely chopped tomato is placed in it, apple cider vinegar is poured, spices are added. Within 10 minutes, the mass is stewed at a low temperature. Then the pan is removed from the hob, mustard, finely chopped garlic, finely chopped cucumbers are put into it. Mix everything well, and a delicious appetizing sauce for whites is ready:
    2. In order for the whitewash filling to be even more juicy and tasty, it is advised to add a little milk or cream to it;
    3. The whitewash dough should not be overly dense. A soft, docile dough that does not stick to hands and work surfaces is the right dough for whites.

    Delicious aromatic whites that are cooked in a pan are quite easy to prepare. Once you try to cook this dish at home, after a while you will definitely want to treat your family with lush whites again.

    Belyash is a Tatar cuisine dish that has become very popular in our area due to the fact that meat pies fried in oil came to our liking. Many people associate belyasha with street cuisine, with stalls selling hot pies, pasties and belyasha. They are round, triangular in shape. Inside the whites there is a meat filling. Pies are fried until crisp.

    Initially, Bashkir and Tatar pies were made from unleavened dough. The filling could be meat, potatoes, and some other ingredients. The calorie content of the dish is acceptable - 360 kilocalories per 100 g of the product. But since the pies are very tasty, and it is almost impossible to tear yourself away from them, if you are losing weight, you should limit their use. Today we will cook belyashi with meat, a delicious homemade recipe. Cooking juicy, lush and airy whites at home is very real.

    In the process of frying, it is necessary to find the optimal temperature corridor: if the fire is too strong, the dough inside and the filling will remain moist. If you make the heat too low, the pies will absorb so much oil during frying that you will definitely not want to eat them later.

    When frying whites, you should not arrange a hostel: there should be enough space for everyone, let the products be located freely and freely - this way they will cook better and more evenly. Ideally, the butter should surround the whites completely from all sides and rise at least to the middle of the pie.

    Put the pies in hot butter with the hole down: the high temperature will immediately "seal" the meat, preventing the juice from unauthorized flow into the pan.

    Belyashi with meat delicious homemade recipe

    Belyashi with ground beef


    • 1.5 cups flour
    • 5 g dry yeast
    • 1 tsp sugar
    • 70 ml milk
    • 350 g ground beef
    • 2 tbsp. spoons of water
    • 3 cloves of garlic
    • pepper and salt to taste

    Cooking methods:

    Lazy whites

    When there is no time to fiddle with the dough, you can cook lazy whites.


    • Kefir - 1 glass
    • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
    • Soda - 1 tsp
    • Salt - 1 tsp
    • Sugar - 1 tsp
    • Flour - 200 g

    For filling:

    • Minced meat - 300 g
    • Medium onion - 1 pc.
    • Vegetable oil

    Cooking method:

    1. First, prepare the minced meat: peel the onion and cut into small cubes. Fry in hot vegetable oil until golden brown. Mix onion with minced meat, salt and pepper and fry.
    2. Prepare the dough: mix kefir, salt, sugar and soda. Beat eggs and add to kefir. Mix. Pour in a little sifted flour, stirring with a spoon, so that there are no lumps.
    3. Pour vegetable oil into the pan and heat it up.
    4. Pour the pancakes into the pan with a tablespoon.
    5. Put 1 tsp for each pancake. minced meat, distributing and pressing it, pour on top with a second spoonful of dough.
    6. Fry over medium heat until golden brown on both sides.

    Belyashi with minced meat and rice


    • 3 cups flour
    • 1 glass of milk
    • 10 g dry yeast
    • 1 egg
    • 300 g ground beef
    • 200 g minced pork
    • 4 tbsp. spoons of rice
    • 1 head of onion
    • vegetable oil for dough and frying

    Cooking methods:

    Dissolve the yeast in lukewarm milk, add 100 ml of butter and an egg beaten with a pinch of salt, add flour, let stand for 1 hour. Boil the rice, combine with chopped onions and minced meat, salt. Cut out circles from the dough, lay out the filling, pinch, leaving a hole in the center. Fry in oil for 5 minutes on each side.

    Belyashi with minced chicken


    • 3 cups flour
    • 200 ml of 1% kefir
    • 2 eggs
    • 1 teaspoon of baking soda
    • 500 g minced chicken
    • 2 onions
    • 50 ml of water
    • vegetable oil for dough and frying
    • ground black pepper

    Cooking methods:

    Combine flour with soda and 1 teaspoon of salt, add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of oil. Combine kefir with eggs, add to the mixture. Knead the dough, let it rest for 30 minutes. Combine chopped onion with minced meat, salt and pepper. Pour in water. Roll out the tortillas 2-3 cm thick, lay out the filling, pinch the edges, leaving the middle open. Fry in butter, which should reach the middle of the whites, with the meat on the side, for 5 minutes. Turn over and cook for another 5 minutes.

    Belyashi in Bashkir style


    • 1 kg flour
    • 1 glass of milk
    • 1 tsp sugar
    • 10 g dry yeast
    • 50 g butter
    • 1 egg
    • 500 g minced meat (beef or lamb)
    • 1 head of onion
    • 150 ml cream
    • vegetable oil
    • a pinch of ground coriander
    • spoiled milk
    • pepper

    Cooking methods:

    Combine the egg with softened butter, add to the flour. Dissolve yeast, 1 teaspoon of salt and sugar in lukewarm milk in small portions into the dough. Leave for 1 hour in a warm place. Combine minced meat with chopped onion, season with coriander, salt and pepper. Dilute with cream. Roll out thick cakes from the dough, place the filling in the center, pinch the edges so that the center remains open. Fry for 5-7 minutes in vegetable oil. Serve with sour milk.

    Belyash "Kazansky"


    • 1.5 cups flour
    • 70 ml milk
    • 5 g dry yeast
    • 350 g ground beef
    • 2 tbsp. spoons of water
    • 3 cloves of garlic
    • vegetable oil
    • 1 tsp sugar
    • pepper and salt to taste

    Cooking methods:

    Combine flour with yeast, salt and sugar, add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter and lukewarm milk. Knead the dough, leave for 1 hour in a warm room. Combine minced meat with chopped garlic, salt and pepper, pour in water. Roll out the dough into thick cakes, place the filling in the middle, pinch the edges, giving the shape of a cheesecake. Fry in oil for 5 minutes on each side, starting on the open side.

    Belyashi on kefir


    • 3 cups flour 200 ml 1% kefir
    • 2 eggs
    • 1 teaspoon of baking soda
    • 400 g ground beef
    • 2 onions
    • 50 ml of water
    • vegetable oil
    • ground black pepper

    Cooking methods:

    Combine flour with soda and 1 teaspoon of salt, add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil. Combine kefir with slightly beaten eggs, add to the flour mixture. Knead the dough, let it rest for 30 minutes. Combine chopped onion with minced meat, salt and pepper. Pour in water. Roll the dough into flat cakes 2-3 cm thick, place the filling in the center, pinch the edges, leaving the middle open. Fry in butter, which should reach the middle of the whites, with the meat on the bottom, for 5 minutes. Turn over and cook for another 5 minutes.

    When preparing the filling, do not spare the onion, since it is needed not only to give a specific aroma to pasties and belyasha, but also to make them more juicy. Experts advise using meat and onions in a 3: 2 ratio. In this case, the meat should be scrolled in a manual meat grinder with small holes, and the onion should not be cut too finely.

    Tatarsky Peremyach (belyash)

    Peremiach is a Tatar fried pie with meat, reminiscent of belyashi, beloved since childhood. In the old days, when preparing this dish, finely chopped boiled meat was used for the filling. Gradually began to use raw.


    • 4 tbsp. l. boiled water
    • 1 tsp dry yeast
    • 60 g flour
    • 600 g flour
    • 250 ml milk
    • 1 tsp Sahara
    • 1 egg
    • 1 tsp salt
    • 50 ml vegetable oil
    • 300 g of beef
    • 1 onion
    • ½ tsp salt
    • 1 tsp freshly ground black pepper
    • 500 ml (or more) vegetable
    • deep fat oil

    Cooking methods:

    Prepare the dough: dissolve the yeast in warm water. Add flour. Leave on for 15 minutes. Add flour. Add egg, vegetable oil, salt, sugar, warm milk. Knead the dough. Cover with a napkin. Leave on for 20-30 minutes. Grind meat and onions in a meat grinder. Salt, pepper, mix. Divide the dough into pieces (approx. 50 g each). Roll them into small cakes. Put in the center of each of them 1 tbsp. l. minced meat. Gather the edges of the cake so that there is a 1.5 cm hole in the center. Squeeze the dough slightly on top. Put the peremesh on the speed with the hole down. Fry in hot vegetable oil over low heat until golden brown. Turn the hole up. Fry until tender. Serve hot.

    How to cook homemade juicy whites in the oven

    Belyashi can be cooked not only in milk, but also in kefir - and not fried in a pan, but baked in the oven.


    • 300 g wheat flour
    • 250 ml milk
    • 2 tsp butter
    • 1 tbsp. spoonful of sugar
    • 1 teaspoon dry yeast
    • 300 g minced beef and pork
    • 2 onions
    • 50 ml of water
    • pepper to taste
    • vegetable oil for frying

    Cooking methods:

    Sift flour. Dissolve the softened butter in hot milk, dissolve the sugar there and let cool slightly. Pour the bread machine into the container, cover with flour, add 1 teaspoon of salt and yeast. Knead in the "Dough" mode. Leave the finished dough in a warm place for 40 minutes. Knead again, roll the sausage, cut it into pieces, roll each into a cake. Mix chopped onion with minced meat, dilute a little with water, season to taste. Place the filling on the tortillas, wrap the edges of the dough towards the center. Fry in hot oil in a deep skillet on both sides.

    Recipe for very fast whites

    If you want to make whites as quickly as possible, use this simple recipe.


    • 1.5 cups warm water;
    • 3.4 cups flour;
    • a pinch of salt;
    • a pinch of sugar;
    • 11 g dry yeast;
    • black pepper;
    • 200 g of chicken;
    • 200 g of pork;
    • 3 onions.

    Cooking method:

    1. Pour flour into a bowl. Add yeast, sugar, water there and knead the elastic dough. We cover it with cling film and set it aside for 35 minutes. You can make the whites crisp outside by adding a teaspoon of vodka to the dough for them, because alcohol is able to form the "bubbles" loved by many.
    2. In the meantime, we are preparing the filling. We interrupt onion, chicken and pork in a meat grinder, salt and mix thoroughly. To make the whites more juicy, add a little water to the minced meat.
    3. We take out the dough, lightly crush it and form a sausage. We cut the sausage into rings, roll each one, put the filling and carefully pinch the edges.
    4. In a deep thick-walled saucepan, fry until golden brown, put on napkins, let the excess oil drain and serve.
    5. We spread a tablespoon of the filling in the middle of the circles, then roll up the edges, making "pinches". Be sure to leave a small hole on top (so that the minced meat does not break the dough during the cooking process).
    6. We coat the baking sheet, put the blanks in it so that they do not touch each other, then grease the future whites themselves on top and put them in a preheated oven (the optimum temperature is 180 °, the baking time is 45 minutes).

    Ready! It is better to eat "in the heat, with the heat."

    How to cook juicy minced meat for whites with meat

    Minced meat for pork and beef

    The classic filling for whitewash with meat should be made from lamb, but in our kitchen they often use fatty pork or its mixture with beef.


    • fatty pork and beef - 720 g;
    • onions - 360 g;
    • water - 120 ml;
    • salt and pepper.


    The meat is ground through a meat grinder.

    Peel and chop the onion into cubes as small as possible.

    Mix the meat component and the onion mass, add some salt to the minced meat, pepper and pour in a little ice water or milk.

    Before the design of the products, the filling is kept on the refrigerator shelf for thirty minutes.

    Minced meat for whites with juicy meat based on veal


    • veal (beef is not fried) - 500 grams;
    • two juicy small onions;
    • heavy cream (preferably rustic) - 100 grams;
    • salt - a quarter teaspoon;
    • a mixture of black and white pepper to taste.

    It is advisable to chop the veal or pass it through a large wire rack in a meat grinder. Finely chop the onions. Stir with minced meat, add cream, salt and pepper.

    Minced meat for whites: chicken recipe

    Someone cannot live without lamb, and someone does not tolerate bacon, but they do not mind eating a couple of whites. Well, we offer an option on how you can make a tender and low-fat minced meat for whites.


    • Selected chicken fillet (or other meat) - 0.5 kg;
    • Onions (medium-sized) - 2 pcs.;
    • Fresh parsley - a small bunch;
    • Water - a few tablespoons;
    • Ground salt and pepper - to taste.


    Of course, before sending meat to a food processor or meat grinder, it should be rinsed and dried a little.

    The consistency of the filling should be of medium grain size. There is no need to grind it the second time - the taste will be lost.

    To dilute the dryness of the filling (and it will work that way, since there is not a single gram of fat in it), pour a couple of tablespoons of water into it.

    Now, knowing how to make juicy and tasty minced meat for whites, you just have to stock up on the necessary products and hurry to please your home with hearty yummy!

    • Belyashi is a very popular dish, which is why many recipes for their preparation have appeared. But there are general recommendations, for example, mandatory sifting of flour. So it is saturated with air, the dough will be more fluffy.
    • Another secret - the dough should be well kneaded, dishes where the dough on water, kefir, sour cream are easier to prepare. Yeast dough requires special attention, temperature control, and the absence of drafts.
    • There are secrets of making the filling, in the traditional recipes of Tataria and Bashkiria it is mentioned that the meat should be cut into pieces, so it retains its structure.
    • It is also very important that the filling is juicy, for this, firstly, one part of fatty meat (lamb or pork) is taken, secondly, a lot of onions, which are crushed for juiciness, and thirdly, you can add cream or milk.
    • You just need to remember that the whitewash dough cannot be rolled in flour! Why? Because the temperature of deep fat (oil or oil mixture heated to a high temperature) is so high that dry flour burns in it. It is simply impossible to use this mixture a second time, and it is difficult to remove the smoke in the kitchen even with a hood.

    Belyashi, like other pastries with meat, is served hot. We will be glad if you like these whitewash recipes and will come in handy in the future. Bon Appetit!

    Belyashi with meat, especially in the fried variation, is not a dish that can be recommended to be cooked often, but sometimes you can pamper yourself and your household with such a tempting and aromatic savory delicacy by preparing it yourself at home.

    How to cook whites with meat?

    Any recipe for whitewash with meat involves the simultaneous design of two components - the filling and the dough, the quality of which fully determines the final result and the impression of tasting your favorite food. In our case, chopped meat with onions will be used as a filling, and when creating it, you need to take into account certain subtleties of the recipe, without which the minced meat will not be juicy.

    Juicy minced meat with meat

    The classic one with meat should be made from lamb, but in our kitchen they often use fatty pork or a mixture of it with beef. The onion should be exactly half the size of the meat components and it is preferable to chop it with a sharp knife in medium-sized cubes - this is one of the secrets of the juiciness of the filling. Do not use a lot of spices and seasonings, but add salt and pepper to taste. A little ice water, finely crushed ice or chopped raw potatoes added to the filling will also add juiciness to the products.


    • fatty pork and beef - 720 g;
    • onions - 360 g;
    • water - 120 ml;
    • salt and pepper.


    1. The meat is ground through a meat grinder.
    2. Peel and chop the onion into cubes as small as possible.
    3. Mix the meat component and the onion mass, add some salt to the minced meat, pepper and pour in a little ice water or milk.
    4. Before the design of the products, the filling is kept on the refrigerator shelf for thirty minutes.

    Belyashi dough with meat

    Ideal homemade whites with meat, the recipe of which is verified and balanced, turns out to be soft, fluffy and just melt in your mouth. Correctly made dough is responsible for these properties. It should not be tight and oversaturated with flour or baking powder. The correct flour base is soft, but not stringy, easy to knead and easy to mold. Next is a simple recipe for yeast dough, from which you can make delicious whites with meat.


    • flour - 620 g;
    • water - 340 ml;
    • fresh yeast - 20 g;
    • granulated sugar - 40 g;
    • salt - 10 g;
    • peasant butter - 35 g.


    1. Yeast, salt and sugar are dissolved in water heated to 40 degrees.
    2. The flour is sifted, poured into a bowl in portions and kneaded, adding melted butter to the end.
    3. Leave the container warm for an hour and a half for the contents to approach.
    4. After the mass has increased in volume at least twofold, you can proceed to the design of the products.

    How to sculpt whites with meat?

    Cooking whitewash with meat is not only about making dough and filling. Products must also be molded correctly. In modern cooking, there are two options for decorating blanks - in a closed and open way. Consider further the subtleties of sculpting closed whites.

    Tatar belyashi with meat are made out a little differently.

    The edges of the filled tortilla are closed on top, gathering like a frill and leaving a small hole.

    Belyashi with meat in a pan

    Traditionally, products are fried in a deep-fried pan, in a saucepan or cauldron. Moreover, the recipe for whitewash with meat in a pan can be either classic, implemented in compliance with all the rules and regulations, and noticeably different from those. Next, we will consider variations of quick cooking of such fried products in a pan, the design of which will significantly save time.

    Belyashi with meat - recipe for kefir

    The properties of kefir to increase the splendor of baked goods and transform its characteristics for the better can be applied in this case as well. In the following instructions, you will learn how to cook beef with meat in a skillet from a fast pan. The products are soft, delicate and incredibly fragrant. The filling can be made taking into account the above recommendations, and you will learn the nuances of creating a flour base later.


    • kefir - 245 ml;
    • flour - 480 g;
    • eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • granulated sugar - 25 g;
    • salt and soda - 10 g each;
    • refined butter for dough - 40 ml;
    • no aroma oil for frying - 360 ml;
    • filling - 500 g.


    1. Kefir is combined with soda and left for ten minutes.
    2. Eggs are driven in, sugar, salt are added, oil is poured in and the components are mixed with a whisk.
    3. Pour flour in portions and knead.
    4. The resulting lump is left for thirty minutes under the film.
    5. Cut it into pieces, make out a cake from each.
    6. Put the filling in the center, fold the edges up and pinch, leaving a small gap (hole).
    7. Spread the workpieces in hot oil with the hole down and fry the products until golden brown on both sides.

    Recipe for lazy whites with meat on kefir

    Lazy whites with meat, a very tasty homemade recipe for which is set out below, are prepared much faster than classic yeast and even yeast-free on kefir. Nevertheless, they turn out to be divinely fragrant, mouth-watering and tasty. Perhaps the only drawback of the products will be the excessive fat content at the exit, which can be reduced by laying them on a paper towel for a few minutes.


    • kefir - 490 ml;
    • flour - 320 g;
    • egg - 1 pc.;
    • granulated sugar, salt and soda - 10 g each;
    • refined frying oil - 180 ml;
    • filling - 330 g.


    1. Kefir is mixed with soda, and after ten minutes salt, sugar, egg and flour are added.
    2. Knead the mass with a whisk so that it comes out textured as a base for pancakes.
    3. Heat vegetable fat in a frying pan, spread the dough into it at some distance with a spoon, and place small flat cakes from minced meat on top.
    4. Pour the filling with a small amount of dough on top and brown the blanks over medium heat on both sides.

    The recipe for whitewash with meat in the oven

    One, perhaps, the most significant drawback of fried whites is the excessive fat content of the products at the exit and not quite healthy, although very appetizing fried crust. Next, you will learn how to bake whites with meat devoid of unwanted greasy shine in the oven. Such heat treatment of products is much more useful than traditional ones. The main thing is to implement it correctly and then the products will be no worse than the classic ones, fried in oil.

    Belyashi with meat - a recipe with yeast

    The products in the oven are soft if the dough is prepared correctly. It can be made yeast-free with kefir, adhering to a recipe containing soda, or kneaded with yeast. Next, you will learn how to make whitewash with meat from yeast dough, which, when using high-quality ingredients, always turns out to be fluffy, fits perfectly and gives an excellent result.