Recipe for a dough for whites on kefir. The most delicious belyashi on kefir

15.08.2019 Dishes for children

Belyashi is a dish that is attributed to Tatar cuisine. They are lush with meat. To date, belyashi have taken an honorable place in the menu of many snack bars and fast food restaurants. Nevertheless, those who at least once tried to cook whitewash at home are unlikely to return to the purchased option.

The filling for the whites is usually any minced meat mixed with onions.... Potatoes are also sometimes added. Use the simplest spices: salt, sugar, black pepper, but you can also add your favorite spices. The main component for such baking is, of course, the dough.

The dough for whitewash is prepared in water, milk or kefir... Most often yeast is added to it. Although this cooking method is quite long (the dough needs to be infused for at least an hour), the pies turn out to be lush, tasty, with mouth-watering bubbles and a delicate golden color. The faster recipe eliminates yeast, which makes the dough more bland. Despite this, there are also a lot of fans of such whites.

Both the one and the other version of the test involves frying in a large amount of oil.... Usually, it should rise from the bottom of the pan by at least 1 centimeter, but it is better that the whites are completely covered with it. In this case, they will turn out to be the same golden color with a ruddy crust. You can also cook the whites in the oven.

When the dough is ready, cakes are made from it, 6-8 centimeters in diameter. Minced meat is added to the center, then the edges are pressed, leaving a small hole in the middle. Whole whites can also be cooked by completely wrapping the minced meat in the dough, but they will take a little longer to fry.

Secrets of making the perfect whitewash dough

Cooking homemade whites is a real culinary feat that will be appreciated by all family members. The secret of how to make them truly inimitable lies in the correct dough recipe. Whichever cooking method you choose, a few general recommendations will come in handy:

Secret number 1. Instead of vegetable oil, melted margarine can be added to the dough in the same amount.

Secret number 2. You can take dry or fresh yeast. Fresh will need about 30g for 2 glasses of milk (water).

Secret number 3. The whitewash dough should be thick, soft and slightly sticky to your hands.

Secret number 4. Forming whites from the finished dough, you need to sprinkle plenty of flour on your hands and work surface.

Secret number 5. Before cooking whites, heat the oil in a pan well, but avoid smoke.

It is quite easy to prepare whites in this way, but you have to wait until the yeast comes up and the dough itself swells. From the proposed amount of ingredients, you will get about 20 large pies. Forming the whites from the dough, they need to be made small - during frying, they will increase by 2-3 times.


  • 400ml of water;
  • 1½ tbsp Sahara;
  • ½ hour l salt;
  • 3 tbsp. vegetable oil;
  • 600g flour;
  • 1 tsp dry yeast.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat the water a little and pour into a deep plate;
  2. Add yeast, sugar and 100g flour, beat with a whisk;
  3. Cover a plate with a warm towel and wait 20-30 minutes for the yeast to come up;
  4. Add the remaining flour and salt, stir;
  5. Pour vegetable oil and knead;
  6. Remove the dough in a warm place and wait until it has increased 2-3 times.

Interesting from the network

Making dough in a bread maker is a pleasure. While the technique is engaged in kneading, you can have time to prepare the filling for delicious juicy whites. This dough recipe is suitable for any pies, but it will be best combined with the meat filling. If desired, you can add potatoes to it.


  • 350ml of milk;
  • 500g flour;
  • 4 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • 2 tsp Sahara;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 1½ hour l dry yeast.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour milk into the bread maker;
  2. Add all dry ingredients and a few tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  3. Turn on the "Dough" mode and leave to knead;
  4. Once done, leave the dough in the bread maker for 20 minutes;
  5. Add the filling and fry in a large amount of vegetable oil.

A quick recipe that allows you to get very tasty and satisfying whites. You can also make any other pies with this dough. Be sure to stock up on a lot of butter for hot whites so that the dough turns out to be crispy.


  • 1 glass of kefir;
  • 3 cups flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 tbsp Sahara;
  • 1 tsp soda;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour kefir into a deep bowl;
  2. Add baking soda, stir and leave for 5 minutes;
  3. Add sugar, salt, eggs and vegetable oil, mix;
  4. Introduce flour in small portions, stirring vigorously;
  5. Lightly sprinkle a plastic bag with flour and transfer the dough into it;
  6. Let the dough stand in a warm place for 20-30 minutes.

An excellent option for whitening for those who do not like yeast dough. The recipe is very simple, however, the result exceeds all expectations. The combination of milk and kefir allows you to get pies that are both tender and fluffy.


  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 1 glass of kefir;
  • 6 glasses of flour;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 1 tsp soda;
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • 3 tbsp. vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix kefir and milk in one bowl;
  2. Add eggs and beat lightly with a fork or whisk;
  3. Pour salt, soda and sugar into the dough, continuing to beat;
  4. Add the main part of the flour (4-5 glasses) and adjust the thickness of the dough, gradually adding the rest;
  5. Pour in vegetable oil and mix thoroughly;
  6. Remove in a plastic bag for 5-10 minutes;
  7. Form the whites and fry in a pan.

Now you know how to make a dough for whites according to a recipe with a photo. Bon Appetit!

I want to offer you my recipe for whitewash with meat, which is well-deserved love in our family - whitewash on kefir. Although I often use the recipe for leucorrhoea with yeast meat. Sometimes it seems that whites with meat have some amazing property to attract everyone!

Airy dough generously saturated with juicy meat juice and crispy golden brown crust! This recipe for whitewash with meat on kefir will give you a good mood, warmth and comfort in the house, the joy of loved ones - what more could you and me want?

Whitewash recipe with meat, products

(the dough resembles the dough for kefir pasties, but add more eggs to the whites)

  • Kefir - 1 glass;
  • Egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • Salt - 1 tsp;
  • Soda - 1 tsp;
  • Flour - 3 cups;
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
  • Minced meat - 300 grams (it is better to take from different types of meat, so that it is moderately fat and juicy);
  • Onions - 3-4 pcs.;
  • Cream or sour cream - 1 tablespoon (to give the meat more juiciness). It turns out quite well also, belyashi with filling, as for the Krvm pasties - chir chir.

Whitewash recipe with meat, preparation

  1. Pour a glass of kefir into a bowl, add soda and stir gently. Let stand for 5 minutes.
  2. Add eggs, sugar
  3. Then salt and oil. We mix everything.
  4. Gradually add flour and knead soft dough, which should lag behind your hands.
  5. We remove the finished dough in a plastic bag, lightly dusted with flour, for 25-30 minutes.
  6. Cooking the filling. Add the onion to the minced meat, finely chopped beforehand and pounded with a pusher. Such onions will give extra juiciness to our beef with meat. Salt, add sour cream or cream. The main task of this process is juicy minced meat, otherwise it will no longer be whitewash, but a pie with meat.
  7. Tear off a piece of dough from the dough, roll it into a tourniquet, and divide it into portions.
  8. We make small cakes with our hand. We spread the filling on them and pinch the edges up, leaving a small hole in the center. I really want to learn how to beautifully sculpt the edges of the whitewash - unfortunately, I have not yet mastered this art. This is not reflected in the taste, but it is insulting 🙂
  9. Belyashi are ready for baking. All that remains is to prepare a frying pan or deep fryer, and a paper towel to soak up the excess oil.
  10. We heat the oil, reduce the heat and spread the whites with the hole down (!). The oils should be about halfway through the whites.
  11. In this way, the first thing to do is grab the minced meat, and all the juice will remain inside the whitewash. Cover the pan with a lid and cook over low heat. If the pan is very hot, then the whites will immediately darken, and the minced meat will remain moist. Adjust the process as appropriate.
  12. Turn the whites over to the other side and let them brown until an appetizing golden color.
  13. Be sure to spread it on a paper towel or napkins and remove excess fat. This procedure is also mandatory for pasties. and all the dough products that we deep-fry.
  14. Put the finished whites with meat on a plate and cover with a bowl for 5 minutes.

The dish is ready! These whites on kefir always turn out wonderful, moderately soft and juicy. Please your homemade delicious aromatic whites, and my recipe for whites with meat, I hope, will take its rightful place among your favorite recipes.

I often prepare yeast dough for future use. I made myself a few bags - and in the freezer. But there are times when you need to cook something here, now and not a minute later. Then belyashi on kefir comes to the rescue - a quick tasty hearty dish for the whole family. A rich meat broth is formed inside the onion from the onion. Even if there are non-meat souls in your family, they may love the meaty aroma of crispy fried dough.

How to make delicious yeast-free whites

Ingredients (for 9 whites):

  • Kefir - 250 g.
  • Wheat flour - 220 g.
  • Quicklime baking soda - 1/3 teaspoon
  • Minced meat (it is better to use mixed pork + beef)
  • Bulb onions - 1 pc.
  • Pepper, salt - to taste
  • Vegetable oil for frying (I have sunflower oil)

How to make minced meat for homemade whites

The filling for the whitewash consists of minced meat and onions. Onions can be chopped with a knife as small as possible, or scrolled through a meat grinder.

The juiciness of the filling directly depends on the amount of onion.

I always visually determine the amount of onions - it should be half as much as minced meat.

If the minced meat for the whites is very thick, you can add a little broth or cold water to it. The ideal filling is not thick, not liquid, viscous consistency.

If desired, finely chopped greens can be added to the filling for the whites. Red hot peppers and ground cumin are often added. For me personally, the ideal minced meat for whites is a minimum of spices (only salt, ground pepper), onions, minced meat.

So, the minced meat is seasoned. Now he should be beaten off. Naturally, belyashi are not cutlets, and even without beating the minced meat, the meat filling will not fall apart, but if you don’t miss this step, you will not regret it. As a result of beating, the filling will turn out to be juicier, since the juices are better preserved in the beaten ("harvested") minced meat.

The beating of the minced meat lasts 1-2 minutes, after which it gathers into a lump and does not disintegrate, but behaves like a whole lump.

Cover the prepared minced meat so that it does not wind up on top and put it in the refrigerator before sculpting the whitewash.

Step-by-step photo recipe for making whitewash on kefir

We heat the kefir (should be slightly hotter than room temperature).

Sifted flour with soda (220 g of flour and 1 / h spoon of soda) add to the kefir and begin to knead the dough.

Personally, I like to knead the dough without salt, since in this case it stretches better and it is easier to mold the whites. If you wish, you can add salt (no more than 1/3 teaspoon).

As you knead the dough, you will feel if you need to add more flour. The dough should be elastic, slightly sticky.

We form whites in vegetable oil

Put the dough on a table covered with a silicone mat. We crush him again. Now we moisten our hands and a rolling pin with vegetable oil and begin to roll the dough into a cake, the thickness of which is no more than 0.5 cm.

We deliberately do not use a lot of flour when working with the dough, as it can make the dough too thick. You can use flour instead of vegetable oil if desired.

Choose a suitable shape for cutting the dough (I will have small whites, so the shape is a faceted glass).

Put the minced meat for the whitewash on each crust of dough. We try to press down the filling with our palm so that the minced meat layer is as thin as possible and baked better.

Raise the edges of the dough around the filling and squeeze along the entire circumference of the whites. Putting the pie into a "bag".

Press the meat pies again with your palm so that excess air comes out and the filling fits more tightly to the dough.

We put the pan on the fire and heat the vegetable oil in it. Then we lower the whites with the lower side (where the hole is) into the oil. First of all, the middle should be baked (sealed) so that the juice from the meat filling does not flow out.

There is another reason to use vegetable oil instead of flour when forming whites - excess flour does not burn during frying. Belyashi are clean and beautiful.

After 1-2 minutes, turn the whites over to the other side. We focus on the ruddy look of the pies.

When frying, make sure that the whites float freely and do not touch each other.

When the whites are turned upside down, you can pour a spoonful of boiling oil into each of them, which will help to avoid sizzling and hissing when the juice from the pies gets into the pan.

The second time on the side with the hole, the whites are no longer turned over, since a lot of juice has formed inside each pie, and as soon as the whites are turned over, a hissing will begin, smoke will go and there will be spoiled butter and the final product.

In order for the filling in the whites to have time to fry, it is recommended to put smaller fillings and, after turning, reduce the heat so that the whites have time to cook properly.

Belyashi are considered ready when meat juice begins to boil in the window through which the meat shines through. Alternatively, you can cut one whitewash and see if the meat is ready or not.

If the filling in the whites turned out to be damp (well, who knows, maybe the dimensions of your whites are huge, and the filling layer is thick), you can bring it to readiness:

  • in the oven
  • in the microwave
  • under the lid in a skillet, reduce heat to low and add a little water to the oil.

But I manage to avoid these actions, the whites are fried and so.

Bon Appetit! I am glad to answer your questions about the recipe, I am waiting for your feedback and photos of delicious whites!

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Cooking the most delicious whites on kefir - the recipe is very simple and quick! Dedicated to those who do not want to mess with yeast dough, but still want to end up with delicious, fluffy and juicy whites.

The dough for whitewash is prepared with kefir, without yeast. There is no need to wait for the dough to come up: it becomes fluffy already in the pan. This recipe takes little time, so I love to cook this recipe for my family and friends. For me, these are the most delicious kefir belyashi. In addition, we will make a juicy filling, due to which everyone loves the most delicious whites so much!

Belyashi on kefir with meat - standard ingredients, but a non-standard approach. Therefore, if you want to please your loved ones with something tasty, the recipe for making whitewash is just for you!


Wheat flour - 3-4 glasses;
Kefir 1.5% -2.5% - 250 milliliters;
Soda - 1 teaspoon;
Chicken egg - 2 pieces;
Salt - 1 teaspoon;
Sugar - 1 teaspoon;
Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
Minced meat - 250 grams;
Onions - 2 pieces;
Salt to taste;
Pepper - to taste;
Vegetable oil - for frying.

The most delicious whites on kefir. Step by step recipe

Add baking soda to warm kefir, mix. A reaction occurs, the mass foams, which means that the soda will go out. Kefir should be slightly sour. Otherwise, in the finished dough, the soda will be felt - and it will not be so fluffy.

Break two eggs into a bowl, shake with a whisk with sugar and salt. You don't need to make a lush mass and wait until everything dissolves - this is a quick recipe for kefir dough without much effort.

Pour the foamed kefir into the mixture, mix until evenly distributed.

Add flour, knead soft and elastic dough. We add it gradually, in portions - this is the secret of the correct dough. It will turn out to be homogeneous and of the desired consistency, it will not be clogged.

Add vegetable oil to the finished dough in two steps, kneading thoroughly after each.

Put it in a cup, cover the kefir dough with a foil, let it rest for 20-30 minutes.

Let's prepare the filling. Cut the onions into small cubes: this way it will not stand out much. Can be twisted through a meat grinder with a large grill.

Salt the onions, add black ground pepper: everything to taste. Knead to juice with your hands, if you scrolled through a meat grinder, then do not. It will be juicy anyway. Due to the fact that we have salted the onions, the salt will be evenly distributed over the minced meat.

Add minced meat (you can cook it yourself from any meat), mix. If the meat is dry enough, be sure to add ice water: for juiciness. We beat off the minced meat, throwing it into a cup: this way the filling will become homogeneous.

Take a rested dough. Since the dough is sticky, we use vegetable oil when cutting (the flour will burn in oil when frying). Divide into 2 parts.

From one half, we begin to sculpt the whites, having previously divided them into small balls, depending on what size you want to make the whites.

Spread a piece of dough, not very thin in the middle. The edges should be thin. Put the minced meat filling in the middle, level it. We connect the edges to the center, forming a whitewash. Leave a small hole in the middle. We do the belyash with the help of not strong pressure: it will fry faster and less oil will go away for frying.

Fry in a pan with a lot of vegetable oil: it should reach the middle of the whitewash. The oil should be warmed up well, but not to smoke, of course!

We spread the whites with the hole down, fry over low heat until golden brown on one side, then turn over and fry on the other.

Pour a teaspoon of vegetable oil from a frying pan into the hole: this way the filling will be juicy and fried better.

We spread the fried whites on paper towels so that the excess oil is absorbed. We put, if desired, in a saucepan: they will remain warm for a while and are softer on top. We fry all the other whites in the same way.

Belyashi on kefir: a recipe with a photo step by step in a pan delicious

Admit that at least once you were drawn to the smell of hot pies and meat-not kefir, emanating from some stall on the street?

But why buy them somewhere, if you can cook whitewash at home, because homemade means delicious. Last year I found a wonderful video recipe that told me how to cook whites with kefir.

  • 3 - 4 glasses of flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda;
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar.
  • 250 grams of mixed minced meat;
  • salt pepper.
  1. We send kefir to the eggs.
  2. Try to make the middle of the cake thicker and the edges thinner. We spread the filling there. We collect the edges of the dough and get a round whitewash.
  3. Ready. You can eat!

The whites are very lush and juicy. Jossi wishes you bon appetit from the bottom of her heart and hopes that this recipe for kefir whites will delight you and your loved ones.

Belyashi on kefir without yeast step by step recipe with photo

Today we will touch upon such a common, but no less tasty topic - belyashi with meat.

Probably, there is no such family where they do not like to make and eat whitewash. How to make delicious whites - each housewife has her own recipe.

But all the whites have one common wonderful property - to collect the whole family, from small to large, for their divine aroma!

I want to offer you my recipe for whitewash with meat, which is well-deserved love in our family - whitewash on kefir. Although I often use the recipe for leucorrhoea with yeast meat. Sometimes it seems that whites with meat have some amazing property to attract everyone!

Airy dough generously saturated with juicy meat juice and crispy golden brown crust! This recipe for whitewash with meat on kefir will give you a good mood, warmth and comfort in the house, the joy of loved ones - what more could you and me want?

Recipe for whitewash with meat in a pan, products

(the dough resembles the dough for kefir pasties, but add more eggs to the whites)

  • Kefir - 1 glass;
  • Egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • Salt - 1 tsp;
  • Soda - 1 tsp;
  • Flour - 3 cups;
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
  • Minced meat - 300 grams (it is better to take from different types of meat, so that it is moderately fat and juicy);
  • Onions - 3-4 pcs.;
  • Cream or sour cream - 1 tablespoon (to give the meat more juiciness). It turns out quite well, belyashi with a filling, as for the Krvm pasties - chir chir.

Whitewash recipe with meat, preparation

  1. Pour a glass of kefir into a bowl, add soda and stir gently. Let stand for 5 minutes.
  2. Add eggs, sugar
  3. Then salt and oil. We mix everything.
  4. Gradually add flour and knead soft dough, which should lag behind your hands.
  5. We remove the finished dough in a plastic bag, lightly dusted with flour, for 25-30 minutes.
  6. Cooking the filling. Add the onion to the minced meat, finely chopped beforehand and pounded with a pusher. Such onions will give extra juiciness to our beef with meat. Salt, add sour cream or cream. The main task of this process is juicy minced meat, otherwise it will no longer be whitewash, but a pie with meat.
  7. Tear off a piece of dough from the dough, roll it into a tourniquet, and divide it into portions.
  8. We make small cakes with our hand. We spread the filling on them and pinch the edges up, leaving a small hole in the center. I really want to learn how to beautifully sculpt the edges of the whitewash - unfortunately, I have not yet mastered this art. It doesn’t affect the taste, but it’s a shame ????
  9. Belyashi are ready for baking. All that remains is to prepare a frying pan or deep fryer, and a paper towel to soak up the excess oil.
  10. We heat the oil, reduce the heat and spread the whites with the hole down (!). The oils should be about halfway through the whites.
  11. In this way, the first thing to do is grab the minced meat, and all the juice will remain inside the whitewash. Cover the pan with a lid and cook over low heat. If the pan is very hot, then the whites will immediately darken, and the minced meat will remain moist. Adjust the process as appropriate.
  12. Turn the whites over to the other side and let them brown until an appetizing golden color.
  13. Be sure to spread it on a paper towel or napkins and remove excess fat. This procedure is also mandatory for pasties. and all the dough products that we deep-fry.
  14. Put the finished whites with meat on a plate and cover with a bowl for 5 minutes.

The dish is ready! These whites on kefir always turn out wonderful, moderately soft and juicy. Please your homemade delicious aromatic whites, and my recipe for whites with meat, I hope, will take its rightful place among your favorite recipes.

In addition to this simple and trouble-free recipe, a little secret is turning the minced beef over to the top. Pour boiling oil into each beef with a teaspoon. And the meat is juicier. And full guarantee of its full readiness. Hello to all cooks!

Kefir dough is solid for two reasons - the first and the main one is the excess of flour, the second reason is the quality of kefir. Unfortunately, now such fillers are sometimes put into fermented milk products that kefir does not react with soda at all, i.e. no carbon dioxide is emitted, respectively, the dough does not turn out fluffy. I always play it safe and quench soda with vinegar in almost all recipes for kefir dough. Try adding less flour and quenching the baking soda with vinegar. I wish you success. Three cups of flour, 1/2 tsp. soda is not enough.

Juicy belyashi with meat on kefir


  • 3-4 cups flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 glass of sour kefir (250 ml);
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda;
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar.
  • 250 grams of mixed minced meat;
  • 2 onions (about 250 grams);
  • salt pepper.

Belyashi with meat on kefir. Step by step recipe

  1. Add a teaspoon of baking soda to kefir. So that the dough does not have a soda aftertaste, it is better to take the most sour kefir.
  2. We break two eggs, add sugar and salt. We mix.
  3. We send kefir to the eggs.
  4. Add flour in small portions to make the dough elastic.
  5. We spread the dough on the table, sprinkle with flour and continue to knead.
  6. Add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil to the dough. Knead everything thoroughly. This will make the dough less sticky.
  7. We form the dough into a ball, cover with cling film and leave for 20-30 minutes.
  8. Chop the onion as small as possible. You can grind it in a blender.
  9. Salt and pepper the chopped onion. We grind the resulting mixture with our hands so that the onions let the juice flow.
  10. Add minced meat to the onion and mix everything, after which we beat off the minced meat to make a single whole.
  11. We take the dough. We divide it into several small parts and begin to form our whites.
  12. Try to make the middle of the cake thicker and the edges thinner. We spread the filling there. We collect the edges of the dough and get a round whitewash.
  13. Pour butter into the pan, enough to cover about half of the whitewash, and heat it up.
  14. We reduce the heat and put the whites in the pan. Fry for 4 minutes on each side until browned.
  15. Put the finished whites on a paper towel so that it absorbs excess fat.
  16. Ready. You can eat!

The whites are very lush and juicy. "Very tasty" wholeheartedly wishes you bon appetit and hopes that this recipe for whitish kefir will delight you and your loved ones. Next time we recommend you try lazy whites in a pan or classic whites with meat!

Lazy whites on kefir. Step by step recipe with photo

From the name itself, it becomes clear that lazy whites on kefir belong to the category of hastily dishes. Lazy pizza, stews, oatmeal, lasagna, dumplings, dumplings, cabbage rolls and, in particular, lazy cabbage rolls - dishes that taste little different from the original and classic recipes, and at the same time are cooked many times faster than, in fact, and save time for busy housewives.

The recipe for lazy whites on kefir for many housewives may seem like something unusual. I myself, when I learned this recipe, was surprised, because classic whites are prepared on yeast dough, in here the dough is made with kefir. Although, in addition to lazy whites on kefir, there are other recipes for lazy whites. These recipes include lazy whites with yeast, with mivina, without meat, with cabbage, with whey, with waffle cakes, with whey. As you can see, there are a lot of options.

From the recipe itself, it becomes clear that the dish got the name "lazy whites" due to the fact that for their preparation you do not need to fiddle with yeast dough, which for many housewives, especially for young ones, seems difficult. Do not expect lazy kefir belyashi to taste the same as classic belyashi. I want to note right away that lazy whites on kefir turn out to be similar to pancakes or pancakes with meat filling.

As for the complexity of the recipe, I want to say that it is very easy and simple to prepare delicious lazy whites on kefir with minced meat. The step-by-step recipe below is a vivid confirmation of this.


  • Kefir - 1.5 cups
  • Minced meat - 400 gr.,
  • Onions - 1 pc.,
  • Ground black pepper - a pinch
  • Salt to taste
  • Sunflower oil for dough - 4 tbsp. spoons,
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp,
  • Wheat flour - 2 - 2, 5 cups.

Lazy whites on kefir - recipe

Cooking lazy whites on kefir will also consist of three stages. At the first stage, it is necessary to prepare the dough, at the second - to make the meat filling and at the final third stage - to fry the lazy whites. Pour kefir into a bowl. Beat in an egg.

Whisk the kefir with the egg until smooth.

Add salt. To make the whites airy, add half a teaspoon of baking soda.

Soda as an alkali, getting into an acidic environment, enters into a chemical reaction with some of its components, as a result of which carbon dioxide is released. The dough is covered with air bubbles and becomes airy. Pour in sunflower oil. Whisk all the ingredients again.

Add pre-sifted wheat flour.

To make the lazy whites airy and fluffy, the dough should stand in a warm place for about 30 minutes before baking. While the dough is resting, you can start filling for the whites. For whites, prepare ground pork, chicken, or ground beef. As for the preparation of classic whites, season the minced meat with grated or finely chopped onions.

Add black pepper and salt to taste.

Mix the minced meat well (preferably with your hands). The dough and minced meat for the lazy whites are ready, and you can start frying them. Heat a skillet with a little vegetable oil. Use a tablespoon to scoop out the yogurt dough for whitewash from a bowl and pour it over with flat cakes.

In a frying pan of a standard size, 5-6 whites are obtained. After 2-3 minutes, when the bottom of the whites is baked, while the top may remain liquid, remove the pan from the heat. It's time to lay out the filling. Using a teaspoon, place the meat filling on the halves of the whitened meat.

After all the filling is laid out on the whites, put the pan on the fire again. Pour a tablespoon of dough into each whitewash.

Use a wide spatula to turn the whites to the other side.

Using this technology, overcook all the other lazy whites. When ready, the whites can be laid out on a plate covered with napkins, which will allow the whites to give off the fat.

Lazy belyashi on kefir with minced meat, recipe with photo which we reviewed, serve immediately after cooking. Enjoy your meal. Do you know how even easier to cook lazy whites on kefir? Just combine the dough and filling in one bowl. Bake the dough and meat pancakes over moderate heat on each side for 2-3 minutes. I would be glad if you liked this recipe for lazy whites on kefir.